Ross Baker

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Ross Baker


Post by Polybius »

Name: Ross Baker
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: He focuses mostly on being an offensive guard for Bayview's football team, but in his spare time he enjoys listening to 60's rock music, having attempted to learn the guitar a few years ago.

Appearance: Ross stands tall at 6 feet, and since he constantly works out he has a muscular body. His thick blondish-brown hair is short and combed back for the most part, but sometimes sticks out in the front. Most people would say that he has pretty average looks; his face has a few blemishes on it, it's clean-shaven, and his skin is tanned slightly but barely noticeable. He has bushy but neat eyebrows and green eyes that can be considered big along with a larger-than average forehead and ears, but not too big that they look strange on his face; in contrast, his nose his smaller than his other facial features. On the trip he was wearing an orange t-shirt, brown shorts, and brownish-black sneakers; with a Vikings cap on his head.

Biography: : Ross is a very fortunate person. Why? Well first of all, his father Julian Baker is the General Manger of the St. Paul branch media service company. That of course, means that he has quite the paycheck, and he can provide his wife and three children with a three story home and private schooling.

Ross himself is the youngest of these three children, and he has been blessed with the ability to play football better than most of his classmates. It, of course, let him to join the football team of his private school at the time; Benjamin Kubelsky Academy, where he first started playing about

So yes, he has a very desirable life; he lives in a rich home, his family, teachers, and most fellow students never seem to act badly towards him, and he's a valued member of the shool football team Well, actually he has a certain mental problem. Not some mental disorder; it's something much simpler: anger. He can't control himself when he gets really angry. Not most anger though, just very extreme cases. So, since he has such a good life, he hasn't gotten THAT angry since he was a little kid, as little kids often do for little or no reason. That was fixed with anger management therapy.

However, it happened again in his sophomore year. He got into a big argument with the team quarterback that escalated into personal insults, which escalated into Ross attacking him right in the middle of practice. Ross came out with minor injuries, but the other guy's injuries were more major.

Ross was soon expelled, and by his own choice, he switched to Bayview, the local public school instead of another private school. In the following years, with more therapy, he went back to his usual self, a friendly, popular student who usually never fought anyone. The events of the whole incident were leaked into the school, but it is considered more of a legend, with no actual evidence as far as the students know. While some of the student body doesn't believe something such as that, some less sceptical students do, which provided a few problems back when he was still a sophmore and still some problems in the present. With his therapy, whenever anybody tries to accuse him of anything he manges to keep a calm deposition, and so far he's been able to avoid any fights or long-term enemies.

Something that Ross has fairly recently tried to take up due to his love of 60's music is the guitar. There was a problem, even with lessons Ross couldn't seem to learn to play any basic songs correctly. This had disappointed him quite a lot, and he gave it up, but still tries to practice with it every now and then.

Advantages: He's a big and strong football player, so he won't have trouble in fights. He has many friends and no enemies in the school, so he'll have no problem gaining allies. His rage can actually help him in fights, so it could be an advantage unless the person he's fighting has a gun.

Disadvantages: Despite the private schooling, Ross isn't exactly that smart. He's also a little to trusting of his friends, many of which are unpleasant to less popular students and are prime candidates to play. His anger could be his downfall, it could make him lose allies quick and get him killed. Lastly, he doesn't have any fighting experience beyond that one fight, and physical strength can only get someone so far.
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