Cramming Like Mad

As one might imagine, the school's library is filled with, well, books. Tables and chairs are placed around the room in neat little groups, and everything always seems to be in its rightful place... perhaps because Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian, has horrible OCD.
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Cramming Like Mad


Post by PKPhyre* »

( Introduction for Aaron Kane )
Aaron had never really been one to study, usually pretending to read in the library while he listened to his iPod. Today however, was different. next period, in history class, he had a test on the World War II. Which, as always, he hadn't studied. For.
"Goddammit." He thought to himself "Why the hell do I never study?!" He checked the clock. He only had 30 minutes until his next period, and he wasn't even half of the way through the book he was reading. he began skipping through the passages to save time
"blahblahblah Nazis blahblahblah Hitler, Oh come on book, we get it. He was a prick! Get on with it!" He thought to himself as read.
He checked the clock again. He now only had 5 minutes left.
" I'm boned." He muttered to himself. "Ya know what? Screw it. I'll skip class."
With that, he hastily gathered up his things and headed out of the library.
(Continued elsewhere)
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