
A basic three-room facility which once served the residents of the island. The waiting room is nothing to speak of, with only a few dust-covered chairs, an old lamp, and a stack of ancient magazines sitting on the table. The examination room is even blander, containing nothing except some expired medical supplies and an old examination table. The third room holds two rows of cots and was once used to quarantine sick patients.
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Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Whom Shall We Blame?))

Viki couldn't hold back the yawn that escaped from her lips as they emerged from their long trek through the jungle. The silhouette of the building further ahead must have been the hospital, if Ianto's directions had been correct. The fact that they were almost there made Viki feel relieved. It was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Finally. Shelter. We can finally rest and collect ourselves. Once we all calm down, we can figure out a plan, and everything will be okay. We've just got to hold on... if we hold out long enough, maybe they'll save us. We've just got to keep hoping... just got to have faith.

"Look, guys," Viki pointed at the building quickly growing larger in her line of vision, "I think we're here."

The instant she moved a few feet closer to the building, Viki wanted to turn tail and run away. Right in front of the door lay a student -- she couldn't recognize him, mostly because the very large portion of his head had been removed from his body and was laying in a spray of bone and brainmatter across the ground.

Perhaps most gruesome of all was the oddly shaped, ill-formed blob of flesh that was laying a few feet away. Viki couldn't even recognize it, and if she had known it was the unborn fetus of Heather Tilmitt, she might have lost any shred of sanity then and there. She looked on at the body she couldn't identify as Lance Barrett, and all of a sudden, felt the immediate urge to vomit.

Her hand shot up to her mouth and covered it as if to force the bile back down her throat, but she still felt herself choking on it. Perhaps worst of all wasn't seeing the gruesome display in front of the hospital, but rather, the fact that a body blown apart at such close range signified rather clearly that someone, somewhere had already given in to the game.

Someone was playing.

Viki's entire body shook profusely, and she couldn't even manage to utter some semblance of a word as she stared at the maimed corpse. She wondered briefly if whoever had done this was still hiding inside the hospital, but the fact that the door to the hospital was still wide open signified that whoever had murdered that boy had long since departed the area.

"Dear God..." she managed to choke out quietly.

She wanted to run the other direction as fast as possible, but what good would it do? Body or not, the hospital was empty now, and the likelihood that any of the other buildings in the general area were going to be empty as well were probably slim at best. Maybe in the morning, they could bury the boy. It seemed like the right thing to do, even if they couldn't identify him.

"W-we should just get inside..." Viki stuttered out, "B-before we wind up like h-him."

She didn't wait for the others, instead pushing ahead and into the clinic, which seemed to be completely empty. The door of one room was closed, while the other was still wide open. Was that where the killer had hidden? Against her better judgement, Viki moved across the dimly lit reception room of the hospital and toward the open door.

What she saw in the examination room could only be described as the stuff of nightmares. The entire room seemed like it was painted a sickening crimson in color, and it reeked of the coppery scent of blood. Most horrific of all was the examination table, on which a body -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be -- was laying.

Flesh was sticking up and out at different angles, as if someone had performed a surgery gone horribly wrong, and the face of the corpse was black and blue with bruises and abraisons. The sight of blood had always made Viki ill, and the entire scene was far too much for the dark-headed girl to take. She stared at the gruesome scene for a moment, seemingly entranced by it, before everything appeared spotted, then black. Viki's body lurched sideways of its own accord, hurdling the unconscious girl toward the ground.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from Whom Shall We Blame?))

Serenity was ready to sleep by the time the group had arrived at the hospital. She wanted nothing more than to lie down and forget this was happening. Forget everything. But she knew that was impossible. She'd had her life threatened, by someone she'd known for years. That's just wrong. Oh so wrong.

Serenity followed Viki to the door and stopped dead in her tracks. There was a body. One of the boys in their class had been killed. His head was… gone. Completely gone. She felt her stomach lurch. She felt her upper body fall forward as the contents of her stomach came spilling out. She vomited once, twice, three times. She wiped her mouth on her sleeve and stood up straight.

"I need to get inside." Serenity quickly followed her friend to get away from the gruesome site of the dead boy. She sat on the ground while Viki went to look around. Serenity put her face in her palms and tried to will the tears to stay in.

A sudden thump from the direction Viki went made Serenity jump up to see what happened. All she saw at first was Viki sprawled on the ground. She ran to her friend and knelt beside her, shaking her body.

"Viki?! Viki! Wake up!"

Serenity knew better, but she did it anyway. She looked to see what made Viki faint. She shouldn't have. The scream that came out of Serenity's mouth was the most piercing scream she could muster. The tears were free falling now, and she tore her eyes from the morbid sight. She buried her face in her arms and cried and screamed. It was the only thing she could do to stop the pain.
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Post by Ares »

((Brenden from Born Of A Broken Man))
Brenden slowed his pace to a near snail's pace. He had witnessed a group of people enter the hospital, while he snaked his way through the bushes. His heart raced with excitement.

Calm down Brenden, calm down. Take your time. Analyze the situation first. Make your move when they are most vulnerable. He thought.

He crept through the long morning shadows towards a window he spotted on the side of the hospital. He crept slowly to the side of it, and glanced inside. He saw one of the girls on the ground with another girl kneeling beside her. He adjusted himself slightly to gain a better view. He was able to catch a small view of the examination room, which was covered with blood. This caused Brenden to break into a small grin.

Patience Brenden, wait and see what is going on. You might not have to do as much work as you thought.

Especially if these 4 were the ones who caused that car wreck of blood and guts on the table and walls there.
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from Perception is Everything))

"Keep on running, running, running...", she sighed as she turned and finally approached the hospital and once again laid her eyes upon Lance Barrett's corpse, shocked. No, Evelyn was just shaking her head as she slowed down and finally allowed her thought process to catch up to her fast form, she didn't exactly know how things had gotten so bad so quickly, but one thing was for sure. Even if this was some sick prank designed by someone, had already backfired, Lance Barrett? Lance Barrett was dead and Evelyn?

Oh my god, I drop kicked someone...

Evelyn just really wanted to sit down, she hadn't felt this sick since Michael's party and truthfully that was not only because of the hang over, but because...well she wasn't exactly sure what had happened at that party. She shook her head as she prepared to run away, but she was overwhelmed with a natural curiosity to see what exactly had happened she approached the scene and as she squealed a bit as she kicked Lance's corpse out of her way it was only when she turned her head slightly to the side that she saw Brendan's body. A familiar face? A murderer? Who exactly knew. To be honest, she didn't even know much aside from the fact that she'd seen him around the athletics office and locker-room (the athletics office was placed in the boy's locker-room as was most of the team meeting, Evelyn had seen way too much male flesh in her four years of high school...perhaps if she was uglier the kids would've had a problem with it).

Evelyn being right next to the entrance turned to him and noticed that the distance between them was only about a yard or so, still as she was ready to sprint away she found herself shaking a little a bit, she felt an emotion similar to when she had to play a big game: fear. This fear, literally paralyzed Evelyn and all she could do, was speak.

"Well...I guess that removes all doubt then..."
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Post by Ares »


Someone had screamed behind Brenden, and this was not good. This would alert the party of four to his whereabouts. His only chance was to get the screamer, and hope he could use her as a shield until he could make a clean getaway.

He turned around, and much to his surprise the girl was right behind him.

"Hello Evelyn." Brenden said with touch of Lecter.

He then lunged at her with his left hand, while letting the whip down, just to be ready to swing at anyone who tried to stop him.
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Post by riserugu* »

Whom Shall We Blame?))

Ianto had been more than sure in his directions leading from the marsh to where the hospital would hopefully be, even pausing every so often just to make sure they where still on the right tract. Making sure though to keep himself in front of the rather unarmed party of sorts, the safety on his rifle remaining on – because really the last thing he needed was a accident happening, but still remaining alert for whatever might be hiding out in the bushes. But thankfully before too long a shape seemed to be forming in the distance, sighing and allowing a chance to smile a little just because there was no doubt that, that this was the place… of course now they where faced with the facts of what if someone was already in there, further more what if the person… or even persons inside where players?

He didn't have time to think on the subject long because Viki's voice broke the silence that had mostly fallen over the party since they had left the marsh, glancing a bit back toward her with a small look, though he found himself coming to a halt at the sudden look coming across Viki's face, looking confused until he turned back and looked over the scene that he hadn't noticed before, swallowing hard at the sight of the body… or rather what was left of the body laying in front of building. Unable to recognize the lump of flesh as another human, a baby at that, simply putting it off as another mass of flesh that had escaped when the currently unknown male's head had exploded, unable to stand to look at it for long – a surge of different emotions going through him, unsure if he wanted to be sick, sad, mad… he just didn't know.

Their whole walk here had been preparing to come across a body of one of their classmates sooner or later, but he had never expected this… expected something to this nature, that someone could actually do this and then just walk away. It was Serenity throwing up that brought him from his thoughts, staring uncertainly toward the girl and almost wanting to move over and try and comfort her maybe… but at that same moment he realized that Viki was no longer in the sight, glancing around frantically for a moment before his eyes fell on the open doors of the hospital and cursing somewhat, moving forward quickly, because what if the person who did this was inside? How was the girl supposed to protect herself from someone who could do that?

Rushing inside, he glanced the area quickly, before before he spotted the girl seemingly standing silent at one of the doorways leading out of the sitting room. Breathing out a soft sound that at least she was alright, and that was enough for the moment Ianto decided. "Viki. You really shouldn't go ahead of me, what if the person who had done that had been in here?" He muttered, approaching where she was standing, his steps coming to a stop once more though as he was hit with a sickening smell, scrunching his nose as he shook his head trying to rid himself of the smell that seemed to be attacking all of his senses. "Nee, Viki we should –" But before he had a chance to get much of anything out he found himself witnessing the sight of the girl began a tumble sideways, tisking loudly as he dropped both his pack and rifle to the floor and dashed forward the short distance, knees hitting the floor hard as he wrapped arms about her in some attempt at keeping her from busting her head open on the floor, an ally with a concussion was the last thing they needed.

"Viki? Hey, hey – come on now, we need—"

It was at that moment he saw just what had caused the girl to faint like that, baring able to keeping himself from tossing up what little he had ate, himself frozen for what seemed like forever, staring wide-eyed at the sight before them, the mangled body of yet another of their classmates, her blood staining almost every corner of the room. Finding himself able to move after a moment and moving to back somewhat to get the girl out of the doorway, and close it before the other two came in, laying the girl down against the floor as he moved to reach out and try and get the door closed, but already Serenity was yelling about Viki – and then she was screaming and Ianto was trying to start yelling himself, leaning forward and pulling the door closed as he looked back and tried to handle the sudden situation of Serenity breaking down, and Viki unconscious on the ground. Moving over and placing a hand on Serenity's shoulder, shaking her lightly,

"Sere--Serenity, you've got to calm down… you screaming like is going to attract a lot of unwanted attention, and with Viki passed out like this… I know it's hard, but please, please calm down."
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Post by riserugu* »

[[ Ladies and Gents, A moment if you will.

Please, please before you post go look at the hospital map that Meg worked very hard on and see the layout provided for you to use so there's no confusion concerning just where characters are. They where made for a reason, so please use them to your advantage.

There's only three rooms in the hospitals: the reception room, the examination room, and the quarantine room. The latter two are connected simply by doors to the reception room, there are no halls in the hospital. Also, the only door to the hospital is the front entrance.]]
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Post by Megami* »

((Green light! You may resume posting.))
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Post by RePeate* »

((Continued from Whom Shall We Blame?))

The dessimated bodies of his fellow classmates had shaken Gabe's nerves. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine this kind of violence. He'd seen some gory movies in his day, but the voice in the back of his mind that assured him it was nothing more than special effects was nowhere near now. He choked a bit on some vomit, but swallowed it back, leaving a God aweful taste in his throat. As soon as Viki fainted, he'd felt obligated to run over to her, but alas his own weakened state kept him from action.

Oh my God... it's real... this is really happening...

He scanned the decapitated mess that sat nearby. The clothing looked familiar, but he couldn't place them with a face.

I know Evan was wearing a black dress shirt... what was Steve wearing? No those definately aren't his shoes, thank God. Who is that? This is going to drive me mad.

He turned away after a few seconds, unable to deal with the extreme amounts of blood and gore. He knew all too well now this wasn't a game, and people were out for blood. Someone in the class was a cold blooded killer. Any thoughts he had about escaping with his friends unscathed had vanished. Someone would likely find them and hurt them... or worse. Serenity's screams only helped to add panic to the mix.

"You guys, it's not safe here. We can't stay here. I hate to be the insensitive one, but the guy who did this might still be here. We need to move." The reality of the situation began to set in. Gabe panicked slightly as he stood still. The killer could very well be in the area, and could drop on them at any second. He looked back at the bodies. What if that were me? Would someone show me more consideration than these poor bastards? No, no... whoever did this is out for blood. Some sick fuck... I need to watch my back. He readied his pole and looked around anxiously. Not concerned for the idea that a ski pole could do very little leathal damage, all he needed it for was peace of mind. Gabe would most certainly have to take any hostile students down with his bare hands; a feat he wasn't sure would keep him safe.

Gabe saw that Ianto had a similar mindset about him. He was glad the boy could keep a level head in this situation. The last thing he needed to do was babysit a bunch of panicked friends. "Ianto", he called out "Get Viki, we can't stay here. It's dange-"

Just then he heard a noise that sounded like a girl speaking coming from behind him. He wheeled around to confront the source of the noise and came face to face with Evelyn. Gabe's face went from cold and calm to startled and shocked. Whoa! Where'd you come from? How'd I not hear that. He raised his pole above his head and jumped back a few feet. "Whoa! Get back!"

He was pretty sure Evelyn wouldn't be able to hurt him, but the sight of the vicious massacre inside made him doubt his senses. To Gabe, Evelyn was as dangerous as a man twice her size holding an AK-47. "What are you doing here?" he shouted at her rather harshly. In normal times, he'd feel horrible for shouting so loudly at a girl... but these weren't normal times.
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Post by Buko »

Evelyn Richinson was fast.

Hell, her times placed her placed her not only as one of the fastest highschool students, but she was also one of the top women sprinters within the United States. To say that Evelyn Richinson was a little quick was to say that a rack of ribs is "alright...". But, no matter how fast she was, Evelyn Richinson still couldn't utilize it as much in combat as let's say Darnell Butler, Paul Smith, or the now deceased Lance Barrett. Her reflexes where amazing, her ability to read other people? Horrible. Hell, her main strategy in football was just running the ball (she almost decided to be a quarter back based on that), so it's to say that when Brendan reached out to grab her she didn't really know how to react.

And so Evelyn Richinson would find herself in a very scary position as the much "stronger" hockey player grasped at her only to find himself grasping the collar of her shirt, pulling herself back at a shocking speed she would like to say it was the sound of ripping fabric that really freaked her out. That it was the cool air brushing against her exposed torso and bra covered chest that really got her scared, unfortunately it was colliding back first into a ski-pole wielding Gabe McCallum. She of course was expecting Gabe to save her, but perhaps she was wrong in thinking that and if she made it out alive she would smack herself in the face for thinking that.

She couldn't really pin-point what Gabe had against her, but she seriously thought it might be the fact that she had taken the football captaincy from Steve and had gotten a large recognition in the nation due to her athletic ability. It was tough to believe that such sexism could sexist in a day and age such as this one, but such stuff really wasn't uncommon and Evelyn was naturally paranoid to it. To be honest she herself acknowledged that she was also a bit too hard on the team most of the time and instead of partying with them she found herself simply chastising them because they didn't practice enough. But really was that such a crime? Would Gabe McCallum kill her over a few extra laps?

Evelyn was frightened as she was pretty much sandwiched in between two boys with a ripped t-shirt barely hanging on by the sleeves (in other words it looked like a jacket), she wanted to sprint, to run far away but her blue eyes found themselves focusing upon the whip and every black history month movie of a slave running away only to meet a whip ran through her mind. She'd address the racism later.

"N-n-nothing McCallum," she said wincing at how easily her voice reflected the fear she was failing to hide, "I was just heading towards the hospital when...when Brendan decided to grab me rather forcibly and ruin a perfectly good shirt..."

Her confidence returned slightly with the last line, but she herself could only hope Gabe would remember the team trips and the countless championship games they had played and won together. Was that any value on this island? All those memories? The ambitions they talked about? The jokes told? Where all those thrown away because of one speech made by a man that they had only seen once?

Only time would tell...
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Ianto was at Viki's side just as soon as she was. He dragged her limp body out of the doorway and closed the door to the room filled with gore. Serenity didn't understand. Why was this happening? Why were people killing? Why? It didn't make sence! She grew up with most of these people! How could they be killing eachother?! She just couldn't stop herself from screaming. It was the only release she had.

It was Ianto shaking her that finnally brought her to her senses. She looked up at him and tried to stop herself. She covered her mouth and broke down into a fit of sobs. She wasn't the type of person who knew how to be strong. She wasn't ready for this. She wanted to go home.

"I-I can't... I'm so scared... How can this be happening? Why?! Why are they playing?! What the fuck is wrong with them?!" She screamed and continued her crying. She just wanted this all to stop.

Gabe's voice alerted them that they had to leave. Serenity tried to lift herself up, but found that her legs wouldn't move. Her brain couldn't focus. She couldn't move.

"I-I can't.... My legs won't move..." She said through her tears. She couldn't understand... why couldn't she move.

The arrival of Evelyn was the icing on the cake. Gabe raised the ski pole at her as if she were a threat. She was no threat. She was their friend. What was he doing? She didn't understand.

"Gabe... It's Evelyn... she's our friend.... what are you doing...."
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Post by Ares »

God damn it. Was Brenden's only thought as Evelyn got away from him, leaving him nothing but her shirt.

Brenden now knew he faced a difficult decision. He was a damn good actor in his own right, but he didn't know that if he followed Evelyn that he could pull off a show that would convince 4 other people enough to allow him a chance to kill Evelyn and make an escape. He knew he could outrun all of them except for maybe Gabe McCallum.

"Decisions, decisions..." Brenden mumbled.

Let this one go Brenden. There'll be another time and place.

His cooler side prevailing, Brenden quietly slipped away back into the thicket from which he'd came.

And besides, when they go to investigate and don't see me, they might do my job for me thinking dear Evelyn has lost her precious little mind.

((Continued in The Legend of the Flower of Woe))
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Post by Megami* »

((Go ahead and post around me, guys. I probably won't be able to post most of, if not all of tonight and tomorrow, and I don't wanna hold anybody up. Just assume that Viki's still passed out, and I'm giving Riser or whoever permission to move her around and whatnot if need be.))
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Post by riserugu* »

Ianto busily tried to keep himself from going into the panic-attack that wanted to set in, here they where stuck in a hospital where a killer could very well still have himself held-up somewhere and armed just waiting to spring out and do to them what they did to the guy outside, or what happened to whoever had been viscously beaten to death in the other room. Or worse yet, what if there were two killers hanging around here?

Sure he had a rifle, probably one of the better weapons given out on the island about would he be able to protect the girls if there was a double-team coming after them? Sighing somewhat he glanced back over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps and gave a small, very forced smile toward the other boy in their little rag-tag group, highly agreeing with the words. With the bodies he didn't want the two girls staying here and getting upset anymore, and with Serenity's having screamed like that he was sure just what might have heard her and could come looking…

Glancing to Viki though as Gabe mentioned her he nodded likely, frowning in thought before Gabe caught him off guard once more with his startled statement, in telling someone –he couldn't see just who with his back to the scene—to back off, quickly reaching and taking a hold of his rifle and turning on his knees to the sight, though once he noticed just who it was – the line of the muzzle waved before dropping all together.

He knew Evelyn Richinson, of course who didn't know the only female football player in the area who was not only good at what she did on the team, but also probably better than most – if not all of the guys she called teammates, Ianto had spoken with her once or twice for different reasons usually for something to do with student council and she always seemed to be a pretty nice and polite girl to whatever he had to ask.

Though he was startled a bit by Gabe's clear suspension of the girl, he really couldn't find a reason to not trust Evelyn, though nerves where wearing thin and the tension was even worse when they where dealing with two dead bodies and the sudden appearance of someone that in the end might very well be the reason these two are dead. Making a short sound under his breath he moved to rest his rifle against the ground and return to focusing on Viki, rather unsure what he could possibly do – she had simply blacked out, so the best course of action was just to let her wake up on her own as it didn't seem like she was going to be waking up from any of their call, shaking or screaming.

Speaking of screaming, he turned back to looking Serenity with a small frown crossing his features; just as unsure what he could do to help comfort the girl when she was in such a devastated state, not that he blamed her, Ianto just really didn't want anymore attention drawn to them what might already have been. Reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly and allowing a chance moment to smile.

"Nee Serenity… I know it's hard; really we're all stuck here together. But if we start breaking down we're doing just what those assholes reasonable for putting us here want us to do, we got to keep it together so we can find our friends, and be able to think of something." He said, glancing toward Viki for a moment before pushing himself up onto his feet, and holding his hands out toward Serenity.

"Now, why don't we stand up – Gabe's right, we need to leave this place, get Viki somewhere safe and just… away from all of this, you girls don't deserve to see this. So take my hands, I'll help you… and don't worry, I'll make sure you don't fall, alright?"

Though as he said this, he found his attention sifting back to the sight of Gabe and Evelyn, wondering just why the other male was on edge around his teammate. Biting down on the inside of his cheek, and hoping that turning his attention to the girls wouldn't turn out for the worst between the other two.
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Post by Megami* »


Black surrounded her. It covered everything and everyone. In the distance, she could make out the silhouettes of people. Viki squinted her eyes and peered into the distance. The silhouettes looked so familiar, but it was as if they were nothing more than shadows dancing across the wall. Viki's arm reached out, her pink-painted fingernails trying to touch the silhouettes, but they seemed to move further and further into the darkness before fading away into nothing.

The shadows faded, and Viki found herself standing in a sea of black. She turned left and right, looking around for something, anything... but there was only nothing. Only darkness for as fas as the eye could see. Out of the corner of her eye, the shadows reappeared. Viki's vision shifted toward them once again and they moved off into the distance, this time running to keep up with them.

A door appeared in front of her -- full of light, full of music and laughter and fun. Viki burst through the door into an eerily familiar scene. The prom. Southridge's prom. It had only been maybe a week or two beforehand. Everybody was dancing, laughing, having fun. She looked down, only to find herself dressed in the same slim pink gown she'd worn on prom night, complete with the clear high-heels and, as she noticed when she absent-mindedly raised her hand up and touched her hair, the same updo.

Everything seemed so real, so vivid. Viki moved her arms up and hugged herself lightly, her eyes slowly moving across the room to take in all the familiar, smiling faces. Had it all been just a dream? Was she here, now, at the prom? It all seemed so eerily familiar. Viki moved slowly into the room, looking around the groups of people congregated together for her friends.

It only took a few moments for her to spot Steve and Courtney, the obvious focal points of the moment. Serenity, who was standing near Gabe and Kara, looked almost upset, but from her current angle, Viki wasn't sure. She inched her way through the crowd, touching Evan lightly on the shoulder as she moved to stand beside him. She'd gone with another group of friends to the prom rather than a date, but at the moment, she couldn't find Chelsey or anyone else in the large crowd.

"Courtney looks pretty," she remarked offhandedly.

No sooner than the words exited her mouth, a bone-chilling scream erupted from Courtney's lips and she hurdled forward. Standing behind her, wielding a sharp axe and smiling maliciously was Serenity. In the next moment, Serenity swung the axe again, decapitating Steve and sending his head rolling into the startled crowd. Seconds later, panic ensued with dozens of Southridge students stampeding away from the center of the stage.

In the next moment, a bullet, coming from seemingly out of nowhere, flew toward Serenity, causing her to fall forward onto the crowd that was still standing below the stage. Viki's body moved of its own free will away from the carnage, nearly tripping and falling as she tried to run in the heels she adorned. This wasn't the prom at all. This wasn't right. Ahead of her, she saw Gabe and Evan running through a side exit. Without hesitation, she bolted toward the door and swung it open.

But the door didn't lead to outside.

The floorboards of the old hospital creeked under her feet as she entered. It was the same scene from before. She had just entered this place with Ianto, Serenity, and Gabe, hadn't she? Much to her horror, the same body was lying on the examination table directly in front of her, except this time, it wasn't Heather Tilmitt at all. It was Gabe McCallum. Viki backed against the wall and shrieked before darting back toward the door.

And directly into Evan Angler. A sense of relief washed over her to see a friendly face, except... something wasn't right. They were standing on the same sidestreet they'd ran down when the cops had busted up the fight at the bowling alley, but something was very, very different. She backed away from Evan, her entire body filling with apprehension and nervousness as she looked at the other boy.

The gun in his hand moved up toward her head, and Evan smiled before pulling the trigger.

Viki's eyes shot open and she found herself lying, completely unharmed, on the old, wooden floor of the hospital. Standing only a few feet away from her was Ianto Murphy, who was obviously trying to comfort Serenity Halos. Gabe wasn't far away either, and he seemed to be having a less than happy reunion with football captain Evelyn Richinson.

Viki slowly pushed herself up off the floor and into a seated position, using her free hand to rub her temple gently. Everything seemed blurry and distorted, and she could barely understand what everyone was saying at first, but slowly, her vision cleared up and the words became clearer. The confusion that had overtaken her didn't ease at all, though, and she found her eyes moving back and forth between Ianto and Gabe.

"W-what's going on?" she inquired nervously, "I... I don't remember... what happened?"
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