Barbie Girl

A winding river runs through the eastern portion of the island, providing much needed water and flourishing the island with life. There's a very large dam near the northern inlet, keeping a good deal of the ocean water from rushing into the river while letting some in so the thing doesn't dry up. Without this "filter dam", the river would've flooded out of control years ago. Near the southern part of the island, an old and withered bridge, forgotten decades ago, stands. The bridge is wooden and is slowly beginning to decay, giving the humanized wilderness surrounding it a rather eerie feel.
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Barbie Girl


Post by Kris* »

((Continued from Welcome to the Jungle))

She couldn't progress any further, the girl who vowed to be perfect slumped to the ground tired as hell. It'd been an absolutly horrid morning, first she had to blow some nerd and the next thing you know she's running away from some asian loser with claws. The whole thing was too much for her. Venus Gwendolyn dumped her back pack which started to hurt her shoulders down next to her. Witha disguasting leer she spit some of the bile that was still in her mouth. She spit the rest of it out while running out of the forest apperently she's missed a spot.

While running for her life she saw a swirling river, and so she decided emrge from the depths of the forest to the winding river that eventually lead her to a dam. However Venus couldn't cross because she was beyond tired, carrying that accursed sludgehammer is making her day miserable. She just wasnted to get rid of the damn thing.

That was nothing comapred to the troubles she just went through. Her mind was confused about the bounderies of perfection. Venus couldn't figure out how to be perfect anymore, she just didn't know. If only someone can teach her how to perfect than just learning it on your own. The girls face was flushed pink and her body ached from running so fast with a rather large piece of waste weighing her down.

She needed to do something about this situation, Venus needed to go and figure out how to be perfect and what exactly is allowed in the rule book. The girl looked at the American Flag she stole from the preverted nerd and decided to stuff it inside her backpack with her damned weapon. Victory....Victory is what the flag meant. This flag symbolized her triumph in seducing Zed before and it was a medal of honor for what shes done. A much better token than a overpowered hammer.  She could've just left it there, but she didn't want it to bite her in the ass, Zed might bash her head in with it. Oh please, he can't even carry it... Venus decided to focus on other things besides the horrible morning she was just having and the dilemma of perfection pressing on her brain.

Instead she looked at the sky and the swirling water that flowed down the river. It was already the afternoon well past the morning. Sunny bright was todays weather, hopefully a more sunnier day is in store for the goddess. With a sigh Venus cuped some water into her hands and splashed it across her face. Then cuping water again she took sips of it, trying to rejuvenate the lost energy and rid the horrible taste in her mouth, and a piece of her mind she just lost.
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Post by Jotun* »

((Continued from Bullseye))

It felt horrible.

That kid was unarmed.

That thought kept ringing through Darren's mind. He couldn't shake it. He couldn't forget it. There was something about his encounter with the fancily-dressed boy from the river that rang through him, that disturbed him to his very core. That one thought kept telling him though, that it was that the boy was unarmed, and Darren attacked him with a deadly weapon. Darren probed himself for any explanation, why he felt terrible about what happened.

Becuase you tried to kill an almost defenseless unarmed kid, you psychopath. Get a grip.

Despite that he was thinking it, guilt didn't come to him no matter how he said the words back to himself. He even tried to force guilt into himself, with no avail. Darren was simply not feeling guilt for attacking an unarmed person, but the confrontation still hurt him, somehow.

"Who cares? Why the fuck don't you feel bad for doing that? I'm fucking horrible, already losing my mind to this shit..." Darren ranted to himself, doing his best to justify every thought he had. Yet there was still an unignorable part of him that wondered what was really wrong.

Darren had been following the river to wherever it flowed, and spotted a structure in the distance, which he supposed to be a dam. If he so wanted, he could use it to cross back tot he side he came from over the bridge, but according to the map that would take hima way from the prime spots for supplies. It was only as he was going to follow a path away towards the the more central area of the island when he spotted a girl drinking water from the river.

Maybe something's happened to her? She's a lady. You HAVE to help her.

"Excuse me!" Darren called across the river, forgetting his inner-turmoil. "Are you alright?"
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Post by Kris* »

Venus drank the cold water which felt like strawberry lemonade go down her throat. It was delicious in her mouth even though it was just plain spring water, it didn't matter she was thirsty and she needed to drink something. That can't be against the rules can it? The girl continued to wash her face and refresh herself until voice made her freeze her figure.

Looking up she saw some guy across the river. The side of the river she needed to get across to. React? Truthfully? Be yourself? Venus wasn't sure how to act to this newcomer, he definatly didn't look like the nerd from this morning but somebody different. Probably some loser or something. But he did aks if I was alright..... Venus considered weather to accept this invitation to conversation or not.

"O-Oh well kind of. I am really tired." she said with an exasperated smile. Her charm and smile still glowed like the sun even though she was tired. The golden blonde hair still looked sexy, wild, and neat all at the same time. Even though this morning had its complications. "Would you like to sit with me? I don't really want to be alone..." she said. Bingo. It was automatic. Venus had just done what she did with Zed. Leading him on. It was something she didn't want to do, she wanted to act normal but the phrase just shot out of her mouth like clockwork.

She needed to control her, sure she was scared but perfect people know hwo to control their emotions. Otherwise they woudln't be perfect. Venus tried to sound as natural as possible, hopefully the guy won't wip out a gun and shot her. The girl already escaped the jaws of a nasty claw trap from some asian kid she didn't need any problems from this one.
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Post by Jotun* »

It was natural that she would need comfort, who didn't in a situation like this? Darren couldn't deny her, it was impolite. She needed help and it was his duty to offer it.

It's not your duty to attack unarmed kids.

Darren ignored that thought. For now, he could not attempt to make himself guilty. He crossed the dam, the view of the water pouring into the ocean, or sea, from it's inlets was breathtaking, both because of it's beauty and because Darren was beginning to get vertigo from looking down. Focusing on the other end of the dam, Darren pleasently made it across and sat next to the girl as she requested, certaintly not minding the obligation at all. Up close, he realized she went to his school, one of the very social girls. Darren ha dnever spoken with her and doubt she'd recognize him, but Darren was good with faces, and knew almost his entire year from plain memory.

"So, what's happened since you got here? Nothing bad, I hope?" Pleased that he was needed for support once again, Darren returned to his characteristic optimism that carried him through his entire life, he even smiled without thinking.
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Post by Kris* »

He looks normal..........Get it togeather Venus! Deciding to be herself Venus talked as she would normally. "Nothing bad? I was chased from the forst by some asian guy with claws." she said, her breathing started to become normal again, however tiredness still rested in her voice.

Venus had a choice now, she could try what she did last time or take a chance and try to befriend this guy in an attempt to survive. The girl had no idea what kind of intentions he had but she needed to make a decision on what she would do. Venus didn't know if she could go through another ordeal like she did this morning. It was a confusing matter, and the minutes tick away with every second she spends trying to decide what to do.

"Anyways, what about you? Did any crazy person try to kill you?" she asked taking out a compact mirror that was in her jacket pocket. Looking at the shiny reflection Venus could tell her face looked stressed and frustrated but she coped the best she could. Her hair also looked a little bit amazoness from running out of the forest, the girl attempted to fix it as best she could trying to play it safe than take a risk like last time.
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Post by Jotun* »

She seemed just as worried to be on this island as he was. Perhaps more rightfully so, as she was the one who had been attacked, whereas Darren saw fit to do the attacking on a moment's notice out of panic and fear. He sympathized with her, like it was a natural instinct, rather than actual caring. He knew he couldn't take care of her, even if he did he'd have to kill her to return to his family. Right now, she needed comfort, and he couldn't see a way out of that.

"Anyways, what about you? Did any crazy person try to kill you?"

Darren thought about hot to respond so as to not lie but not tell the story of him attacking some kid.

"I got in a fight with some kid. He almost knocked me out with his bag before running away. I know, I suck." He smiled, his best smile, probably the only attractive thing he had. He was tyring to play it out as humourous but he was disturbed by how really lost that fight. Maybe that was what disturbed him.

"So, what are you going to do?"
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Post by Kris* »

Sure Darren was not at all a prize, but still it was rather nice to talk with someone. She could so tell he was trying to be a gentleman, but thats all. He wasn't really cute in venus' brain. His intentions might be kind but his physical apperance did nothing for him though. Still it was better than a preverted nerd, someone normal however not perfect.

It made her frustrated sometimes how people just didn't care about how sloppy they acted or did something. Don't they care to do things right and not in an oaf like manner? She just didn't know why people weren't trying to become more like her. I mean isn't thast the goal of life? To have a perfect one?

What am I going to do? Venus didn't really know what she was going to do. She never had a particular master plan when she arrived on the island. It was really on her agenda, however she is the type of girl to have some sort of plan by this time. maybe its because of this whole new situation she still hasn't accostomed too yet.

"Well I'm not sure....Survive I guess?" Venus couldn't produce a more neutral answer than that. She needed to take some time and figure things out. "And you?" she asked. Venus didn't want to end ther conversation she was sick of the silence already. What she needed is a talk with Ali or  Carmen, however this guy will have to do.
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Post by Jotun* »

"Survive I guess?"


Darren remembered what he had to do. It escaped him for a bit, he lost sight of it, he was disillusioned. He knew now, though. He had a family that needed to be taken care of. Max needed Darren to look out for him, so Darren needed to get off the island, with anyone else or otherwise, whether he had to do bad things or not. Darren looked at the girl next to him, Venus. She was pretty, sure, but she was not especially well-liked in school, for every friend she had a probably more outspoken enemy. No one would miss her, no one who wasn't just as likely to die.

"And you?"

It was an innocent, conversational question, but Darren had already decided. He had to kill to survive this, every living body on the island was an obstacle. Even the women. Even the unarmed kids. Darren responded, feeling gaze get more and more lethal but never bothering to change it.

"Me? Survive, I guess."

Darren grabbed the Katan's hilt and drew it from the scabbard and into the air as he stood up, bringing it down on top of Venus as fast as he could.

He wouldn't fail, not this time.
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Post by Kris* »

Venus fixed her hair as he answered the question however it ended when she saw him get up and take out the rusty sword he had hooked to his belt. Immediatly Venus flung out of the way as the katana came down on the ground where she once stood. Getting up as fast as she could she steadied herself.

The girl was unarmed, she had no means to protect herself. The situation was not good. What was she supposed to do now?! Not only that but Venus was pissed off at the fact this guy suddenly takes out a sword in mid conversation and trys to kill her. She actually thought this guy was normal. A deep sinking feeling told her she would probawbly have been better off with that nerd Zed.

There was no use in thinking of the past, Venus looked at Darren with sharp and evil eyes. This nobody wasn't to abolish the perfection she's gained so far. "Whats the matter with you? Have you comp-letley lost your mind?" she snapped. Talking. Talking would equal stalling and she needed to think of something before she was sliced in half.

Venus thought quickly to the solution of the situation. A thought suddenly striked her as she scanned the situation. She could play the seducing card once again, tis guy looks desprete enough. But would he fall for it? Vnus thought of what she might be able to do if she did infact take that route in this tense moment in time.
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Post by Jotun* »

Venus had moved away from the initial strike, but Darren was determined to live. To live meant to kill, and his kill wasn't going to escape. As soona s Venus moved off to the side, Darren followed up his attack immediately with a right to left horizontal slash, but Venus had moved just out of range before Darren finished the attack. She lashed out at him.

"Whats the matter with you? Have you comp-letley lost your mind?"

Darren stopped for a moment. Had he? Was this something he should be doing? Was it not somewhat sadistic and immoral?

What would be immoral is letting this girl live when she just one of a hundred potential obstacles. If you don't kill everyone else, you'll never see Max again.

Well, that was that.

"I suppose so. I just want to live, and it's more important to me then everyone else on this island living. I have to get home, even if I have to do everything wrong. I ....can't fail. I've worked too hard."

Feeling the matter was settled, Darren twisted his entire body into another right-left slash aimed for Venus' torso.
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Post by Kris* »

Venus leaped with her tired dancer feet out of the way, the katana hitting a piece of her shirt. The girl walked backwords away from the sword. Its not like she had anywhere to go but the river, and she wasn't just about to get washed away and drown. The girl needed a plan before she would be sliced. Trying to scan her mind for any other possibilities but none came to her. Venus' mind would not permit herself to do what she did with Zed earlier today. She only had on option left, and if this fails than she is indeed imperfect.

I'm a Barbie Girl! In a Barbie World!
Life in plastic! is fantastic!
You can brush my hair! Undress me anywhere!
Imagination! Life is your creation!

"P-Please don't. I r-really don't want to die. I have people I care for in life too! Maybe there is some sort of way to get ogff this island. Just please, don't use violence as an answer." said Venus as tears welled up in her eyes and dripped down her cheeks. The girl dropped to her knees and her soft cry evolved into a sob. This would be her death bed if Darren didn't have a heart.

Come on Barby! Lets go party!

Sentimental value can hopefully reach someone. He wants to see his family which is all fine but she didn't want to be killed in the process. The guy would probably die trying anyway; Venus had her perfect future to look foreward and for that she would do anything. Well almost everything. She has probably worked way more harder than this loser has ever in his lifetime. She couldn't let herself be defeated!
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Post by Jotun* »

Venus had evaded the attack barely enough that he caught her shirt, tearing a hole into it that would have been her skin with only a millimeter's difference. Darren readied himself to attack again, she couldn't dance forever. He found himself stunned when tears formed in her eyes, which brought his eyes to meet hers. There was something about actually seeing how afraid she was that made killing her hard, not matter how much he tried to convince himself he was doing what was necessary.

She dropped to her knees, and started really crying. Hard. She was crying because he, a grown, mature and responsible male with a sword had attacker her, unarmed, already suffering and afraid. People didn't do things like that, morals were in place for a reason, and he had forgotten them in his selfishness. He kept looking at her, and dropped his sword completely at his side, before he too dropped to his knees.

"What the fuck is WRONG with me? I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" Darren buried his face in his hands.
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Post by Kris* »

Venus who's face was now a shade of red was crying and saw Darren break; He fell down to the gound, and started crying himself. It looks like he is truly sentimental inside; But this did not change Venus' mind about giving him a second chance. There was no way she would even consider trying to talk to this nervous sobbing mess. Now that the enemy had fallen it was time for the girl to make her move. Venus felt sorry for Darren a little, many people on the island have probaqbly broke down because of the frustrasation, stress, and the inevitable death that awaits them.

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly!

But that was not Venus. She was perfect and perfect people did not break down and become weak just because they are tossed into a complicated situation. She would work this out unlike the other basket cases scattered all over the island. And she would demonstrate it. As quickly as she can she slowly went over by Darren and gave him a hug. "Its okay......You'll be alright...." She hugged him with one hand and than with the other reached down taking the rusted katan.

You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,
kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...

Not even two seconds, with the base of the sword Venus slammed into Darrens head. After that blow she completley disengaged herself from him and backed up several steps ready to slam the point of this sword into him if he made any sudden moves. Hopefully the hit she just made was enough to knock him out, than she wouldn't have to kill him. Venus was still unsure weather killing was against the rules of perfection. She didn't want to do anything she might regret until she was for certain what exactly was allowed.

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
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Post by Jotun* »

He'd almost felt better when she forgave him. For the one moment where she pretended to be sympathetic, Darren felt almost at peace, as if his grievous wrong had been righted, somehow.

And then what felt like a very small truck collided with the side of his head, and his vision was obscured by bright lights as he felt like a hole had been punched into the side of his skull, and he felt himself starting to pass out.


It was surreal. The entire area around him was completely empty, but there was a ground beneath him feet and he knew he was standing on grass, like a field, though his eyes didn't see it. He couldn't see the distant horizon either, but mentally Darren could draw the line of where it was, but the grass he couldn't see was blocking his vision. Not registering how little sense that made, Darren turned his eyes onto the slightly smaller, recently teenage boy standing two feet from him. Despite the short distance, the boy didn't seem to notice Darren was there until Darren saw him.

Maximillian burst into a riotous laughter as soon as he saw Darren.

"What's so funny?" Said Darren.

"You got beat up by a girl." Maximillian sounded more childish than Darren remembered, his voice matched what it was three years ago instead of slightly deep, occasionally cracking voice Darren remembered he had now. "You let me down. You're dead."

"No I haven't. I'm still standing." Darren was blinded by light.


The world came back into focus before Darren had even hit the ground, and he caught himself half falling backward already. Moving his feet back under the rest of his body, Darren regained his balance - except he found his legs couldn't support him, and he again dropped to his knees, this time looking at Venus with the fullest intention of tearing her throat out, except when his eyes landed on her form she blurred, and no matter how hard he tried Darren could not focus on her, his only reward for his effort was terrible feeling of vertigo. He tried to stand up, to aattack, but he couldn't find his feet under him, his ears seemed to be ringing and he attributed his lack of balance to that ringing despite not understanding what his ears had to do with his balance.

All I have to do is reach her. Then I'll kill her.

Darren struggled to move forward, not realizing she had an effective weapon and he was unarmed and dizzied.
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Post by Kris* »

Venus looked down upon him; He disgusted her, the type of person he was. He tried to kill her which is expected of some people because they want to live. But she was the one who needed to survive not these people with imperfect lives. Obviously the battle was her vs everyone else, she would come across imperfect people, but Venus wasn't sure about crossing paths with another perfect person. She higly doubted anyone could be as perfect as her.

Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please!
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees!

But the point was not this, it was weather to kill this pathetic speck or not. Self-defense right? Would a perfect person really be capable of killing? Venus was still struggling with herself, not particularly clear of what is within the bounderies of perfection. She prayed within her mind for someone to guide her, to tell her how to act and to set the rules she needs to follow.

Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again!
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party!

While the girl thought of the ideas of what being is perfect all about Darren crawled slowly and dizzily toward her. Shakking her head Venus snapped back into reality seeing the boy that tried to kill her on the floor. What he's done is completley unhumane, and she hoped he'll rot in hell for it. Walking to him Venus slammed one of her dancer feet into Darrens side.

You can touch, you can play!
You can say I'm always yours!

"Burn in hell." she said grabbing the seath from Darrens belt and putting it as her own. The katana retreated back into its seath as the girl started collecting her things. She breathed heavily while she rummaged through Darrens backpack grabbing a bottle of water and some bread. Taking a bite from the pasty and stale bread which was like a Thanksgiving feast compared to what she had to taste earlier this morning.

I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation!

Opening the water and taking a sip Venus decided to conserve her energy and walked as she began her journey across the dam. The girl could feel the sledgehammer weigh her down, but she had no choice. She didn't want to give Darrens type any chance of surviving on the island. There wasn't anything that said that in the perfection rulebook now is there?

You can touch, you can play!
You can say I'm always yours!

((Continued in Lost Children))
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