As one might imagine, the school's library is filled with, well, books. Tables and chairs are placed around the room in neat little groups, and everything always seems to be in its rightful place... perhaps because Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian, has horrible OCD.
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Post by Candescence* »

Tristan was bemused by Madeleine's shyness. And the buzzer seemed to spook her, too. She looked even more surprised when she had discovered that she had attracted a crowd while she was picking up pencils. Something told him that she was embarrased about her work. Looks like a morale boost was needed. "I-I'm not in your way, am I?" She had asked, something that Tristan could could only shake his head at. "Nah, it's alright. I personally just wanted to see what you were doing. I have to say, I love that drawing. The detail, the choice of colours and shades... Has anyone told you how absolutely wonderful your works are?"

Jackpot. Hopefully, that might help. He then realised that she hadn't picked a name for the drawing yet, the buzzing had interuppted her. He sat back, thinking about it. A good name, a good name...

"Aha! I got it! How about 'The Ancient Mantlepiece'...? Sounds like a good name, no?"

He chuckled to himself. Of all the synonyms for 'shelf', he had to pick that word. But then again, it was a fitting description for that incredibly old shelf. How long had it been there? He hadn't got a clue.

But then, he realised that she was still rather shy, and obviously nobody told her that the detector was broken. "What's the rush, Mad? Don't worry about the buzzing noises, it's just the detector being broken again. But can I ask something? You're such a good artist, yet you rarely show off your work outside of the drama sets (Which I have to say, are absolutely incredible). Why is that?"
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Post by Tythanin* »

As Melissa watched the young artist at work, she couldn't help but notice two others joining her. Tristan...and Sapphire. She didn't begrudge their presence. If they wanted to watch along with her, they were free to. She was more amazed that Madeleine didn't even react to their presence, so absorbed she was in her work. Either she had noticed and was just ignoring them or she was concentrating so hard that she was in her own world. It was admirable although a part of her wondered how the girl would react when she saw that she had gained her own fan club.

Melissa got her wish moments later when the scanner buzzed again. 'Seriously someone should fix that.'

Right afterwards, Madeleine saw her audience and let out an amusing grunt before standing, knocking everything willy-nilly. Melissa restrained a laugh and muttered a quick sorry before trying to help her gather the pencils that had scattered onto the floor. She handed the few she got to Madeleine, who immediately packed them away.

"I-I'm not in your way, am I?" Madeleine stammered, nervousness obvious in her voice.

Melissa was about to speak when Tristan interjected, complementing Madeleine on her artwork. She restrained the urge to roll her eyes as she heard Tristan speak and instead remained silent, watching the artist girl with a smile. When Tristan finally fell quiet after probably overwhelming the poor girl with talking forever, Melissa just gave her a small wave and another smile.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Madeleine. I just came to see you work. I was curious. Anyway...if you want me to leave, I can. I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I just have to say...it really is kind of amazing how you were able to concentrate so well."

She wanted to talk to the girl more but now probably wasn't such a good time with so many people around. She cursed in her mind at how so many decided today to spend their lunch hour in the library. But there was nothing she could do about it. She just maintained her soft smile and waited for Madeleine's reply.
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Post by Dropbear* »


Sapphire jumped and hit her head on the bookshelf. "Owwww!" she moaned. Thankfully no-one noticed, as Madeline's cry of surprise and her pencil case bursting open was enough to cover it. Rubbing her head, she went around to the girl.

"Here, lemme help you…"

She got on her knees and was about to start picking up the rainbow of pencils on the carpet floor, but Madeline beat her to it, hastily shoving all of her gear into her bag while squeaking "I-I'm not in your way, am I?", never showing eye contact.

"No, of course not, we were just looking at your sketches, they're really good."

"What's the rush, Mad? Don't worry about the buzzing noises, it's just the detector being broken again. But can I ask something? You're such a good artist, yet you rarely show off your work outside of the drama sets (Which I have to say, are absolutely incredible). Why is that?"

Before Madeline could respond to the question, Sapphire picked up a familiar voice at the doorway.

"…I heard the scanner go off as I was coming down the hall, and how many other people are here? None of you had better-"


Uh oh.

Sapphire didn't need to look around to know that the librarian Mrs. Collins was back from her lunch break. She didn't know whether she was angry or not about the students hanging around the library without her supervising, and quite frankly, she didn't want to find out. She had already got into trouble once when she accidentally missed the bell for the end of lunch one day and stayed in the library reading until the end of the day. Letting out a muffled "See ya later", she quietly snuck to the back of the library and through one of the adjacent classrooms.

((continued in Sing Us A Song
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Post by landlocked* »

"Oh... Wait! No, you guys don't have to-"

Sigh. Mrs. Collins was already scaring people off. It wasn't like Abigail could particularly blame them, she'd seen Mrs. Collins when she was angry and it was definitely not something you wanted to be in the line of fire of, but she at least wished Sapphire had given Abigail a chance to talk Mrs. Collins down before fleeing. She wasn't that bad! Really!

"It's all right," Abigail said to her with the air of someone trying to soothe a wild bear, "Nobody's stolen anything, I didn't see anybody take anything. We're just reading, really." Mrs. Collins visibly calmed down a bit at Abigail's words, but still didn't seem entirely convinced.

"I understand, Miss Atkins, and I'm sure that you wouldn't let anything happen, but not every student is you."

Abigail could only blush as Mrs. Collins turned from her and walked over to the shelves where Tristan, Melissa and Madelaine stood, fumbling over some spilled art supplies. She was flattered that she was thought so highly of, but Abigail wished she hadn't been compared to the other students like that. Yes, she was a responsible girl, she knew that, but she acted that way because she knew it was the right thing to do, not because she wanted to feel superior to anyone. Hopefully no one else heard that...

"What are you three doing?" Mrs. Collins fumed the moment she saw Madelaine's pencils spilled all over the floor.

((And yeah, anyone can control her))
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Post by blastinus »

While the people who had previously been watching her probably didn't intend for this to happen, Madeleine nonetheless began freaking out. Her thought had been that her painting had been secret, known to nobody. That was what the sunglasses were for, after all. To have this man say that not only had he seen her painting other works, but also that he had come close enough to appreciate them, made her step back in fear that he might be a busybody, or worse, a stalker.

What do I do what do I do what do I do????

Fortunately, a break came to the young lady, in the form of the librarian, Mrs. Collins. Storming over to where the group had gathered, she demanded angrily of the group at large, "What are you three doing?"

Madeleine immediately took this opportunity. Stepping past the group with a nervous smile, making sure not to come into contact with them, she said to the librarian, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Collins. I had my pencils balanced on my leg, and I kinda..." she twirled her bangs around one finger as she looked to the side, "I kinda forget I had them there, then I stood up, and they.....It's okay, though. I-I've got them here." For emphasis, she shook the pencil box a few times. It gave a nice rattling sound.

"And why, Miss Smith, did you have your pencils out of that little box?" Mrs. Collins replied.

"Well, I...I was drawing the bookcase. That-that one over there."

"Drawing the bookcase.....alright, open your backpack." Motioning to Tristan and Melissa, the librarian continued, "You two, do the same. The detector isn't working, so I can't take chances."

Madeleine didn't find this too objectionable. It was better than other things that may have happened. However, Mrs. Collins did give the backpack a thorough inspection, even pulling out the CD Player in there in order to make sure that Madeleine hadn't slipped one of the library DVD's into it. Once fully assured that the young artist was indeed clean, Mrs. Collins said, "Very well, Miss Smith, you can go."

Madeleine was off almost before the librarian could finish. Setting off the detector on her way out, she bolted through the door of the library, glad to be away from prying eyes.

(Madeleine Smith continued elsewhere.)
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Post by Tythanin* »

'Oh come on.' was Melissa's first thought as she heard the angry voice of one Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian. This whole thing was just one big explosion waiting to happen. A brief thought crossed her mind that her parents had set this all up just to punish her for listening to music instead of studying but she immediately crossed that out. That was stupid.

So when Mrs. Collins demanded that they all open their backpacks so she could see if they had stolen anything, she just opened her backpack obediently. She waited for the librarian to be finished with Madeleine's things first and watched as the young artist bolted from the room. 'Well, so much for being able to speak with her.'

"Now Miss Li, what exactly were you doing?"

"Just trying to talk with her, that's all." Melissa explained. "I guess I must have startled her. It was my mistake."

"Of course." The librarian said nothing more as she examined Melissa's backpack. She watched the display with some amusement. After all, who the hell would be so hard up for things that they had to steal from a high school library of all places? Mrs. Collins finally handed her bag back after a couple of minutes and Melissa nodded her thanks.

She left the library, triggering that annoying scanner, and decided to just wander the halls until her next class. 'Oh boy, math. Well, whatever...I'm doing well enough. A couple of more As and maybe things will be just fine.'

She sighed. Life sucked.

((Melissa continued in THE FUTURE at dz/dt.))
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Post by Candescence* »

Tristan blinked, as Madeleine stepped back. Her expression didn't exactly look any happier, either. He thought she would appreciate a compliment, but it seems as if his words had backfired. "Um... Did I say something wrong?"

"What are you three doing?"

Tristan was surprised by the voice, but he turned around towards Mrs. Collins, as she checked Madeleine's bag, and the girl bolted out of the library without a word. Melissa left as well. Mrs. Collins looked at Tristan, raising an eyebrow. Tristan cleared his throat before explaining, "I was just watching her work, and trying to talk with her, as well. I wanted to get her to open up, so I could figure out why she doesn't show off her works, ya know? You know me, I can't help trying to help people with their problems. Except this time, my compliment might have backfired..."

Mrs. Collins nodded. "I understand, Tristan, but I would suggest not trying to help her constantly. She might get the wrong idea. Now, your bag, please."

Tristan opened up his bag, thinking about what she said. She had a point, if Tristan kept going after Mad, she might think he was a stalker or something. He wouldn't want to make THAT impression. It was best not to go overboard with this, step by step would be a good idea. It didn't take long for Mrs. Collins to search his bag, and once she gave the all-clear, Tristan hefted his bag onto his shoulders, and walked out the door, that annoying buzzer blaring to his side.

Life isn't easy when you're trying to help everyone. But when he succeeds, there's nothing more satisfying to him than that feeling that he did something good. Tristan smiled. "Now, where to next?"

((Tristan Mathews continued elsewhere))
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Post by landlocked* »

Before Abigail knew it, Mrs. Collins had chased all of the other students out of the library. As much as she wanted to be surprised by this, she really, really couldn't. It was far from the first time she had done that, after all.

Without anything left to distract her, she went back to studying and copying notes down for the rest of the period in silence until the bell finally rang. As she left, Abigail waved a polite goodbye to Mrs. Collins - even after she had been a bit rude, it was still hard for Abigail to act defiant towards her, even in a small way. Oh well.

((Abigail Atkins continued in Scientist Studies. LATE EXIT IS LATE.))
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