Out on the Town and Out of the Closet

Old and new intertwine at Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. Established in 2003, Bryan wanted a retro, vintage look for his bowling alley, but he also wanted all the new age amenities. It boasts 42 lanes, a billiard area, and a VIP lounge complete with a huge plasma television. Friday night is "Theme Night", where the alley gives discounts to those individuals who come dressed in the theme of the night.
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Post by Buko »

This post has been edited out at the request of Bukowski, who would like you all to know that he didn't intend to cause such an uproar by his post. He would like to apologize to those that were angered by this incident, and he has requested that this portion of the thread be considered null and void. Therefore, this thread will continue from the previous poster onward.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

You may now resume posting.
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Post by Ares »


The post I had got deleted. Steve is out of this thread and at home eating the longest cheese sandwich ever and drinking a massive Dr. Pepper. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Stuff. Things. Stuff and things.
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Post by baby_g* »

((OOC: come on guys! let's pick this up!))

"I was single you dipshit!" Kara yelled as she stood up quickly to Brads words and pushed him by the shoulders. "You're such a twerp trying to come up here and start shit. I should have known."

Kara didn't have time for some kid to come up and try to make her look bad. It was worse enough as it was that she and Viki almost had it out, but now she had to come back to this? Where did he get off coming over and saying this anyways? Last time she checked, Kara stayed clear of him after that night and never spoke to him again. In fact, she hadn't done anything wrong so there was no point to getting upset. Brad was being an asshole, like he was that night when he took advantage of her from what she remembers, and Gabe would beat the snot out of him and she and he would go home, snuggle and pretend like this never happened. Except...

Didn't you tell Gabe he was your first?

Kara looked up at Gabe and then to the floor. Brad probably knew that Gabe didn't know, probably figured she'd tell him he was her first. He was probably doing this out of spite because Kara tried her damned hardest to ignore the ass hole. It wasn't that Kara wanted to lie directly to Gabe, she just wish he had been her first.

Feeling now ashamed when she tried to talk she couldn't even muster an audible tone.

"Gabe, I'm sorry."
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Post by Ciel* »

(OMG activity!

Wow. Way to make me feel like an ass for both not posting here and dissing Kara, Giselle Image )

Brad stared blankly.

Wait! She was... single? This... well, that's the first I HEARD of this.

"Wait wait wait!" Brad spoke up, not even budging an inch from Kara's attempted push, which actually felt distinctively like a pillow being thrown at him. "Where do YOU get off calling ME a dipshit?!! You haven't even said a word since that night! I tried to be nice, I tried to be cool, but you completely shunned me! So if there's someone here who's a dipshit, it's you! Secondly, I'm not starting shit. If I really wanted to start shit, then why come up here directly? I'd get pummeled! Whatever I'm telling Gabe is the truth, since you have to be the deceitful one and, from the looks of things lye to him completely. THIRDLY, you should have seen this day coming for awhile. He was going to find out sooner or later! I was all peachy about keeping this shit from him, but you certainly did a good job of changing my mind! Listen... I didn't come up here to get insulted by YOU of all people.
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Post by baby_g* »

"Tried to be COOL?" Kara's eyes shot back up towards Brads as she could feel her tiny hands curl into tight fists. She'd never try to hit him of course, that'd be like throwing a sheep to a lion, and seeing how he didn't even budge when she shoved him just proved it.

"If ignoring my phone calls, pretending like you didn't know me at school, and not even leaving me your last name in the morning count as 'acting cool' then, hell, you're the kings of cool, no, you're the bloody king of kings of cool. MAYBE the reason I told Gabe what I did was because I wished he had been at the party, maybe because I regret so strongly what happened with you that if I could go back in time, I would have stayed home and watched some pathetic workshop show with my father so that now, your face, if I saw it, would mean nothing to me."

Cool it Kara, you're getting to worked up.

Kara was starting to feel like her mother, whenever her and her father got into a fight. The only thing missing was the bunt object that her mother would throw at her dad to make him shut up. Quickly looking around, all Kara could see was bowling shows, pins and .. bowling balls. Would she have enough guts to pick one up and actually use it? They weren't that far away from her, it would be easy to pick up the lighter one she had been using.

You're not your mother.

"If you really didn't want to start anything, like you claim, then why here of all places. We've been ignoring each other for this long. Did another day really hurt that much?"

She turned her head back to her boyfriend whom had been relatively calm throughout all this.

"Gabe, baby, can we just go home now?"
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Post by RePeate* »

Whoa! All of a sudden Gabe's world just came crashing down all over him. First off, to hear Kara had slept with Brad was a huge shock. She had to him he was her first. It didn't matter too much to Gabe at the time, but now that that had been taken away from him, he realized how important it was. His head filled with thoughts of a naked Brad doing perverse and private things to HIS girlfriend... it was a thought Gabe knew he'd not soon be able to shake off. Kara had immediately stepped in and told Gabe she loved him and to ignore Brad, but Gabe was pretty much expecting that. Anything to save herself. She knows this one is one I soon won't be getting over. She's probably scared I'll break up with her. I know I could never do that, but this hurts so damn bad... argh! Fuck, why me? WHy was is so hard for her to keep her damn legs closed.... ack! Fuck, clam down Gabey... she didn't even know you then, she had no idea you were coming along. Relax. Fuck, still, I can't get that picture of the two of them out of my head...urgghh!

Caught up in his thoughts, the last statement to pop out at him was Kara telling him they should leave. He was debating whether to throw a big fit in front of everyone to let people know he didn't stand for this kind of shit, or to quietly accept Kara's offer and argue about this the whole way home. He'd probably get some guilt sex out of the second choice, but a big part of him really wanted to make a scene to let the whole world know HE was a victim.

"Brad, if you upset my girl anymore, we're gonna have a problem here. A problem as in 'I'm going to break all of your teeth and both your arms' kind of problem". Ah, the hidden thrid option: violence
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Post by Ciel* »

"THAT'S what I'm trying to do. I really don't want to start anything with her Gabe. In fact I figured this would take all but two minutes, but that certainly has been shot down pretty quickly. I didn't want to make a huge deal of this, because it isn't a big deal."

What the hell do you mean that it's not a big deal? You slept with his girlfriend, and you've held it inside for god-knows how long. It is a big deal! Brad gave an annoyed look on his lips, one that just told everyone about how he really didn't see the big deal about this. Maybe it was because he himself couldn't remember what the hell he and Kara actually did that night. Maybe it was because it happened before Gabe ever came into the picture, and that Brad had never even spoke to Kara after the incident. Or maybe it was because Brad was in a huge bout of denial, and didn't want to see how big the situation he was it. He truly didn't know but he figured it was all of the above. Then, something that Kara told him struck him as funny.

"If ignoring my phone calls, pretending like you didn't know me at school, and not even leaving me your last name in the morning count as 'acting cool' then, hell, you're the kings of cool, no, you're the bloody king of kings of cool.

Wait... what the hell is she talking about? She never called me. I was waiting by the house phone for the whole week after that and... She stared down at the tabletop for a moment. Wait a second... I didn't give her my home number. I gave her my cell phone number...

Brad looked up at Kara. "Oh... about the phone. Yeah, I gave you my cell phone, and for god know why I left it at that party, or something. I lost it. That's why I never called you back... and I didn't leave my last name because... I had a heavy head, and I doubt there was any point in leaving it in the first place. Is that all that hostility was about? Because if it was, then I'm sorry. It really wasn't my fault, but that really isn't any excuse to begin with."

Maybe she might not hate me so much if I try to explain myself... I mean, she is a bitch, but she isn't that bad.... I think...
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Post by Buko »

"Don't apologize to her Brad, we all know that she couldn't go five feet without something being in her mouth and I think everyone in this bowling alley knows I'm not talking about a stick of gum.", Josh smiled a bit approaching the center of what would latter be referred to as ‘Bowling Alley Theater' if only for the amount of drama that was occurring at this station, after leaving Vikki Valentine he decided to follow Kara and involve himself with this whole quaint little thing called a social circle. Observing quietly from afar he decided that now was the perfect time to involve himself into this tumultuous love triangle that was occurring in front of his very eyes.

He now stood up next to Brad, Brad had been an interesting student from the get-go and Josh felt that targeting the former felon to join in his entourage, of course he still had to get a feel for how Brad would work in conflict and if provoking both Kara and Gabe into attack was what would need to happen than so be it. Josh however seriously doubted they would do anything so that's why he continued to speak.

"I told you that this was a bad idea Brad, besides why would you even want to make amends with this chick? Heard on windy days her lips smack against her thighs and not in a sexy way."

Josh then smirked a bit as he awaited the reaction of the rest of the participants of the conversation and hoped that Brad would either go along with this or have no choice but to.
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Post by RePeate* »


...and with that, Gabe lost it.

It was all too much for him to take. His body just acted on it's own. He balled his hand into a fist, and swung with his right as hard as he could at Josh (a kid he didn't even know that well). The impact didn't even hurt Gabe; by that point adrenaline had taken over. It was as if the whole world was moving in slow motion. He didn't even have to think about it. If anyone talked like that about Kara Gabe's reaction would be automatic. He didn't care for what would happen next, who would be there to back him up, or even about getting arrested. All he was concerned about was that he'd lay this fucker, and any other fucker that came afterwards, out on the floor.

He was pretty sure he'd hit Josh, but he couldn't tell for sure. He wasn't focused. He swung again with his left after what seemed like an eternity, but was actually less than a second. This time he wanted to be sure he connected the blow. Gabe was unsure of what he'd be capable of in his state of mind. He swung again, and then again and again at Josh. People around him were reacting in a very shocked manner, but all that existed at this moment was him, Josh, and pure hatred. He kept swinging, nothing else could stop him at this point.


As soon as Evan had heard Josh say what he'd said, he knew out of instinct what Gabe would do next. His heart was still racing from the cocaine in his system, but now it was being fueled by two stronger emotions: excitement and fear. On one hand, Evan loved a one-sided fight. And just about any fight with Gabe on his side was one-sided. On the other hand, he was very concerned for his own well-being. Evan was no coward, but the thought of having a black-eye or broken teeth scared the shit out of him. He was vain. He felt his looks were his best feature some days, and so he hesitated before jumping in. At first he was unsure of what to do. Should he pull Gabe off or help him out? Should he not get involved, or should he take care of Brad, whom he was sure would get involved somehow. While he sat pondering, he bided his time, taking in the fight and just watched. His eyes shot from one person in the crowd to the next, anticipating a move.
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Post by baby_g* »

((OOC: edited))

The words from the new stranger approaching them didn't even faze Kara. All she could focus on was how close she was to her bowling ball and how not to far away Brad was. It was only six pounds of whatever the hell it was made of, she was sure it'd do something. Gabe had already jumped up and started beating the kid before Kara could even blink. There wasn't anyone else except Brad now for her to take her anger out on. He was the one that started it all to be fair.

"Is this the kind of crud you hang out with now? Know what, I'm glad everything got fucked up. Why? Because now I have a good reason to do this, you asshole!"

Kara retrieved the ball from behind her and tossed it with all her might at Brad. When she had initially grabbed it she assumed it was hers that she had been using. Instead, due to not looking behind her at where which ball was, she mistakenly grabbed Gabe's 12 pound ball. Her first mistake was throwing it with one arm. She knew she hurt her elbow from the snapping nose it made when the ball left her hand. Her second mistake was not aiming at the pricks head. Instead it flew towards his middle half, causing him to be rendered to the floor if the blow connected.

There goes cheer leading practice next week...
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Post by Buko »

OoC- I was just saying since I needed time to counter the move, but whatever, this is my counter to Gabe's assault.

Gabe was the first to make a move, but that didn't really matter much right now as Josh simply brought up his arm and moved gracefully to the side, but not before grasping at the wrist. Having the boys wrist under his jurisdiction meant that Josh firstly had the ability to direct the boy, pulling the boy towards him and placing his other arm under the boys own (all the while maintaining the wrist control) and then bending the boys arm upwards (with the hand that had wrist control), all the while pushing upwards with the arm wrapped around Gabe's.

This arm hold (known to most of us as the Kimura), set in the position to break the boys arm in an instant and Josh smiled as he fully intended to make use of breaking the boys arm as he twisted the arm up at a stunning speed using the speed that the hook first had to aide him, when Josh would let go of the arm Gabe would find it to be a mangled up piece of bone and flesh -quite possibly with the bone sticking out of the forearm itself. Josh of course would wipe the dust off his fine white suit and lean back as he studied his opponents writhing form.

"Now, now kids, no need to get your panties in a bunch just because you stuck your dick into something as cavernous as the Grand Canyon."
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Post by Ciel* »

(OOC: I have no idea what just happened. The fight is now between Gabe and Josh? God... why must all the exciting shit happen while I'm asleep.)

Who the hell is this prick Brad told himself, watching as the boy whom he had never seen before in his entire life (that or he couldn't remember) came up and entered himself into the conversation. "W-who the hell are you, buddy?" he spoke up, his irritation growing to a full blume. "Listen, I don't need others fighting my own fights. They're called MY fights for a reason and I don't need someone speaking for me, or god forbid doing the fighting for me. So why don't you hightail it out of here before I-"

That... was when Gabe started something.

"The... fuck?"

"What the.... fuck?"

And unfortunately... that was when he got hit by a bowling ball. Into his open chest to be exact. Brad wasn't even expecting the ball to hit him, nor did he even expect Kara would have thrown it at him. It hurt like nothing else, making the boy cringe as he let out a loud painful cry. "JESUS CHRIST!!!" he yelled as he was brought to the ground with a loud thud. It took him only a second to figure out what had just happened, and when he did, he rose to his feet in a split second.

"You... threw a ball at me."

Brad stared at Kara, in both anger and confusion.

"You... threw a fucking bowling ball at me! You threw a BOWLING BALL AT ME."

His right hand, which had been twitching, balled up into a fist.

Brad lost it right then and there.


Brad really didn't care about himself anymore. He gripped the collar of Kara's shirt, his eyes aflame. "You know what Kara? Maybe I DID come over here to start something. I wished that wasn't the case to begin with but I won't deny it whatsoever. THE only reason I did this was because of me." This wasn't true of course but Brad wasn't thinking straight. He paused for a moment then continued. "You know.... you've pissed me off like nothing else the first time you ignored me. You can't lie to me."

Brad gleamed as if he was in an actual good mood, his anger unable to be anymore obvious. "I've experienced this kind of shit twenty times over, so I SHOULD know when you're trying to avoid me. That's fine. I could have kept quiet, but Gabe should had known about ALL OF THIS SHIT from the beginning. Having someone like ME sleeping with with YOU would be bad for your image, huh? That's why you didn't want anyone to know about it. Did I hit a bullseye there Kara? Oh, I bet I did. Well... You're a spoiled little BRAT, Kara. I bet the only reason you're with Gabe is because he's a football player. He maybe a nice guy, but hell I was just as much a nice guy back then. There's no point in denying it, Kara. The only reason you're with Gabe is that he's a football player."

He grinned for the next part. "I actually didn't want to hurt you, but... Now, seeing as how you'd hurt, EVEN kill you're way out of the truth... I've changed my mind. I want to see you cry. You know that bedtime story I just told Gabe? The one staring me and you? Yeah. EVERYONE'S GOING TO KNOW. Everyone. And not only will that give me some street cred and let Gabe back on the market to girls who will actually give a damn about him instead of his title... the best part about it is that everyone's going to know what a deceptful little bitch that you are. Heh... I hope you're happy. I'm going to make you regret EVER hitting me with that bowling ball."

He let go of her collar forcefully, not even stopping to care if she fell on the floor or not. He didn't care. He just didn't care.

((*Nutbrown's exit will be written later. He serves really no purpose, so I thought I should let everyone know.*))

(OOC: Sorry, Melissa. All of this is new to me. o.o)
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Post by Chase* »

CIEL: Please edit your post regarding the fight. We do not know if the counter was successful.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Marie avatar by Kermit.
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