Out on the Town and Out of the Closet

Old and new intertwine at Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. Established in 2003, Bryan wanted a retro, vintage look for his bowling alley, but he also wanted all the new age amenities. It boasts 42 lanes, a billiard area, and a VIP lounge complete with a huge plasma television. Friday night is "Theme Night", where the alley gives discounts to those individuals who come dressed in the theme of the night.
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Post by Ares »

((OOC: Please make the assumption that Steve did not leave, and is still sitting next to where the "fight" is taking place))

Steve had the exact same expression on his face as Evan as Gabe threw punches at the faggot in the white suit. The guy had Evan in an armbar like move, but Steve had faith Gabe would escape it, or that Evan would jump in, because more serious business had just gone down.

Despite the fact that Brad had many good points, he had just gotten physical with a woman, which was one thing in Steve's eyes, that you just do not do.

Steve got up and into Brad's face.

"I suggest you leave, right fucking now Brad. You don't ever lay a hand on a woman like that in front of me. Leave right now before I call in some of my more, how do I put this? Well lets just say they're a lot less civil than I'm being right now."

Steve then leaned over and offered his arm to help Kara up.

"Don't say a word. We'll take care of this later." He said to Kara quietly.
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Post by Ciel* »

"Listen, STEVEEE." Brad glared, looking over at Kara for a moment then back to the other man. "I can UNDERSTAND why you would say THAT, but I'm not sure if you noticed... Kara just threw A FUCKING bowling ball at me. A FUCKING bowling ball. Normally I wouldn't bother but that's just nuts no matter how you look at it. How could you bare to defend someone who is so desperate about something silly that they'd throw a bowling ball at you. Look at yourself Steve. " Brad wrapped his arms. "Second of all, I don't give a shit about who's backing you up. As far as I know the only person with you now... is you. Not Nigel or anyone else. But... I'll take my leave. I know when I'm not wanted, and frankly I don't give a shit about that."

Brad looked around for a second, turning slightly. "Maybe it might be best to get the hell out of here. The police are coming at any minute after all. You don't want to get cuffed for all of this shit, right? I've done my part to get out of jail, so I can tell you that I won't be going back there anytime soon." Brad made a motion to exit, sighing loudly. How the hell did all of this happen so quickly.
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Post by Megami* »

((Alright, because this thread seems to be the center of much drama, I'm wrapping it up. And yes, I did just godmod some characters into getting arrested, and I'm the admin, so I can do that. :-P))

Steve had offered to take her home, and Viki was more than happy to accept his offer, considering Chelsey had disappeared sometime prior and Viki certainly didn't want to walk all the way home this late at night, but then something had gone completely awry in the bowling alley, and everything had happen so fast that she wasn't quite sure what was even going on anymore.

She had followed Evan and Steve inside, against her better judgement considering she really didn't want to deal with Kara for the remainder of the night, and the strange kid that had been talking to them outside seemed to have slipped into the building as well, and right into the already heated conversation that was going on between Brad and Gabe. Words were exchanged, and all of a sudden, Gabe was flinging wildly at Josh. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to get a ride from Steve after all.

Viki wasn't about to get involved in the fight, and things were getting out of hand way too fast. Kara and Brad seemed like they were about to square off nearby, and Steve was right in the middle of everything. She could only imagine that Evan would jump in sometime soon as well, and probably Troy who was still sitting not all that far away, and quite possibly the remainder of the Southridge students that seemed to be loitering around the area.

All in all, it didn't look too good for any of them.

She heard the manager, who had until now been standing behind the counter watching the bowling alley, yell something at them, but the noise from the fight was so loud that Viki couldn't quite hear what he'd said. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him disappear, but she didn't give any thought to where he had gone. She was more concerned about not getting hit herself.

Man, we should've just gotten a lane by ourselves. What a nightmare.

She slunk down the corridor of the bowling alley once again before fishing her cell phone out of her purse. Chelsey was nowhere to be found and now seemed like a good time to make her grand exit from the bowling alley, before things got way too crazy.

They'd probably just get broken up anyway, and she somehow doubted that Steve would be in the mood to give her a ride home after this whole thing had happened. After a moment, she fished the cell phone out of the bottom of her purse and called her dad. The phone rang a few times before a kind voice picked up on the other side of the line.

"Hello?" the older man answered quizzically.

"Daddy?" Viki responded.

"Hey Vik!" Mr. Valentine replied, "What's up?"

"Can I get a ride?" she inquired.

"Oh, I would Vik, but I just got a call to head down to the bowling alley. Guy said some kids were stirring up some trouble down there, big fight or something. But hey, I'll call ya when we get done, and if you still need a ride, I'll come get ya, alright?"

"Uh..." Viki spat out, "Yeah... yeah dad, that's fine. I'll try to find another ride... thanks. I gotta go, I love you."

"Love you too Vik," her father mused before hanging up the phone.


Suddenly, the disappearance of the manager into the back room made perfect sense. He had probably yelled at them to break it up, and when they hadn't, he had called the police. Things were turning very ugly, very fast. She hadn't exactly wanted to walk home, or to walk anywhere, but it was probably time to cut their losses and get out of there.

She wasn't planning on grabbing Gabe or Kara or any of the group that was currently trying to kill one another, that much was for certain, but she definitely didn't want to head out onto the streets alone, and it was looking like that was going to be her only choice. The brawl only seemed to be escalating as she re-entered the bowling alley, and all she could really do was grab the nearest person to her, who happened to be Evan, and gently pull them to the side.

"The cops are coming," she stated in a hushed voice, "We should probably split, unless you wanna be some guy named Betty's bitch for the night."

She wasn't going to wait on Evan, he would either follow her or he wouldn't. Either way, she was getting out of there before the police -- namely her father -- showed up. It didn't matter that she hadn't been in the wrong, the fact that she had been at the scene to begin with would put her in a bad place, and although it would provide ample opportunity to do something horrible like get Kara in a lot of trouble, nothing was worth being escorted out of the bowling alley in handcuffs. She moved quickly back down the alley she had emerged from, trying to act inconspicuous as she headed out the door. Hopefully Evan would follow en suite. If not, he'd probably be arrested just like the remainder of them.

((Continued in The Paths We Take...))


Viki had barely made it out of the exit door before a squadron of police vehicles arrived in the parking lot of Bryan's Bowl-a-Rama. In no time at all, a swarm of police were surrounding the brawling students, slapping handcuffs on all of them, and escorting them outside and into the back of different police vehicles. The bowling alley was in chaos with the police, the students, and the other inhabitants scattered in various places. In the front, a dismayed Bryan was pointing at the culprits, and they were being escorted into police cruisers.

"So what're we gonna do with these kids?" one of the cops inquired to another, "Are we really gonna take 'em down to the station for fightin'?"

The other man shrugged.

"We should scare some sense into 'em, ya know it?" he grinned.

"Bryan pointed out the ones that started the fight," another stated, "The kid with the braces started everything, and the little blonde girl apparently hurled a bowling ball at one of the other kids. Ya think they're on drugs?"

The other two chuckled.

"Who knows? Kids are crazy these days."

((Feel free to wrap up here, or wherever.))
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Post by Ares »

"No disrespect meant here man but thats a smart move man, and a good one." Steve said.

The doors slammed open and just as Steve over heard Viki tell Evan that the cops would probably show. The cops grabbed Gabe and some others as Steve just stood there looking around, wondering if he'd be next in handcuffs.

To his luck he was not one of the people put in handcuffs. As they were being lead out Steve noticed Viki scrambling out the door, not in handcuffs either.

"Dude, I'll post your bail if I can when I get down there, just keep your fucking mouth shut." Steve yelled to Gabe.

"Viki! You still need a ride home? I'll have some time to kill before posting bail, since they have to book these idiots."
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Post by Buko »

OoC- Post Edited!

It all made sense now.

The chaos had escalated to a point where it was almost unbelievable, while Josh was in the process of breaking the Gabe's arm it seemed that the management had gone into the back and called the police, during the few moments that the fight had started -and believe me it was quite the impressive fight, bowling ball's and fist's being thrown- almost everyone in the Bowling Alley had gathered around the fight. Though Josh had every intention of maintaining this move and breaking the boy's arm, a wrench was put into his plans as one of the following teens shouted.

"The cops!"

Letting go of the hold Josh's eyes widened as he turned around and saw all chaos breaking loose, kids going for the doors, kids who had nothing to do with the fight being grabbed just to be sure and for once in his life Josh was overcame with a sense of fear; being arrested for the tiniest thing was a smudge on his record, he was suspect, talking to people and taking advantage of them would be hundreds of times more difficult and let's not even mention getting a job. Normally Josh would've thought this all through, but instead he decided to just run out as fast as he could in this angry mob that was now heading towards the door: Gabe didn't matter nor did this whole social circle, what mattered was getting out. He approached the door with all of his speed, one inch away from escape, one moment from getting out of here.

The cop grasping his jacket brought him into a world of fear that nearly caused him to shit himself.

He knew it was a police officer, but he also knew that things where not over yet, he was still one of many and the police officer only had a hold on his jacket. Slipping out of the jacket -made simpler due to the fact that it was silk) Josh busted out the front door only to find himself tackled down to the floor immediately . Josh was dragged to the car and then brought out in front where he was sat out with the rest of the culprits simply thinking as he was alone in the cop car, the cop in there smiled a bit looking back at the kid with a smile on his face.

"So, if you didn't start the fight, why did you run away?"

Josh laughed a little bit before wiping his brow, he sighed as he looked at the Police Man through the rear-view mirror.

"To be completely honest, I was scared, you see I'm the valedictorian at Southridge and the one responsible for organizing club activities...this stuff doesn't happen to me too often.", the police officer shook his head as he pulled up to Josh's house, Josh's face overwhelmed with surprise. They took him up the porch and explained the situation to his mother, who simply nodded quietly, the police officer was very adamant in telling her that Josh merely defended himself and that this would just be a warning.

His mother of course chastised him when the police man left, but Josh simply took it, even combating his mother's rather domestic logic was far too much trouble. As he stood in his shower, washing off the perspiration that had built up on him due to this rather foreign emotion known as fear, Josh hummed a bit.

I can never come this close to being arrested again.

((Josh Goodman continued elsewhere))
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Post by Megami* »

((Sorry to hold up posting again, but I've got a question. Why did the cop just let him go out the door instead of tackling him to the ground? I dunno about the HBPD, but our security guards at the mall are pretty nutso, I watched 'em tackle a 14 year old boy for shoplifting. And, I mean, they were security guards.))
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Post by Ares »

((Sorry but))

Also, the fact that Meg stated they were already being loaded into the cars, so they have 99% sure already been cuffed. How does one escape from cuffs, when the cop is right behind you. Good job controlling the NPC cop though to make your escape, did I call that one on MSN or what?
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Post by Ciel* »

You know... I kinda figured this would happen. Jesus christ. Brad sighed to himself. I should have known this would escalate to his point. Damn it... why me. Why me, of all people? Brad grumbled, glaring over at Troy for a moment. He wanted to tell Troy to get him out of this situation, but frankly if Brad had called out to him then the both of them would be in trouble. Instead, Brad motioned towards his bookbag, hoping that Troy would hold onto it for him until he got out. Something was telling Brad that it was going to be a very long night. With another grumble, Brad glared over at Kara, sighing loudly as he was being forced away. As if to say "if it weren't for you, none of this would have happened."

((Continued in Round One, Fight Three; Brad vs. Melissa))
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Post by baby_g* »

Kara fell to the floor after being released from Brads grasp due to her nursing her elbow. She overheard Brad exchange words with Steve as well as the cops were beginning to take everyone outside. One taller older officer with salt and pepper hair under his cap lifted Kara up to her feet. He asked if she was alright seeing how she was in tears and holding her arm. She probably would have been let go if Bryan behind the counter hadn't told them she was the one who threw a bowling ball at someone.

Kara was placed in the back of the cop car, the same as Gabe. She scootched over as close as possible to him and tried to get his attention. He seemed to be staring at the back of the chair.

"I'm really sorry Gabe. I'm so sorry."

((Continued in Thoughts Better Left Unspoken))
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Post by RePeate* »

Everything happened so quickly. Before Gabe knew it the fight was over and his head was being ducked down to be put into a cop car in handcuffs. It was the first time Gabe had ever been in trouble with cops, and to be honest he wasn't very worried about it. It was a simple teenager fight in a bowling alley, he'd likely be put in a holding cell for the night and let out the next morning. What did scare him were his parents. His step-father would be furious, no doubt about it. He may not even let Gabe sign up for hockey this year (something Gabe had been doing since he was a little kid). Gabe playing hockey meant the world to Gabe's step-father, so his step-dad would have two major reasons to be dissapointed in Gabe. As for Gabe's mom, she'd probably be silent about the whole incident. Uncomfortable silence was what Gabe would get from his mother whenver he'd gotten into trouble. And he knew this time would be no different. Sometimes the quiet treatment he'd get from his mom would hurt him even more than any punishment his step-father could dish out.

Gabe remained seated in the back of the police cruiser, watching the people he knew get loaded into cars around him. He lost sight of Evan and Steve. Steve had probably been able to talk his way out of being arrested. Gabe had no doubt Evan had run off. He was very self-preserving like that. It almost made Gabe believe Evan was a bit cowardly. Kara scooted next to him close in the car (what luck, they'd been put in the same car together) and apologized for what had happened. Gabe ignored her. How could she sleep with a loser like Brad? What the fuck Kara? I thought you had standards... . He put on a brave face, showing little emotion and just replied "It's ok babe.... it's going to be ok. Don't worry about me. Just forget it." I'm going to KILL that fucker Josh the next time I see him


Meanwhile Evan was not hesitant to escape with Viki when the opportunity presented itself. He was still a bit jolted from the drugs, and the last thing he needed was to be taken into police custody. If his father ever found out...

"Viki, hold up!" he whispered loudly, trying very hard not to draw attention of the nearby cops. He grabbed at her hand. "I'm coming with you. I can't stay here". His heart was pounding again. "Where should we go?"

((Continued in The Paths We Take...))
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Steve saw Evan make a beeline for Viki.

Meh, he'll take care of her. Though, where the hell was he when this all went down? I could have swore he was next to me when I came back. Oh well, now I have to go get Gabe out of jail. Fucking bail is going to cost me a shit load

Checking his wallet as he made his way back to his truck, Steve figured a quick stop at the ATM would probably be needed. He had no idea what bail would be, if there would be any at all, but it was better to be prepared.

"This night just doesn't have an end does it?" He mumbled under his breath as he pulled his Ford Lightning out of the parking lot.

((Steve continued elsewhere))
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