Out on the Town and Out of the Closet

Old and new intertwine at Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. Established in 2003, Bryan wanted a retro, vintage look for his bowling alley, but he also wanted all the new age amenities. It boasts 42 lanes, a billiard area, and a VIP lounge complete with a huge plasma television. Friday night is "Theme Night", where the alley gives discounts to those individuals who come dressed in the theme of the night.
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad stared for a while. You know... now that I think about it... Gabe doesn't look like the violent kind of person. I don't think... he could have made Kara cry... could he? I don't personally know the guy, but he's a good guy from what I've seen of him. There was one thing that Brad was one-hundred percent certain of(or, at least he though): That Kara slept with him. Possibly even while both Gabe and her were going out. Brad never really liked to keep things bottled up inside. That's why he was going through with this.

Now he was trying to think of the best way to put what he was going to say, if there WAS one. Well... how is he going to react to this? Jesus Christ, maybe this isn't such a good idea. I should back out, before some real shit goes down... Fuck it. I've come this far, and I don't intend to back out now... might as well come out and tell him everything.

"Listen... I know you've been going out with Kara and all, and..." He stopped.


What the fuck's the matter with you, Brad?!! he screamed to himself in his head, his own eyes closing slightly. Why are you stopping?!! Staring at the guy like a fucking idiot isn't going to help you! Stop being such a pussy!


Brad opened his eyes again, hesitating for what seemed like forever, filled with fear, confusion and apprehension. He really didn't want to be the one who told him this. HE REALLY WISHED. Then again, if HE didn't tell the guy this, was there going to be much chance that Kara will? After all, Brad's personal opinion about her was that she's a lying bitch who he... actually had some sort of feelings towards. Feelings of what he didn't know, but it was some sort of emotion that made him care about her. Even if she had used him on that faithful night, he would still like her. She was a likable bitch. Brad, letting out a huge sigh, didn't hesitate with what he said next. As blunt and serious as he could manage. "Kara's slept with other men, Gabe.
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Post by Ares »

Steve pulled into the parking lot at a speed usually reserved for the highway. He was lucky the cops hadn't been out in full force tonight, or he'd have a nice little ticket for speeding under his belt. He slammed the truck door shut as he bolted for the alley door. Throwing it open, he glanced around. Brad was talking to Gabe and it looked serious. Kara and Viki both looked like they'd wouldn't mind stepping outside for a little cat-fight. Evan was next to Viki looking slightly disinterested at what was going on.

Guess I ain't bowling tonight.

Steve calmly made his way over to where Troy was sitting, observing Brad and Gabe.

Steve sat down calmly and asked, "So...uh...what the hells going on bro? I'm gone for an hour and from what it looks like, shit hits the fan."
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Post by baby_g* »

"I'll take your recent experience into account Viki, thanks." Kara called over her shoulder while ignoring the rest of what she said while walking back to the doors. It was girls like her that really got Kara's blood boiling.

Steve, whom had finally returned, brushed past them through the doors and took a seat near the rest of the boys. It wasn't until she got closer that Kara realized the shit she was in. Brad had sat next to Gabe and struck up a conversation... she got there in time to hear him tell Gabe about how she's slept with other men.

Jesus, make it sound like I screwed the whole football team hey Brad?
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Post by RePeate* »

Gabe took Brad's nugget of information with hesitation. After all, he didn't even know Brad. And he was sure Brad didn't give a shit about him. So why then would Brad say something like that? His heart beat faster in his chest and he let out a "uhhhh...", but drew a complete blank as to how to respond to this situation. Three thoughts ran through his head:

That's it? I thought he was going to punch me in the face after all those stares... or tell me he's gay and loves me. Hahaha.

Is he telling the truth? Could Kara be cheating on me? I wouldn't put it past her... after all Gabe, you're the one who rushed in with the 'I love you' sappy stuff. Probably scared her into someone else's arms.

This guy is a fucking shit disturber... nobody goes around saying shit like that about my girl. I should knock his fucking teeth out.

But all that came out of his mouth was "uhhhhhhmmm... what?"

Just then, as if planned, Steve came out of nowhere and sat at Gabe's side. Gabe was instantly relieved. Gabe looked up to Steve to solve a lot of his everyday problems, and this one was a doozy. "Oh shit, Steve, you got back just in time man. This guy", he said, gesturing to Brad "says Kara has been sleeping with other guys... can you imagine?" He added the disbelief tone in there to make sure he didn't let on to Steve that he'd think for a minute any girl would ever cheat on him. But deep down, Gabe was confused as hell.


Meanwhile, Evan stood outside with Viki, recovering from the drama that just happened. His head was starting to throb with the unused energy from the rush the coke was giving him. He picked at his fingers nervously as he stood outside with Viki and Josh. He'd walked into some fighting, but was left with a silent, awkward conversation. "Wow what was that all about, eh?", he said, feigning disbelief. "Sorry about that, I know she can be a bitch. Don't tell her I said that though." Truth was, he knew Kara quite well, and didn't put these sorts of fights past her. Had she stayed outside and Viki gone in, he probably would be saying the same thing to Kara. "Umm, sorry for interrupting. I'll just be over here finishing that smoke." He turned his back to the two of them, and shut his eyes for a bit. Thoughts raced through his mind as the drugs took their hold on his system. He reached into his pocket and realized he didn't even have any cigarettes.
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Post by Buko »

Josh simply smiled as he saw drama leave just as quickly as drama arrived, the whole relationship that had happened all while he was a silent observer was amusing and he had to try and keep himself from laughing, as the other boy (Evan? Whatever he wasn't important at the moment) left to go ‘smoke a cigarette', though he noted the boy had absolutely no cigarettes what-so-ever, so the plain and thinly veiled lies of his peers was what made sure he had little difficult maintaining a smile on his face as he once again turned to Viki who had followed in suite and ignored him just as he had pretty much ignored her (aside from the basic comments and greetings).

"I suppose this is a pretty forward question, and honestly forgive me if I cross any boundaries, but would you sleep with me for five thousand dollars?", it was said passively without a single word of caution put into it, truth be told once Josh had gained enough confidence in dealing with people -as he was very good at talking and manipulating people-, he liked seeing peoples reactions as he danced upon the thin line between joking and seriousness, of course if she agreed he would give her the money for the pure hell of it. To be honest he had the money to throw away with both Peter's and his father's investments all in his hands and of course he had neglected to tell his mother that they made any money at all -his mother was under the impression that they where now destitute-.

Anyways, these verbal games where a common place that allowed him to branch off into what would either be fun circumstances or fun conversations, of course occasionally people would respond violently to these games, but as he made note of Viki's wit in her confrontation with Kara he couldn't help but look forward to whatever insult she was going to throw out at him.

Really, it was true what they said, the best things in life do NOT cost money.
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Post by Ares »

Steve turned to answer Gabe, but hesitated.

Fuck. You know, I wouldn't put it past her, but I know she does like Gabe a lot. I know she used to be that way, and Gabe knows that, but if there was one positive change in Kara that I've seen, its that she cleaned up her act after meeting him.

"Look dude, we both know how Kara used to be," Steve took a breath," But I believe that she changed for the better when she met you. So I don't believe that shes been sleeping around on you. Now Serenity sleeping around on me might be another story." Steve added the last bit hoping to bring some humour to the situation. Steve then turned to Brad.

"You on the other hand. I want to know where you got this information, and how recent it is. Gabe's my best friend, and you come up in here with your gangsta wannabe friend and start throwing out accusations about his girl. Every man knows that shit ain't cool."
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Post by baby_g* »

As Gabe and Steve started discussing the matter at hand, Kara could feel the throbbing feeling in her gut getting more sore with every passing second. The few words they exchanged seemed to be taking decades to spit out. She knew exactly what they were talking about, and she knew that it was going to lead to some larger problems if she didn't deal with it right now. Slowly she approached the boys sitting together and took a seat on the other side of Gabe.

You're fucking right I've changed for the better... Sure, I used to flirt with some guys here and there to make Gabe jealous, but that was only because I wanted attention... I'd never sleep with other guys, not while I'm dating Gabe...I... I.. uh..

"Baby, I love you." Words Kara didn't usually say often seemed to have slipped out with a calmness as if she said it all the time, calming herself down at the same time. Better it came out anyways, from the look on Gabe' face, he needed to hear that. Kara was happy Gabe had a friend like Steve, seeing as this was the rare occasion that he was sort of sticking up for her.
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad seemed surprised to see Kara come walking through the door at the time she did. Shit... how the hell did she come back in so fast? I didn't even get a chance to say one thing to Gabe, and... "Oh, uhh... hey, Kara. I... didn't see you around here." Jesus Christ, Brad. Are you really going to chicken out now? You have to tell Gabe something, and there's no way in hell that Kara of all people... is going to... Jesus Christ, what the hell am I doing here? This is only going to end in a fucking drama-fest. I should just face the humiliation and just walk away.

He could have just walked away. He could have just ended it there.

Steve had to be there.

Steve of all people had to say something that really ticked off Brad. What the fuck did he just say?

I want to know where you got this information, and how recent it is. Gabe's my best friend, and you come up in here with your gangsta wannabe friend and start throwing out accusations about his girl. Every man knows that shit ain't cool.

Brad turned to glare at Steve. "You want to know where I've got that info, huh? Can't just trust my word for it? I'm practically being the bravest guy in here to come and tell Gabe this, and..." Brad knew that saying these things wasn't going to get him anywhere, and he got to the point. "How do I know this? Because I sl-" Brad hesitated, looking over at Kara for a moment. ... What the fuck am I doing? What am I going to gain if I spill this fucking can of beans? I'll just end up hurting her and Gabe, and even though I don't fucking like them... I just can't... can I? No, I can't... I'm not that much of an asshole, or at least that's what I think... I fucked her, that much is for certain, but... she wouldn't have anything to do with me if I went to Gabe like this. I.... I'm not sure what the fuck I should do...

Nutbrown, on the other hand, could see where all of this shit was going, and he didn't like it one bit...


If there was one thing Nutbrown, out of everything in the world to hate, it was Drama. Unnecessary, angst-filled drama that made one want to cut their wrists.

He looked over at Chelsey, who he had just been chatting up for about the past minute, his facial expression not changing one bit. "Some heavy shit's about to go down, Chels." He said, continuing to glance over at the table where Gabe was sitting (and an unfortunate boy who was about to get the shit pummeled out of him), looking rather angry. If there was one thing Nutbrown never, ever wanted to do to Gabe, it was to get him pissed off. "What say you and me make like a banana and get the fuck out of here?"
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Post by Ares »

The hesitation after he said "How do I know this" was exactly what Steve needed to continue. He shot Gabe a look that meant, "I've got him" hoping Gabe would just listen.

"Yeah, thats what I thought. You have nothing. Now do us all a favor, please, and remember I said please, go back to bowling. Honestly, I have no problems with either one of you two, but from how it seems, you're trying to make problems. I'm one speed dial away from calling in some problem solvers. So lets just throw some balls at some pins, and enjoy the rest of the night."

Steve had had enough. If they wanted to pursue it anymore, he'd ring up Nigel and a few others off the D-Line to come down. Steve rose and walked outside to where he'd seen Evan and Viki on his way in.

"Evan, where are you? Gabe might need some help in a minute or so. Brad and Troy are starting shit." He yelled while looking around. He looked to his right and saw Viki standing there.

"Shitty night eh?"
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Post by Namira »

Katie had no interest in any of the drama going on, and since it appeared that things might be about to get a little bit messy, she decided that it was high time to get out of the bowling alley. Katie was somewhat disappointed that Simon seemed to have disappeared, but it wasn't like he was a boyfriend who had abandoned her, he was just a nice guy. None of Katie's particular friends seemed to be around, so there was nothing to stay for. She discretely left the building, avoiding the confrontation developing around Gabe McCallum and whoever else was down there...

((Katie continued in Sweet for Some and Painful for Others [CONTENT]))
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Post by laZardo* »

"Ay man...I came over here with my boy Brad there, cuz he was having troubles with his girl. I told 'em that I can help 'em if they wanted, but right now I'm just sittin' back in case shit hits the fan."

The words Troy said, it seemed, caused some kind of negative reaction from Steve, who left probably to fetch others to get Gabe's back against Brad. If that was the case, then he'd have to move to defend the guy just in case.

He went over to the valuables storage desk and got a tag for his gym bag. He rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath, taking a seat at an empty lane that was just a skip over from where Brad and Gabe were sitting. If shit was going to hit the fan, he hoped he'd be able to provide an umbrella for Brad against the splatter. Especially when he'd arrived to find Brad popping the accusation.

((Continued in Round One, Fight One; Paul vs. Troy))
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Post by RePeate* »

Too many people and too much confusion was just making Gabe even more upset. Too many people were trying to talk all at once, but the matter still wasn't sorted out. Having Kara cuddle up next to him and tell him she loved him only increased his suspicion that there was some gigantic secret he hadn't caught on to. He could see in his eyes Brad was genuinely scared of the situation he'd gotten into, and rightly so. The kids from school had seen what Gabe was capable of doing to other guys who make accusations and slander the ones Gabe loved. Not only that, but Gabe had Steve and Nutter backing him up right at his side, and Evan not too far off somewhere he was certain. Brad just had Troy, a wannabe who seemed to be all bark and no bite. He wondered why Brad would even cosider doing something as dumb as starting rumors in the situation he was now in.

"Hold up guys", he said "What the fuck are you trying to imply Brad? Answer Steve's question. Why are you saying this shit, and why should I believe a damn word of any of it?" He clenched his fists, and he was nervous. Not because a fight might break out at any moment, but because he didn't want any of what Brad was saying to have any truth to it at all. If there was one principle Gabe wanted his relationship with Kara to abide by, it was fidelity. He wasn't the kind of guy who would be made a mockery of by being cheated on, and he definately wasn't the kind of guy who let rumors about such things go on behind his back. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. "Why should I believe you, huh?"

Meanwhile Evan could barely make out the commotion going on inside. The coke had jacked up his system something fierce, and he had a good deal of excess energy he needed to burn. He looked at Viki for a bit, then at his feet, then his hands, and back at Viki. He noticed that she shot a brief glance inside, and so he too turned his attention there. As soon as he saw what was going on by the alleys he turned to Viki and said "Uh, I gotta get back inside. It looks like something is going on... want to come with and check it out? Could be fun!" He had on an immense smile, but he didn't even realize it.
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad wasn't necessarily scared OF Gabe, despite the fact that he was a football player and had some type of muscles on him. WHAT Brad was actually afraid of was Steve, or more specifically Nigel Gillespie. In all honesty, Nigel scared the shit out of Brad before AND after his jailtime. He was well-built, smart as the next person, and if that weren't enough, he stuck to most of his friends like glue. He could beat the hell out of Brad, and everyone could have guessed that. Still, he couldn't back down. He wouldn't back down.

Then again...

Brad saw how Kara was reacting to all of this. She seemed... scared, obviously of the thought of losing Gabe. Either she was the best damned actress the boy had ever seen or... she was actually... caring about him? Yeah... that's what SHE TOLD ME, but what happened to me? I got kicked to the curb. No doubt she'd do that to any man who would be stupid enough to fuck her. She isn't getting under my skin. She isn't getting the better of ME! But... why am I doing this? Is this supposed to make me feel better about all of this... that Kara hurt me, and it's my turn to get revenge? Jesus... look how spoiled I'm acting. This is going to hurt alot of people, and I'm flinging head first into it. I gotta... I Can't just let Gabe out of the light about this right? I mean, he has a fucking right to know! I'm... going to tell him

Brad shook his head. "Listen Gabe. I know that we don't know each other, and that frankly gives you no reason to believe me... but if I really wanted to start a goddamned rumor about Kara, why would I just go walking up to you? That would be fucking stupid. Trust me. The only way I could have done something like this is if what I had to say was true."

He looked over at Kara for a minute, staring into her eyes. He shook his head just a bit, as if to say 'I'm sorry... I have to let this out.'. He would have let everything out... that is to say, if he didn't give a shit about the girl's well-being. "I think you've been out of the light for too long and... Listen... Kara and me... we've fooled around one night. Frankly, I'm not even sure if she was with you when it happened and even if I did know at some point, I must've forgotten. All I know for certain that something happened, and I don't think it was all butterflies and dandelions from there. So, I guess it was wrong for me to say that SHE WAS sleeping with other men and I'm sorry that I misspoke... but you have to agree that if she'd do something with someone who looks like me... Maybe she did like me, but I certainly don't see it. I don't know why I had to tell you this Gabe. Just call it a fucking spur-of-the-moment thing. This ain't no rumor... or... at least I'm trying not to make it one."
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Post by Megami* »

((Sorry for the Goliath post, trying to catch up! =/))

To say that Viki was relieved when Kara excused herself in a huff was quite possibly the biggest understatement of the night. Honestly, she wouldn't have been object to beating the prissy little cheerleader down in the side alley, but thankfully things hadn't ended that way. Viki thought it was quite strange that Evan didn't follow his "friend" inside the bowling alley, but she could only smirk to herself in response. The fact that Evan seemed more than hesitant to go with her even further validated Viki's point that no one really liked Kara. After all, she hadn't said it out of spite, she had said it simply because it was the truth, and apparently, Kara didn't like the truth. No matter how big and bad she tried to act, it was quite obvious that Viki had gotten under her skin big time.

If she had known that all hell was about to break loose in the bowling alley, she might've just slugged Kara then and there so that Brad could've said his piece to Gabe.

The doors to the side alley swung open once again, and Viki withheld the groan that was threatening to escape her lips. In a pleasant surprise though, it wasn't Wonder Barbie coming back to make another pathetic attempt at insulting Viki, but instead it was Steve Digaetano, who she was quite surprised to see had even returned to the bowling alley in the first place. Seeing Steve was somewhat of a relief to her though. She was friends with Serenity to an extent, after all. The girls were co-workers, she saw her on a daily basis, and she heard all Serenity's talk about Steve, so when she'd seen him leave with Courtney, she had been rightfully suspicious. It seemed Steve had just given her a ride home after all.

"Something," Viki responded with a light grin.

She brushed a few locks of hair away from her face and looked at the two boys.

"And if you think she's 'kind of a bitch', I hate to see what you'd call a real bitch. She's not kind of a bitch, she's the freaking Hydra."

Viki couldn't help but laugh a bit. She was only half serious, after all. Part of her didn't like Kara, but part of her was really indifferent to the blonde-headed girl. She just seemed so pathetic the way she tried to hurl insults at other people and walk all over them.

"You guys really shouldn't take that stuff from her, you know," Viki stated matter-of-factly, "If a few more people put her in her place every now and then, it might do her some good. Maybe she'd lose that nasty little better-than-thou attitude she has."

Viki really couldn't believe that something like that could be friends with Serenity Halos. Serenity was one of the sweetest people Viki knew. The kind of girl who would do anything for anybody if it was within her ability. She just couldn't imagine someone like her being friends with the Hydra. She wanted to think that maybe there was a side of Kara that she hadn't seen yet, but as much as she tried to tell herself that, Viki kept coming to the same conclusion: there was only one side to Kara Holmes, and it was that one. She could hear Josh's voice ring out from behind her in a rather brash question, and all she could do in response was stop for a moment and stare dumbfoundedly at the other student.

"Uh..." she responded, unsure of how to answer the question. Instead, she let out a light laugh and tried to blow the whole thing off, "That's not even enough to cover the security deposit."

She couldn't tell if he had meant it jokingly or if he was being serious, because she didn't know him well enough to decipher his personality like that, but she could only assume that he was joking. Still, it had been an odd question, to say the least. The argument in the bowling alley seemed like it was starting to heat up quite a bit, and she could hear muffled and angry words even from behind the glass door at the end of the corridor. That definitely wasn't a good sign. Viki couldn't help but be at least somewhat interested in what was going on, but part of her simply didn't care. Whatever it was, she was sure Kara was probably sitting right in the middle of it. She seemed like the type that would start all sorts of needless drama.

Evan perked up all of a sudden and mentioned that he needed to get back inside to "help" with the problem. Viki never quite understood why everyone seemed to think they should go inside and "help" whenever people were in an argument or about to get into a fight. Why not let people fight their own battles? It wasn't like Viki didn't have a strong sense of loyalty to her friends, in fact, the opposite was true. In terms of friendships, Viki was probably one of the most loyal and trustworthy people at Southridge. But, the fact was, Viki wasn't going to fight somebody else's battles for them. They had gotten themselves into whatever situation they were currently in, they should be responsible for getting themselves out.

But, a lecture like that wouldn't have gotten in edgewise with either of these two, she could tell that almost immediately.

Suddenly, she was faced with two options. Number one, follow Evan back inside and see what came of it. Number two, let Evan and probably Steve go back inside to fight Gabe's fight for him, and stand out here with that new kid from school. Viki didn't really know why, but she got such a strange vibe from that Josh kid. It had been pretty obvious that Evan had been checking her out all night, she had picked up on that early on in the evening, but this guy wasn't exactly checking her out. She didn't really know what he was doing, and for some reason, it kind of gave her the creeps. Viki sighed lightly, not really wanting to go back into the bowling alley, but not wanting to be alone outside either.

"I don't know how good of an idea that is," she responded with a sympathetic smile, "Kara and I don't exactly see eye to eye, and you guys have had your fair share of drama tonight. But... my ride's in there, or at least, she was the last time I saw her. So... yeah."


Meanwhile, Nutbrown's words had been like music to Chelsey's ears. She had been around for the whole ordeal that was going on between Brad and Gabe, but the truth was, she hadn't been paying any attention at all to what was going on around her. She was just looking to have a good time, and Nutbrown was a cute guy by most girls' standards, so she definitely could've done worse in that department. As soon as he suggest that they split before the drama went full-swing, Chelsey was up and ready to go. It didn't occur to her that they had driven her car to the bowling alley and she was supposed to be Viki's ride home. Honestly, Chelsey, in one of many flakey moments that she so often had, had forgotten Viki was even with her.

"Sounds like a plan," Chelsey grinned.
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Post by Ares »

"Yeah, I should probably head back in there too. Though it looks like your ride might be leaving with Mr. Nutbrown." Steve said slightly smiling. Nutbrown was one of those guys that Steve could only handle in small doses. He was a good guy, just aggravating sometimes.

"If she ends up bailing on you, stick around and I'll give you a lift. Plus you might get to see a show." Steve said as he began to walk back inside. EVan was right, they did have to go back in just in case.

"Don't worry if Kara goes back at you again, I know she can be a bitch, but you know she is honestly stressed today, I heard what Brad said to her, and I think any person in their right mind would be on a mean streak if it was said about them."

With that Steve followed Evan back in.

"Hey dude, wait up." He called after Evan.
Stuff. Things. Stuff and things.
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