Let the Dance Begin!

The big evening itself. This is the dance floor, where memories will be made and dreams potentially shattered. (All posts should be in one of the three threads in this section. No starting new threads.)
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Isabel surveyed the decorated ballroom. It looked nice; it looked like what a prom was supposed to look like. She herself had tried her best to look like what a prom guest would look like. Isabel had worried quite a bit over her outfit. She wasn't even sure that she was going to go to prom when the school had first announced it, but her mother and uncle insisted she go. They were fascinated by the thing; it was a very American right of passage as far as they were concerned. Getting her ready had been a team effort. Since her mother had never been to a prom and Isabel didn't have older siblings they did their research with the aid of prom magazines that seemed to take up a whole section of the magazine rack this time of year. She ended up wearing a dark blue, strapless bubble dress she had borrowed from her cousin. It fell just above her knees and had a metallic sheen to it. It was nice except for a blue bow on the back.

My butt looks like a Christmas present, she thought when she first tried it on. Other than that it was nice.

She constantly had to remind herself not to touch her face. Her mother and relatives had done the hair and make-up. Not much, blue shadow and clear gloss. She looked down at her shoes, black flats. Even without heels she was taller than Allen so high heels were out of the question. With her in flats and him in dress shoes they just about evened out to the same height.

It was true they were a little late, but she didn't mind. Actually, it made her less nervous seeing how much he cared. He had apologized a million times during the night.

Isabel placed her small black clutch on the sign-in table and scribbled their names. She heard Allen ask to dance, but her eyes flickered over to the table with the card that said "Requests."

"Hold on one second. I'll be right back. Promise."

She ran to the table as fast as her outfit, shoes and various accessories would allow. Isabel picked up the pencil and tapped it against the paper for a few seconds while looking over the other requests. She was a little disappointed she had missed "Never Gonna Give You Up."

Well, I may as well keep in line with the 80's theme.

She jotted down "Let's Dance – David Bowie" at the end of the list and ran back to Allen.

"You know, you clean up nice," she said, attempting to be heard over the music. Isabel tried to give him a reassuring smile. "Sure, let's dance."
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Post by Solomir* »

In the end, Peter was mostly right with his assessment of Brook's bad mood. With Brook's description of his adventure to retrieve a "token of his affection", Peter couldn't help but smile. He himself was not fond of big romantic gestures; he had a tendency to screw it up by having bad timing or saying something wrong at the worst times.
Overthinking things can do that. Everything sounds cold and unfeeling when I do that.
Brook's assurance that he wasn't drunk brought Peter's thoughts to the flask he had hidden in his jacket pocket. He started to reach into his jacket when he caught the name of the girl Brook had had his eye on. Tiffany. From what Peter knew of Brook, he wouldn't give a bitch like Tiffany Chanders the time of day, which left one other Tiffany. Peter himself didn't have the highest opinion of Bishop: his chivalrous act seemed like just a ploy to garner female attention.
And that's something I can be just as guilty of. What a hypocrite.
"Tiffany…. She deserves better than that creep," Peter muttered, more to himself than at Brook. He was about to try to say something encouraging to Brook, but was interrupted by a question. It made sense: Brook didn't want to dwell on the subject for long.

Peter chuckled as he pondered the best words to answer Brook's question with. He was just about to say something except for the crashing of a body hitting the ground nearby interrupted his train of thought. Peter glanced over to the source of the noise: JJ Sturn. Knowing him, he was drunk off his ass and going to make the night an interesting event. He turned back to Brook, making a mental note to try to avoid JJ for the night. Escalation of drama was not necessary.
Speaking of being drunk, that's a good idea. It'll keep Maddy interested for the whole night too.
"Well, I haven't been here for long. Mostly talking to people and trying to figure out who's throwing parties where afterward." Peter threw a glance over his shoulder at Maddy. "I think Maddy, my date, has something dastardly planned for tonight." He reached into his jacket pocket, withdrawing the small flask from the inner pocket. "Figured I may as well pre-empt her on that front, and get a boost for the dance floor as well."
Liquid courage: best taken at every at social events for those with two left feet.
Peter threw a glance around surreptitiously to make sure no security or staff were looking in his general direction. Getting caught could only end badly. The last thing Peter wanted was to get thrown out on his ass along with JJ. Seeing no threats, he uncapped the flask and took a small sniff at the opening. Good vodka had a slightly different smell than the cheap stuff. A few drops were added to the small cup of punch he'd gotten. A bit to start off and loosen up. He held up the flask in an offering gesture to Brook. "You want some? A little bit will help with the blues, and you won't end up on the floor like that hulking drunkard over there," Peter said, cocking his head toward where JJ had fallen down.
And now I'm trying to get straight-edge Brook to get drunk. I'm such a virtuous guy.

"A cop?" Tiffany giggled. Andrew hadn't really struck her as the kind of guy to want to be a cop. It was more like a kid's dream. Everyone nowadays was more looking into studying science or business or history. "That sounds a lot cooler than what I'd study. But Phoenix is so far away…"

Tiffany felt a bit downcast at that. Andrew was going out of state for school. Peter was going back to Canada. So many of her friends wouldn't be nearby after graduation. After four or more years of spending weekdays together, they'd all get separated to find their dreams. It was kind of amazing that high school was ending, after so many years of memories. She wished it would never end. Cheerleading, GODspeed, morning announcements, she'd miss all of it once they had graduated.

"You're still going to come back to visit sometimes, right?" Tiffany asked hopefully. "Like Christmas-time or in the summers?"
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"Tiffany…. She deserves better than that creep"

Brook seemed rather amused, feeling more like a gossipy teenager than usual. Peter agreed with him that Bishop was kind of a creep, huh? "Ha, I'll drink to that!" Brook cheerily said, raising his punch cup up a few inches. "I just think his stupid, suave act with 'the ladiiiiiies' is a damn fraud." Following these malicious interjections, he hurried to change the subject. Before he could get his answer from Peter, though, somebody he was quite familiar with made a spectacle of themselves.

"Careful, they just washed the floor, JJ!" Brook called to the 'prestigious' football captain, chuckling about it to Peter. ... Why was he feeling so vindictive, all of a sudden? He must've really been getting into the spirit of just sticking it to the situation he had found himself trapped in.

"You and Maddy, huh? ... I guess I deal with plants more than you guys, I'd never see that coming," Brook said, but raised an eyebrow at the next few statements. Dastardly? Pre-empt? He's reaching into his pocket... aw man, he isn't gonna show me a condom or something, is he!? His confusion only grew (but at least the possibility of revulsion fell) when Peter pulled out the flask. He just had to smile at that, but the smile quickly went away when...

"You want some?"

Brook blinked, looked all around, then turned back to Peter. "... You serious? Aw man, I couldn't, I can't..." Brook normally didn't drink, and drinking wasn't the way you handle things like this... was it? Brook reached to scoop more punch in his cup, mulling the situation over. It was a weekend, he WAS hurting still, and... well, it's just a few drops... as long as he didn't end like Vodka Drunkenski over there, that means his mom wouldn't notice and he wouldn't be in trouble. Besides, he had celtic blood... they can hold their liquor, right?

"... Fine, just a little." Brook mumbled, lowering his cup a little and then extending his hand out. He tried to keep it low enough so the table could obsure the view of Peter dropping in a few drops of the hard stuff. "Never killed anybody, I guess..."
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Moth* »

Celeste smiled wider, hugging John tighter as she felt warmth against the top of her head. Part of her really, really hoped someone was watching. Yeah, you see this? See us? she gloated internally. Sighing softly, Celeste turned her face into the young man's shirt and shut her eyes. "Hey, I don't care what you look like," she mumbled, hoping her voice was heard above the other prom-goers.

She really didn't have the right to anyway, did she? She's already seen him naked, slept with him, and he was great at performing, so why did it matter? Besides...what did Mom used to say? More to love, or something like that? "You don't care what I look like, why should I care what you do? Besides...you've got a big heart...among other things," Celeste looked up, winking at the last sentence. She waited a few moments for him to let that sink in, then moved her hands to John's own and started to tug gently. "And now, Big Guy...is there anything my man wants now?"
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Post by Acelister* »

"Hey, I don't care what you look like, You don't care what I look like, why should I care what you do? Besides...you've got a big heart...among other things,"

John blushed at that, but didn't look away from her. It was a compliment - though it could turn to an insult if they ever have a fight. Either about his manliness or his weight.

"And now, Big Guy...is there anything my man wants now?"

"Yeah, there is." John nodded, gripping his hand into a fist to psych himself up. He moved his hand up to the small of her neck and leaned down. He closed his eyes and kissed her. It wasn't their first kiss by far, but it was the first since arriving here. Had they kissed at all tonight so far? Surely when she got in his dad's car...

But the main thing was - it showed that John wasn't afraid to show he was with Celeste.
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Post by JamesRenard* »

Allen watched Isabel as she dashed off to the request table, making a mental note to put a song down himself when he finally thought of a decent one. It was alright though, he still had plenty of time to think of a good song to request. He looked down at himself, inspecting the black suit, white shirt and maroon tie he'd rented out for the occasion. He'd had a shave, combed and gelled his unruly hair (though he'd stopped short of having it cut) in an effort to look the part.

His eyes drifted over to the other table in the massive room, the one laden with all sorts of tasty snacks and other refreshments, including punch. It just wouldn't be a prom without punch, would it now. 'Wonder if it's been spiked already?' Allen wondered with a slight smirk. Not that he was planning on doing the dirty deed himself; he wasn't prepared to risk getting in trouble, especially with Principle Kendrick hanging around. He wasn't a big fan of alcohol anyway.

He looked around the hall, seeing several of his peers having the time of their lives, some with a partner and some just by themselves. Allen doubted that he would have even gone along to prom if he didn't have a date with him. He was brought out of his thoughts by Isabel running back to meet him after putting a song up for request. She complimented him, her voice just audible over the loud song that he couldn't put a title to, and he smiled back.

"Thanks, you look really nice tonight yourself," he replied. "Let's go." He extended a hand out for her to take, ready to lead her out onto the dance floor.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Isabel smoothed down her hair and tugged at the bottom of her dress to try and repair what her running back and forth had done. She followed Allen's eye line and saw the snack table.

Oh….Snacks. Looks like there's punch too.

A little ways away from the snack table she saw a boy stumbling around, almost taking people down with him. He looked awfully wobbly.

Hu, must be strong punch.

Isabel turned back to Allen and saw him holding out his hand. She looked at it skeptically for a moment and hesitated. Inwardly she took a deep breath and slowly took his hand.

Chill out, Isabel. It's just a hand. You don't know him well enough to let him know how much of a complete weirdo you are. Act like a normal girl.

The point of contact between her hand and his felt foreign. Isabel felt as if the blood had drained from her hand. She could feel his skin on her skin, the warmth of his flesh, the creases of his palm, the dents in his fingers where the joints were. It made her heart speed up. Her hand covered his and her fingers curved slightly over the edge of his palm. She stood for a moment staring at their hands before snapping out if it and looking up at him.

He complimented me. The correct response is to thank him.

"Thanks," she replied. "This is the most fancied up I've ever been. Look at us! We almost look like a couple."

Oh man, that wasn't the right thing to say. Quickly, gloss over it before he has time to respond!

"Let's go. I hope you're a dancing machine, because I like to dance."

She secured her grip on his hand and walked with him. Isabel swayed through the crowd to an empty space and began to dance. She dropped his hand and turned so that her back was to him. Isabel swung her hips back and forth in time to the music. She looked over her shoulder at him while multicolored lights lit up her face.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Everett listened to their suggestions and discussions. He was about to turn down the invitation to go to an afterparty, about to beg off, make up some lame excuse, and make his way out of the Prom, but then Will went and screwed that plan up by making some very good points in favor of going. Everett wasn't one to drink. He wasn't one to really enjoy watching people stagger around like idiots, either. But Will was going, and he wasn't drinking, and that meant Everett could actually have some fun, without any pressure. And he could even catch a ride home.

And, simple as that, he found himself doing something he had never expected. He smiled at Will and said, "Sure, that sounds fun. I won't be drinking, though."

Wait. Had he actually agreed to go? To a party? A Prom afterparty? He paused for a second. It had been a whim, but maybe it would be good. Maybe it would be fun. Either way, he had to let his parents know.

"Hang on, guys," he said. "I've got to call my parents. Be right back."

He made his way away from the group, over to the relative peace of the restrooms, and dialed his mom. The conversation was brief, but, to Everett's surprise, she wasn't worried about him at all. He promised not to drink, or accept rides from anyone who had, and she said okay, and they shared "I love you"s (Everett knew it was nerdy, but didn't care), and then they hung up.

He wandered back to the group, helped himself to another glass of punch, and said, "Alright. My parents say it's fine. Thanks, guys!"
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Post by Moth* »

Celeste was caught by surprise--a bit--when John kissed her. She hadn't expected him to do that...She wasn't sure just what she was expecting, but not this.

Not that she was complaining, of course.

Celeste shut her eyes, unable to help smiling a little into the kiss, wrapping her arms around John's neck. Unable to help feeling a bit triumphant. She hoped someone was seeing this...

After a minute or two, Celeste pulled back a little bit, smiling up at John with her eyes half-closed. "You're really good at that," she whispered. For a half-second, she debated asking him if he'd learned that from a porno too, but decided against it. Now really wasn't the best time...besides, the poor guy might get embarrassed, or worse, ashamed. Celeste certainly didn't want to make him feel like that. He's been really nice, inviting you here, being your boyfriend...you're supposed to treat them decently, remember that. "Was kinda waiting for you to kiss me again..." she whispered again, leaning up to peck him on the lips.
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Post by Acelister* »

"You're really good at that,"

John couldn't help but blush at the compliment. It was a very good one to hear right after a kiss.

"Was kinda waiting for you to kiss me again..." Celeste said as she leant in to kiss again. He kissed her back for a moment and smiled down at her.

"I've been wanting to do it all night." he told her. "I've been wanting to kiss you a load since the day we met."

He stopped short of telling her how much he's wanted to have another session with her. He didn't even know why he waited so long to get in touch with her. He wanted to 'play the field', but now he was with her he didn't want to be anywhere else.

"Is there anything my girlfriend wanted to do on prom night?" he asked her. He knew that some girls had perfect nights planned of how they wanted prom to go. He didn't know Celeste well enough to say for sure if she was or wasn't like that.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

((It's been a while.))

The crowd parted like a Biblical sea as Maf moved towards the snack table, Jennifer trailing slightly behind him, her hand loosely hanging in his as they moved. Maf barely noticed it until he arrived at the table and went to grab a plastic cup and the ladle in the punch bowl, only to discover his one hand was less than free. He turned his head back slightly, taking in the hand and the girl attached to it, grinning lightly as he did. It was nice. This was nice.

Maf gently removed his hand from its connection and went back to pouring the dark liquid into the cup. He handed the cup to Jennifer, nodding as he did so. Hopefully it's not spiked, he thought to himself as it exchanged hands. That would be a bad thing. Maf poured another drink for himself and sipped it, nodding as he noticed no alcoholic aftertaste lingering. He turned to Jennifer and...it began again. Nervous and fishing wildly for things to say, Maf downed the punch and poured himself another cup - he wasn't shaking yet, but he was pretty damn close. The music was overwhelming with the heavy bass and autotuned vocals, the conversations throughout the hall were rising up and pressing on him, the whole place was getting tighter as he tried to work out what to say...

"It's...it's getting pretty loud in here. Want to go outside for some air?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Maf led the way to the punch table, the crowd letting them through easily. It suddenly hit Jennifer just what exactly was happening. Here she was, following a guy around on Prom night, and they'd been dancing, and now he was pouring her drink, and, and, and did this mean something? It was confusing. It was confusing and crazy and strange and unexpected and oh so nice. She wondered, for a moment, if any of her friends had shown up while she was dancing, if they'd seen her with Maf, what they'd thought. All of a sudden, though, that seemed so insignificant and stupid. Fuck her friends; it was Prom, and she was doing what she wanted.

She accepted the punch and sipped it slowly, enjoying the sweetness. Maf turned towards her and stood there for a second, then drank his punch and refilled it. Jennifer toyed with hers, too, at a loss for words again. What should she say? How could she phrase it just right? What did she want to say, anyways? It was just so complicated.

And then, he suggested stepping outside. Yes, that was the most sensible thing to do. It would buy her a little time to sort things out, a little time to think. She said, "I, um, think that's a great idea," and smiled. Yes. Not only would it give her some time to think, it would also force her to follow through. No running away now, not from... whatever was going to happen.
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Post by Moth* »

Celeste's smile grew, but she purposely kept it small. "Have you now?" She leaned up, giving him another quick kiss, this time on the nose. Well, that was certainly good for her, wasn't it? "I'm glad to hear that, then, Big Guy," she whispered, kissing him again, briefly.

"Is there anything my girlfriend wanted to do on prom night?"

"Weeeell..." Celeste leaned back a bit, mouth puckered a bit, eyes rolled upwards as she pretended to think it over. She doubted he had much money for anything fancy, but she didn't really need that. She had something else in mind, actually. "You remember the end of our first date?~" she said, in a quiet sing-song voice, leaning back towards John again. "I think we should do that again...In a more private place maybe? Somewhere we can have all the time in the world?"

Celeste was sure that the more sex he got, the less likely John was to want to break off this relationship sometime in the near future. Take no chances, yes? Come to think of it, she thought to herself. When did I even call this a "relationship? Well, he was the first thing she had that came close to a boyfriend...and she was his girlfriend, evidently. So...

"Is that okay with you, Big Guy?" she whispered, nuzzling her head against his chest.
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Post by Acelister* »

"Weeeell... You remember the end of our first date? I think we should do that again...In a more private place maybe? Somewhere we can have all the time in the world?"

John's eyes widened and he blushed. She wanted to...

"Is that okay with you, Big Guy?"

John nodded rapidly, actually making himself feel a little dizzy.

"Yeah." he confirmed in case there was any doubt, still holding her as she nuzzled against his chest. "Yeah I do. But where?"

He didn't know why she would want to do it - but he didn't care. She probably wanted more because he was great. Not as a ploy to keep him with her, though he would stay with her anyway. He also didn't know where they might go - his parents would wonder why he didn't call them to pick them up again, if they went somewhere else. And it wasn't as if the hall was private.
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Post by JamesRenard* »

'Do we really look like a couple?' Allen couldn't help but wonder. He was under the impression that he and Isabel were simply going as friends. Whether they would only be friends at the end of the night, well that remained to be seen. Before Allen could think about that anymore, he heard Isabel talking to him.

"Sure, I'm not sure how much of a dancer I am though, but I'll try my best," Allen replied, walking with Isabel to an area of the dance floor that was vacant of any of the other dancers in the hall. He could count the number of times he'd been dancing before on just one hand, and in all honesty he felt that he had two left feet. 'Hopefully I don't look like an idiot,' he thought.

Isabel stood in front of him, swaying from side to side in time with the music. Allen smiled back at her, lightly swinging his arms and gently stepping with the beat, being careful not to get too close to her. 'So far, so good. This is actually kinda fun. I should ask her if she's enjoying it as well.'

"Having fun-whoa!" Allen's question was cut short when he tried lifting his right leg and found that something prevented him from doing so when it was just a couple of centimetres off the floor. Before he knew what was happening, he completely lost his balance and fell forwards with a loud "OOF!", luckily avoiding taking her out as he tumbled over. He managed to put his hands out in the nick of time to stop his face colliding with the floor; the last thing he wanted to do was end up in A&E on prom night with a broken nose or concussion.

'Oh MAN that was embarrassing!' Allen thought as he got into a sitting position. He glanced at his dress shoes and saw the problem. The shoelace on his right shoe had become untied, and he'd stepped right on it with his left. "S-sorry," he stuttered to Isabel as he fumbled with tying his shoelace tighter, immensely glad that the colour of his face (now a brilliant shade of red) was indiscernible in the dim hall.
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