Some Light Reading

Shhh! No talking in the library! Fortunately, Mrs. Hahn, the ancient librarian that's constantly leering at the students from behind her desk, is a little hard of hearing. Southridge has an extensive library full of interesting books for both learning and self-indulgence. Many people also indulge in the art of skipping class here.
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Some Light Reading


Post by valamir* »

Inside of the library, all was quiet. It was practically empty, save a few people studying for exams. In the very back of the library, in a well lit area just below some high windows sat a small bench. The seats were that same crappy imitation leather that they made old car seats from, and was a disgusting green color. It was meant for reading, but couldn't have been very comfortable, as everyone used the tables set out in the center of the library, instead. The tables were oaken, and a pleasant mahogany color. By the tables sat wooden chairs, of the same make as the table itself. The room was remarkably well lit, having a window almost wherever anyone cared to look.

Near a bookshelf in the back of the room, a plain looking young girl stared at a bookshelf with an out of place determination. To anyone watching, it would seem as if she was trying to decide what to read. This, however, could not be further from the case. She gazed intently at the books before her, wondering why is was that no one had noticed the absence of Sherlock Holmes novels. She would have to inform the librarian of this. After a long bout of contemplation of how to inform the librarian, she decided she was bored, and walked at a rather slow pace toward the section containing fantasy novels. It wasn't like she hadn't read them at least a million times, but right now, The Lord of The Rings books appealed to her.

She slowly searched through the "t"s until she found Tolkien. She pulled out The Silmarillion, and began to read:

"But even as Ulmo spoke, and while the Ainur were yet gazing upon this vision, it was taken away and hidden from their sight;..."

Slowly, she slipped from reality and became bound in the pages of the book, the fantasy wrapping around her, becoming her life in an instant. Soon, she was among the Firstborn, gazing upon the glorious lights of Telperion and Laurelin, her face warm from the gold and silver lights dancing before her eyes. She felt the hatred of the elven craftsman as his work was stolen by Morgoth. Then... The bell rang. It seemed like she had missed class entirely. Oh, well. She might as well just keep reading. She would have to take this book out later. And this bench was uncomfortable...
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Post by Megami* »

The bell had just rang, dismissing Ethan Ashlock from his own personal hell that they called Trigonometry. At least it was the last period before lunch. It wasn't so much that he was hungry, but it was always a relief to be able to escape Mr. Ayanami's class. Supposedly, the elderly Japanese mathematics teacher was amazing when it came to numbers and formulas and algorythms. The thing was, his English was so horribly bad that it wouldn't matter if he was calculating a formula to end world hunger on the board, nobody in the class had a clue what the man was saying.

He smirked to himself as he thought about it. It wasn't exactly the time to be smiling, though. The stack of books he'd been hauling around all the way from the Mathematics Wing was getting quite heavy, and Ethan found himself struggling to maintain his balance and not send his books sprawling across the floor. He'd originally planned on heading over to one of the empty rooms in the art wing to work on his painting -- Miss Alvez always left the door to her room unlocked so her art students could have the opportunity.

Thing was, a bunch of the art students had all but taken over the whole wing of the school, working haphazardly on some project or another they'd been assigned by one of the other art instructors. Ethan wanted some peace and quiet. The last thing he wanted was to be disturbed by a bunch of noisy students flipping out because they'd procrastinated until the very last possible second before turning in their projects.

And so, he had opted to head to the library instead. He couldn't paint, but it gave him time to work on his poetry. Besides, he didn't particularly enjoy lunch at Southridge. The cafeteria was way too crowded, and it seemed like there was always somebody causing trouble in that place. Some mean clique of girls had started drama by picking on somebody, or some dumb jock got busted for sleeping with another one's girlfriend... stuff Ethan didn't want any part of.

No, thanks...

He mused the thought to himself with a light grin. He pushed into the library, receiving a glare from the ancient relic that sat behind the library desk as he entered. He didn't say anything to Mrs. Hahn, just gave her a curt nod. Apparently judging that he wasn't a trouble maker, she returned to whatever it was she did behind that desk all day. Ethan continued through the library, opting to plant himself in a chairless corner in the very back of the room. He'd been doing it for a couple of years now, and quickly discovered that it was the most peaceful place in the library.

Those books were getting really heavy. He couldn't wait to sit them down on the floor, if only to give himself a rest. He didn't notice the quiet little creature sitting on that ugly old bench by the window until he tripped over her foot, sending his books flying into the air and crashlanding with a thud on the floor, and probably throwing her out of her Lord of the Rings reverie as well. Ethan immediately rose to his feet, an embarrassed expression passing over his features as he looked down at the girl.

"Sorry about that!" he blurted out sheepishly before scrambling for his items.

How embarrassing.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

"And this is how you prove the identity here…we can obtain two additional Pythagorean identities from the circle equation and use secant squared to replace…. uhm, Nadine? Are you listening to me?"

Luke couldn't help but let out a sigh at the sight of the student he was currently tutoring. His pupil at the moment was absorbed in drawing doodles in her notebook with her boyfriend. Both were giggling quietly together as their pencils worked and scribbled over the paper decorated in math notes.

"Well….do you get it now, at least?" Luke asked, half exasperated, half-amused.

"Eh?" Nadine looked over her shoulder towards Luke, as though only remembering that he was there in the first place. Remembering the original reason why she'd come to the library, she replied with a grin that was edged in laughter. "Oh. Great, Luke. Thanks, that's all the help I need." Promptly she turned back to doodling notes and cartoony pictures with her boyfriend, giggling per usual while vandalizing her math notes with butterflies and caricatures of the bespectacled teacher Mr. Ayanami.

Sighing once again, Luke shut his trigonometry textbook, and turned to leave, calling over his shoulder, "Well, if you say so….I'll see you next class then." As expected, he was already forgotten by the couple.

He heaved his heavy bookbag onto his shoulder with a certain amount of difficulty, already feeling the speed of his breathing rise a bit. Even the simplest of things weren't always easy for someone who tired as quickly as Luke did.

Luke couldn't understand it. Some people only came to the library with the mind to study and end up only fooling around. Why come in the first place? Surely if they cared not about studying, they would find just as much, if not more fun elsewhere, wouldn't they? Luke himself had come at the request of a classmate finding difficulty in the subject of Trigonometry…and as it turned out, the student in question after all turned out to be more interested in sketching in her notebook with her boyfriend rather than making use of the time Luke spared for her.

Is this what I get for being a nice guy? Maybe next time I shouldn't bother. Luke thought to himself, sighing again as he made his way to the door, already hearing the blood pounding in his head, his legs going weak. In any case, he personally hoped that Nadine would wise up sooner or later, particularly it didn't seem that math came easily to her. Math didn't come easily to anybody in fact, it seemed….save for him, which was more a burden than anything with these requests for tutoring sessions. Simply getting his charges motivated was a challenge enough, then there was explaining the whole concept to them… as much as he felt tempted to do so, one certainly couldn't expect to teach someone the fundamentals of trigonometry by taking a textbook and giving them a good smack on the hea-

The airbourne textbook flew into his forehead before he even registered what was happening. His head snapping back abruptly, he saw his vision turn to the ceiling before his back collided hard against the floor. He lay there, flat and prone, wondering what in the world just happened. For one moment in bewildered semi-consciousness, Luke could've sworn that the Big Bang was being re-enacted before his very eyes.

He blacked out for a good five seconds before sitting upright again, looking quite disoriented. As his vision blurred in and out of focus, he swayed back and forth slightly, holding up the textbook that was responsible for the red mark now aflame on his forehead.

"This…Trigonometric Identities textbook….does it belong to anyone….?"

((Nadine continued in Living on the Other Side of Life))
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Post by Megami* »

The girl he'd tripped over only moments ago didn't seem to pay Ethan much mind, so he figured that he'd either made her really mad with his display of clumsiness or that she didn't care enough to address the issue. Either way, it seemed like the best thing to do was just let it be and go on with his own business. He rubbed the back of his head nervously and gave the girl an apologetic smile before stepping away from her and starting toward the back of the library again.

Somehow, his load felt a little bit lighter. It caused Ethan to stop abruptly and check his belongings. As expected, he was missing something... his Trigonometric Identities textbook. No wonder the books felt ten pounds lighter. They actually were. He checked the ground below his feet, assuming he'd just missed the book when he was regathering his belongings.

It wasn't a book he found, though. Instead, it was one of his fellow classmates, Luke Rowan, laying sprawled across the ground and holding the textbook -- Ethan's textbook, most likely -- up in the air. The bright red indention left on Luke's forehead was a very clear indication of what had happened. Now, Ethan was even more embarrassed.

"Oh, man..." he groaned as he approached Luke, "I'm so sorry."

He didn't know Luke well. He'd seen him in a few classes here and there, he sat a couple seats away from him in Mr. Ayanami's Trigonometry class -- along with another girl in the library, coincidentally -- but he hadn't ever really talked to the other student. This definitely wasn't the best of ways to meet his classmates, nailing them in the head with a book and all.

It didn't look like it had left a particularly painful mark. Then again, getting hit in the head with anything was painful, let alone a textbook that felt like it weighed twenty pounds on his own. He couldn't help but think that Luke probably wasn't a very happy person at the moment. Instead of retrieving his textbook from the other boy's hand, he sat his belongings down at his side and offered an open hand to him.

"Didn't mean to nail ya with that thing," he stated apologetically, "Didn't exactly plan on tripping over someone's feet when I walked in here. You okay?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »


Luke blinked as he sat there in a daze, blinking disorientedly towards Ethan.

...what? Two Ethans? What?....oh wait, NOW there's just one...

He gave his head a light shake to prompt his vision back into focus, rubbing the area where the book had flown into his forehead. There was a red mark in the shape of the line where Luke had caught an entire edge of twenty pounds worth of trigonometry.

Thank God in HEAVEN that it wasn't a CORNER....

Around him, the library looked as though it were in motion, and he could still swear that two Ethans were standing in front of him. Now though, the blood was coming back to his brain, though he still was rather stunned from the unexpected impact. Still holding his head together, Luke looked up towards Ethan, waving off the matter with a slight shrug, and a sheepish smile. "No,'s alright. It's my fault. I was in the way."

Only later when he had fully recovered would he come to think how utterly asinine that sounded.

When Ethan offered a hand, he reached out to accept it, when all of a sudden the familiar feeling of queasiness and light-headedness came over him. His skin went slightly cold and the pace of his breathing rose slightly as he felt his blood pressure drop, leaving an unpleasant tingling feeling in his limbs, as though the strength were completely sapped out of them. All the while, his vision distorted while a mild wave of nausea took over. Standing up didn't seem like the most pleasant thing to experience right about now.

He smiled apologetically at Ethan. Luke didn't know him all that well...he seemed the quiet type, a bit detached from the more talkative, chattery groups, always sketching or writing something by himself. Nevertheless, he seemed like a nice person, and Luke thought it awful to trouble him like this. Having such a poor physical constitution as his own, it was hard not to feel like a burden before everyone all the time.

"Sorry, you don't mind if I...sit down for a while here?" He asked, bringing his knees up to his chest and cradling his head. His hands and face felt slightly clammy. "Just need some time to...recover abit."
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Post by Megami* »

Ethan didn't even have to ask to tell that Luke was, quite literally, seeing stars at that moment. The glazed over and not-at-home look plastered across the entirety of his face practically screamed it at Ethan, and made him feel even worse about the entire incident. His face was turning red now out of sheer embarrassment at what had happened. How could one instant make things go so terribly wrong? It wasn't as if he'd walked in here and planned on tripping over LOTR Girl's feet. It had just happened. He hadn't planned on his books flying across the library at blistering speeds, but that, too, had happened. And he certainly had no intentions of clocking Luke Rowan in the head with his Trigonometry book, but that had happened as well.

Oh geez... this is bad.

Luke shrugged off Ethan's apology, even going so far as to put the blame on himself for being in the way when the trig book sprouted wings and went flying. Ethan let out a half chuckle, but it was obviously forced, and the apologetic look just wouldn't wash itself away from his features. Thankfully enough, Luke didn't seem to harbor any ill feelings toward the accident. He wasn't hesitant to take Ethan's hand when he offered to help his fellow classmate at first. At least, he wasn't hesitant at first. Maybe the book had hit Luke a little harder than either one of them had anticipated, because the boy definitely didn't look like he was feeling one hundred percent.

Ethan frowned visibly as Luke stated his plans of remaining in the floor for a while. The fact that it seemed to have affected the other boy that much was definitely eating away at Ethan's conscience. He felt so bad, so guilty, even though it had been a complete and total accident. He just couldn't shake those bad feelings away, mostly because he was almost certain that it was his fault that Luke suddenly looked pale and clammy. He tried to convince himself otherwise. There's no way that being hit in the head with a textbook can make someone look like a corpse, is there?

"Ah man..." he muttered under his breath, "Are you okay? Do I need to call the school nurse or something? What can I do to help?"

The tone in his voice probably sounded more than a little desperate. Mrs. Hahn was giving him a dirty look now, perhaps his voice had been a few octaves higher than he had first anticipated. The old bat made no intentions of heading toward the two boys to see if anything was wrong though. She was so old that she probably didn't even know what she was looking at. They used to joke that she really was a bat. She couldn't see very well anymore, but her ears were like sonars, they picked up everything. He tried to offer an apologetic smile to the libriarian for his overly loud conversation as well.

This just wasn't shaping up to be his day.
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Post by Megami* »

Luke was very unresponsive toward Ethan, most likely from the blow to the head, and all Ethan could seem to think about was getting out of the library before he made even more of a spectacle of himself. Embarrassed wasn't quite the word to emphasis how he felt at that moment. So, when Luke Rowan simply set there, Ethan scooped up his belongings and, red-faced, turned toward the other student one more time.

"Man... look, I-I'm really sorry!" he muttered apologetically before rushing out of the library.

((Continued in Sort of Spell))
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