Out on the Town and Out of the Closet

Old and new intertwine at Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. Established in 2003, Bryan wanted a retro, vintage look for his bowling alley, but he also wanted all the new age amenities. It boasts 42 lanes, a billiard area, and a VIP lounge complete with a huge plasma television. Friday night is "Theme Night", where the alley gives discounts to those individuals who come dressed in the theme of the night.
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Post by RePeate* »

"I dunno Nutter. He said something about driving Courtney home. Can't say when he'll get back..." replied Gabe, somewhat dissapointed Steve couldn't hang out for long.

Evan, on the other hand, was quite content to see Steve go. He was always secretly upset that Steve and Gabe were such good friends. Gabe was the closest thing Evan had to a best friend. Not many people liked Evan because he was always so cocky and eliteist, and so he rarely had any "solid" friends. Gabe was about the best freind he's had for some time now. And whenever Steve came around he would get jealous as he watched Gabe drop everything he was doing to accomodate him. Gabe never made that much fuss over Evan... hell, he drove away without him at the gym after practice earlier today! It was lucky Kara forgot her phone, or he might never have been remembered.

Noticing that Gabe was without his "precious Steve", Evan took the opportunity to step up as Gabe's pal. He scooted over next to him, leaving Viki for a split second to talk to Gabe. "Hey bud, I know what you're thinking. But I don't think Steve would cheat on Serenity. Besides, he keeps flaking on you like that all the time anyway. I don't know why you take it..." he crept back over to the girls, a sly smile growing inside of him. Manipulation was Evan's middle name. He was almost as bad as most high school girls...
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Post by laZardo* »

((I really have to remind myself to take moar part in this. =_= ))

"Do with what now?" Troy replied as if caught unawares, before noticing the tail end of what had just gone down. He really hadn't been paying much attention to other conversations after finishing up his call, partly due to the fact that there was so much going on, and he had his own plans for the joint before heading home (by himself) were those "plans" not fulfilled.

He did, however, notice that what Brad said had to do with Kara and the girl who suddenly left, but he didn't understand what happened completely, assuming that Brad was simply getting worried about something bad happening to her. For a moment he started to get tense as he realized that his "respect" was also being put on the line...but he shook that off.

"I dunno man...like I said tho, if you really gotta speak up to Kara, y'all go ahead and do that. I'll get yo' back in case things start to get ugly, but remember this is your fight."
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Post by RePeate* »

Evan glaced around the alley for a bit, and the slew of familiar faces was offputting. Here he was sitting at an alley, his friends taking off left and right to see and do other things. He's preoccupied with Viki until Nutbrown comes along and battles for attention within the group. All this is going on, while Gabe just shows concern for Steve's whereabouts and Kara cares only for herself. Damn, this night is losing it's sparks . Evan was never one to get excited around drama. He liked conflict and power struggles, but pointless drama was silly. And the glances they've been getting from Brad and Troy signalled something dramatic was about to happen soon. What's with those guys? What's their problem? .

"Hey guys, I gotta go out for a smoke to clear my head. Anyone want to come?" he said as a blanket statement to the crowd. He knew Gabe didn't smoke (actually neither did Evan very often), and he'd been counting on it. Gabe lost his cool at the bar the other night over his drug use, and Evan had a little nugget of blow crumpled into some tinfoil in his pocket. Now he had the itch and he needed to scratch it. This drama was making him restless. "I'm gonna head outside, so I'll be back in a bit". He shot a glace at Viki, and noticed she wasn't particularly concerned with what he had to say. It depressed him just a bit, and he made his way up the stairs, past the glares of Troy and Brad.

Meanwhile, Evan's decision to head out sparked the idea in gabe's head to give Steve a call and find out what was taking him so long. He should have been back by now... Courtney didn't live THAT far. He picked up his phone and flipped it open, hitting the number 3 and then the "SEND" button. Steve was number three on his speed dial, right behind his home and Kara. Evan was four. Speaking of which, Ev seemed a bit pissed... maybe he needs some attention. You know how he is, Gabe ol' boy. He put the phone up to his ear as it rang for Steve.
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Post by baby_g* »

Kara hadn't been enjoying herself since the beginning. It didn't help that the Viki girl was what looked like 'eyes' at her boyfriend.. but now Gabe was on the phone leaving her to fend for herself. Kara was never really a fan of competition with other girls.. she knew how they worked.

Kara began to nudge herself closer to Gabe making it obvious that he was hers, giving him little pecks on the neck while he talked on the phone. Gabe was calling Steve, probably because he had been gone for a pretty long time. She wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to put the moves on her cousin. Courtney was a good girl though, she could be really annoying, but she was a good girl... she wouldn't try anything, that's for sure.

"Baby, our game is almost over... maybe we should take off soon.."
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Post by Zabriel* »

Honestly, he was a little worried. It wasn't like Khris not to call. He checked his cellphone and started tapping his foot. Then he pulled out a pad of paper and started to jot down a note. Sighing he walked over to counter and started to speak to the clerk.

"My gang isn't showing up, I'm worried something may have happened, so I'm gonna go look for them. If anybody comes by looking for me, you can give them this note..." he told the man his name and left the note with him.


He walked out the door and got in his car. He would look around to see if maybe there was an accident near the bowling alley and then he would go home. He had been hoping that it would be a good time, but it looked like that wasn't happening.

Time to go home and do Physics

((Continued in Keeping up with Nick Jones))
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Post by Megami* »

Viki sighed audibly and propped her head up against her hand. Chelsey looked like she was having fun, she was engrossed in conversation with some random guy that had walked by them several minutes prior, but Viki was completely bored. Somehow, when she imagined herself hanging out with Gabe McCallum, this wasn't quite what she had in mind. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and blinked as if trying to keep herself awake.

Her finger absent-mindedly twirled her raven black hair as she stared off into space, completely distancing herself from the goings-ons around her. Evan had gotten quiet all of a sudden, or maybe she had just stopped listening. It wasn't that she was disinterested in what he had to say, it was just the fact that she can only answer the question of "So what's up?" in so many ways.

And besides that, Kara was really working on her nerves. It was a very rare occassion when Viki Valentine didn't like somebody. She was the kind of person who got along with all walks of life, but there was something about the blonde-headed girl sitting across from her that just really rubbed her the wrong way.

The fact that she was hanging all over Gabe probably had something to do with it, but Viki took it more like Kara being obnoxious and retarded than trying to send her a "don't touch my boyfriend" signal. Besides that, she wouldn't be hanging all over him that way if she weren't jealous or worried, and that thought made Viki smirk a little.

Nobody seemed like they were having fun anymore, and for some reason, Viki was indirectly blaming Kara for it. The guys seemed very talkative and in the mood to have fun before she had come back from the restroom. Gabe had been talking, Evan had been in on the conversation, even Steve had been talking to them, and no sooner than Kara returned, things seemed to become quiet and awkward.

Viki couldn't help but imagine that someone like her probably had this effect on everybody she was ever around. She seemed like a total wench, which meant that she probably was. Besides, she was obviously one of those girls that were so insecure about their men that they had to hang off of them -- not only had she already proven that, but otherwise, why would she be here with her cousin on what seemed to Viki like it should have been a guy's night out?

Viki tried to push all the condescending thoughts about Kara out of her head. It really wasn't like her to sit there and think such bad things about people, but this girl just pushed her buttons. She didn't notice when Evan got up to leave, nor did she hear him comment about taking a smoke break. More than anything, she wanted to go home. It had been a bad night from the get-go.

Work had been awful, it had been one of those crazy days where they had been understaffed and overcrowded, and then, on top of it all, they'd been ditched by people that were supposed to be their friends. Now, she found herself sitting with all these people, and she couldn't help but think that the entire bowling alley reaked of drama. Even she had noticed the duo of Brad and Troy staring down the group from afar, and although she didn't know what kind of situation was going on there, she didn't really want to either.

"Chels?" Viki muttered under her breath, getting a sidelong glance from the blonde in response, "Are you about ready to go?"

"Um... no. Why would I wanna leave?" Chelsey retorted.

"Everybody looks like they're ready to leave," Viki responded quietly.

"So? That guy said we can go bowl with him when our game's over if we want. He's pretty cute, I wanna go."

Viki sighed and nodded in response.

"I'll be right back," she stated finally before snatching up her purse.

She shook her head somewhat, pretty much fed up with the ongoings of the night, and headed toward the side door not too far away. Bryan's had put the door in after they'd outlawed smoking in restaurants and other business establishments, and she was rather glad for it at the moment. At least now she could slip out momentarily without being noticed.

If she'd been able to, she would've gone home and not bothered going back to the game at all, but she'd foolishly ridden to the alley with Chelsey, and now she was doomed to be stuck there until the blonde-headed girl decided she wanted to go home... if she even decided she wanted to go home. The way Viki's night was going, Chelsey was going to decide she wanted to go screw this new guy and then Viki'd be stuck sitting in the living room of some guy she didn't know while her best friend did it with him.

"Jesus," she muttered under her breath as she leaned against the cool brick exterior of the building.
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from Singing in the Rain))

The acquisition of the school had gone about seamlessly, but now it was time for his next plan. No longer bound by the school system and free to study his students and maintain relationships with them from afar, he knew their likes, their grades, anybody whom the teachers thought they had associated with in the past and with this information at his disposal he could garner blackmail and manipulate everyone of them to his needs, of course as he walked towards the bowling alley in his trademark white suit it became clear that he wasn't here to gather information on his favorite students.

No, it was to gather information on the bowling alley itself.

Though as he walked in and surveyed the area through his eyes noting that already kids had paired off into couples -as by the amount of cars moving up and down at an erratic pace in the parking lot- and while he tried to make note of this he found his eyes staring at a black haired girl up against the brick side of the building. Someone being alone either meant a few things: a person with a tough exterior, a shy person, or a person who is looking to be talked to. Fortunately as he looked at the girl from a distance he made a connection with one of the files in his newly received club directory: Viki Valentine.

Mother in the media and father in the law, it was a connection worth maintaining. As he walked up to her and casually leant up against the building next to her he flashed a smile all the while not facing her and looking towards the horizon.

"Avoir besoin de quelque compagnie?"

His French was passable, not nearly as up too par as he would like. However he hoped that she would ignore his grammar mistakes and instead be drawn in by the fact that he could speak French in the first place. Regardless if she accepted his intrusion with open arms it would tell a lot about her as a person and would no doubt decide how he should perceive her. Though he was optimistic, if his meeting with Ken Lawson had showed him anything it was that Highland Beach students where more than ready to begin regular conversation.

At least he hoped so.
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Post by baby_g* »

It was clear that Gabe was caught up in his phone call and probably wouldn't notice her get up and leave for a moment. There was so much noise and commotion surrounding them she was sure no one would.

Silently Kara got up and followed the shy dark haired girl out the door and outside. She found her leaning against the wall talking to herself. Another boy had come up and tried to make conversation with the girl but that wasn't going to stop her.

"Hey! You're Viki right?"

Kara knew her name, it was just her trying to be condescending.

"Usually I wouldn't be caught dead speaking to someone like you... so let me make this quick and clear. Stop making eyes at my boyfriend. Hear me? After tonight I don't want to see you around us anymore."
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Post by Megami* »

Viki didn't have time to respond to the new presence that sidled up to her speaking French, but she couldn't help but think that he -- just like so many other boys that she'd encountered -- was just looking to hit on her. He was smooth about it, she'd give him that much, but after all the events the evening had entailed, she just wasn't in the mood for random flirting. Besides, she could see trouble coming her way a mile a minute in the form of the little blonde bimbo that had flung the doors of the bowling alley open.

Kara Holmes was a lot of things. She was pretty, she was "popular" -- or at least, she thought she was -- she was the stereotypical cheerleader in every form of the word. She was also ignorant, selfish, greedy, and, quite frankly, a bitch. Kara was the kind of person that everybody pretended to like but nobody really did, the kind of girl that thought they had it all when they really had nothing, and, most importantly, the kind of person that was very presumptuous of other people and how they would respond to her. Kara was the kind of person who thought that others would cower down at her feet whenever she shot them a mean glare.

If Kara thought Viki was shy, she had another thing coming, and she was about to get hers in spades.

Viki considered blowing off the encounter and pretending like nothing had happened, if only to avoid the drama of it all, but all that went out the window the moment Kara got up in her face, asking her "if she was Viki". Viki smirked and rolled her eyes in response, and before she could even respond to the girl's comment, she was flinging a barrage of insults toward her, making threats about how Viki "better not make eyes at her boyfriend anymore" and how "she didn't want her around after this". Viki assumed that Kara thought she'd cower down and apologize, but the blonde had another thing coming.

"What are you, stupid?" Viki mused calmly, a smile forming on her features, "Do you think that you can come out here and intimidate me into doing what you want? I've got news for you sweetie, it doesn't work that way with me. I'm not intimidated by you, and I'm certainly not afraid of you. Girls like you are pretty pathetic anyway."

The fact was, had Viki wanted to, she could have been Kara Holmes. She could've surpassed Kara, even, because Viki wasn't a bitch like Kara was. Viki avoided the popular crowd because she didn't like the scene. She didn't like having friends that wee backstabbing and talked about you when you weren't around. She liked her real friends, who were there for her when she needed them, and she never wanted to be in a position like Kara was where she had nobody to rely on when she needed it the most. Of course, exploiting that predicament of Kara's didn't bother Viki too much, not when she was up in her face trying to boss her around.

"Nobody even likes you," Viki stated simply with a shrug of her shoulders, "All his friends pretend to, but even I can tell they can't stand you and I've only been sitting there, what, like thirty minutes? That's pretty sad, but I guess you're so delusional -- or dumb, whichever -- that you don't seem to pick up on the fact that you're ruining their good time, and everybody else's around you. I bet you're the reason your cousin went home crying, and quite frankly, I feel sorry for her. She has to put up with somebody like you on a daily basis, I only have to do it for tonight."

It might have been mean and vicious to bring to light the fact that nobody really liked Kara, but Viki didn't care. She had tried to be nice to the blonde girl, but it just wasn't working. Viki liked everybody, but this girl... not so much. The fact that she was out here, acting like a juvenile little child and trying to get up in her face over something she thought she saw proved how immature she was.

"And for the record, I wasn't "making eyes" at your boyfriend, as you so eloquently put it. Honestly, I just feel sorry for him. Not only does he have to put up with a bitch like you, but he doesn't even have the balls to tell you off, and you're driving all his friends and everybody else away from him. But, I'm sure that's what you want, because from what I've seen, he's the only person who can stand you, and even then, he's probably just keeping you around for an easy screw."
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Post by Buko »

She was impressive.

With the skill of a Amazon she destroyed her opponent with the utmost skill, she left no holes to be exploited and her logic was just as sound as it was completely and utterly unnecessary. The brutality of it all. The fact that he was overwhelmed with a sense that if he continued his half-assed attempt at flirting he would find himself on the end of this girls wrath. It was frightening. Self esteem crushing. And continued to pique his curiosity at a large level, he stared at Kara, once again this someone whom he knew because of his club directory.

The Captain of the Cheerleading Squad.

Promiscuity came with dressing up in skimpy outfits and shaking your ass in order for the football team to become motivated, but apparently being a "bitch" did as well and as he passively looked away and ignored the presence of the head cheerleader and instead once again kept his eyes away from Viki, any form of attention would give across a method he didn't want to deal with. She was impressive. Interesting. But, a girl liking him brought too many problems.

"You do that to every condescending bitch?", he asked nonchalantly his voice coming out with the same rhythmic flow as a violin.

Viki Valentine. She'd be an interesting plaything.
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad knew full well that this was his fight and his fight alone. He and Kara were together, and no one else but Troy knew (as far as he knew, of course). This whole thing was something that he had to do himself, like Troy had told him. Brad also noticed Evan walking right past him but, like all the other times they've crossed paths, he didn't give two shits about the boy. "Well... you're right about one thing, Troy: This is my fight. I have to do this on my own. Then again, I can't go over to Kara with... Gabe with her. I mean, after all, she can just pretend she has no idea what I'm talking about. Who the fuck is Gabe going to believe - me, or his girlfriend?" Brad thought this through for a minute, then spoke up again. "Actually, that might be the best idea. I can say my peace, and he'd only think I'm fucking around or something."

Then Brad felt a gentle breeze run past him.

He turned around to look at where Kara was at before. She was nowhere in site. Where the fuck did she run off to? he thought to himself, not even thinking of the side door that she had so conveniently taken out to the alleyway next to Bryan's. He scanned the room again in a desperate attempt to see if she had wandered off like little children with the mind capacity of a loaf a bread (which in Brad's mind seemed to outweigh Kara's by a little) always seemed to do when they were bored out of their minds. Of course, no matter how many times he tried to avoid acknowledging it, Brad knew that Kara wouldn't leave Gabe's side for one second unless it was a good reason.

Wait.... this is the opportunity I've been waiting for all this time. Brad looked over at Gabe again. Steve was gone, as well as Evan. In fact the only person left of the jock's posse was that Nutbrown kid that always irritated Brad, and he seemed preoccupied with a blonde-haired girl who may or may not let him take her home after the game, so he was out of the picture. Gabe wasn't near anyone else. A seat was even pulled out, as if Brad was MEANT to take a seat there. Well... should I, or shouldn't I?


.... Eh... what the hell. I've got nothing else to lose.

Brad made quick work, b-lining right for the table that Gabe was sitting at. He slipped right past the chatting duo (Brad began to wonder where that girl that came with the blonde was at, but didn't put too much though into it) making his way to the table. He took the seat that seemed to have the name B-R-A-D written in a black sharpie, and stared at Gabe. Don't hold anything back, Brad. This guy and you need to have a long talk, and being a pussy isn't going to help your case one fucking bit He waited for a second for Gabe to get off the phone conversation with someone, but began to grow impatient. He made a small gesture, saying nothing but telling him everything at the same time in very clear letters: "We need to talk. Now."

Time to buckle down, Brad.
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Post by RePeate* »

Gabe was confused and a little pissed when Steve had answered the phone and told him he was at the beach with Courtney. Smooth, Steve... real smooth. Serenity is probably gonna find out about it and you'll be busted. "What do you mean you're at the beach? Man, I thought you were gonna drive Courtney home. What are you doing at the beach?". Gabe knew exactly why they were at the beach. Gabe was midway into his next sentence when Viki took off, and Kara clung to his arm, only for a second before taking off somewhere herself. Bathroom in pairs I guess? Where the hell does everyone keep going? "Look Steve, I've got to call you back in a bit...things have come up. Actually you know what, call me back when you're on your way. We don't have much time left on our game." Caught off guard, Gabe barely noticed Brad pull up a spot next to him while he was on the phone until he'd spoken to him. At first, Gabe wasn't sure what Brad was doing near him. It wasn't that he didn't like Brad, but he wasn't friends with Brad either. They'd never really spoken before, come to think of it.

Gabe looked around, and realized Nutbrown was the only one he knew well in the immediate vicintity. This wasn't good. Judging by Brad's tone, some serious drama was about to start. People don't just come up to you and tell you all serious that they 'need to talk' about something in a serious tone like that. Gabe suddenly regretted not giving Evan the attention he sought.

"Uhhh what? Me? What'sssss up?" he said, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. What on earth would Brad want to talk to ME about? I don't even know the guy...

Meanwhile Evan had ducked out before the party started thinning to get a little 'party' of his own on. He crept around the corner of the brick building, making sure he was out of sight from anyone going into or coming out of the bowling alley. He also didn't want any motorists to see him, so he ducked in a bit behind a bush and pulled the balled up pack of blow from his pocket. He thought he'd heard a car pull up and some voices talking, but ignored it. He dashed a line out onto his forearm, and snorted it in. Woooof, headrush! As he tucked the bundle back into his pocket, he thought he'd heard wat sounded like an argument. More specifically, a chick fight. He wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying or even to tell who it was (so many people he knew were there, chances are it was one of them), so he hung back for a bit until the talking paused for an instant. He strode around the corner, only to have his heart race from seeing Viki and Kara in a heated argument, along with some other guy from school who hadn't been there before... Josh something....

Viki had just finished chewing Kara out for something, and from the looks of it, this Josh guy was taking her side. Evan's pulse was surging from a combination of the drama he'd stumbled into, and the drugs taking effect on his system. Ack, trapped. Do I go in there, or should I hang back? Make a choice Evan, you can't stand here all night.

Evan made his way over to the small group, acting non-chalant and pretending not to see the conflict. "Uh hey guys...what's going on over here?" Not the best opener Ev, but there's no going back now. Keep playing dumb. "I thought I heard some yelling or something. I was just out for a smoke. So what's the problem?"
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Post by Megami* »

((I should wait on Baby but I'm bored... and it gives her more to respond to.))

Viki hated drama, and yet she was quickly finding herself right in the middle of it. This was supposed to have been a fun-filled night with friends, but so far, it had been anything but. She hadn't counted on being ditched at the bowling alley, and she certainly hadn't expected things to escalate as much as they had over the course of the night. She definitely hadn't seen herself here, in a confrontation with the co-captain of the cheerleading squad, but one thing had lead to another, and it had just happened.

The other student, who had made an attempt at striking up a conversation with her before the interruption, seemed to be taking her side on the whole thing. She couldn't help but find it unsurprising, she hadn't met very few people who didn't have something nasty to say about the co-captain of the cheerleading squad. His commentary in the shouting match only further validated the points she had made when she had degraded Kara. It definitely helped her case, that was for sure.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another figure coming into view. The neon signs of the bowling alley lit up the parking lot enough that she could identify the new person as Evan Angler. She didn't know whether she should sigh in relief or be even more apprehensive. He'd seemed pretty friendly back in the bowling alley when he'd been trying to more or less welcome her into the group, but considering the circumstances, she wondered if he'd come over and side with Kara.

"Hey," Viki frowned slightly.

Was their a problem? It was funny that he even had to ask that, but Viki assumed that he was probably just trying to interrupt the fight and separate the two girls before an all-out cat fight erupted. It surprised her a little bit, mostly because she'd pegged Evan for the kind of guy that would encourage something like that. And this new kid, that she had never seen before today, she didn't quite know what to think of him yet. She thought that maybe she'd seen him around school or something, but she wasn't sure. One thing was for certain, this entire scenario was quickly becoming a lot more public than she'd intended for it to be.

"It's nothing," Viki responded, "Your friend just had some concerns she wanted to share with me, but we took care of the problem. You know, just girl talk."

She gave her other classmate a smile and a light wink before shrugging her shoulders and pushing herself away from Kara. She thought Gabe was cute, sure, and nice on top of it, but she was starting to wonder if she even knew anything at all about him. The more she looked at Kara, the more she couldn't help but wonder why someone who seemed like such a genuinely good guy would associate himself with someone who was such a horrible person. Maybe he wasn't what she thought he was. This entire encounter had definitely planted the seeds of doubt in her mind.

Too bad I don't smoke, I might take him up on that cigarette right about now.
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Post by baby_g* »

To say that Kara was upset was to say the least. Never before had anyone had the guts to stand up to her in the way that Viki did just now. Not only was she not used to it, but the blow her words delivered knocked her out of reality stuttering for words to say. It wasn't till Evan walked up that Kara came back to with her stance just as strong if not stronger, ready to really lay the chick out. The other kid that had shown up also began to upset her.

"Hey, douche bag," She said, directing her comments at the boy. "Why don't you stop trying to get into her pants and butt the hell out huh?"

As she went to turn her attention back to Viki it was clear that she was on her way to leave, pushing abruptly past her. She couldn't let her off the hook that easy, leaving her 'beaten' in a way. The last time Kara had ever felt like that was when she was six and she was with her mother. The both of them had gone out to the mall so her mother could buy another expensive wardrobe to make herself feel better while her father sat at home and wished he was somewhere else. While in one of the more expensive department stores, Kara's mother insisted that Kara try on one of the new season jumpers displayed in the front window.

It was green. Kara hated green.

'No.' she said, stomping her foot and crossing her arms. Kara's mother, not being one to stand for the word "No" tore a strip of her right in public for everyone to see. In less than five minutes her mother successfully made her feel two inches tall and left her crying in the dressing room. If you would have been in the store you probably would have heard her mother screaming things like "awful dirty child" "little bitch" "your father doesn't love you" "you'll never be beautiful". When the store clerk tried to ask her to stay calm, Mrs Holmes treated to get her fired.

Twelve years later and again Kara is two inches tall. This time because of a little long blacked haired chick who was about to get away.

"Leaving without a goodbye hug Viki?"

Kara quickly pulled Viki back wrapping her arms around hers and pulling her close, moving her lips to her ears and talking quietly so only Viki could hear.

"I'm neither stupid or dumb. I'm the one who has everything she wants while you're the one leaving the party to cry to yourself outside. You have no idea who I am. We're strangers and we should keep it that way."

Kara pulled away quickly turning towards Evan.

"Let's go, Gabe's taking us home now."
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Post by Megami* »

Much like Viki, Kara seemed like she was trying to do some form of damage control. Maybe she didn't want Evan to see how she treated other people, although Viki had a sneaking suspicion that he already knew. No, it was probably more along the lines of the fact that Viki had said some nasty -- albeit very true -- things about Kara, and the other girl simply didn't like the taste of her own medicine.

Viki smirked to herself at the thought of it. She wasn't normally such a confrontational person, but desperate times called for desperate measures, she supposed. She might have been a nice person, but she certainly wasn't the type to let someone else try to push her around.

Viki was only half surprised when Kara tried to put on even more of a front for Evan, even demanding a goodbye hug from the dark-headed girl. Viki wasn't about to back down from her though, and she more than happily wrapped her arms around the blonde-headed girl's neck.

She could hear Kara whispering something in her ear, obviously thinking she was threatening or something, and Viki could only laugh quietly in response before pulling away from her. The moment she turned toward Evan, a light smile crossed Viki's face and she called out to Kara.

"This was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime," she mused with a wide grin, "And don't worry Kara, they've got treatment for that stuff now. I'd just watch what you put in your mouth from now on, I heard that stuff swells your throat closed."

If Kara thought her idle threats meant anything to Viki, she was quite wrong. Granted, Viki didn't want to get to know the blonde any more than Kara seemed to want to get to know her, but somewhere in the back of her mind, the cog wheels were turning.

Even though she was normally a pretty passive person, she was formulating ideas on things to do just to spite Kara Holmes, because, let's face it, if Viki didn't do something about the Wicked Witch of the West over there, who would? She'd never seen anyone stand up to Kara before now, and Viki couldn't help but think that it was high time that someone put her in her place.

"Aww," Viki whined as Kara instructed Gabe to follow her into the bowling alley, "You guys really shouldn't leave. I know things are getting pretty dull around here, but there are lots of ways to liven them up."

Viki was almost wishing that Kara would have hit her. The thing was, legally, she could have shipped Kara out of all of their hair at that specific moment. Viki hadn't yet turned eighteen, meaning that legally, she was still a minor, and so if Kara hit her, she could be booked for assault of a minor -- and, considering Viki's dad was an officer of the law, she most likely would be. Normally, she wouldn't think of doing something like that to anyone, but Kara was just asking for it. Viki couldn't help but think that a night in jail would bring Princess down a level.

And once again, Princess is trying to ruin everybody else's good time because she got a taste of her own medicine and thought it was bitter. People should really do that to her more often, it'd bring her down to reality. Guess I won't have to worry about things like that much longer, college will be a much harsher reality check for her, if she even gets in... I get she won't, she's not nearly smart enough.
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