Jack Hardecast*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V3 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Ricni Lotra*
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:55 am

Jack Hardecast*


Post by Ricni Lotra* »

Name: Jack Hardecast
Gender: male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High school
Hobbies and Interests: swimming, writing, smoking pot and/or tobacco, drinking, music in general, politics, sparring with his big brother, and is a fan of SOTF.

Appearance: Jack is tall, is built big and strong like a horse. has long brown hair, green eyes and tan skin. has a good amount of facial hair. at different moments can look like a gentle giant, but at others looks as if he can and will tear you apart if he got his hands on you. he usually dresses in a black shirt, jean jacket with deep pockets, (he likes deep pocket) and a pair of blue jeans.

Biography: Jack is a odd lad. He has always been energetic and somewhat violent. He has always loved listening to classic rock but has had a taste for a wide array of music. He is on the wrestling team and likes to listen to music when practicing or when he spars with people, especially Celtic rock songs.

At the age of 13, he acquired a taste for blood through a series of weakly nose bleeds and rare stake over the sumer. At 15 he found a girl who had similar interest. They started dating a few months later When she let him taste her blood. it was the first time he tasted another persons blood.

He has had the same friends since kindergarten. they and his girlfriend got along well. The five of them would decide on nicknames every now and then. Calling each other names from movies like Reservoir Dogs. He was Mr. White.

Half-way through that school year, he lost his virginity to the same girl he had been dating. during the next summer they had began experimenting more, inviting some other people for threesomes.

He, his friends and Girlfriend have often talked about if they were to get into a situation such as SOTF. They agreed though they are close to one another, they would kill each other when it came down to just them because they know that it would be inevitable

Advantages: he was always one of the bigger kids when it came to size but also the most flexible to the amazement of his classmates. he has also trained himself to resist and block out pain when needed. though he has not been one to cry often or feel that much pain when injured.

Disadvantages: he is self-reliant and resistant to let others help. he also has trouble breathing after running short distances due to smoking and drinking. he is also slower due to his size.
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