Elizabeth Esser

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V3 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Elizabeth Esser


Post by Shula* »

Name: Elizabeth Esser
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12 (Senior year)
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Writing (mostly macabre poetry), painting, politics

Appearance: Elizabeth, while extraordinarily average on her own, is quite noticeable. She's a normal 5'6" and weighs somewhere around 150 lbs. She not really overweight, but she could also lose a bit and still look healthy. Fiery red hair with gold highlights is usually left to sit around her pale face in layers. When it's not, it's in some outrageous and complicated do that probably leaves people wondering how long it took to accomplish. She has several styles of makeup that she uses on regular basis, but the most commonly seen includes a darker blush and toxic-green eye smudge, lined with bright blue liner and mascara and raspberry lipstick.

It would be unfair to try to summarize her outfits into just one or five styles, unless you were to say it's a style all her own.

Biography: Elizabeth's first memory stars herself, obviously, around the age of three. The way she remembers it, she sat in the saddle atop a giant horse who was galloping as fast as it could, and nobody even had to hold her on. In reality it was an old pony barely trotting, and the straps held her in place better than any hands could. Regardless, she's never forgiven her parents for not letting her learn how to ride properly. She hasn't forgiven them a lot of things, and sees them as a large portion of the reasoning behind how she turned out so far—positive as well as negative.

In Elementary school, Elizabeth was the girl sitting by herself at lunch, the girl who tried to play sports with the boys at recess, because the jump ropes and swings were always "taken," the girl who stopped trying to make friends by third grade because it was a hopeless art anyway. Her parents shouldn't have told the teachers. Then maybe she could have handled it herself instead of giving all the kids something else to make fun of her for.

Middle school never really happened for Elizabeth. Well, it did, but even so soon after her memory of it is blurred except for a few choice occasions. Once, in seventh grade, some jerk was teasing one of the few kids even unluckier than she by the lockers. She made some quick, snide remark, and left the boy speechless. In true unpopular-kid fashion, she walked by him with an overly dramatic toss of her hair and said "nice come back." The only other things her brain hadn't blocked out were the times she tried to kill herself throughout eighth grade, never coming close enough to succeeding to even raise suspicion. Her parents, of all people, should have noticed something was wrong.

High school didn't start out much different, until she found those kids—the ones your parents warned you about. They had piercings and spikes on wallet chains. They wore patches on their clothes with symbols she didn't even recognize yet. They didn't let anyone tell them what to do. They were what she wanted to be. That didn't matter though; what mattered was that they said hi. Her parents would kill her if they ever knew, and so she developed two completely separate wardrobes and personalities: the one that her parents knew and approved of, and the one she hid under her bed and in her backpack.

In the beginning of tenth grade, however, Elizabeth met a guy. He was the worst thing to ever happen to her. Her parents should have seen the bruises. One day he disappeared, and she realized that she'd abandoned everyone for him. In a fit of logic only a teenager can understand, Elizabeth changed her style completely from the obvious of clothing down to details like handwriting and even the way she talked, dropping some of her previously favorite phrases and developing new ones. The girl everyone used before was a different Elizabeth, and she's dead now; nobody will get over on her now.

Advantages: She's loathe to let anyone "get over on her" so she will be putting forth significant effort against anyone she meets. Creativity might become a factor.

Disadvantages: Elizabeth has no experience using conventional weapons, and isn't particularly strong or athletic.
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