Starting Place for B29

A hillside cliff. The drop isn't that far down. In fact, the most injury you can sustain from sliding down this cliff are just some bruises. The cliff is a good lookout point for anybody that plans on sniping out the competition.
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Starting Place for B29


Post by riserugu* »

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.
Two can be as bad as one;
it's the loneliest number since the number one.

The haunting voice belonged to a dark figure who sat along the edge of the small cliff, legs swinging in rhythm with his voice. Strands of long black hair, hints of brown visible in the sunlight of the day could be seen from under a rather large and floppy flowerpot hat that was black in color, with odd designs draw in with a whiteout marker.

He was dressed in what seemed to be a school uniform, even though the school he attended didn’t have a dress code such as that. The black slacks clung to his long legs, feet covered by black vans the top half of his form covered by a button down white shirt that he seemed to have taken a many different colored markers to having drawn all sorts of designs over the front and black…

A tie hung loosely about his neck having been undone shortly after he awoke some hours before.

No is the saddest experience you'll ever know,
yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know.

'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do;
One is the loneliest number, whoa-oh, worse than two.

Oh, yes… they where supposed be going on a trip, that was right. But those men had interrupted them (and during the in-flight movie of all things, though the movie the men showed was quite nice as well... short, but nice.) a large man, Danya was it? Yes, that was it… explained to him and his classmates that they where to play a game. A very interesting game at that, where they where to kill each other till only one was left.

But the thought of only one of the surviving didn’t sound fun… after all one is such a lonely number.

It's just no good anymore since you went away,
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday.

One is the loneliest number,
One is the loneliest number,
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

A hand lifted from his side as he lightly ran his fingers over the cold metal collar that also encircled his neck along with his tie. If he wasn’t mistaken, and if he had read his manual correctly, these collars allowed the people controlling this to keep an eye on them. Of course how was still rather unclear to him… but whatever be the case, he was here might as well play the game right?

After all he hadn’t had any fun in such a very long time…

And he didn't want his throat to be blown out either. Even if the game itself wasn't much fun, he'd make it fun.

Though still… killing was such a wrong deed. But, that still didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun, if they happened to die durning their playtime together. It would be sad yes, because that meant he’d have to go out of his way to find a new playmate, and that was never easy. But it was the sad truth; if they died they probably deserved death…

The thoughts of finding new playmates brought back the thoughts of those he had back in Sweden, they were mean but where still fun none the less. And everyone enjoyed playmates… of course after he had returned the lesson to his playmates back there his auntie had sent him away and those at the orphanage had shunned him so it was a very long time till he was happy again.

He was upset, very upset he had to move away from all he ever knew. But after awhile, getting used to the people how had taken him in and the fact he now had siblings, he actually begun enjoying the fact he once again had a true family that loved him. When the summer ended he was allowed to start school – Barry Coleson… he had to say, he didn’t like everyone at first though found himself enjoying it more once he was accepted into both track, and into the band.

Dropping his hand back to his side, fingers gripping at the piece of piano wire, (this he guessed, was to be his weapon that Mr. Danya had spoken about when he spoke to them on the plane.) that was gripped in his other hand he swung his legs a little harder as he leaned back in his seat on the cliff. Green eyes casting upward to the luscious, vivid blue sky above them. Fluffy white clouds forming pictures… though sadly ugly black smoke was also mixing with the purity of the white, spoiling it to such a degree.

And as he leaned forward once more, 16-year-old student of Barry Coleson High School, Blaine Eno allowed a bright grin to pass over his lips as he returned to looking over looking the island. The melody carried on the winds as his voice sung;

One is the loneliest,
One is the loneliest,
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

It's just no good anymore since you went away…
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Post by kiri666yama* »

ooc: wow.... that was beautifull....
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Post by riserugu* »

(( ooc: Really? Why thank you. :D ))
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Continued from "On the Run": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=159
IC: Jacob finally reached the cliff ahead of Uriel. He knew caution had to be used, he did not know if there was anyone up there. Drawing his revolver just in case, Jacob closed in on the cliff.
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Blaine continued to remain oblivious to that around him expect his own self… as he threw his arms in the air and fell back against the ground on his back. Kicking his legs up somewhat before allowing them to fall back and lay off the side of the small cliff once more.

As I recall when my stomach turned,
and I was hiding away from myself,
away from you…

His voice trailed off as he allowed his head to turn off to the side, eyes blinking under the shade of his hat as he glanced about the area… odd. He thought someone was there, oh well… at that thought of no one being there Blaine found himself pouting somewhat.

Oh how he wanted to meet some friends.
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob was right, there was someone there. As he reached the top of the cliff, he saw Blaine Eno (Boy #29). Without hesitation, he raised the gun and fired.
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Dark green eyes blinked in light confusion at the sound of the gun going off, forward by the object lodging itself into the dirt close to his waist. Blaine slowly moved to sit up, glancing off to where the sound had came from... his attention finding the two figures of boys he knew from school, though he didn't know if the names he was thinking about went with the face he saw.

"What an odd way to say 'hello'." He said carefully, grinning all the while. "You're Jacob, right?"
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Jacob nodded and fired again at Blaine. He was a bit surprised he missed at such a close distance, but it just meant he had to aim better.
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The young man found himself quickly moving, throwing himself back from off the side of the cliff as the bullet ran across the flesh of his calf instead of entering it as it probably would have. Once landing, Blaine curled his leg toward himself overlooking the cut made by the bullet in his black slacks, and at the blood starting to lightly pout about the torn skin.

Frowning once again, he moved pushing himself onto his feet lifting the injured one somewhat as he overlooked the other boy once again, what a mean boy… shooting at him like this without at least a ‘hello’, such rudeness indeed.

Standing there he lightly found himself curling a finger about the piano wire that was twisted about his right hand; maybe he had some friends. But as long as one was shooting at him, they might not be able to have to decent playtime… and if worse came to worse he could always use all he learned in track to get him away from them.
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Post by Slayer* »

Jacob snorted in frustration. He had missed twice at nearly point blank range, and it was starting to irritate him. Taking aim again, he fired off a third round at the other boy.
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Post by riserugu* »

Watching as the other boy rose the weapon a playful smile found his lips, And Blaine found himself doing the only thing he could think of to keep from that bullet finding another part of his body; he pushed his body into a quick dash to the other side of the hill and jumped.

The incline of the hill didn't able him to land properly as when he did he quickly found himself rolling head over heels the rest of the way down. Landing with a hard thud at the bottom, though the pain was heavy on his form at the moment.... he managed to get himself onto his knees and crawl into the nearby underbrush, before hopping to his feet and moving into a another run. Forehead lighltly bleeding from the new cut there, and clothes dirted from the roll.

((Continued in: Cleaning Wounds))
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Post by kiri666yama* »

(Coming from: On the Run)

Uriel ran towards the edge of that cliff, hoping
he would find their target with a broken neck at the bodom.
but for some reason, the kid survived the fall , and was still able to run.
This kid is truly amazing, uriel said.
I don't think we should pursue him jacob, uriel said, with a little
hint of fear in his eyes.
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Jacob nodded in agreement, but not for the same reason Uriel suggested it. "His weapon is inadequate anyway, killing him would be pointless. Besides, he seems like a worthy opponent."
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Post by kiri666yama* »

What do you think we should do now ? uriel asked.
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"Find a new target, obviously."
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