On the Run

A dirt path that seems to lead everywhere and nowhere. It branches outwards and all sorts of directions, leading this way and that.
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Post by Slayer* »

"Actually, I started with a knife." Jacob corrected as he led the way.

"I decided to play to win soon after waking up. My first gun came from my first victim, the one I have now I took from my fifth along with this trenchcoat.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Fith well..yeah..congratulations I guess..." he said as once again he felt his throat grow dry and those thoughts of being killed rise up in his mind again.One okay..Five..five was in no way self defense,Five made him a definite player.A Definite killer and Dorian was a victim or he would be if he hung around this guy to long.No..This guy wanted to escape not play jus like he did.

"Well..Youre..We will get off this island in one piece.."
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"We can try." Jacob responded, turning left at the fork in the path as he led Dorian through the maze of paths to the house.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"A little confidence wouldnt hurt you know..try and think of what youre going to do when we get off this island..We will be Hero`s escaping the terrorists,maybe we will come back with the army and save the other kids.Sounds stupid but if you think about it ...its very possible with my smarts and youre...willingness to kill I guess?" he just followed behind Jacob like a puppy.
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"If the government came here, Danya's terrorists would probably detonate everyone's collars. And a few of these kids aren't worth saving, trust me." Jacob replied, stopping in the middle of the path, trying to remember which way to go.

"As for bringing the government into this, we don't even know what island we're on. For all we know, we're right off the New York coast, or in the middle of the Indian Ocean. I think the first thing we should do is find out what island this is, then we'll be able to form a definite plan judging by the location of the island."
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"Youve got such faith in our goverment eh? They could try and do something..They could use our collars to see how they are detoanted and they could track it..Use satellites to monitor the choppers that come in and out dropping new students in and then find the base of operations for the terrorists.Just kill the place? I dont know..Send the marines in and kill everyone..especially that fucker with the cigar" he gave a shrug of his shoulders,he didnt have all the answers and he knew that but at least he was depseratly clinging to his hope.

"Yea youre right we should find out where we are before anything else....You just make sure were still breathing so we can do something else"
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"Right. We take a left here." Jacob responded, turning left on a new part of the path and going straight ahead, nearly losing Dorian.

"The house is about a mile in this direction, if memory serves."
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He just stayed silent and followed jacob he would feel alot better inside of a house with windows and locks and a good roof over his head,maybe they could barricade themselves in? It was always a good thought and nail wood over the window in that movie he had seen with the zombies,night of the living dead or somthing along those lines.If the escape failed they could always try again but however they decided to try and get off this island it would take some time and unless they had a safe place they wouldnt even get as far as to find out where they were.

"How come you were alone Jacob? when you met me..Safety in numbers..I thought you would have teamed or something"
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"I was traveling with another boy for a while, ended up shooting him in the head by accident. Some bitch ambushed us, I was blinded by a flashbang and fired, not knowing I was aiming at my ally." Jacob answered, breifly looking to Dorian.

"Then I teamed up with two other people, but they turned on me and I got in the gunfight that I mentioned earlier. I've mostly been traveling alone so far, just aimlessly wandering around the island."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"So is that my fate? You accdientally shoot me in the head..You sure know how to boost team morale Ill give that much to you jacob..Its not like I have much choice but to stick with you but its for the best I guess..Dont suppose you have a laptop or a computer of some sort? An internet connection couldnt hurt..Gather some information find out where we are..Maybe even get some profiles on the competition? Who was what and that sort of thing? So Computer? Laptop?.." he said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"..If worst comes to worst we could just hole up somewhere? Make some boobtraps and stuff...Lock the doors...Nail the windows shut and other things..Im sure we can survive this if we try..Right Jacob?" that hopeful look was dwindling and that nervous smile had risen on his white features yet again.
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" No, I don't have a computer. But we can last a while without one. We just have to be cautious and merciless." Jacob said as he continued to walk, having let Dorian catch up.

"You'll have to realize one thing though: Many people on this island know I'm a killer, and most of them want me dead either for revenge or glory. If you travel with me, you have to be constantly vigilant, always ready to either fight or run, understand?"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Fight? Fight with disposable razors..What? Run sounds more like it but I guess I wont..I wouldnt leave you behind since youre my meal ticket as I guess.Ill fight if I have to but Id rather run or jus try and avoid trouble in all but I guess if its neccessary Im game..If youre such a mean killer why am I here? because Ive got glasses so you assume Im smart and valuable?" he said as he finally got upto the side of jacob and the two started walking again.

Merciless? that one word hung in his head..He had to be merciless like he was some insane killer he couldnt do that but he could try his best not to let jacob down but when it came down to it could he kill? He wasnt sure.
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"The reason I didn't kill you on sight was because I wanted to make sure if you were an enemy or not. When you hinted at being able to figure out how to escape, I decided you could live. I may be playing the game but that doesn't mean I don't want to get off this place. Even if I won, Danya wouldn't have let me go home, so I have as little choice in this alliance as you do." Jacob said, keeping an even pace as the house slowly came in sight.
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"Do you even have a home? I just mean..You dont seem the average pep rally sort of guy..Broken home or something? I guess that sort of thing would count as a plus in this game I guess...and I should be grateful or something" he said before giving a shrug and letting silence fall between the two again.

He was talking far to much but he was nervous and so he talked which was a rare thing but since it seemed like there was no real reading material except the manual in his pack and the thought of reading that made him a little uncomfortable.What would it say? "The Jugular is a throbbing target for melee and firearms alike"?
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"I don't understand your question, Dorian." Jacob said quickening his pace slightly.

"We should get to the house in ten minutes, if we hurry." several plans were already going through his head, but he'd need time to put them into motion. Even then, he'd need to wait until he was the sole survivor to execute the plan, so patience would be a virtue.
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