The Dance Must go on!

The big evening itself. This is the dance floor, where memories will be made and dreams potentially shattered. (All posts should be in one of the three threads in this section. No starting new threads.)
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MK Kilmarnock
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Felicia had to hang off of Quincy in order to stay standing, as her legs went weak from her prolonged efforts not to laugh at Gloria's stuttering. It wasn't her fault, really, the poor timid gal, but Felicia found that her getting worked up over the slightest of things was almost as funny as watching hordes of enemies run into a strategically placed turret in TF2, then bitch about it over allchat. After finally letting a few laughs escape her throught, Felicia found the strength to stand and turn, going to embrace Gloria in a hug.

"Ooooh, just relax, girl!" She giggled, being careful of the drink that Gloria was holding. "You just listen to the music and have fun or somethin'! And the punch isn't spiked, I promise, though that'd be pretty read if it was..." Felicia backed off, grinning as widely as ever. "Not so I could drink it, I mean, but so I can watch everybody else make an ass out of themselves.

The night seemed to be solid. Not perfect, but solid. Friends were all around, Quincy was with her, music was playing, people were laughing....

Now if only I knew what the fack a 'currant' was...
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Hallucinojelly* »

"The bassline was thumpin, the stereo jumpin, so many girls got my heartbeat pumpin'-"

Seriously, what is this shit?

Trent sighed deliriously, laughing as the music blasted down from the speakers above his head. His prom suit, a simple, cheap, off-the-rail affair, clung to his body while he sat down, sweating, in the corner of the hall. For irony's sake, he and Violet had gone to the prom together, madly jerking their bodies to whatever came on with a fast enough beat as a "fuck you" to everyone else who were there. Since nobody knew what their intentions were, they came across even more insane than they had hoped to, but they all fun regardless, so Trent didn't mind.

In fact, dancing at all was a bit of a first for him, since without Violet and a few pre-prom vodka shots he would've never danced in front of so many people or even cared what they thought. It was a good feeling, to lose all inhibition like that, and though he knew he'd come to regret it by the morning, he'd loved every minute of prom so far. It had been the first time he and Violet had spoken in a while too, because they couldn't exactly call it off after planning it for such a long time. He was glad they'd both gone along with each other though- it forced the two to talk about everything that had been going on recently, and why he'd been avoiding her so incessantly.

The truth was, he'd grown jealous of her and Leila. The two had been spending way more time together recently, and as a result, she'd been unintentionally ignoring her very best friend. Admittedly, Violet wanted to hang out with her newer friend more often than her old one, especially after the bowling alley incident with her father occurred. She blamed Trent for not showing up, but in reality it was both of their faults for not being better friends to each other; a fact they soon realised after their heart-to-heart at Violet's house, followed by the aforementioned vodka fiesta.

...Which he was still feeling the effects of.

His shirt flapped open, almost halfway unbuttoned now, revealing his sparsely-haired chest, but it was doing nothing to help rid the burning sensation he was beginning to feel. Dehydrated, but unwilling to get up and grab a glass of punch, he sat back against the wall, cradling his stomach with an eerily blissful smile on his face as one of the popular girls walked in his direction.

If I barf all over her dress, I'll be the biggest legend in Bayview.

He grinned.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

Felicia had taken control of the whole situation with ease. Quincy watched in admiration as his girlfriend calmed down Gloria. He liked that about her, that she could be so take charge. It let him glide along in her wake, acting as a buffer, a guide for her. That she had her arm around him, using him to keep her steady, it made Quince feel strong. This was his girl, and she needed him. He leaned down to her ear.

"I'm good, girl. All set to go another few rounds, anyway. Sorry about Gloria. She just kinda banged into me." Part of him felt responsible for the girl being so nervous. He knew he didn't have a reputation as the nicest guy in school. But he wasn't going to go out of his way to humiliate her, especially not at prom.

As Felicia disentangled herself from him and embraced the other girl, Quincy grinned at the sight. Sure, who didn't think about their girlfriend getting it on with another chick. Most of his fantasies were usually with one of the more attractive girls, though, but he wasn't going to pass up on the material in front of him. As long as he was temporarily free, he took the opportunity to pour a couple of glasses of punch, one for him and one for ‘Licia.

He found himself wishing that the punch had been spiked. It wasn't a dull night, but he just could do with a beer or something to liven it all up. Maybe he could get himself and Felicia an invite to an after prom party, where they could really let their hair down.

"So, ‘Licia. You up for another round of dancing now?"
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Post by Gwbiii* »

The "we ran into each other" comment threw a bottom-lip biting smile across Sarah's face. Understatement. Of. The. Century.

"Yeah, kind of a hospitalisation sort of running into eachother" She leant her head against Reiko's. "Very romantic" It seemed as good an opportunity as any to move a bit closer, which is what she felt like doing. Lame, horrible music wasn't going to stop her.

"And yeah, uh, to elaborate, I was messing around with posters and things and she was on skates and we weren't looking and ran into each other and the ambulance came and took us and there was blood EVERYWHERE and she asked me to prom and I was bedridden for a couple of weeks with concussion and she had the same but not as much and I haven't really been able to think properly since." She giggled at the last part, realising that it was a kind of play on words, which she found amusing. Yeah, sugar's awesome.

"So what about you and.. uh.. Max?" He'd kind of left in a hurry... and wasn't coming back apparently. Which was sort of odd maybe. A bit.
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Nope. Just a normal evening at the Varsity. Well, almost any evening I've been there. I think this evening's in a class by itself. Course it would give us more to talk about then fashion Monday. As it is there's been a whole lot of people wandering in and out of the bathroom. I thought that was something we did in school, to get out of class."

"I've never been to the Varsity. I've never seen the point, really. If people are acting like drunken fools, I've always thought it better to stay away. And watch stuff like that happen on Cops, where I can't get accidentally involved. Besides, if our classmates have two brain cells to rub together, they'd get drunk AFTER the prom, at an after party, rather than risk Mr. Kwong or one of the other teachers catching them."

Taking a drink of his punch, Roman scanned the room, watching the steady flow of people to and from the restrooms. "And yeah, what is up with the run on the bathrooms tonight? Either people got bad food, or are having super nervous bladders." After several beats, he turned to his date. "You don't actually think Meghan's in there, blazing with Amanda and her cronies, do you?"


"Aislyn, be a dear and fetch me some punch, s'il te plait?"

Rolling her eyes at Vivien's lounging but still grinning, Aislyn started walking towards the refreshment area. "Since you've gotten all hot and bothered visiting with everyone, I'll get you some punch. But then you owe me at least a half hour on the dance floor!" Glancing back over her shoulder, she yelled to be heard over the music, "By the way, keep any eye out for Claire and Sapphire. I haven't seen them in AGES!"
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Post by Fiori »

"Yeah, kind of a hospitalisation sort of running into each other"

"Really?" replied Vera, curious as to what she meant by that. She listened closely to the tale which followed, amused as usual by Sarah's ramblings. Very typical of her to go on like this she thought to herself as the Chinese girl spoke quickly, after all this wasn't the first time she'd seen her in a sugar rush. She let out a short chuckle after she'd finished speaking, shortly after Sarah let out a brief giggle herself.

It was then that Sarah asked "So what about you and.. uh.. Max?"

"Us? Well, to be honest we actually met quite recently. I was busy studying in the art department when suddenly, Max stumbled through the door claiming he was lost. I took pity on him and asked where he wanted to go, and from there on out we kind of accidentally began having a lengthy conversation." She said, a smile appearing on her face. "He was very polite. In fact, you could go as far as saying he was almost TOO polite!" she half joked. Too polite definitely. Almost too polite I'm not so certain… "Anyway… After a while we both realised that neither of us had a date. So we thought to ourselves ‘what the heck' and decided to come together. And, well… Here we are!" She said, drinking the remainder of her drink in one long gulp.

"Still, he's been very nice so far... Perhaps this time he WON'T turn out to have been a fascist the whole time!" she joked, recalling the time where she once dated a guy for barely a few days before finding out that he was a strict Republican.

Of course, she didn't realise that Maxwell happened to be a supporter of the Conservative Party. Not yet anyway.

"Still... At any rate, you and Reiko seem happy enough together." she said, waiting for Sarah (Or Reiko's) reply.
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by Rocky* »

Perhaps it was the sugar, or maybe just the atmosphere. More likely it was just being there with Sarah that made her feel the need to laugh, not mockingly, when Sarah as able to rest her head practically on top of her own. Reiko did so, slipping her head out and onto the other girl's shoulder as she gave the quick version of what had happened on that fateful day. It'd be a day she'd never forget... if the memory wasn't so blurry.

After Vera was done telling her tale of how she had met her date, she made a comment on how they looked happy together. Reiko didn't think her smile could get any bigger. This was definately the best day of her life so far, even better when she had won the right to compete at the Nationals a couple years back. Placing her free hand on top of the hand Sarah was holding her other hand in, she decided to let Sarah answer the question, content to just be there at that moment.

She never wanted this moment to end.
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Post by ifnotwinter* »

Erik accepted the kisses from Chloe happily, pausing to take her by the elbows and give her a long, sweeping up-and-down look. The dress was truly fantastic, he had to admit, as amazing as she had promised. "So Belle I feel like I'm about to break out into a spontaneous musical number with the punch ladle." Slightly more seriously, although still with a grin on his face, "It's gorgeous. You are absolutely the sexiest lady here tonight, and if I didn't have the sexiest man tonight as my date, I would have to restrain myself from jumping your bones."

But of course, she'd wanted an introduction, hadn't she? He moved away from her side, wrapping an arm around Brendan's shoulders and drawing him in closer, bringing them into a close-knit group of three. If he was going to be the one, he was going to need to learn to stand on the outside...and how to deal with him and Chloe's rather excitingly special relationship. Clearing his throat, he carefully put on a very straight face.

"Ms. Strong, this is Mister Brendan Wallace, my esteemed date for this evening. Mr. Wallace, this is Ms. Chloe Strong, who apart from the different birth parents is basically my sister."


"Actually, she annoys me less than they do."
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Post by Namira »

Rosalia Fiametta was excited, very much so in fact. It wasn't simply because she was at Prom, because in honesty what was Prom but a formal party? She'd been to wilder and as it happened right now, more fun. The reason she felt such anticipation building was pretty simple; something she'd been looking forward to for a fair while was finally coming up on the cards.

Because since the very first day of the year, Rosa had held a certain... interest in a certain someone. Perhaps it couldn't be called much more than mild infatuation, and Rosa was just taking it too far, but... There was something there, she was sure of it. Or at least, Rosa hoped she was sure of it.

Felicia Carmichael...

She couldn't deny it, flirting with that girl had been fun, and even if there hadn't been anything further on that front, not seriously... Rosa had been dwelling on her for a long time. Recently, it had been with a little more hesitancy; if Felicia was dating somebody else (namely Quincy) and was okay with being... pursued, so to speak, what did that say about a potential relationship? Nothing healthy.

On the other hand, despite a solidifying of her rebellious streak, Rosa was ultimately still Rosa, and dammit, she'd been looking forward to this for way too long to get cold feet now.

By her standards, Rosa was attired pretty conservatively, this was one place that violating the dress code wasn't going to fly. Her dress, though strapless, covered everything it needed to, and extended a good two thirds of the way down her legs. Not that she didn't expect to be drawing eyes, but tonight, she wanted it to be in the right kind of way rather than audaciously. Rosa had even gone brunette again for the Prom, leaving her hair at its full extent around her shoulders.

So far... it had been a fun enough night. Rosa had had a little to drink (not much though, she wanted to stay sober), more than a couple of dances and one or two more serious advances as well - though those had been firmly turned down. All the same, Rosa knew it wasn't going to really heat up until she found...

She smiled. There.

Across the way from Rosa, it was Felicia. As Rosa had expected, she was with somebody: Jones. One of the jocks, pretty much a typical jock, as it happened. So far as Rosa was concerned, he didn't have a lot to recommend him. Felicia seemed to be chatting with somebody, who from this distance, Rosa couldn't quite place. Ah well.

Rosa made her way purposefully across the hall, and before long, drew close to the group. She deftly stepped in alongside them, noting the punch bowl nearby as a convenient excuse.

"So, you guys are staking out the drinks I see? Well, there's worse things to occupy the time with than getting a little tipsy," Slyly, Rosa looked at Felicia out of the corner of her eyes. "Some of those are more fun though. How's your evening been?"
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Post by Arscapi* »

Samaya chuckled as raised an eyebrow at Roman's statement. "You think, I thought she was actually stepping out of Amanda's shadow some. I still can't believe she agreed to go with Jimmy, although that was seriously awkward. Have you seen them tonight? We should go say hi," Samaya let her eyes wander the hall once more and couldn't hide the frown on her face as she saw Rosa approaching the table. She took a couple of steps away from the table, hoping that Roman would get the idea and follow her. She didn't care much for Rosa, she'd had to sit through one to many classes listening to her classmates share of their exploits.

((Samaya continued in No Tap. But We're Okay With That ))


Thea smiled up at him, she honestly hadn't thought much about what they would do after prom. Her strict curfew had been lifted, for tonight anyway, so she figured that James was right and they should make a night of it.

"Contingency, huh," Thea teased. "What did you get on your SATs anyway? What kind of contingencies are we talking," she said cozying into his embrace. "I'm open to any ideas. I hang out with the girls all the times so it might be nice spend some time together. Wow, it's nice having a night off for one, no cheer practice or student council meetings to rush off to. If you want I'm sure we could find an after party, but I was thinking of something with a few less people."

((Thea continued By the River))
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Post by Moth* »

Gloria nodded once more, managing a tiny, though still nervous, smile. "R-right..." she mumbled, flushing slightly when the Felicia hugged another girl and moved back to her date. Oh...she shouldn't be hanging around much longer. Gloria nodded her head a little, mumbling some apologies and goodbyes before refilling her punch-cup and adding a few treats to a paper plate before shuffling off to the wall. She'd better go sit over there before she bumped into anyone else--someone less understanding.

Sighing and leaning against the wall, Gloria nibbled one of the cookies she'd taken. It'd have been wonderful if one of her closer friends was here..she didn't see anyone though, and her mom wasn't coming for a while. And Gloria wasn't about to try walking home in this dress or these shoes! That was asking for trouble! The last thing the girl needed was to get shot at or mugged.

(Gloria Benson continued in Closing Time
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Post by T-Fox* »

((Chadd Crossen continued from Let the Dance Begin!))

The pair had been dancing for about an hour with little to no break. It had been a great time, at the very least to the oblivious Chadd. He had noticed that Janet was acting a little reserved, but he just shrugged it off as the effect that such a big event was having on everyone. The two were in the middle of a particularly slow song, with the pair pulled right up against each other, his hands on her hips as he whispered gently into her ear, just loud enough for her to hear over the music.

"Enjoying your night, love?" He already knew the answer, or so he thought, but he just felt that it had been too long since he had said anything really. The pair hadn't even moved from their spot in the middle of the dance floor. He had been a little hungry for a little while, but as much as he wanted to stop and go take like fifteen minutes, he didn't want to ruin her night. She had to eventually tucker out... Right?

Really, to him, the whole night had just been for the two of them. Aside from the occasional joke song that the DJ didn't notice, the night was quite literally perfect so far. He leaned down softly to kiss her cheek, waiting for a response.
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Post by Slam »

((Janet Claymont continued from Let the Dance Begin!))

Janet had relaxed by now, her head softly cradled in Chadd's chest. Whilst her eyes were still wide open, keeping an ever-vigilant watch for Rizzo Vitoria, she was no longer taking every opportunity she could to look around the room in fear of the senior doing something to spoil her prom; she failed to realise the irony that he was in fact ruining her prom after all.

Her focus on Rizzo was broken when Chadd leant down to whisper in her ear, kissing her on the cheek: snapping her eyes back to attention and pulling her head off his shoulder, she forced a smile up at him in an attempt to mask her guilty feelings. "Of course Chadd; this is the perfect evening."

She was happy to be with Chadd, that much was true. Hell, if she wasn't happy to be with Chadd, she wouldn't be so worried about breaking his heart with the truth; he deserved better than knowing what his girlfriend had done when she got drunk.

Feeling her stomach rumble from beneath her dress, Janet's thoughts synced with Chadd's as she decided to go get her food for the evening. "Let's eat Chadd, I'm hungry." She whispered back in his ear, before moving to pull his hand over to the table they had picked out over an hour ago. Hopefully with some food in her, she'd be able to stop panicking over her dirty little secret.
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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Post by Gwbiii* »

Sarah listened intently as Vera recounted the story of her and Maxwell's meeting, smile stuck on her face. She found something incredibly amusing about Vera's delivery. She giggled as Vera drained her cup as if it was whisky or brandy or whatever people who drink drink when they're slightly exasperated.

She rolled her eyes at the possibility of Vera mistaking a right-wing slimeball for someone with a conscience again. The last incident had provided her with plenty of mocking material, still, she wasn't sure the momentary weirdness would be worth it, and she shuddered at the thought of it becoming a habit.

"Still... At any rate, you and Reiko seem happy enough together."

Sarah looked down as she felt Reiko's hand cover her own, and so she gently rubbed the one she was holding. She just had this sense of... contentment, she guessed. She closed her eyes and rested her head against Reiko's again.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
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Post by Ciel* »

"Um, close to 2000..." James was blushing like mad. She was teasing him... oh damn, could she read his mind? "W-Wait, like. Hah. I meant like not having many of the cheerleaders showing up. That's what I meant... yeah."

James didn't have a damn clue of what he was going to do. Maybe he could drive around and find a place to go, or even to sit! It didn't matter where he would like to go rather than what Thea would like. He loved her but she could get picky sometimes. He blinked as Thea tugged on his arm, pulling him away from the table. Were they leaving? This was all so sudden! James gulped and let out a nervous laugh. "H-Hey, wait Thea!"

((James continued elsewhere...))
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