The V1 Read-A-Thon

Discuss anything and everything that has to do with SOTF here -- from your favorite character to comments and suggestions about the site! This forum also contains roleplaying guides for your benefit!
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Polybius)

Vince Noir is a character from the hit British comedy programme The Mighty Boosh


Somehow he ended up in SOTF! Young Vince is a wannabe rock star from "Mighty fossil High". As a kid, Vince fell and hit his head, and as a permanent result of the trauma, he "would never be able to fully grasp the concept of anything new", which makes no sense for a variety of reasons and is only referenced once in game.

In his first thread, Vince wakes up next to Dorian Graywood and Cyndi Whatever. He acts like a really goofy comic relief character: he doesn't even remember he's in SOTF and he keeps making references to his wacky band adventures involving polar bears and shit. He's annoying. Eventually he sort of gets an idea of what's going on and he teams up with Cyndi, but she goes inactive so he shrugs and leaves the thread alone.

After this thread, Vince fully grasps the new concept of SOTF and he starts acting less goofy. He still occasionally acts dumb or thinks about his band, but he mostly becomes a normal guy. A normal guy with poor company anyway. So in his second thread Vince walks in on two obviously psycho chicks, Xian Chun and Angharad Welshman, having a dick measuring contest over who can be the more campy villain. While this is happening, Andrew Munteanu is running around wiping up his piss stains. Angharad proposes that they all team up, and somehow they all agree, so they move to the next thread.

In the next thread, Xian and Angharad start doing their thing again while Vince and Andrew stand around confused. Then, Peri shoots at all of them and kills Andrew. Angharad goes "see you later, suckers!" and teams up with Peri, and then they leave the thread. Vince and Xian are very angry about this and they vow to be best friends forever and get revenge on Angharad.

Time works strangely in this game, because in Vince and Xians' next thread they enter the gazebo to find Angharad again, and she's heavily wounded because she's apparently been in 20 fights since they last saw her. Xian tells Vince to stand watch outside as she takes care of Angharad. Vince doesn't really know what she's planning, but he's getting cold feet about the whole revenge thing so he does as he is told. So Vince waits outside for a bit but he gets nervous and he goes back in to find Xian torturing and molested Angharad. Vince is not very happy about the situation so he grabs Angharad and tries to take her to safety but Xian stabs him to death with a corkscrew. In his last moments, he realizes that he put his trust in the wrong person and mourns his rock star dreams. RIP

Vince starts out as a dumb joke character but he soon falls into the role of being a straight-man supporting character to the two psychopaths that are Angharad and post-Kaishi Xian. He's a pretty decent character in that role, even if it's hard to believe that he doesn't immediately realize how terrible they both are. Unfortunately, his position makes it so that he tends to blend into the background. The problem is exacerbated by V1's lack of post order: in some scenes, he posts less frequently than his more eccentric companions.

In conclusion, Vince is a surprisingly solid supporting character to Xian and Angharad. Unfortunately, Xian and Angharad are terrible. Vince supports them well, but he isn't good enough by himself to be worth reading.

Roll me another, please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Polybius)

According to his profile, Shoar Wilson is a spoiled rich kid who was desperate for attention from his parents, so he started posing as a goth/emo kid. He dressed in all black, dyed his hair, painted his nails, got (clip-on) piercings, and even faked depression and cutting. I don't understand how he faked cutting himself, but whatever. None of this shit matters, anyway, because Shoar's handler never posts with him. He goes inactive, so he gets given to V1's favorite inactive killer, Adam Dodd.

What happens in Shoar's brief existence is thus: he's very scared about being in SOTF. He tries to kill himself with his assigned axe but it doesn't work, so he decides to kill someone else. He comes across nerdy little Gilbert Archambault and tries to strangle him to death while crying. Gilbert is saved in the nick of time when Adam Dodd shoots Shoar in the back. That's it.

Read Adam Dodd/10

Another, please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Polybius)

Well, I already read this guy when I was reading Vince Noir.

Andrew Mutaeneau is a succesful child actor who has been supporting himself and his single mother since the age of nine. On island, he just acts really scared the while time. He pisses himself when he sees Angharad Davies and Xian Chun threatening each other, and then runs around grabbing tissues to clean up the stains. Still, he enters into an alliance with the two girls and Vince Noir. The group goes to a cave as the announcement reveals that Angharah had killed someone. Andrew decides to stay with Angharad, but three seconds later Peri Barclay shows up and shoots at them. Andrew dies so suddenly that even the other handlers are confused. His death post contradicts the previous post in the thread, but the previous post was full of godmodding so it evens out. That's how it works, right?

Andrew is a very obvious "first character". He just cowers around for a little and then dies. He's okay, but not worth reading at all. He's just a demonstration of a new handler learning how to roleplay and find his voice. Andrew's handler would use the experience to write many more memorable characters.

Another, please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Brackie)

Ah, v1, back when the premise was Battle Royale in America but half the site just wrote actual Japanese kids anyway, thus rendering the whole creative process worthless.

Anyways, Kiyoko's profile indicates she is an Otaku with disfigured fingers. Her dad is an alcoholic and her mom left them six months ago. She skips school to hang out at internet cafes. She has insomia but her alcoholic dad sold her pills for beer money, and she fantasizes about killing him. So far, pretty par the course for v1.

The actual story starts out with this:
(occ: for future reference Speach will be in Romananji and thoughts in English because most things Kiyoko says in her head i usually dont know the romanji for those)

Anyways Kiyoko wakes up, finds her glasses, and because this is v1 she immediately leaves her first thread because her handler waited 3 hours and nobody appeared which was like 2 months in our time. She appears in Terry Woodard's thread *children cheering in the background* but only speaks to Kichiro *children sad in the background* because apparently she has no idea what's going on, lol whoops! Anyways, she tries getting an answer out of Kichiro but he REFUSES TO TELL HER THAT SHE'S ON SOTF which is wrong but hilarious. This quote also happens
It was a Midevil Flail
It's a shame spellcheck didn't exist in 2005. Kichiro then tells her in the broadest terms possible what SOTF is and naturally she doesn't believe him but then she does believe him? idk man half her dialogue isn't even in English. They then leave, leaving the good characters to do their thing (ie get shot by Hawley in a few threads).

Another thread happens where they swap weapons. That's pretty much all that happens.

They finally get to the river and happen upon Cassandra Roivas *waves at Aura* who has a big-ass gun. They exchange the usual "we're not playing" pleasantries and join up. This is an interesting dynamic because Cassandra can only speak English and Kiyoko can only speak Japanese, while Kichiro speaks both and has to act as their translator and go-between. BOY WOULDN'T IT SUCK IF SOMETHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO KICHIRO. Cassandra/Kiyoko shakes hands while she narratives in Japanese for some reason
Kiyoko felt a little dissapionded becaause her ahndshake offering was regected
I can't understand Japanese so I have no clue what went on. She then fucks around with the boxcutter Kichiro traded her for for a bit and Kichiro's like "NO" and Kiyoko's like "step off" and then Kichiro's like "woah she's unfriendly" as though he's not the one who just grabbed her. It gets boring so they head to another thread.

They then happen upon a waterfall where they find Gabrielle Minase's body, as he's tragically died of AIDS (or the gunshot wound in his back, it's hard to tell). Kiyoko asks the body to wake up because she's five years old. Upon Kichiro telling her it's a dead body, she then steals its bag.

They then end up in a group with Umi Martin, Daisuke Andou, Aiden Ambrose, and Andrew Lipson, which is a fairly solid group all things considered. She speaks with Daisuke in Japanese which is sorta nice. Kichiro then runs off because he's been rolled he just KNOWS his long-lost sister is out in that burning field of bamboo for some reason even though he's been speaking to her all this time, oh the tragedy, leaving Kiyoko alone. She tries speaking to Daisuke, who goes inactive for the rest of the thread, and Andrew tries speaking with her, but she obviously can't understand him.

She also has a surprisingly subdued reaction to Andrew being struck by lightning and falling off a cliff (read: none at all) but then Chi Masumi appears and wants Umi's gun so she tries turning Kiyoko against the group of mostly English speakers by telling her they're all plotting against her and want her dead. To Kiyoko's credit she immediately recognizes this is bullshit and tells her to fuck off. To her immediate discredit she then HITS HER IN THE HEAD WITH HER FLAIL which is super aggressive but everyone seems cool with it? Chi cries and stuff but Kiyoko calls her a whore and tells her again to fuck off. She then gives Umi a MAC-10 which I'm not entirely sure where she got it from. They move on as a group.

They all arrive at the next thread and decide to get some rest but Kiyoko can't because she has no sleeping pills, ruh-roh. Peri Barclay then arrives and naturally Kiyoko then slips into the office, steals Aiden's gun and tries to shoot him. Everyone's all "KIYOKO WTF" but then they're all "k hand it back now" and everyone seems to forgive her. Daisuke seems to be the only one on her side because of the whole language thing, while she doesn't trust Peri at all because he has guns and gunshot wounds which are a bad combination to run into. Back to crediting Kiyoko you kind of feel her frustration towards seeing these things but unable to communicate them clearly to the group. A whole bunch of stuff happens that's not really relevant to her so she ends her story by stealing Aiden's gun again, writing a suicide note and promising not to be a burden. Only because Cassandra can't read Japanese she thinks Kiyoko's off to do something terrible and tries to get her to drop the gun at gunpoint, which explodes a long standing tension between them and they end up shooting each other and dying in the process.


If you're going to read Kiyoko, read her through Cassandra or other people. Otherwise, I'd skip her.

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Post by Ohm »

(original post by D/N)

River Garraty, or as he should maybe be called "Why Post Order Is a Good Thing".

So River's profile is of a totally normal kid. He's a hockey player (gasp!), he's not great at school, he has a family and some nice Youngest Child Syndrome, and there's nothing at all that would register as an issue in any version. Well done!

So he arrives on the island with his plastic hammer and heads to the lighthouse, thinking, "I should be normal and find people." Selene and Garrett are in the lighthouse. So are Jacob Starr and Uriel Hunter, a-hunting. River strolls up and Uriel hears him and throws open the door and intones:
Proof that you are not possessed by a demon and you shall live. If you cannot do this, you will be seen as a follower of the dark lord And I will be forced to exorcise you.
Ah, Uriel. And following that....

See, and I'm really just seeing this in action now, but back in v1 there was apparently no such thing as "establish a posting order for the thread". And I know that now these long years later, we (and I) sometimes bitch about the rigidity of having a strict post order. Because we often have to wait a long time between posts, and the action in a thread can slow down to a crawl while everyone waits to stand around some more or say one line in response. Sometimes we just wish we could let the thread play out a bit more chaotically. And while something might be said for relaxing post order at certain times, I now have to admit that a rigid post order sure beats the alternative we see here.

Because in the three days since River arrives at the lighthouse and Uriel spouts off about demonic gobbledygook, Jacob and Uriel and Garrett decide to have a wacky v1-era fight and post about 15 times each in those three days. It ends and River is left, still at the lighthouse door, thinking:
River listened to the commotion inside the lighthouse, yeesh, there must be a pretty big fight going on in there. He was glad that he seemed to have been forgotten at the door
And he moves on, still being a totally normal guy, and I like that.

He arrives at the school building, starting his own thread this time so as not to intrude on any planned fights about to start maybe, and decides to take cover for a bit. There's nothing too deep about River, but he's thoroughly competent as a character, so we'll see who arrives and how they interact and... two days go by (not much) and here comes Adam Dodd! And Hawley Faust. And... Jacob and Uriel again. Who have some history with Adam and Hawley. And Jacob immediately shoots at them and THE SAME EXACT THING HAPPENS AGAIN ONLY EVEN LONGER.

So yeah, over the course of ONE DAY Jacob and Uriel and Hawley and Adam have a three-page epic gun/knife/molotov cocktail fight that includes a molotov cocktail being shot out of the air to create a WALL OF FLAMES for people to jump through all action-movie-style, while poor River is completely forgotten about because apparently the handler NyteDarkness had the gall to not be around over the course of that one day until the end of it. And it's now two threads into River's story, and his character is now already just a complete afterthought in the game itself, and it's really unfortunate. So again, River has to suddenly jump into the scene again as the fight concludes, reminding everyone that he's still alive and totally active. He covers for his absence from the fight by saying he fell asleep before it, and sees Adam and Hawley running off. Since Adam is a hockey buddy of his, he's happy to join up with him and keep away from the crazy people. I agree, River! Hopefully you can be part of an actual group now!

Oh god his next and final thread has ten pages aiiieeeeee v1.

The first seven pages from River's start to his (SPOILER) death take seven days. V1 was reaaaaaaaly a different time. And with his first two threads to go on, can YOU guess what happens here, even without a fight scene going on?

So River arrives with Adam and Hawley at the house, shows them his plastic hammer (Was River at least the pioneer of the plastic hammer? I hope so!), and asks what they got. And even when they're all just sitting and conversing and NyteDarkness is active with River, Hawley and Adam both get about four posts in each before he can speak up again. It completely pushes him out of the story, and every time he manages to get a word in, like after Marcus Roddy arrives, it's like, well as River puts it:
Adam and Hawley seemed to be handling things.It wasn't like River to be so quiet, but he'd never been in this type of situation before.
So yeah. Marcus arrives, and then a couple pages later Madelaine Shirohara and Amanda Jones come in, and David Jackson comes in and River is
River continued to sit by himself. Geez, he thought, how come everyone decides to come here all of the sudden? Things were moving too fast for him right now.
Now granted, River's handler isn't helping things by not speaking up and doing anything when he manages to get a post in, but no one else is helping either by completely ignoring him. So this goes on, and River starts to get paranoid and weirdly jealous of Amanda for occupying all of Adam's attention. It's SOMETHING at least, even if it's not the route I would have gone, but I have no idea if River's exit was being planned at this point or not. Well... probably, because in his next post River has HAD ENOUGH, damn it, and he breaks down, assumes everyone is out to get him, laughs crazily at his plan, and runs off into the woods to get away from everyone. Which is a dangerzone, and an explosion is heard in the distance and that's the end of River Garraty.

It's too bad. Because NyteDarkness was really a competent writer, and River was a totally nice, normal kid who could have gone any number of interesting places had he gotten a chance too. And if NyteDarkness had come along with River in, hell, even by v3, they could have been a great part of this site in the, shall we say, less beta-versions of SOTF. Ah well. I can't really recommend River as there's simply not much there in the end, but I can think briefly on what could have been.

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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Flare)


So according to Niniko's profile, the government killed his parents, so now he forms gangs to kill government officials (but has apparently failed in every attempt), has been classified as criminally insane, and "tries to kill everyone in sight without regard for personal safety". Oh yeah, he also apparently looks exactly like Kazuo Kiriyama.

Clearly a hero in the making.

Also, profile says he's deaf too. SPOILERS: Doesn't really matter all that much.

Niniko only has one thread, so this should be fun. He wakes up and CURSES the fact that he only got boxing gloves, so he makes plans to steal a weapon because he wants to KILL and whatever. He approaches a group of students and just kinda... shrugs off a flash grenade because V1 before being all like "Well well well..." because V1. And then by his next post he just kinda runs away WITHOUT trying to kill everyone in sight and just decides to sit around and wait for someone else to kill I guess.

Then he goes inactive and his collar blows up.

I'm kinda disappointed, to be honest. Niniko had a lot set up to be a classic edgy V1 character but got ditched before he could give me much awfulness to laugh about. A shame, really.

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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Un-Persona)

Finished Marie Zaid.

I'm kinda glad my introduction to v1 was a pretty normal character. That being said, Marie is still very much of her time. In the beginning one-shot, you kinda see what she's going to be like for the rest of her time in the game: mildly sarcastic with song lyrics slapped somewhere in the middle. These generally do fall away, but her narrative doesn't really expand much beyond 2-4 lines, so there is still not a whole lot to sink your teeth into. She does get brownie points in that the song lyrics are actually given a reason for them being in her posts in that she's actually listening to them in character. That's pretty unique I guess.

Her next thread has her leave in the same post she entered in so she can converse with Adam Dodd while he's naked (as you do), and then comes back in the previous thread after only one other post has been made. This doesn't have much effect on her character development, but will be important whenever someone tries to put a formula to Dodd's time vortex powers.

After that she finds a group and slightly nudges Chi out of it in a way that sorta makes sense. She's kinda like that "girl who only has guy friends" type of character, which I'm guessing based from the time period and what is in the narrative. Doesn't exactly make her likeable but it's something. Eventually the song lyrics slip away and she falls into the background, without even leaving or entering in her own posts and just kinda popping up wherever Glenn goes until she dies and the song lyrics come back in an attempt to add more to the scene.

Marie wasn't terrible to read through, but I'd say you could skip her. I don't know how she compares to v1 as a whole, but as an individual character she doesn't have much going on.

I'll take a break before I ask for the next one.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Aura)

Cassandra's profile isn't too outwardly absurd. Basically, she was a straight-A student who eventually got in trouble and started slacking off as a result. Compared to a lot of the v1 cast, she actually seems fairly realistic.

Cassandra joins up with Kichiro Taka and Kiyoko Asakawa early, providing an interesting dynamic to the group. Kiyoko can't speak English, Cassandra can't speak Japanese, but Kichiro can speak both, pretty much making him the leader and peacemaker of the trio by default. Although this is fairly unique, even in v1, not as much is done with it as there could have been.

Most of this can be drawn up to a few reasons. First, Cassandra falls into the same issue as a lot of characters in that she tended to fall into the background during threads because of the lack of posting order combined with the absurd speed that her thread partners would post. Second, Kichiro runs off and dies alone before their final thread, cutting their trio short.

Cassandra's death thread is a pretty unique scene. Kiyoko runs off and leaves behind a suicide letter, but since Cassandra can't read it, she assumes that Kiyoko is planning to attack them. Cassandra confronts her, and because both are paranoid and incapable of communication with the other, they wind up killing each other. Even more tragically, had Kichiro not ran off out of the blue, this probably could have been avoided.

Although Cassandra has some pretty interesting bits, she also has some notable weaknesses, mostly revolving around how few posts she actually gets. Her group and the path it takes are interesting, but Cassandra as an individual character is not. And because of that, I'm afraid that I can't fully recommend her.

Another character, if you please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Blastinus)

Glenn Hughes is a pleasant surprise when it comes to V1 characters. Just based on his introductory thread, you could make the case that this was a character waking up in V3 or V4. He's scared, but compassionate, helping out Chi Masumi and sharing some conversation about the island and what's been going on. Glenn and his older brother are from Southampton in the UK, which riserugu demonstrates primarily through throwing in "bloody" every now and then. Naturally, what with him and his older brother Fred being stuck on the same island, priority one is for the two bros to unite, and that's when something odd happens: he whips out his phone and calls him. At first, I wasn't sure what was happening. I've been so used to characters either having their phones confiscated or getting no signal, it seemed weird that they would actually work.

But anyway, we get our swift reminder that we are in V1 when a couple of peculiar characters show up: one holding a teddy bear and drawing people out using crocodile tears, the other commenting to herself about "vile fools". Naturally, Glenn and Chi aren't having any of that nonsense, so they vamoose while their sanity's intact and wait on a hillside for Fred, running into Marie Zaid in the process. Marie's gimmick is that she's got headphones on, so her posts are full of random song lyrics interspersed with the occasional dialogue. The group interacts a bit, and we get this interesting bit of philosophy from Glenn:
"The one permanent emotion of people is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What everyone wants above everything else is safety. So yes, I feel fear for myself -- What's going to happen, when is my time going to be up. I also fear for my brother..."
Which, you know, is kinda flat, but by V1 standards, he might as well be scrawling these thoughts on gold-leaf papyrus.

Of course, if Glenn seems normal in comparison to Marie, that's nothing compared to the strange caricature booming his direction next. Eddie Serjeanston, Sarge for short, talks and acts like he's a grizzled 40-year old. New ally in tow, Glenn continues his Bro Quest at the Gazebo, where he meets a guy by the name of Jacob Starr, who flips a handgun into a holster and doesn't kill anyone doing it, thereby proving that V5 kids are just dumb. Then he meets Sven Kekule, who's escaped from Alcatraz, or so he says. All this weirdness proves too much for Glenn, and he exits stage left.

Hope's on the horizon though, as Glenn discovers a brief Adam Dodd cameo who tells him that his brother's looking for him. And wouldn't you know it, but there he is! Having accomplished his Bro Quest and attracted a sizable entourage, the obvious question now becomes what Glenn will do with his remaining game. Why, interact with more weird people. That's what! Our next nut of note is Daphne, who delivers a completely appropriate story about killing a girl with a rock.
"Playing this game?" she asked casually, looking back towards her stick-like legs, decorated with scars, poking out of her shorts. "Haven't decided yet...But I don't mind killing. It's kind of...normal to me, after all."
And just to prove her point, she randomly kills Marie right in front of everyone else, and they react her a warning and then walking away. Alright. Sure. Although Glenn is so shaken by Marie's death that he basically becomes a paperweight stuck in the corner of a massive 17-page thread while everyone else tries to sort things out. Under the circumstances, it's easy to see why he preferred to stay out of that tangled mess. The other problem though is that his brother Fred is being controlled by the same handler, so Fred's taking the lead for now while Glenn just trails behind. It's to the point where in the next thread, everyone acknowledges Fred's existence but they have to be constantly reminded that Glenn is there too.

The disadvantages of these large threads are no more evident than when Daphne becomes the murderbush, just standing off to the side and stabbing whoever comes within her general vicinity. Everyone's so preoccupied with the other goings-on that it almost seems like they're bored with the spectacle. "Oh look, Daphne's gone on a stabbing spree again. What a bother." Everyone except Glenn that is. After a long period of not doing much of anything, suddenly he and Daphne have a big fight, and it's actually kind of fun. They bounce philosophy off one another and engage in a duel with a 2x4 versus a knife. Of everything that I've read about Glenn, this is easiest his best moment by far...

Which is only diminished a little by the fact that a totally unrelated guy decides to spray the group with an uzi. Lame, dude. The uzi man, who I'm not even going to dignify with a name, just fires bullets and bullets, and the scene goes on for far too long. Long enough for the place to suddenly become a danger zone mid-fight. I will say that V1 handlers seemed a lot less concerned about avoiding injuries at all times, since this firefight has a lot of people get clipped and nicked. Not the sort of injuries that would be debilitating, but still more realistic than everything missing. I appreciate that, and wish that handlers in the more modern versions would allow injuries like these.

Next thread, uzi man is gone, so they have time to regroup. There's this one girl called Mallory whose handler seems to be trying way too hard to pair her up with Glenn, and the handler says as much in OOC chat, but it seems like Glenn is just being friendly like usual, so it's really one-sided and a bit obnoxious. Then another big fight breaks out and there's confusion and people not posting in a while so the whole thing is muddled and really not a fantastic read. Long story short, the group flees yet again to Glenn's final thread, where he and Mallory get ambushed by a Bond villain named Peri Barclay who's like: "Choose who will die, hiss hiss!" I'm only partially paraphrasing there. The handler keeps mentioning how he snarls and hisses when he talks. It's a weird mental picture.

And boy, wouldn't you know it, but the oh so unique twist is that he's going to shoot the opposite one instead of the one who's chosen, so Glenn ends up taking the bullet. This death makes me legit mad, because of all the crazies and weirdos and lame gimmicks, Glenn struck me as a character written in earnest to be as realistic as possible. Having him be another victim of this clownshow that's V1 just really burns me. He deserved better.

Could I do another one?
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Post by Ohm »

(original post by Blastinus)

You know, I might be wrong, but it says that James Coombs' handler was TheLonesome. So why is he, in his one thread, being handled by MooCow? I mean, besides the part where he gets jumped from behind by Clemence and killed before he gets more than two lines. Ironic, since his primary character trait in his profile is that he's talkative. He's also narcoleptic, I guess, which Danya remarks on three separate times in his evaluation, but it never comes up, so who cares?

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Post by Ohm »

(Original oost by Ruggahissy)


Michael Suarez is short. He's a baseball dude from Barry Coleson High. He finds his other baseball friend jack and with him and Martyn and Jill they decide to try for escape. Martyn, Jill and Jack all go off to die in Onslaught Redux and Michael is somehow separated from them. He's kindda friendly and optimistic and believes in escape. Next he goes to the school and two girls are hiding in it. He bangs on the door and asks to be let in but they don't wanna. So he sulks and leaves.

Then he wanders to some other places and sees a kid named Scott, but he hears something and pushes Scott out of the way, getting shot. It was for nothing though because Scott is then immediately shot and killed. This is the same Scott from Jeremy's story so....guess I know what happened to him now. Though I wish I did not.

Because the person shooting is Angelina Kaige. You see, she gets horny when she kills people.
With each soldier that she'd killed (and there'd been many), Kaige had realized that she got increasingly more and more sexually aroused.
Well unfortunately for her, Michael was paralyzed when she shot him, so she can't rape him. Darn the luck. So she shoots him in the dick. He can't feel it though. Which is.....better? Then she shoots him in the face while she thinks about her daddy issues. Uhhhhhhhhhh

I don't recommend this character. He seems like a friendly, kinda playful kid but he doesn't get posted with much and then ends in a gross, dumb way that is more about Angelina than him and I don't want to spend any time with her.

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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Kermit)

As I begin reading Gilbert's profile, I immediately come upon the realization that this is a Dodd character. How, you may ask? Well, there's a South Park!Gilbert right on the wiki page, and the appearance section is like basically pure distilled Dodd-writing. Not that this is a bad thing or anything, though.

Dodd's characters are a bastion of semi-normalcy in the sea of Devi Satomes and KLOUJIS that is V1. Gilbert just looks like a normal dude. Tonal stuff is a bit of a problem, yeah, but that's about it.

God this feels like a V2 RAT writeup.

BIO: TLDR Gil is a stinky NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD who gets bullied a lot. Also he's from Quebec. Hmm, I wonder if there are any other Canadians who might help him out with his bullying problems? Say, maybe a feisty red-headed Adam Canadian?


also he's in 9th grade for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

oh wait, what's that in the trivia section I see?
During Gilbert's first day of school, it was Adam Dodd who came to his aide in the hallway and helped him out.

hm now im having v3 RAT flashbacks too.


So Gil wakes up and sits on a rock and mopes. Shoar (what that's not even close to a real name) Wilson pops outta fucking nowhere and I guess flying-kicks Gil in the head or something. Shoar gets like, really close to killing Gil, but then...

A red goatee...

A hockeyman...

A Canadian....


Adam kills Shoar to death and then Gil has a flashback to show how awesome Dodd is.
Adam Dodd had never really been one to have an extravagent wardrobe, but as he lowered his pistol, sliding the weapon back into his jeans, Gilbert knew that the same happy-go-lucky, kind student from back in New York might not be the same now. As he'd thought before, the game changed people, and if Adam Dodd were now a changed man, he didn't know.

Dodd fucks off and then Gil fucks off. END THREAD!

Gil happens upon Luca Donovan and shoots at her because she's a meaniepants. The Warehouse crew wander up and find Gil and he's all like "pls dont kil me :'-(" and Luca fires back at Gil, hitting Jill (a member of the warehouse crew) in the shoulder. Luca then gets Jilled to death.

Gil accidentally fires his gun again because he is SC2 Everett (Kermit character pimping intensifies) and almost hit's Brackie's SC2 character who is in a bush. Brackie's SC2 character gets REAL MAD and shoots Gil. The endddddddd! Also Dodd shows up in Gil's deathpost.

CONCLUSION: Gil just pretty much existed as an accessory to Dodd's storyline. He shows up, says how cool Dodd is, dies, and then makes Dodd sad. Like, he does a decent job of not being terrible, but you should just read Dodd/Jill & Martyn/Jack instead.

Gonna do a few more sprites before asking for another.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Blastinus)

I had a brief look at Chi when I was going through Glenn, and she seemed quite passable. Not as weird as some of the other folks running around, and with a bit more potential. So imagine my surprise when I look at her profile and see this:
Chi developed a drug habit and ended up moving in with her 32 year old drug dealer, who's only name was X. He whored her out in order to pay for her drugs
Naturally, in her very first thread, she's pined for by some guy named Jim, who can't stop reflecting on how stunning she is in his internal monologue. But Chi's mind is all like:
*I should just kill him now.* She thought.
Yessir, Chi's decided to be a player. But then!
"You're not going anywhere." Andrew Klock (Boy #12) said as he stepped out from the trees ahead of the two. He had taken a long time to get here from the gazebo, and he wasn't going to let his new catches escape. "For me to survive, you must die." he said, pointing his machete at them.
I feel like I should stop doing quotes, but there's so much stupid to go around. You know what, here's another:
The slingshot would be useless, but her inner thighs had great strength from all the...practice. She ran up behind Andrew and wrapped her legs around his neck, squeezing as tight as possible, and covered his eyes with her hands.
Anyway, this fight goes on for a while, until Andrew finally forces them to flee with their thighs intact. Coming across a relatively safe place, they have a brief moment to rest and for Jimmy to ogle Chi some more, when Chi suddenly proclaims that they should kill themselves. She muses:
*Yeah, like I'd have a problem with killing all these kids. I've already done it enough times.*
For the record, her profile only mentions a history of prostitution, not murder, but I guess it's just assumed with this crowd. As it turns out, she's serious about the suicide thing, but when she goes to a cliff to throw herself off, she realizes that there are people there and she gets self-conscious. Maybe it's also because a kid in a wheelchair just fell off, so it wouldn't seem that original any more.

Then Chi suddenly decides she needs to find Wednesday Garci, apropos of nothing, but not before angering the folks at the cliff enough for them to hit her in the head. Now that I know WHY she has the head injury upon meeting Glenn, suddenly the thread where they're together comes into a bright new perspective. Her mission at this point is suddenly to run into Wednesday, when she was going to be a killer OR she was going to commit suicide. The girl doesn't seem to have mood swings so much as a mood switchboard. In the blink of an eye, as if this had been her goal all along, Wednesday's all she can talk about, and every time she runs into someone, she asks if they've seen Wednesday. It makes me ponder if the character of Wednesday was invented right then or shortly before as a sort of Retroactive Lover, and beforehand, Chi's handler was intending her to become a standard player.

Alrighty, already covered the Glenn and Chi business, so let's skip ahead to when they split up. Chi gets a tip from Marie that she saw Wednesday at the warehouse, so off she goes. She observes a different femme fatale doing her own act on a poor unsuspecting dude, and decides to shoot at her with a slingshot, killing her instantly. It's a kill so BS that even Chi doesn't quite believe it, but at least she's got a meathook now...with one thread to go.

Turns out that her final thread is her uniting with Wednesday, and they have a tender moment that feels like they're trying to jam several threads' worth of characterization into a single conversation. But oh no! It's Clemence again! You'd expect some dramatic battle where Wednesday and Chi finally get overwhelmed by Clemence's superior ballerina skills, but actually Chi just gets killed by a random shooter from offscreen. Kind of a wet fart of an ending really.

Final thoughts on depends on which version of Chi you're talking about. When she's committed to playing, it seems like something interesting is going to happen, but out of nowhere, she suddenly becomes about Wednesday, and it's jarring as heck. If she'd started off with the Wednesday business instead of it cropping up without warning, I think I'd be happier about her character progression, but her character doesn't progress. It just reboots over and over, and that's really, really bad.

Can I do another please?
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by CrossbowPig)

Marcus Roddy:

Here's my Marcus Roddy stuff. I spoilered it for length, because I went overly in depth, as I tend to do. If you want the TL;DR, then it is as follows; I don't recommend Marcus on his own, as the vast majority of his content you'll get by following other characters, and he is absent for most of his own narrative in terms of activity. He's not written poorly, though he is somewhat inconsistent in terms of motive, but he is overshadowed (funnily enough, considering physically he stands far taller than any of the other characters he's with) by most people in his threads simply because of the impact those people wound up having.
6-4 260 A large body ripped with muscle accents his strong looking African American features. He has a pronounced chin and hair wrapped in corn rows on top of his head.
It's going to be hard for me to get into the mindset of V1, I can already tell.
Marcus was apparently thrown into the game by the terrorists for the sole purpose of killing people, because of how jacked he is. Competing in a sports league a whole five years older than you when you're a child is no small feat, and with daily workouts that last for a whole five hours a day, it's no surprise that this guy is a manly man. Despite this, however, he has the social weakness of a stutter and a lisp, which, if he needs to communicate, makes it somewhat difficult to do so. The detail here is pretty interesting; even if his profile says nothing about his personality, the stammer gives the immediate impression that this guy is a gentle giant kind of character. The fact that he gets assigned a paper fan is also amusing, specifically because it serves to undermine the strength he has.

This huge guy starts off his Island adventure by managing to conceal himself in the bushes. He sneaks up to the front door of the Small House and knocks, a grin on his face. Adam Dodd, River Garrarty, and Hawley Faust are inside, hanging around and shooting the shit. They peer out the window and basically shit themselves over how fucking jacked this guy is, trying to prepare themselves for this encounter.

Marcus just kinda charges through the door like a rhino.


Instead of talking, he communicates by writing on a wrist he thinks is broken. Interesting way to get around the stutter, but the fact that he's choosing to communicate here contradicts the whole sadistic thing from before. While Hawley fixes up Marcus' hand and Adam goes for a walk where he decides to become a nature enthusiast, Marcus thinks back to seventh grade, and we get to read a small memory about a time he was bullied by other students for not being able to say the word "please" correctly. He's snapped out of this whole dream sequence deal by Hawley, and they get to fixing up the hand. He sits idle for around a page while this other group of three, including a girl Adam Dodd apparently likes named Amanda, all strut into the cabin, Adam having been the welcoming party. Madelaine and David are the other two members, Amanda's closest island friend and the bodyguard, respectively. Unable to use his hand, Marcus speaks to introduce himself, and is instantly-
"Why are you stuttering? Do you fear me? There is no reason to."
-kind of insulted by David. That said, Marcus doesn't take it to heart. When the announcements come on, he's the first to suggest they move, choosing to write despite the pain. While Adam and Amanda snog outside and Adam gets the Andrew-Lipson-Gets-Struck-By-Lightning call, River runs into the woods hysterically and DZ's himself. Adam kind of freaks out and leaves as well, though not as to run into a DZ. While all this happens and the group panics about what to do, Marcus is silent. He is reserved. Meditative.

This big guy must have a resting heart rate of, like, 40.

This girl named Devi Satome walks over to the door looking for help. She is turned away. Marcus does not move. He is still. He feasts on the dewdrops. He subsists off of water in the air. He may have spent five hours a day training, and like more time practicing and playing sports, but little does everyone know that he is also a meditation master.

I mean, I prefer to think he is. If he can sit through all of this, then he MUST be, right?

They leave the house, Marcus included, and get confused over where to go next. Marcus is the voice of reason, or rather, the words of reason, as he takes the pad of paper and pencil with him and writes to the group about courses of action. They decide to make their way to the lighthouse - and the next thread - after all, and arrive just in time to see the aftermath of Blaine Eno butchering someone.
So naturally, because of how angry he is, Marcus walks up to try and befriend the guy, leaving the rest of the group bewildered. Of course, this was a half-baked ruse to try and get Blaine to open up, testing the waters of his mental state. Blaine retreats, obviously not in a state to want any more friends, and Marcus announces his real intention - to strike Blaine down. Hawley manages to get him to stand down, verbally, and the group cuts their losses and leaves. This is a decently tense scene, without the earlier context of what happened in the thread before, and sets up Marcus pretty well at odds with the group, in a sense. He ends the thread by writing them all a message about how bad of a move that was as they walk away, and the group deliberates on this as they walk off.

Strangely, in between threads, Marcus gets cut off from the rest of the group and is lost in the woods on the way to the hospital. This is probably highlighted in the thread of wherever the hell the rest of the group went, and they likely freak out over somehow managing to lose track of a giant. He winds up in the woods, finding a guy named Cody Jenson. Actually, it'd be a little more fitting to say that Cody Jensen finds him, as he is caught in a trap and then beaten with a stick. Eventually, Marcus manages to break free, running to the river all bloody and sick and tired, somehow managing to run into Amanda and Madelaine again. Both are in bad shape, so they point Marcus to Hawley, just up ahead.

Marcus is gone for the next two or so pages, and doesn't come back until way after Blaine Eno sneaks up on the girls, and Adam Dodd comes out of the bushes to Big Damn Heroes the whole shebang. While Amanda and Adam have a touching reunion, and Hawley comes back, and this weird Callum kid mistakes one of the girls for his own girlfriend, Marcus is bleeding out in the bushes. When this new Callum kid enters the scene, though, he starts to beg for help, because the way he sees it he's too likely to be abandoned without getting help, or something. It's unclear. The girls (and Callum) tend to Marcus while Hawley patches Adam up, or something, giving him Morphine - and apparently there's some speech here that's funny or something, but I'm reading for Marcus, not for Dodd - while this other girl, Nanami, from the same middle school as Madelaine, in Japan, (I think? I have no idea what the deal is with all the schools in this game tbh) confronts the group. Marcus is the voice of reason again, using a combination of his voice and the pad of paper to get the trigger happy teenagers - mostly David - to stand down.

This works on David, but not on Adam. As Nanami breaks the fuck down over meeting her "traitor" childhood friend, Adam calls her on her crybaby bullshit, and basically destabilizes what little peace there was left. Nanami just slaps him, though, and it's laughed off. Callum runs off into the distance to find his real girlfriend after hearing a scream. It's really just business as usual up to this point. Marcus raises the point that if they're going to get moving, they might as well set up a base camp and get the drop on some people, people such as Cody, because they're bad and stuff, or something. The group's collective response is "yeah sure whatever" and Madelaine is lead away from the group to talk alone by Nanami. Nanami shoots Madelaine, and Marcus, with regained strength, sprints over to see what's going on.

Everyone runs over to find Madelaine still alive, but held at gunpoint. Marcus gets the group to surround Nanami, making sure she can't escape, while she waxes poetic about her childhood with Madelaine. Nanami is distracted by the group - and I think getting shot at some point, can't make out who does it, though - and Madelaine jumps to her feet and shoots Nanami one last time. Instantly, Madelaine regrets her decision, and starts screaming for them to patch up Nanami. There isn't much they can do. Nanami dies in Madelaine's arms. It's worth noting, at this point, that Marcus has been absent for around another page, his presence implied but not enforced. As you've probably noticed, this is sort of a habit of his. When he does come back, it's to take a good look at the corpse, and throw up. Adam goes over to make sure that he's okay - he isn't - while Amanda tries to get through to Madelaine, who can't talk because she's been shocked into silence. Hawley coats one of Marcus' more profusely bleeding wounds with antibiotics, but everyone silently knows it probably won't be enough to save this man.

Marcus has also been concussed, badly. He slumps down on the ground, and drifts off into sleep. The rest of the group mistakes this essentially-just-drifting-out-of-consciousness for Marcus' meditative prowess bringing him back into the astral again (read: he just needs some sleep, guys!) and pays him no mind while Adam gives a galvanizing speech to get the group back on their feet again. Another group wanders into the thread, made up of Heather, Fred, and a Jeremy of some nondescript background. The last thing this thread needs is more overcrowding, but here it is! We get it anyway! Hell, this breaks out into a gunfight which makes everything just all that much more muddy, and two other kids - both handled by the same guy who handles David - come in, and do nothing either. Heather's group, after firing a few shots off, leaves, and so do David's handler's kids. The gunfight is a tidal wave. It sweeps through, destroying much in its path, but just as quickly recedes from the shore. Hawley has internal bleeding, David has external bleeding, and Marcus is still, elsewhere, slowly slipping into a coma. Hawley dies, the medic being killed by one of the few injuries he was unable to treat.

The group has time to bury him and give something approaching a service before they realize that Marcus has been oddly quiet. Amanda comes out of nowhere with impressive knowledge of how comas work, and Adam decides the best course of action is to put him down.

Which, after some deliberation, he does. Shoots him, he does. Kills him, he does.

End the story, he does.

I don't know if I'd recommend Marcus on his own. Three out of four threads you'll get by reading Hawley Faust, two out of four you'll get by reading Adam Dodd, and the remaining one thread you'll get with Cody Jensen. I can't speak to any of those character's quality - though I really liked Hawley, from what I saw of him - but in my opinion, because of how long Marcus spends not doing anything, he's best read as a supplement to other character's journeys.

I'd like one more, please.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

(Original post by Ruggahissy)

As promised, Jeremy Torres, the third longest character in V1 behind only Cody Jensen and Adam Dodd and he only made it to eighth place.
[+] Part 1
Jeremy wakes up on day 2. It's raining and he's mulling his situation over in a warehouse. A boy named Fred comes in seeking shelter from the rain and after establishing that they don't wish to kill, they start talking about their lives. They bond over having parental abandonment issues, Fred says he wants to find his brother, and in a shocking display of being a decent person, Jeremy promises to help Fred look for his brother. They're very sweet together. Fred remembers he has his cell phone so he calls his brother, but the connection is bad so he can only make out a few words before the call is dropped.

Heather Pendegrast comes in since she has a GPS tracker (can we bring back the GPS tracker weapon?) and saw some people in the warehouse. She decides these guys are ok and offers Fred a pipe wrench and flashbangs. Jeremy has a sickle so he's good. In comes Garrett and Heather tells him to put down his crossbow. He won't so she shoots at his feet and is like "I'm not fucking around here."

Garrett does not even flinch after having the ground by his feet shot at : / . He also tells Heather he can shoot her with a crossbow before she can shoot him. Pretty sure that's not true.

"Put the crossbow down NOW!"
"You still do not understand. I. Will. Not. Hurt. You. Unless. You. Hurt. Me. Do you need me to spell it? The worst thing you can do is fire a shot at me right now."
Well number one, you just spelled "enemy" as "enimy" a moment ago so I doubt your ability to spell. Number two, shoot him shoot him shoot him HEATHER SHOOT HIM.

Suddenly the warehouse is party central as Devi, Umi, Aiden and Daisuke all come into the warehouse at once. Poor Theseus was gone for two days so Jeremy's been standing in a corner. Garrett continues to be awful and Fred, in his wisdom, says he can't waste time with these freaks and has to go find his brother. Jeremy and Heather go with him, which makes me happy because I liked them.


They are walking along and a wild Dodd appears. They briefly threaten him, but upon closer inspection Fred knows him from school and Dodd knows him and his brother, but can't tell them apart.

Well he asks to join up but that doesn't last long since the next group they find has Fred's brother Glenn, but none of Adam's people, so he runs off. The brothers have a touching reunion, Heather catches up because she cant run as fast, and they decide to leave since Jacob Starr was recently seen in the area. Minimal Jeremy in this one.

They come across a dead body and a girl named Daphne who is unfriendly. They ask if she killed the guy and she says she killed a girl at school who tried to put her hand in an incinerator (?!) and also murdered both of her parents recently. But did not kill that guy.

Unfortunately Jeremy is like "Ok sure yeah, but are you playing?"

Fred thinks they should leave. Daphne says she hasn't decided and Jeremy realizes that maybe having 3 murders in normal life is not a good indicator of future behavior. Jeremy is then like "Well I'm with Heather and Heather killed people so can I judge?" Yeah, you can. Heather killed people in a death game. This loony killed her parents.

I haven't mentioned her because she's just been listening to her CD player all this time, but they found Glenn with a girl named Maria. Maria wants to ask Daphne something and approaches her and Daphne slits her throat. Oh, what a shame, how unforeseeable.

She dies via My Chemical Romance song post that doesn't have relevance to the death. It says she's listening to it on her CD player and she dies halfway through the song, but the lyrics to the whole song are included and I don't know if that annoys me more or less. Daphne is like "Soz, had to." And Heather, who is too good for this group is like

"You know that's a huge load of bullshit, you killed her on a whim"
and leaves. And then trips and starts rolling down the hill. The rest go to help her and leave crazy.


I checked and Heather will be with Jeremy until she dies which makes me happy. I like her and I like stability. Turns out that hill Heather rolled down ends in a Dodd. Jeremy helps Heather up and she is rightly pissed that a dude named David is with Dodd and has her gun, which he stole from her. She shoots at him and misses. He shoots back and hits her in the arm and knee and is about to kill her when Jeremy and Fred run up. More shots are exchanged. David realizes he doesn't look good here and tells them to leave. Dodd does nothing. Thanks a bunch.

Jeremy and Fred carry her away and she passes out. They decide to take her to the hospital. Jeremy tries to keep a positive attitude.
"Jeremy was a strong person, he's been through worse...well not worse...but tough situations before. He can push past this."
He tries to draw strength from a memory of a really tough wrestling meet when his school was behind and they were counting on him. Shows that he's used to people depending on him and he wants to step up to those expectations. He fell into the background after the warehouse so having some internal stuff is nice.


They meet a ton of people I kind of skim over, two of them die anyway. The group is talking about escape. One of them kicks a rock into a bush, but Daphne was in that bush so she takes this as an assault on her bush and stabs him and another girl. Heather, who is being carried still, grabs her gun and says they should put distance between them and the murder bush. Jeremy, the Hughes boys and Heather all go into the hospital. Fred tosses a flashbang at Daphne, Heather shoots from a window and Jeremy is like "I hope she dies." Oh and Daisuke and Aiden are also there I guess.
~Dai yamete! you can't start thinking like that, baka baka baka~
I'm making an executive decision to skip Daisuke's parts.

Daphne 's blinded, Glenn goes to talk to her, she gives the standard "You and I are not so different" speech and he's like "Nuh uh" and she can't understand good and tries to stab him so he hits her with a 2x4. Glenn looks at Jeremy and Fred and decides that he can't kill her, not for her sake, but for his. He doesn't want to lose part of his humanity and risk becoming like her. They all turn to go back to the hospital, having made a difficult, but merciful decision. Perhaps, with time, Daphne may realize their gesture and come to-

And then some random dude walks in and shoots her in the face.

So. Stupid.

Jeremy thinks that they should kill her if only to prevent her from killing others and is tempted to do it himself. But he doesn't know if he's got it in him to take a life and wants to respect Glenn's decision. Then Fred is CRITICAL HIT by the rando and Jeremy is hit in the arm and foot.

Fred like wanders off? No one stops him? He's been shot in the stomach!

Jeremy tells the others to go haul up at the school while he stays with Fred. He's pretty sure Fred's about to die
"I promised Fred that I would stick with him until the end, this might just be the end. I'm staying in the hospital."

During the madness, Mallory got Jeremy's sickle stuck in her shin. They start kindda flirting while he says he does''t know her, but the fact that his sickle is stuck in her means they should talk. (That's what she said?). He goes to pull it out and asks her questions about her life to distract from the pain. This is strong, this is more like the first time we saw Jeremy. Very sweet with a bit of a sense of humor. What's Heather been doing? Laying down suppressing fire so Jason the rando doesn't kill them. Thanks Heather. The place gets DZ'd and Jeremy confusingly opts to not stay with Mallory or Glenn and doesn't know where Fred went. Shrug.

They all get to the woods, but Jeremy shows up late because he went to look for Fred. Didn't find him, though.

Heather is like "WE SHOULD KEEP MOVING, HELLO? THE CRAZY GUNMAN IS PROBABLY STILL IN THE AREA?" and everyone murmurs in agreement. Aiden asks Daisuke to help Heather and she would rather limp on one leg than have help from Daisuke. Best girl, Heather.

Glenn is carrying Mallory and thinks about how Heather has gone from a little annoying to really annoying. I'm sorry, maybe next time she'll leave you to hang around the area with the crazy shooter so you die. Ungrateful.

The group makes it to the school, but Jeremy feels extremely guilty for leaving Fred behind. He's pretty upset he couldn't find him in time before they left and he's worried.

They hear a scream and all go to investigate except Jeremy and Mallory who agree to keep watch. Heather finds an unconscious girl inside. Mallory starts to FLIP OUT and wants to go inside but Jeremy is like "calm down, I don't hear fighting, they're probably fine."

Suddenly a shoot out happens, people flee from the building and Glenn tells Mallory and Jeremy they have to go. Heather comes up and tries to shoot at the shooter, but she was using the shotgun as a crutch so when she lifts it to shoot she falls on her ass.

Things get kind of ??? . It's hard to read and confusing but someone, I think Antonio, rushes Glenn. Glenn is like "Mallory, Jeremy, Heather, let's get out of here!" and he draw a sword and that enrages Antonio and he attacks with his wrench. Sword vs. wrench.

Someone named Steven shoots at the group while the sword wrench fight is happening and Jeremy gets grazed in the arm. Glenn wants him to leave but Jeremy won't because he says he owes to Fred to stay with Fred's brother. Guitarjack comes in to bitch that the only person who reacted to the shotgun blasts was Jeremy. Glenn then grabs Mallory and asks Jeremy to shoot at whoever is trying to kill them so that Glenn and Mallory can get away (Jeremy picked up Glenn's gun).

Wow, what a jerk.

Guess Jeremy and Heather are going to have to take over. Jeremy turns around and gets hit in the arm with a wrench. Mallory's handler complains that when they logged off the thread was on page 3, now it's on page 6 because posting orders, like spelling, weren't invented until 2011.

Jeremy proposes to Antonio they team up to escape Steven and Jeremy tosses his gun through the 4th wall at handler Slayer.
"Jeremy tossed the gun on the ground in front of Slayer."
Steven tells Jeremy to drop the gun, he does, then runs off and winks at Antonio, leaving him there with the other crazy. Shrug I guess. Oh wait, DON'T LEAVE HEATHER. FUCK, SHE WAS MY FAVORITE.
[+] Part2
Kermit made me read the first part of this thread with Nevera and Kouji where she calls him a beast and he says he doesn't wanna fight [/Alabama Shakes] and then she's like "YEAH YOU DO!" and he's like "YES, I GUESS I DO" and then back flips over her, talking to her mid-back flip like a shitty anime.

Then Jeremy runs in, continued from (Korean letters). The Korean letters thread roughly translates to "Starting point for girl 99." I'll give them a break since though I joke all the time that spell check wasn't invented until 2011, Google translate actually wasn't invented until 1 year after this post was made. Sure there were other online translators, but they can have a pass on this.

Nev and Kouji decide to talk instead of fight but their talking is infuriatingly dumb and continuing in the shitty anime Kouji escaped from, he looks at her ass, she slaps him and he apologizes in Japanese.
"Jeremy watched as the girl and the guy argued and the girl struck the guy. Jeremy was tired of this stuff"
Relatable Jeremy content.

He's still looking for Fred, Glenn, Heather and Mallory. He tells Nev about being ambushed and separated from them and she cries on his behalf and offers to dig the bullet out of his arm. It's a nice scene that's fairly realistic. She explains that she had cancer and it caused her to lose her eye so she doesn't think she could win a death game with such a disadvantage. Her uncle, who I am assuming was her caretaker, also had cancer. He wants to comfort her, but isn't sure she can survive given the one winner rule. He hesitates, but comforts her instead with the thought of escape. He promises to help her since she helped him. Jeremy is like, indebting himself to helping people left and right.

OOC: Theseus gently corrects Abel on a continuity error and Abel quickly fixes it. It's nice to see Theseus is also fairly kind generally instead of some of the more hostile OOC notes I've seen.

They decide to look in the house to see if there is food. Nev only finds moldy and rotten food, giving V1 a leg up on V2 where Felix found fucking fresh bacon and waffles and other kids were finding granola bars and sandwiches and shit.

Jeremy doesn't feel comfortable with the fact that the game might be changing him. He feels that he's colder and more paranoid than he was when he woke up ??? days ago. Possibly 3 days. Some kid named Scott walks in and Jeremy freaks out quietly, but tries to appear calm. Nev found some canned soup. I guess that doesn't bother me too much. It's not sandwiches.

Scott is upset they aren't acknowledging him so he thinks that means they plan to KILL HIM (?) and he tries to kill Jeremy with a brick. Jeremy is hit in the head with the brick and he goes down, remembering a time when he blacked out during a wrestling match.

Kouji is like "Oh boy soup!" and does not seemed to have noticed the violence at all.

Nev freaks out, drops the soup and tries to get Jeremy to regain consciousness while asking Scott what the fuck he's doing. While all this is happening Kouji is still asking her about the soup.
She looked over to Kouji, "There are more important things here than your stinking food!"
So Nev has to tend to Jeremy's new wounds and hope he regains consciousness and after that, cook soup. But then Scott's handler is like (Hi, I'm still here with a brick) and tries to kill Nev with a brick. While Nev is trying not to be killed Kouji is like "Hmmmm.....soup" and Jeremy grabs his sickle and is like "Yo, stop."

Everyone OOC hates Kouji.

Jeremy is choking Scott and Scott is like "Stop!" and Jeremy's like "Why should I? You tried to kill us" and Scotti s like "I'm scared!"

Nev passes out from too many bricks to the head and they decide to deal with that, but her handler tells Kouji he sucks and should find a new site to RP on. Kouji is suddenly evil and wants to kill them.
"Leave now. I'm tired of you already. You didn't help once during the fight, and now your wanting to fight us."
They hear some noise and Nev, Scott and Jeremy leave, with the other two agreeing to Jeremy's conditions that they trust each other and make it out or die together.


Did the next couple threads at lunch so these are from memory and therefore more prone to error. Jeremy finds the body of Glenn and hears on the announcements that his boyfriend, Fred is, is dead. Scott and Jeremy talk about how he's sad about his other friends and they promise to stay together as a new group, him Scott and Nev.


Just kidding, they're separated almost immediately, but he does find Mallory sitting on a cliff. They have a really good moment where they talk about hope and despair. Mallory says she wants to hunt down Glenn's killer, Peri, and Jeremy says he'll help her do it. She's like "That means we'll probably both die" and he's like "Well, there's no way I'd rather die than helping a friend." She changes her mind and says that she needs his help to find Peri because she's injured in the leg, but when they find him she wants him to leave her and run away because she won't have Jeremy's death on her hands. He says he doesn't like it, but respects her decision so that's what he'll do.

They hide in a gazebo when Jason comes by. Theseus doesn't know what a gazebo is so Kyle links him a webpage with a gazebo WHICH IS THE WEBPAGE OF THE CITY WHERE KYLE LIVES. STRANGER DANGER, YOUNG KYLE.

Jason asks to see their weapons and they show them and he's like "Those suck, you guys will die for sure." Mallory runs away because she isn't sure that Jeremy would really just leave when they find Peri and doesn't want his blood on her hands.


Jeremy approaches a house and the house has his cousin, Ryan, in it and his dying friend Clare. They do introductions and then HEATHER, MOTHERFUCKING HEATHER, limps over. Jeremy is overjoyed to see her, the last of his friends from their original group. Heather is dying of her wounds, but she's glad to see him too. For the very first time in all of V1 I am getting FEELS and it's from Heather's deathpost which is really really sweet. She's just happy to see Jeremy again, who she says has been her good luck charm.

Jeremy is sad and starts to cry and tries to stop crying because crying isn't manly. Seriously. He resolves to go with Ryan and dying Clare to the warehouse and make it their strong hold. Ryan will go in first and if there's anyone in there, Jeremy will walk up with the gun and then ????. They don't want to kill but don't know what they'll do so they decide to wing it.

THE REBOOT REDUX. This is the warehouse thread and almost everyone in it dies, not counting Clemence because she only stays for two posts at the very end once everyone's dead already.

So Ryan runs up and tries to tell him he's being hunted and let him in and they tell him to fuck off. He leaves and Jeremy runs up pretending to be the guy hunting Ryan but they are still unimpressed. Inside the warehouse Jill, Jack, Martyn and Syndey are going crazy with paranoia, but I largely skipped this. Terrorist Angelina Kaige throws a grenade at the warehouse group killing most of them . Jeremy hears something and it's Nev! He drops down and hugs her. It is here in the warehouse thread where his heart starts to shine through, his essence. He wonders if the island and the many loses he has suffered until this point have changed him. Has the island changed the core of him as a person and made him willing to do that which he promised never to do, kill?

Angelina kills Claire who was dying anyway, Clemence kills Ryan and En whatever sees the two huddled people and shoots Jeremy. It hits him in the shoulder and he whirls around and shoots his assailant, because if he wouldn't she'd shoot him and then Nev.

But then Sidney shoots Nev, leaving Jeremy alone in the world.
[+] Part3

Jeremy leaves and finds Clemence who he knows is Ryan's murderer because she has his weapon.

She and Jeremy have nice symmetry in their flashbacks. Clemence hobbles through the forest and thinks of her time at the ballet academy where one very judgmental girl purges to stay thin and the other ballerinas shift around awkwardly, clearly disturbed, where Clemence is in awe. Jeremy is running with his wrestling team and he's not running fast enough. The coach tells him to run like he cares and he exhausts himself to stay pace with the others.
They're both about sports where they push themselves beyond was is strictly healthy in order to be better.
The difference is that Clemence seems to be a little proud of her unhealthy sacrifice and Jeremy seems to be a little more hesitant about his.

Clemence offers to team up with him to take down one of the terrorists. Jeremy knows Clemence killed Ryan and that she is a murderer, but he makes the decision to side with her because they're both kids in the same situation. She shoots him in the stomach. Even though that happened and he knew there was a chance it might, he doesn't regret his choice, because he wanted to give her the chance.

He then leaves and finds Lucinda Garnett. He again, wants to believe the best of her and she shoots at him. He decides that he's not going to be killed by the game and he won't participate either. Jeremy refuses to try to kill people to win, and he doesn't want to win and become a poster boy for the terrorist. Instead he slams into Lucinda, runs to the car behind her and takes off. She jumps into another car and it's a CAR SHOOT CHASE. Jeremy's says he's got a few Driver's Ed lessons under his belt so I think we're in good hands. Part of the reason I gave up on thread-recaps is because these two start a new thread as the cars drive through different locations so it's all one scene over multiple threads.

His radio works allowing his song posts to be diegetic which bothers me less than normal song posts (film theory talk, diegetic music is music that exists in the scene. Non-diegetic music is stuff that doesn't exist to the characters, like the score). Also all his songs are kickass so I mind them even less. For a brief period Jeremy and Lucinda have a song post war. But Jeremy obviously wins because his is "Don't Dream It's Over" by Crowded House and her is "Closure" by Chevelle. I think for the first time ever in my reading the song is actually fitting. Like, having a car chase with people shooting t each other to "Don't Dream It's Over" playing in the background is kind of great. There's even a line in the song about his car being kindda busted.

Jeremy does an about face and runs straight at her, shooting, which fucks up her car a bit and he gets ahead and waits at a low cliff where he scribbles a note and then hits the gas and flies off the cliff. He lands roughly but the car is ok and Lucinda follows, fucking her car up more so the bottom is dragging. Jeremy drives to the warehouse where this all started and suddenly slams on the breaks, causing Lucinda to CRASH THE FUCK INTO HIM. Another song post starts and it's "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees which is another excellent choice.

Lucinda is toast and dies as the sparks rom her car set the gasoline on fire and she melts. Jeremy is elated that he got to go out with a high action car chase and will top it off by taking his own life, making sure that he ends the game on his own terms. He thinks of all the good times he had with his friends on the island and shoots himself. Pan to the note wrote on the cliff.
"I just want to let everyone know, that I tried not to let any of my friends or family down. I am not playing the game, and I never will. If I go out, I plan on going out with a bang. I doubt this will ever get into the hands of my family, but I want you all to know I love you very much. Don't cry over me, and don't worry, for I am happy.

I have met some amazing people on this island, each one showed me a different part of myself. This experience will really show you who you are, and without the help of the friends I made on this island, I don't think I could have made it as far as I did."
FINAL THOUGHTS: It's fitting that Jeremy's story ends with a song from The Monkees. They were part of a t.v. show about a band that wasn't very successful, but in real life they outsold the Beatles and The Rolling Stones for a bit. They also make me think of like, goofy wholesomeness. That's Jeremy. Sure he didn't win, but he had more moral fiber than anyone in v1 I think so in his own mind he did win.

I don't know if I can think of another character like Jeremy. No matter how bad things get, no matter how many of his friends die, no matter what people do to him or how much he suffers, he is hopeful and wants to give people a chance. Every time he comes across a new person he usually makes friends with them and promises to help people left right and center without asking anything in return. I'm kind of sad he didn't make it farther because it would have been interesting to see how Dodd or Cody would react having to contend with someone standing at the very top of the moral high ground with no malice in their hearts.

I recommend Jeremy, but it takes a long time for him to get going due to the fact that he's drowned out by more frequent posters in his early threads to the point that he becomes background noise. I would suggest reading his first thread, and then picking it back up at the first time he's in "Girl 70 Start" where he meets Nev and Scott. You can skip the six threads between using this writeup to fill you in. He's not perfect, his early game drags and he lacks some depth for while, but he's a very solid first attempt from Theseus who would go on to only do better.

Working on Fred, who I read 80 percent of already when I did Jeremy.
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