The Fifth Announcement

Here, the announcements that Mr. Danya made over the course of SOTF Version 1 have been archived for your reading pleasure. Please note that segments of these announcements not directly pertaining to Version 1 have been removed.
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The Fifth Announcement


Post by Kaishi* »

"Hello there kiddies!"

Mr. Danya's cheery voice filled the island up like a round balloon. "How are you all on this fine morning? Good, bad, so-so, I don't care. All I know is that you kids are killing machines, through and through.

"You just might be able to give those big bad terrorists a run for their money, afterall." There was a light pause, and a shuffling of paper. "Ah...I see now. Nearly lost the list. Teehee, it's a long one, so listen up good.

The 28th person to die on the island was Naoji Hideyoshi, killed by Clemence de Rousseau. The 29th person to die was James Kelecks; a double kill for Clemence. Atta girl!" Danya smirked, then continued his vicious announcement.

"30th to die was Aaron Redfield, killed by Katherine Marks. Katherine Marks was then killed by Chi Masumi soon after, making her the 31st to die. 32nd to die was Blaine Eno shot with a shotgun blast by Adam Dodd." Danya sighed, seemingly bored with the large death-list.

"33rd, Sophie Marasino, by Ash Holmes.
34th, Ash Holmes, by Cillian Crowe.
35th, Umi Martin, by Peri Barclay.
36th, Cassandra Roivas, by Kiyoko Asakawa.
37th, Kiyoko Asakawa, by Cassandra Roivas.
38th, Garret Langston, by Jacob Starr.
39th, Marie Zaid, killed by Daphne Rudko.
40th, Max McNeil, shot by Shinya Motomura.
41st, Nanami Nishida, killed by her own best friend, Madelaine Shirohara.
42nd, Jayne Brown, by Jason Andrews.
43rd, Hawley Faust, killed by bloodloss from his wounds. Thought that one would last a long while, but seeing as this is SOTF...I guess not.
44th, Thom Chuck, by Peri Barclay.
45th, Woodrow Wilson, by Shinya Motomura.
46th, Marcus Roddy, by Adam Dodd.
47th, Duncan Wright, by Angharad Davies.
48th, Eddie Serjeantson, by Daphne Rudko.
49th, Miranda Grey, also by Daphne Rudko.
50th, Daphne Rudko, shot by Jason Andrews.

A salute to all the dead; it ain't easy surviving. Death's inevitable for the unfit, although I respect you all for trying hard to win.

All existing Danger Zones have been wiped. The new Danger Zones are the Old Warehouse and the Makeshift Hospital. Run for your lives, lads and lassies! And, remember to keep in there and never give up! That's when they strike you hardest.


There was a clicking sound as Mr. Danya hung up the communication system. He sucked his teeth and rapped his fingers on the desk in front of him. The American Army's threats from their Public Service Announcement played in his head like an annoying tune. There was hardly a way that they'd actually find him, and they hardly had any resources to do anything too major. Not with all their attention focused on the war between themselves and Danya's people, anywho.

Alas, just like with the events going on on SOTF island, time would only tell.


Okay everyone, there you go. If I missed any deaths, then tell me, because if I don't know then I won't know. Capiche?

There'll be a dice roll in my next post in this topic. Prepare yourselves, as this is going to be a big one.
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