Ten Speed

Content Warning: Sexual Assault

You can see the ocean from here. The cliffs aren't terribly high, but it might be a mighty painful fall down them. They wouldn't make a very good hiding place, seeing how they're out in the open, but it'd definitely make a good vantage point, especially if you were lying in wait for someone to pass along the shoreline below.
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Ten Speed


Post by Buko »

((Continued from Lost))

Blood Boy approached the scene with a small smirk on his face, he was already tired and sweaty, but looking forward to the general reason he was here at the sea cliffs. While the humidity messed with his already dreadlocked hair and made the air itself seem heavy and the cliffs itself gave him a good look of the entire island; if Danya had any sense he would've given BB a sniper rifle to pick off his opponents from this nice little vantage point.

Blood Boy -like most on the island- acknowledged that, he of course had been fading in and out of sleep, all the while plagued with this incredible dream. Talking to inanimate objects was a habit he had picked up from highschool, it had helped him organize his thoughts and as he walked towards the cardboard box he had time to slow down and speak to the loaded gun in his right hand.

"So, sleep, I've never quite been a fan of it, but tonight I managed to catch a few winks in order to get at least one dream in, do you want to hear it Taurus Millennium?", he said calmly, "In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out."

He shook his head as he opened up the cardboard box only to see another -albeit bigger- pistol lying in it, Danya of course had a sense of humor, Blood Boy was now blessed with virtually two of the same weapons. So much for a reward, eh? Blood Boy would've bitten his lower lip in frustration if it was still attached to his face, instead he just mentally cursed. Leave it to Nathanial Harris, the only person who could have shitty luck when faced with a reward given to him.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

This sucks... Kara thought miserably to herself, trudging uphill as she struggled to make her way up the cliff. Her sandals were obviously not made for walking long distances in rough terrain, and were on the verge of tearing. To be honest? By now they were giving her poor feet blisters and sores, sending her on the verge of just throwing them away if it were not for the rough ground underneath.

She'd been crying as she made her way into towards the Sea Cliff. Right now? She probably looked ugly the way she was, red-eyed and puffy. Her skin itched, her clothes were soaked in her own sweat, and her limbs grew sore the more she trudged through the island, wandering aimlessly. Since the beginning of the game, she hadn't bumped into anybody, and as much as it probably getting killed, there was nothing Kara wanted more than someone beside her....someone to cling to and cry on, and forget about everything that was going on around her.

Where the fuck is Gabe...? Where the fuck IS everybody for that matter? Serenity...Courtney...Hell, even that Evan guy...

She yelped as she tripped, the sole of her foot flying off of the ground as a loose stone rolled underneath it. Kara feel forwards against the ground, the front of her cropped camisole and denim-shorts now stained with dust and dirt. Whimpering in pain as she struggled to get up, she sat up in a sitting position, feeling all the more unhappy and miserable.

I hate this...I fucking hate this...

Those jerks had given her firecrackers. How the hell was she supposed to kill anybody with something like that?

Whatever...I'll think of something. Maybe I should kill that Viki bitch when I see her...

...She looked up.

Huh? When did that guy get there?

She frowned disdainfully. It didn't look like anybody she knew...then again, he had his back towards her. Kara called out towards him. "Hey! You! You'd better not be playing!"
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Blood Boy's new visitor had a fairly common response to the game and this response was many things: juvenile, naive, and needlessly optimistic and as he looked at the visitor through his tinted lenses he could only shake his head in further disdain: Kara Holmes. She was the personification of what was bad about highschool girls, she was over sexualized, arrogant, and occupied with upholding skewed standards of attractiveness and physical prowess. Her boyfriend? No, nobody like Kara was truly able of showing any emotion resembling what an educated person would call love, her main concern was without a doubt being socially acceptable.

Gabe, was probably the only football player whom she hadn't already blown by Senior year.

He looked towards the Taurus Millennium and began speaking as he noted his observations about Kara, the voice was mumbled, but it was no doubt audible and as he approached her with the gun in one hand and the sword strapped to his back and readily sheathed, he looked relaxed, no sense of tension, but the mumbling was obvious and echoed throughout the vacant Sea Cliffs.

"Taurus Millennium! You've no doubt heard about this! Now witness, before your very eyes, that most rare and tragic of natures mistakes! I give you: the average high school girl. Physically unremarkable, it instead possesses a deformed set of values. Notice the hideously bloated sense of humanity's importance. Also note the club-footed social conscience and the withered optimism. It's certainly not for the squeamish, is it? Most repulsive of all, are its frail and useless notions of order and sanity. If too much weight is placed upon them... they snap. How does it live, I hear you ask? How does this poor pathetic specimen survive in today's harsh and irrational environment? I'm afraid the sad answer is, "Not very well". Faced with the inescapable fact that human existence is mad, random, and pointless, one in eight of them crack up and go stark slavering mad! Who can blame them? In a world as psychotic as this... any other response would be crazy!"

And that's when he finally approached Kara Holmes and giggled, the laugh was familiar to him, not because he had done it before, but because it was the same laughter he had done in his dream, his emotions where only conveyed by the smiley face emoticon covering his deformed face. Kara Holmes would never notice the eyes gazing from her well chest, down to her waist, and then finally to her feet. She would probably never notice the hand reaching for the handle of the poisoned blade and it was quite obvious that her skewed perceptions -most likely altered by taking one to many cumshots to the eye- would never see the swish and gleam of the steel as it swept at her feet just above the ankle.

Blood Boy had been tormented by Kara's voice for far too long. Her condescending at the moment, her screams of glee at the pep-rally, the usually ignorant and mightier than thou stance she would take in the class room. You could say that the most annoying part of Kara (aside from her very existence) to Blood Boy was her voice, but as he attempted to cleave through her flesh he simply reasoned with himself and tolerated this rather brief thought.

The thought he could tolerate her grating screams for a few more minutes: before silencing them permanently.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Kara found that she could do nothing else but stare in complete bewilderment and indignance as the boy, probably some nobody with a name that no one's even heard of, went off on an all out monologue, walking towards her. What WAS this boy doing? Was he a freak or something? Was he fucking crazy? Kara couldn't imagine what was going on inside his head, no-doubt missing a few cards, right now. Her eyes traced nervously towards the gun in his hand, and the sword strapped on his back.

To be honest though? Rather than afraid and confused? She was more annoyed and full of contempt more than anything.

And what the fuck was up with that lame-looking mask, anyways?

"HEY. You get the FUCKING HELL away from me you freak. Go back to whatever gutterhole you came from!"

Well obviously he wasn't listening to her, ranting to his gun it seemed. He wasn't paying attention to her, was he? And what the fuck was he talking about? Physically unremarkable? Average? Pathetic? Who did he think he was? Kara's brows furrowed in utter irritation. She couldn't quite follow what he was saying, which to her was really a bunch of words and nonsense thrown out all at once.

She held her daypack in front of her as a sort of shield, ready to throw it and run off if he tried anything.

"Are you DEAF, you sick fuck? I swear, you take one step closer and I'll-"

A strange sound filled Kara's ears, and her eyes widened. It was a sound that was strange and almost sickening, similar to the sound of a wooden branch being broken off, wood-fibres stretching and splitting as it broke apart...

No, that couldn't be right...it was closer to sounding like a cleaver striking meat, slicing it apart with one fell blow, bone breaking as flesh was torn...

A strange numbness filled Kara's right leg, as she realized that the boy had just...done something. Blinking, she stared down to see what exactly he had done...

Her right leg at the shin was no longer whole. Eyes widening in utter shock and horror, she lifted her leg up slightly, warm blood spurting out in sheets from where it had been partially severed from the ankle down.

The scene was quite surreal before Kara's eyes. Swinging back and forth limply from her movements, dripping with blood, the foot was dangling by a thread of skin that still attached it to the ankle, but bone and muscle had been split apart completely from where the boy had used the sword to slice through it. It now hung lifeless...useless...

The arterial vein made a spurting, sputtering noise akin to the drain of a sink as the blood spouted out in increments at a time, like a failing water hose.

Kara's mouth opened slowly.

In the next instant that followed, she was screaming. Though out of breath and nearly out of blood, her voice was a high-pitched wail that was more filled with horror than agony, though in gradual increments it began to flood through her. The nerves at the back of her knee, her shin, and even the place where her foot was once attached now twisted in pain, sending her mind in a paralyzing recoil.

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Post by Buko »

Her screams filled his ears like some sort of heavenly choir, it was amazing he smiled, he wondered if this what Gabe had experienced when they were off fornicating everywhere they could? He wondered for a moment if these where the screams that blessed a relationship with such euphoria, aroused? This he was not. Giddy? Filled with adrenaline? Oh, Blood Boy was practically sweating adrenaline now and as he calmly walked towards her bag -ignoring the girls screaming for a moment- he noted that there where ten cherry bombs and a devious smile came upon his face.

Time to shut this girl up...

Tying the cherry bombs together he went to the foot that was hanging by a single shred of skin and brutally ripped off, the visible red bone, the meatiness of the dead flesh, the blood fountain that decorated his shoelaces and jeans. It was wonderful and straight out of a Quentin Tarantino movie, he simply looked at Kara, her foot in hand and smirked at her.

"You where always far too loud for my liking Kara," he chuckled, "What annoyed me most about you though was your strange and annoying habit, of...sticking your foot in your mouth."

And that's when he took advantage of her screaming and gaping orifice and shoved the foot as far down her throat as he could, he felt her teeth graze his arm and when he pulled out his arm he noted that there where some bite marks, but he simply spat on the Kara who was now turning an odd shade of purple due to the foot blocking the entrance of her wind pipe and was completely submerged in her mouth leaving half of it visible.

The image of her tongue kicking the heel of her foot would stick in his mind forever.

It was then that he looked at the firecrackers and reached in his pocket pulling out a small lighter he carried around partly due to habit, he smiled a bit as he lit the fire crackers and dropped them into Kara's now permanently gaping mouth. He audibly sighed at her shook his head as the fuse shrunk ever so quickly.

"I suppose even in death you couldn't escape that habit, eh?"

And then he laughed that loud and damnable laugh, it overwhelmed the area and aside from Kara's gagging was the only sound there. Soon though it died down and was replaced by the fizzing of the firecrackers and then finally?

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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Kara's agonized screams were cut short by the feeling of her own foot, sandal and all, being shoved into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged, gripping his arm to keep herself from falling backwards and struggling to pull his arm out of her mouth. Regardless of her efforts, tears streamed from eyes clenched shut as the foot was jammed into her mouth, forcing her jaw apart until it broke completely from the stretch with a sickening crack, rendering it unable to close or move at all.

She uttered a choking sound, in pain as her tongue was forced back by the foot invading her mouth, the tender lobe of flesh in the area underneath her tongue bleeding as the heel of the sandal sliced into it painfully, cutting it apart. Some of her teeth broke off as the boy's arm was thrust deep into her mouth...

Her throat was locked now, windpipe obstructed by the foot that was in her mouth. A wetly choking noise emitted from her throat as she struggled to breathe, spasms sending bile from her stomach and up into her throat, burning the inside...

Tears continued to stream from her eyes, her open mouth dripping with saliva and bile and blood, unable to close while the foot was still crammed tightly inside. Her mind started to cloud over with panic and asphyxiation. Who...WAS this person?! What was he doing to her?!

With her eyes forced shut, she had no idea what he was doing now, even as something hard and round dropped into her mouth, and a hissing sound filled her ears to accompany her own coughing and the blood pounding through her veins. Something white-hot singed the inside of her mouth, burning the flesh within to charcoal black and filling her nose with the scent of smoke. She let out a moaning whimper, wishing it would just end...

Her mouth was alit in an explosion that was enough to silence her thoughts. The concussion sent her head snapping backwards as her mouth suddenly burst apart, blowing the lower jaw off, though not cleanly...it was still dangling slightly and keeping the foot from falling out completely. The roof of her mouth, however, shattered completely from the explosion, which burst upwards, sending shrapnel from the bomb shell flying upwards until they lodged into her brain...

Blood and brain matter dripped into her throat and remained lodged in her windpipe as her body appeared to seizure from the successive explosions, sending more bile upwards. It was her own vomit that suffocated her in the end...filling her lungs until she could finally breath and struggle no more.

Lying on the ground, Kara's body, foot still trapped in her mouth, continued to spasm even after her death, until the last explosion blew her throat apart, sending its contents through the back of her neck, severing her spinal chord and leaving her head askew in a twisted, rather uncomfortable-looking position...

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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from Carnage))

Serenity had no idea where she was. She was confused. Her head hurt. She didn't know where Viki, Gabe, Ianto or anyone was. Why on earth did she run off like that? Why id she leave the protection of a group. She was scared. She wanted to be with friends again. She wanted to find somewhere safe to just hole up and wait for everything to be over.

An anguished scream shook her from her thoughts. Serenity quickly moved over to near where the scream originated, and parted the foliage to get a better look. What she saw nearly made her throw up, and made her lose all hope that she'd be able to finish the game with all of her friends. There was a boy in a mask... he was shoving a severed foot into Kara Holmes' mouth. The same Kara holmes she'd grown up with. The same Kara Holmes who was like a sister to her.

Serenity was frozen. She couldn't move. She was scared. She heard the sickining crack that was kara's broken jaw. She watched in fear as the boy picked up a firecraker and lit it. She watched with wide eyes as he dropped it into kara's open mouth. Her eyes clouded with tears. The firecracker exploded. It mauled Kara's jaw and nearly ripped it clean off her head. Serenity had no doubt that her best friend was dead.

Maybe that's what finally woke her body up. Serenity pushed through the foliage and screamed out with tears in her eyes, clouding her vision.

"What did you do?! What did you do to her?! What the fuck did you do?!"
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Post by Buko »

And Blood Boy was ravaged by the explosion which caused quite a bit of mess to douse him and as he stared at Kara's oddly shaped head he couldn't help but shake his head. This time? This time Kara hadn't even the chance to attack and Blood Boy had destroyed her, of course the average person would say that he should've just shot her in the head, but to Blood Boy? He needed a guarantee that she would die, the foot wasn't enough, after all he himself had managed to survive with a billiard ball shoved down his throat.

Kara's death was a messy affair, but she was an easy target and as her body twitched and the blood spray from her ankle subsided Blood Boy couldn't help but shake his head as he got walked away and noticed Serenity Halos, Kara's usual partner in crime was no doubt spouting off some self righteous drivel and asking bizarrely "what did he do?", in retrospect it was a pretty stupid question, but Serenity Halos? She was pretty much renowned for what was hanging from her chest rather than what was residing in her skull.

"My god do cheerleaders ever shut up?"

It was a rhetorical question, but the Taurus Millennium as it pointed towards Serenity's mid-section was all the more willing to answer. He smirked as he unloaded four shots towards the cheerleaders stomach, it was a pretty repetitive strategy, but it worked perfectly against the group at the tree and it should hit Serenity as well.

Or at least Blood Boy hoped.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Serenity was in distress. Her best friend was dead. Her friends were missing. She was a total wreck. She had just watched some maniac kill her best friend since she was a toddler. Some weirdo in a mask had chopped off her friends foot and shoved it down her throat. It was madness! She just couldn't wrap her mind around it. It was almost surreal.

Then he turned to her. Serenity hadn't heard what he said, but she sure as hell noticed the gun that was soon pointed in her direction. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened. He fired. The first bullet skimmed her right side. She yelped in pain and clutched at her now bleeding side. The second bullet hit her arm, shattering a piece of her forearm and causing her to let out a scream of pure pain. The third shot luckily missed her completely, but the fourth hit her in the abdomen. It pierced through her flesh and out the other side of her body. It hadn't hit any major organs, but she could sure feel the burning sensation well up inside of her.

With her eyes fogged with tears, Serenity had one choice. To high-tail it out of there. She took one last look at the corpse of her best friend before spinning on her heel and sprinting out of the area, clutching her abdomen and silently hoping she could find someone who didn't want to kill her before she bled to death.

'I'm so sorry Kara... I let you die. I was there, and I did absolutely nothing to try and help you. It's my fault... all my fault...'

((Serenity continued in Lost))


Rebbecca Bradbury had seen her fair share of dastardly doings during her stay on the island. She'd watched as Eduardo Killed Tanya. She'd witnessed Gabriel and Adam falling into the ravine. She'd even seen Melina attack Khrysta. But she'd never done anything to intervene. After all, why on earth should she? Life was a fleeting thing. And now that their lives had become nightmares, why shouldn't they end?

"That would make a good poem... wouldn't you agree?" She smiled from her position at the masked murderer. She had seen the entire scene from her position atop a branch on a nearby tree. She yawned slightly and jumped down. She gave a dark smile to the boy and began to speak once more.

"A poem about Life's horrid nightmare. Yes... I can hear it now..." She smirked.

"Life is a dream,
Yet that dream can turn;
It can become a nightmare.
One than cannot be awoken from.

If you decide to keep dreaming,
The nightmare is infinite.
Grief and sorrow will control you.
Fear will shroud your days.

However, the dream can quickly conclude,
With a simplistic task.
A blade of sharpened steel.
The hatred helps find it's mark.

It pierces through the darkness,
The fear and sorrow gone.
Your silence broken,
The nightmare, forever done."

"It's quite the play on our situation, don't you think?" She asked lazily.
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Blood Boy was beginning to get used to them, the two cheerleaders had interrupted him with bullshit before and now this girl had the audacity to come and ask his interpretation of poems, to be honest, blood Boy was used to this from her crowd. The people associated with the so called "gothic" culture, truly did love the macabre horror that came with being in Blood Boy's presence, hell he wouldn't even doubt if beyond that absolutely horrifying skirt she was wetting her pants in anticipation for Blood Boy jumping on and doing god knows what to her, as if her poetry would motivate him to do so.

He simply shook his head as he began walking towards her, she probably would notice, but he was shaking in anticipation and anger. Ready to explode with ferocity at any moment, he put his gun into his pocket and laughed a bit as he took off the smiley face mask and tossed it on the floor and then began dutifully unwrapping the bandages, eventually though the bandages where undone, he had planned on redoing them anyway today, but this would make things a bit more fun.

His face, was more horrific than the one Renee, Michael, and Adwin had been blessed in seeing. This one was completely red and irritated, his nose was completely missing and his lips where completely gone giving him the appearance of a continuous grin, really those where the type of wounds that would never heal and if Blood Boy got off this island he would need hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of reconstructive surgery in order to not look like a red skull.

"I don't like poetry, you know? I don't like it at all and despite appearances...this isn't a damned smile on my face."

He spat on the floor and noticed that the spit itself had become a clusterfuck of saliva, phlegm, and blood. His gums where already becoming an irritated red after a day or so without brushing and as he stared at the girl who had so nonchalantly come up to him he couldn't help but seethe with anger as he continued though he'd figure he'd blessed this rather stupid girl with a story.

"Did you know that I spent a good majority of my early childhood in a lunatic asylum?", he said calmly, "And at the lunatic asylum there where these two patients and one night they decide to escape, now these patients have different ailments, but they go about this in the right way and eventually find themselves on the roof of the asylum. Now they go up there and they see the rooftops stretching away...stretching away to freedom! Now, the first guy jumps across no problem, but the second guy he's afraid of falling so he wouldn't make the leap," at this point if he had any skin to cause a smile he would've been smirking, " So then, the first guy has an idea...He says 'Hey! I have my flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!' But the second guy just shakes his head. He says... he says 'What do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was half way across!'"

Blood Boy cackled at this obviously finding it extremely amusing and while he was cackling, without missing a beat, he went and attempted to slice off the girls right arm right at the shoulder he continued laughing regardless if the tactic worked and smiled maniacally at the girl.

"You see? Even the mentally defunct people can't trust themselves in the real world," he laughed again, "What makes you think you can trust the mentally defunct on the island?"
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Post by Buko »

OoC- Got permission from Mitsuko.

Rebecca had to chuckle, has the boy wasted no time attacking her and as she stepped forward -something about moving in away from the edge of the blade- and felt nothing but the wind pass by her and then the cool breeze of wind hitting her shoulder, stinging her a bit. Now that, that was a bit strange and as she saw the light in Blood Boy's eyes she turned around. Adrenaline. A delay in pain. The will of God? It didn't really matter, but that had caused her to ignore -briefly- the pain that came with blood literally spraying out of her shoulder and most importantly, her arm being clearly on the floor next to her, meaning: amputated.

At this point she stumbled back and screamed, trying to run away. Expecting Blood Boy to chase her, instead as she ran. Further and further away Blood Boy just stood there, laughing at the armless girl attempting to run away as the blood sprinkler bathed the cliffs. He smirked, as he pulled out his gun and did what most people do when they pull out their guns: he shot her. The bullet soared trough the hair and hit the girls kneecaps and it became clear that for now her movement was pretty much inhibited and Blood Boy, laughed as he grabbed the girls arm and approached her.

"I believe you've misplaced something? Oh, don't waste your breath answering, I'll be giving it back to you."

The gun had been in his jean pockets the moment he shot at her, so now all he had in his hand was his sword and the now limp arm of his opponent. Placing the arm on the floor for a brief moment he stepped on the girls throat and for the first time heard her screams cease, grabbing his sword though he slid the blade all over the girls clothing and then began to rip it off with his own hands, warm with the feel of blood and he lightly chuckled as the girl was now completely nude and ready to be taken by him.

He lightly giggled as he studied her. He was right, she was a poor specimen of female. Her hips not wide enough, her breasts unimpressive. Her face with caked on make-up that was now melting off in the sun. Staring at her vagina he could only spit to the side, it was maintained well enough, but still the organ was disgusting and as he stared at it he became overwhelmed with nostalgia.

Highland Beach, 2006

Blood Boy sat on his girlfriends bed, he was in his underwear, but clearly nervous at being around someone so voluptuous. Haya, wasn't what normal men would call exceptionally pretty, but Blood Boy was overwhelmed at the moment as she touched him in places he himself wouldn't have imagined and as she conceded to his want to wear his mask -god forbid she break up with him now-. It was an odd relationship, they had never kissed, but already they where going to this level and oddly enough she was the one who suggested it.

And so they began the awkwardness that was teenage intercourse and Blood Boy, overwhelmed with the screaming of his name (his actual name) and the intense pleasure of the experience didn't notice Haya's hands unhooking his mask. He didn't notice when Haya pulled it back. He did notice the look of fear on her face as his bare skin was exposed to her. He did notice the screaming and he did notice her father busting in and beating the crap out of him.

Most importantly he noticed the only person to ever love him, drive away because of his face.

Back to the island!

Blood Boy grabbed the girls arm and his ears started ringing as the screaming returned, he stared at her writhing form with bitterness and then grabbed her legs and placed them on his shoulders. He could only imagine the feelings of pain rushing through her form and the imminent doom of being raped by this mad-man, unfortunately, she wouldn't be raped by Blood Boy. But, she would be raped by a form, much less forgiving: herself.

Grabbing the arm he plunged into her, it of course didn't go in at first, but the blood oozing out of the orifice and the constant, brutal thrusting of the arm proved stronger than the girl's defense. Eventually the fist was fully engulfed. And he continued thrusting, inward and outward, he was overwhelmed with almost every emotion aside from sexual pleasure. What stuck out the most was the fact that he, Blood Boy, was completely dominating this girl who at this point was entering a stage of delirium due to the blood loss, aconite poisoning, and shock that was going through her. Her arm itself? Eventually it couldn't handle the pressure of the thrusting and a loud snap overwhelmed the area.

The arm had snapped at the wrist, which caused sharp bone to stab the woman in the cervix. It was a frightening affair, but eventually when the girl's screams ceased Blood Boy grumbled a bit as he went to his duffle bag and began changing his own clothes. Leaving the blood covered rags that had aided him throughout his day behind at the scene and changing into a baggy pair of jeans and a large white t-shirt. He shook his head, as he grabbed his bag and the food and water associated with Kara's and Rebecca's bag and walked away.

When he left the scene the camera's themselves would have an oddly cinematic shot as they zoomed in on Rebecca's corpse, bloody except for her torso, armless, but most importantly her broken arm still sticking out of her lifeless body. Still inserted into her. The sun baked at her skin as the make-up soon began to melt off. Eventually leaving behind not the corpse of an emo kid, but showing the true visage of Rebecca. A pale, scared, and pretty girl. It was tragic that only in death do people find out who they really are. Sincerely.

G27-Rebecca Bradbury-DECEASED

((Continued in You Can Run...))
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Post by Buko »

In a game like SOTF, you'd expect most deaths to be filled with epicness, blood and gore, and betrayal...the truth of the matter is that a lot of the deaths are mere accidents, it's truly a wonder these kids survive in the real world with all these bizarre accidental occurrences that plague them on the island. Not surprisingly, this isn't a tale of betrayal or sexy kills and what not, this death, this death is the shockingly simplistic kind and it had been waiting to be unleashed since the game's beginning.

This death? Sydney Moravan had barely escaped it. Hawley Faust had stared it straight into the eye and Bryan Calvert had punched it in the face, but this death? It bided it's time waiting to be unleashed and finally in the third form of SOTF it would be, hoping to be as gloriously insignificant as someone expected it to be. This creature, stalked it's prey mercilessly and finally found a girl suitable to be it's first victim; one Katherine Blanco.

Now, Katherine's medical history had nothing of real significance. Stunted height due to a large amount caffeine exposure, first menstruation at the age of twelve, virgin, and what effected us the most today was of course her one and only allergy, that is, to hornet's. The infamous SOTF bee? That was in fact an Asian Giant Hornet, known in the area as the Sparrow Bee.

This creature, was monstrous and as it went through the area searching for it's prey it wasted no time sinking it's quarter inch long stinger into an unexpected Katherine Blanco's neck, she swelled up. Confused. In pain and eventually lost consciousness, as she passed into the land of the dead though, one sound reached her ears, a strange buzzing, like from the bee that just killed her.

Except this buzzing was spaced out as if it was laughter.

G29-Katherine Blanco-Eliminated
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Post by Ciel* »

(This is what happens when you give the Ciel a deadline that's less than twelve hours. -_-)

((Nigel Gillespie continued from Fade Into You.))

((Dominica Shapiro continued from War Is An Ugly Thing.))

Nigel Gillespie (Male Student no. 21) was desperately looking for Ric. He had been acting kind of strange when he had first left the cottage a half-hour ago, so he decided to follow him. While Nigel was a smart man, he couldn't help but to think that it was his duty to find the boy, no matter what. Loyalty was always a thing that Nigel had concerned himself with, and this was no exception.

When he saw a figure sobbing near a cliff, where a few other unidentifiable body lay sprawled around (an arm shoved right into it's body, which sickened him to the core), Nigel wasn't really sure of what to do. He made it a commitment to find Ric and bring him back, but he couldn't just leave someone to rot... could he? After all, even if the figure in question had brought death to said body, she must've had a very good reason... although the arm was kind of unnecessary. All of it seemed unreal to Nigel, and he tried his best to imagine it as an illusion.

"Hey." He called out to the figure. "You okay?"

The figure didn't answer, and just kept blubbering. Nigel didn't move, and just sighed.

"Hey... you deaf or somethin'? I'm trying to talk to you."

The figure looked around, a scared look in it's eyes. Nigel couldn't remember who it was, but he knew it was a girl. He had seen her before, although he could never even guess her name. That was something that he went after next.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The slender girl hesitated in answering for a moment, as though remembering her name was something she rarely did. "My name... is Dominica."

"Alright..." Nigel paused, motioning towards the dead body some feet away. "Did you have something to do with this?"

The next question he posed seemed easier for her to answer. "I... I didn't kill her, if that's what you mean. That body was there when I got here."

Nigel shrugged, slowly making his way forward. Not in a way that was going to make the girl more nervous. Dominica slowly rose to her feet, black rings wrapping around her eyes from tears. Nigel thought it would be best to force a smile, if only to get one in response. He didn't though. He just sighed again, as though making it from where he was standing had been a challenge.

"I think this maybe the wrong place to ask this, but have you seen this guy, ..." Nigel stopped what he was trying to say, finally realizing that if this girl had been crying all this time, then why would she even care to remember if she had seen Ric. This girl looked as though she was troubled, and Nigel's first action wasn't surprising in the least. She was a girl that was under alot of stress, and Nigel wasn't going to push her aside just because he had to find someone... although finding Ric was a priority.

"Look... you can trust me. I can take you somewhere safe, if that's what you want. Not gonna force you into anything that you don't want to. Just thought I'd put that out there. You look very... capable on your own, but standing out here in the open ain't going to do you any good. The group I'm in needs all the people it can get, and-"

Dominica suddenly interrupted. "Don't patronize me, boy. I've no need to get into a deathtrap like the one that you're in."

Nigel was taken aback. "W-What the hell are you-"

The girl cracked something into his forehead in a sudden movement, smashing it into smaller fragments. Nigel didn't really have time to react fully to what the girl had told him before sending a surging pain through his head. He stumbled, gasping loudly as he slumped back. Blood poured forth from his head, splattering his forehead with a large coat of red.

"What the... F-Fu..." he absentmindedly cursed, forgetting about what had really happened and focused more on the pain itself. Hell... was it actually possible that such a small girl thought she had a chance against him? He was the Hulk compared to her, and she thought she could overcome him? It was stupid. How could she just smash a flute... a branch... whatever the hell she just hit over his head and expect to kill-

Then something very sharp plunged into his neck, and Nigel completely forgot about the pain in his forehead.


Dominica Shapiro (Female Student no. 28) was starting to feel both proud and disgusted of herself. She was taking someone else's life! Who wouldn't feel disgusted about themselves? And she was doing it to someone she didn't even know! The boy didn't look even vaguely familiar, and she was stabbing him in the throat with a shard from her broken ocarina (the one she had just rammed into his head). She was a monster for even doing such a thing, and yet... she was very proud as well. Why?

She was killing someone, yes... but this person in particular was twice her size. The boy could easily break her in half. End her. Destroy her. And yet the fight (if one could call it that) was moving in her favor. She was small, puny... and she was dominating a heavy set man that looked like he could easily rip her heart out of it's place. It was almost too easy. Yet, regrettably, nothing is ever as easy as it seems. She certainly wasn't expecting the boy to attack her, but the jab aimed straight for her jaw proved otherwise.

Dominica nearly lost her balance, taking a few steps backward with her hand still clenched down on the shard, completely covered in red. The whole lower part of her mouth became numb with pain, but she tried her best to ignore it. The boy didn't seem too amused with her antics and Dominica couldn't blame him. After all, she HAD stabbed him in the throat. His mouth was moving, trying to say something with the fury of a thousand gods but... nothing that sounded like English. Just a horrid grunting that stopped after five seconds of him talking.

The girl smirked. "You're just wasting your time. I must've punctured your voice box, although I believe you'd be smart enough to draw your own conclusions."

The brown-skinned man stopped for a moment, taking in this full realization before shivering in pain again. He mouthed something out between shudders, and while no sounds emerged from him, Dominica could make out what he meant to say. Really, there wasn't much else he could have said.

Dominica gave an embellished cackle. "Why? Are you seriously asking me that? It should be obvious as to why I'm doing this." She shook her head, closing her eyes. "I'm trying to survive, an idea that many of you just can't get behind. I've had so many expectations to live up to that I can't die here. While I'm sure that you have as much reason to live as I... that proves my point even further. I've decided to do whatever is necessary to live, and sadly that includes killing. And kids like you... while I don't hold any grudges, you'll just be a roadblock later if I don't kill you now...

"It's actually quite sad. If you had been much smaller and less intimidating, I wouldn't feel the need to be doing this." Dominica snorted softly. "Nothing personal, but fit people like you are my biggest threat. Get rid of you and my chances skyrocket. Leave you be, and I'll surely lose. I've been at a crossroads about what to do for awhile, and I came to the decision... So I apologize for doing this, but you're going to have to-"

Nigel wasn't the kind of person who would lose his top. He always kept his cool, even under situations like this. The way Dominica was talking about him, like he was a pest that needed to be exterminated, struck a chord that seemed impossible to reach. Nigel lost his self-control and, while Dominica was in a self-centered rant about how she was going to win, wrapped his hands around her scrawny little neck in a desperate attempt to... what was the reason? Did he want to stop her? One less player to deal with if he succeeded. Anger? That too. Honestly, he didn't know why. He HAD no idea. He just knew that it didn't matter if HE died, but if this sick, twisted bitch did, she would go on to kill even more. And that was his mistake: he was too close. Dominica felt it extremely hard to breathe, but she still found the strength to move. Instead of stabbing him like he was expecting her to do...

She nutted him with her right foot.


Nigel didn't see it coming. He also didn't see the fall off of the cliff that came when Dominica used all of her might to shove him over the side, his head landing directly on the rocks below. Right next to the body of Kara Holmes, whose contorted, jagged body Dominica had pushed over only a few minutes earlier. When he collided with the sharp rocks, his neck snapped in half like a little twig. This was a shame, because if he hadn't hesitated so much he had a damn good chance. Such a shame.

B21 - Gillespie, Nigel : ELIMINATED


At first Dominica felt very shocked of herself, but now she was filled with the utmost of pride. It's not everyday that a puny girl such as her could completely decimate a football player with only an ocarina. What was much more surprising was that... it was kind of fun, to put her life on the line. It was fun risking it all just to survive, and at least Nigel tried to kill her. All in all, he was a very big disappointment to her. She was expecting something a little more... what was the word? Ahh yes... lethal. Too trustworthy as well.

Dominica picked up all of the shards from the broken ocarina, only opting to take the largest, most sharpest piece of them all. It wasn't a gun, but hell... if she could kill someone with only a sharp shard from a wooden flute, then most likely she'd be able to hold her own until she received something a little more... useful.

And with that, Dominica went back into the shadows of the trees lining the jungle. She gave a loud laugh as she walked away. "I hope somebody can provide me with a bigger challenge. That was almost too easy." Although, no matter how much she bragged about it, she knew in her mind that she was just damned lucky.

At least now she knew she could kill if she really wanted to.

((Continued in Lithium Flower))
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