The Wind Below

You can see the ocean from here. The cliffs aren't terribly high, but it might be a mighty painful fall down them. They wouldn't make a very good hiding place, seeing how they're out in the open, but it'd definitely make a good vantage point, especially if you were lying in wait for someone to pass along the shoreline below.
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Emma was able to limply defend against John's rush as she took a few quick steps back. There was now a hunger in J.R.'s eyes as he stared at Emma. He was feeling the rush of adrenaline he had while he was maiming Cara.

"Oh come on now don't be like that. Come and play Emma. Come and see your good friend Johnny."

John was loving this, even if she ran, he knew had a strong chance of catching her, he was a runner after all, and he knew she wouldn't be able to block everything he threw at her.

Just keep swinging Riz.

John wound up again with the tire iron and rushed Emma, using the same motion to try and knock the falchion away.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

The sound of her sword hitting the ground was like the tolling of a death knell.

The way he looked at her made her feel as though she was covered in bugs. She'd been frozen in place by the horror he evoked in her with his eyes. In that moment her weapon had been knocked away and Emmanuelle Babineaux was as good as dead.

Turning on her heel, she started to run, her bag jostling uncomfortably against her right thigh and spewing its contents onto the ground behind her.
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She was running. Trying to get away from him. That just wasn't going to fly with John.

"Where you going? I thought we were enjoying ourselves?" John yelled as he tore off after her.

Emma wasn't very fast, and John could see her bag was slowing her down and spilling its contents all over the place, then, there it was, Emma had a stutter step that slowed her down causing John's eyes to widen in anticipation.


John kept moving forward and swung the tire iron at the side of Emma's head.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

If it had been any other time Anton would admit that the sounds of the wind and the waves crashing against the rocks below was almost a lullaby to his ears, after almost a week of this hell anything was soothing compared to what he had been hearing.

The distant sound of gunfire usually followed by the sounds of screams, a week he had spent hiding from this in the jungle that seemed to cover a majority of the island. Because it was the safest place he figured… there was no way they could make it a danger zone with trapping people so he figured it would be best to wait it out. And wait it out he did, though for what?

Help? That was unlikely.

A friend? Equally unlikely.

What about death?

After all this time Anton had to admit the thought of it all sounded quite nice, maybe that's why he was walking to the sea cliffs. Figured if you were going to end it might as well do it with a nice view, hell what's-her-face had thrown herself from the cliffs here so he figured why the not. After all it wasn't like Anton actually had a chance in this place… with people like fucking Bobby and Adam made quite sure of all that.

Breathing in somewhat he continued moving as the sound of crashing waves continued to grow louder as well, but there was something else reaching him that he couldn't quite figure out. Curious he continued moving toward the break in the jungle, blinking a little as it was more than a little bit hard to see in the darkness of the night.

But when he managed to figure out what it was, it wasn't that hard to see anymore. What seemed to be a girl scrambling to get away from someone with… what was that? A knife… was it a crow bar or something.

Anton found himself not really caring, lifting the pistol-shaped toy (he had found out early that though this thing looked dangerous, the pellets it shot would barely hurt a child let alone one of his psycho classmates) aiming it toward the boy. "HEY! What the hell are you doing, why don't you pick on someone closer to your size!"

Just to think five minutes ago he was going to kill himself, now he was trying to play hero... what the hell indeed.
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White light erupted behind Emma's eyes as the tire iron collided solidly with her skull, tearing her ear a little and loosening a couple of her back teeth in her gums. Her body was thrown sharply sideways at the ground, and skidded limply over rocks and puddles in her path. John's laughter, be it real or imagined, was barely audible over the massive headache the blow had given her.

The only thing she could taste was blood, all in her mouth and throat. Grimacing, Emma spat. A voice that she did not recognize caused her to try and open her eyes, but they watered too much for her to see anything. Unbidden, she heard her mother's voice reciting the rosary.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

It was anything but a comfort. It was a painful reminder of home and the people she would never see again.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

She hoped her mother wasn't watching.
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John's smile grew as he felt the energy of the connection of metal to skull. He was living for these rushes. Emma dropped like a sack of bricks, coughing up blood, and what appeared to be a tooth or two.

John laughed as he stood over her and bent down right next to her face, "Oh by the way dear, I'm going to be breaking that promise I made to you. So sorry about that."

John raised the morning star in his left hand, with the fullest intention of crushing Emma's skull. No playing with his food this time, but before he could bring the weapon down, there was a voice, and John recognized it. It was that Anton kid, the bastard. John never liked him much, and they'd had a few classes together.

John looked down at Emma, "I'll be back for you later." He said as he spat on her in disgust. John turned full around to face Anton, his eyes widened momentarily as he realized there was a gun in Anton's hand.

"Heh, you bastard. You got a lucky draw now didn't you?" John yelled to him, still smiling. The whole strategy was to keep talking, look for an exit.

You can finish Emma off another time, just get out of...wait a second.

John's thought was interrupted by a glint of orange. It was an orange safety cap that manufacturers put on the ends of airsoft guns so cops wouldn't think they were real.

You sly bastard.

"So Anton," John said casually as he began to walk towards him twirling the tire iron in his right hand, "I've gotta ask you, just how has that gun been for you so far? Kill any big game, like I don't know a fucking squirrel? See, that my friend, is truly hilarious that you come to me, trying to play a big hero, with nothing but a fake gun and your words," John was now about five feet away from Anton, "Well, lets have some fun shall we?"

John rushed at Anton the same way he did with Cara, swinging his morningstar around first, directly at Anton's torso.
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Post by riserugu* »

Anton found himself making a small sound at the sight of the girl being hit with the weapon, because really his whole damn point of him jumping out here was to keep her from getting hurt. Gritting his teeth somewhat and turning his attention back on the John—stupid bastard, but in the long run what could he do? Thankfully John didn't seem to have anything to dangerous considering what he might have figured but it still wasn't anything he should just scoff off… feeling the arm holding on the gun—well fake gun, but that wasn't the point—shake every-so-slightly as he began to wonder just how wrong this could quickly go. After all, if John the bastard could try and beat a defenseless girl within an inch of her life he could only wonder what he could try and do to him.

Tensing up at the sound of his name he tilted his head a somewhat as John began to speak about his issued weapon—tisking somewhat as he glanced to the visible flash of orange on it, glancing back up toward the other boy with a smirk. Even if this wasn't a real gun he could still put one of his pellets through his eye.

"No one yet, but what's up with you? Haven't got the balls to pick with any of the big game like Jacks so you've got to pick on girls? Suits ‘ya though." He said, holding still until John began to rush at him swinging that weapon, Anton moving just as fast as the boy swung the morningstar toward him. A short sort of yell escaped him as the weapon managed to catch him as he moved, trying across his stomach and along his side—ripping through clothes, flesh and he was sure he took a moment to pause and took, into muscles as well. Still he kept moving even as blood began pouring from the wounds as he aimed his weapon and fired off a few of the pellets as he moved to get behind John, his back facing the roar the ocean.
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John barely heard what Anton was saying, instead he was paying attention to the sound of the morning star ripping through Anton's clothing and flesh. It was wonderful. As John pulled back ready to pounce again, Anton fired the pellet gun.

A few of the small pellets found their way to Riz causing him to wince as they made contact. They weren't lethal or dangerous, but they still fucking stung. Anton began to circle around John, almost like he was looking for an opening. Unfortunately for him, John saw the opening to take on Anton first.

JR had never watched the first SoTF when it was on TV, but he'd watched the second game, and one of his favourite moments was the winner Bryan Calvert kicking Felix off the hotel roof.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

John took a few strides, closing the distance while Anton's back was still to the edge of the cliffs, then leaped through the air, extending both feet towards Anton's chest.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

Anton was ready for John's attack this time. He brought his gun up ready to brace the side-swing impact from John's first weapon strike, but the swing didn't come. As John got within a few feet, he went aerial. Anton wasn't ready, and despite a last second attempt to block the blow, John's feet firmly planted themselves into Anton's chest.

Anton felt his feet leave the ground and his body fly backwards from the force of impact. He reached out with his free hand to attempt to brace his fall, but all he felt was the tips of his fingers brush the edge of the cliff, followed by the roller-coaster sensation of being dropped.

Anton fell the distance, fully anticipating the crack of his body against the rocks. Anton felt something touch his back, followed by a massive rush of wind out of his lungs and intense pain through his torso. He screamed in agony, as he felt himself roll over. He face came to rest on what was for sure a rock.

How the hell did I survive that?

Anton push himself up, groaning in pain and gasping for wind. He looked to his left and the feeling was like all the wind rushed out of his body again. He had landed on the corpse of a fellow student. Her body had cushioned the fall just enough that he wasn't fatally injured. Anton coiled back out of disgust at the state the body was now in. It took him a second to regain his composure before he felt a warm realization sweep over his body.

"I'm alive. I can still go home if I get off here and swim to a beach or something. I'm ALIIIIV..."

Anton's last word never quite finished. It more turned into a garbled noise as in Anton's joy at surviving a terrible fall, he'd failed to realize that there were still occasional waves crashing into the rock face of the sea cliffs. A powerful wave knocked Anton off the rock, sweeping with it Cara's corpse. Anton was thrashed violently in the water and knocked out from being thrown into a rock underwater.

Anton drowned within the next minute. So lucky one minute, not so lucky the next.

Male Student #110 - Anton Wykowsku - Dead
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John shouted as he watched Anton soar over the cliff. John rose to his feet and made his way over the edge to check out the extent of the fall.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Anton had somehow managed to land on Cara's corpse and survive the fall. John's smiled quickly turned to a grimace as he watched Anton raise his hands and shout about being alive. The grimace didn't last long, as John quickly burst into hysterical laughter when Anton was knocked off the rock into the water.

"Oh..haheheh...that was..that was awesome," John said as he wiped a tear from his eye,"I do wonder though if I get credit for that one, or at least 10 points for the direct hit on her corpse."

John continued to chuckle for a few minutes as he watched the waves. He turned around to see Emma was starting to rise.

"Oh, I'd forgotten about you in all the ruckus." John whisper under his breath.
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Post by Super Llama* »

{{continued from Rinse, Repeat}}

Noah's arm hurt like a bitch. The hits from Harry's shotgun had left several deep gashes, and since he had spent much of his travel time since then running like hell, he hadn't had the time to treat it properly yet. Mud had gotten into it from the scuffle, making it sting even more. He had for a while now, though, decided that he had gotten far enough away from the shotgun-wielding crazy that he could continue at a more leisurely pace, taking a moment to pop his broken nose back into place ("Ow, son of a bitch!"), using his newly-gained harpoon as a walking stick as he continued on his way to the cliffs, where he hoped he would find the rest of his group.

The harpoon was certainly a better weapon than the glorified knives that he had been issued, and he had played enough Soul Caliber to know the basic advantages and disadvantages of such a weapon. Basically, it has a long attack range, so it's great for keeping enemies at bay, but if they DO get in close, than it's really hard to use it. He thought to no one in particular, his mind just thinking random thoughts to keep at bay the rampant paranoia that behind every shadow could be a crazy murderer, covered in blood and revving a chainsaw, maybe wearing a burlap sack over his head to complete the ensemble.

Finally, he caught a glimpse of the sky ahead, tinted a deep purple as the sun lurked just behind the horizon. And against that purple sky he noticed two silohuettes. Oh, hey. Maybe they got here before m-

This hopes were quickly dashed as one of the silohuettes dropkicked the other off the cliff, then proclaimed "ITS GOOOOOOOD!" He half-expected the figure to do some retarded white boy victory dance in celebration of his newest apparent kill.

God dammit. I just narrowly get away from one psycho, only to run into another one. Lucky me, huh? Hoping that whoever just fell to his death wasn't one of his group, he tried to make out who the killer was, finally recognizing him as J.R. Rizzolo, Southridge's King of Fake Plastic Guitars. As the guy let out a maniacal laugh, he shook his head. Damn, way to go off the deep end. What would your mother think? 'Oh God, how could I have raised a serial killer? Maybe Jack Thompson was right and it was those violent video games all along.'

Staying back far enough to be hidden, he waited, hoping that the Guitar Hero Killer would leave soon, and ready to pounce if one of the others stumbled in and got his attention.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

Emma lied in one spot like a dumbass while the altercation between John and Anton took place. She realized how stupid she was as John turned to face her with an evil smile on his lips.

A fierce burst of adrenaline erupted in Emma's body as she remembered how awesome living was. She was instantly on her feet and running, heading for where she hoped the the forest would be. Temporarily blinded by an intense head rush, she ran directly into someone, knocking her flat on her ass. Her vision returned just in time to recognize Noah Jacobs. Terrified, she stared at him wide-eyed, and mouth agape.

Some people just can't catch a break.
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Post by Ares »

Emma had risen much quicker than John expected. He quickly rushed over to where she had been, looking around for any indication of the direction she had ran. As he slowly walked forward, his eyes and ears trying to pick up the faintest indication of where his prey was hiding, his foot came into contact with something on the ground. Glancing down, John noticed a few of the contents from Emma's pack had fallen, including one the precious water bottles. Looking over the other stuff, John quickly became enthralled with everything a woman could carry on her. It looked as though Emma had completely merged her assigned daypack with her bag of personal belongings.

John squatted down as he looked over her assigned map that had fallen, before looking to his right to see something black. It was one of Emma's bras.

"Hmm. These things were always so confusing. I mean seriously, how the fuck can women get these things open and close them from behind them. Its amazing," Riz muttered to himself, thinking about some of his failed attempts at de-braing a woman.

Next to the bra John found something equally as baffling to his male mind. There lay an unused tampon.

Houston, we've got a bleeder.

"Man, I'm so glad I'm a dude, I don't have to wear something that is basically a straight jacket for boobs, and I don't have to shove something into my body to try and stop it from bleeding."

John looked around for anything that would be of use aside from the one water bottle, the only thing catching his eye was a small marker. He took it and wrote on Emma's map at the sea cliffs, J.R. Was Here before throwing it back down and gathering all of his own belongings.

JR turned to walk away when he heard a faint sound coming from the brush.

"Emma." John snarled.

He quickly dashed down a small path, looking frantically from side to side in the tall grass. It was nearly impossible to see anything though.

"Emma...oh Emma darling. Where'd you go? Come on out, I won't hurt you...okay well I lied about that, but come on out and I'll finish the job. You aren't going to do shit Emma but die anyways."

After a few minutes of nothing moving, no other noises, no nothing, John finally gave up his search.

Meh, there'll be others. He thought as he walked back to the spot where Emma's bag had spilled, chuckling again at the mystery that was a bra and tampon, before striding off into the woods.

((John continued in This Fire Burns))
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Post by Super Llama* »

Noah looked to the side as he heard something approaching, and was caught by surprise as somebody slammed right into him, almost knocking him right over. He spun around, harpoon at the ready, to see a girl on the ground, looking up at him like he at any second now he was going to sprout fangs and eat her alive or some shit.

Noticing JR run towards where she had been, he put two and two together and ducked down out of sight, hoping that the girl would simply stay paralyzed with fear and not decide to put that sword of her's to use on him. He looked over at her and put a finger to his lips in the universal hand gesture for "be quiet," as he watched JR inspect something on the ground. Come on, man, just get out of here. I am so not in the mood for this crap.

Suddenly, he took off in their direction. Dammit! He stayed under cover, hoping the two of them wouldn't be noticed, his grip on the harpoon. Hearing him talking to somebody named Emma (probably the nearby girl's name) confirmed his suspicions. Dammit, you asshole, get lost! I don't want to have to harpoon you in the face, but I'll fucking do it if you keep this shit up!

JR stood there for what seemed like forever, waiting for some kind of slip up on Emma's part so he could strike, leaving Noah frozen as he tried hard not to give his position away, and hoping that she would do the same. Finally, the Guitar Hero Killer took off, leaving the two of them alone, and Noah breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Finally..." Getting up, and wincing a bit as he was reminded of the injuries on his arm, he strode towards what JR was so intently staring at, which turned out to be the girl's pack, with many of it's contents strewn out along the ground, along with some of her...well, unmentionables.

"I'm guessing that since you haven't made a move to kill me yet, that means you aren't playing." Noah said, looking back at Emma for a moment before finding a good sized rock to sit down on. Opening up his pack and digging through it for a water bottle and his first aid kit, he hoped that the others would come soon so that he could get out of here. Maybe he was just imagining things, but even with the lack of bodies and the rain, this place just reeked of death. Much more than a single bodies' worth. "And I'm hoping that since I didn't try to put my spear through that guy's skull, I don't give off the impression that I'm playing, either."

Carefully slipping the jacket sleeve off of his injured arm, he grabbed a spare shirt out of his pack, letting it sit out in the rain for a bit until it got wet enough before trying to use it to clean the dirt out of his wounds, grimicing in pain. "Ow! That fucking Harry...whatever the hell his name was..."
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(OOC: Okay, srsly, I need to get moving now before Noah falls to inactivity.)

After a few moments, Noah was satisfied that he had cleaned out the wounds on his arm enough. Then came the dreaded part, the alcohol. Noah clenched his fist as he carefully poured it across the wounds "Grrrrh...motherfucker." He cursed under his breath. Finishing up on that end, he pulled out the bandages, wrapping his arm up tightly. "There we g..." It was then that he remembered the injuries on his side, and sighed, repeating the whole process over again.

His wounds treated and dressed, he packed everything back up again, and got back up again. The group was supposed to have met up by now. Either they were lost, or in trouble, and Noah could only assume the latter.

"Listen, I gotta go." He said, turning back to Emma. "I have to find the rest of my group. We're looking for a way off the island, so if you want to come along, be my guest." And with that, he set off.

{{continued elsewhere}}
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