Hungry Like the Wolf

It's your normal mall food court. Eateries are in place to serve the high brow and the low brow, the extravagant and the money-minding. Pizza, pasta, hamburgers, Oriental, you name it, it's here. A vast sea of tables and chairs sprawls forth from the food court, and it never seems to be empty.
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Hungry Like the Wolf


Post by JamesRenard* »

((Garry Villette continued from Browsing))

It had taken Garry and Saul quite a while to walk from the stadium to the Promenade. Along the way, his dad had called back in reply to his text, indictating that he had no problem with Garry hanging out longer. He seemed to be more interested in the gloves he'd bought than anything else; asking if they fit, what make they were, how much they cost, etcetera. During the journey across town, Garry's appetite had been quickly increasing. When he first left the shop, gloves in hand, he was mildy peckish; now as he was just entering the food court, he was near-starving and was longing for something, anything, to wolf down.

This part of the mall was busy as usual, Garry noticed. Most of the tables already occupied by other patrons, or the litter some lazy individuals had left behind that the overworked cleaning staff hadn't got round to clearing up yet. Taking a sweeping glance around the large hall for what restaurants were there, he remembered Saul mentioning that he wanted a burger. 'I would have preferred a Meat Feast pizza myself, but burgers are great,' Garry thought. 'So what's here... Burger King or McDonald's?' he contemplated, looking back and forth between the two fast food outlets. It didn't take him long to make his mind up. "I feel like sinking my fangs into a Whopper, how about you?" he asked, looking over at the Burger King.
Unknown Kadath*
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Post by Unknown Kadath* »

Saul scanned the food court, his eyes flicking back and forth. He noticed some people he knew in the crowded mass of people, not not enough to go out of his way to see them. He then looked up towards the signs, reading them off. BK and McDonalds... way to have variety, St. Paul. He thought for a moment, and finally had his answer.

"I'm going with Burger King, too. A Whopper sounds good to me, too."

He began walking towards the restaurant, trusting his friend would soon follow. He pushed his way through the crown, grunting as he bumped into a particularly large man. After a hurried apology, he trudged onwards, dodging empty tables, chairs, and fellow diners, trying to find a place to eat. Finally, he reached the other side of the crowd, finding himself in front of his destination, Burger King. He looked back, making sure Garry made it through okay.
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Post by JamesRenard* »

Walking between the people and tables, empty and occupied alike was a comparative breeze for Garry. It was like he was back on the ice, dodging and weaving between opposing players as he pushed the puck towards the goal. It was much easier than that, seeing as he wasn't on the ice (although strictly speaking, the shiny marble floor was quite slippery where it had recently been cleaned) and he wasn't decked out in all his bulky and cumbersome gear.

Alternativey, it was like he was a wolf dashing through the trees on the hunt for its prey. Though in this case, his prey was a burger. 'And now I can't see Saul through all these trees, errr, people,' he thought, hoping he hadn't lost him in the crowd.

He soon emerged from the mass of people and arrived right outside the Burger King. He saw Saul already standing in the queue. "Hey, Saul, don't forget about me!" he called out to let his friend know he'd made it out in one piece, then walked up to him. "Man, this place is a nightmare," he commented, looking around at everyone. "So many people."
Unknown Kadath*
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Post by Unknown Kadath* »

Saul smiled, seeing his friend appear from the crowd. He watched Garry step beside him, and gave a chuckle, "It's freakin' packed in here today. It's ridiculous. Although, it seems to always be packed."

He waited in line with his friend, the queue moving agonizingly slow. By the time the obese woman in front of him made it to the counter and began ordering, the image of the back of her flabby neck was etched in his mind. He gave a sigh as she began her rather large order, which, after about 10 minutes of deliberating, cost $41.67. Finally, the large woman moved aside, the counter appearing before him like a lost city.

He stepped up to the counter, placing his hands on the top, "What would you like to order, sir?" the rather apathetic-looking girl with multiple facial piercings asked in a monotonous voice.

"Uhh, my friend and I will have two Whopper meals, please," he responded quickly.

"And what would you like to drink?" she asked, glancing at the clock, probably seeing how much time until the end of her shift.

"Err, I'll have an ice tea, and... what do you want to drink, Gar?" he turned and asked his friend.
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Post by JamesRenard* »

'Oh come on, like you really need to eat that much,' Garry skeptically thought as he watched the very overweight woman order over forty dollars worth of food in one go. Garry watched the obese female walk away and make her way to a seat, tray in hand, while Saul approached the counter and started ordering the meals for the pair of them. 'Carry on eating like that you'll have a heart attack in, what, ten years? Maybe even less?'

"Err, I'll have an ice tea, and... what do you want to drink, Gar?" he heard Saul ask, breaking him out of his thoughts directed at the woman.

"Oh, hmm... I'll have a Sprite, please," Garry quickly replied, briefly looking at the numerous piercings on the girl's face and ears, then looking around to his right. Not only to avoid rudely staring at the person serving him, but also because he thought he saw someone from his class in the near vicinity, although he was proven wrong. "Oh, and some ketchup with the fries as well," he quickly added on before the girl got too far with the order.

Garry reached into his wallet and fished out the sole ten dollar bill. "Hey, Saul," he said, grabbing his friend's attention, then held out the bill for him to take. "That ought to cover mine, won't it?"
Unknown Kadath*
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Post by Unknown Kadath* »

Saul nodded and took the bill. He handed it to the girl, including his own money, "Here. This should cover it," he said, seeing her count it and put it in the register, giving the change back.

He moved to the side, making room for the next person in line, a small, balding man with his young daughter. He leaned against the counter, looking around. He saw the big woman with the large meal at a nearby table, obviously not wanting to go far. HE continued to scan the court, partially looking for people he knew, but also because he just liked looking at things.

He turned to Garry, "So, you excited for the trip?"
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Post by JamesRenard* »

While Saul looked around the food court, Garry too moved aside and watched the girl head off to collect each part of their meal, talking amongst her fellow workers. 'Doesn't seem like a very desirable job, but work is work, you're still gonna get paid at the end of the day.'

"So, you excited for the trip?" Saul asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm really looking forward to it," Garry replied, nodding his head enthusiastically. "Camping out in the wilderness, who knows? We might be lucky enough to meet a real life wolf out there." He grinned at the prospect of meeting his favourite animal. "Okay, okay, maybe not; the principle would have to be insane to send a sizeable proportion of the senior year out to an area that's rife with wolves."

He was about to continue with a discussion determining if Principle Kendrick really was insane, but he was interrupted by the girl putting the last lot of items on the tray in front of him, and holding it up to pass to him. "Here you are, enjoy the meal," she half-heartedly said, handing them the tray which Garry took from her. "Who's next please?" she called out, but Garry wasn't paying attention to her words, already walking away from the queues and scanning his eyes over the food he held in front of him.

'Two Whoppers, two fries, one ice tea, one Sprite and extra ketchup, excellent,' he thought. "Where do you want to sit?" he asked Saul, looking around the bustling seating area.
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