One Way or Another

Tagging Tonyksin.

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One Way or Another


Post by Endellion »

"Hi, Faith, it's me. So, uh... Heard you had a little problem a while back. Explains why I haven't seen you around."

[ Julien Leblanc continued from Registered Lobbying ]

One of the few benefits of how much his peers loved to talk that he could think of was that at least things could become known sooner rather than later. Even if there was a tendency to exaggerate things.

Either way, Julien supposed she wouldn't want to be saying much herself right about now; taking a hit to the face tended to do that. So, just in case he somehow wound up forgetting to do it later on, he'd found somewhere to stop and send her a voicemail instead of calling.

"Well, hey, I suppose you can say nothing got broken at least, right? And... Hey, now you get to practice telling people to fuck off without talking. Trust me, it could be far worse."

It wasn't lost on him that trying to get a laugh out of her, now of all times, was a rather terrible idea. Julien still remembered how he'd felt when he was recovering from his own accident, and while Faith didn't have it nearly so bad, it felt almost too cavalier of him to ignore that. But on the other hand, finding something to at least amuse him had been a great help to take his mind off the pain. Hopefully it could do the same for her.

"All that aside though, I hope you feel better soon. Later."

A tap of the red button later, Julien slipped his phone back into a pocket and went on his way. Or at least, he would have liked to. Life had a habit of not turning out quite as people wanted, and this time wasn't going to the exception to that rule.
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Post by Tonyksin »

“Wow Jules, you really soft-balled it for her huh?”

[Lorenzo Tavares Memories Continued From Jawbreaker]

The voice of Lorenzo Tavares sniped at the other teen from behind a protruding wall in the parking lot of George Hunter High School. Lorenzo was crouched down in an almost seated position, hidden from view of the school building and any teacher’s prying eyes as he puffed on a Camel Menthol. Lorenzo took a long drag from his cigarette, never breaking eye contact with the other boy, before stubbing the butt of the cigarette out on the pavement and standing up from his previous position. He let the smoke exhale from his lungs as he moved a bit closer to the other student, and smirked at the boy.

“From what I heard, Sierra rocked the dumb bitch in the face so hard it shut her up for a good while. Which honestly, was a blessing for all of us.” Lorenzo laughed at his own comment and looked Julien up and down. He let his eyes roam over the boy’s features before settling back on his eyes. “You know, you’re way too cute to be hanging around a troll like Faith. You should pick your friends better, Jules.”

Lorenzo couldn’t help himself. He knew that Julien was not going to be amused by his comments, but the look on his face was by far the best thing he’d seen all day. Lorenzo didn’t really mind Julien so much, but Faith was another matter entirely. He’d never gotten along with that harpy, and when he heard that Sierra had given her what she had coming for a long time, he couldn’t lie, he’d been absolutely thrilled. He was only upset he hadn’t been there to see it for himself. So when he heard Julien’s ridiculous phone call trying to cheer the bitch up, he had no way of controlling his mouth. Lorenzo’s smarmy grin still painted on his face, he locked eyes with Julien and awaited his inevitably appalled response. This was gonna be fun.
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Post by Endellion »

As if on cue, one of those very people he'd just been thinking about came along.

Julien sighed, looking Lorenzo right back in the eyes. "I'd ask if there's even any point, but you just can't help yourself, can you?" Not only had he woken up with a headache, but now he couldn't even wish one of his friends well without someone crawling out of the woodwork to give him grief over it? This really wasn't looking to be his day... though it'd let him vent a little frustration, so that was something.

"And you know, all things considered, I'd say I choose my friends about as well as I can. More than can be said for some."

He didn't exactly believe Faith was a saint. Far from it, even if he wasn't about to admit that to his present company. Julien doubted that some around here even needed a reason to skip straight to throwing punches, sure, but given what she was like he hardly put it past her to have a hand in things coming to that. What Lorenzo didn't seem to grasp is that he could see that and had made the choice to accept it. "Now, is there anything else you want to add or can I move on with my day and leave you to push yourself closer to lung cancer in peace?"
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Post by Tonyksin »

Julien had it right, Lorenzo really couldn’t help himself. Try as he might, he absolutely loved getting under the skin of people like Julien and Faith. There was something about knocking people like them off their high horses that appealed to his sense of justice (as skewed as it might be). After all, Faith was just another schoolyard bully who got what she deserved, and if Julien wanted to pretend she was some sort of victim and defend her, it made him just as culpable for her awful actions.

“Oh you wound me, Jules! And here I thought we could have a nice little chat.” Lorenzo sighed dramatically and locked his fingers behind his head and stretched. He gave Julien a sideways glance.

“Rumor has it getting punched isn’t the only thing Conservative Barbie’s been up to with that mouth of hers. I hear she's become a frequent passenger on the Wyatt express.” Lorenzo had a good chuckle after that comment.

“I guess it makes a lot of sense, hate-spewing fucks like them belong together.” Lorenzo laughed again and smirked at Julien. “It's almost poetic, don't you think?”
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Post by Endellion »

Lorenzo had already managed to piss him off alright, so at least he was getting straight to what he wanted to say.

"If she wants to take a ride with the Mr. Clean reject for some reason, that's her business." Julien shrugged.

Unsure as he was how anyone could actually find lasting appeal in a wedge of muscle with an egg for a head and a vomit-green tank top on, he would still say that a dumb choice was a choice all the same. Though... On second thought, he could hazard a guess or two as to the reasons why.

"And while it might be a shocker, Laurie," two could play at that game, "I really don't care about politics. It's worked well enough for me so far." He and Faith didn't agree with each other on a lot of things; Julien would have no issue admitting that if anyone ever asked. That was why they'd made a silent agreement not to get into it somewhere along the line. The problem was that nobody took the time to.

Because clearly getting along with someone means you're cut from the exact same cloth, right? Fucking idiots.

"Have you met Myles, by the way? Going off what I've heard the two of you would get on like a house on fire. Insufferable, with bad taste in hair and a compulsion to talk shit about people; ringing a bell yet? You couldn't have said it better yourself, after all. Like attracts like."
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Lorenzo felt his left eye twitch with the mention of Myles. Myles wasn’t exactly one of his favorite people. The two of them had never quite gotten along in all the years they’d known each-other. They say you know people by the company they keep, and by that token, Myles was the kind of person Lorenzo hated the most. Anyone who spent their days nipping at the heels of a wretched bitch like Ivy didn’t deserve Lorenzo’s time of day. Like attracts like, huh? Julien apparently didn’t understand the difference between talking shit, and simply calling people out on their terrible behavior. He’d let the hair comment slide for now, bigger fish to fry.

“Thanks for the offer, but there are some things even I won’t put in my mouth.” Lorenzo turned to face Julien, his face twisted in a look of contempt.

“And no offense,” He seethed. “but politics isn’t the issue when it comes to your little friend. You can’t claim neutrality when you stand on the sideline and let someone like her say and do the things she does.”

Lorenzo glared at the other boy when he said this, his eyes losing all the playfulness they previously held, being replaced by a cold indignation. His jovial attitude vanished, and he felt himself straighten up to his full height. Lorenzo stepped a few paces forward until he’d invaded Julien’s personal space, leaning in so their faces were only a few inches apart. His voice softened.

“I get it though, Jules, I really do. You must’ve figured if you held on long enough, eventually it would be your turn at bat for her. It must be so frustrating to know she’s taking it regularly from ol’ egghead.”

Lorenzo looked Julien dead in the eyes and sneered at him. He placed the fingers of his left hand lightly at the collar of Julien’s shirt, and slowly let them travel downwards. He licked his lips and brought his voice down to a low growl.

“But hey, I’m a nice guy. Why don't you let me help you find some release. ”
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Post by Endellion »

Julien tried his level best to be considerate, as he'd been raised to believe was best. Being nice wasn't something that often proved especially hard for him; a welcome difference from most, in his opinion. But some people, like the one in front of him and getting uncomfortably close right now, made that impossible because the hardest thing about pushing others' buttons for them was deciding which to go for first.

And Lorenzo was hammering on every single one of those that he could reach right now. It was working too.

"I think she's a bitch to say some of the things she does, just like you. The thing is, it isn't about standing on the sidelines or letting her do anything. I like what we've got going on there and I'm not fucking dumb enough to think she'd actually listen to me." He reached up to take off his glasses and returned the glare sent his way with interest. But of course, he was hardly content to leave well enough alone and now it was a wonder Julien couldn't hear his blood starting to boil and drowning out the sound of shit being spewed everywhere.

How fucking dare you. Just had to go there, huh?

"You think I treat my friends, any of them, like pieces of meat, you cunt? I can actually keep it in my pants, unlike half of this school. And I least I know when someone isn't for me." Normally he might say this was enough of a mess already, but at this point Julien was well past caring. If Lorenzo wanted to get under his skin and dig his nails in he had succeeded alright.

"But God forbid I actually care instead of wanting a quick fuck, right? Even if I did, Laurie, I wouldn't pick you if you were the last person left on Earth. I'm afraid the smell of sluttiness and cigarette smoke is a big turn-off for me."

As Julien backed up away from Lorenzo, he could almost hear a little voice that he supposed would profess itself to be wisdom in the back of his mind telling him that he could just turn his back on this and probably be better off for it. He supposed he'd inherited it from his mother; she did tend strongly towards being peaceful, and sure, it was an admirable quality. But the sneering, insufferable bastard in front of him had crossed one too many lines to just up and walk away from it.

"Release does sound good to me right about now though," he said, spite in his voice starting to shine through, "and hey, I've got something you can chew on right here too." Since he started trying to punch Lorenzo in the face just a moment or two after he finished talking, a little warning seemed fair enough.
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Lorenzo had done his job. He had successfully gotten so far under Julien’s skin that the boy had gone from stoic to furious in a heartbeat. He even pulled his glasses off just so he could stare Lorenzo down better. The whole thing just made Lorenzo grin. Yeah, maybe he was taking his frustrations for another person (Faith, obviously) out on Julien, who by all accounts hadn’t exactly done anything to him, but it felt good all the same. True neutrality didn’t exist in this world, everyone was on one side or another. Julien and Lorenzo were not on the same side, not by a long shot. So you never even try to get her to listen to what you think? You just resign yourself that she’ll do what she wants no matter what you say? That’s some ‘friendship’ you’ve got there, Lorenzo thought to himself bitterly. This was why he kept his distance. ‘Friends’ were only there to disappoint you when you needed them most, he’d had to learn that the hard way.

When Julien actually dug out the c-word Lorenzo was slightly amused. It was a fun word to hear coming out of the blonde’s mouth. Lorenzo had just been messing with Julien when he came on to him earlier, but seeing this side of the other boy sort of got him riled up. Oof, and he called Lorenzo a slut? Now he was definitely into it. Hate sex WAS the best sex after all. Not that he really thought Julien would go for it after this was done, but it was fun to think about.

Julien took a few steps back from Lorenzo, and Lorenzo stayed where he was, continuing to sneer at the other boy as he finished his rant. If he was honest, what happened next was not at all what he expected. He really thought this was just gonna be a fun verbal tussle. Apparently, he’d underestimated his own skill at pissing people off, as well as Julien’s rage. Julien’s fist connected with his face just where his cheekbone and nose met, and threw Lorenzo’s head back a bit from the force. Lorenzo would have been almost impressed that the other boy had the balls to actually hit him, had he not just been punched directly in the face. Instead, the only thought running through Lorenzo’s head as he took a few steps back from the blow, left hand quickly covering the spot that had been attacked, was how he was going to fucking wreck the blonde boy in front of him. Lorenzo also may have been a bit more turned on than he’d openly admit, but that was a mental struggle for another day. He pulled his hand away from where the boy had hit him, and his palm had a bit of blood on it. Lorenzo licked his lips and winced. It seemed his upper lip had been split from the impact. That was annoying. His gaze slowly found its way back to Julien, and he found himself grinning at the other student.

“Wow Jules, I didn’t think you had it in you! You really hit me!” As he spoke Lorenzo started to walk closer to the other boy. “That was really dumb on your part.” As the words left his mouth his right hand shot out to grab Julien by his shirt collar and pull him in, his left fist coming in quick to meet the other boy’s face. Possibly more than once if he had the chance.
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[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Post by Endellion »

"That so?"

Julien was well and truly seeing red now as Lorenzo got a hold of him by the shirt and pulled him in to return the favour that he'd just been given.

The punch hurt more than he expected it would, making his head snap back a little, but he could take a hit to the head or two and carry on going so Lorenzo keeping his hands nice and high worked out just fine.

Another left hit Julien square in the face as he threw a jab at Lorenzo's ribs with his right hand. If the first one hadn't drawn blood, the second absolutely did. He could feel it starting to trickle out of his nose and it gave him that much more reason to keep on throwing out punches.
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The feeling of his fist connecting with the other boy’s face over and over was extra satisfying. Even though he’d probably hesitate to admit it, Lorenzo sort of got off on shit like this. It was super masculine and visceral. Sometimes things just need to be said with your fists, screw society’s rejection of that base human desire. If anything, after Julien hit him, Lorenzo had a newfound respect for the blonde-headed teen. At least a lot more respect than he had for him at the start of this conversation.

All of a sudden he felt one of Julien’s fists dig into his rib-cage, and he felt the wind get knocked out of him for a second. As he tried to collect his breath, he felt another fist connect in around the same spot, so to give himself a second to breathe he quickly shoved the other boy away from him. Lorenzo’s left hand went to his rib-cage unconsciously to check for damage. Not that he’d be able to tell at this point, but the body can be weird like that.

Lorenzo gritted his teeth and lunged at the other student, digging his shoulder into Julien’s stomach and knocking the other boy to the pavement below them. Once they were down on the ground, Lorenzo quickly straightened himself up over Julien and started to bring down his fists on the other boy, landing hits wherever he could.

“Got you now bitch!”
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[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Post by Endellion »

There was a dull thud as the back of Julien's head smacked against the ground when he was tackled, and another when the first punch of an awful lot hit him in the face. His arms came up to protect him after that, but he was stuck in a bad position right now, having taken one too many shots to the head for his liking and hardly able to block everything sent his way.

A particularly well-placed fist connected with his chest and made him wince as it forced the breath out of him. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

Taking a few more like that told him he really needed to get himself clear. Julien kicked out at Lorenzo as much as he could while he scrambled away to catch his breath for a moment, then came right back at the annoying bastard in front of him swinging, looking for a few more hits of his own. The thought of trying to kick him again did cross his mind, but leaving himself unbalanced would be a horrible idea. He wasn't about to invite another tackle like that and get put on the ground again if he could help it.

"You sure about that?" It was lost on Julien that he was grinning as he struck away not caring where they landed in the slightest, teeth stained a dirty red and spite in his eyes.
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Lorenzo’s barrage of punches fell off a bit when he felt Julien’s foot connect with his stomach over and over. As he attempted to raise his upper body away from the invading shoe, Julien started to scramble backwards whilst still kicking out at Lorenzo. The flurry of kicks hit him in the chest and shoulders, and as Lorenzo made an attempt to catch the leg from doing any more damage, he felt the sole of Julien’s shoe connect hard with his right cheek, sending the green-haired teen back on his haunches. Julien took the opportunity to escape from under him and get back onto his feet.

Lorenzo made to stand up as well, but before he had the chance Julien was upon him with a rain of fists. Lorenzo felt the first few punches hit him directly in the face, and buried his face in the crook of his right arm to try and protect himself from the assault. Julien’s hits were quick, but didn't pack the same punch his first few had. That meant he must’ve been feeling some pain. Not that Lorenzo wasn’t in the same boat. He had to get the upper hand back.

“You fucking cunt!”

From his still kneeling position, Lorenzo brought his right leg up while still enduring Julien’s non-stop hits. Then, using all the force he could muster, Lorenzo used his right leg to shoot his whole body up as fast as possible, bursting through Julien’s fists and grabbing onto his right shoulder tightly with his left hand, making sure to dig his fingers in as much as he could. Lorenzo snagged the other boy by the wrist with his free hand and used his momentum to headbutt the blonde boy as hard as he could, aiming his own forehead directly for the other boy’s nose, letting go of his grip on the other boy as his hit connected, hoping to send him to his ass and give himself a bit of a breather.
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That one most definitely wiped the grin off his face.

When his eyes opened back up Julien found himself looking skyward. It wasn't exactly the first time in his life, so he was aware enough of how he ended up there.

Whatever that was, it had caught him really good, his brain well and truly rattled in its cage. It hadn't quite been enough to knock him out by his reckoning, which Julien did doubt he could fully trust, but... past a certain point, did it even matter that much?

Of course, there were still more important things to think about right now. Like the person who'd left him laid out like this. His head was burning and it was worryingly hard to tell if his nose had been left broken or not. For not knowing when to keep his mouth shut, Lorenzo definitely knew how to look out for himself well enough. Though... he supposed that was a matter of necessity for anyone lacking a sterling silver spoon to shove up their ass.

By the looks of it, he wasn't the only one who'd needed the time to gather himself back together. So he stayed on the ground for a few moments longer before easing himself up to his feet, taking the time to raise a hand to his face and spit out a glob of blood. His nose didn't physically feel broken, so that was something at least. When he advanced again, Julien was slower and stayed more cautious than before. The next punch he threw had a little more weight put behind it than the ones prior, headed straight at Lorenzo.
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As far as plans go, that may not have been the best.

When Lorenzo’s forehead crashed into Julien’s face it had the desired effect for sure, sending the other boy sprawling onto his back on the pavement below. What Lorenzo hadn’t accounted for was the mind-rattling pain the impact would inflict on his own skull. Lorenzo groaned as he clutched his skull and tired to will the world around him to stop spinning for a second. Note to self, headbutts are not to be used lightly in a fight. Lorenzo stumbled backwards a bit, mumbling curses and attempting to focus his vision on his surroundings. He wasn’t even aware of Julien picking himself up yet, Lorenzo still trying to catch his breath and clear the cobwebs from his brain.

By the time he realized Julien was up and moving in to strike, it was much too late. Lorenzo's eyes widened as he saw the fist fast approaching, and before he could even attempt to block it, he took the full force of the blow hard in the jaw. Once again he felt his brain rattle around in his skull and the force snapped his head backwards. Lorenzo wasn't in a proper stance to take the blow, so his legs came out from under him and he ended up falling on his ass hard. Lorenzo looked up at the other boy, who looked about as beat the fuck up as Lorenzo felt, and grinned.

“Fuck, bro… I really felt that one.” he chuckled a bit as he brought up his right hand to rub his sore jaw. He coughed a bit and spit to his left, all blood in that one. He continued to chuckle until it became a full-fledged laugh. Lorenzo let his body fall backwards onto the pavement and he just lay there for a moment trying to calm his heavy breathing.

“That's all she wrote for me… huff… huff… I think I'm done.” He found himself caught in a laughing fit again and pushed himself up so he was propped up on his elbows. He stared at the other boy with a blood-stained grin on his face.

“Nice right hook, Jules. You got more spunk in you than I thought.”
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[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Julien tripped over when he threw that last punch anyway, so that left them about even.

Something about Lorenzo being able to laugh after going to town on him and almost breaking his nose dug in under his skin even further than before... but he was too tired and hurting to hold onto it, whether he wanted to or not.

"I could say the same about you, Laurie..." Julien rolled over onto his back, all sprawled out and a total mess.

He could feel a deep weariness starting to set into his bones already, and it wasn't the kind that was just ignored. It didn't help that staying where he was for the rest of the day, impossible though it was, seemed distinctly more preferable to him than having to explain his current situation to his father. He knew head injuries bled worse than they were, but looking down at himself was still disconcerting. The shirt he was wearing was consigned to the trash, in all likelihood.

Julien sighed, a deep attempt to excise frustration. "Fuck knows why I'm telling you this but, just between you and me, there's one thing you don't seem to get," he turned his head so he could look at Lorenzo and immediately regretted doing so, "and it's that I'm not naïve enough to try and suck the poison out of Faith when she may as well bathe in it. All I'd do is hurt myself, right thing to do or not. See... when we move on from this shit and Wyatt leaves her behind, and it'll be long before his brains finally devolve to the puddle of piss sloshing inside his skull that we all know them to be, guess where she winds up?"

That wasn't something he held any delusions of virtue over, for what little Julien found it to be worth. Waiting for her to get let down so he could come on in right when he was really needed and show her what she'd been missing all along... How very noble of him. Lorenzo was well within his rights to call him a cunt.

"And... You know, I genuinely do see a good person in there, for however much shit it's hidden under. I wouldn't stick by her like this if I didn't." It was still telling to him that he was more able to say all this to someone he'd just split open and actively set out to hurt than people he trusted. Maybe it was the pain talking.

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