
Essentially, the first level of the Promenade could be described as the 'tween' floor. Any time after 3 PM on a school day, it's all but infested with young kids and not-quite-teenagers. Prominent stores on this floor are places like Banana Republic, Claire's, Hot Topic, and Please Mum.
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Post by Fanatic* »

Sarah cocked her head to one side and her brow furrowed for a section as she thought. "Hm. Cool." She could sense that Chris had something on his mind from the pained expression that crossed his face ever so quickly. She decided not to press any further with it. Hopefully it was an issue that he could resolve.

"Have you got anything else you were looking to pick up today Chris?" she asked. "Cause I'll be happy to hang around." Sarah intended to stay away from home as long as she could, but knew it would only make things worse if she was late for dinner. She had, however enough time to casually walk back and do a little more shopping. If Chris had to go though, she wasn't about to wander about by herself, the act in itself might make her a social outcast. Girls could be mean.
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Post by chitoryu12* »

Chris shook his head. "Unfortunately, no," he said. "That pretty much just cleaned me out, and all I've got left is fare for the bus."

He had to ask pretty soon, or else he would be stuck completely alone at prom. He had to stick with her for as long as he could.

"Are you going to be leaving, or walking around, or what?" he asked. "I'm in no rush."
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Post by Fanatic* »

Sarah shrugged slightly. "I dunno, I mean I could defs go for an icecream, but I suppose we're both out of cash." She made a exaggerated gesture of holding her empty purse upside down and shaking it. "Plus, as much as I like walking around with a schoolbag and shopping bags draped off me it's probably no good for my posture."

Reflexively Sarah reached around her waist to ensure she still had her Video Camera with her. It was more habit than anything, stemming from the time she had misplaced her very first video camera and left it on the bench in this very mall. It had disappeared within seconds and she had cried for hours. Her body tensed for a second as she couldn't find the strap and then relaxed when her hand rested comfortably on the cold metal of the recorder itself.

"I didn't drive so I guess I'll walk home, before the sun sets. I'm on Fern Terrace, just off the main street if you're headed that way."

Chris was nice enough, and he seemed wrapped up enough with that Holly girl so she didn't seem him being all 'stalker-ish'. It wasn't like she was going to get mugged, but weighed down with all this shopping: better to be safe than sorry."
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Post by chitoryu12* »

Fern Terrace, Fern Terrace......where IS Fern Terrace?

Chris was racking his brain to try and remember where Fern Terrace was. His face betrayed no confusion, but mentally he was panicking. Chris never really bothered to learn a lot of the street and neighborhood names around St. Paul; he just learned to look for landmarks or grew so used to a particular route, like the one to school, that he could do it in his sleep without ever being able to tell a lost tourist which way to go.

Wait, now I remember! Right before my neighborhood!

"Yeah," Chris said to Sarah. "I'm just a few blocks down from your house."

The pair turned and began walking towards the nearest exit. He habitually pulled his cellphone, a tiny silver Kyocera S4000, partially from his pocket and hit a button on the side. The tiny screen flashed with a picture of his best friend, Kelly, as the background, and several icons around it, telling the time, signal, and battery power. One symbol on the top was an envelope with a T, indicating that he had gotten a text. He must have been so distracted that he didn't notice his phone vibrating, one of the reasons he got into the habit of checking his phone so often.

Chris flipped his phone open and flicked through the menus, opening the text. It was from Kelly, reading "Hey, get on aim :)". He quickly typed out a message: "On the way home" and sent it off.

As he put his phone back in his pocket, he looked to Sarah and the multitude of bags hanging off of her. "You need any help carrying those?" he asked.
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Post by Fanatic* »

"Sure" Sarah said as she handed Chris the bag. It was something indicative of her perceived social status that made her almost expect him to have asked the question. She didn't really want to go home quite yet, hopefully, her plan was to get home just before dinner quickly eat and wash up and lock her self in her room before her parent broke in to another nonsensical argument about some minute irrelevant detail.

It was getting worse of recent and Sarah wished that she would be whisked away from this place, perhaps to an island somewhere where she didn't need to worry about her parents or having to come home. That would be perfect.

Exiting the mall beside Chris she shaded her eyes from the glare of the sun, before unzipping her bag to retrieve her sunglasses.

"We can cut across the park, it's quicker." Sarah mentioned to Chris, even though she knew it was the long way round. Even after the retail therapy she had just been through she *really* did not want to go home quite yet, although, she wouldn't mind trying out her new clothes in the comfort of her own room, prom, was of course coming soon and she was excited.

((Sarah Atwell continued in The Long Walk Home))
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Post by chitoryu12* »

Chris took the bag and calmly shoved the handle up to his elbow, grasping it on the bottom with his other arm to make it more comfortable.

"Sure. I like that park. Nice and quiet. And green.......mostly green."

The pair walked out of the mall, Sarah donning her sunglasses. Chris was quite used to the stage lights providing an unbearable glare, so he didn't have much of an issue with the sun shining in his eyes as it began to dip lower in the sky. It was coming up on 5:00, and the bright star was just preparing to dip below the treetops.

((Chris Carlson continued in The Long Walk Home))
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