Ambigious Plans

Boasting some of the best popcorn you could ever get your hands on, Sunset Cinema is a prime dating spot for local couples around the area. Couples, or even just large groups of friends, can usually be seen flocking into this theater on the weekends, while the more cash-conscious viewers seem to stick to the matinee. The ticket cost in this place is a little outrageous, but the snack bar more than makes up for it.
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Post by Moth* »

"My grampa woulda been right next to him, talking through the whole movie."

Gloria wiped her eyes a bit more, giggling at the thought of it--her father and Dirk's grandpa sitting in the theater with them, his grandfather talking all through the film. Mr. Benson wouldn't have liked it, but he wouldn't have said anything either. Since Dirk's grandpa wouldn't be bothering anyone else."Y-You know, I b-b-bet they are here..." Gloria sniffled, smiling a little more. "Dad l-loved these ki-kinds of movies..."

She noticed Simon stand up, complaining about his legs. Oops. Gloria was sure that these chairs would be comfortable enough for him...But she couldn't think any more on it, as Simon rummaged around in his bag a bit before handing her a tissue.

"Th-thank you..." Gloria mumbled, wiping her face with it before she blew her nose. She folded the tissue over a few times, wadded it up so the boys wouldn't have to see anything disgusting. She'd throw it in the garbage on the way out...Gloria took a few more deep breaths, and looked up at the screen, noticing that the pre-film advertisements were starting again. "We-We'd better g-g-go...Or the man-nager will yell at us."
Dirge Fireborn*
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Post by Dirge Fireborn* »

"We did kinda overstay our tickets. Let's go." Dirk started towards the door, "Come on."
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Post by Tagabasa* »

"That...might be a good idea." Simon stuffed the remaining items back into his bag. This only took a few seconds, as he seemed not to be interested in keeping them in any sort of order.

He followed Dirk outside the theather. "Coming, Glory?"
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Post by Moth* »

Gloria nodded, standing up, face dry at last. "Y-Yeah, I'm coming."

She walked outside, putting her glasses back and giving one last sniffle. Well, this day had gone in an unexpected direction, that must was certain. She dropped her food and drink in the trash on her way out, and gave the two another small smile. "Sorry again," she apologized, one hand going to her hair and toying with it.

" the night over?" she asked, looking skyward. Not quite wanting their night to end. But if it was supposed to, then it must be.
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Post by Tagabasa* »

Simon walked over to the trash can, dumping the empty popcorn bucket. "You don't have to apologize all the time, you know? Says you, Mr. Thank you. Hypocrite. "Anyway, it's still pretty early if you guys want to do something else." He checked his wristwatch, muttered something rude sounding under his breathe, and checked the pocket-watch in his bag. "Yep, definitely a bit more time."

Since the crowd of people seemed to have subsided, Simon leaned against the wall of the movie theater. "Well, that was fun, though." He must have been missing out, not going to movies. "I liked that movie."
Dirge Fireborn*
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Post by Dirge Fireborn* »

"It was. I wish I knew how to make armor like that." Dirk reviewed everything he'd gleaned from the movie, Magnetic repulsors, chemicals that made a small reactor, funny parts. He snickered at one. "Sorry guys, funny scene. When Pepper stuck her hands in Tony's chest."
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Post by Moth* »

"Anyway, it's still pretty early if you guys want to do something else. Yep, definitely a bit more time."

Gloria smiled a bit more at that, but before she could say anything more, her attention was grabbed by Dirk. Apparently giving the movie's various scenes his own input. Gloria's eyes went a bit wide as he went on, amazed that he remembered all of it--even if Gloria enjoyed a movie, it took at least three viewings for her to catch nearly as much information, and giggled a little when Dirk mentioned the funny scene. "Y-Yeah, that was good..." she whispered.

She checked her wallet, inside her purse, finding some cash she'd nearly forgotten about tucked in in the inner pocket. She counted the bills a few times, making sure it was the right amount...and looked up again. "Uhm...p-popcorn wasn't enough for me..So..." She shuffled her feet a few times and blushed slightly. "Do you want to get hamburgers?"
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Post by Tagabasa* »

"Come to think of it, I'm pretty hungry too." Simon blinked. When had he last eaten a real meal? Lunchtime tonight, he decided. It might be a good idea to get a proper dinner of some sorts. Simon pulled a fistful of bills out from inside his pocket, counting them as he did.

"Some, anyone know any good places to eat around here? I don't eat out that much, so I don't have that many ideas." Simon eat at home most of the time, usually cooking his own meals. His family complained about the extra cost and that fact that Simon could never seem to produce anything good until his third try, but they choose to put up with it most of the time. It meant less work for them, after all.
Dirge Fireborn*
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Post by Dirge Fireborn* »

"Hamburgers? Sure." Dirk started looking around, "I don't see any burger places here though. Is there one at the mall?"
'Ah, Hamburgers. Ground up bits of meat, smashed into a thick disk, covered in smashed tomatoes and sandwiched between two slices of ground seeds.' Dirk's eloquent thoughts were interrupted by the smell of burgers coming from somewhere in front of him.
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Post by Moth* »

"I...there's a burger place at the mall...not too f-far away," Gloria stammered, smiling a little. Ah, yeah. Burgers! "A-And they're cheap, too...I eat there sometimes."

She suddenly stopped, blushing a bit. She'd just assumed they'd want burgers, not anything else. "O-Or you don't have to get burgers," she mumbled shyly. "The food court's huge, you can get seafood or something if you want. I--I mean...I want hamburgers..." She shuffled her feet shyly, still red in the face. Oh, she was really messing up today.
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Post by Tagabasa* »

"The food court sounds good." Simoon stuffed his watch back into his pockets. "I think we could all probably get ourseleves a decent meal there." He stretched his arms out. Sitting down for that long a period of time usually didn't make him feel odd when he was at home, but this seemed to do it.'

"Well then, should we go? I'll have to be home soon or my family will start worrying." His family had pretty loose reigns on Simon, but they were clear on curfew. No matter how much they trusted their son, they didn't like the idea of him staying out all night without telling them first.

((Simon Fletcher continued elsewhere))
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Post by Moth* »

"Y-Yeah, you're right..." Gloria mumbled, nodding. She looked around, spotting a road that led to the mall. "So...let's get to the m-mall and eat, huh?" A thought suddenly struck her as she began walking, and she stopped, turning around to face the boys.

"S-Simon...if you have a curfew..maybe we should get the meals to go? And eat on the way home?" she suggested, fiddling with her hair again. Actually, that sounded kinda fun...walking around during the evening, eating burgers and fries straight out of bags...

Of course, it would only be if the boys had to go now. If there was still time to kill, there wouldn't be any problem with eating in the mall itself.

"I--I guess...we can go to the food court either way..." Gloria mumbled again, head ducking even lower.

(Gloria Benson continued to Proper Dinner
Dirge Fireborn*
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Post by Dirge Fireborn* »

"I've gotta get home guys, sorry I can't join you for burgers." Dirk smiled, he had made a few new friends, "Bye!" he hollered as he headed off towards his house.

To Elsewhere.

(OOC: Sorry I've been gone for a while. I got kicked off my computer, no priveledges. For that matter, I still am, so I'm gonna hop out of the currently active zone. See you later.)
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