Running Water


A winding river runs through the eastern portion of the island, providing much needed water and flourishing the island with life. There's a very large dam near the northern inlet, keeping a good deal of the ocean water from rushing into the river while letting some in so the thing doesn't dry up. Without this "filter dam", the river would've flooded out of control years ago. Near the southern part of the island, an old and withered bridge, forgotten decades ago, stands. The bridge is wooden and is slowly beginning to decay, giving the humanized wilderness surrounding it a rather eerie feel.
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Running Water


Post by lovebirdjo* »

((Continued from Such Sweet Sorrow))

Exhaustion. The heaving form of the blonde girl on the ground shook with vigorous gasps for breath. Lee-Ann was out of shape, but the large green pack on her shoulders wasn't helping any. With her attire, she was at least able to maneuver manageably. The small tabby kitten, George, now stood up on the girl's shoulders looking off in the distance, studying uncertainly the horizon and the dark depths of the glimmering blue. Lee-Ann's gaze followed soon after, taking in everything. The sound of a body of running water had originally attracted her to her current residence of space, and with relief she looked at her surroundings with slight awe. In the early afternoon sun, the sky was illuminated a beautiful blue, contrasting with the light green of the tall grass that the girl stood surrounded by.

Her eyesight had caused her to trip and fall a few times, and after a few times, she had ended up tying her hair back again; all of it this time, though. Her brass spectacles shone in the heated light and paired with the thick sweat covering much of the girl's forehead, face, and neck. Now, with her right eye peering through the glass lens, she noted the presence of a semi-large bridge in the distance, connecting the two sides of the island. She was about two hundred yards or so from the water's edge, and unconsciously found herself meandering the thoughts. George, still standing up on Lee-Ann's shoulders, had begun to mewl again; still hungry. Decisions, decisions, and finally the blonde decided on a course of action. She would go to river, stop to rest for a little bit, eat brunch, and head onward. In indignance, the spectacled female thought about her friends on the island as while walking slowly toward the rocks on her side of the river.

'Thank you, God. You've been rather kind so far, but I guess that could just be for today. I need to reach Marimar. As soon as possible. Phew. This is way too much to handle.' Lee-Ann thought, her mind fixating back on her friend. She had sworn earlier to protect the brunette, and she intended to keep that promise. Laura was also on the girl's mind, but at the same time, the blonde knew better than to try to pair up with her friend. This game would do horrible things to the others, and probably eventually to Lee-Ann as well. The ever flocked to damsel in distress now would protect her knight, although not in the conventional sense. In retrospect, Marimar could have just wanted to be left alone in the situation, while in another the girl's mind could have already snapped like a twig.

She had been pondering many things during the exhilarating run, and one of them had been just what was being seen from the viewers all over. Were people watching her right now? Were they laughing? Were they crying? Were her parents watching too? What about her teachers? It made little sense to Lee-Ann that she was on television, but in some ways she knew that most likely that was the case. Fending off an annoyingly tiny gnat that was attempting to land on her face, the blonde made to look where she was heading once again. She was much closer now, only off by a few yards or so. The sound of the flowing river was peaceful, but other sensations alerted her to it as well. The distinct smell of both outdoor water and a trace of industrial smog filled the air, piercing her nostrils. A few smaller birds circled overhead, probably native to the island. Lee-Ann couldn't count the times that she had a random bug out, spiders making webs in the trees and butterflies simply flying from random sunflower to the next. The fields she had traveled through from the cornfield had been more like a jungle, mixed with many different plants and a multitude of unknown critters shaking through the tall grass.

Finally, Lee-Ann and her shoulder-riding feline reached the river. Sighing with a mix of relief and sadness, the blonde first took the large pack from her shoulders and set it down next to a large white rock seated at the top of the quarry of boulders leading down to the water. George, instincts in gear, hopped quickly down from his safehaven and onto the ground. Landing perfectly, the gray kitten looked up expectantly with hopeful green eyes. One little mewl and Lee-Ann was on the boulder sifting through the day pack's contents once more. After finding the canned cat food, the glasses-wearing young woman set to work, pulling the tin tab that would release the mushy tuna and make the kitten at her side mewl with earnest joy.

Struggling to pull the clasp, Lee-Ann wound up yanking the small can back and smacking herself in the lip. Wincing in pain, the girl set back to getting off the top with renewed vigor. In seconds the top sat atop a stray rock, and down went the can in front of the nearly salivating form of George. As soon as the tin hit rock, the tabby attacked, ravenously biting clumps of the smooth mush in bliss. Smiling down at her friend, the blonde again went through her bag and pulled out her rations and book. Taking a large sip of water from one bottle, the girl returned the cap with a twist and set aside the container. The loaf of bread that she had received would be gone soon, she knew, but instead of eating it all at once, Lee-Ann just broke off a mildly-sized bit and set about to nibbling it. It was stale and a little tasteless, but it would do for the situation. Opening the large book in her lap with one hand, the glassed female cocked her head down and to the right; becoming lost in her book for the moment.
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from: Well isn't this fuck...))

Sorenson was many things, A sexual deviant, a Christian, a good student, but most of all he was a streaker running around the island with a full blown erection. The erection was so massive that it nearly touched his chest, it was ridiculous that the Sorenson family would produce such a...well cartoonish piece of meat. But as Sorenson ran and his balls bounced he once again had the trademark smile of glee, the river shalt be his next place, the promise of DROWNWED unharmed corpses was one thing to bring his member to glee and has he looked down he noticed some yellowish substance coming out of it.

As he continued towards the river he saw a girl and stopped in his tracks, his erect and nearly coming penis only an inch away from her face.

It is a scientific fact that come shoots out of the penis at 30 miles an hour and with that Sorenson simply groaned as a grayish-whitish substance came rocketing out of his penis and headed straight towards the girls face.

Sorenson could only mutter "I'm sorry" through his orgasmic moan.
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

Night had fallen, and Lee-Ann had long since made it to the suspending structure of the bridge; however, she stopped soon enough to rest when the slightest bit of darkness had made its way into the sky. Sunset was simply amazing to watch, but it was an eerie sort of amazing, slightly chilling and a bit of an omen for the blonde female staring at it. She had been reading for some time earlier, and George was occupied for that bit of time with hunting bugs in the taller grass. The spectacled girl had made a mental note to look for edible berries, but when she had looked around, she could not find anything that would be of remote use. However, she had seen plenty of creatures from the Genus Mus while herding through the overgrown weeds and grass. These mice were certainly very interesting to Lee-Ann, who had always loved rodents and other small mammals. Unfortunately, though, her tabby's presence prevented her from even thinking of keeping one around. She still hadn't eaten. She found herself tired because of this, but if she were to run out of food on her first day, she would find herself in a bit of a difficult predicament. Momentarily pausing, the blonde felt a slight breeze picking up. Though the darkening sky allowed little to no visionary prowess, she was pretty sure she was heading in the right direction. North seemed like the right way to go, and even though she had spent her day simply resting, she was sure to have some complications soon enough. It was karmic retribution, obviously. Looking back, she found no reason in her memories as to why this would be true, but since when did God need a reason to punish someone?

Predictability was something that Lee-Ann had grown to appreciate, little by little. Now, though, she didn't simply appreciate it. She depended on it. It was such a comfort in a situation such as this. If everything happened in a way that was already anticipated, then the world would move along more quickly and steadily. For once, a predicament simply wasn't anticipated by her. Now, the blonde had always been very modest and not the least bit loose when it came to boys, but in certain instances, blatant staring is a bit of an allowed reaction to shocking acts of both idiocy and indecency. That was what happened when one Samuel Sorenson came bounding up to an unsuspecting Lee-Ann both completely nude and sporting an erection of massive proportions. George was nowhere to be found at this particular moment, having wandered off in search of wild nourishment. Oddly enough, the blonde was literally stupified. Never had anyone ever simply streaked around her, and to be perfectly honest, she had never seen a boy naked before. At least, not outside of her Health class, anyway. Though not visible in the nearing darkness, there was a bit of a blush rosing Lee-Ann's pale cheeks as the boy sped up his pace and approached her, grinning widely. The creature dangling from his middle was atrociously large, and it was a bit frightening. He stopped in front of her, the girl's eye still concentrating on his endowment. She should have been in some way ashamed, but caught up in a blaze of utter confuddlement, the larger female wasn't thinking in the right way. Suddenly there was little distance between the male's tool and Lee-Ann's gaping face. There was the split second before what was about to happen that the blonde female realized what was happening and reflexively prepared to jumped backwards. Time was on her side as she did this, and just as the boy's head came back with a massive sigh, Lee-Ann missed a very messy firing by mere inches.

"I'm sorry." was audibly heard from this unabrashed male, though it was a bit lost in a moan of intense proportions. Lee-Ann, however, was not going to let him off that easily. "I'm sorry? Is that ALL you can say?! You indecent pervert!" she shrieked at him, her voice hitting unrealistic soprano notes, "What is wrong with you?! How dare you approach someone like that and suddenly decide to let loose! Disgusting! That's what you are! Utterly repulsive! Never have I seen such a lack of human decency!" With that, Lee-Ann glared at the boy. She was flushing. Not noticeably, of course. It appeared that he was calming himself so to speak, and the blonde waited for an answer from the recovering male. 'Ugh! That's so disgusting. What is wrong with people?' she thought, tears of anger filling her eyes. She was very close to crying, and for once, she didn't care. This was ridiculously off, but somehow in her waiting, she knew that this was only the beginning.
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Post by Buko »

Samuel Sorenson visibly sighed at the girl calling him indecent, for a variable that he had not placed into the equation was Whitney sharing these feelings. He then decided to do something that was fairly ridiculous, but hopefully she would understand and perhaps even pity him for it.

"Look, please understand that this was not intentional...however I was being raped by a girl...I do not know her name, but she had sleeping pills as her weapon and knocked me out..." Sorenson paused starting to whimper "Everything went black from there...the next thing I remembered she was on top of a house of sin...a...I'm Christian you see...she took my innocence..." the sweatiness and dirty that was in his eyes now served as pretty convincing tears as Sorenson continued to go through this lie, lie to save himself from the perception of infidelity, "So...I found her on top of me and I kicked her off and ran out as fast as I could...still in the condition of you know...being raped..." Sorenson sighed "I'm truly sorry, but...vaginal penetration? I don't know...I can't seem to find a way to say this without seeming dirty..." Sorenson looked at Lee Anne sadly again "But yeah...I didn't take into account the bodily effect it had on me...I'm sorry..."

He stared at the girl, she her clothing would be short on him, but fit him waist wise...hmmm...

"And you know...I don't wanna run around her naked....quite could you lend me some of your clothes?" Sorenson asked.

Oh, Lord!
Encompass me in Your splendor.
Hold me in Your loving arms.
Please forgive Your wayward child.
Forgive him for lying.
Forgive him for not being true to your spirit when your spirit is true to him.
Oh, Lord! Please bless me despite these sins!
Please bless me despite the fact that I will sin again!
Oh Lord! Please save me through the kindness of this girls spirit!

Sorenson thought this silent prayer while awaiting Lee-Ann's answer.
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

Though tears had come to her eyes for a completely different reason, Lee-Ann fought to hold them in after the boy gave such a heartfelt explanation. Someone had tried to rape him? So that meant that people really were playing this game. She had only made things worse for the poor boy. In the evening breeze he must have been cold, and after contemplative thought, he resigned to ask her for some clothes. The blonde female had to admit that the whole situation was a little bit hilarious depending on the description not being in context. As for getting the boy some clothes, Lee-Ann had only brought two other outfits with her. One of them was a pretty easily maneuverable dress in a cerulean hue. Sighing in a mix of embarrassment for her outburst and discontempt with the naked male in front of her, the larger female apologized to him sincerely and offered what she had. "I'm so sorry. That must have been terrible. Of course I have something for you to wear. Unfortunately... the only thing I really can give you is a dress. Would that work? At least for a while?"

The spectacled girl was really hoping that her apology was good enough and that the boy wouldn't blow up at her in some sort of uncontrollable anger. Before he could answer, though, a rustle came from the grass to her right. Lee-Ann turned sharply in confusion, but at the sight of George's bright cat eyes, she found herself sighing in relief. The small tabby moved forward in wonder of the boy in front of Lee-Ann; however, the blonde quickly scooped up the feline troublemaker and hugged him to her chest. The girl didn't need him getting a little bit too curious and trying to make certain appendages into scratching posts. After some careful thought, Lee-Ann asked the boy a couple more questions and introduced herself, although a little bit late. "I don't recall seeing you before at Franklyn. Are you a new student?" she inquired, putting together that if she were on the island, then all the people would be from the school, "By the way, I'm Lee-Ann; Lee-Ann Collier." Instead of offering her hand, though, the girl curtsied as best she could in the overalls. 'This might just be a bit more messed up than I had originally thought.'
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Post by Buko »

"A dress? Well a dress sounds a bit ridiculous...not at all a bit better..." Sorenson muttered "You know she wore a dress..." Sorenson covered his face with his hands and faked tears once more, "But, oh kind Lee-Ann, the salt of the earth, I will no doubt take you upon your offer..." Sorenson said wiping his tears and staring at her with a look of happiness.

" be honest I'm sure people would think I am some sort of crazy deviant heathen with a dress on...not that I look any different walking around naked with certain shameful aspects of my body showing...I can only thank God for your kindness Miss Collier, for a kind and beautiful woman such as yourself are few and far between." Sorenson showed a gentle smile, before answering her questions "I did go to Franklyn, my name is Samuel Gabriel Sorenson...I am a photographer..." he smiled at her once again.

"And once again I am sorry for showing you the less than wholesome parts of my body...I'm sure you will no doubt take it to your grave..." he laughed once again, "Or perhaps your psychiatrist if we ever get off this island, but once again I'm sure that our lord and savior Jesus Christ would not let us die without reason...for he is both wonderous and merciful." Sorenson nodded.

"Now if I may have that dress and I suppose...well despite how this sounds like it belongs in a fetish site...some panties as well..." Sorenson shook his head quickly at the ridiculousness.

Through sorrow I am strengthened.
Through trial I find truth.
My pains but lend me aid.
Thank You Lord for trying me.
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

"A dress? Well a dress sounds a bit ridiculous...not at all a bit better... You know she wore a dress..." The boy in front of Lee-Ann had nearly cried again but had covered his face with his hands and faked tears once more. Thankfully, though, he had accepted her offer. 'So obviously this guy is pretty religious.' she found herself thinking as he thanked both the blonde and God. He smiled at her sweetly and answered her questions. So he had gone to Franklyn... Well why hadn't Lee-Ann ever seen him before? She smiled as he said his name. Samuel Sorenson... it didn't even sound familiar to the blonde. A photographer, eh? Well that was why she had never heard of him. She didn't even know that there was any course for photography at the school, much less anyone truly interested in the art. Samuel smiled at her again, but the smile didn't meet his eyes. The was apparent even in the evening darkness. The boy apologized yet again for his indecent exposure to the heavy female. He made a small joke about a psychiatrist before turning the subject back to Jesus. Samuel said that the Lord would not have them die without any reason... hah! Lee-Ann knew better. Wonderous and merciful? It made her laugh bitterly. Since when had God been the least bit merciful to anyone, especially her? If Sam wanted to believe otherwise, that was his business.

Smiling in spite of her mixed emotions, Lee-Ann was thanked by the naked boy accepting her offering of covering. Rubbing George's furry ears in affection, she mused on the fact that Samuel was attempting to lighten the situation; even in the slightest. The blonde was sure, however, that the boy was just as nervous as she was about what was to come within the next span of time. She was a bit confused as to his intentions with her underwear, though. 'Panties? He wants my panties? How utterly odd. Wait... how is he going to fit that in a pair of panties?' the girl thought unconciously before finding herself blushing again. She had brought another two pairs of panties to go with the outfits, so it wasn't like she didn't have anything to give. It was simply the embarrassment of pulling out a pair of her panties to give to someone else. Just what in the world was going through his head? "Ummm... yea. I've got a pair that you can get. They might not fit right, though. I mean we're completely different sizes." she finally answered, moving over to the left and kneeling on the ground. She held the tabby kitten in her left arm's cleft and sorted through her day pack's contents with her right. The things inside of the green fabric were filling the bag to the limit, but either way, Lee-Ann found a pair of plain white panties without any problems. Grabbing the soft fabric, she stood up and held them out to Samuel, on the verge of another blush. "Oh! Just curious... where are you heading? I'm looking for Marimar Perez. Do you happen to know her? Not that I'm playing or anything. She's a friend of mine, and I'm worried that she's going to end up dead really fast." Realizing she was babbling, Lee-Ann shut her mouth and awaited a response and the taking of her panties. That still just didn't sound right.
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Post by Buko »

The cotton panties slipped into his hand and he felt their tenderness and comfort already, resisting the urge to show off his lecherous smile he simply muttered the words "thank you" before turning around and slipping on the dress, the panties being held in his hand, he could smell them. Clean with a hint of dirtiness the hint that showed off his plump little naive girl's most intimate parts...yes the intimate parts, the wondrous once.
[+] Sam has a fantasy about raping Lee-Ann - Spoiler tag retroactively added by Kermit the Time Criminal
"SAM STOP!" he heard Lee-Ann scream in his mind as he pinned her down to the forest floor and thrusted into her beautiful form, groping her and pleasing her, suffocating her. Her muffled screams and the blood leaking out of certain areas with the pure amount of force in which he was doing things reaching his ears, beautiful choir, oh wondrous choir of screams coming from the beautiful and innocent Lee-Ann.

She was fat on innocence and the love of Samuel Sorenson.

The innocence she would retain for the rest of her life...

So when said life was over I will take it then...
With some difficulty he managed to fit his large member into her panties, it was tightly bound in some places, but the thought of putting both the lifeless form of Whitney and his new lovely companion Lee-Ann into these tight fitting cotton panties at the same time, brought a smile to his face.

"I do not know where I'm going, but if this Marimar is as kind as you and can deal with my quite inept presence then I am fine with it." Sorenson said happily, not facing her.

With the smile still on his face he turned to Lee-Ann and giggled a bit.

"So does this dress make my butt look big?"
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

Lee-Ann watched as Samuel took the panties and dress from her open hand and tried her best to look away while the boy changed. Slipping on the cerulean dress, the boy moved awkwardly in the flowing cloth. With a little bit of difficulty, he maneuvered his tool in a tight fit with the cotton panties. Turning around, Lee-Ann began blushing. Samuel was very feminine featured with his short blond hair and pretty blue eyes. The moonlight was shining brightly onto his pale form, and for a moment, he looked almost ethereal and purely innocent; like an angel. 'How could anyone do something so cruel to him?' she thought, a little bit angry. Wondering just who this harlot female was, the larger female found herself idly staring at Samuel. He was so very... pleasant a person. In truth the girl was starting to like him. His speaking shattered her thoughts, however, as he answered her questions. He would go with her to find Marimar. This was good. To break a little more awkwardness, he jokingly asked her if his behind was ominously large in her dress. Replying to him, she said "No. Not in just the dress. It's always big." She was glad to have company. It would a bit odd, though, when they were going into the city that she had seen on the map. What would people be thinking when they saw him in a dress and her in overalls? "Crossdressers!" they would scream. Suddenly she burst out laughing from the very thought. Doubling over with laughter, George leaped from her left arm to the ground with a small yelp. This only furthured her giggling's power. Soon she had tears in her eyes. She hadn't laughed like this in a while. It was nice. In the dark's embrace, Lee-Ann found herself enjoying the company of someone during a period of intense drama.

When she had recovered from her fit of laughter, the blonde female looked from the smiling form of Samuel Sorenson to the sky. Luna's glow was magnificent now, and it was kind of romantic. Another heated flush filled her cheeks as Lee-Ann glanced back to the blond in front of her. He was lost in thought or so it appeared, staring off at something behind her. George was sprawled out on the ground, barely aware of anything. The little one was tired from a day out hunting. With resolve, Lee-Ann grabbed her day pack from the dirt and shouldered it. Wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes, she noted that she had thought little about her eye. It was a smaller concern in the situation, and for once she wasn't in a completely slumpy mood constantly feeling sorry for herself. Her left eye's blindness was usually such a burden on the spectacled femme, but it wouldn't do to spend so much time in that type of mindset, though. Crouching down, Lee-Ann swiped her feline friend from his earthen mat and turned to look at Samuel once more. "We should get going. Shelter is probably important during the night. If we can make it into the city, we should be ok. Then we can decide what to do tomorrow. I hope we don't run into anyone that's out to kill." the girl said, jerking the boy from his reverie. With a nod, the boy started to walk towards the bridge about one hundred yards away. Lee-Ann followed him, assuming that he knew where they were going since he had come from that way. With George falling asleep in her arms, the girl found herself thinking again about the crossdressing Samuel. 'Oh yes. He is an angel...'

((Continued in Gentle Times in Not So Gentle Places))
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Post by Buko »


Laughter a chorus to my ears, the sound of her voice in it's euphoric nature reaching my ears and tugging me into it's violent embrace. The laughter of the beautiful girl that I know, the laughter of the cherubic woman who has caught me into her harpies glare and entrance me in her snare, the laughter that brings me upon my knees and causing my heart to beat violently, so violently that it nears exploding out of my heart.

The bitch. The blonde whore! Pin her down and fuck her like an animal! Grab her lustful loins and plunge into her despite these screams! Laugh at her pain with an evil glare in your eye and smite her! Smite her ignorance and naiveté! Kill! Destroy! Obliterate the girl's innocence in which is so strong! Slay the lamb! And eat it's heart, destroy it solely for your own enjoyment, destroy it for the enjoyment of the many!

Oh Lee-Ann, oh lustful and innocent Lee-Ann, deny me and my hatefulness, deny my love, deny my lust, deny me! For one does not lose their innocence by denying the sinner, one is guaranteed in heaven if she is violated! Hold your tenderness and innocence close to me so I can hope to emulate it. Embrace me in your loving arms and hold me, love me, become me! Let Lee-Ann and Samuel Sorenson cease being and we shalt just become one to preserve what all of us love!

And deny Whitney! Deny the beautiful goddess who has both loved you and needed you since you where children?! Deny the girls lustful forms and more aesthetically pleasing body for the illusion of innocence!

Stars hide my fires do not reveal my darkest desires...

The fat whore will only lead you to death, the fat whore will let you lose yourself! For you only live life once and in this short amount of time you have committed horrid sins, you have desecrated the dead and the beautiful! You have entranced the innocent and destroyed it! You're nothing but a hateful tool of Satan! A deviant! A hopeless fool!

Then a fool I rather will be instead of a sinning puppet.

Whether you sin with the fat whore or with the goddess makes no difference, you're defeated, a sinner, a tool.

Samuel Sorenson, found himself running faster in a dress than he had ever ran before.

((continued in Gentle Times In Not So Gentle Places))
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