Eating Out (Cleanly)
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:35 am
Eating Out (Cleanly)
((Thread's open to anyone))
McDonald's. Mickey D's, as she had heard some of the kids in school call it. Kaitlin picked up her Big Mac, and took a bite out of it. It wasn't necessarily what most people would call 'gourmet food', but to Kaitlin, it was fantastic. Anything that wasn't her mother's cooking was always a wonderful experience.
"Theodore, you know what we're doing today?" Kaitlin had put the bear in a Macy bags she had gotten from the house- she wanted to bring him with her, but she didn't much fancy just carrying him around in her arms the whole time. "We're going shopping!"
Kaitlin took a big bite out of her Big Mac, and then downed it with some of her Coke. "Theodore, I'm serious! Mommy gave me some money, and she said I could buy anything I want. I'll buy some nice shorts, some pants, some dresses..."
Kaitlin giggled. "...and maybe even some nice bras and panties, Theo." Kaitlin put down her Big Mac, and started in on her fries. Together with the Coke, it tasted great.
"Plus in the mall, we might see some cute boys!" Kaitlin smiled a mischievous grin, and the dimples in her cheeks fully showed. "Sure, mommy might not want me talking to them... but what mommy doesn't know won't hurt her. And... OH! We might even see Winston here!"
Kaitlin went back to eating her fries and burger, blushing. She might have said that last part just a little too loudly... But ah well. There was no one from her school here, was there? As Kaitlin began to get worried, she felt one hand go absentmindedly to her heart necklace. To the picture of her father.
McDonald's. Mickey D's, as she had heard some of the kids in school call it. Kaitlin picked up her Big Mac, and took a bite out of it. It wasn't necessarily what most people would call 'gourmet food', but to Kaitlin, it was fantastic. Anything that wasn't her mother's cooking was always a wonderful experience.
"Theodore, you know what we're doing today?" Kaitlin had put the bear in a Macy bags she had gotten from the house- she wanted to bring him with her, but she didn't much fancy just carrying him around in her arms the whole time. "We're going shopping!"
Kaitlin took a big bite out of her Big Mac, and then downed it with some of her Coke. "Theodore, I'm serious! Mommy gave me some money, and she said I could buy anything I want. I'll buy some nice shorts, some pants, some dresses..."
Kaitlin giggled. "...and maybe even some nice bras and panties, Theo." Kaitlin put down her Big Mac, and started in on her fries. Together with the Coke, it tasted great.
"Plus in the mall, we might see some cute boys!" Kaitlin smiled a mischievous grin, and the dimples in her cheeks fully showed. "Sure, mommy might not want me talking to them... but what mommy doesn't know won't hurt her. And... OH! We might even see Winston here!"
Kaitlin went back to eating her fries and burger, blushing. She might have said that last part just a little too loudly... But ah well. There was no one from her school here, was there? As Kaitlin began to get worried, she felt one hand go absentmindedly to her heart necklace. To the picture of her father.
With spring quickly approaching, William Davis found himself once again in need of a wardrobe update, and the Promenade was the place to go. Will always preferred going here over the heavily tourist-populated Mall of America. He never really understood why people from Japan would come all the way to Minnesota just to visit the mall, but the idea had always irked him. It was like going to London just to shop in The Trocadero instead of checking out all the great museums and local places to hang out. Besides the occasional tourist trap like a fishing expedition or the Indian casinos, what else did the Twin Cities really have that made the tourists swarm in?
Today, the smartly dressed William felt particularly accomplished in his shopping endeavors. Within his H&M bag was about $100 worth of carefully picked items, including a brand new spring jacket and a few button-down shirts. It was still a bit hard to find stuff in his size, but after slimming down over the year, the XL's that H&M sold nearly fit him perfectly, if not for a slight bulge where his gut still protruded from his body. That should be gone soon enough, he thought to himself, patting it as he walked toward the food court in search of a salad for lunch, as long as we keep on this diet, that is. I can't wait until I can start eating real food again. His stomach growled in agreement. "Quiet you, this is all your fault anyway." He said, completely ignoring the quizzical looks of a few nearby mall patrons.
Having picked up a nice garden salad and a bottle of water from the Frullatti Cafe, fighting back the urge to get a smoothie as well, Will walked around the food court looking for a place to sit. As he wandered about he found a seat for one with hardly anyone around. He munched on his salad, disappointed as always that the leaves of lettuce and spinach that adorned the bowl never tasted as good as they looked, even with the lite dressing that was provided. It wasn't until he suddenly heard someone behind him suddenly exclaim "OH! We might even see Winston here!" that he even was aware that he was sitting near someone else from school.
Quickly wiping away any foliage or dressing that happened to miss its mark from his lips with his napkin, he turned to see a rather fetching looking girl with long red hair who happened to be sitting in the company of a teddy bear. Is that... Kaitlin Anderheim? He asked himself, not sure if he should say anything in this situation. It wasn't often that he saw Kaitlin around town, and he hardly knew her outside of the few classes they had shared over the years, but his outgoing nature got the best of him and he decided to say a friendly hello. With that in mind, Will turned around in his chair with a smile and said the first thing that came to his mind in the hopes of striking up a conversation across the isle. "Hey Kaitlin! Fancy meeting you here, eh? What brings you here today?" He said to her nonchalantly, taking a sip of water from his bottle as he awaited her reply.
Today, the smartly dressed William felt particularly accomplished in his shopping endeavors. Within his H&M bag was about $100 worth of carefully picked items, including a brand new spring jacket and a few button-down shirts. It was still a bit hard to find stuff in his size, but after slimming down over the year, the XL's that H&M sold nearly fit him perfectly, if not for a slight bulge where his gut still protruded from his body. That should be gone soon enough, he thought to himself, patting it as he walked toward the food court in search of a salad for lunch, as long as we keep on this diet, that is. I can't wait until I can start eating real food again. His stomach growled in agreement. "Quiet you, this is all your fault anyway." He said, completely ignoring the quizzical looks of a few nearby mall patrons.
Having picked up a nice garden salad and a bottle of water from the Frullatti Cafe, fighting back the urge to get a smoothie as well, Will walked around the food court looking for a place to sit. As he wandered about he found a seat for one with hardly anyone around. He munched on his salad, disappointed as always that the leaves of lettuce and spinach that adorned the bowl never tasted as good as they looked, even with the lite dressing that was provided. It wasn't until he suddenly heard someone behind him suddenly exclaim "OH! We might even see Winston here!" that he even was aware that he was sitting near someone else from school.
Quickly wiping away any foliage or dressing that happened to miss its mark from his lips with his napkin, he turned to see a rather fetching looking girl with long red hair who happened to be sitting in the company of a teddy bear. Is that... Kaitlin Anderheim? He asked himself, not sure if he should say anything in this situation. It wasn't often that he saw Kaitlin around town, and he hardly knew her outside of the few classes they had shared over the years, but his outgoing nature got the best of him and he decided to say a friendly hello. With that in mind, Will turned around in his chair with a smile and said the first thing that came to his mind in the hopes of striking up a conversation across the isle. "Hey Kaitlin! Fancy meeting you here, eh? What brings you here today?" He said to her nonchalantly, taking a sip of water from his bottle as he awaited her reply.
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:35 am
"Hey Kaitlin! Fancy meeting you here, eh? What brings you here today?"
When Kaitlin heard the voice, she jumped a little bit in her seat. Someone was here who knew her? But that must mean that there was someone here from her school! And they might have had heard about Winston... Kaitlin gave Theodore one last look, and then turned around.
It was a large brown eyed boy from her school, with a smile on her face. She knew him- Kaitlin furrowed her brow, deep in thought, trying to figure out who he was. And then, in a sudden flash of insight, she realized who he was. She looked up, smiling.
"You're... William, right?!" Yes, that was William! She knew him from a few of her classes... he was a nice kid. He used to have been a lot more chubby, but he had lost some weight. "I'm, umm, just here to buy some, uh... clothes? Yeah, I'm here to buy some clothes!"
Oh, he probably thinks I'm such an idiot! Kaitlin was never good at talking to boys- she wasn't like the other girls in her grade. They made the boys chase after them, and she... oh, no one was interested in her. Especially not if they- WAIT! Did William see Theodore? If he saw her with a teddy bear, he might tell everyone else...
"Uh, so you're just getting some clothes too?" Kaitlin started to bend back in her chair, trying to find a way to push Theodore back into her bag without making it too obvious. Perhaps she could play it off as if she was stretching. Just a little more... a little more and she'd be able to push Theodore back into the bag. "Did you find any... you know, good ones?"
If Kaitlin had looked to see where she was sitting, and noticed that someone had managed to spill sauce right where her feet were going, she might not have tried to pull off such a complicated maneuver. But Kaitlin didn't see it and so, as she was just about to touch Theodore, she felt her foot hit the sauce. Her leg went into the air, and her chair slipped beneath her.
"Ow!" Kaitlin hit the ground, landing right on her rear end. She heard her food and drink spill next to her, but fortunately, Theodore managed to remain on the table. The one thing she'd been meaning to push off in the first place. If he didn't think I was an idiot before, he definitely thinks it now.
When Kaitlin heard the voice, she jumped a little bit in her seat. Someone was here who knew her? But that must mean that there was someone here from her school! And they might have had heard about Winston... Kaitlin gave Theodore one last look, and then turned around.
It was a large brown eyed boy from her school, with a smile on her face. She knew him- Kaitlin furrowed her brow, deep in thought, trying to figure out who he was. And then, in a sudden flash of insight, she realized who he was. She looked up, smiling.
"You're... William, right?!" Yes, that was William! She knew him from a few of her classes... he was a nice kid. He used to have been a lot more chubby, but he had lost some weight. "I'm, umm, just here to buy some, uh... clothes? Yeah, I'm here to buy some clothes!"
Oh, he probably thinks I'm such an idiot! Kaitlin was never good at talking to boys- she wasn't like the other girls in her grade. They made the boys chase after them, and she... oh, no one was interested in her. Especially not if they- WAIT! Did William see Theodore? If he saw her with a teddy bear, he might tell everyone else...
"Uh, so you're just getting some clothes too?" Kaitlin started to bend back in her chair, trying to find a way to push Theodore back into her bag without making it too obvious. Perhaps she could play it off as if she was stretching. Just a little more... a little more and she'd be able to push Theodore back into the bag. "Did you find any... you know, good ones?"
If Kaitlin had looked to see where she was sitting, and noticed that someone had managed to spill sauce right where her feet were going, she might not have tried to pull off such a complicated maneuver. But Kaitlin didn't see it and so, as she was just about to touch Theodore, she felt her foot hit the sauce. Her leg went into the air, and her chair slipped beneath her.
"Ow!" Kaitlin hit the ground, landing right on her rear end. She heard her food and drink spill next to her, but fortunately, Theodore managed to remain on the table. The one thing she'd been meaning to push off in the first place. If he didn't think I was an idiot before, he definitely thinks it now.
"You're William, right?!"
"Last time I checked." Will said with a chuckle and a grin. He never held it against anyone for forgetting his name, but it was nice to know that he was remembered, and a hell of a lot less awkward. "You can call me Will if you like. Most people do, nowadays anyway."
When Kaitlin mentioned that she was here for 'clothes' in such an odd fashion, Will stifled a laugh. It seemed like such an odd response for such a simple question, which could be taken as a sign that she probably had more private plans that weren't any of his business, but as she continued to talk about clothes rather than dodge the subject, Will just figured he had caught her off guard. What he didn't get was why she was going so far out of her way to try and push and stuff something down in her bag?
"Actually, I just got back from H&M." He said as Kaitlin continued to stretch backwards, trying his best not to stare as if it were odd. If it was anyone he really knew well he would have called them out on their odd behavior, but Will didn't want Kaitlin to think he was a jerk, so he just continued on with the conversation as if everything was perfectly normal. "They usually have a pretty good sales rack, so I picked up a few nice shirts for pretty cheap. You could probably find a lot of great stuff there if you happen to - Oh my God, are you alright?"
It was actually a pretty silly sight, watching Kaitlin go flying backwards off of her chair right before his eyes as a result of her odd stretching. The thing that she had been so desperately trying to hide was now in plain view, and even though Will could see Theodore sitting in the Macy's bag, he had no time to wonder why Kaitlin was trying to hide it in the first place. Will had already jumped out of his chair to help Kaitlin get up off the dirty food court floor. Luckily, she hadn't hit her head or anything as she went down, but her bottom was probably a bit sore from the fall.
"Here, I've got you." He said, offering his hand to get her back up on her feet. With her drink and food spilled, if she didn't get up quickly she would soon be soaking in a puddle of Coke. "Nothing a few napkins wouldn't fix, yeah?"
"Last time I checked." Will said with a chuckle and a grin. He never held it against anyone for forgetting his name, but it was nice to know that he was remembered, and a hell of a lot less awkward. "You can call me Will if you like. Most people do, nowadays anyway."
When Kaitlin mentioned that she was here for 'clothes' in such an odd fashion, Will stifled a laugh. It seemed like such an odd response for such a simple question, which could be taken as a sign that she probably had more private plans that weren't any of his business, but as she continued to talk about clothes rather than dodge the subject, Will just figured he had caught her off guard. What he didn't get was why she was going so far out of her way to try and push and stuff something down in her bag?
"Actually, I just got back from H&M." He said as Kaitlin continued to stretch backwards, trying his best not to stare as if it were odd. If it was anyone he really knew well he would have called them out on their odd behavior, but Will didn't want Kaitlin to think he was a jerk, so he just continued on with the conversation as if everything was perfectly normal. "They usually have a pretty good sales rack, so I picked up a few nice shirts for pretty cheap. You could probably find a lot of great stuff there if you happen to - Oh my God, are you alright?"
It was actually a pretty silly sight, watching Kaitlin go flying backwards off of her chair right before his eyes as a result of her odd stretching. The thing that she had been so desperately trying to hide was now in plain view, and even though Will could see Theodore sitting in the Macy's bag, he had no time to wonder why Kaitlin was trying to hide it in the first place. Will had already jumped out of his chair to help Kaitlin get up off the dirty food court floor. Luckily, she hadn't hit her head or anything as she went down, but her bottom was probably a bit sore from the fall.
"Here, I've got you." He said, offering his hand to get her back up on her feet. With her drink and food spilled, if she didn't get up quickly she would soon be soaking in a puddle of Coke. "Nothing a few napkins wouldn't fix, yeah?"
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:35 am
"Hey, I've got you." William put his hand out, and Kaitlin took it, letting him help her up. After all, he was a *nice* boy, and it would be rude not to accept his offer of help. "Nothing a few napkins can't fix, right?"
"Yeah, you're right." Kaitlin looked up at William, then back down to the food, and then back at William. He had a worried look on his face, and Kaitlin started to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry I made you come over here.... I'm such a klutz sometimes!"
Kaitlin looked down at the floor, and saw a messy pile of mixed cheese, sauce, burger, fries and soda on the floor. It was going to take a while to clean that up... if only she hadn't knocked it onto the ground! Kaitlin began to run her fingers through her hair, a normal habit for her when she was nervous.
"Oh, the people here are going to be so mad at me..." Kaitlin found herself looking around the food court, wondering if there were any staff with Wait, what did that stupid redhead do? on their mind. There didn't appear to be any staff looking at her, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps this won't be such a bad day at all! Kaitlin grinned, and grabbed a few napkins from the table. If I can just clean this up fast, no one will be mad at me!
"Yeah, you're right." Kaitlin looked up at William, then back down to the food, and then back at William. He had a worried look on his face, and Kaitlin started to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry I made you come over here.... I'm such a klutz sometimes!"
Kaitlin looked down at the floor, and saw a messy pile of mixed cheese, sauce, burger, fries and soda on the floor. It was going to take a while to clean that up... if only she hadn't knocked it onto the ground! Kaitlin began to run her fingers through her hair, a normal habit for her when she was nervous.
"Oh, the people here are going to be so mad at me..." Kaitlin found herself looking around the food court, wondering if there were any staff with Wait, what did that stupid redhead do? on their mind. There didn't appear to be any staff looking at her, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps this won't be such a bad day at all! Kaitlin grinned, and grabbed a few napkins from the table. If I can just clean this up fast, no one will be mad at me!
"Nah, no worries." Will said in reply as Kaitlin apologized for dragging him in to her literal mess. It was one of the few British terms that still stuck with him after coming being back in America for half a year. Other expressions that had once come almost naturally after spending nearly a year overseas had all been crushed by Minnesota's oots and aboots.
William couldn't just stand around as Kaitlin tried to clean up the mess, so he gathered what remaining napkins that happened to be at his table and joined in, wiping down the chair as Kaitlin cleaned off the table before both of them bent over to pick up what remained of the food on the floor. Whatever remnants of the meal that weren't liquids were caught up by now well used napkins and put onto Will's unused food court tray, ready for disposal.
"There, that should do it." He said, taking one last look at what remained of the mess. They had managed to get most of the pieces of food except for the occasional lettuce or onion bits, although the floor was still fairly wet with Coke. As a somewhat awkward silence began to settle, Will began to rub the back of his neck, unsure of what to do now that everything was taken care of.
Should I just go back to eating my salad? was his first thought, though that was quickly shoved aside by other ideas. You know, Kaitlin is pretty cute. Maybe you should ask her out? I wonder if she has a boyfriend... Do you think she would say yes? I mean, she really doesn't know you that well, and you don't know her all that well, but hey, who knows? Well, not you obviously, because if you knew you would have done it already. Should I go for it? Oh crap, you've just been staring blankly at the ground for like the past 30 seconds. SAY SOMETHING! With that, Will looked up at the table and focused on the first thing he noticed; the bear in the Macy's bag sitting off to the side.
"So... Did you just buy that teddy bear today?" he blurted out awkwardly after his moment of agonizing debate within his head, choosing the usually safe route of trivial conversation rather than face his fear of rejection.
William couldn't just stand around as Kaitlin tried to clean up the mess, so he gathered what remaining napkins that happened to be at his table and joined in, wiping down the chair as Kaitlin cleaned off the table before both of them bent over to pick up what remained of the food on the floor. Whatever remnants of the meal that weren't liquids were caught up by now well used napkins and put onto Will's unused food court tray, ready for disposal.
"There, that should do it." He said, taking one last look at what remained of the mess. They had managed to get most of the pieces of food except for the occasional lettuce or onion bits, although the floor was still fairly wet with Coke. As a somewhat awkward silence began to settle, Will began to rub the back of his neck, unsure of what to do now that everything was taken care of.
Should I just go back to eating my salad? was his first thought, though that was quickly shoved aside by other ideas. You know, Kaitlin is pretty cute. Maybe you should ask her out? I wonder if she has a boyfriend... Do you think she would say yes? I mean, she really doesn't know you that well, and you don't know her all that well, but hey, who knows? Well, not you obviously, because if you knew you would have done it already. Should I go for it? Oh crap, you've just been staring blankly at the ground for like the past 30 seconds. SAY SOMETHING! With that, Will looked up at the table and focused on the first thing he noticed; the bear in the Macy's bag sitting off to the side.
"So... Did you just buy that teddy bear today?" he blurted out awkwardly after his moment of agonizing debate within his head, choosing the usually safe route of trivial conversation rather than face his fear of rejection.
The mall wasn't Rosa Fiametta's favourite place in the world so far as hanging out went. There were better places to kill time and better things to do than look around in shops. Sure, it was nice to go out and have a spend now and then, but just wandering around the same building for days on end? No thanks, Rosa already had school for that...
Still, the mall wasn't too bad, for all that. There were a variety of places to eat for example, which was the main reason Rosa had even come there. Well, that and Frankie had wanted to do... something or other. Normally Rosa led the way so far as destinations went, but she hadn't really had anywhere in mind to go. Besides, refusing to go along with Frankie just because of leadership was... well, just plain petulant.
However, Rosa was now getting ticked off. About ten minutes ago, maybe slightly less, Frankie had wandered off somewhere, requesting Rosa wait. Now... Rosa had been left waiting for quite some time. She wanted to go grab something to eat, but didn't exactly fancy trying to find Frankie once she came back from wherever it was she had gone off to. Plus, Rosa doubted her sister would be too thrilled about having to do the same. Whether or not her sister was in a good mood wasn't priority one for Rosa by any means, but getting into an argument with one of her siblings didn't have fun stamped all over it.
With nothing else to do but wait, Rosa let her eyes roam around randomly, watching the people go by. Nearby, there was all kinds of places to eat... most of them fast food stores. As a matter of fact, just outside one of them, not too far from where Rosa was standing, she could see a couple of people who looked to be in her year. Certainly they were familiar enough. One, a red-headed girl was... Kate? Catherine? It defnitely had the 'Ka' sound in it. The other was a slightly overweight boy, although he wasn't huge, huge. No name was forthcoming.
Rosa wondered whether she should go up to talk or not, but then decided it would be somewhat random. Yeah, they were in her grade, but she barely knew either of them... if they noticed her, fine. Until then, Rosa would just wait for her sister and try not to look like she was eavesdropping.
Still, the mall wasn't too bad, for all that. There were a variety of places to eat for example, which was the main reason Rosa had even come there. Well, that and Frankie had wanted to do... something or other. Normally Rosa led the way so far as destinations went, but she hadn't really had anywhere in mind to go. Besides, refusing to go along with Frankie just because of leadership was... well, just plain petulant.
However, Rosa was now getting ticked off. About ten minutes ago, maybe slightly less, Frankie had wandered off somewhere, requesting Rosa wait. Now... Rosa had been left waiting for quite some time. She wanted to go grab something to eat, but didn't exactly fancy trying to find Frankie once she came back from wherever it was she had gone off to. Plus, Rosa doubted her sister would be too thrilled about having to do the same. Whether or not her sister was in a good mood wasn't priority one for Rosa by any means, but getting into an argument with one of her siblings didn't have fun stamped all over it.
With nothing else to do but wait, Rosa let her eyes roam around randomly, watching the people go by. Nearby, there was all kinds of places to eat... most of them fast food stores. As a matter of fact, just outside one of them, not too far from where Rosa was standing, she could see a couple of people who looked to be in her year. Certainly they were familiar enough. One, a red-headed girl was... Kate? Catherine? It defnitely had the 'Ka' sound in it. The other was a slightly overweight boy, although he wasn't huge, huge. No name was forthcoming.
Rosa wondered whether she should go up to talk or not, but then decided it would be somewhat random. Yeah, they were in her grade, but she barely knew either of them... if they noticed her, fine. Until then, Rosa would just wait for her sister and try not to look like she was eavesdropping.
A harsh cough erupted from Francesca Fiametta as smoke danced from her mouth. Her glazed over eyes followed the smoke as it began it's journey towards the bathroom ceiling. Her gaze shifted from the graceful smoke to the blunt held between her thumb and index finger. Frankie stared lovingly at the slowly dwindling drug, her heaven. The one thing in the world that calmed her dragon.
At that moment, Frankie remember about her sister. She had left her a few minutes ago and she was sure Rosa was getting pissy, but she could wait. Frankie needed this. She hadn't done it all day and her nerves were shot. And besides, Rosa was probably off fucking some poor schmuck.
"Hehe," Frankie grinned to herself. It was that she didn't love Rosa, cause she really did, but damn did she get around. Frankie really couldn't hold it against her though, Bayview had it's fair share of attractive men- though the majority of them were fucking immature little boys who were constantly having a pissing contest.
With a heavy sigh and one last hit, Frankie lifted up the toilet seat she had been sitting on and regretfully dropped the rest of the blunt into the blue water below, watching as it swirled it's way into oblivion.
Before the pothead had a chance to even process her thoughts, familiar emptiness in her stomach called to her. Mmm, the munchies. No matter how much you ate you were never really full. Frankie wafted at the air in front of her, in a failed attempt to get the skunky smell away, though it decided it didn't want to go.
Fuck it.
Frankie retreated from the bathroom and was grateful when she saw Rose standing at the edge of the food court. The tall girl took her time getting to Rosa, but when she finally did she spoke up, "I really fucking need some McDonald's fries. Like STAT."
At that moment, Frankie remember about her sister. She had left her a few minutes ago and she was sure Rosa was getting pissy, but she could wait. Frankie needed this. She hadn't done it all day and her nerves were shot. And besides, Rosa was probably off fucking some poor schmuck.
"Hehe," Frankie grinned to herself. It was that she didn't love Rosa, cause she really did, but damn did she get around. Frankie really couldn't hold it against her though, Bayview had it's fair share of attractive men- though the majority of them were fucking immature little boys who were constantly having a pissing contest.
With a heavy sigh and one last hit, Frankie lifted up the toilet seat she had been sitting on and regretfully dropped the rest of the blunt into the blue water below, watching as it swirled it's way into oblivion.
Before the pothead had a chance to even process her thoughts, familiar emptiness in her stomach called to her. Mmm, the munchies. No matter how much you ate you were never really full. Frankie wafted at the air in front of her, in a failed attempt to get the skunky smell away, though it decided it didn't want to go.
Fuck it.
Frankie retreated from the bathroom and was grateful when she saw Rose standing at the edge of the food court. The tall girl took her time getting to Rosa, but when she finally did she spoke up, "I really fucking need some McDonald's fries. Like STAT."

- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:35 am
Kaitlin watched as William got some napkins and helped her clean up the mess. Together they got rid of it pretty quickly, although the Coke had still left a stain on the floor. Kaitlin had barely finished her meal, but she now found that she wasn't so hungry anymore. She was starting to feel a little worried- William wasn't even saying anything, just looking down at the floor.
"So... Did you just buy that teddy bear today?" Well, if he already knows about it, there's no point in hiding it. He's a nice kid- he won't make you feel embarrassed. Besides, maybe he just likes teddy bears... I mean, why else would he be talking about them? Kaitlin smiled at William.
"You mean Theodore? No, he was a gift from my dad." Said Kaitlin, smiling. "My mom says my dad got it when he was drunk, but I don't. He knew what he was doing when he got me something so special."
Looking over, Kaitlin saw a pair of girls at the other table- one was just standing there, but the other one seemed to have just come out of the bathroom. As Kaitlin examined them a little closer, she noticed that she was looking at the Fiametta sisters. Not a pair of girls that she knew particularly well, but if she was going to talk to some other people, she might as well have some girls. She talked a lot better around girls than boys.
"Hey, you two!" Kaitlin's loud and cheery voice carried across the room over to the two girls as she walked towards them, a smile on her face and her Macy's bag in the other. As she got closer, she noticed an odd smell coming off of the one with the mousy brown hair- Frankie, that's what her name was, right? "Pleasure seeing you here- and Frankie, what's that cologne you're wearing? It's a little odd, but I like it!"
"So... Did you just buy that teddy bear today?" Well, if he already knows about it, there's no point in hiding it. He's a nice kid- he won't make you feel embarrassed. Besides, maybe he just likes teddy bears... I mean, why else would he be talking about them? Kaitlin smiled at William.
"You mean Theodore? No, he was a gift from my dad." Said Kaitlin, smiling. "My mom says my dad got it when he was drunk, but I don't. He knew what he was doing when he got me something so special."
Looking over, Kaitlin saw a pair of girls at the other table- one was just standing there, but the other one seemed to have just come out of the bathroom. As Kaitlin examined them a little closer, she noticed that she was looking at the Fiametta sisters. Not a pair of girls that she knew particularly well, but if she was going to talk to some other people, she might as well have some girls. She talked a lot better around girls than boys.
"Hey, you two!" Kaitlin's loud and cheery voice carried across the room over to the two girls as she walked towards them, a smile on her face and her Macy's bag in the other. As she got closer, she noticed an odd smell coming off of the one with the mousy brown hair- Frankie, that's what her name was, right? "Pleasure seeing you here- and Frankie, what's that cologne you're wearing? It's a little odd, but I like it!"
Rosa spotted Frankie soon enough, emerging from a bathroom not too far from her table. As her sister approached, an admonishment formed and died on her lips. Her mouth opened... shut, then Rosa buried her head in her hands.
Jesus CHRIST Frankie! Can you go FIVE seconds without needing to lick, smoke or swallow something!?
The (marginally) eldest Fiametta was quivering with rage, having to prevent herself from exploding into an outburst. How irresponsible could you get!? This was a public place, and Frankie had just decided 'fuck it' and lit one up. However, the problem was just that; they were in public, otherwise Frankie would have got a blasting. Rosa didn't care what the hell Frankie wanted to set on fire and start inhaling fumes from, but in the mall? In the middle of the day? She still reeked of it for christ's sake!
"You're an idiot..." Rosa hissed under her breath as Frankie joined her at the table. "We''ll get something to eat, then you're either going home and getting changed or I'm not coming near you for the rest of the day," triplets they might have been, but they weren't joined at the hip, and Rosa had no aversions to going off without Frankie if necessary. Thinking of her sibling though, inevitably drew Rosa along the thought process leading to her brother. What could Ilario be up to right now? Rosa didn't recall exactly what he said he'd be doing today...
Rosa would have continued to berate Frankie all the way to the diner, but before they could set off, somebody walked right up to them. It was Ka-something that Rosa had been watching earlier. She blinked in surprise... she hadn't really expecting somebody to just, well, come right up to them both.
"Hey ... um, Kate," Rosa ventured, figuring the first thing that came into her head was probably correct. From there, though, the girl was addressing Frankie, not Rosa, so the elder Fiametta contented herself with just glowering at her sister as Ka...tey? mentioned the 'cologne' she was wearing.
That girl might have been fooled, but Rosa knew that there were some people who'd pick the scent out instantly.
Jesus CHRIST Frankie! Can you go FIVE seconds without needing to lick, smoke or swallow something!?
The (marginally) eldest Fiametta was quivering with rage, having to prevent herself from exploding into an outburst. How irresponsible could you get!? This was a public place, and Frankie had just decided 'fuck it' and lit one up. However, the problem was just that; they were in public, otherwise Frankie would have got a blasting. Rosa didn't care what the hell Frankie wanted to set on fire and start inhaling fumes from, but in the mall? In the middle of the day? She still reeked of it for christ's sake!
"You're an idiot..." Rosa hissed under her breath as Frankie joined her at the table. "We''ll get something to eat, then you're either going home and getting changed or I'm not coming near you for the rest of the day," triplets they might have been, but they weren't joined at the hip, and Rosa had no aversions to going off without Frankie if necessary. Thinking of her sibling though, inevitably drew Rosa along the thought process leading to her brother. What could Ilario be up to right now? Rosa didn't recall exactly what he said he'd be doing today...
Rosa would have continued to berate Frankie all the way to the diner, but before they could set off, somebody walked right up to them. It was Ka-something that Rosa had been watching earlier. She blinked in surprise... she hadn't really expecting somebody to just, well, come right up to them both.
"Hey ... um, Kate," Rosa ventured, figuring the first thing that came into her head was probably correct. From there, though, the girl was addressing Frankie, not Rosa, so the elder Fiametta contented herself with just glowering at her sister as Ka...tey? mentioned the 'cologne' she was wearing.
That girl might have been fooled, but Rosa knew that there were some people who'd pick the scent out instantly.
((Continued from Q&A))
The day had been utterly dull so far. Well, that was how it always was, actually. Alex decided to eat out, hoping there would be something to relieve the boredness.
There were a few others from school in standing around each other. They were all different types of people... Alex wondered why they were hanging around each other, besides two of them being sisters and all.
First there was Kaitlin Anderheim. She was a loner. Bayview's filled with way too many loners. He didn't know much about her other then the fact that she was, well, a ditz.
William Davis. A nice guy. Good actor. There wasn't much to say about him...
Rosa Fiametta, she was a member of the debate team, so he knew her very well. She makes strong arguments, she gets her point across. Well, she also sleeps with anyone. That ruins her reputation more than anything else...
Finally, Rosa's sister Frankie Fiametta. She was a pothead, to put it simply. As Alex walked by the group, a strange smell passed by his nose. Alex didn't know what marijuana smelled like, but what else would it be?
He stopped in front of her. "Oh, Frankie. Can't you control yourself?", trying to say it loud enough so Kaitlin and William to hear, because he honestly didn't know what was going through Kaitlin's head about "cologne". He cackled and continued walking. Hopefully, that would start some conversation.
Let's see, what to eat? Pizza, burgers, Chinese, barbeque... gotta love malls don't you?
The day had been utterly dull so far. Well, that was how it always was, actually. Alex decided to eat out, hoping there would be something to relieve the boredness.
There were a few others from school in standing around each other. They were all different types of people... Alex wondered why they were hanging around each other, besides two of them being sisters and all.
First there was Kaitlin Anderheim. She was a loner. Bayview's filled with way too many loners. He didn't know much about her other then the fact that she was, well, a ditz.
William Davis. A nice guy. Good actor. There wasn't much to say about him...
Rosa Fiametta, she was a member of the debate team, so he knew her very well. She makes strong arguments, she gets her point across. Well, she also sleeps with anyone. That ruins her reputation more than anything else...
Finally, Rosa's sister Frankie Fiametta. She was a pothead, to put it simply. As Alex walked by the group, a strange smell passed by his nose. Alex didn't know what marijuana smelled like, but what else would it be?
He stopped in front of her. "Oh, Frankie. Can't you control yourself?", trying to say it loud enough so Kaitlin and William to hear, because he honestly didn't know what was going through Kaitlin's head about "cologne". He cackled and continued walking. Hopefully, that would start some conversation.
Let's see, what to eat? Pizza, burgers, Chinese, barbeque... gotta love malls don't you?
That's just a liiiiiittle too much information... Will thought when Kaitlin mentioned the history of her teddy bear. He was at first a little flabbergasted at what to say to that, but he managed to quickly throw out a "That's nice" before Kaitlin noticed the Fiametta sisters walking nearby and went off to say hello with Will in tow.
Outside of the few parties Will had been to, he had never really been introduced to Rosa or Frankie, so when he caught a whiff of Frankie's odd 'cologne' as Kaitlin put it, he was taken by surprise. He'd recognize that smell anywhere. Had she really just lit up here in the mall? Still, he wasn't one to put anyone on the spot. That was apparently Alex's job. "He a friend of yours?" Will said after Alex passed before quickly changing the subject.
"Anyway, are you guys going to Justin's party? It's going to be wicked from what I've been hearing from him and some of the guys." He asked. He figured the Fiametta sisters would be going, but it was still something to get the subject away from weed, at least for the moment.
Outside of the few parties Will had been to, he had never really been introduced to Rosa or Frankie, so when he caught a whiff of Frankie's odd 'cologne' as Kaitlin put it, he was taken by surprise. He'd recognize that smell anywhere. Had she really just lit up here in the mall? Still, he wasn't one to put anyone on the spot. That was apparently Alex's job. "He a friend of yours?" Will said after Alex passed before quickly changing the subject.
"Anyway, are you guys going to Justin's party? It's going to be wicked from what I've been hearing from him and some of the guys." He asked. He figured the Fiametta sisters would be going, but it was still something to get the subject away from weed, at least for the moment.
- Posts: 99
- Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:03 am
((Justin Corrigan continued from Vaulting))
Ugh... the food court. As much as Justin liked hanging around in the mall, he really couldn't stand the food there - everything was full of grease and calories and... urgh. Sure, there was the odd vegan restaurant where he could order a salad or wrap or something, but their selection wasn't all that great. Just because he was careful about what he ate didn't mean it had to be boring, dammit... and god knew he had to watch what he ate what with all the drinking he'd been doing lately, and most likely would be doing this weekend. Finally, however, Justin had to give in and get himself a salad and a fruit smoothie. He'd have picked boring over starving any day, anyway.
After taking his food and giving the cute guy at the register the biggest smile he could, Justin turned around and scanned the tables for somewhere to sit.
Where the fuck was Frankie? He couldn't let anyone see him sitting ALONE. But it wasn't a problem. There was bound to be someone he knew from school here...
Oh hey, wasn't that Will Davis? He was definitely someone whose company Justin didn't mind - decent guy, someone Justin saw around at parties all the time, not to mention a good sense of style. Wasn't all that bad looking either, minus the gut, anyways. The girl he was with wasn't anyone Justin recognized, but, whatever, he needed company, and beggars couldn't be choosers. "Yo! Will!" He yelled from across the food court as he made his way over.
It was just then that Justin realized that there were a few other people around Will and Whoever as well. That was... Alex, right? Oh hey, and there's Rosa. Wait, if she was here, did that mean...
THERE she was! "Frankie, you bitch! I've been looking for you!" Justin yelled even louder, completely forgetting about the others. Finally making his way to the group, he gave Frankie a playful shove. "I've have absolutely shit to do, I wanted to know if you wanted..." he paused for a moment to take in the scent coming from her clothes now that he was closer. "Ha! I guess you already beat me to it... you would have, wouldn't you?"
Ugh... the food court. As much as Justin liked hanging around in the mall, he really couldn't stand the food there - everything was full of grease and calories and... urgh. Sure, there was the odd vegan restaurant where he could order a salad or wrap or something, but their selection wasn't all that great. Just because he was careful about what he ate didn't mean it had to be boring, dammit... and god knew he had to watch what he ate what with all the drinking he'd been doing lately, and most likely would be doing this weekend. Finally, however, Justin had to give in and get himself a salad and a fruit smoothie. He'd have picked boring over starving any day, anyway.
After taking his food and giving the cute guy at the register the biggest smile he could, Justin turned around and scanned the tables for somewhere to sit.
Where the fuck was Frankie? He couldn't let anyone see him sitting ALONE. But it wasn't a problem. There was bound to be someone he knew from school here...
Oh hey, wasn't that Will Davis? He was definitely someone whose company Justin didn't mind - decent guy, someone Justin saw around at parties all the time, not to mention a good sense of style. Wasn't all that bad looking either, minus the gut, anyways. The girl he was with wasn't anyone Justin recognized, but, whatever, he needed company, and beggars couldn't be choosers. "Yo! Will!" He yelled from across the food court as he made his way over.
It was just then that Justin realized that there were a few other people around Will and Whoever as well. That was... Alex, right? Oh hey, and there's Rosa. Wait, if she was here, did that mean...
THERE she was! "Frankie, you bitch! I've been looking for you!" Justin yelled even louder, completely forgetting about the others. Finally making his way to the group, he gave Frankie a playful shove. "I've have absolutely shit to do, I wanted to know if you wanted..." he paused for a moment to take in the scent coming from her clothes now that he was closer. "Ha! I guess you already beat me to it... you would have, wouldn't you?"
- Posts: 163
- Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:45 pm
((Olexia Kovacs continued from And The Hits Keep Coming))
Falling a half step behind the quick cadence of Edison's stride with the ease of long practice, Olexia flipped through her wallet. As her friend had been quick to point out, it was her turn to pay for lunch. Not that Olexia minded at all. The two girls were always trading favors, never really expecting a kind act to go unreturned. Unfortunately, only empty creases of white leather glared up at Olexia, as she rummaged. She could have sworn she'd had some cash on her, when she left home.
Weaving through the light foot traffic of the food court without much thought, Olexia puzzled over her empty wallet. No problem,' she thought to herself, just give it some thought.' She reexamined the events of the day, in her mind's eye. Woke up. Had to eat breakfast in a hurry, to pick up Ed. Got gas- oh, right.' Frowning at her lack of legal tender, Olexia reluctantly pulled open one of the wallet's seldom used pockets.
Producing a twenty dollar bill, she shook off the unease that always plagued her when she dipped into her "emergency funds." You never knew when you'd really need something like that. What if she was out somewhere and ran out of gas? Or if something happened, and she needed a cab, or something? Oh, well. It's not like anything was going to happen now. So, no use worrying about, right? She would just need to remember to refill the fund, later.
" what do you think?"
She missed what Edison had been saying. "Huh?" Blinking a few times she gave a vigorous nod. "Oh, right, yeah. Yeah, totally."
Falling a half step behind the quick cadence of Edison's stride with the ease of long practice, Olexia flipped through her wallet. As her friend had been quick to point out, it was her turn to pay for lunch. Not that Olexia minded at all. The two girls were always trading favors, never really expecting a kind act to go unreturned. Unfortunately, only empty creases of white leather glared up at Olexia, as she rummaged. She could have sworn she'd had some cash on her, when she left home.
Weaving through the light foot traffic of the food court without much thought, Olexia puzzled over her empty wallet. No problem,' she thought to herself, just give it some thought.' She reexamined the events of the day, in her mind's eye. Woke up. Had to eat breakfast in a hurry, to pick up Ed. Got gas- oh, right.' Frowning at her lack of legal tender, Olexia reluctantly pulled open one of the wallet's seldom used pockets.
Producing a twenty dollar bill, she shook off the unease that always plagued her when she dipped into her "emergency funds." You never knew when you'd really need something like that. What if she was out somewhere and ran out of gas? Or if something happened, and she needed a cab, or something? Oh, well. It's not like anything was going to happen now. So, no use worrying about, right? She would just need to remember to refill the fund, later.
" what do you think?"
She missed what Edison had been saying. "Huh?" Blinking a few times she gave a vigorous nod. "Oh, right, yeah. Yeah, totally."
A satisfied smile spread over Frankie's pretty features when Rosa buried her face into her hands. There was a sick entertainment she got from watching Rosa freak out. Sure, Rosa hadn't actually said anything, but her anger transcended words and, to put it simply, it fucking cracked Frankie up. Did she really have any room to be a bitch? Honestly. The girl was the town's fucking bicycle and everyone and his brother knew about that shit, but was Frankie embarrassed by her? No. Water and blood and all that mumbojumbo- she was much too tired to remember how it went.
"You're an idiot..." "No, you," Frankie cut in and playfully stuck her tongue out when she caught a death glare from her 'big' sister'. "We''ll get something to eat, then you're either going home and getting changed or I'm not coming near you for the rest of the day,"
The pothead sighed and leaned back in in uncomfortable plastic chairs, allowing her head to hang over back of it. "Just fucking chill, Rosa. Nobody cares whether or not I've been hitting the stinkweed, seriously," Frankie called from her odd position. She really couldn't comprehend why Rosa was getting her panties is the biggest twist of the century. Frankie allowed her heavy eyelids to close- just for a second while she collected her thoughts. The constant tiredness was the only downside to being high, really. Weed was quite possibly the most effective de-stresser and she'd be the first to recommend it to a few choice people, namely Ilario. She couldn't even begin to imagine what being that busy was like, nor did she really want to. Being a slacker was just way to fun.
"Hey, you two!"
The shrill voice forced Frankie out of her thoughts and proceeded to stomp on her for several seconds before it finally stopped. Frankie opened her eyes and saw the upside down figure of Kathy Handerhan standing before her chirping about something or other. Her glazed eyes were level with the short girl's bag and she could very clearly see the stuffed animal in her shopping bag.
"Nice bear," Frankie monotoned. What else was there to say really? She didn't go to the mall to have idle conversations with people from her class that should normally wouldn't even give the time of day in normal circumstances. She couldn't even muster up the surprise that one would expect a person to have when called out on smelling like weed.
"I'm high as a fucking kite here, babes," Frankie said rather nonchalantly, not bothering to even look to grace the girl with eye-contact. At some point in the conversation, a manly voice joined in but, once again, couldn't bother to look over to see who it was. Rosa was good with people- she could talk to them.
"Oh, Frankie. Can't you control yourself?"
"Yeah, fuck you and all that jazz," Frankie called back, giving a slight wave in the general direction of the voice. The fucking immature pricks in her grade were running rampant. If only she had a fucking flamethrower or something. Ashes to ashes, charred bodies to charred fucking bodies.
"Anyway, are you guys going to Justin's party? It's going to be wicked from what I've been hearing from him and some of the guys."
The statement from Unamedboy number one recharged Frankie's sleepy memory and reminded her why she was here in the first place. Goddamn Justin making her wait this long. Did he know how busy she was!? Honestly! She could have been home sleeping or watching shitty reality television.
"Frankie, you bitch! I've been looking for you!"
Oh sweet Jesus, the God's granted her wish and sent the sugar-plum fairy himself right to her. The incredibly high girl just about jumped out of her seat to go and meet her friend, as she was very ready to get out. "HEY FRUIT-CUP! It's about damn time- oh, fucking sweet!," Frankie said when she finally got over to her friend, almost immediately snatching his smoothie from his tray, "Mine now, sucker."
Frankie tapped her side pocket, still slurping down his smoothie, when Justin mentioned 'the stuff'. "Packing the heat right here, son," She smiled, "But fucking seriously. Be my knight is shining tights and get me the fuck out of here."
"You're an idiot..." "No, you," Frankie cut in and playfully stuck her tongue out when she caught a death glare from her 'big' sister'. "We''ll get something to eat, then you're either going home and getting changed or I'm not coming near you for the rest of the day,"
The pothead sighed and leaned back in in uncomfortable plastic chairs, allowing her head to hang over back of it. "Just fucking chill, Rosa. Nobody cares whether or not I've been hitting the stinkweed, seriously," Frankie called from her odd position. She really couldn't comprehend why Rosa was getting her panties is the biggest twist of the century. Frankie allowed her heavy eyelids to close- just for a second while she collected her thoughts. The constant tiredness was the only downside to being high, really. Weed was quite possibly the most effective de-stresser and she'd be the first to recommend it to a few choice people, namely Ilario. She couldn't even begin to imagine what being that busy was like, nor did she really want to. Being a slacker was just way to fun.
"Hey, you two!"
The shrill voice forced Frankie out of her thoughts and proceeded to stomp on her for several seconds before it finally stopped. Frankie opened her eyes and saw the upside down figure of Kathy Handerhan standing before her chirping about something or other. Her glazed eyes were level with the short girl's bag and she could very clearly see the stuffed animal in her shopping bag.
"Nice bear," Frankie monotoned. What else was there to say really? She didn't go to the mall to have idle conversations with people from her class that should normally wouldn't even give the time of day in normal circumstances. She couldn't even muster up the surprise that one would expect a person to have when called out on smelling like weed.
"I'm high as a fucking kite here, babes," Frankie said rather nonchalantly, not bothering to even look to grace the girl with eye-contact. At some point in the conversation, a manly voice joined in but, once again, couldn't bother to look over to see who it was. Rosa was good with people- she could talk to them.
"Oh, Frankie. Can't you control yourself?"
"Yeah, fuck you and all that jazz," Frankie called back, giving a slight wave in the general direction of the voice. The fucking immature pricks in her grade were running rampant. If only she had a fucking flamethrower or something. Ashes to ashes, charred bodies to charred fucking bodies.
"Anyway, are you guys going to Justin's party? It's going to be wicked from what I've been hearing from him and some of the guys."
The statement from Unamedboy number one recharged Frankie's sleepy memory and reminded her why she was here in the first place. Goddamn Justin making her wait this long. Did he know how busy she was!? Honestly! She could have been home sleeping or watching shitty reality television.
"Frankie, you bitch! I've been looking for you!"
Oh sweet Jesus, the God's granted her wish and sent the sugar-plum fairy himself right to her. The incredibly high girl just about jumped out of her seat to go and meet her friend, as she was very ready to get out. "HEY FRUIT-CUP! It's about damn time- oh, fucking sweet!," Frankie said when she finally got over to her friend, almost immediately snatching his smoothie from his tray, "Mine now, sucker."
Frankie tapped her side pocket, still slurping down his smoothie, when Justin mentioned 'the stuff'. "Packing the heat right here, son," She smiled, "But fucking seriously. Be my knight is shining tights and get me the fuck out of here."
