Looking for 'Company'

The neon blue sign running vertically down the side of the brick building is enough to grab one's attention. The Varsity is a fairly well-known sports lounge, catering to teens and adults alike. A blue star stamp on your hand indicates you aren't old enough to drink alcoholic beverages, but many teens have easily found their way around that. The lounge itself is nice, with flatscreens lined up on the walls and pool tables, foosball tables, and arcade games set up around the area.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Jennifer listened to Morgan's recommendations, and decided to go head and order the nachos. Chips weren't her favorite food, but they weren't bad, and it would be good to show that she trusted Morgan. She ordered the next time the waitress came around, also asking for a glass of water.

Morgan said that his friends didn't play poker. Jennifer could understand that. Most of her friends didn't have much in common with her. Her favorite hobby, sewing, was something that none of her friends had any interest in at all. She wondered vaguely what she did have in common with her friends. For the most part, the answer was nothing.

Most of Jennifer's friends were younger than her. Her social group largely consisted of juniors and sophomores. Most of them were always neck deep in drama and conflict with each other. Jennifer did her best to sort things out for them, and was successful more often than not. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the next crisis occurred. Jennifer's friends in her own grade weren't much calmer. Most of them were the sorts of people who needed her help.

They all need you. That's your common ground. They need help, and you can provide it.

But what about me?

You don't need help. You don't get into huge arguments. You do just fine on your own.

Morgan listed some of his other interests, and Jennifer replied with a "Yeah", even though she didn't precisely know what he meant. Music was nice, but classical was so old fashioned, and she'd never been much of a tea drinker.

Jennifer was starting to get a little more comfortable around Morgan, now that she knew something about him. She at least felt like she now had a few things to discuss.

"I like music too. Um, more modern stuff, though. The piano's really nice though. Which, um, songs are you favorites?"
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Post by Namira »

((Jeez, I'm really sorry about that guys)).

Rosa leant laconically over the pool table and lined up one of the balls. What number was it? Eh, she didn't know, it was one of theirs at least. She hit it enthusiastically, and it dropped into the pocket. Rosa tried to punch the air, but the movement was a little too quick, and she wound up staggering to one side and tripping. She about caught herself on somebody's trousers, and after a vague moment of disorientation, Rosa realised she was essentially holding herself up by Teo's legs.

"Uh... hi!" she said with a lopsided grin, looking up at him. "Good thing you're stable right?"

Whew... tooo much to drink I think. No more pool for me.

"I think uh, somebody else might have to take over for me. Not seeing straight."

Rosa, trying to regain her compsure, made no move to shift away from or loosen her grip on Teo. 50:50 between her enjoying the contact and her needing the contact.
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Post by Fanatic* »

"I think uh, somebody else might have to take over for me. Not seeing straight."

Teo laughed as Rosa attempted to stabilise herself. "Yeah it's lucky I'm rock hard!" Glancing at Natasha Teo's face turned to a frown for a split second before returning to it's normal smiling disposition. "But I do think you're right about the game, someone should take you home, or at the very least you should sit down. How about you go talk to Lefty and Jen, see if one of them wants to join us." With that Teo tactfully pried off the inebriated girl and moved to his girlfriend, placing his arm over her shoulder protectively.

Turning to Rob he glanced at the game table. "You don't mind that we put it on hold until we find a forth? We've got a pretty good lead and I'd hate to win by default."
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

"Looking good, Dustin. Dustin is looking good."

Having just parked his Toyota Supra a couple of hundred metres from the Varsity entrance, Dustin Royal looked at himself in his rear-view mirror, combing down a few errant strands of hair with his small blue comb. Satisfied, Dustin put the comb back in his pocket - the comb was always there, and it would be a disaster for it not to be - and hopped out of the car.

Tonight, Dustin Royal was going to get laid. There was no question about that. The only question - who would be the lucky girl to experience the Royal Treatment?


Dustin strolled up to the Varsity door, classical guitar slung across his back. He never left the guitar alone in his car, and besides, the guitar was integral in any tail-chasing endeavor. Women loved it when Dustin's fingers danced over the strings, especially the drunk ones.

Flashing his fake ID - designed by one of the best forgers in New York while he was there visiting his equally-legendary cousin in New York last summer - Dustin smiled as the bouncer let him, 22 year old Dustin Chabon, in without a stamp, and reminded himself once again of how much his cousin Mike ruled.

Once inside, Dustin scoped the room for loose women, as the Catholic priest at his grandmother's church would say. Sadly, tonight saw a bit of a slump in tail attendance at the most prestigious sports bar in St. Paul. Damn Timberwolves, Dustin thought to himself. Whenever they play, the girls stay away.

Dustin recognised a few of the people there. At a table, Jennifer Perez - the cute little peacemaker - was talking with some kid he recognised, but didn't know - hanging around with Jennifer Romita was enough to ensure Dustin knew someone's face, but name and details was a completely different story. After a couple of seconds of assessing the situation, Dustin decided against joining them - while Ms. Perez did seem to be in a particularly vulnerable state tonight, the last thing she had was a reputation for being promiscuous, and Dustin knew he couldn't change that with a guitar.

Though if she's still here later, a challenge is a challenge...

Continuing his assessment of the situation, Dustin noticed two other Bayview guys up by the pool tables - Teo Weinstock and Robert something-or-other. Dustin knew Teo fairly well, and last time he checked, there were no hard feelings between them, though the tasty little morsel accompanying him might create some if she was as susceptible as she looked. As for the Robert guy, Dustin only knew him as some geek from the Christian club, and while Dustin was all about religious tolerance, that didn't mean he couldn't think of Christians as geeks.

However, that was when Dustin noticed the fourth person at their table.

Rosalia Fiametta.

Dustin smiled to himself, stroking back his hair and locking onto his target. Dustin knew of Rosalia's infamous promiscuity, but his equally-salacious reputation at Bayview meant that it was not often he had a chance with the Bayview ladies. But now Miss Rosa Fiametta, struggling to hold herself up and using Teo's legs as support, had presented herself - drunk, available, and almost certainly a sucker for a Spanish guitar solo from the Romantic period.

"You don't mind that we put it on hold until we find a forth? We've got a pretty good lead and I'd hate to win by default."

Teo's comment drifted across the semi-empty bar, and Dustin smiled. The perfect in. Get ready to have your world rocked, mon cherie, because Dustin is here like an atomic bomb. Hahaha.

Dustin strode up to the pool tables and flashed his impeccable smile at the group. "Did someone say 'fourth'? Because I've got a mean pool arm and an idea that you're going to want to see it. Dustin Royal, how ya doin'?"
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

The evening was not going how he'd planned. Teo was too enamoured with his girl to pay attention to what was happening, Rosa was falling over drunk. Not the way that he'd planned on unwinding. The pool game, he couldn't get himself to feel involved with. He just had too much on his mind. That the game itself was descending into a farce wasn't helping much. He was off form and Rosa pulling out pretty much brought the whole thing to a standstill. That Teo was just laughing it off made it worse, as the girl was clearly in some distress.

"You Okay there Rosa, you want a glass of water or something?"

At that moment, Dustin Royal wandered in. Bobby tried to see the best in everyone, but with someone like Dustin, it was pretty hard. Given the state that Rosa was in, it wasn't hard to see how the evening would progress, if Dustin had his way.

"I Dunno Teo. I rceckon I've had enough for the evening. If you wanna play, then that's alright by me. But things just got a mite chilly in here. I'm just gonna head off. Rosa, if you want a lift home, then I can do that. If you wanna stay, then just be careful. I've heard there's some real creeps out there tonight."

He grabbed his OJ and downed it in one shot, fully aware that this wasn't as manly as he wanted it to look, then grabbed his jacket and wandered back over to the pair at the bar.

"Hey guys, I'm done here, and heading off. Either of you need a lift?"
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

Morgan was rather surprised that everything had gone so smoothly. Given his initial attempts, he was glad that he could actually take the lead in the conversation from time to time. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that Teo had barged in.

"My favorite songs?" he said staring up at the ceiling for a moment, "Well, I love a lot of the standards, 1812 Overture, William Tell Overture, Moonlight Sonata, a whole bunch of the Nutcracker Suite...I mean, it's great when Christmas time comes around and sure enough, there is Tchaikovsky! I mean the movies are terrible, but it's always great hearing the classics.

"Anyways I don't mind modern music, at times, it's just, it's hard to find as much beauty and effort put into say a electronica rap remix you know?"

Morgan finished off his burger, wiped off his chin with a napkin and began to pick the final few fries from his plate.

He turned when he heard the offer from Robert. The guy was nice and friendly enough about offering, but he merely smiled and shook his head.

"No thanks, I'm a close enough walk from home."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Jennifer's food and water arrived very quickly. She sat listening to Morgan, nodding along and trying to look attentive, even though she didn't really know most of the songs he was talking about. At least she remembered The Nutcracker, though it had never been her favorite. Something about it had always creeped her out, though she had never quite put her finger on what.

It looked like Morgan was nearly done eating. Jennifer glanced around, and saw that Rosa seemed to be having some trouble over at the pool table.

How many drinks did she have? Is she alright?

She considered going over to try to help out, but it looked like things were under control, for the moment at least. They could pretty rapidly head downhill, though, if Teo's girlfriend took offense to the attention Rosa was paying him. Jennifer steeled herself. If it looked like things were going badly, she would go over and try to help. It was the least she could do after almost messing things up for Rosa earlier.

A new person walked into The Varsity, with a guitar slung across his back. Jennifer recognized him as Dustin Royal, one of her schoolmates. She cringed slightly. If Rosa had a bad reputation, Dustin was seen as promiscuity incarnate. He glanced over at her, Please don't come over. Please don't come over, and then walked over to the pool table. Jennifer sighed in relief. Thankfully, Dustin had never really bothered her much.

Robert quickly headed back towards Morgan and Jennifer, and offered them a ride.

"Um, thanks, but, uh, I'm not quite finished, and I like walking," Jennifer said. She smiled. It was a nice offer, but she wanted to stay out as late as she could.

She took a few more bites of her food, and turned to see what happened at the pool table.
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Post by Namira »

Rock hard...? Why, that's a bit naughty in front of your girlfriend don't you think?

Rosa's head wasn't quite on straight - heck, wasn't on straight at all. The drink had all suddenly caught up with her at once, and Rosa wasn't a very graceful drunk. It was astonishing that she hadn't said her comment to Teo out loud. Not that she would have minded, but it probably would have caused trouble, what with his girlfriend being right next to him and everything. Rosa lacked tack at the best of times, and whilst drunk, it was safe to say that it became non-existent.

The Fiametta awkwardly made her way to her feet, picking up the pool cue she'd dropped on the way. Taking a measured step back over to the table, she replaced the cue, although it took her a couple of attempts to actually get it into the rack. Rosa was about to follow Teo's suggestion and go back over to Leftowitz and Jennifer to find a replacement, when somebody stepped in to deftly fill in the gap.

Oh hey there cutey... it's that Dustin guy from school.

Dustin Royal had a bit of a reputation - much like Rosa's own, but she didn't like to judge people. After all, she'd been condemned plenty for her 'loose' behavour by a whole lot of people - none of whom knew the real story. Not even Frankie and Ilario. They thought she was just sex-crazed or something...

Due to this, Rosa didn't take it for granted that Dustin was some kind of creep, although quite unfortunately, drawing her own conclusions meant that she missed the observation that sometimes rumours had good basis...

"Hey, I know how to uh... handle myself," Rosa said to Robert with a wink, ignoring the warning for the sake of the rather blatent euphanism. Not that'd she'd have done much different if she wasn't drunk... the only probable variation would have been her actually taking note of what Robert had said.

Now... Dustin... you're looking a lot more available than Teo right now.
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Post by Fanatic* »

Teo smiled as Dustin came over hands extended in welcome. "No way! THE Dustin? Nah I'm just kidding, nice to meet you, you go to Bayview right?"

As Teo greeted the newcomer he heard Robert announce his plans to leave for the night. "Aw don't go man, we're just getting started, you only live once right?"

The game was obviously stalled and Teo was starting to doubt whether he could get it started again. Dustin clearly only had one thing on his mind, but Teo wasn't one to judge. As long as Rosa had no problem with it, he wouldn't step in. Plus the distraction of another male would hopefully stop the poor girl from pawing at him (although in truth he loved it, jealousy was a powerful aphrodisiac), which meant that Tash might still be interested in a little hanky panky later on tonight.

Still there was no reason why the couple should leave at this point. Teo was a social guy, and getting to know people was, as his father always said, an important part of entering the real world. Who knows Dustin could end up being a pretty important guy in the future.

So Teo kept his game face on as Robert made to leave and Dustin joined his table.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

"No way! THE Dustin? Nah I'm just kidding, nice to meet you, you go to Bayview right?"

"The one and only. Teo, I presume? Yeah, I go to Bayview, but I wouldn't go shouting that from the rafters, the bar staff here think I'm a 22-year-old software engineer, haha."

Dustin winked at Rosa, a lascivious smirk plastered across his face. She was stumbling around, completely off her face, and Dustin couldn't have been happier with that. She gazed over at him and slurred a reply to Barron, who had just asked her if she needed a lift home.

"Hey, I know how to uh... handle myself."

Dustin's smirk widened. This couldn't be easier if I'd slipped her a roofie. Hahaha.

Barron walked off to the other table and Dustin found all eyes on him. Of course, Dustin was used to being the centre of attention - why wouldn't he be? He was attractive, intelligent, fit, talented - everything the centre of attention should be. Dustin stroked back his hair a little and smiled.

"So, shall the games begin?"
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

It was weird. He was both relieved and a bit nervous that nobody had taken him up on his offer. Still, he was used to it. He'd never really been one of the cool group, and his attitude to most of the normal high school life was a little bit more conservative than would be considered usual. Still, he did find himself worrying about Rosa as he headed for the door. Maybe it was because he was about the only guy there that she hadn't flirted with. How much did she know? And how much was she just guessing?

He paused. Maybe he couldn't do a lot to stop what might happen, but he would do what he could. "Morgan, can I ask a favour. Keep an eye on Rosa for me, make sure she get's home safe." Maybe that was a bit too forceful. "But only if you can. I mean, you might have plans already. And why not? You guys look like you make a cute couple." He smiled warmly at the pair, yelled out a quick "Have fun guys" to the crowd round the table, and walked off to find his Toyota.

((Robert Barron cont'd in An Apple A Day))
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

Morgan bit back the urge to say something about them not being a couple when Robert drew attention to their apparent chemistry. Never talking to someone until a day like today and socializing did not a couple make. She was a nice girl for sure, but he wasn't going to rush in out of nowhere and say 'Hey, we barely know each other! Do you want to go out with me?'

He did notice, however that Rosa was starting to swagger and dip as she moved. She was chatting it up with Dustin Royal a man who Morgan had known about from Jen. He couldn't remember if the two of them had dated more than once but he did recall that they had one that went as expected. Still, he was a persistent man and his love of women wasn't exactly a well kept secret.

Morgan saw what was inevitably coming between the two bar patrons and while he simply nodded and smiled as Robert left, he wasn't exactly keen on breaking it up. Doing that was a good way to get clocked, from Dustin and/or Rosa. Still, he'd almost finished his meal and when he was done he might as well make an offer to call a taxi and if she said no, it wouldn't be his problem, he at least tried.

He turned his head from the table back to his fries, "So..." he said to Jennifer, prying for something more to talk about.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Robert asked Morgan to keep an eye on Rosa, his thoughts apparently mirroring Jennifer's. A few seconds later, when Robert implied that Jennifer and Morgan were a couple, Jennifer felt her cheeks warm. Her complexion made it a little harder to tell that she was blushing, but she wasn't about to count on it. She turned a little, hoping to avoid giving the boys a good look at her face.

We are not dating! What the fuck made him think we are? I mean, Morgan isn't a bad guy, but still. It can't be that hard to...

Suddenly, it hit Jennifer that she had made the exact same mistake earlier in the evening, thinking Morgan and Rosa were a couple.

There's a saying that applies here. What is it again? The pot calling the kettle black?

Morgan started to say something, but sort of trailed off, and Jennifer took a second to think. Then she said, "So, um, are you getting excited about the end of the school year? There's all sorts of interesting stuff coming up: Prom, the senior trip, graduation..."

Jennifer was actually pretty nervous about all the things she had just mentioned. She didn't have a Prom date, and wasn't actively looking for one, but the dance itself was a bit of a big deal. She had been working on making a dress for it for a while, and hoped it would look nice. The senior trip was less worrying, but since it was one of the last things done as a class there was the potential for all sorts of irritating drama. People wouldn't care as much about trying to get along, because they would soon be heading their separate ways.

Jennifer was absolutely terrified of graduation. She had been accepted at a community college, and was looking for work, but she wasn't at all sure she was ready to face the "real world" of college and part-time employment. She would have to find a job at some point soon, though, if she actually wanted to continue her education.

Maybe if I save up a little extra I'll be able to move away from my family too. Then I wouldn't have to put up with their squabbles any more.
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Post by Namira »

Rosa didn't particularly care whether or not the game continued... although she didn't see Teo just plain giving up on things. Still, it would be a little odd playing with three, wouldn't it? Ah well, Rosa wasn't about to step in, not after she'd stepped out just before. Besides, she had something much, much more important on her mind.

Well, to her, anyway.

Slightly more steadily than earlier, Rosa took a couple of careful steps until she was standing directly behind Dustin. Gently putting her arms around his waist and moving forward until her breasts were pushed up against his back, Rosa stretched up as close to Dustin's ear as she could manage (which wasn't very, she was rather shorter than him)

"So... what're you up to later tonight?" she asked in what amounted to something more than a whisper. Louder than she'd intended, but Rosa was a little too drunk to realise that. Rosa wouldn't usually be as physical as this in her flirtations (not unless she was really playing with somebody), but she would be about as direct. No sense beating about the bush with things right?

C'mon... after that, if you're not up for it... you must be gay or something.
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Post by Fanatic* »

Teo watched incredulously as Rosa swayed her way over to Dustin as he stepped up to the table.

"Ok well we need one more if you're... um still interested in playing?" Teo motioned to the now attached Rosa with his pool cue as he spoke. From his point of view these two were made for each other, to be perfectly honest he would prefer if they just went off and did their own thing for awhile. At least in that case he could finish a game. "Tell you what Tash and I are happy to play singles for awhile. Why don't ya take Rosa up to the bar, make sure she's ok and if it's all good I'll show you up later yeah?"

Placing the pool cue down Teo began gathering up the pool balls back into the triangle rack and began arranging the balls for a new game. The aborted one didn't look like it would be finishing any time soon. Once he had finished he smiled at Natasha who gingerly smiled back, comfortable now that her perceived 'competition' had been 'taken care of.'

"Just you and me for this one babe," the footballer said as he handed her a cue. He had, like always played her just right and his girlfriend lent to take a shot, exposing ample cleavage as she did so, just the way Teo liked it.

The pool game would be finished, he would win like always and if Dustin was otherwise distracted he would head home for the night, if Royal chose to take him up on one later then all the better.
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