G19- Stings like a bitch

A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by Cactus »

Amanda glanced outside of the hospital and retracted her machete out of the bag around her back. It wasn't much, but Madelaine DID have a gun, and as such, that made her feel a little better.

The feeling disappeared, however, when she saw who it was. Having quite good vision was something Amanda was proud of, and when she saw Jacob Starr step into view, the blood drained from her face.

"FUCK! It's Jacob..." she hissed to Madelaine and Hawley.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Mhm You are going to get us killed,Preacher.You really are" he said as he would follow jacob,his pistol still gripped rather tightly his pistol levelled at the floor.Someone would fire a first shot and then it would be self defense but for now he just stood by Jacobs side waiting for something.Tension and tempreature were slowely rising as he looked towards the makeshift hospital,smashed glass around and a nasty smell..Fish? rotting fish? something smelled a little off? he dismissed it as medical supplies.

"You can do the talking since youre just so good at making friends" he said as eyes skipped from window to window exspecting to see the barrel of a gun pointing out of at least one of them.If not to kill why were they were? Well maybe this was safer.The enimies unkown in number and weaponry.He just stood there at jacobs side wearing a nice long grinn showing off those pearly white teeth and elongated canine teeth.
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Post by Slayer* »

"I'll check, the rain can sometimes distort images, trust me with that." David said in respect to Amanda's identification, raising his gun and pivoting out from the doorway to aim at the person outside.

Jacob saw the armed individual jump out from the doorway and aimed at them, only to find himself in a standoff with David Jackson, each person's pistol directly in front of the other's face. the two stood there dumbfounded for a second. Jacob was the first to speak in surprise.

"David? David Jackson?" What a surprise, didn't know HE was on the plane

"Yeah, it's me." David replied, surprised to find Jacob here, especially surprised that though they had gotten along well in school, he hadn't been shot already by the other boy, who had already killed at least two people that David could tell, and was most likely playing.

"Care to tell me why I'm still alive, Jacob?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

As soon as Madelaine had heard the voices in the nearby bushes, as well as David's warning, she immediately dropped both the handkerchief and the water bottle and retreated back into the hospital, withdrawing her gun again. She pressed her back against the wall next to the doorway, readjusting her grip on the handle. Her the pace of her breath quickened, but she struggled to remain calm.

She looked towards the rest of the group, feeling frantic. A cold, sickening feeling buried itself in the pit of her stomach.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to come out while they're outside?" she asked hesitantly. She was interrupted when David suddenly turned around to point his gun at the person who had just stepped outside in the open. She remained hidden behind the doorway, still gripping the gun with a sweating palm.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

The armed individual appeared and up his weapon went the crosshairs sitting on David,wow didnt he look like a little puppy playing follow the leader.It had been standoff between Jacob and David till he brought his own weapon and pressed it to the temple of the boy.His grip staying tight as ever,two guys one target.Would the boy get away if one of them fired? Most likely not.

He gave a nod to jacob before returning his attention to the boy,he wasnt going to say anything.The boy asked a question and answers would be given soon enough,Peri was there for a little insurance it seemed.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Company? Oh, no...

The name Jacob didn't particularly strike any fear in Elise's heart, after all, she knew nothing about his apparent repuation, but seeing Peri there...

...now she really was dead. She thought she'd seen the last of Peri, that she was at least safe for a while...

"...no..." she whispered, backing further into the house. She tripped and fell backwards, and found herself once again on her backside. He was going to kill her, he was going to kill her!!

The fear hadn't been nearly this bad when the others had arrived. She had figured that they would kill her quickly. But Peri's treatment of them in the last encounter left her feeling nothing but terror. She began to shake. Those people were out there, and he was just grinning at them. She had to do something.

"He's going to kill you!!!!!" she screamed. "He's playing the game!!" Tears splashed down her face. She wouldn't let him near her again, she couldn't. And now he had a gang of his own?
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob seemed to be trying to look David in the eyes and glare at Peri at the same time. First, he answered David's question. "I'm not playing anymore David, there has to be a better way than killing everyone. And put the gun down before I make you put it down, Peri." His aim shifted from David to Peri, while David was still aiming at him and Peri was aiming at David.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

How often was Jacob going to use that threat? He shook his head."This is the last time you use that,Preacher.." he said before he would lower his weapon.This shit was getting real old real fucking fast and that Colt in his hand seemed to be almost eager to be unleashed.

Ah,Elise she was still able to speak what a pleasure.The grinn rose oncemore as his sharp teeth would be shown,his hand steady as it levelled the pistol at the Boys temple.Disarm him? Well he should have given the boy some warning about what he wanted but he didnt,he just stood with his hand steady.

"I See you met that backstabbing bitch Elise....Still alive I see,Do youreself a favour and keep an eye on her.Itll pay off in the long run,Buddy" he said before letting silence fall once again.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan sat in the bushes wondering and waiting. He saw the guns drawn and laughed to himself shotgun still aimed in sniper mode.
His grip lached itself loosely around his weapon as he lie in wait ready for when he had too shoot.

Soon he would have his fun, soon he would be able to play with his new toy. He only hoped peri would give him the chance by ripping a round into someones skull, preferably jacobs.
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Post by Slayer* »

"Peri, put down the damned gun before your head gets reduced to a bloody pile of pieces." Jacob growled, flicking off the safety and tightening his grip on the trigger, also noting that David took his gun from Jacob's head and was now aiming at where the laugh came from.

OOC: Anyone care to do something to end this standoff without blood?
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

(OOC: Anybody think we should wait for Riser or something? She's kinda lagging a bit behind. Also, guitarjack is waaaay behind. ^^;; )
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Stevan quietly moved making sure not to rustle the bushes too much. He took his shot gun from by its strap and pulled it off his shoulder as he laiddown aiming his weapon up at one of the windows, Looking through the bushes he could hear jacob threatening peri. Some ally he turned out to be, maybe this was his plan? lure us in and kill us, maybe this is how he got all his previously kills?
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Without Blood youre going to stop threatening to shoot peri for one..)

He simply shook his head and gave a "Fuck you.You wont shoot me because you only beleive in self defense and we are supposdly allies but if you want to spill unneccessary innocent blood then go for it" he said as his pistol would be flicked upto aim at Jacob.He didnt enjoy staring down the barrel of a loaded gun from a game player who has made the threat previous time,this shit was getting real old real fast.And why here? infront of a group of gun wielding people..Here jacob chose to pick a fight.Play the nice guy so he could get inside most likely but he still wasnt to keen on having his facial features splattered all across the floor.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: I'm threatening Peri because he won't put down the gun. In a way, it's a throwback to the fact that Jacob is the son of a policeman.
IC: "So be it." Jacob muttered as he saw the other's gun swivel around to him. Using his left hand as a buffer, he used a swiping manuver to knock the gun off course, then moved to the side, where he tried to hit Peri with a pistol whip. David, meanwhile, shot at Peri's foot.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

(If you're talking about the real life people, I've no idea. But Marcus is still wandering in the other thread and Hawley is right inside the building, just about to tend to Eli's wounds right as you guys showed up :P)
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