Closing Time

The big evening itself. This is the dance floor, where memories will be made and dreams potentially shattered. (All posts should be in one of the three threads in this section. No starting new threads.)
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Robert looked at his hands. It was an odd habit, really. It was just that, when things were going a little crazy and he wasn't sure, his hands were something he could rely on. Except his right one. That tended to go a little wonky if his arm was being a pain. But the point remained. He looked back at Gloria and smiled, a little nervously.

"Oh... well.... If you're sure she will be fine with it.... I can wait ten minutes," he said, building up steam. He laughed slightly, slipping back into his easygoing persona. "At least I won't be lacking in interesting conversation, eh?" He leaned in his seat slightly, allowing himself to slide slightly out of the center of it. He smiled again, a little more self-assured.

"So, we've been hanging out for quite a while, but I find I know very little about you. Information swapping time?" he said, sitting up and looking at Gloria with interest pouring out of every pore of his body. It helped to be a little over eager when asking about people's history, because they usually become a little flustered and forget to ask about what's up with your life. Or so Robert hoped.
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Post by Fiori »

At that moment in time, Marty REALLY ought to have been looking where he was going. After all, despite the fact that the prom had mostly died down by this point there was still plenty of people on the dance floor. People who could bump into him so very easily...

And, as fate happened, that's precisely what happened. He looked up from his watch just in time to see an arm shoot out and bump him on the nose. It hadn't hit him PARTICULARLY hard, but even so it still caught him completely off guard and, in surprise, he fell over onto his back with a hard thud.

OW! What the hell?!?

Quickly, his hand shot up and rubbed his nose as he got into a sitting position. He'd temporarily forgotten about Joshua by this point, his thoughts more on finding out who'd knocked him over.

"Jesus, ow! What the hell was that fo..." he said accusingly, only to stop mid-sentence as he opened his eyes to see who had knocked him over so unexpectedly. Namely a certain short-haired girl by the name of Carol Burke...

... Oh crap!
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by Moth* »

"A-Are you...s-sure?" Gloria looked up in surprise. She'd been expecting Rob to stop talking by this point...not that she wanted him to stop, it was just that he was shy, and she wasn't the best person to have a conversation with. In fact, she didn't think anyone would want to talk to her very much, save for her few Simon. And maybe Dirk, but he was new...

Shaking herself out of those thoughts (You're not with them now, you're with a new friend. Pay attention to him.), Gloria nodded slowly. "I...not much to t-tell, really..."[/b] she whispered. "I...I like hiking...a-a-and reading, and I c-can draw too...I l-live with Mom, h-h-ave been for a f-f-few years now..." Gloria didn't think she should tell Rob about her father just yet. She didn't want to burden him with it; if he asked, she would tell him, but otherwise..."A-And I...I g-g-go hiking most we-weekends...n-need to plan...plan another trip..." she mumbled the last part almost to herself. Looking up at Rob and managing a tiny, though apologetic, smile, she shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Th...that's all," she whispered.

"I b-b-bet you're more interesting though."
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Robert listened intently, drinking in the information. It seemed slightly out of character for him to be this interested, even to himself, but at the same time, this was the longest conversation he'd had with anybody in... quite a long time. Friends tended to be things that happened to other people with him, and he tended to weird people out or push them away before conversations like this happened. But he found himself genuinely interested in Gloria. Maybe it was the similarities he could find between them and the fact that she didn't seem to mind his presence.

"Really? You draw? I wish I could draw. My only artistic talents are in music and a little drama. Um.... Talking about me.... Well, I, like you, live only with my mother. My father... isn't around. Um.... My social life is fairly lacking. I spend most of my time studying and doing homework. So, you'd probably lose that bet," he said, laughing slightly to show it was a joke. It was interesting that they had another thing in common.

"Oh! I do have another interesting thing... I guess. Really, it's not that interesting to me, just kinda... upsetting," he said, frowning slightly. He held out his right arm with the wrist up and slid the sleeve back to show the white, raised scar which led back up into the darkness offered by his sleeve. "It's a long story."
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Post by Moth* »

Gloria's eyes flickered curiously from Rob's face to his wrist, widening slightly at the sight of the scar. Her hands twitched in her lap, from a strange instinct to try and touch it--No, no, bad idea. Personal space, and he won't like it! But she kept staring at the white scar for a few moments, then nervously shifted her attention back up to his face. "H--How long...?" she mumbled, hands squeezing each other. "Do..d-do you want a-about...about it?" she added, her voice getting quieter and quieter until she was whispering. Gloria looked down suddenly, hoping she hadn't offended him.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Robert blinked and looked at the scar again. It rushed into his mind that Gloria might have thought.... "Oh. T-the scar is from surgery. I broke my arm when I was, like, five, and it was not put together very well. And I broke it again in Eighth Grade," he said, covering it up again. He then raised both arms in front of him to show that his right arm was slightly shorter than his left.

"Yeah. It's a little annoying sometimes. I had to teach myself to be ambi-sinister; that is, equally useless with both arms," he said, smiling at his own joke.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Carol felt her arm hit something fleshy, and a few seconds after, someone behind her asking what was that for.

Uh oh...

She hit someone, didn't she?

Dang it! And she was worried about being lost? And now another worry of hers had come up; namely, hitting someone on accident at the dance. How could this get worse?

Carol answered her own question when she looked behind her, and saw that it was Marty Lovett. Even though Carol was new, she still knew a fair amount of people here at Bayview. And Marty was one such person. They took a cooking class together, didn't they?

She immediately scooped down to the ground, checking to see if he was alright. As of this moment, he was rubbing his nose, in an attempt to make the pain go away.

"Hey..." she started. "Are you all right? I'm so sorry!"

Carol lifted out a hand, offering to help him up.

"Do you need any help?"


Aileen noticed that the girl seemed to start panicking more. However, both her and one of the boys had said she was fine, and the other people were just... there? Apparently. But, soon enough, they started talking about moving away from the crowd, and then they just walked off.

Well, my good intentions were brushed off. Good to see she's alright, though, she thought, furrowing her brow.

Some part of her was still worried about the girl, but to be honest, it was better not to follow them around, The crowd was bothering her too, now that she thought of it.

Aileen walked off, and soon enough, found herself drawn to the snack table again. Almost all of the food was gone, but the only thing Aileen had eaten over the past few hours were those pieces of broccoli and that water right at the start, and, well, it was not nearly enough, since she had not eaten before she left. After staring at what choices remained, she rolled her eyes. Still unhealthy... but what the hell. Aileen scooped up a bunch of chips on a bowl, and gently placed them on a napkin. Well, might as well join them.

And besides, it was prom. She had to enjoy herself, right? Even if it meant eating junk food. And it was not as if Aileen's diet was perfect in the first place. She sighed to herself, though partly out of contentment.
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Post by Fiori »

He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't believe it. Of ALL the people in Bayview that he could have bumped into, what where the chances that it'd Carol Burke? Seriously, what WHERE the chances? Carol Burke... The very same Carol Burke who Marty just happened to have something of a crush on.

"Hey... Are you all right? I'm so sorry!"

"Oh nonono, its ok! It was my fault, really! I, uh, I really should have been looking where I was going... Hehe!" he answer quickly, still not entirely sure how to handle the situation.

"Do you need any help?" she asked, offering him a hand.

"Oh no, its okay... I can help myself up, thank you..." he said as he began to get himself up to a standing position, only to end up relying on Carol pulling him up anyway. A few seconds after she'd helped him to his feet, he realised that he was still holding her hand and hastily (and not to mention grudgingly) let go of it. He prayed dearly that she didn't notice how embarrassed he was at that moment.

I haven't blushed this much since Joshua showed off his new iphone speakers... In the middle of the lunch hall!

"Um... Thanks anyway! Uh... Yeah, hehe, uh..." he said nervously, not really sure what to say next...

Christ, I hope she doesn't think i'm a huge pervert now... Nah, surely not. Quit getting paranoid Marty, its just Carol for god's sake! Its not like she's renown for being particularly judgemental or anything...

It was at that moment that he realised that this happened to be the first time he'd ever actually spoken to Carol... He'd seen her tons of time during class, usually helping out her friends with whatever they were making that day. A couple of times she'd asked him to pass her the salt or something, but apart from that they'd never really spoken to each other until now.

Well... Nows your chance then!


C'mon Marty... You've seen it happen all the time in the movies! Two people bump into, apologoize, start chatting to each other and before you know it BAM! They're dancing the night away! And unless i'm mistaken, you're already halfway there!

Yeah, but... C'mon. Those were movies for crying out loud! Nothin' like that happens in real life...

But when are you gonna get another chance, hmm? This is the perfect opportunity! A once-in-a-lifetime moment! You like her, don't you?

Well, yeah!

So talk to her then! Take a chance! Carpe Diem! SEIZE THE DAY!

He gulped down, realising that he'd been standing there saying nothing for what felt like half a minute. He had to say SOMETHING, that was clear enough.... But what? What COULD he say...

After another second or so of thinking, he finally came up with something...

Well... Here goes nothing...

"Uh.... so..."


He quickly turned he head over his shoulder to spot none other then his friend Joshua over by the door, motioning him to come on over. He quickly turned his head to Carol, then back to Joshua, and finally back to Carol again...

"Well, uh... Thats my cue, hehe... Um, so... See you at class then!" And with that, he grudgingly headed for the door to reunite with his friend Joshua, leaving behind what he didn't realise could possibly be his last ever chance to speak with the only girl he'd ever really cared about other than his sister...

"So Marty, wanna head out?" Joshua asked eagerly.

"Yeah, lets head out..." replied Marty, who took one quick look back before heading through the door with his best friend in tow, still wondering whether or not he'd made the right decision...

((Marty and Josh continued in A Hard Day's Night))
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by Moth* »

Gloria had to smile a little bit..."N-No...I b=bet you're not useless...B-B-But to use b-both arms really c-cool," she whispered, tilting her head to look Rob in the eyes. She meant it too...So he was ambidextrous? That was pretty neat! She'd heard about people training themselves to be that way, but she'd never met someone who did that...Wow. "I...w-wish I c-c-ould...could do that..."

She suddenly flushed, worried he'd take it the wrong way. "N-Not was g-good g-got hurt...! I--I just meant..." Gloria trailed off again, not wanting to say anything more that could potentially offend. After a few moments, she checked the time, hopefully.

Yes! A little over ten minutes had passed. "I...I b-bet my Mom's here now...y-you still want...?"
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Robert smiled. "Yeah, being ambidextrous is kinda neat. It would be nicer if I could lift more than ten pounds without worrying about breaking my arm again, but, y'know," he said, the sentence petering out as he realized Gloria was embarrassed again. He brushed his hair back and laughed.

"Don't feel bad. I only care if people give me... crap about my arm. It's mostly stopped now that it's no longer a novelty for most people. The arm is there, it's messed up, and I have to live with it," he said, stopping before he got a note of bitterness in his voice. He coughed slightly, cleared his throat, and stood almost immediately when Gloria said her mom was probably here. He stood so fast, he nearly knocked over his chair.

"Oh um ah. Ahem. Okay. I'll walk you out, then?" he said, covering his clumsiness with a cough. He offered Gloria his elbow and smiled again.
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Post by Moth* »

Glroai stood up slowly, still blushing, and covered her mouth in surprise when Rob's chair nearly fell over. "O-Oh, are you--?" she started to say, stopping when she heard the slight cough, and his next statement.

"I'll walk you out then?"

She stared at the elbow offered nervously. It wasn't about the previous conversation topic, it was just...Gloria wasn't used to touching--actually touching--a member of the opposite sex. Much less when being escorted. She hesitated, hand hovering over the elbow nervously. But...Rob was nice, and they were just going out to the car. it was fine. Gloria swallowed before smiling shyly, slowly and carefully accepting the escort. "Th--thanks...L-let's go."

[[Gloria Benson continued in V4]]
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