Cooling down

It's your normal mall food court. Eateries are in place to serve the high brow and the low brow, the extravagant and the money-minding. Pizza, pasta, hamburgers, Oriental, you name it, it's here. A vast sea of tables and chairs sprawls forth from the food court, and it never seems to be empty.
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Post by Crash* »

Aaron finished up some of the noodles on his plate, making sure to leave another portion on the side for Erik to get to. After finally managing to wrangle the tricky fibers of MSG into his mouth he put his fork down on his tray to indicate that he was finished, giving Erik free reign over the remainder of the plate. He supposed he'd been right, after all - he really couldn't eat that much.

As Aislyn suggested Melissa go stag with her to prom, Aaron couldn't help but smile a bit as he imagined the two of them having a pillow fight. Melissa didn't exactly seem the type to participate in a slumber party, but that didn't mean he thought she should decline the invitation. On the contrary, he felt like his stand partner could use a few more social encounters.

Then again, Aaron wasn't the most outgoing guy, so who was he to talk?

Roy piped up, seemingly in support of Aislyn's suggestion as well, but it wasn't long before Stephanie Henderson and another boy (whom she quickly introduced as her brother) invited themselves over to their table. Aaron was a bit taken aback by her boldness, but chose not to say anything.

As Roy asked about Stephanie's prom intentions, however, Aaron realized he hadn't even answered his own question. He was sure they cared about what his intentions were, too, so he spoke up.

"I'm taking Jeanie. Just as friends, but still...should be fun!" he explained, wiping his mouth with his napkin.
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Post by ifnotwinter* »

Erik continued stealthily pillaging Aaron's plate as the girls gave their answers. He had to smile when Aislyn suggested that Melissa go with her and a group of girls - he didn't know the Chinese girl that well and she'd always seemed pretty shy, to him, similar to how he'd used to be. Well, maybe going with a group would be just the thing to help her start becoming more outgoing, even if it would be just in time for the end of school.

When Roy piped up, he found himself agreeing internally. In the end, prom was kind of a special thing, and even if you didn't go with anyone...well, it was the experience that counted, right? Losing himself momentarily in thought, he tapped his lower lip with the tines of the plastic fork.

He was brought back, not unpleasantly, to reality by the arrival of Stephanie and a boy he didn't recognize but whom she introduced as her brother. He waved with the fork, giving both of them a cheerful smile.

As Aaron gave his answer, though, he felt the familiar vibrations of his battered phone, buzzing away from where it was sitting in his pocket. Retrieving it, he glanced at the screen and noted that it was what he'd expected, a text from his brother.

Tossing his own fork on the plate and standing up, reflexively hunching over slightly - a habit that he'd never quite been able to break - he scooped up Aaron's tray and gave everyone one last grin. "Sorry, guys, but I'm going to love you and leave you. Gotta give my little brother a ride home. Aaron, thanks for the meal, yeah? I'm working this weekend, so I should be able to pay you back on Monday." Not leaving a gap for the other boy to reply, he continued. "Thanks for the company, it was great. I'll see you all later."

The phone was buzzing again in his pocket, Pierre being impatient as usual, and he deposited the tray next to a garbage can before walking off, his long strides meaning that he was soon swallowed up by the crowd.

((Erik Laurin continued in An Apple a Day))
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Post by Tythanin* »

Melissa was caught off guard when Aislyn responded to her comment with a proposal that they go together if they didn't get dates. The small smile on her face grew and she ducked her head down, a little embarrassed. She wasn't exactly sure how to reply to that. She hadn't expected anyone to care, let alone offer her an alternative to going alone. And from a person she had gotten to know today! It was touching.

Roy spoke up next, encouraging her to go to prom. He seemed to ramble on a bit, but it was kind of funny and heartwarming at the same time. She was really glad to have come along with them. She would be in so much trouble when she got home, but every minute spent with these guys was worth it.

She was about to reply when someone new took a seat next to Aislyn, introducing herself as Stephanie Henderson as well as bringing along her younger brother Richard. Melissa gave them a weak smile and a wave. She wasn't sure what to think about her confident and self-assured manner, suddenly appearing out of nowhere and inviting herself into the group. She couldn't help wish she had that amount of initiative to go out and make friends with...well, the more popular kids. It was easier with the, for a lack of a better term, losers since there was just something so accessible about them. Maybe the way they had been beaten around reminded her of herself.

Aaron mentioned that he was going to go to Prom with Jeanie...whoever that was. It was then that Erik said that he had to leave because he had to drive his little brother home. Melissa smiled and waved farewell at him, saying a quick "Goodbye."

She returned to her meal, taking another bite and swallowing before beginning to speak. "Thanks means a lot. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to it but after this, it's beginning to sound a lot more exciting." She laughed a bit. "And Aislyn, I'd be glad to take you up on your offer. It'd be fun."

She neglected to mention her parents. It'd just be a downer and that was the last thing she wanted.
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Post by Crash* »

As Erik thanked him for the meal, Aaron found himself only smiling in response, mainly because the boy's frantic speech didn't allow him a window of opportunity in which to respond. He seemed a bit rushed off his feet suddenly, and as he checked his phone for the time Aaron realized that it was probably getting later. He'd have to be home soon, too.

Erik insisted on paying him back, and before Aaron could interject the former was off like a shot.

Sighing wearily, but still pleeased by the boy's courtesy, Aaron turned his attention back towards Melissa as she surprisingly accepted Aislyn's offer. It wasn't the response he expected, but he couldn't help but be happy for her. Melissa could certainly use a few more friends.

Pulling out his own phone, Aaron checked the time, and realized he couldn't drag the excursion out anymore.

"Okay, well...I'm gonna have to head home soon, so if any of you guys want a ride back we'll have to leave now," he apologized, taking his tray and disposing of the plastic utensils and plates in the mall garbage before placing the tray on top of the garbage can in a pile with the other trays. Returning to the table for a moment he snatched up his bag and gave Stephanie a casual wave goodbye before turning and heading towards the escalator that would take him down to the parking lot.

(Aaron Boismier continued in Nature vs Nurture)
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Come on now, scoot over a bit."

Aislyn started when she felt a pat on her shoulder followed by the command. Looking up, she noticed Stephanie. "Oh. Stephanie, hi!" Aislyn moved her chair over while flashing the group a helpless little smile.

"You said you were gonna text me about the next Spirit Club activity like, forever ago. I told you how badly I wanted to check one of those meetings out."

Aislyn felt herself blush at the comment. "Oh, geez. I'm so sorry about that. I spaced it right out." She waved to Richard, who seemed about as uncomfortable as she was at this very moment.

Roy saved Aislyn from further comment by asking Stephanie about her plans for prom, and Aaron announced he was going with his friend Jeanie Gilpatrick. Erik then announced that he had to go give his brother a ride and quickly said his goodbyes before departing. Aislyn waved at Erik before quickly grabbing another heaping bite of her pasta. As she chewed, Melissa agreed to go to prom in a group if neither of them got dates. Aislyn acknowledged Melissa by flashing her a thumbs up.

"Okay, well...I'm gonna have to head home soon, so if any of you guys want a ride back we'll have to leave now."

"Sure thing," Aislyn said, grabbing her soda and taking a quick drink. She gave Stephanie an apologetic little shrug. "I'm so sorry for forgetting to text you that stuff. As soon as I find my calendar, I'll send you the info for the next event. I gotta go though, since I came with Aaron. Later, Richard." Aislyn scooped her trash up onto the tray, waved at the pair of newcomers while disposing of her trash, and then followed after Aaron.

(Aislyn McCreery continued in No Talent for Certainty)
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Post by CJanosi* »

"Well, I'm definitely going to prom. But I haven't asked anyone." Stephanie said in response to Roy's question. She absently twirled a lock of blonde hair around her finger, her favorite idle gesture since childhood, while she thought deeply about potential prom dates. Nobody really appealed to her, although there were maybe one or two guys she could consider.

In a flash, the table began to empty. First, a boy who the others had called Erik left, citing his little brother as a reason. Stephanie gave him a coy wave. Then Aaron and Aislyn left in quick succession, with Aislyn apologizing for forgetting to text her. "Don't worry, honey bun. I never get mad at a pretty face!" Stephanie called out to Aislyn's hurrying back.

Stephanie turned back to Roy and Melissa with a large smile. "So, Melissa!" she said brightly. Stephanie took a bite out of her pizza and dabbed her lips carefully. "If you and Aislyn are going stag, it would be boss if you would take me along. I have like, no date yet and I don't think I really want one. It would be great, yeah?" she asked.

It was silent for a moment as Stephanie continued to eat her slice of pizza. Richard hated even brief seconds of silence, so he decided to speak up for the first time since joining the table. "So, what are you two doing today?" he asked.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

The table emptied quickly after Erik began the trend, abruptly retreating to collect his brother. Aaron followed suit, leaving the table with a quick reminder that he was Roy's ride. Aislyn trailed after their lift home, hastily excusing herself. Pushing the half finished tray of chicken and noodles to the center of the table, Roy shrugged at his remaining peers.

"Guess that means I've got to be going too. Sorry for dashing, and all know. The bus sucks." Stuffing his hands in his pockets and giving another short shrug, he fell in step behind Aaron and Aislyn. It must suck to try and make conversation and have people just take off. Totally embarrassing.

Frowning, Roy stopped after his first few steps. "Hey, guys," Roy called after the two leaving students, "just go ahead. I'm staying here." Sitting back down, Roy pulled his tray back in front of him. Poking at his food, he looked from Melissa to Stephanie and her brother. What was his name again?

"So, what are you two doing today?" the brother- had she said Richard?- asked. "Nothing much. Just killing some time." Roy took another bite of his already cool food. "What about you guys?"
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Post by Tythanin* »

"Um...uh, sure?" Melissa said halfheartedly, not exactly sure to respond to Stephanie's sudden request to join them if she and Aislyn actually went together without dates. She didn't mind personally and she was certain Aislyn would be okay with it, but to accept without the other person was kind of...wrong in a way? Slapping herself mentally, she just steeled her news and flashed Stephanie a stronger smile. "Yeah, of course. It'll be fun with more people."

She looked worriedly over her shoulder at where Aaron had left the mall, her hand tightening around one of the straps on her backpack. The mall was too far away from her house to just walk back and she really, really needed that ride. She flashed the others an apologetic glance and got out of her chair. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go. I don't have a ride back so...It was fun talking to you all though. Maybe later we can all hang out together again?"

With a short bow, she grabbed her tray and threw away her trash, leaving the plastic on one of the convenience racks. After that, she took off after Aaron and Aislyn, hoping to god that they hadn't left the parking lot yet.

((Melissa Li continued elsewhere.))
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Post by CJanosi* »

Stephanie's mouth twitched at each exiting person, finally culminating in a slightly displeased smile at Melissa's farewell. At least one another person remained at the table with them, Roy Archer. "We were gonna go shopping, y'know, prom stuff, things like that." she said. "I can't buy anything just yet, since I have to match my date, if I were to have one. And, naturally, I don't." she explained, punctuating with a giggle at the end. Of course, she had known who Roy was the second she saw him. Stephanie had developed a bit of a liking for the swim team, although it never really interested her beyond a superficial level. Then again, no sport but football did. And really, that was the only sport she ever needed to be interested in. After all, it was the family game, and she herself was more than adept at it, and...

Richard glanced over at his sister, who was staring with glazed eyes at the table. He knew that she was locked on a subject in her own mind, far away from where any human could contact her. He looked up at Roy and smiled ruefully. "Girls." he said, trying to show some humor. First they practically ruin the guy's social outing, or at least Richard thought, then they basically make him miss his ride, and now he's stuck them. A short period of silence came, making him feel immensely uncomfortable. "Your friends are really cool. I was a little worried that they would take offense to our barging in on your get-together." Richard said earnestly. "Too awkward, for me at least." he added with a small nod at Stephanie, who still looked somewhat distant.

Roy's bus comment clung to the back of his mind still, pestering Rich. "Uh...if you need a ride, our brother can pick us up anytime. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a ride." Richard said. "He drives an Audi. R8." Stephanie said suddenly, her eyes losing their glaze. She looked over at Roy with a smile. "So, you know those people? Richie's right, they're nice." Stephanie took a bite out of her pizza and grinned again. "Especially Melissa and what's-his-name. The one with the smile, I've seen him before." she said, trying to remember the guy's name. "Erik Laurin! With a K!" Stephanie let out another giggle. "Track and field. He's cute." she added with an evocative look at her brother.

Richard could count the number of times he said the words "Shut up" to his sister on one hand, but the amount of times he'd thought the words was infinitely greater. "We should get back to shopping." he said dismissively. Stephanie sat back and crossed her arms. "You can go back to shopping. I would love to continue our conversation with Roy here. I'm finished with my food, but maybe he'd enjoy our company." she said haughtily. Her eyes drilled into Richard, the same judgmental glare she had always given him working at full effect. She broke eye contact to look over at Roy with a sweet smile. "What do you think?" Steph asked.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Watching the last member of his original mall crawling group take her leave, Roy smiled uneasily at the siblings that remained at the table. Great. Alone with two people I don't really have anything to say to. Not awkward at all, nope. Oh, the perils of being a nice guy. Why had he stayed anyway? Not like he really knew either of them very well. Stephanie was alright. She was cute and athletic, at least. And weren't they in the same lit class?

"We were gonna go shopping, y'know, prom stuff, things like that," Stephanie said, interrupting Roy's ruminations. Wait, did she say prom? He turned his attention back to the young, blond woman. "I can't buy anything just yet, since I have to match my date, if I were to have one. And, naturally, I don't."

What did that mean? It took an effort, but Roy kept his face neutral, turning down at his food. And what the hell was that little giggle? Feeling decidedly uncomfortable, he shifted uneasily in his seat. Was this some sort of impromptu confession or something? Jeez, would it kill people to at least drop hints about things like that before hand? How about a little bit of a warning, huh? Christ, sometimes it just didn't pay to be good-looking.

"Girls." Looking back across the table, it struck Roy that Stephanie's brother had said something. With a wry grin, Roy nodded his agreement. "Your friends are really cool," Richard continued. "I was a little worried that they would take offense to our barging in on your get-together. Too awkward, for me at least."

Roy gave a vague shrug. "No worries. It wasn't all that big a deal. Just some late lunch, early dinner. I'm sure they feel the same way." A smile crept across his face as he realized that, rather than spew forth some sentimental garbage, he really believed what he said. They were nice enough to take the interruption in stride and still have a good time of it.

"They really are kinda cool, aren't they?" It felt weird, that sort of thing coming as a surprise. Aaron, Melissa, and Erik were all nice to be around in their own ways, even if they weren't exactly close. And then there was Aislyn...

"Uh...if you need a ride," Richard broke in, "our brother can pick us up anytime. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a ride." Opening his mouth to offer his thanks, Roy was cut off as Stephanie spoke up, boastfully proclaiming the car an Audi R8, before turning to smile at him. "So, you know those people? Richie's right, they're nice."

Taking another bite of her pizza, Stephanie gave another smile before continuing, "Especially Melissa and what's-his-name. The one with the smile, I've seen him before." Wracking her memory, she eventually came to the correct answer: "Erik Laurin! With a K!" Roy cocked an eyebrow as the blond giggled, mentioning Erik's position on track as well as his physical attractiveness. Roy scoffed quietly, missing the look that passed between the siblings. He knew he was better looking than Erik, anyway.

"We should get back to shopping." Richard said shortly, for which Roy was thankful. If they would just go, Roy could excuse himself and not be subject to another embarrassing lift back-"You can go back to shopping." Stephanie stated firmly, "I would love to continue our conversation with Roy here." Shit.

"I'm finished with my food, but maybe he'd enjoy our company." she finished in her voice that simply dripped self-aggrandizement. After a long staredown with her brother, the proud girl fixed her blue eyes on Roy. "What do you think?"

Forcing his mouth to form a smile, he nodded slowly. "Uh…sure. Why not, right?" Wait, what had he just said? Oh, shit, take it back! Mind racing, he wracked his brain for something, anything to get himself clear of the awkwardness staring down at him. Think, damn you, think of something! A thought struck him.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, his hand shooting for his right pocket. Digging into his jeans, Roy tightened his grip on his unsophisticated cellphone. Hurriedly snatching it out he feigned a quick look at the blank screen, before pressing to his ear. "Hello?" he inquired to nobody.

"Oh, dude, what's up? No, not really. Uhm...sure, I can swing that," the dark haired boy spared the siblings a look as he paused. "Right...right. Yeah, sure, see you in a bit, dude. Peace."

Stuffing the phone back into his pocket, Roy snapped to his feet. Giving the two other diners a quick shrug and an apologetic smile, he cleared away his dining tray. "Sorry for that. Need to bail out a friend. But uhm...rain check on the whole shopping thing?"

Not waiting for a response he nodded quickly, hoping to cut off anything that might call his story into question. "So...catch you guys later." With a half-hearted wave and a quickly exiting stride, Roy left the food court behind.

((Roy Archer continued elsewhere))
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