Let the Dance Begin!

The big evening itself. This is the dance floor, where memories will be made and dreams potentially shattered. (All posts should be in one of the three threads in this section. No starting new threads.)
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Let the Dance Begin!


Post by SOTF_Help »

It was the beginning of Prom '08, the biggest dance, the biggest event in the lives of so many of the upperclassmen at Bayview secondary school. The venue the school had found for the dance - a fairly modern rec center with a large wood-floored ballroom - was decorated nicely, including tables bearing assortments of snacks covered in pristine white tablecloths; portable spotlights and a DJ table, with a slightly surly looking, wiry young man sitting behind it and a piece of paper laid out labeled "Requests"; and, of course, several members of Bayview's faculty, and some discrete security guards, all nicely dressed. Principal Kendrick and Mr. Kwong, both veterans of Proms of years past, stood near the entrance, still managing to look slightly awkward. They both preferred to stay out of the way at dances as much as possible, as long as things stayed safe.

Already, limousines, beat up old vans, and everything in-between were beginning to pull up. The first wave of students had arrived. The DJ started up the music, beginning with some tame, current pop song, the sort of thing that wouldn't offend any of the parents driving their kids to the event. There would be timer for edgier stuff later, or at least, as edgy as things got with a PG playlist.

A small security guard hauled open the doors, welcoming students to the Prom, and directing them to a table to sign in and present their tickets.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Jennifer Perez continued from Just Another Night))

Jennifer Perez was a little bit early, or at least not fashionably late, to Bayview's Prom. She'd planned fifteen more minutes for the trip, but she'd been too excited, and had walked at a quicker pace than normal. She was ready for the dance. She'd finished her dress at the last second—well, a day before the dance, but it was about the same when it came to making fancy clothes—and she was quite happy with the results. It was long, loose enough to be modest, a beautiful, flowing, ankle-length affair in deep red and purple.

She paused outside the center where Prom was taking place and kicked off her shoes, replacing them with a pair of high heels. The new shoes were black and not too tall, not tall enough to hurt her feet too badly, at least. She tossed the other pair into a plastic bag she'd brought, which also contained a jacket and a change of clothes for after the dance, as well as her purse and cell phone. She removed her ticket from the purse and walked into the building.

Things weren't too chaotic or busy yet. Jennifer dropped off her bag at the coat check, slipped the claim stub into a small pocket on the side of the dress that she'd installed for exactly that purpose (she'd never understood why most dresses didn't have any sort of pockets. It was so inconvenient), and then presented her ticket. Then, that out of the way, she made her way into the dance hall.

Her friends in the Junior class (and those few in the Senior class) would be there later, but for now, she was away from everyone she knew well, swaying to the music that she didn't exactly enjoy but didn't particularly mind, either. It was finally Prom, the dance everyone had been planning for what seemed like forever, and she was going to enjoy it.
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Post by gambit508* »

Chris Davidson was in a good mood that night, despite the fact that he had been asked if he was supposed to be there five times already. Granted Chris Davidson could be in a good mood if alien zombie nazi vampiric robots were invading while riding jet-powered dinosaurs. Actually that would be awesome, but nevertheless, Chris was in a good mood

The blonde boy was at the edges of the crowd, watching people converse and dance to the chords of whoever was playing. He didn't recognize the song, though it had a good beat. Chris tapped his feet as he took a bite of the apple slices he had grabbed as a snack. He wore a standard tuxedo, though it hung a bit loosely on him, due to his body bein smaller than his dads. The diminutve boy grinned as he tossed the bag into the trash and went to the center as he started to dance by himself
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Post by Super Llama* »

{{continued from Master Exploder}}

"So Duncan."


"You found somebody to take to prom?"




"This won't do! This won't do at all!"

"No, it's fine. I wasn't really planning on going, anyway."

"Not going!? Duncan, this kind of thing only happens once in your entire life! We gotta find you a girl to ask out, and then you two can go and be all romantic-like. You know, like in that movie...er...what was it...Red Dawn!"

"...the mean the one where the Communists invade?"

"Exactly! ...no, wait a minute."

"Well, what about you? I mean, Zach's already graduated. Would he even be allowed in?"


"There isn't really anything wrong with not going to Pro-"

"That's it! You're coming with me!"


"What do you mean, 'what'? You're coming with me to Prom!"

"W-what!? I can't-"

"Of course you can! I'll just ask Zach about it. I mean, it's not like we're gonna be doing anything. I mean, we ARE gonna be doing things, but not like...THINGS."


"No ers, Duncan! You're coming with me to prom, and that's final!"


Why am I doing this? Duncan thought to himself as he stepped into the center, dressed in the best tuxedo he could get on such short notice, and with Maria at her side, dressed in a simple black prom dress, along with a bow tie for reasons known only to her. It wasn't that Duncan wasn't grateful at all that Maria had asked him to prom, but it still seemed kind of inappropriate seeing that she had a boyfriend.

"And he said okay, just like that?" Duncan asked Maria, still finding it hard to believe.

"Yeah, it was weird. I didn't even have to explain myself." Maria replied, a notable look of concern on her face. "He's been acting kinda wierd ever since the concert. Been keeping to himself and stuff like th-FREE FOOD!" Maria's train of thought shifted gears with a crunch as the free food came into view, and she bolted towards the table, looking around at the various snacks. Her thoughts about Zach, however, still lingered in the back of her mind.

I wonder what happened? I'll have to ask him about it later. ...what, why am I still thinking in blue? Oh, there we go.
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Post by Acelister* »

Rizzo Vitoria entered the hall, wearing a suit he hired just for prom. He went with black formal-pants, a white shirt and a black and red waistcoat. Against his better judgement, he also agreed to the black bow-tie and smart shoes. Not his ideal, but he was assured he couldn't just turn up with an unbuttoned collar and sneakers.

He looked around at the gathered teenagers. Good, Janet wasn't here yet. If she was coming at all... In either case, he would get a girl to dance with him - and hopefully more! That would show her that he was totally over her. And if he ended up getting a bra out of it, he could casually mention it - quite loudly - near Janet. By the end of this night, she would know that he had gotten over her completely. It was a one-night stand and that was it.

He fished into his pocket and took out his fresh new bottle of caffeine pills. He decided to switch to this brand from the strips, as it was less conspicuous and they came in a higher dosage. Popping 'vitamins' wasn't wrong, whereas strips of pills were used at 4-hour intervals.

He went to the table to sign the book, then handed his ticket over to the attendant. He was glad there was no chance of alcohol - he didn't want to be picked up like a doll and thrown out by the huge security detail. He couldn't imagine he was a good drunk...

He looked back at the door, checking his dad hadn't followed him in to check if he had a date. His parents had been pretty chatty the past few days leading up to prom...

Once he was sure there was no sign of his middle-aged father, he went to get a drink. He got here early so he could have his pick of the girls whom arrived on their own. That gave him the best chance of being seen in the presence of another girl when Janet arrived.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Jennifer stopped briefly at the snack tables, snagging a piece of some sort of brownie and a plastic cup of water. The brownie wasn't bad, but it was a bit dry. After finishing her snack and water, she considered saving the cup for later use, but, not finding anywhere convenient to set it, dropped it into the trash. She knew she could always get another one later, and it was alright to be a little wasteful on Prom night.

Then she circled around to the edge of the dance floor. Some people were already dancing, and doing a fairly decent job of looking good. Jennifer considered joining them for a second. She was at Prom to dance, after all. Then again, she was pretty sure she wasn't very good at it, and high heels would not help her balance and grace any. Moreover, she just didn't know many dances. It wasn't the sort of thing she spent much time learning about or considering. At least she could probably improvise something on her own. One advantage of not having a date or dancing partner was that she wouldn't have to worry about making anyone else look stupid.

Another was that the night would hopefully remain free of any drama directly involving her. Her younger friends would probably all go out and get wasted after the dance, but she'd had the foresight to promise her parents not to be out too late, and thus had a ready excuse to avoid any unpleasant revelry.

She was still standing away from the dance floor, still not quite willing to make the choice to enter it. It was intimidating, somehow, especially because everyone was dancing in styles that Jennifer would never, ever participate in. She sighed, took a step backwards, and then decided to just go for it. She could have fun without embarrassing herself too badly. She'd just stay near the side and keep things nice and mellow.

Slowly, she made her way to the edge of the dance floor, and stood there, swaying slightly in time with the music.
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Post by D/N »

It had taken a bit of makeup work on Alice's part to achieve, but at last the bruise was no longer evident; and the swollen lip itself had retreated to the point that it was barely noticeable. Of course, the inside of her lip and top of her gumline was still a disgusting purple shade, but as long as Carly Jean Dooley didn't smile too widely, no one was going to notice the discoloration.

Of course, she sulked, it wasn't like everyone didn't already know that Sebastien Decartes had punched her in the face in the middle of home ec. It had been all over school the next morning. Carly guessed she'd been lucky that no one had managed to record the whole thing on their stupid cell phone and put it up all over the Internet. And she knew that there'd been all these awful rumors about why he'd hit her, to the point that the real reason had ended up just another possibility. Thankfully Sebastien was gone now, at least for another few days. Plus she hadn't gotten any punishment for the painting. Either the school hadn't been able to prove that SHE was the one who'd ruined it, or they'd decided that given what Sebastien had done to her, they weren't going to go after her for it.

But tonight, Carly had had ENOUGH of all that crap. She was here, at prom, with a good guy. This was HER night, and she was going to show everyone who might be talking about her that Carly Jean didn't CARE what they thought! Everything had gone fine so far. She'd begged enough that her mother had caved in and given her the money for a GOOD prom dress, and even though she was wobbling a bit on her heels, she'd totally kept her balance so far. George had picked her up, and he'd looked really good, and now they were here and oh god please she was hoping that nothing horrible or embarassing would happen.

They passed through the coat check, and Carly saw that the hall was already beginning to fill up with both couples and singles. She glanced over at her date and prayed that she wouldn't do a faceplant on the dance floor.

"So George, do you wanna, uh, go out on the dance floor?"
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Post by KamiKaze »

Aileen Borden stood near the snacks table, gazing through the various treats laid out to offer.

Cookies... cookies... cake... crackers... cookies... dang, is there anything here that isn't junk food?, she thought to herself, raising an eyebrow.

Man, what was with people and junk food? Sure, it was tasty, but it wasn't as if it needed to be at every social event, for crying out loud. Some people wanted healthy food for once. Like Aileen, for example. Sure, she didn't mind eating some sweets every once in a while, but... you know... sometimes broccoli was good?

Oh wait, broccoli was here. With ranch dip nearby, as well. Aileen grabbed a few pieces, and almost dipped them into the ranch dressing, but stopped herself. Some disgusting person might have double-dipped. It was likely, actually. Oh well. She placed the vegetables on a paper plate, and placed herself in a chair, walking past some guy going for a drink. Aileen looked around at the people arriving... and, well, no one she recognized. It was increasingly becoming more and more apparent these days that she didn't know too many people at her school. But, that was the price you payed for being a loner, right?

After a few minutes of finishing up her broccoli (man, was she hungry? She kind of left without getting something to eat, after all), she pondered to herself. There were requests available, right? Well, there were plenty of songs she could request. She could request something that she liked, or...

No. Stop it. That actually wasn't funny, at all. She really didn't see the "joke" behind that song, really. Why was it considered funny? There was no point to it. But, on the other hand, everyone else considered it funny. Why, she didn't know. But, each time it played, people laughed and laughed. Were people easily entertained? She guessed so. It would be nice to... well, do something nice for once. Make people laugh? Sure, even if she didn't see why exactly it was funny.

"Oh, what the hell", she sighed, standing up and brushing off the purple dress she shopped for with... Melissa, was it? Yeah, it was. She would have worn her trademark braids with it, but her mom made her wear her hair down, despite her protests.

She made her way to the DJ table, and, grabbing the pen, started to write on the piece of paper. There. Hopefully it would somehow give people a chuckle. Aileen walked away from the table, with, oddly enough, a small smile.

The paper now read in Aileen's handwriting "Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give You Up".


((Anna Chase's Prom continuing in from The Odd Couple))

As the two entered the building, Chase was promptly introduced to flashing spotlights, and a table for signing in. This was it, huh? Yay! They chose a good spot. She really couldn't have thought of a better place, actually. Then again, maybe she didn't have as large an imagination as she would like to think. Her idea of good prom place, though, would probably involve something others wouldn't like.

"Well Jon! I-I think the place looks nice, d-don't you think?"

Turning to smile at her date, she then quickly spun back around and started searching through her bag for her prom ticket. Where was it? If it turned out she left it home, that would have been really embarrassing. Jon would definitely hate her, and that would be the worst way to end prom. She really couldn't think of any worse way to end it. It would be... well, horrible.

"Where... where is it... ah... oh, here we go!"

Smiling again, she pulled out the ticket, and handed it to the teachers in charge, afterwards signing her name in. After she was done signing, she handed the pen towards Jon's direction.

"Here... we both need to sign in, right?"

Ah! Prom! It was actually kind of magical, in a way. Why did Chase didn't want to go? Well, she honestly didn't see the point initially, to say it again. But... it looked like she was going with Jon, even more than she expected. Looking around to see who else was there, Chase could see a few people present. She couldn't see anyone she recognized, but hey. Maybe they were dressed so fancily, she couldn't recognize them even from a close-up. Chase wouldn't be surprised, actually. Ah well. Maybe someone she knew could show up, right?

She hummed along to the song playing, clearly in a good mood. Yup, this was going to be fun! And it was pretty much her first date, to boot. Again, what could go wrong?
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Post by gambit508* »

(Continued from The Odd Couple)

Jon walked in and was treated to a acid tripper's mind. Lights flashed everywhere as the current major slut in music played. Chase was signing then as he glanced around, fishing his ticket out of his pocket as Chase spoke.

"Here... we both need to sign in, right?"

Jon nodded as he signed his name and gave his ticket to the teacher there as he followed Chase to the main area. The music played as a few brave souls danced. The DJ played his music, a request form near him. Jon grinned as he told Chase to wait a sec and walked up to the request form as he glanced at the list so far. It was small, Jon smiled at the Never Gonna Give You Up request. Good to see annoying internet memes are doing their job. He frowned as he thought about what to write before nodding and writing it down

Tainted Love-Soft Cell

Jon finished as he walked back to Chase as she hummed to the new song playing. Jon had to admit this was a good song, though he could do without former. He glanced at Chase as he went to put his arm around her shoulders, but stopped. Wait, would that be too fast. Jon waited, his arm hovering over Chase's shoulder.


Daniel Vaughan grinned as he signed his name and ran off to look for the request form. As soon as he heard the DJ took requests, he knew three songs he was going to pick. Three of his favorite songs in the world. The ponytailed red head kept walking as he got up to the request form and noticed someone had already put down Never Gonna Give You Up. Was someone else a fan? Oh wait...the youtube thing, right. Daniel wrote down his other two as he went off to get a soda.

Come On Eileen-Dexys Midnight Runners
Ghostbusters-Ray Parker Jr.


Chris noticed some more people as he walked over to a guy looking over the crowd, a small guy wearing damaged clothes. He reminded Chris alot of himself. Chris waited until he was right next to him before talking.

"Hi! I'm Chris"
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Post by Fiori »

((Continued from Earlier that evening...))

"Well... here we are"


Joshua Krakowski and Marty J. Lovett were standing right outside the ballroom wherein the prom would be taking place, trying to master the courage to go in. Joshua was dressed in an olive green tuxedo with a red bow-tie, whilst Marty wore a navy blue jacket and pants over a black shirt, and a white tie to top it all off. The two looked to each other, as if to ask the other what would be the best course of action now. Naturally, neither of them had an answer. So, without further ado, they entered the ballroom, each with their own thoughts about the prom

Boy, I sure could go for a beer right now. Shame I forgot to bring a Rolling Rock with me, but something tells me they wouldn't allow it... Ah whatever, I'll last on apple-juice or something, maybe pretend it's actually cider... cider's made of apples, right?

Please don't play some crappy pop song, Please don't play some crappy pop song, Please don't play some crappy pop song... Ah crap, its some crappy pop song. Well, this is off to a good start...

As they entered the ballroom, they were at first bedazzled by all the lights and music. It took them a few moments to then realise they where relatively early.

"Jeez, not as many people here as I thought there would be..." said Marty cautiously, as he looked over the crowd to see if he recognised anyone. There was that blonde Christian guy over there talking to the short guy with the black hair, then there was that guy, Jonathan he thinks his name was, hanging out with Anna Chase. He could of sworn he recognised the girl with the auburn hair and glasses. Was she that girl who always wears the pigtails? Ah whatever. There was Carly and George, Duncan and... er, whatshername. Mary? And there was the Hispanic girl, Jennifer he thinks her name was. Apart from them, he couldn't really make anyone out.

"So? Who cares how many people there are?" asked Joshua, who didn't have as big a problem with people as Marty did. "Heck, I'd of thought you'd prefer it without so many people"

"Well, yeah, but the more people there is, the less chance of me being noticed. The last thing I want is for everyone to be aware of my presence..." said Marty, his eyes darting around to see if anyone noticed him and Joshua enter.

"Well, its a bit late now. Besides, look on the bright side, at least we... Hey wait, are they accepting requests?"

Marty looked over to where the DJ was sitting. Even with his contact lenses one, he could only just about make out the slip saying "Requests". "Uh, yeah, their accepting requests..."

"Aw dude, This is great! I know just the song!"

"Somehow, I doub't they'd even have Bohemian Rhapsody on the playlist"

Joshua looked stunned. How on earth did he know what song he was thinking of?

"Well... They could have it! You never know!"

"I'd rather not risk it if I were you... Stick with something a bit more mainstream"

Joshua thought for a moment, he didn't know many mainstream pop songs that he actually liked. However, after a few seconds he snapped his fingers in triumph. "Got it, and they'd HAVE to have THAT!" said Joshua excitedly.

"Good..." said Marty apathetically.

"You know, its moments like these that makes me want to say one thing, and one thing only..."

"Let me guess... Cowabunga?"

"pff! Nah ah! You'd never catch me saying that in a million years!"

"Oh, really? Huh, well I guess I was wrong abou..."

"I thinking more along the lines of..." said Joshua, striking a pose for the delivery.


Marty sighed to himself, again. "Fine, go on, have fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go drown my sorrows on cheap cola substitues..." and with that, he went over to the tables to drink said cheap cola substitutes.
Joshua on the other hand, waltzed over to the "Requests" paper and quickly wrote down "Beat it - Michael Jackson"
Hehe, this is gonna be soooooo awesome!
As he turned around, he couldn't help but notice a certain redhead student with a ponytail not too different to his own.

"Yo Daniel! Fancy seeing you here!"
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by blastinus »

Getting ready for the big day had been easier than George had expected, considering the relative amount of aesthetic sense in his usual clothing decisions. After all, the boy normally wore flannel. Nonetheless, once his dad had taken pity on the boy and stepped in to provide some assistance, the tux came together at a rapid pace. The young wannabe archeologist suspected that this amount of experience came from when his dad was courting his mom, but he didn't really feel like asking about something like that on the day that he was going out with a girl who was his...friend? Classmate? It was hard to tell whether his feelings for Carly were friendly or romantic, and he didn't care to think further into that either. Prom night wasn't the night for introspection. It was the time to dance and have one final bash with friends before the end of term.

If I keep this up, I'm gonna turn into an old man before my time.

And so, dressed smartly in a rented tuxedo, and carrying a bouquet in his hand, the young man had sallied forth to perform one of the most treacherous and potentially disastrous undertakings of the modern day: taking a girl out to a big social event. All told, it had gone far better than his expectations. They had met, shared small talk, drove out to the school in George's car, and they were now on the threshold of the dance floor, staring out into a mass of people who were all doing their best to do something resembling dancing.

"So George, do you wanna, uh, go out on the dance floor?" Carly said.

With a nervous smile, George replied, "Uh...Yeah! Sure!"

Just a friend, just a friend. Just have fun!

Keeping himself mostly calm, George led Carly out onto the floor. The music was generic pop, the kind of stuff he'd heard several times before. Still, it had a good beat, and he found himself dancing along to it pretty well, although he kind of wished that the music selection had included something like Swing music. Dancing lessons had ingrained Swing into Mr. Leidman's head long ago, and he wasn't so bad at some of the other classics like Waltz and Cha Cha Cha. But this? This type of music didn't require any moves. Just a good sense of rhythm and a decent amount of space.


Elsewhere, parked on a seat near the food table, Tom Guthrie watched the events with a degree of bitterness. He hadn't yet seen Acacia or Max Neill come in yet, but he imagined that it was only a matter of time. Altogether unsuccessful with securing a date to the dance, he could always satisfy himself with ruining Acacia's day a little. Not so much that he got thrown out, but enough so that her big fling with that sonuvagun Max would be not even close to the magical evening she no doubt expected it to be.

In the meantime, walking over to the food for the 3rd time already, he noticed a lot of people dumping pieces of paper into a bin by the DJ's setup. Immediately, his face lit up, as he knew just the thing to liven up this party, only to drop again when a quick glance at the requests already told him that someone else had had the exact same idea. Nevertheless, he still took a piece of paper and a pencil and, after a small bit of contemplation, dropped in:

William Shatner - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.

Chances were low that he'd actually have that one, but it'd be worth it enough just to see the look on the guy's face.
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Post by Acelister* »

"Hi! I'm Chris"

Rizzo's eyes were so concentrated on the door that the voice makes him jump a little.

"Th' fuck...?" he asks, looking around before seeing the other guy sat down close to him. "Uhh... Hi? Rizzo. How're you doing?"

He quickly looked back at the door, seeing if his former one-night-stand had arrived yet. He took another glance over the crowd incase she snuck in. No sign. Good. Because he was so over her, it wasn't funny.

"Good music, huh?" he asks, at least attempting to make conversation. He hadn't paid attention to what song was actually on, though...
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Post by KamiKaze »

Aileen continued giving her small little smile. Oh yes. Again, she didn't understand why it was so funny, but anything to make people laugh.

However, she couldn't help but notice that after she wrote down her request, soon pretty much everyone was now heading towards the table and writing theirs down, too. What was with these people and their trends? Whenever one person did one thing, everyone else did the same thing. And she was pretty sure there were no requests before she wrote hers down. Did they really like the idea once she did it or something?

Maybe it was the reason why that song was somehow "funny". Maybe. She really didn't get the people at her school.

Aileen couldn't help but wonder what exactly people were requesting. Wait... would it be some sort of pop song that had become popular? She guessed so. It had to be. She hadn't even arrived at other dances, and she knew that it was always something current, straight away. Ah well. Hopefully they won't play "My Humps" or anything like that. Oh god, what could be worse than "My Humps"? Okay, a lot of things, but the song was still up there on her list of irritating songs. Aileen mostly listened to 90s music, but she was aware of songs from other decades, and she was aware of songs which really bugged her. The only song she could think of that could be even more irritating right now was... well, good thing that one song was only used to torment her all her life, and nobody she knew actually liked it, not to mention it was a while ago since it was released, so it wasn't likely, right? Yeah... no "Come On Eileen"....

She headed back towards the snack table, and got herself a bottled water. Aileen then placed herself back in her seat. They weren't going to make her dance, not at all. She would dance when she wanted to. Aileen gave a small nod to herself, holding the bottle but not opening it.

More people had arrived, and each kept writing down their own requests, including a pair of guys who even from where she was sitting she could make out one of them shouting "BODILICIOUS"! Bodilicious...? Were they the Ninja Turtles or something? Oh well.

"Some people are weird..." she thought to herself aloud, placing her palm on her head.


As the two walked into the main area, Jon told Chase to wait a minute, and then ran off.

Was... was he ditching her?! She couldn't have been that bad, wasn't she? Did she do something wrong? Was it the humming? God, she really needed to stop that. Because now he was-

OH! He was going to fill out a request for the DJ! Of course! Chase should do that, but she had no idea what to request. Let's see... what would she like, but the rest of Bayview would enjoy, too? Well, she had all evening to make a decision, and it wasn't like it was mandatory. Ah well. He will be back soon, and hopefully he chose something good. He seemed to have pretty good taste in music, though.

Ah, here he was, having now made his request. Chase made sure she had stopped humming, and waved back at him. Well, let's see what song he had requested. There were plenty of good songs to choose from that were appropriate, really.

Chase then noticed Jon move his arm, as if to place it around her shoulders, but stopped. She couldn't help but wonder why he stopped. Again, was it the humming? Oh god, the humming! She really needed to learn to stop singing or humming along to songs, since it was apparently kind of annoying, according to those who ended up talking to her about it. Plus, she liked Jon. That's why she asked him out. What other reasons could there be? But, Chase eventually spoke up. Glancing up at him, she asked "Was... was the humming b-bothering you?"

But, before she could inquire any further, the current song ended, and...

We're no strangers to love, you know the rules, and so do I!

Chase almost jumped. Wait, did someone really Rickroll the prom? She quickly glanced at the DJ. Either he was familiar with strange internet memes, or someone requested it. Turning to Jon, Chase quickly tossed the possibility aside. No, probably wasn't him. Her head spun around a bit more, looking for answers. Well, didn't matter now. The song was now playing.

Glancing back up at Jon, she gave him an awkward smile, saying "Well, this is an interesting moment, huh?"
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Post by gambit508* »

"Th' fuck...?, Uhh... Hi? Rizzo. How're you doing?"

Chris clicked his tongue, as he shook his head at the use of language. Rizzo huh? That was an interesting name. Oh wait, he was talking again, something about the music. "I don't know, I've never heard this music before


"Yo Daniel! Fancy seeing you here!"

Daniel turned as he saw two people he actually didn't expect to see. "Dudes! I didn't expect to see you here" he said as he walked over to Joshua and Marty. The red-head passed one of the girls who seemed to be waiting for something as he stopped in front of the two friends. "Can you belive this song? They're glad I'm here so they can play some good music." as if the rock gods had listening to Daniel, a familair song started playing.

We're no strangers to love, you know the rules, and so do I!

Daniel's mouth split open in a wide grin as the a good chunk of the crowd groaned. "Sweet, I love this song. I mean granted there's better songs, like the ones I put. Let's see I put Come on Eileen and Ghostbusters" Daniel stopped suddenly as he smacked his forehead. "I should of put Bohemian Rhapsody" he groaned


Well, this is an interesting moment, huh?"

"Yeah, our prom just got rickrolled" Jon said as he finally decided to put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her close as she hummed. "And the humming doesn't bother me" he added as he glanced at the DJ, who seemed to be looking at the requests with mute surprise. Jon frowned as his fingers lightly touched Anna's long hair. Speaking of hair, he could use a haircut, he hadn't gotten one in awhile. Jon searched his brain for what he was supposed to be doing.

Wait, isn't the prom a dance. He could dance!

"You want to dance?" Jon asked Anna as the song continued to play
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Post by Fiori »

"Dudes! I didn't expect to see you here" said Daniel as he hurriedly walked on over to Joshua.

"Yeah, I know! I nearly forgot to come as well!" answered Joshua, somewhat glad to see he and Marty weren't the only guys to arrive dateless (At least, he assumed Daniel was also dateless).

"Can you believe this song? They're glad I'm here so they can play some good music." said Daniel as the song finished suddenly, almost as if it were on cue to do so. Joshua was about to answer when, to his surprise, the next song to play was none other then the infamous Never Gonna Give You Up song made famous by YouTube. Joshua - of course - found the whole thing hilarious, and laughed appropriately.

"Sweet, I love this song. I mean granted there's better songs, like the ones I put. Let's see I put Come on Eileen and Ghostbusters" said Daniel, who then smacked his palm against his head in shock. "I should of put Bohemian Rhapsody" he groaned.

"Dude! I had the exact same idea! But Marty said they'd probably not have it. You know, it being a rock song an' all" said Joshua as he looked over to his friend, who at this time was helping himself to some nachos. "Still, I did request this one little tune which should liven up the party later..." he said, winking as he did so. Man, I can't WAIT until they play it!

Marty, on the other hand, could wait. He was still embarrassed about the way Joshua exclaimed "BODACIOUS!" out loud, and right now the last thing he needed was for Joshua to embarrass him even further. Ah well... he thought to himself as he drunk his beverage, namely the cheap excuse for cola usually found for sale in supermarkets. His expression revealed clearly his distaste for the drink. God damnit, this tastes like warm piss! Actually, on second thought, thats a bit unfair on warm piss. After all, ANYTHING ought to taste bette then this crap! Sigh, are there any nachos or something to get this awful flavour out of my mouth?
As he was deciding on what he'd eat, the music changed to something he actually recognised, although not in a good way.

We're no strangers to love, you know the rules, and so do I!

Marty couldn't help but smirk. Ah Christ... somebody had to have requested that, there's no WAY the DJ would have known to play that song himself...

He shook his head and picked up a nacho. What? No salsa? Typical...
And with that, he took a bite out of the Mexican snack. Ah well... still tasty, though
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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