The Stench of Reality

It's the perfect place to make your peace with your God, because odds are, you don't have much time left. There's not much to the church. In fact, it's just a room full of pews and an alter, but perhaps the spiritual competitors will find some solace in its walls.
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Post by Namira »

Sean looked around as the doors opened yet again, then snorted dismisively. Obviously this was a guy who thought he was a lot more of a big man than he really was. Either that, or he was just plain unhinged. Judging by how cheerfully he declared 'I just killed my best friend', Sean was inclined to believe that it was the latter. Still, apparent insanity besides, he couldn't help but laugh as Laeil managed to slip right by him and take off.

"Well... it looks like she gave you the slip," Sean shrugged his shoulders at Will. "You know what man? You have no problem with killing people? Well that's just great isn't it? Congratulations, you're a cold-blooded killer. Did you expect to be impressed, or do you want a medal or something?" Sean turned away from Will and walked straight away with him, perching on a pew at the other end of the chapel entirely. "Do whatever you want... I don't care any more,"
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »


Will cursed loudly in his native tongue as the shelf collided with his shoulder, causing him a great deal of pain because of a bruise he'd recieved at the start of the game. More or less he was able to step out of the way, but it was a great annoyance. He looked on as he saw the girl run away into the forest.

Should've shot her right off the bat. Hmm. Seems I can't even have a bit of fun in taunting them at all. This really is no game.

Will turned back to Sean, who more or less was completely unphased by his presence. He rubbed his shoulder and then looked towards another boy who appeared to be threatening him.

"Sean, right? Well no, I was really just trying to score another gun, or bomb, or fuck, something. My friend asked me to kill him, he was dyin'. I've got no badass complex, to be honest. Just... fuckin' with people..."

Will drifted off out of his explaination as the other boy continued to talk, and gave him a "Are you serious?" expression, before taking a step back and looking about the Chapel. The headless corpse of another student, Adonis Zorba (though he didn't know him) Lay on one of the pews. Seems that this guy here missed when he came in.

"You're a little late. Fuck you."

Will brought the gun to bear and fired all six shots from the revolver at the boy threatening him, turned away, and ran. Shoot first, don't even bother asking questions. No more mistakes. Yeah, that would work.

((Will continued elsewhere))
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Post by Namira »

Sean instinctively dived for cover, belying his own somewhat nihilistic exterior. Who tried to get themselves shot anyway? Barely bothering to check what had happened to anybody else, he walked to the back of the chapel.

"Change of plans. It would probably be a good idea to get the hell out of here. Two people we've run into now haven't been too friendly, and I don't really feel like getting my head blown off if a third comes along,"

Stopping only to retrieve his daypack, Sean headed out of the back entrance.

(Sean O'Cann continued elsewhere)
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Post by SOTF_Help »

Everyone had left Pascal at the Chapel. He had tried to tell them that the best thing to do to avoid the rain was stay indoors. The chapel was a great stronghold but everyone seemed to turn a deaf ear towards him.

"Fine, that's just fine! INGRATES!!" He shouted after them as he watched them disappear into the foliage.

Pascal closed the door he was standing in and turned back inside. As he made his way back inside he noticed that Anthony was still here with him, albeit he had a strange look on his face. It was almost like he was disappointed everyone was leaving, and he was still twirling his makeshift stake in his right hand.

"Anthony, are you okay?"

He got no response.

"Hey, I asked you if you were okay." Pascal said again as he reached and touched Antonio on the shoulder.

That did it.


Anthony had been so deep in thought over the fact that he was ready to kill anyone who made a wrong move, he had failed to hear Pascal speaking to him, or the Shoryuken that blasted over the PA. However, once Pascal touched his shoulder, Anthony reacted.

He quickly rolled under Pascal's outstretched arm, and thrust his broken crucifix towards Pascal's ribcage. The end of the crucifix was still blunt, and therefore did not pierce Pascal's skin, but it hit hard enough to cause Pascal the riot shield clattering to the ground nearby.

He quickly got on top of Pascal and began pummeling him with the crucifix. Pascal lay on the ground sputtering up blood, his left eye swelling up from one of the many blows. Anthony looked at the crucifix in his hand, then swung it at the wall, breaking it in the middle. He now possessed a jagged ended stake.

"Bye bye." Anthony said as he rolled Pascal over. Pascal was now flailing his arms around in a panic at seeing the jagged stake. Anthony brought the stake down into Pascal's chest, causing a very unpleasant sound, and a lot of blood to flow from Pascal's body to the floor.


An explosion right in Anthony's face. The heat of the explosion severely burned the left side of Anthony's face, but the fatal part was when a chunk of piping hot metal was driven straight into Anthony's temple, severing the small artery and causing his brain to fill with blood.


What had happened was that as Pascal was thrashing around, Anthony had failed to notice that Pascal had grabbed his collar. Anthony was so wrapped up in eliminating the threat that was Pascal, that as he drove the stake into Pascal, Pascal had pulled on Anthony's collar, ripping it off. As Pascal's hand dropped limply, the collar exploded next to Anthony's face.

B82 - Pascal Stonely - Dead

B94 - Antonio Legarda - Dead
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