The Bonfire

Things that happen in the past oftentimes affect the way people behave in the future. Your V3 characters, like most people, have a past, and most of them have special memories from another time. Some are good, some are bad, but in some way, they've influenced your character. Within this forum, you'll be able to write out those special events to further develop your character before V3 begins!
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Post by Namira »

"Well you see Mac, that's where I come in. I figured a way to make you look like the better man and to get your cred up by beating Jacks down," Tyson was hopping back and forth, his nervous energy bursting at the seams. "Just let me take care of starting the fight Mac, once he swings for me then you can make a show of sticking up for me," Tyson grinned. "You see, I'm willing to take a punch from our champion boxer to help you out, all you gotta do is step in and let him know that you don't like fighting between the brothers, but then tell him that you gotta teach him a lesson for starting something on me. You got it?" Tyson, absorbed in the plan, did not have a trace of hostile inflection in his voice. If this worked.... it would be spectacular.


Ric made careful sure he didn't come too close to anybody, but most of the partygoers, knowing who resided underneath that hood, kept well away. It was well known that Ric hated people coming anywhere near him, especially if they touched him.

Ric stuck close to Vicente's tail, he was more comfortable around his friend, so he could stand being a little bit closer to him than he would be to another person, though that was still a fair amount.


Sean smiled along with his baseball team mate.
"We sure are buddy. We're going to go all the way this year. I've got the feeling too," As Michael moved away, heading back to his girl he guessed, Sean called after him. "See you later man, stay legendary!"
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Post by laZardo* »

"A'ight, a'ight, that sounds kinda cool if it's yo' problem wit' him," Troy replied with a solemn nod, trying to look serious, "I got'cho back. But remember, I'm only doin' this fo' the peace. If we both go down, we go down together." He then proceeded to get up off the log and quickly uncrumple his clothing before taking a deep breath. "

This would be specatular indeed. If Troy could knock out that big guy, then perhaps he wouldn't just be gangsta...he'd have some real homies, too. No more disrespect from the basketball team or the other bruthas he was trying to get in touch with. Hell, perhaps the reputation he would gain from knocking out someone like that would also cause the others who used to pick on him to actually fear him and his (future) posse. THAT would be really gangsta. But he'd think about the rewards later on, right now he had to work on getting them.

Plus, since it wasn't happening on school grounds, he didn't have to worry (much) about jeopardizing any NCAA scholarship he was looking at.
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Post by Slayer* »

Huh...maybe I should warn Bobby about those two...

The fact that he could hear every word of what Tyson and Troy were saying from where he and Evelyn were standing should've been obvious to the two conspirators who were plotting to beat up the champion boxer, after all Darnell and the two of them had exchanged glances not a minute before going into their own conversations, but whatever. Darnell considered warning Jacks before either of them got to him, but that could wait. For one, he didn't know where exactly Bobby was and didn't want to break off his conversation with Evelyn just to search the entire beach for him. Also, he was pretty sure that no matter Jacks's condition, Tyson and Troy wouldn't stand a chance against him in a fight; Darnell wasn't even sure he could beat Bobby in a fair fight. Nevertheless, he listened to what Evelyn was saying, though he kind of zoned out for a second when she asked him about what her mother would think about him getting her drunk.

After a few seconds of said zoning, which was more him being lost in thought and becoming temporarily drowsy from the heat of the bonfire they were standing so close to, he let out a small chuckle.

"For now, who cares what she thinks? No disrespect intended for your mom, she's a very nice lady from what I know, but you're here to relax and I suspect keep an eye on us guys. I'd discourage alcohol, but there ain't anything stopping you from having some if you wanted."

When he said that, Darnell Butler gave Evelyn a very wide grin before laughing, "And if any George Orwell monsters pop up, I'll knock 'em out for ya!"

It was clear from how he talked that he was trying to take her mind off of team matters for the time being. Assuming they made it all the way, their last game together would be in December, and then they'd go their separate ways until college. Even then, it was unlikely any of them would be in the same school, and if they went into football they'd probably play against each other. Of course, then there was the NFL for those of them that made it-the one thing that had been the source of Darnell Butler's (and as far as he knew from their conversations, Evelyn's) dreams for most of his life.

"Of course you'll be drafted," Darnell said finally in response, though his voice and facial expressions seemed to take a darker, almost sad tone, "Players like us, a coach would be STUPID not to draft us, 'specially if he's seen our high school games!" another, weaker, laugh from The Bull (who was a much nicer guy than his nickname suggested), "...fuck. This really is the end, isn't it Evelyn?" think that after June this year I will probably never see most of these kids again. Such good times. Bad times, too, but good times. Friendships made and lost, hearts broken, virginities lost, these really were the best years of our lives once all the drama was thrown aside...shit it went by fast. Darnell's hand went to the knife scar on his face as he thought silently, his eyes starting to mist up a bit.


Meanwhile, at the parking lot on the other end of the beach, a red coloured Dodge Viper slid quietly into a parking space, and then came to a stop. Two people got out, one calm and the other slightly jittery, and started to move towards the beach.

OOC: Yeah, this post is finished, the arrival of some of my other characters was intentionally left that way for literary purposes on my part. That and I'm tired and my hand hurts, so I don't wanna write any more than this right now.
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Post by baby_g* »

"Dont pay attention to him!" Kara whispered, though her whisper seemed more like a yell since she couldn't really keep tabs of what was going on. Lance had offered her a pill of something, but she knew better.

"Just drinks," She mumbled. "I wouldn't want you to get my drrrrunk.... wait here!"

Kara giggled as she slowly backed up from Lance, then turned and ran towards Gabe. Gabe was sitting starring right at her with his legs open, chugging back another beer. Coming over, she straddled him, throwing her arms around his neck kissing it as she did so. She ran a hand slowing down his chest to his pants playfully fiddling with his belt so no one could see.

"Baby... Can I have a drink so I can hang out with my friends? Please? You can come I guess... just don't be a downer!"

Before giving Gabe a real chance to answer Kara kissed him, letting her tounge play with his. She gave it a little more 'passion' than she should have, but it was one of those kisses that spoke "if you say no, I'm never having sex/talking to you again", so she had to make sure she got the point across.
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Post by Ares »

((OOC: Didn't know if we had to have the app approved or not to bring the character into this, if so I'll have Steve's app. tomorrow since I'm working on it now.))

"I can't believe I'm this damn late." Steve Digaetano mumbled as he wheeled into a parking space with his Ford F150 Lightning. He really did love his truck. Two seater, black, and goes like a bat out of hell when he floors it, but Steve had no time to think about his truck. He was the QB of the football team and he was really late for the party.

Stepping out of his truck and making his way onto the scene, he kept an eye out for Serenity. He'd tried to call her at least 5 times, but he guessed she either had her phone off, or the reception was bad. At first glance he couldn't find her, instead he quickly found his best friend Gabe and his girl Kara.

"I don't think you could hold off on the sex from him Kara. I've seen his dick in the shower, its a magnificent thing. Should be bronzed in my opinion."

Steve plopped a seat next to his two friends, and reached for a beer.
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Post by baby_g* »

"Uhhgh." Kara sighed making it well and known she wasn't impressed with Serenity's boyfriend coming late. He should have known better then to come later instead of with her.

"Screw off Steve. You'll be lucky if you find my best friend.. she's probably gone off to big and better water anyways."

Kara stuck her tongue out as she got up from Gabe dusking herself off, completely oblivious to the fact that it must have been falling right into his face.

"Baby!! Come on!!"

She turned quickly and ran back to Lance who was sitting waiting for her to come back.
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

This beach party was supposed to be some sort of amzingly spectacular icing on the cake, a way to celebrate their making it to senior year and help start the year off with a bang. It was supposedly going to be fun, but for one Anderson Walker, who had just pulled up to the clearing, it looked less than promising. Everyone was doing exactly what they would do at any other party. Bor-ing. Andy debated on whether he should even get out of the car.

He knew exactly what would happen. Most of the people would end up getting plastered, and he would be stuck taking them home so they didn't crash. After all, he didn't drink as a form of recreation. That was more than a little bit pointless. Eventually the boy decided to just go along with it one more time and let his friends have a good time, and with a heavy sigh, he opened the car door and stepped out, his long blonde locks immediately being blown astray by the wind.

Andy looked around slowly. He spotted Gabe and Kara being their usual selves; naturally, they were all over one another. Steve had just plopped down on the sand, and the three were discussing something in yelled voices. Serenity was missing from the picture.

'I wonder where she is.' the boy thought, searching the visible places. He didn't see her anywhere and decided to go look for her. Closing the car door, Andy locked it automatically. In the evening air, one could see that the blonde had opted to dress extremely casual for the event. He wore a simple forest green polo T, khaki shorts, and a pair of brown flip-flops. His hair was completely down, inching just off his shoulders and the bangs fluttered over his deep brown eyes. Adjusting the rainbow bracelet on his left hand, the boy set off at a slow pace to speak to Kara.

"Hey! Kara," he shouted when he was a few yards away, "Where's Serenity?" His high pitched voice cut through the air and attracted the attention of a few of the partiers. He could already see that some of the jocks were sending him their stares of disgust. That was to be expected, though. He didn't care about them. So what if he liked boys? That wasn't everything about him. Rolling his eyes, Andy closed the distance between he and Kara, acknowledging Steve and Gabe with curt nods.

"I was hoping to talk to you two about some things for the squad this year."
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Adwin slowly crept towards the burning Bonfire in her sights, she grinned with mischevous intent as she lugged a cooler filled with the finest vodka in town and in her coat pocket she had a shitload of weed. She set the cooler down next to a log and shouted to the crowd.

She produced a bong from her bag and shouted to the crowd.

"I got alchohol and I got weed, who wants to get FUCKED?!" She shouted before breaking out into maniacal laughter, she sat on the log and began packing a bowel.
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Post by Ares »

"Ugh...idiot." Steve mumbled to himself as Adwin pulled out the weed. Steve didn't mind a drink, but he hated weed. Turning away from the girl, he focused back on Gabe and Anderson.

Steve had always felt a little uneasy around Anderson. He didn't mind the guy, but it was just his own distrust.

"Yeah, I should probably go find Serenity, but I'm quite thirsty, and quite lazy. So Gabe, would you kindly pass me a brew or whatever has booze in it?"
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Post by Buko »

Paul Smith was immediately cut off from responding to Andrea when he noted that, Adwin had entered the party. Now Adwin was an enigma, for she was a very pretty girl, a skilled musician, but Paul was faced with a certain stigma whenever the option of intercourse came up: A.) She was intoxicated and B.) She was black. The first one in short didn't matter much, as Paul had slept with a good twelve girls and for the most part most of them where intoxicated, but he had never had the honor of sleeping with a girl of the African persuasion, That's not to say that he was racist, there just seemed to be that invisible wall between him and of course crossing the race barrier.

In a hospital room, Adwin handed Paul a baby with a large afro and an eye patch.

Paul shook his head visibly, before removing his arm from Andrea's shoulder, he winked (difficult because he had one eye) at Andrea and walked off drunkenly mumbling that this meeting would be a "To be continued...", and he approached Adwin, being that she was sitting down, Paul got a downward look at her breasts and noted that if he wanted to he could balance quarters on them very easily.

Oh Paul, you're so smooth...

His one eye gaze continued as he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

"Man, leave it to my favorite burn out to remove any illusion that this was a school sponsored event...", Paul said with a small smirk (obviously playing).
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Adwin spat at Steve and raised her middle finger to him.

"OI! Fuck you! If you got a problem with this then go fuck yourself, pansy."

Adwin grinned at Paul, her eyes twinkling as she put aside her bong and began to converse with the boy. She gripped the sides of the log, taking in the fresh sea breeze. She loved coming down to the beach due to the clean fresh air that could only be found near such a vast expanse of water.

"Fuck the school!" She shouted before returning to their current conversation, "And I ain't no burnout, you know I'm a fuckin' straight A student!"

She glared at Paul, somewhat offensive. Most people only thought of her as some poor girl with a head that was totally fried. Unbeknowest to them she had dreams and ambitions which was much more to say than most of the people found at the poor attempt at a enjoyable event. She maintained her good marks and maintained the fact that some weed once in awhile was not bad for you, a stress reliever in most cases. She turned to look at Paul and hungrily eyed his cigarette, she wanted one.

"Can you spare a cig?" Adwin said as she motioned to his pack, she was unfamiliar with the brand but that wouldn't stop her from having one, "I'll make it worth your while..."

Adwin laughed and turned to stare at the hordes of pathetic high school kids too caught up in their personal dramas to unclog the bullshit of their lives. She shrugged off her grey army coat and picked up the bong, she lit it up and took a hit before setting it back down. She exhaled the smoke softly, watching the smoke drifting and swirling away.

She eyed Paul up and down, sure he was popular in his own right but at the same time he was a total ego-maniac. He was still pretty cute though (to her atleast).

"So, have a spare?" Adwin questioned again.
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Post by baby_g* »

On Kara's way towards Lance she noticed Andy calling her name. She missed the first part of what he said, but caught Serenity's name. Throwing her hands in the air she shouted "I dont know Andy." Thinking that that would be enough. He was an okay guy, dont get her wrong, but she didn't really like, for lack of a better word, his kind. Kara wasn't really into the whole boy love boy thing. As much as she'd try to get over it in practice it sometimes would make it awkward for her seeing as she always felt she was putting her foot in her mouth. It was different for girls to her. As much as it was a double standard, if she made out with one of her girlfriends to turn Gabe on, she would. Where as if Gabe tried doing that to turn her on, she'd most likely puke.

Just as she was on her way, almost to Lance, Andy caught her attention again. He spoke about the squad with almost some kind of tone to his voice that made it sound important. A little flustered to way it couldn't wait till the next meeting they had together, Kara gave a slight nod to Lance motioning that he could go on without her and she'd catch up as she turned her full attention to Andy once more.

"Well," She began. "I'm the Cap'n. What can I do for you?"
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Post by RePeate* »

Gabe snapped out of his zoned out little mind trance he was having. So much was happening so fast, he'd had no time to react. The alcohol didn't help. "Steve my boy, what is up? How's shit buddy? Damn I can't wait to play some football again next year". He said so with a degree of uncertainty. He wasn't really sure if football was really for him. It was OK, he guessed, but he was really getting into a hockey mood again. Ahhh, a sport's a sport, he thought to himself. He slapped Steve on the back. "Ya dude, bronze my dick! That's funny shit man, you're always fucking funny buddy!" The booze was getting to him, he was becoming an idiot, and he could see it happen but was powerless to do anything about it. "Fuckin' Karebear... why she gotta play a guy like that? You see that shit dude... not cool... not cool...", he said as he began to woble a bit uncontrollably from side to side. He shouted across the party. "Hey yo! Kara! Co'mere, I got a beer for you... it's my last though, so it's not cold, but if you really want it you can have it". He turned to Steve, put on a stupid smile, and just said "Ffffaaaaaaaack! Hehehe. Man, I know I'm drunk dude, but I got a serious question for you. You wanna kick Lance's ass with me?".


Evan awoke in a bit of a daze. He had definately passed out. He instinctively reacehed for his wallet, and was relieved to find it still there. He tried his best to stand but only made it to his knees. "Hey yo. YO! I need some help here. I'm FUCKED!" He wasn't shouting to anyone in particular, just someone to heed his call. He was still drunk, but very much aware of his incapacitation. He wished it'd just go away and he could go home and sleep in his own bed. He tried to get up again, using a nearby log for support, but only fell back to his knees. "Fuck, I'm fucked" he thought to himself, "How am I gonna get home?".
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Post by Namira »

"Hey yo! Bobby! Bobby!" the boxer caught his name being called out immediately as the sound cut through the talk of the crowd. It was a shout, and Bobby recgonised the distinctive voice of Tyson Neills. He frowned in confusion, what did that kid want now? Bobby was just finding a peaceful spot and somebody had to interrupt him. Still, it was rude not to acknowledge he had heard the call so he replied with a degree of reluctance.

"I'm over here Tyson," he called, moving into the crowd to find out just the hell he wanted.


Tyson tipped Troy a wink as Bobby responded to his call, if all went well, the plan was not too far from fruition. With a little help from Tyson, Troy should be easily able to take on the bigger guy, despite Bobby's boxing credentials.

As Bobby approached Tyson ran across to him and could be seen to whisper something in his ear. Whatever is was it riled Bobby up a great deal, and he immediately grabbed Tyson by the collar and lifted him up with ease. Bobby had a lot of weight and almost a foot of height on Tyson, and he was a great deal more muscular. What Bobby didn't see was Tyson give a thumbs up behind his back to Troy. Now all Mac had to do was deliver and it would be perfect....
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Post by laZardo* »

Lo and behold, Troy actually wasn't looking when Tyson gave him his signals nor when whispering in Bobby's ear. He was actually already scoping out some victory "boo-tay." He noticed Tanya among the mingling crowds, but as much as he found her sexy, his eyes moved on, seemingly out of politeness. He had just caught sight of that fiery redhead that he earlier noticed laying a beatdown on Eduardo (Poor bastard. Maybe he needs to get in touch with his inner "esse.") when his attention returned swiftly to the matter at hand.

But in a disturbing twist of irony, Troy's distraction had actually added to the shock that Bobby's seizing of the smaller brutha's collar gave him. Even more so that the shock was authentic. His own homie was about to get himself a flattened skull! The mere thought of just standing by and watching a brutha get his ass kicked was enough to send his mind into (geeky) rage mode.

He got up from his seat rather smoothly and walked up to Tyson's (relative) side, to look up at Bobby. Immediately he started to have his doubts, as clearly the boxer (no pun intended for that weirdo on the football team) was much bigger and more muscular than he'd expected. In fact, Bobby looked like the kind of guy who'd not only flatten both their skulls but also pick out their earlobes from the shattered remains. Still, two-against-one was fightin' odds, and Troy Mac still had that in his favor...right?

"What the fuck are ya doin' to Tyson?!" he shouted. Voice lessons had paid off, as his normally Standard-American-English (read Carlton-ish) accent had now gotten just enough ebonic in it that he didn't sound too much like a poser.
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