Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Hobbsborough is a combination of two schools. A public and a Catholic school. You can just feel the tension in the air.
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Mrs. Saranna's Home Room


Post by Endless_Helix* »

A ghost whispered into the room, carrying a brown beverage full of caffein. Mornings could make you feel like you just walked over your grave. The shade smiled slightly and found an empty chair. It took him a few seconds to remember what the chair was for.

"Oh, hello Ernest; I didn't hear you walk in." Mrs Saranna looked a iittle surprised. Ernest had a bad habit in that sense. He was just too quiet sometimes, and would just walk up to someone, scaring the hell out of them.

"So, how are you today, Mrs Saranna?" Ernest remembered that phrase from his therapist's sessions. it always seemed to break the ice. His therapist said that Ernest did need to learn more social skills. Some days it paid to be slightly friendly.

"I'm fine. This is the most i've ever heard you speak."

"No-one's around."

Mrs Saranna looked at Ernest for a second. "I'll believe that until the real answer surfaces."

Ernest sat down and pulled out a book, a dog-eared copy of Modern Chess Openings and looked at the Kalashnakov variation of the Sicillian Dragon opening.
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Post by Megami* »

Maggie Heartgreeder had to admit to herself that the days following Hobbsborough High School's own private murder mystery had been hectic.  Hectic wasn't even the right word.  After one, Kim Jones-Larame, had been found dead in the women's restroom of the high school, mass chaos had ensued and the ficticious world that the Hobbsborough students had encased themselves in had all but imploded upon itself and collapsed to the ground in a ball of firey nothingness.

Stepping into Mrs. Saranna's room for the first time after Kim's death, Maggie could still remember the ringing of the sirens, Mrs. Saranna's frantic voice instructing the children to get under their desks, her brief encounter with fellow classmate Mai Oshinari in which she finally discovered the cause of all the chaos and hysteria that had overtaken the school, and the events thereafter.  They'd been locked in their classroom for hours on end while Denton police swarmed the large school.  Eventually, the students were all but evacuated from the building and school had been cancelled for a few days afterward.

Now, the classroom seemed like a whole other world.  The chaos and hysteria from a few days prior had all but dissolved into thin air, and from the looks of the now spick-and-span school building, things had all but returned to normal.  Investigators had deemed Kim's cause of death an accidental suicide -- apparently the young starlet had inadvertantly taken the wrong mixture of weightloss pills, combined with other medications, and the aftereffects of said combination had proven to be deadly.  It was a relief to know that Kim's death had been an accident, but the fact remained that it was unsettling to know that only a few days prior, a corpse had lain sprawled out in the women's restroom and had coated the entire area in a sea of red.

The nearly vacant classroom was almost unsettling.  Glancing up at the clock, Maggie noted that she was still quite early.  The only other figure who appeared to have gotten here before her -- a boy whose name she didn't quite recall -- seemed entranced in the book he held in front of him.  Mrs. Saranna was busily scribbling notes into her day planner, or at least, she appeared to be.  Compared to the chaos that had engulfed the school only a few days prior, the deadening silence of the classroom was almost unbearable.  Maggie had to admit, though, that the silence was a world better than the blaring sirens from a few days prior.

"Morning," she mused softly as she walked by Mrs. Saranna's desk and headed for her assigned seat next to the window of the classroom.

Despite all that had happened within the past few days, everything seemed to have returned to some sense of normalcy.  It was a bit of a relief to know that she wouldn't be bogged down with such morbid topics as the death of a classmate today.  Perhaps today, things would begin anew.  She had noticed the large memorial the school had set up in honor of the deceased Larame girl that was orchestrated in the front lobby of the school.  It was a solemn reminder of the events that had unfolded so very recently, and for many, it would likely reopen a few tender wounds.  She couldn't help but inadvertantly gaze over at the seat that would most likely remain empty throughout the course of the day -- the seat that used to belong to Kim.

Although she had barely known the girl, it was still an unnerving fact to know that someone she had sat in class with only a few days prior would now never again grace them with her presence.  Of course, Kim had been a bit annoying at times -- a bit loud, a bit too bubbly in personality and disposition, a bit too carefree and happy-go-lucky -- but the void that had been left in the classroom in the wake of her death was unshakable.  Maggie's line of vision shifted over to the only other student occupying the room.  The Decaterat, at least, she thought that was his last name, boy seemed absorbed in his book.

Releasing an almost inaudible sigh, Maggie unzipped her backpack and removed her own notebook from it.  She ran her fingertips through her long blonde hair before resting her head lazily on her open hand and began randomly writing in the notebook.  She couldn't help but shake the discomfort and the bad vibe she was getting from her homeroom class, but she supposed it was only natural to feel a bit chilled at the fact that one of their classmates wouldn't be joining them again indefinitely.
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Post by Kris* »

"I hope one of the nerds die today." said Paris Persphone surrounded by a group of 'populars'. Paris life style had turned very upside down when his classmate and fellow popular Kim died. Not only that but Paris also was beat up by some overgrown orge. For the past few days he's been recovering from the wounds. It was at all bad, bruises lingered, his face was thankfully back to normal. He still looked great but you can tell that he's been going thorugh some hardships.

Paris however didn't show it and waltzed inside the classtroom preparing himself for another day of slewing insults and come backs at various losers. Not to far from his desk was that of little Miss Maggie Heartgreeder. He could tell that the naive girl was a bit paranoid and worried about coming to school ever since Kim pushed up dasies. That goody two shoes annoyed Paris, he didn't even wanted to waste his time making fun of her.

And then their was Ernest. Ernest was even worse than maggie. He was some emo punk freak show who just happens to share the same homeroom as the Gossip King himself. Ernest would always sit in his little corner and read his little book. He would get his occasional kick of making fun of him while he's nearby. Ernest was Paris' basic excercise for the day. he would start off with a few wise ass comments about him, and than move on to someone he hated even more.....

Someone like Mai Oshinari and her pathetic boyfriend. Not only them but quite a number of the drama students greatly irritated him. Mai and others like her would be the main course of his day and will usually spend several class periods making fun, spreading rumors, and belitting them as best as he could.

Kim's death didn't really have an effect on Paris. Sure when he first found out about it he was a bit worried and curious as to what happened. But now the whole thing has blown over in his mind, Paris was now focused on bigger and better things. Things that are worth his time. Kims death was just an unfortunate accident, a distraction from Paris' daily routine. Sure the boy was a fan of rountine disruptions, but after awhile the news gets boring and Paris quickly moves on to something more important and more intresting.

The boy started talking to his fellow populars striking troubling conversation. "Anyways, have you seen Ernest? What a pathetic loser. He's always sitting by himself with his smug little book. Ernest is the type fo commit suicide in a unique way. He'd probably go to the library and purposley tip the large book case over crushing him beneath the wait." Paris as well as the populars laughed at his jokes, loud enough so Ernest could hear.

It was time to stretch out those vocal cords.
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Post by Endless_Helix* »

"I hope one of the nerds die today."

Aaaahh.... No day is complete without Paris Persiphone, mused Ernest. Paris always came off as a little whiner who needed support from others to do anything. In fact, he was as bad as some of the girls in that sense. Ernest then considered what Paris would look like with his skin flayed off him. He started with the bicep and peeled away to reveal the tendons in the arm and the moved to the back. He always loved the shoulder muscles. So thick and interesting. A bit hard to cut through.

Ernest shook his head a little to clear his mind a little. Unhealthy thoughts led to unhealthy actions and that was bad.  Paris was the kind of kid that refered to Ernest as a freak and then laughed about it. Ernest was the kind of kid who refered to Paris as an emotionally regressed social rake with delusions of grandeur and then laughed about it.  

Maggie Heartgreeder was another matter. She always had her walls up, to protect against anything the bullies said. The bullies knew how to deal with that, and just ignored her, which hurt so much worse. He pittied and envied her at the same time. He would kill and maim to be ignored by the popular crowd, but he knew that she was nowhere near as independant as he was. Someone with a large vocabulary, but no knowledge of the definitions,  would have said "more singular" which was probably true. He just hated the way they tore into her when she wasn't there. And the way they just stopped when she walked in.

"Anyways, have you seen Ernest? What a pathetic loser. He's always sitting by himself with his smug little book. Ernest is the type fo commit suicide in a unique way. He'd probably go to the library and purposley tip the large book case over crushing him beneath the weight."

Ernest didn't mind most of the comment . In fact it probably cost Paris quite a few of his brain cells to create. What wrankled him was the suicide comment. Suicide was for emo kids who lost all hope. Ernest was a nerd, not an emo kid, and had far too much self-control to seriously consider suicide out of anything but curiousity. Paris did seem to have an obsession with death lately, although that didn't seem overly odd, given Kim's recent demise. I'd  have thought that death was a taboo today, and with that consideration Ernest walked on a path that went next to  Paris,  needing to pick up tommorrow's english assignment. As he walked by Paris, Ernest whispered,

"And what would you know about death?" into Paris' ear.

After he got the paper, Ernest walked to his chair another way.
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Post by Shula* »

He knew he was early, but whatever. Was there really anything else to do? He absently ran a hand through his hair to get the annoying mop out of his face and walked through the door. Unsurprisingly enough, very few were even present: that quiet kid who's always got a book to hid behind, Paris the slightly male girl, and the invisible girl - Maggie? Who cares anyway, Adrian was only there to keep his attendance record up enough to pass tenth grade anyway. Saranna's the only one who needed to notice his presence.

Not blatantly ignoring the others, but neither even acknowledging their presence, Adrian moved to the corner seat and rocked back so the chair was balancing on two legs. He wasn't really sure if he'd been assigned that seat in particular, but no one seemed to mind. He looked up to see Ernest brush past Paris on his way to the front desk. He thought momentarily of saying something sarcastic to Paris about that, but decided the effort wasn't worth it.

Even annoying pricks who can't think past their makeup need a break sometimes. Not that this particular annoying prick wore makeup, but it's just the principle of the matter. Gossip and cosmetics, they're close enough, right?

Speaking of gossip, apparently, that Kim who died was nothing but an idiot who mixed up diet pills with other weird stuff. It... wasn't humorous, but it was slightly ridiculous. Perhaps Adrian should have been more concerned that somebody had died in a bathroom in the very building he sat in, but the fact of the matter was that it was accidental according to official word. Stupidity like that isn't contagious most of the time.

Even so, people who knew the girl seemed upset enough, and Adrian was just polite (and lazy) enough to lay off the actively sarcastic and caustic comments for a day or so.

Instead he did what he always did. Pulling out a charcoal pencil and an art eraser, Adrian flipped open the sketch pad and stared at the blank paper. Perhaps he wouldn't get anything done today, but at least blank paper gives you something to stare at other than people. Paper doesn't start arguments.
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Post by Megami* »

The silence that had encased the room in an eerie and nostalgic atmosphere was all but shattered when class loudmouth and self-proclaimed Gossip King Extraordinaire Paris Persphone waltzed through the door to the classroom with his usual crew of mindless cronies in tow.  There were very few people that Maggie Heartgreeder could genuinely say that she truly disliked, but somehow, over the course of the past year she'd attended the same school as him, Paris had managed to make it on the list of those select people that Maggie dreaded seeing everyday.  Not like she'd ever say anything to him, but Paris was one of the few people who really rubbed the Christian girl the wrong way.

To be honest, Maggie more pitied Paris than disliked him.  She had set it in her mind that Paris was a very insecure and needy individual, and that was why he felt the need to berate others and surround himself with mindless drones who would follow his every command to remain "popular".  Perhaps, just maybe, that was the truth behind Paris Persphone.  More likely than not, though, Paris was just a pompous, arrogant individual who truly thought that their insignificant and meaningless existence affected anyone in the world around him.  Sure, he might've been somebody at Hobbsborough High School, but the fact was that she hadn't even heard of him until the merger.  Part of her wished that she hadn't heard of him then, either.

Maggie supposed that she shouldn't pass judgment on her fellow classmate.  She hadn't ever really bothered to talk to him.  Nobody could possibly blame her, though.  Taylor was a bit narcissistic at times, but Paris really took the cake in the narcissism department.  Besides, Taylor was a social butterfly and he got along with everybody.  Maggie couldn't imagine how someone like Paris ever had friends in the first place.  All he ever seemed to do was berate other people and play the "better-than-thou" card against them.  His attitude was a real turn-off, and she'd never seen much of a point in socializing with him or the shallow, two-dimensional drones that always seemed to encircle him.

Maggie knew that she shouldn't judge people, regardless of their actions or their words, but as Paris opened his mouth not one but two times to say something derogatory, not only about people in general but directly to the albino boy occupying the classroom, an almost inaudible but exasperated sigh escaped the blonde's lips.  She couldn't imagine why a woman like Mrs. Saranna would ever allow Paris to get away with the things he did.  Then again, Hobbsborough was definitely one of those schools where the wealthy were treated differently from the rest of the student body.  The Persphone family had a little money to their name, and it was most likely for that reason that Paris got away with the snide and cruel remarks he made to his classmates on a regular basis.

If not for the rude remarks he'd already begun slinging around the classroom, she might have pitied the poor boy.  After all, twice in one day was a bit much for anyone to get jumped twice within the course of one day.  She couldn't really say that she blamed Adam Amato for lashing out at Paris like he did.  The fact was, she genuinely thought that the boy had had it coming all year long, and despite it going against her morals and values, Maggie couldn't help but be glad that Adam had done what he did.  But then, in the same day, Oliver Dodd had really done a number on the boy.  Speaking of rumors that had gotten around the school fast, that one had flown through at the speed of light.  Now, though, she couldn't help but find it a bit amusing, because despite her optimistic outlook on life, Paris really, truly, deserved the beatdown he got.

She barely acknowledged the quiet, withdrawn emo boy who entered the room.  Adrian Grey had never been a very social person, he was a bit of a recluse, and Maggie wasn't exactly the most extroverted attendant of Mrs. Saranna's homeroom, so she'd never really bothered to talk to him either.  It suddenly dawned on her that despite having had class with these students all year long, she didn't know much about any of them, save for their names.  Most of them who knew her either knew that she was the quiet blonde girl who sat in the window seat or they knew her as Shawn Heartgreeder's baby sister.

Her thoughts drifted back to the present as Ernest rose from his seat to push by Paris, and he seemed to mutter something to the narcissistic Spaniard, but it was inaudible from Maggie's distance from the boys.  Assuming that after all the events that had unfolded over the past week or so in Hobbsborough High, there wouldn't really be any confrontations to speak of, Maggie's attention returned back to her notebook, where she had absent-mindedly been doodling until class started.  Despite everything that had unfolded recently, things were definitely turning out to be just another ordinary day in Mrs. Saranna's homeroom.  Whether or not that was a good thing, she couldn't really say.
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Post by Chase* »

The one thing going through Mai's mind was a succession of z's as her head rested on the desk, her sweater covering the dark rings on her eyes. And when Paris entered the room, she just couldn't help but want to curl into a little ball and hammer a pencil into both of her ears. She actually flinched in physical pain at the sound of his voice, locks of hair falling across the desk to cover the pathetic expression she wore on her face. The exhaustion she felt matched the expression on her face, all in result to taking two night shifts at the cafe. No matter the amount of times she had asked not to be assigned the late hours, the purple-haired manager just seemed to sneer and give a one-two punch to Mai's ego with a double shift.


She squinted her eyes shut and kicked her duffle bag, hoping desperately that the class would go by faster than her others. It was just one of those days that promised all those metaphors people write in angsty poems. Everyone else seemed to be feeling the same way as well, save for Paris and his little group, which everyone with a functioning neurological system hated with all the somatic cells in their body. Even the future children of Hobbsborough will cringe when they hear his name.

Mai shifted in her seat and turned her head to notice that the girl from Lockdown, Maggie, was next to her once more. Her eyes adjusted to the light from the window, spots receding from her view as she tried to mumble something to her classmate.

"How have you been?"
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Post by Buko »

"I would guess anywhere between peachy or shitty Mai..." Jack said matter-of-factly as he sat next to his best friend.  Jack had of course been, well just as bored as his friend as he finished scribbling some notes in a hope that he would not fail his exam, a joker Jack may be, but he was oddly concerned with his school work.

Of course lack of interest was proving to be the main motivator and Jack's slow decline to average studentdom, it was quite tiresome though, just being trapped at this desk left at the mercy of his own mind, he wouldn't be to surprised now if something out of a Grateful Dead song just sprouted up to keep things interesting.

But, now Jack just sighed and looked at Mai, she never did fail to bring some form of entertainment to the table (whether intentionally putting him in an area with a bunch of women count as entertainment could be considered entertainment was up to debate), of course though Jack just couldn't think of one bad thing about the... friendship? No, it lacked that inner meaning, Jack's relationship with Mai was one of pure understanding, they weren't lovers, for the physical aspect wasn't there, but they both felt some sort of intimacy when with the other.

Or at least that's what Jack thought in Jackland.
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Post by Kris* »

"Freak.....I wouldn't be surprised if he was Kims killer." he said with a yawn and a look of disgust on his face as the boy went back to his desk. More popular conversation followed that is until he heard the sound of that voice....The voice he hated with all of his soul. Paris felt like throwing himself into a river so he wouldn't have to deal with the theater prick Mai Oshinari.

Not only Mai but her very own jester Jack. The two wanted to make throw up all of his inner organs. The two of them were just sickening, part of the daily routine at Hobbsborough was bumping heads with mai. Any day wouldn't be complete without it, although the cue to end the little spat was when her pet intervened. Pathetic.

More students started to fill the classroom and the classroom started to slowly rise with chatter. Adrian the art loser was busy drawing in his little book, he'd never bothered with Adrian. he was one of those nobodies that Paris didn't feel like wasting time with. Although he might visit him a bit later to remind him of his prescence.

Ernest, Maggie, Adrian, Mai, and Jack surrounded Paris. However he had his popular group to talk to instead of striking conversation with those complete geeks. However, the mindless talk was about to end. The time to bump heads with Mai was about to commence. Walking toward Mai, Jack, and Maggie he had his fellow populars following him.

"Well if it isn't the married couple? You know its such a wonder that you have lasted so long Mai. I mean you may be ugly but still, dating Jack? Thats even beneath you." he said with a yawn. A couple of giggles slipped from the populars.  "Even so I must give you your credit for taming such an animal. Then again your the only girl I know who'd date a beast, probably because your not far from one yourself." he said with a friendly smile.
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Post by MooCow* »

"Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood..."

Taylor Brennan was no stranger to tragedy and would continue to be familiar with it for the rest of his rather short life.  

Quietly he listened to the cheap MP3 player that his parents had bought for him.  Although it was not an iPod, it got the job done.  Currently he listened to a song by 'The Fray' while working on his Geometry homework.  Although Taylor was good at Geometry, he was not fond of it and instead of numbers and shapes and answers to problems his notebook was filled with various doodles and cutesy drawings.  He simply wasn't in the mood to work on Math at the moment.

The expensive outfit that he wore looked almost too perfect, and his makeup nearly too flawless.  It was as if he was trying to hard to look  and appear perfect to the outside world, when he was far from it.  Taylor WAS indeed a rather attractive boy, surely amongst Hobbsboroughs cutest category of students.  That being said he also wasn't the most naturally beautiful student either. Taylor had to spend a great deal of time to cover up his not so perfect skin with the expensive foundation and concealer, make sure his hair was always styled like something out of a magezine and choose the appropriate ensemble of clothing and accessories for every occasion.  He got up at 6:30 every morning to get to school by 8:00 AM when he lived within walking distance of the school itself.  Taylor was polished.  He appeared so well put together in fact that sometimes the opposite of the intended effect was achieved.  Was it possible to appear so kempt that it looked surreal and for lack of a better word, odd?

Today he was wearing a Canary Yellow Polo Sweater that form fit his slim chest.  It was a women's size medium and 100% cashmere, but it was so similar to the current male line that it was impossible to tell the difference between the two.  It merely fit tighter. accentuating Taylor's toned abs well.  A lavender Polo Horse could be seen above his left breast.  Underneath the sweater was a matching lavender blouse, the top two buttons left open.  Arround his khaki shorts, a size 28, was a matching lavender belt with a Canary Yellow Polo Horse.  Taylor carried a unisex (neither maculine nor feminine) scent of fresh laundrey.  This was mixed with the light presence of Hollister Cologne, spritzed on the sweater just moments before Taylor had left his home that morning.  Around his neck was a silver chain with a simple silver cross on it.  His Birkenstock sandels finished out this particular days ensemble in addition to a pair of white ankle socks, from the Gap company.

Closing his math notebook, Taylor rummaged in his brand new Juicy Couture Messenger Bag.  He had been saving up for the bag for a month and a half but he absolutely adored it.  It had cost three hundred dollars, and although that might have been considered nothing to some of the schools rich snobs, such as Paris Persephone, Taylor came from a family that didn't necessarily believe in handouts.  His father and stepmother were always encouraging him to buy the things that he wanted with his own hard earned money.  Six dollars an hour, as a host at a restaurant didn't exactly earn the kind of cash that his father, the Doctor, earned as a radiologist and Taylor had indeed come to appreciate the value of a dollar.  

Finding what he wanted, Taylor applied the Dew Kiss Lip Balm, a product ordered from Avon.  Finishing with the pink tube of chap stick, Taylor smacked his lips and removed the plugs of the MP3 player from his ears.  He turned to his best friend, Maggie Heartgreeder, who conveniently sat in the seat next to him.  While the two had only known eachother since the beginning of their freshman year, they had been through a lot together.  This included the merge of the two schools that now comprised Hobbsboroughs current student body, as well as many of Taylor's surgeries for his Von Hipple Lindau.  

Unfortunately for Maggie, Taylor had become something of a social butterfly as of late, and the two found themselves growing estranged at the moment.  Maggie had always been shy and disliked the teen partying scene to which Taylor had become so accustomed to in the previous monthes.  Taylor had become such a fixation amongst his peers in fact, that he had been voted President of his Sophomore and soon to be Junior class, two years running.  The two still however managed to call each other almost every night and spill their innermost thoughts, and of course they saw eachother in homeroom everyday.

"Do you want to go to the mall after school?" Taylor asked his demure friend.  "I need make-up."
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Post by Endless_Helix* »

Ernest sighed. He'd hoped to uncover some human aspect of Paris, but now that he thought about it, such an idea was ridiculous. Paris was just an automaton that followed his internal programs to the last. It's too bad, but not necessary.

The world didn't revolve around Paris. In fact, the room had a rapidly growing population. A boy with too perfect features and too perfect hair, one of the artsy students, Jack Kovacs, and Mai had entered since Ernest's comment. Ernest found the boy with the perfect hair to be facinating. He wore a mask between himself and the world, constructed out of make up and a dour expression.  What did he have to hide? The boy was like a diamond, all edges and polish, crafted. What did that facade sequester from view? What would that boy need to keep in the shadows? He was talking to Maggie Heartgreeder, which was good thing. In fact, Ernest allowed the romantic in him a small smile at what he'd probably never experience, normal human contact.

Sometimes the world around him seemed to be made more of shadows and starlight than any real substance. If you tried to grasp it, it merely fell between your fingers. Ernest sighed and completed tomorrow's english homework.
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Post by Shula* »

A few more students slowly filtered into the room, including Pristine. Of course, Pristine's real name was Taylor or Tyler, or something of the sort, but Pristine seemed like a better fit, at least to Adrian. The boy really did try a little bit too hard. Sure, Adrian could blame the guy for wearing makeup in general - eyeliner was a matter of course in his own look, but this guy was wearing, well, REAL makeup. And well, there were his clothes too. The kid was just trying too hard or something

The analysis in his head was interrupted by Paris making some stupid comment about Mai. Adrian mused for a moment that a New York minute shouldn't be based on the space of time it takes for a driver to start honking after the light turns green, but instead be measured by the space of time it takes Paris to come off with some badly formulated insult after Mai walks through the door.

Unable to resist the opportunity, despite his currently preferred state of being ignored, Adrian responded to the taunt not even aimed at him. Without bothering to look up from his still annoyingly blank page, he said just loudly enough to cross the room, "May or may not be nearly animalistic; I wouldn't know. But hey, being even one small step up from you, Paris, has to count for something, right?"
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Post by Jotun* »

Upon returning to school Felix was slightly bewildered at the lack of attention based on him, his massive leg brace on the outside of his pants and the accompanying crutches, which he was told he would be free of within a few days. Felix didn't watch the news, didn't read the newspaper, but was informed promptly enough that Kim Jones-Larame, female lead in everything the drama department put out to the general public.

Felix had never met her, through some oversight on his part. He had never had much patience for theatre, never felt the urge to commit to something that needed a lot of preperation. The oppurtunity never arose to introduce himself intor her life, and now it most certaintly never would. Fortunately she had been removed from the equation, any attempt to befirend her would have been a wasted effort.

Felix was due to report to his homeroom, and was taking his time getting there, held up by his injury. Thankfully, his closest compatriot James Paddy, eleventh grade student, was slightly ahead, along with his new girlfriend Virginia. James stuck behind so Felix wouldn't need to 'hobble to class alone' and Virginia fully intended to accompany them both, not really fussed about making it to her own homeroom on time.

"People don't seem all that disturbed she kicked it." Felix commented as a Ninth grade student carefully made his way around Felix's crutches.

"What's a few days off? She was probably a bitch anyway." James responded in turn, and Virginia quietly nodded, though Felix suspected she ahd never known the dearly departed and simply hated her by reputation.

"Well, I had a lot more time off and I think it sucked."

"That's just because you have to gimp your way everywhere now. The rest of have enjoyed running and jumping and frolicling." James wasn't particularly active and was rarely one to 'frolic' for any reason.

"Fuck you." Snapped Felix jokingly as they made it to Mrs. Saranna's room. "I'm here, get out of my face."

"Have a nice day, gimpy." Said James as he and Virginia left. Felix made his way into the room, prodding the slightly open door open with

"I'm back, everyone, have no fear for I am he-" Felix announced loudly before stopping, and continuing quickly "...Nevermind, I don't know any of you." Appearing slightly put-off Felix pushed towards an empty desk near the centre of the room, throwing a quick "Hello, Mrs. Saranna." Before lifting himself off the ground entirely onto his crutches and sort of swinging himself into the desk, and dropping his crutches to the floor.

It was not as though Felix had not seen or heard of the people in the room, he had just not truly interacted with any of them. He and Paris had exchanged a few times noncommitedly and shared a few mutual friends, but Felix's opinion of him was not high, though he had never openly voiced his dislike.

Energetically, Felix began drumming his hands on the desk and tapping his uninjured leg, the injured one stretched out beneath the desk in front of him.
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Post by Megami* »

The dark-headed girl sitting nearby, Maggie recognized her as Mai Oshinari, hadn't even caught Maggie's attention when she had first entered the room.  Mai, who must've been inside the classroom for quite some time, seemed to be resting almost peacefully in her desk.  That is, until Paris walked into the room.  Mai seemed to almost cringe as Paris began his daily tirade of insults and racial slurs, and Maggie couldn't help but sympathize with the girl.  What surprised her, however, was when Mai turned toward her and actually made an attempt at conversation.  Maggie hadn't ever really spoken to her before, and she had honestly figured that the two diving for the same desk and speaking briefly to one another during lockdown would be a one-time-only occurance.

It took her a moment to register what the oriental girl had said, and Maggie fought to resist the urge to look back and make sure that Mai was actually talking to her.  She shrugged her shoulders lightly, but just as she was about to open her mouth to respond to Mai's question, Jack Russell popped out a comment and flopped down next to Mai.  So much for any social interaction between those two, she figured.  As Paris once again opened his mouth to make some retort about Ernest being Kim's killer, Maggie stopped herself from rolling her eyes in sheer annoyance.  You idiot, nobody killed her, she killed herself.  Do you realize how stupid you sound spouting off things that you don't know anything about?  If only Maggie knew the truth about Kim's death, perhaps she wouldn't have condoned Paris so much.

Continuing to drift away in her own private thoughts, she was soon thrown from her reverie as Taylor Brennan, somebody she considered a close -- if not her best -- friend, sat down nearby.  Soon enough, it dawned on her that Taylor was speaking to her, and she came crashing back to reality.  Taylor was asking if she wanted to go to the mall.  The truth was, Maggie didn't really like the mall.  It was a place where snobby, preppy, better-than-thou acting people who claimed to be the social elite spent their days for want of anything better to do.  Did she want to go?  No, she really didn't.  Had anybody else asked her to go, she probably would've shot them down.  She'd much rather have headed down to the park or somewhere more serene.  However, it was Taylor, and it seemed that lately, the two had been neglecting each other.

"Yeah," Maggie stated quietly, "I'll go, I guess."

It was as simple as that.  There really wasn't much else to say other than answer his question.  Of course, she could always rant and rave about how the mall was the bane of mankind and how the only people who ever bothered to enter that place put themselves on a pretty pink pedistal above the real world.  She could, but it wasn't like Maggie Heartgreeder to outwardly chastise anybody.  She never had.  Perhaps it wasn't a good thing to hold in the angry thoughts that every great once in a while passed through the blonde's head, but she'd been raised under the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" motto.  Therefore, Maggie never did.  She always held any bitterness or anger that ever passed through her mind inside.  Perhaps that was why she'd been rather bitter toward Taylor as of late.  In truth, she wanted to confront him about ditching her so often these days for the "popular" crowd... but she never did.

By now, Paris and Adrian, a student who was generally rather quiet and secluded, were bickering back and forth.  Paris seemed to have a knack for making even the most timid and reserved of people -- or even people who just didn't seem to care at all about the world around them -- come out of their shell for just long enough to reprimand him for his... Maggie could only describe them as ignorant and incompetent ways.  Her attention turned away from the two rather quickly.  Ultimately, it would be the same mindless banter that occurred every day before class inside of this degenerated excuse for a school.  She couldn't help but think that perhaps she should've switched to Gilroy after the merger... but the fact was, the Heartgreeder family wouldn't have had enough money to send her there.  They weren't poor, persay, but weren't well-off either.  Maggie and Shawn had attended St. Andrews with financial aide because of her father's position within the church.

Her attention jerked up to the door once more as another student, this time bearing crutches, staggered through the doorway, announcing himself in a loud and brash manner before apparently realizing that he didn't socialize with anybody in the room.  Of course, he having not socialized with anyone, she didn't exactly socialize with him either.  If she recalled correctly, his name was Felix, and he'd been out of class for a few days.  Now seeing him, she could surmise that it was due to his broken leg.  She cast the boy a faint smile as he entered the room, almost pitying him because of his current predicament.  Inevitably, she returned to her notebook, assuming that the bell for class would ring any second now and the dawdlers out in the hallway would come barreling through the doorway.
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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:54 am


Post by Endless_Helix* »

As the emo kid and Paris bickered, Ernest decided that the fight was good enough to jump into. In fact, he couldn't have stopped himself if he tried, which kind of scared him. Paris spent so much time berating others with his complete lack of finesse.

"At least animals can evolve, industrial waste like Paris here, can't help but poison the environment," Ernest smirked, "It's his nature."

Actually, what suprised the albino the most was the fact that Mrs Saranna hadn't stepped in yet. it was getting pretty heated, with no sign of relief. Must be the Global Warming that Paris was contributing to.
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