Just passing the time...

As one might imagine, the school's library is filled with, well, books. Tables and chairs are placed around the room in neat little groups, and everything always seems to be in its rightful place... perhaps because Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian, has horrible OCD.
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Just passing the time...


Post by Polybius »

The Bayview school library was rather expansive; it was two stories filled with long rows of books and videos, coupled with varios computers and seating areas. Darren Bowen considered himself lucky to have such a large collection of reading material to go through during his free period. He didn't exactly have friends to hang out with, and whenever he didn't need to study or make up any work he always tried to find something in there.

Darren began the invariable routine. He waved to Mrs. Collins, who was too busy organizing shelves too notice his prescence; he dropped his back at his usual empty table right in a clearing surronded by shelves. It was quiet; the library was always quiet. That was one of the things Darren liked about the library; it was a sanctuary from the noisy hallways and lunchroom.

The next part of his routine was, of course, finding something to do. With so many books on so many different subjects, it was an easy way to pass time. Darren picked a random shelf in the fiction section and began examining the rows of books, trying to find something to entertain until he had to go back to class.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Everett Taylor continued from What Goes Up...))

Everett wandered into the library, without a clue as to what to do. Normally, he spent this hour in history class. Today, though, the teacher had told them to go work on their projects. Each student in the class had been preparing a presentation for the past week, and they were going to share in two days.

Everett had been done for a day. He had all his research completed, and just needed to rehearse, something he vastly preferred doing at home, where no other students would overhear him. Everett was not confident about his speaking abilities. When he had told his teacher that he was done, and asked what to do, he had been told to go to the library to work on something else.

Everett didn't really have any homework. He had already finished everything he could at school. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of just screwing around during the class, though. That would have made him feel like a slacker. The other students were in the classroom reading and spread throughout the school, practicing, some in groups. Everett never worked in groups; he always ended up doing all the work. He saw no reason someone else should benefit from his efforts.

Everett looked around the library. There were books everywhere, of course. Mrs. Collins was walking around, sorting them. Everett decided not to disturb her; she kept the library in impeccable condition, which Everett greatly appreciated. Clealiness and organization were very important to him.

Maybe I can get a jump on our next reading assignment in English...

Everett had no clue what they would read next, but that was alright. Speculating would at least give him something to do that didn't feel like slacking. He entered one of the rows, and saw a tall boy looking through the books. Everett didn't recognize him, although he was pretty sure the boy was in his grade.

Everett ignored him, and started glancing over the books, hoping something would pop out at him.
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Post by Polybius »

Darren was glancing over the vaious books. So far he hadn't found anything that interested him... of course, this was what usually happend. He had a hard time finding something that he actually cared about reading.

Darren was caught up in his thoughts when he realized that another boy, the same age as him, had come into his row and was looking through some books. Darren hadn't had any interaction with him beyond occasionally seeing him in the hallways. He didn't know his name, or anything else about him.

Darren went back to searching through the books, but then he thought: why not say hi or something?. He usually didn't care for interacting with other students while he could easily just ignore them and continue what he was doing alone; but he had been thinking that he should at least try to be more friendly. Besides, he didn't have much else do to at the moment.

Darren then realized how much he was grossly overthinking the prospect of talking to another human being. He turned to the boy and plainly said "Hey, I'm Darren. I can't find anything good here... so what's up with you?'
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

The other boy in the aisle introduced himself to Everett as Darren. This suggested to Everett that Darren didn't know Everett's name; people gave their own names to subtly ask for those of others. Everett had seen him around, and might actually have been able to guess his name, given some time, but didn't know him well at all. He didn't mind Darren introducing himself, though; maybe the boy would be able to help Everett find something worthwhile to do.

"I'm Everett," he said, "I'm here because I don't have anywhere else productive to go. I finished my work, and now I'm trying to figure out what book will be most helpful in LA class, so I can read it, but I'm not having any luck."

He glanced over the shelves again. He couldn't pick anything too long; he wouldn't have time to read a long book and still keep up with all his other work. Something too short wouldn't be worth anything, though, unless it was absolutely jam-packed with meaning and symbolism, and that would make it difficult to understand. Everett sighed. Literature was always a balancing act for him. He had to pick things advanced enough that they sounded good in essays, but simple enough that he could actually understand them.

"Do you have any suggestions?" he asked. Darren was in the library, so he probably took reading at least somewhat seriously. Maybe he would know something good.
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Post by D/N »

(Ricky Fortino continued from Murder at Macy's. Aaron Hicks is NPC)

Ricky Fortino and Aaron Hicks were on a mission, and their very survival in history was at stake. The fact that either of them were in the advanced courses was a bit of a joke in the first place but hey, they had their reasons. Aaron was the guy with the big plans, heading off to.... somewhere to play college football, and Ricky knew he needed to keep his marks up or even Division II wouldn't take him. And as for Ricky? Well, whatever shitty marks he was gonna pull in this course, it was better than suffering through that fuckin' graphics technology course or whatever he'd be taking otherwise. Yeah, the retards and immigrants who filled out the rest of that class made him look a hell of a lot better, but it wasn't really worth it, especially if he wanted to get into policework like his brother-in-law Joe was. And History had always been sorta his best subject, if for no other reason than because they were talkin' about stuff that actually HAPPENED, rather than a bunch of freakin' equations that didn't make any sense in math class or whatever stupid dead people's stories they were reading about in English. For those courses, he'd stick with the basics, thank you very much.

But now they had this project and presentation due in two fuckin' days, and the two of them were in trouble. Frankly, they should have teamed up with one of the smart kids and made him do all the work, but it was too late for that now. What was even worse was that this actually WAS a big chunk of their grades for the semester, and it seemed that they'd be doomed either to flunk the project or desperately research and write it up over the next two days. But there were always ways around that, and it just so happened that one Everett Taylor was doing his project on the same subject. It sure was a good thing when the teach was too lazy to think up more than a half-dozen different ideas for her students.

Brad Dolson, the junior not-so-star quarterback (he'd really gotten the position out of being a big guy and having no one else available), had passed them in the hallway and pointed them in the direction of "that fat kid", and now Aaron peeked through the slit in the library's door, finding the kid they were looking for in a hurry.

"See anyone who looks familiar, Fortino?"

Ricky opened the door and looked inside. And bazam. There was Everett Taylor. Not that it could've been anyone else. The kid might as well have a fuckin' sign on his back saying "I AM A NERD PLEASE HIT ME". But hey, they had their usefulness. Everett was talking to some tall guy with ridiculous hair that Ricky didn't recognize, nor did he want to. Guy might as well have a fuckin' sign on his back saying "I AM AN LOSER OUTCAST PLEASE HIT ME". He didn't think those guys had their usefulness.

Aaron was the go-to-guy for this sort of thing, so Ricky just leaned back against a shelf of books as the school's resident football star moved forward.

"HEY, Everett! How you doin', my man!" He gave the kid a hearty slap on the back as he talked, and Ricky couldn't help but smile. Don't go too overboard there, buddy. Not that Everett could even pretend to be friends with them, but Ricky had always found it funny that when you started actin' nice to the loser kids, you could get some of 'em get them to do just about anything if you pressed them hard enough. Kids like Everett? They liked feeling like they were part of the crowd. And it wasn't like Ricky had any ill will towards Everett or anything. He was just a loser. He'd go his own way, and Ricky'd go his.

Aaron was busy laying out the situation at hand. "So look, Ricky and me were just hopin' you could help us out a bit with the project, cause we're doing the same subject and all, ain't that right, Ricky?"

Ricky nodded. "We were just wonderin' if we could borrow your notes for your presentation, just uh..." He flashed a toothy grin at his classmate. "so we can compare them to ours, see if we missed anything."

Eh, compare, copy, what the fuck was the difference. Besides, it wasn't like him and Aaron were fuckin' idiots or anything, they knew they had to change the notes around enough so that it wouldn't look suspicious. Not like the teach would notice or anything. Freakin' clueless.

"So c'mon man." Aaron gave Everett's shoulder a good-natured shake, like a friend. "Help a couple brothers out?"
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

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Post by Gwbiii* »

Mia Kuiper sat, nay, reclined in the library, thumbing through Romeo and Juliet for the hundredth time. She could never tire of Shakespeare, and with her schoolwork behind her she found she had time to enjoy herself.

She read, and contemplated.

Destiny. Destiny was a humorous thing, destiny was everything. Some were destined to die, others to prosper, and some simply to have a birthright to where they were seated. Take herself, for example. The annoying little sophomore troglodyte who'd inhabited this seat before simply couldn't refuse her well articulated request to take his place. She was older than him, smarter than him, better bred than him and in a far better position to accuse him of things he hadn't done. As she'd said, she knew the right people, so she had the right. Yes, admittedly there were other chairs she could have taken in the near vicinity, but then he'd still be there and besides, she'd wanted that one.

So here she was, sitting at the end of the aisle in the comfiest seat in the library, enjoying her book in total, serene, quiet.

"Hey, I'm Darren."

Ugh, someone always had to break it. Glaring over her book at the two boys standing chatting in the aisle, she was in half a mind to get up and shoo them off. She couldn't really be bothered and they should leave in a second anyway, especially with her glaring at them.

"now I'm trying to figure out what book will be most helpful in LA class"

No, they weren't leaving, they were just going to stay there and interrupt her reading. Fine, looks like she was going to have to get up and shoo the damned ingrates out.

She breathed in, composed herself, and got to her feet without any unnecessary motion. As she glided towards them, she tried to think of the most cutting remark she could muster. Until some jock got there first. Great. And if her ears did not deceive her he was trying to worm his way into getting a little bit of academic 'assistance'.

Well, she couldn't have any of that. Someone getting undeservedly high marks when they obviously didn't have two brain cells to knock together? Preposterous.

She spoke up, no anger in her voice, and not one stumble between her words.

"Somehow i suspect neither you nor your friend would do very well even if you copied our dear friend's manuscript word for word."

She smiled lightly, entertaining the possibility that they wouldn't even understand the insult. She felt stating "BECAUSE YOU'RE THAT STUPID IT WOULD STILL SHOW" would have been completely and utterly redundant.
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Post by Polybius »

Everett wanted a recommendation... something that Darren would be happy to give. Of course, his own constant misfortune had to get ito him eventually...

Before Darren was able to respond, Everett was greeted by a couple of jocks: Aaron Hicks and Ricky Fortino. Darren had never interacted directly with them (not that he wanted to, and likely vice-versa), but he had certainly heard a lot about them from other people. They were some of the "stars" of the football team; the type of people who were always surronded by a group of the incessantly chattering popular crowd; the type that rapidly jumped around from girlfriend to girlfriend.

...He only knew who they were from the accounts of less popular schoolmates and the various rumors that cropped up, but he felt like the only thing who could do at the moment was listen to them.

Aaron wanted to see Everett's notes on a project; notes that he and Ricky apparently couldn't bother taking themselves. He was acting overly friendly... but it was obvious what he wanted. Darren wondered: did he actually think that approach would work? Or was he just openly mocking Everett? It didn't matter, did it? Just as he came to an insignificant conclusion, a European-sounding voice spoke up.

"Somehow I suspect neither you nor your friend would do very well even if you copied our dear friend's manuscript word for word."

Darren glared in the direction of the voice. It came from a girl holding a Shakespeare book, who's prescence Darren had been too inattentive to notice even though she was sitting right at the end of the aisle that he and Everett had been standing in the whole time. Of course she had to butt in... did she want to start a fight? In the library?

Darren was thinking that maybe it was a good idea to just stand around and let the events just sort themselves out. After all, this probably wasn't going to escalate into anything. Why should he risk turning it into a serious situation? Anything that Darren said usually didn't help anyone.

Although... he felt that he should say something. Darren absolutely hated when someone was able to ride through life taking credit for other peoples' hard work while barely lifting a finger themselves. "Hey," he said "just try putting in some effort instead of copying him."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"HEY, Everett! How you doin', my man!"

Everett gave a start at the sound, cringing at the loud noise. He was then almost knocked off his feet by a slap on the back. Everett didn't have very good balance, but fortunately the slap hadn't been too hard.

He looked around, and saw two boys from his history class behind him: Ricky Fortino and Aaron Hicks. They were not Everett's favorite classmates. They didn't really do much to influence Everett's time in class, but that wasn't a good thing. They added little to nothing. Everett hadn't seen them do any work at all on the project so far.

He wasn't a bit surprised when they asked him for his notes, to "compare" with their own. It still infuriated him, though.

You think you can just come up to me and get all of my work because you're too lazy to do your own? Well, I have news for you...

You're probably right.

Everett didn't like slackers one bit. Still, he didn't want to get in an argument. He didn't want to make some sort of stand. He knew he didn't really stand a chance. Everett knew he wasn't a strong person. He was susceptible to pressure, and cared a little too much about what people thought of him. The only question was how long it would take before he gave in.

After all, Ricky had been nice to him. It was fake, but, hey, fake friends were better than no friends. It wasn't like Ricky and Aaron getting "C"s in the class would affect Everett's grade, either.

Then, someone else spoke up. It was a girl, Maia or something. Everett was pretty sure she was someone smart, someone who respected school. Someone Everett could respect. She chastised the football players for trying to cheat off of Everett's answers.

Then, Darren spoke up, siding with the girl in Everett's defense.

Oh man, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot. No way to win here. If I refuse to help, those jocks'll be mad, but if I give in, I'll be selling out the people who actually care. Everett sighed. This sucked.

He inhaled slowly, and then it came to him. He still had one possible out.

When all else fails, feign ignorance. Sometimes the best way to defeat a lie is to accept it.

"Hey, Ricky, I'm really sorry," Everett said, "but I left all my notes at home, since I'm done and all. I think I can still remember some of the books I used, though. I can help you find them, and you can compare your notes with them. It'll be even better than checking against my notes, since the books are far more complete."

Everett had now made a genuine offer to help. He would give Ricky a push in the right direction, and maybe he'd actually do some work. At the same time, Everett could avoid helping anyone cheat. The real beauty was, Ricky couldn't complain too much without revealing he'd been lying about just checking his notes against Everett's.
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Post by D/N »

Ah hells, Ricky mused inwardly. It never was just easy and simple, was it? It shoulda been more along the lines of "other guy wanders off and Everett stammers a bunch and then says Yeah, no problem guys, and just like that, their time on this stupid useless project thing gets cut down to an hour or two.

But no, cause first off this icy girl with some ax or another to grind comes up and seems like she wants to chew them out. Ricky had pretty much ignored her, although he'd noticed Aaron snatch a glance or two and start to grin a bit.

Then the other guy had spoken up and told them to do the work themselves. Well fuckin' Michael and Gabriel, what did he think they were doing? They were doing the WORK needed to get the goddamn project done! And so what if their defintion of the needed "work" happened to differ?

Ricky shot back at the guy without bothering to raise his voice. "Hey man, we're just asking if he can give us a hand here, if he can't that's fine, Everett's a cool guy. I mean, I don't see you in the class."

He glanced at the girl and immediately realized that Aaron wanted to deal with her, then turned back to the guy and shrugged.

"Besides, don't think he needs you to make his decisions."

And that really was the best way to get someone like Everett go along with them. Ricky knew that pretty goddamn well, even if most of his knowledge on such sociological activity was murky and smudged and buried up in his subconscious. He knew the tricks he'd fallen for, hell, tricks he still fell for, and he knew, even if not in so many words, that you had to make the guy think it was his choice to go along. 'Course, in cases like this there was precious little he could actually DO if Everett told them to screw off, except hope that Aaron had another idea in mind or could step up the pressure enough to get Everett on board.

Everett seemed goosed by the whole thing, then said apologetically that he didn't have his notes with him, but he could get the books and show them where he got his stuff from. Well Jesus on the Freakin' Cross, if they wanted the books they could just go get them themselves, and then, ugggggh, read through all.... probably fifty goddamn thousand pages. Who the fuck could read that much?

Well, it was the best offer he was gonna get today, at least. They could get the important stuff from the books and change it around enough so that it wasn't a straight copy. Plus, once you got a foot in the door with a guy it was easier to move on to getting some more info out of a him, and Aaron could hopefully convince him to hand over some more.... exact info while they were looking.

It'd look better than just copying and pasting off Wikipedia, at least.

He exchanged a glance with Aaron, who shrugged and smiled. "Knew we could count on you, man, thanks a lot. Ricky, you and Everett want to get started finding the books?"

"Sure thing." Ricky nodded.

Aaron in the meantime, had turned back to the girl. He flashed his all-systems-go smile at her and chuckled a bit, surveying her.

"Man, copyin's a bad word, girl. Hell, all we do here is rewrite stuff out of books anyway. Not much else you can do for a history project."

When Aaron looked at people, he often didn't really see them quite as actual people. They were more just.... other parts of his world, and he judged them by just how helpful they were to him. A guy like Ricky? That guy was top notch, always there for him. A guy like Everett? He had his uses, sure he did, and and long as he was friendly and helped them out, he had his place way on the fringe lines of the world of Aaron Hicks, Superstar. That other guy? No use, so who gives a fuck about him?

And a good-looking girl? Well, THEY had their uses.

"I can take a guess that you've never been to a football game. That's fine, that's cool. Hey, we all got our interests. But hey girl, don't just think we're just looking to COPY. That hurts. Everett's a buddy, and he does real well."

'Course, this one was, shall we say, less likely than most to be impressed by him. He could see it in her eyes. But oh yeah, he'd scored girls like her before. Some of 'em suprisingly easy. And the thrill of proving (in his eyes, at least), her wrong about him was more than enough reason for Aaron to break out the big guns. He didn't sit through those English classes for nothing.

"That Romeo and Juliet you got there?"

Ricky just sat back and watched Aaron at work. He could see what was coming, the book the girl was holding was plain as day and Aaron loved nothing more than to try out his supposed poetry skills on the fairer sex. He just rolled his eyes at Everett as Aaron intoned.

"Oh, I see Queen Mab has been with you
She is the fairies' midwife, an' she comes
In a shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the finger of an alderman
Drawn with a team of little, uh, atomolies
Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep.

And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers ' brains, and then they dream... of love."

Aaron finished his rather short piece and put on a self-conscious grin. "Yeah, I know I missed a bunch of lines in between, but hey, maybe I can learn it better."

Ricky snorted. Freakin' women. You quote some dead guy and they think you're some romantic goddamn Rico Suave or something.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
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Post by Gwbiii* »

((sorry, not much of a post, but thought this way you could at least continue))

Mia was getting a little impatient, she'd rather have been reading Shakespeare. They'd all yapped away for a while until the nerdy looking kid had given a rather philanthropic suggestion. Everett is it? How... diplomatic

With them occupied she suddenly found her attention focusing on the guy who'd been ogling her, mainly because he demanded it from her.

"Man, copyin's a bad word, girl. Hell, all we do here is rewrite stuff out of books anyway. Not much else you can do for a history project." What would he even know? History is full of great, interesting people: kings, queens, nobles, lords, emperors! And he intends to defile the art of writing through plagiarism?

"I can take a guess that you've never been to a football game." of course I have, that doesn't make the 'sport' any less moronic. "That's fine, that's cool. Hey, we all got our interests. But hey girl, don't just think we're just looking to COPY. That hurts. Everett's a buddy, and he does real well." Still sounds like copying to me, what word does he think would be less insulting? Appropriation? Plagiarism? Exploitation? Leaching?

"That Romeo and Juliet you got there?"
"Why yes, it is, what of it?"

Then he took her completely surprise and started quoting the work itself!
"Oh, I see Queen Mab has been with you
She is the fairies' midwife, an' she comes
In a shape no bigger than an agate-stone
On the finger of an alderman
Drawn with a team of little, uh, atomolies"

"Atomies" she corrected

"Athwart men's noses as they lie asleep.
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers ' brains, and then they dream... of love."

well, he's slaughtered the verse, but I suppose he earns points for being a step above all of these fools who don't know anything...

"Yeah, I know I missed a bunch of lines in between, but hey, maybe I can learn it better."

"Peace, peace Mercutio, peace! And I had you for a plebeian! It would seem as if I've spoken too soon." She looked him up and down, mostly down, since he was a good few inches shorter than her. "Perhaps if you knew more than the bare minimum required to chat up members of the fairer sex we might dine together." She feigned sorrow, bringing the back of her hand up against her forehead and giving a slight sigh. "Ah, but alas."

She relaxed a bit, maybe this guy was worth at least a little of her time after all. He was one of the 'popular' ones, and fame was something she could respect, to a degree.

"So, thespian, what may i call you?" She already knew his name was Aaron, but that was no reason to leave out common courtesy.
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Post by Polybius »

((Sorry everyone, real life's been getting in the way, and it still is. So I present this sorry excuse for a post. I'll have time by the next time my turn rolls around, I assure you.))

Ricky immediately shot back at Darren's remark, as expected. Maybe he was right; after all, Darren didn't know the situation the three of them were in. What right did he have to judge them? After that, Darren just remained silent.

Everett came up the idea to just show them the books that he took his notes from. Darren figured that that was okay... Aaron and Ricky will have to do their own work anyway.

Aaron went to talk to that girl who spoke up earlier. He had no interest in just watching them... maybe he could just go back to lookig at books. So, he turned to whatever shelf was right next to him and began looking it up and down. Nothing looked good there, hmm...
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Hey, no problem Polybius. I really appreciate you keeping things moving. Thanks a ton! Hope real life eases off for you soon.))

Everett breathed a sigh of relief when Ricky and Aaron accepted his idea. That was good. Somehow, he'd managed to salvage the situation.

Aaron turned to the girl, and started talking to her. Everett recognized the work he was quoting as Romeo and Juliet, though he didn't remember the play well enough to judge the accuracy of Aaron's quotations. The girl apparently did, though, and began to banter back to him.

Is she... flirting with him? Everett shook his head. He wasn't a good judge of romantic interest, and it didn't matter anyways. Moreover, he had a hard time with archaic language when it flowed so quickly. Still, he might as well give them a little space. He turned back to Ricky and said, "Right over here."

Everett walked over to the other side of the library, to the nonfiction sections, and began looking through the shelves. He grabbed a couple of the books he had used. They were intimidatingly thick and old, though only a small section of each was actually applicable to the project. Everett tucked them under his arm and then leaned over, searching along the bottom of the shelf for the book most of his best research had come from. It seemed to be missing.

Right, every class got this project, and several groups in each class got the same subject. It must be checked out. That could be a problem.

Everett frowned, and set the books down on an open space on the shelf.

So, what do I do now?

Well, there really was only one thing to do. He would help Ricky and Aaron as best he could, and search for another book with similar contents. He sure wouldn't mention the missing book to them.

No point stirring up trouble. If I can't find a replacement I'll just summarize what I can remember for them, or something.
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Post by D/N »

Ricky was more than happy to leave Aaron to his stupid attempted conquest. In fact, he was surprised that the girl even responded to him at all, even if he had no real idea what she was trying to say. What the hell kind of old-school language was she speakin' in? Christ, a woman like that? Way more trouble than she could ever be worth.

He meandered over to the library shelves, where Everett was hard at work pulling a bunch of books out and setting them aside. Ricky looked at a couple, grimacing a bit as he read the titles.

"Hell. Seriously, it takes me like a week to read these things through."

‘Course, it wasn't so much that Ricky couldn't read this crap as much as it was that he just didn't WANT to read it. Especially this close to the end of the school. Frankly, he couldn't wait to be done with the whole thing. Yeah sure, you needed school, but it was about fucking time for him to go on and start learning the IMPORTANT stuff. The stuff you needed to know if you wanted to get into the unions, get a good job, not this fuckin' history stuff he'd never think about again. Not that he was begrudgin' a guy like Everett, of course. Guy like him wouldn't last a week if he had to actually work for a living, so it was better for him that he went off and stuck with his academic stuff. You do what you're good at, that's how you get ahead.

"Good we got guys like you, huh?"

He didn't know if Everett would take that as a friendly remark or not. It was just a statement of fact, really. Ricky didn't much have the desire or charisma to bother with too much BS or fake compliments when it came to other people.

"Anyway, let's get ‘em to the table over there so we can get to the important parts."

Meanwhile, Aaron let himself keep grinning as the girl unleashed a torrent of Olde Shakespeare at him, even though it was something he wasn't quite prepared for. He thought he got the gist of it, that she was not QUITE shooting him down, but was impressed by his skills with the language. Well, of course she was.

"Name? Aaron Hicks, to give myself an official introduction."

Just then he heard Ricky call back from somewhere in the shelves. "Yo Aaron. We've got actual work to do over here." Aaron ignored it for now. He'd be doing the actual work in a minute and until then, Ricky and Everett could get things started.

"And my lady?" He spoke confidently, but added a bit of playfulness to the words, telling her that he was willing to keep up with her weird olde-style speaking quirk until she got tired of it.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Posts: 179
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:46 am


Post by Gwbiii* »

"Name? Aaron Hicks, to give myself an official introduction." Hicks? how unfortunate.

That other jock interjected with something thoroughly uninteresting and unremarkable. She was rather enjoying herself without his input.

"And my lady?"

"Mia Kuiper." She made a halfhearted curtsy before adding "It's Dutch." She let the ringing Shakespearean tones fall, it was fun for a while, but even she had to admit it got a little tiring.

Hmm, ok, topic of conversation, let's see... Ancestry dictates the man, so...
"So what does your family do around here?"

((sorry for the short post, kind of bleh atm, and hey, it's a conversation right? :P))
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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:47 pm


Post by Polybius »

((Sorry for the lateness... especially for something such as this.))


Darren still couldn't find anything to his liking... whatever, it didn't really matter. He quietly put everything back in its place. He still had a lot time left, but he wasn't going to spend it here. Darren grabbed his stuff and headed out.

((Darren Bowen continued elsewhere))
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