A Favor for a "Friend"

Southridge has an extensive campus, including a courtyard and many athletic fields, among other things. It's a common sight to see students roaming about the campus -- especially when they're supposed to be in class.
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A Favor for a "Friend"


Post by laZardo* »

((Continued from Into the Abyss))

The sun was starting its final approach toward the horizon on what was the end of a normal day of after-school activities. Students from all walks of life were finishing up their practice in a myriad of different arts and trades, from drama to sports. Whether they were in it for leisure or to help build on a professional career, they mostly enjoyed it...though sometimes they also relished the moment when they could get home or to wherever hangout place they needed to be.

Two sharply contrasting students came out of the main doorway, seemingly wanting neither. One was clearly a jock in a letterman jacket and pants, and easily one of the more towering figures in the entire school. His hair was slicked back but one could tell that it was fairly long, almost enough to be considered a mane. This jock was clearly frustrated as he clutched the collar of the other student in his right hand, leading him down the stairs.

The other boy, a plain-dressed Latino, didn't look nearly as physically well as the jock who was grabbing his t-shirt collar. In fact, he seemed to be using quite a bit of effort to keep on walking and keeping his face fairly straight, at least under the rather nasty bruise on his cheek. He almost stumbled down the stairs toward the sidewalk, but managed to keep some semblance of composure.

With a shove, the leviathan linebacker pushed Eduardo and his backpack onto the sidewalk. The smaller boy squirmed a bit before getting up to his knees. The linebacker then yanked the back of his collar with enough force that his head jerked back a bit, making the scene vaguely resemble Ché Guevara (only with shorter hair) about to be executed by the military. Of course, the jock didn't pull out a prized pistol, instead he spoke to the boy in a formidable voice.

"You're still gonna have that homework for me, right?" Boxer Carvalho growled.
"No worries, Box..." Eduardo Villa groaned, "I'll have the materials soon."
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Post by Xaldien* »

My God this year is boring.

Clive just got out of studying in the library and started going right for his car. The entire school seemed more boring to him than an Andrew Lloyd Weber musical, and with the same amount of charm as well. In fact, Clive began seeing the Phantom of the Opera as a good analogy for the school: Has a pretty mask on to attract people, but is really ugly when you see it for what it is... plus, the girls at school have incredibly annoying voices, akin to Emmy fucking Rossum playing Christine.

He stopped in his tracks for a moment because he felt his phone vibrate. He reached into his pocket and the caller ID said Siouxsie was giving him a call.

"Yeah, what's up?"
"Hey, Clive, was just wondering if you were at all interested in going to the movies tonight."
"Not particularly. I was just thinking of heading home, doing my work, and then calling it a day."
"Alright, well, I'm already on my way to the theater. Your parents are currently still away, they said that the trip was extended by two days."
"Two days? For what?"
"Their flight got cancelled due to some terrorist threat or other, and you know how airport security is on that shit."
"This is why those two should never vacation."
"Either way, I ordered some Pizza Hut before I left so there should be a nice pepperoni pizza waiting for you."
"Is there vodka at the house?"
"Duh. When is there NEVER vodka in the house for you?"
"Good point. Alright. Thanks. See you later, cous."
"See ya."

Clive got off the phone and started walking in the direction of his car again. He doesn't like walking and talking on the phone at the same time, for reasons even he doesn't know why. It just annoys the hell out of him.

While he was on his way, however he noticed something. It looked like it was the world-renowned Boxer (who Clive didn't really have that high of an opinion on) ganging up on some small kid he couldn't remember.

It's none of my business, but...

He started approaching the two, and could see Boxer clearly holding the kid up in a position that would imply that someone was DEFINITELY about to get hurt. He couldn't believe how pathetic Boxer is, picking on someone who isn't strong enough to punch back. The kid being picked on just as pathetic for not even trying to fight or resist.

"I just love a big, strong man who isn't afraid to fight with someone half his size... now that REALLY gets me hard," he said in a voice that Boxer clearly could hear.
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Post by laZardo* »

"What did you say, punk?" came a snarl from the colossus holding Eddie's collar. Clive may have been a jock, but so was Boxer, who despite being clearly inferior in the intellectual department was compensated by the simple fact that he was that much more looming than his fellow jock. Of course, he didn't exactly get Clive's insinuations, but the mere tone at which Clive reacted to the situation gave Boxer reason enough to get pissed off to let go of Eddie (i.e. push him forward to the ground) and turn to face Clive. The fury on his face was evident albeit light.

"We're not fighting. We're just working stuff out, unless you want to help," he added.

Eddie groaned as he got back up to his knees and looked up at the twin terrors about to face off. At least he knew what Boxer was capable (and incapable) of. Clive, on the other hand...always had this air around him that he should never really be messed with. Of course, the reason he didn't fight back was because the kid was already beaten up from an encounter with the rest of Boxer's team only a few minutes prior.
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Post by Xaldien* »

"Well, that's one interesting way of talking there, buddy.
Perhaps you and I should have a 'discussion' in the manner you're accustomed to."

Clive didn't even blink, move, smile, or anything and just stared at Boxer square in the eyes for a second. He was already working, in his head, a way to totally disable him if he tried making an advance of any kind. This guy may be bigger than Clive is, but he sure as hell isn't the brightest jerkoff this school could offer.

"You can walk away now, or someone will be..."
He cracked a seemingly innocent, but definitely creepy smile at Boxer as he was beginning to finish the sentence.

"...shown a good time."
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Post by laZardo* »

"Is that some kinda threat, bitch?" Boxer replied angrily, his voice low as he appeared to snort. He also stared into Clive's eyes, the expression on his own face stoically - if not effortlessly - frustrated.

Perhaps he should have counted himself lucky that Clive's creepy smile - and the "insinuations" that followed - seemed to bounce right off of him...or maybe that was unlucky given what Clive had intended to do. Then again, few were able to go mano-a-mano with Boxer and make it out intact save for perhaps the most talented members of the school wrestling team. Even the San Adrian Bearcats had to double-up on their offensive line when playing against a defensive with Boxer in it. If Clive wanted to fight, Boxer would certainly not go down without one.

Eddie, on the other hand, figured this to be a good time to get to the bus stop. He knew Boxer could be as naive as he was powerful, and did not want to stop to think what Clive would do if he convinced Boxer to go along with his plan. He grabbed his backpack and struggled to get to his feet. He was reluctant to leave though...for some reason a morbid sense of curiosity wanted him to stay so at least he could see how this turned out.
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Post by Xaldien* »

"Why, yes. It is a threat. I am very impressed that you managed to come to such a conclusion in such a limited amount of time, Boxer."

And, indeed, he was somewhat impressed. Only slightly. Nothing about this brainless wonder could ever really impress him greatly other than his size, which was his only saving grace.

Clive also made notice of the small guy behind this twit of a titan. He seemed like he wanted to run away... but for some reason was sticking around. What an idiot... if the kid were to run off now, a confrontation would be avoidable, but as long as he's there this whole ordeal could eventually lead to Boxer getting hurt.

As dangerous as he can be, he's never in any real mood to hurt anybody. But, from what he knows of Boxer, negotiations are probably not a very realistic solution unless you had someone with an Idiot-to-English dictionary handy.

"It'd be within our best interest for this pointless stand off to end prematurely, and you just walk away now, Boxer. To put it bluntly, I really do not wish to see you get hurt in any way... but if you leave me no other choice, then it pains me to think of what you'll end up being put through. I know maneuvers that could kill most people..."

Clive's good mannered pacifism is slowly being eaten away by a much darker, more menacing thought. Something he never really thought he was capable of. Some hateful, something harmful... something that could ultimately bring him immense emotional, mental, and physical satisfaction. The thought of hurting someone excited him.

"But you'll be surprised what you can live through..."
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Post by laZardo* »

Boxer cracked his knuckles as Clive tried to talk him down. He wasn't impressed or made too scared (though he was definitely tensing up for a fight) from the slightly-smaller jock's sweet-sour prodding. If Clive really wanted to throw down, then Boxer didn't really need to use technique, a couple of well-placed blows from the leviathan linebacker could take most people down for the sharks of the rest of the team to feed upon...and that was when others were nearby. Right now, Clive seemed like a real challenge given that he was bigger than most of his "fodder" targets...but Boxer really wasn't too worried.

"I'd like to see you try, ya pussy," he growled.

As strange as it sounded, Boxer's conscience was differently wired from Clive's. He wouldn't hesitate to hurt others on command from his "bosses" at the football team and inflict quite a bit of pain in the process, but he never hurt people for "fun" or sheer entertainment. For him, being the go-to hitman was merely duty for loyalty. Above all, Boxer would never resort to having to kill someone unless his life really was at risk.
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Post by Xaldien* »

With a sigh of great disappointment and excitement, Clive finally just accepted the fact that this goliath was not going to be in any way civil, and would only answer to the one thing he can serve: A fair amount of pain.

Only, Clive isn't just thinking of giving him a FAIR amount of pain.
But as the idea of hurting him came closer and closer... Clive started to lose it. He looked up at Boxer. What a sight he was. A giant house for a small mind. And one that would tumble hard.

In a very low voice, one that was almost only audible to him, he started speaking something he once read in a book he holds dear in his heart.

"...Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other..."
And within seconds of saying the beginning of such a great speech, he quickly jabbed Boxer in the solarplexes, causing the tower to flinch enough for Clive to exact his next movie and speak at the same time.

He grabbed Boxer's left wrist with his left hand, and had a firm grip on it to the point of using his thumb, applied pressure onto his vein for increased pain, and quickly turned around and elbowed him in the stomach.

"...smite him hip and thigh, for self-prevervation is the highest law!"

He managed to think up his next move, which was to get behind this giant and put his other arm in a lock as well. So he began to quickly maneuver behind him and continued the passage.

"Give bloe for blow..."

Clive now gripped Boxer's right wrist...

"Scorn for scorn..."

and applied pressure there as well.

"doom for doom..."

Then quick kicked him on the back of his knees...

"with compound interest liberally added thereunto..."

A sight to see, the biggest guy in school on his knees, his arms held up in the air by someone half his size...

"eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred fold"

In yet another swift motion, Clive lifted his right leg over Boxer's shoulder, which was difficult do to how high he was even when on his knees...

"make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to ruminate over..."

and wrapped his leg around Boxer's neck, putting him in the most awkward, unusual, and humiliating chokehold one could think up...

"Thus shall you make yourself respected in all the walks of life, and your spirit, your IMMORTAL spirit, shall live."

He started tightening his leg's wrap on Boxer...

"Not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained."

He looked down at Boxer now that he was finished with the passage from his Bible.

"So... do you agree to go away now, Boxer?"

((OOC: This is either the greatest or worst scene I've ever written...))
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Post by laZardo* »

((Either way, if a mod's reading this, I gave Xaldien permission to do that. I thought Clive would press his foot against Boxer's spine though...so as to force his back to arch.))

Boxer raised his eyebrow as Clive started to get "Biblical." He wanted to smirk and pull off a mocking laugh as he readied his fists...only to find himself on the receiving end of Clive's. The initial blow was so intense - and unfortunately for Boxer, so targeted toward a rather sensitive part of his torso, that he didn't have quite enough time to react before the rival jock executed the rest of his combo...in fact, moving his arms forward to strike back only seemed to give Clive the opportunity to do so.

"Chinga tu madre!" Boxer spat through the pain as he tried to pull his arms forward. He was able to jerk them forward somewhat...but the resulting pain quickly told him that it wasn't worth it. Still, Boxer was well-built that Clive would have to use most if not all his force in order to break Boxer's neck...and that would make it too conspicuous. "Go fuck yourself!"

Eduardo was pushed back as Clive moved behind Boxer...but he managed to stay on his feet. On the contrary though, what he saw Clive doing to the bigger jock almost made him want to lose his composure.

"D...don't kill him!" he finally felt compelled to shout, before clamping his jaw shut. For Clive, it seemed, it was words like those that made people like Eduardo "next." Eduardo himself was divided over whether just to run back inside where there were security cameras, just in case he really was "next."
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Post by Xaldien* »

Clive was getting just slightly annoyed with Boxer's inability to see just how incredibly fucked he is at the moment.

"Maybe I should explain, in greater detail, what kind of a position you are in, kid..."

He began to wrap his leg more firmly around the boy's neck, and even started tilting Boxer's body a little back, in such a way that would cause immense ouch-pain to Boxer's back.

"I could either break one of your bones, or choke you to death like this, and odds are there wouldn't be a single thing you could do about it."

Clive eventually made notice of the boy behind him, pleading for Clive not to kill him.

Oh, please, I'm not ACTUALLY going to kill him, kid. Just scare him, a lot...

"I'll give you one last choice: Shut the fuck up and go away, or this ends horribly."
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Post by laZardo* »

"Okay...you win marica..." Boxer choked, having to squint his eyes shut as they seemed to want to escape their sockets in the pain as Clive increased the pressure.

With his linebacker position crucial to the team's lineup, having this workhorse break a bone was one of the last things he wanted (after he'd had his SUV smashed up by a rogue baseball.) Even worse if he got killed, and this "marica" sounded like he was going to do just that. Of course, even a simple mind like his was more preoccupied with self-preservation than the team's preservation under these circumstances.

"I hope for your...sake that...my team...aren't around to see this..."

Eduardo felt compelled to add something, but if Clive could easily do that to Boxer, he decided not to run lest Clive catch up to him and snap him like a goddamn twig.
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Post by Xaldien* »

Clive gave a very friendly, warm smile to Boxer as soon as he was done speaking.

"Well, good!"

He immediately let him go, and his attitude shifted almost completely from 'I am really going to hurt you' to a much more friendly form of tone.

"I hope you learn something from this. Wouldn't want to see you get hurt, now."

Even though on some small level that was a complete and total lie. Clive realized that he had it within him to make someone else's pain an absolute joy for him. Here he had the biggest guy he knew in a position that could have easily killed him, or at least humiliated him. Thankfully, for Boxer rather than Clive, none of his teammates were around to witness the utter defeat that Boxer suffered at the hands of the smaller, but infinitely more intelligent Clive. It would be enough for the entire team to try and hurt Clive... and although the thought of being ganged up on by a team of mindless layabouts would scare any normal human being, Clive really didn't think much of it.

"Anyway, we'll be leaving now."

He turned around, and gave Ed a smile. Not a menacing, or negative smile in any way, it was the same friendly smile that most other people (meaning the one's who weren't Boxer) received from the good-natured (most of the time) boy.

"Care to join me for some pizza?"
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Post by laZardo* »

Boxer took several deep gasps as Clive let him free of the unusual headlock, as if he'd come out of the vacuum of space into a precious airlock. As soon as he got to his feet, he put his hands on his neck to check if anything really was broken. Thankfully, nothing had broken, but it still hurt like hell, and he really had to be thankful that the rest of the team wasn't around to see this.

"Enjoy it while you can, you little shit," Boxer replied as he started to walk away (backwards, while facing Clive), "You gonna pay for this."

He walked back into the school and sat down on a nearby bench to try to (proverbially) lick his wounds.


Even though perhaps there was nothing hostile meant by that smile, Eduardo didn't trust it one bit, especially coming from a guy who had just driven off one of the football team titans.

Eduardo turned around when he heard the sound of what appeared to be a motor revving and pulling away. He was greatly dismayed when that sound turned out to be coming from the last bus of the day, already pulling away. Running toward it was likely to incite the brief nature-documentary-worthy hunt that he was seriously considering earlier. Perhaps if he went along for some "pizza" (...and maybe a little cold coffee...) he'd really just pick the lesser of two evils. Not that he was in much condition to run with that backpack on, or call his parents to pick him up.

"Sure...okay..." Eduardo replied, scratching the back of his head.
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Post by Xaldien* »

Clive took a look at his watch, and then made notice of the time... which was exactly the moment when the bus started moving, which he gathered was what the kid was waiting for.

Clive knew full well the kid was pretty scared of him, and with good reason. Kinda hard to put trust in someone you don't know, and who just utterly beat a behemoth of an idiot, with little effort and reciting passages from The Satanic Bible. Not exactly scoring him any points.

"Well, looks like you're going to be needing a ride anyway."

He said after carefully noticing that the kid had a clear disdain over the bus leaving. That must have meant that bus was his... oops.
Clive busted out his keychain and twirled his keys for a bit.

"Well, come on. We'll stop by my place for something to eat really quick, if you're hungry. Then I can drive you back home."
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Post by laZardo* »

Eduardo sighed before replying, "Sure...uh...I just need to call my parents, make sure they can trust you..." The suggestion, of course, was rhetorical. His parents had heard of Clive and trusted his reputation compared to the rest of the jocks in school, and were sure to agree albeit 'reluctantly, and you should be home before it gets dark, okay?' He would make the call in his car and let fate take over from there.

Fate, as it seemed, played enough of a part in Eduardo's life that it pretty much defined who he was. It was the reason that he was always so dull and gray, and that despite his academic achievement and adaptability, that he did not expect to go into a real college as soon as he graduated from the rigors of high school life.

It was the events that had played out over the past two years that taught him that lesson with extreme force, and all he hoped now was that Clive would be relatively merciful with him compared to life in general, let alone the other jocks. To Eddie, Clive was really just one of "them," the people who were born to be successful the rest of their lives, and he would - to use a rather lowly racial term - probably get no further than the guy who mowed their lawns. But as long as he kept himself fed, sheltered and warm, he figured he'd be satisfied enough.
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