My Sweetest Friend

A large, open field filled with rows upon rows of wheat stalks. The wheat only comes up to about the average person's waist, and thus makes an individual traversing this area stick out like a sore thumb. Be careful in this area, there's no telling who else could be wading through the tall grass.
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My Sweetest Friend


Post by baby_g* »

Stephanie didn't stop running from site where she had stabbed that girl at the park. She was tired and sweaty and ready to keel over, but something in her kept telling her to push on. It was just moments ago when she heard the announcements, making it public that she had a hand in killing someone. Not only that, but the dick weed just had to add something about a girl.. what was it... right, Mari-something.

Basically, Stephanie knew she was going to get her shit fucked, and she wasn't excatly ready for that right about now. There wasn't anything to really explan what happened in the park. Something came over her and before she realized it, she had killed (or atleast near killed) a girl she didn't even know. She didn't mean too...

Of course I didn't mean too. That's just what I'm tricking myself into thinking. It's much easier to convince someone you're not guilty when you think it yourself. Fuck everyone. I'm not going to let someone kill me at this game.

All Stephanie had now was a knife, a whip and her day pack. The wheat was high and lucky for her you couldn't really see her walking if she krept low enough. She tried not to make any sound as she walked threw the feild. After this, she'd have to get somewhere where'd there be shelter. It was still raining and the hunger of the afternoon was kreeping up on her. She tore a stock off, lighty chewing on it. If she wanted to survive, she'd have to save what she had, for when she really truely needed it. Deep down, she hated herself a bit, for being a murderer and wanting more. She wasn't ever like this growing up, or atleast she didn't remember herself like this.

It was time to go, and she needed to make it to her next resting point without running into anyone that she'd have to kill. With her new hunting knife in the ready gripped in her one had, she was again on her way. When if came to her friends, her one friend, Tori, had been there for her. Yet she did to her what Steph did to all her other friends. She used them and betrayed them. Her mind was always ticking, and she couldn't wait to get her next victim. Deep deep down, she hoped it'd be Tori.

((continued elsewhere...))
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