I Always Hated Chemistry

Going as far as the eye can see, the wheat fields can seem somewhat intimidating. With the wheat growing wild now, the fields reach the average person’s shoulders, and since they lack any distinguishing landmarks aside from rusted farm equipment haphazardly left around, it can be very easy for one to lose their way.
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I Always Hated Chemistry


Post by Aura »

((Stacey Mordetsky continued from Sleep, My Dear))

After the long, arduous march down the cliff, Stacey searched for a place to rest.  Unfortunately, she didn't think to check her map during her search, and found herself in the middle of a wheat field.  Her legs began to get irritated by the long wheat stalks, and she had pulled a few out of the ground in frustration.  Eventually, she got too tired to keep going, and plopped her bags in the middle of the field, sitting down beside them.

I'm so glad I don't have hayfever right now.

As she sat on the ground, she couldn't escape the thought that had been plaguing her mind since she left the cliff.  There was no way off the island.  The only way to make it out was to either be the last person alive.  Sure, a bunch of kids had been rescued before, but the terrorists had probably prepared for that this time around.  She guessed that they probably had watch towers around the island or some shit to shoot down any boats or planes that come too close.

In an attempt to get her mind off the thought of impending death, she decided to get some food out of her bag.  Maybe she would be able to think of something else if she wasn't so hungry.  She unzipped her bag and reached inside to find some food.  She found a large case, which she assumed was a first aid kit, and moved it to the side of the bag.  However, under it, there was a large box that she could see through the rest of the stuff in her bag.  She wondered about it for a moment.  Was that her weapon?  That Danya guy had said that everyone received a weapon.  Could hers be inside that box?

After a brief moment of consideration, Stacey started pulling everything out of her bag.  Water bottles, tins of crackers, everything between her and the box was placed on the ground next to the bag.  Once her bag was empty of everything else, she pulled out the box.  It was pretty heavy, so she put it on the ground as she examined it.  It was a chemistry set.  She stared at it in disbelief.  There was no way that this was her actual weapon.  She started to look at the other items she had taken out of the bag.  Among them was a small note.  She grabbed the note and read it to herself.

Children's Chemistry Set: Make Your Own Volcano! Contains vinegar, baking soda, red dye and paper mache volcano.

They had actually assigned her a chemistry set.  A children's chemistry set, no less.  That meant that she didn't even get any acids or stuff like that.  At least that would be useful!  What was she supposed to do with this, scare people with a third grade science fair volcano?

She wasn't quite sure how to react.  She was feeling so many emotions at the moment.  Anger, frustration, disappointment, and fear being the most prominent.  Unable to figure out what else to do, she let out a shriek of irritation.  She didn't even have a weapon.  All she had was a stupid fucking box!

She took some time to take a few deep breaths and compose herself.  She ate something she found in her pack called a "food bar".  It didn't taste good, but since she had a lot of them left, she accepted that she would just have to get used to it.  She repacked her bag, leaving out the chemistry set.  She didn't need that useless box weighing her down any more than it already had.  Once her bag was nice and packed, she zipped it up and left the wheat field, leaving the chemistry set behind.

I never liked chemistry anyway.

((Stacey Mordetsky continued elsewhere...))
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