On the Run

A dirt path that seems to lead everywhere and nowhere. It branches outwards and all sorts of directions, leading this way and that.
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On the Run


Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: Start Place for Boy 26))

Sneakers slammed at the ground as he burst from the bursh and hit the dirt path and headed down it giving off the "Help!" everyone couple of meteres.Mayeb someone would help him and try and help him its not like he couldnt do with it,his weapon being disposable razors that still sat in his bag and he was being pursued with some girl with..claws? Whatever they were they sure didnt look friendly.

A weary glance slid over his shoulder as he would duck behind a tree pressing his back to the rough bark of a tree as he sucked in the air and closed his eyes.He had never been the athletic type and he had been doing alot of running lately but what was his other option? Fight and loose.

Bottom lip bit as he would try and diseppear against the tree as his pressed his back harder against the tree hoping to have the female if still pursuing him run right past.Eyes closed as he would silently mouth a prayer.
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OOC: Continued from "Walking into the house of Blood": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=324
IC: Jacob was now ready to admit it: he had no idea where he was going. Being without a map or means of finding directions, he was forced to wander about aimlessly, relying on memory as he searched for someone who knew how to escape (or a corpse, so he could try to figure the collar out, though it didn't matter, he'd still play the game and escape on the boat at the eastern shore when he was the last one standing). He had been quite unlucky, the only people he had encountered had attacked him on sight or tried to rob him. No matter, he'd eventually find someone who knew how to get off, and he'd kill them once they told him. As he walked through the path, he saw a boy hiding behind a tree, apparently trying to escape someone. Quietly walking up to him, he put the cold barrel of his gun up to the side of his head.

"Who are you? Are you playing this game?"
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Eyes stayed closed as he felt the cold metal of the barrel of a gun be pressed against the side of his head,that tightness in his chest seemed to intensify as very slowely his hands would raise from his sides to be held up showing he wasnt a threat.White teeth chewed at his bottom lip for a second before very slowely he managed to get out some words.

"D D..Dorian,Im Do Dorian..Greywood..Im not playing b bu but the girl who is going to be coming through here any se second is.." his fingers would wiggle a little showing that he wasnt holding anything.

Boy did he have bad luck from the saber girl..to the girl with the claws and now a boy with a handgun.This just wasnt his day.

The boy looked like no threat with neat hair and a pair of thick rimmed black spectacles sitting on his nose,the spectacles seeming to be the main feature of that pale and mostly average face that was laced with sweat from the run and now from the fear of his oncoming death.
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"So either you're being chased, or you knew I was coming and called in re-enforcements." Jacob said as he lowered his gun slightly.

"You look like a smart man, Mr. Graywood," Jacob's tone was suddenly too polite to mean any good, "I have a proposition for you, it can be of mutual benefit. I'll be brutally honest: I am playing, but I also want to get off this island. Here's the deal, you help me try to figure a way off, and I help you stay alive. Seems like a fair investment. Of course, if you refuse, I can't let you leave this area, so you don't really have a choice." he finished, smiling slightly as he gripped his holstered pistol threateningly.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"O off? Off the island?" he said very slowely his vocal chords only coming into power as he saw that gun being lowered.So it was help this crazy guy or bite the bullet well the choice was obvious but at least this guy didnt seem to on edge and if they got off the island there would be no need for this boy to kill him.

He nodded his head a couple times as he forced a very weak smile and reached up to adjust his glasses.He would take them off trying to look a little confident as he would clean the lenses with his finger.

"Chased..But I dont know if she is still following me..She has claws,cat claws sort of thing like that bruce lee movie..She is crazy really c crazy.." he said as he would peek around the edge of the tree no thundering steps so she must have stopped chasing him.The girl moved like a moose and her features werent much more complex.

"Off the island? Do you have any ideas?..Im good with computers and electronics..Ive read books on them..Ive read books on anything.Im very h handy" he couldnt help but stutter in the presence of a firearm.Blue eyes flickered to the holstered weapon "Well with everything but using one of those.."
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"All we have to do is get the collars off and avoid the cameras--or disable them, it's really a matter of choice--, then we can escape using the boat that's at the shore. That's my plan anyway." Jacob answered, releasing the grip on his pistol as Dorian said how he didn't know how to use one.

"It's simple really, just point and shoot. Anyway, we should find a corpse or something so we can try to figure out how to remove the collars. The rest should be cake after that."
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"Point and shoot and theres the recoil...ammo..jamming and fieldstripping..Other things Ive read books on it...The world was shaped by wars and wars were fought with guns right?..Collars.Theyve got exsplosive I dont want to get my hand blown off by fucking with them.." he said as one hand rose to the silver collar around his neck fingertips trailing the smooth metal of the collar.Get these things off? Who was to say as soon as they started fooling with the cameras or the collars the people running this game would jus detonate his collar and stop the escape attempt?

One last glance was given to the gun before he looked up to Jacob.The guy was a friend more an ally than anything but he was most definetely not going to kill Dorian."Boats..They would have choppers I guess..The ones that flew us here.They would just shoot us down or if they didnt get us the boat would be sunk..Something fast would be ideal.Worst comes to worst we could take a boat and try and weld some metal over the windows? Long as we dont our measurments correctly we should have some nice armour without sinking.." he said with a strengthened smile.Escape..This was somethign he could really sink his teeth into.
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"Not that bad of an idea." Jacob said approvingly, leaning against another tree.
"Unfortunately, that canoe happens to be the only vehicle on the island. As to what they would do about messing with the cameras: nothing. I saw one camera completely smashed at the shore, and there wasn't any corpse with it's neck blown out. I suppose if they sink the boat, we could swin to shore, depends where exactly this island is. Seems like it's in either the Carribean or the Mediterranean. So either swimming west would land us in Mexico or swimming north would end up with us in Asia or Africa."
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" A very stupid idea I know but we could use it as they did in pirates of the Caribbean...Yeah I know that sounds stupid but if were not to far from land we could walk across the floor of the sea for a short while using the air in the Canoe with us till we come up onto the other island.The water would scramble there signal and they couldnt hurt us I dont think..They have choppers but submarines I dont think..Not for us..It might be tight but its possible" he said before giving a shake of his head at how stupid it all sounded.

"Ill think of something..I promise.Glider from that lookout point it looked pretty high and I thought I could see a landmass near..Whatever were going to need materials to do it...Erm..You never gave me youre name..Im Dorian" he said seconds later remembering he had already been forced at gunpoint to introduce hismelf.
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Post by Slayer* »

"The problem with that idea is both seas I mention have a large shark population and are very deep. It would suck to escape the terrorists to become fish food, don't you think?" Jacob replied to Dorian's first plan while listening for footsteps.

"So your second plan is using the lookout point as a landing plan to fly off this island? We'd need a hell of a good glider, but it could work. I'm Jacob, by the way. You may have heard of me from the announcements."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Announcments?..Im not sure what youre talking about,Sorry.Ive only been here a couple of hours and Ive nearly died three times that must be some sort of a record or something..Only thing I can think Ive heard near to announcment was..a classroom? Some place with a guy and a cigar talking about the game..Its all a little hazy.I guess its nice to meet you jacob even though you nearly shot me..Wouldnt blame you seems everyone else on this island is looking for an easy kill and Im it" He said with a grinn as he would slide his glasses back onto his face and look towards Jacobs own face.The words of sharks had just caused his idea of the canoe to be thrown onto the "shitty and useless" pile in a corner of his mind.

"Most likely they can hear us..Its only sensible have you checked the cameras for microphones? They would want audio for the show unless they had subtitles and as for the glider idea..Stranger things have happeend and a glider isnt much more than a reinforced paper airoplane.We could do it..Boats mean lifeguards for one thing and that woudl mean lifejackets,Right? " he said as some lights flickered behind his eyes.Maybe they could escape.THey would be national Hero`s.Of course Jacob more so for being the fighter but he would be heralded as a genius.

He held out one thin white hand "We promise not to die on this island,Deal? You take care of the..the..you know..fighting and Ill do everythin else.."
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"They have mics in the collars, so they'd have audio anyway, though I wouldn't be surprised if both had mics." Jacob answered, listening to Dorian speak. As the other boy extended his hand, Jacob took it and shook.

"You have a deal, Dorian. You figure out how to get off, I keep the two of us alive."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"In the collars..I should have guessed.We should move before someone bumps into us and isnt as..er..resonable as you? Do you know anywhere we can go? The sky doesnt look to friendly hopfully somewhere with a roof" he said with a hopeful smile looking up to the sky above them.You never did know when it would change and judging by the amount of mud he had slid in on his little travels it had recently been raining.

"Have you tried tampering with the collars?..theres alot of things to take into mind..Where and how they are sending the radio signals to our collars to track us thats assuming they do..They wouldnt want anyone trying to escape or boom.."
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"The terrorists were kind enough to put a manual in our bags pretty much explaining the function of the collars. You'll have to read it yourself though, I lost my bag in a gunfight. Literally. A shotgun blast blew it to bits. As to your first question: there's a small house a few miles northeast we can rest at."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Gunfight.,Sounds like..sounds like tv to be honest but this is real life and Im guessing the guns dont fire caps or BB pellets? Why are the terrorists doing this? Did they say? My memory is kind of hazy about the breifing I guess you could call it that" he said as he would start walking just following the nearby path.Hopfully it would take him to the houses jacob had spoken about.

"What made you decide to play..the gun? I guess a good weapon would change stuff..Ive got disposable razors they wont do much but at least I wont die with uneccessary facial hair I guess..Right?"
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