Dam Rivers.

A winding river runs through the eastern portion of the island, providing much needed water and flourishing the island with life. There's a very large dam near the northern inlet, keeping a good deal of the ocean water from rushing into the river while letting some in so the thing doesn't dry up. Without this "filter dam", the river would've flooded out of control years ago. Near the southern part of the island, an old and withered bridge, forgotten decades ago, stands. The bridge is wooden and is slowly beginning to decay, giving the humanized wilderness surrounding it a rather eerie feel.
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Dam Rivers.


Post by Sephy* »

Blinking, Satoru opened his eyes, waiting for his vision to refocus, he suddenly heaved, opening his mouth and coughing out a glob of mud he'd somehow managed to  swallow while sleeping, "Ugh."

The newly dubbed boy #3 pushed himself over onto his back and sat up as memories chased each other in an attmept to line up in his confused head ~Bus, teachers shot, SOTF, kill or be killed~ He tilted his head to the side, shaking some mud from his long hair as he noticed the daypack waiting beside him, he reached over and unzipped it, rummaging inside, until he pulled out, "itai!" He dropped the sharp metal claw which hit the mud with a faint squelch.

Holding his finger until the bloodflow stopped, he looked at the cat claw this is my weapon? claws?~ he picked it up, looking at it, until a familiar rushing noise finally got the attention of his ears and he turned slightly.

He noticed the river, blue eyes locking onto the slowly moving stream, his mind conjuring up crashing waves, the seawater flooding his mouth, feeling himself go under, ~cold, wet, dark..dying is cold and salty..I won't die, it's too cold.~ Grabbing his pack and standing, Satoru didn't realise he was shaking until he'd ran far out of sight of the river.

((Continued in Welcome to the Jungle))
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