
A winding river runs through the eastern portion of the island, providing much needed water and flourishing the island with life. There's a very large dam near the northern inlet, keeping a good deal of the ocean water from rushing into the river while letting some in so the thing doesn't dry up. Without this "filter dam", the river would've flooded out of control years ago. Near the southern part of the island, an old and withered bridge, forgotten decades ago, stands. The bridge is wooden and is slowly beginning to decay, giving the humanized wilderness surrounding it a rather eerie feel.
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Post by Jotun* »

Seth sat some feet away from the river, legs sprawled in front of him but his back straight. He could have been thinking, but he had finished with his thoughts. Aside from his surroundings, and perhaps the dangers tht accompanied them, there was remarkably little that was different from normal different in his eyes. Several people of his age, including his own classmates, were given the ultimatum - kill everyone around you, or die yourself. The true reason Seth knew his classmates were not alone in this endeavour was that he had seen others along this very river. He had not spoken to them, had not appraoched close enough to be seen, but one was not wearing a P.J Gilroy uniforms, which one could spot from particularly far away. Seth had discarded his sweatervest already in anticipation of the heat, as he could not yet see clouds.

Indeed, for Seth, nothing had changed, he was just removed of the obligation to go home or to school. Though aware he must be constantly on guard to protect his life, Seth did not feel the urge to go hunting himself. The less he fought, the less he would wear himself out for the end of his time here. Or that was his excuse. Truthfully, Seth felt it would be easier to sit and do nothing. To avoid conflict, and danger, he would not seek a fight, and would not fight until he was forced to.

Seth had woken earlier, further north up the river. He knew he went south based on directions of the sun. Not far behind him, there was an array of trees that seemed to form a forest. Further down the river was a bridge he knew, at first glance, he would be safer not to cross. In his left hand, Seth's fingers absently fiddled with a dart. The darts were his assigned weapon, and they were not totally poor. There was a pouch full of them, but Seth had only removed the one. Seth knew how to throw a dart, even knew how to do it well, as P.J Gilroy had dartboards and he had, a few times looking for somethin to occupy his mind and body, practiced. Still, they were a poor choice of weapon when not used properly, and Seth doubted his aim was so sure he could disable a person with them. It didn't matter to him, though. He was not going to fight until forced. When that time came, he would think of something...
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Post by Chase* »

Sleep long....

Jenna's jacket sleeve was wet with the river water as her hand floated near the bank. Her face was in the mud, sound asleep from the effects of the drugs.

Time to get up...

Her hand twitched, splashing water in droplets on her cheek, and her eyes began to open. She looked up at the sky, and for a moment her brows furrowed in confusion at not being home safe in bed. Memories came rushing to her all at once, and she jolted up from her horizontal position, some of the mud clinging to her jacket and hair. For a moment she thought she had fallen asleep at the park. It had happened once before, after a fight with her parents, and she had sat next to the pond with her arms in her jacket, until she finally fell asleep. The next morning she came home in the afternoon, and her mom had made her breakfast for dinner. Which she refused to eat anyway; she wanted to go see Alex and the others.

Where are they?

She stood up and tried to scratch the caked mud out of her hair as she looked around her, thinking about what had happened before she woke up here. Those memories came back with some concentration, almost as if she never wanted to believe they were real. She accidentally kicked the bag at her feet while she silently cursed the one day she attended homeroom, even then only to joke about the seminar they were attending that day.

"Fucking principal," she muttered.

"Fucking piece of shit school."

"Fucking Dog eat dog!" she finally screamed at the top of her lungs, remembering something the man had said while they were kept inside.

Jenna ran her hand through her short hair, taking deep breaths and lifting the bag to see what had been stored inside. It seemed freakishly round, she had noticed, and pulled out what looked like a large disc. Except the markings, and the wire fitted around it, proved to be the distinguishing marks of a dartboard. She let this drop to the ground as she dumped everything else out of the bag, expecting the thing to have a matching set of darts for it. Nothing. Letting out a sharp breath as she looked at the things on the floor, including her supposed sustenance for the time being, she bent down to gather them up. The dartboard she left out of the bag on purpose, and held it in her hands once more to get a better look at it.

If I can find a wire cutter, or something...

She thought at the very least it would be useful if she had it out rather than not, for if someone was nearby the force of a dartboard to the back of the head would be better than Jenna passing by open to any attack. With that as one of the main concerns, she tried to separate the other questions she had about this situation, one of the more nagging ones being "why?"

The river, she considered, was the best option to follow, at least then she could find a road somewhere else, or maybe Alex was nearby. She didn't remember if she had seen him come to the seminar, but she hoped he had. Someone she was close with had to be here. Letting her feet lead the way, she started to make her journey on the riverbank.
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Post by Jotun* »

"Fucking Dog eat dog!"

Lost in nothing, Seth was drawn into reality by a yell from down the river. He could not see the source, there were trees blocking his vision, but the voice -female voice- was definately upstream. Distant sounds indicating the source of the yell was heading towards him. Seth did not know what to make of it. Was she to be his enemy? She had screamed 'dog eat dog'. That was likely to be a declaration of acceptance that she would kill to survive. She was hysterical enough to yell, meaning she was possibly attempting murder on sight. Seth debated pre-empative action, and eventually decided for it.

After all, he cared nothing for her, and if she had a weapon it would prove easier to defend himself. Seth stood and moved to hide himself behind the trees blocking the view of her approach. He waited for a good vantage point, to throw his dart and hopefully hurt her enough to close in for an assault. Her footsteps grew closer. She was in view, through cracks in the trees. She was a moment away from his point of attack. She was there.

In a flick of his wrist, and his entire arm, Seth threw the dart he had been holding at the girl.
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Post by Chase* »

Jenna was still cursing the heavens as she walked further and further, into a group of trees, which she hoped would keep her from view. Unfortunately her consideration of keeping hidden was a little too late to foolproof since she had nearly had her own tantrum at the seriousness of the situation. She walked with the dartboard held in her right hand, sort of like a giant tamborine.

She hadn't seen the boy, instead staring ahead, expecting someone to attack her from the path that she followed. The sound of rustling leaves made her freeze, until she heard the more problematic sound of something rushing through the air.

Jenna ducked and lifted the dartboard with both hands, trying to at least shield her head from whatever thing she thought was coming at her. A muffled whump! was heard, and the dartboard trembled above the girl as the thrown object embedded itself into the cork type material.

Startled from the sudden attack, she kept her eyes squeezed shut for a split second before she took off full speed, running from whoever had tried to kill her. At first she kept on the road, trying her hardest not to scream like a maniac, then decided she would try to lose the person by taking a path through the trees and thicker wilderness.

When she couldn't run anymore, she finally stopped, barely able to hear the river water woosh by. It was then she took a gander at the dartboard, which she had been holding so tight that her knuckles had become white. Dead center, on the red little painted circle, perfect bullseye, was a dart.

"You've got to be shittin' me."

((Continued in Outside the School))
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Post by baby_g* »

((Continued from: Footsteps))

After walking for a while, Tori heard a yell some what like hers before... apparently Everyone was as pissed off as she. Of course there was good reason for it. This just ment that she had to be careful of who to trust and who to talk too. from a distance, and from behind some shrubs, Tori could see a figure behind a tree of it's own, throw something at another figure coming her way.
As the figure that looked like it had been hit, ran the other way, Tori took her dart rope out of her bag in readiness to defend herself. She was hoping she wouldn't have to use it so soon, but when it really came down to it, who knew. Losely she tied it around her waist.
She slowly made her way out from where she was and began to walk towards the person behind the tree.

"Don't hurt me!" She shouted. Hoping that he wouldn't throw anything at her, Tori but both arms in the air, showing she wasnt going to attack, she began to walk slower.

"I promise I wont hurt you... I just want to talk."

She now stood within 20 feet of the lad... all she had now were her prayers.

If I could just find him.. find where I'm going and try not to get killed...
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Post by Jotun* »

The girl he had attacked ran away. Seth was satisfied, so long as she was definately not a threat. He moved to return to his spot on the riverbank, where he would probably stay until forced to move. He noticed noises from behind a shrub and turned to look.

"Don't hurt me!" "I promise I wont hurt you... I just want to talk."

She threw her arms into the air. Seth just stared. She had, he noticed, a chinese rope dart around her waist. She claimed she was not going to hurt him, but Seth doubted she could have used it if she'd wanted. However, she seemed desperate, and all she wanted was to talk.

"Then talk." Was all he said. His eyes did not leave her.
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Post by baby_g* »

greatful that the kid wasn't going to hurt her (so it seemed), Tori dropped her arms and sighed.

"Listen, I'm Tori. I got thrown into this just like you did, and while I dont know about you, I'd rather not have to hurt anyone. I was wondering if you've seen someone maybe. I'm looking for a friend."

Tori took four steps closer to the boy. He was taller than her, but then again it always seemed like everyone was. She was trying to get a look at his eyes. What was it that made them look so blan, yet slick out the most? He seemed like a good kid. Tori didn't want to put down her guard just yet, but she for some reason trusted him alittle.

"If you could just help me out for a bit, I'll be on my way and you can be on yours. I wont shank you, but you should worry about who will. Can't we just sit for a second? You're the first person I've seen since I've woken up."

She motioned to the ground as she herself took a seat.

"We can start with who you are?"
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Post by Jotun* »

Seth found it very interesting that she was attempting to empathize with him. Or, perhaps, get him to empathize with her. Not many people would so instinctually attempt to appeal to the better nature of those around them. She started to stare at him as though waiting for a response - Seth was waiting for whatever else she planned to say, and so said nothing, until she made it more clear that she wanted his help.

She asked to sit. Seth sat. He had been planning to anyway, had he not? Conversation became unavoidable when she asked him to tell her who he was.

"I am a ninth grade student at P.J Gilroy Academy named Seth Malvice." Seth considered that she just wanted his name, but thought she would have done better to ask for that specifically. Realizing he was obligated to continue conversation, he returned the question.

"Who are you?"
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Post by baby_g* »

"Tori Johnson. I go to Bathrust..."

Relieved that he hadn't yet tried to kill her, Tori felt more at ease and leaned back. What else could she explain? She knew just as much as anyone else she presumed.

"Do you know what's going on?" She asked. Faintly she knew the jists of it. 'Kill or be Killed'. There was the promblem, she didn't want to kill anyone, but she didn't want to die.
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Post by Jotun* »

Seth did not care who she was. Just another body he would never see again, leastwise not alive. But, she seemed to need comfort, and was not likely to leave as long as Seth made not attempt to kill her, which was hardly worth the trouble even if she could not use the chinese weapon around her waist properly.

She asked what was going on. Seth answered as best he could.

"We kill each other. If we don't, we die. Someone is responsible, but I've no idea who."
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Post by baby_g* »

Tori knew what all this ment. So far, he hadn't made an attempt to harm her, but she could feel it in her bones that it was time to move on.

"This is bull shit." She began. "Listen, I dont see a reason to hurt you, seeing as you haven't tried to hurt me. Why don't I walk my way, and you walk yours. I dont want to hurt anyone. I just want to find my friend."

With that, Tori stood up, adjusted her clothes, rope, and bag and turned to shake the fellow's hand.

"Hopefully there can be a way to get out of this mess."

((continued elsewhere))
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Post by Jotun* »

The girl's partience seemed to wear thin with Seth. He did not know why, he would have helped her if she asked, sometimes action had it's rewards. Still, he was relieved to see she wished to leave. Seth had already turned back to the river when he realized she was waiting, hand extended. Seth did   not rise, but reached up to shake her hand from the ground.


Seth turned away, staring back to the water as she hoped out loud to find a way out.
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Post by Jotun* »

((Darren Oakland continued from Nothing at the Cost of Everything.))

As soon as he came into view from over an unmarked horizen, Seth steadily watched the person coming from the other side of the river. As he approached it became obvious he was holding some sort of long steel weapon, the sun was reflected in it's sheen. He reached the bridge, and his weapon was revealed to be a Japanese katana. Seth could see the sheath hanging from his backpack. Watching him intently, Seth made no move and said nothing when the stranger crossed the dilapidated bridge, seeming appropriately wary in each step, nor when he stopped to look back at Seth.

From this distance Darren could tell this boy who was sitting at the river was strange. Not just the abnormal way that he sat there, unmoving, in such a strange situation, but when they locked eyes, his were... empty. Like he had the depth of a normal person but not the substance that made up who they were. Darren panicked.

Is that what happens when this place drives you crazy? Will I be like that? Is he a killer already, in these first few hours of this twisted game?"

Darren was only put slightly at ease by the lack of a body nearby. There was a river that could ahve carried it anywhere. Maybe that's why this boy chose that spot. Was he going to try and kill Darren? Where was his weapon? Darren steadied himself, though, as the boy started to rise. Darren was the bigger of the two, but if this boy was already a hardened killer...

Seth stood to be prepared. He wasn't sure what this other person was thinking, only concerned himself with the stranger's openly drawn Katana and that he did not keep walking. He left his pack on the ground. Seth did not want to bother with the darts, he was too unsure of his skill with them. He kept his eyes locked on the stranger's, aware of but not watching the Katana.

The boy didn't attack. Darren was confused, was he in danger or not? Darren went out on a limb, maybe he could resolve the tension without combat.

"I'm Darren."

"Seth." Seth responded to Darren. Seth bent down to reach into his bag and get his darts, to show he did not have a threatening weapon. Darren seemed to act pre-empatively.

Seth was going for his weapon, and Darren knew he was right, Seth was a killer. He was going to kill Darren. Darren knew he had to survive, he couldn't die now, not here, not with his brother ocutning on him to return. Darren raised his Katana, his backpack straps sliding off his arms, and charged at Seth and brought it down on the boy's neck as he bent down for his weapon.

Seth moved to the side, carrying his bag with him. The sword missed his neck, hit the ground instead. Seth used his momentum to swing his bag, and he turned into a spin to give it extra momentum before he connected it with the side of Darren's skull. Darren was nearly lifeted off the ground, and he seemed to stagger out of Seth's range. Seth completed the swing by brining the bag to rest, his arm through the strap.

Darren was disoriented, and he braced himself for a second attack while getting his bearings, but it never came. He steadied himself and looked back at Seth. He apparently wasn't going to attack again, because he ust stood there. And then he took off, into the forest.

Darren picked up his bag and stated walking again, along the River, frustrated about attempting to kill someone, frustrated about failing, frustrated, because he was afraid he'd never get back home...

((Seth continued When the silence remains...))
((Darren continued in Barbie Girl))
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