Alive Out of Habit

A basic three-room facility which once served the residents of the island. The waiting room is nothing to speak of, with only a few dust-covered chairs, an old lamp, and a stack of ancient magazines sitting on the table. The examination room is even blander, containing nothing except some expired medical supplies and an old examination table. The third room holds two rows of cots and was once used to quarantine sick patients.
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Alive Out of Habit


Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Walk Amongst the Dead))

Under normal circumstances, the word 'hospital' might stir up images of nurses in pink or blue scrubs, doctors in white coats, white walls, pastel chairs, and an overall clean and sterilized atmosphere. As Kallie Majors (Female Student no. 7) emerged from the dense foliage of the jungle, that was not what she found in front of her. For a moment, she wondered whether or not she had actually stumbled upon the hospital at all.

After all, Kallie's bad sense of direction had been quite the hinderance to her throughout the game. Nearby, she could see the body of one of her classmates lying face down on the ground. Further away was another face -- a girl -- lying in a pool of her own blood. She was near what looked to be a freshly dug hole, and Kallie didn't want to speculate what could be inside.

Thoughts of Danya's announcement early that morning cascaded through her mind. She vaguely remembered him mentioning something about how the "hospital group" should bury the fetus lying on the ground outside. It hadn't even registered up until now, but Kallie's stomach suddenly churned at the fact that someone's unborn baby could be -- and probably was -- lying in that shallow grave.

She could only assume that the two kids lying on the ground (one of whom she didn't know and one she recognized as the captain of the football team, Evelyn Richinson) were part of the "hospital group" that Danya had referred to.

But... what had happened to them?

Evelyn looked to have been stabbed in the neck judging by her wound, and the other boy seemed to have a scalpel protruding from his chest. Had they gotten into a struggle and killed one another? Had they killed themselves? Kallie didn't think Evelyn had a boyfriend.

In fact, people had always made up rumors of her being a lesbian, although it was only because she played football. It wasn't something Kallie had ever believed... and besides that, it was a horrible thing to be thinking about while standing in a presence of the former girl. Kallie stared at the blonde girl for a long while and a visible frown formed across her features.

Kallie sighed quietly and brushed a clump of disheveled blonde hair away from her eyes. It had been a reasonably long walk from the graveyard to the hospital, and she was exhausted from the trip. She had stumbled around the jungle for a while, and she wasn't entirely sure if Guy and Alice were still somewhere behind her or not.

She hoped she hadn't lost them again. The last thing she possibly needed at that moment was to spend yet another night on the island alone, and night was quickly speeding toward them. Then again, for all she knew, they could've only been steps behind her.

Kallie had been so lost in her own thoughts during her trek through the jungle that she hadn't paid much attention to her surroundings. In retrospect, it had been a foolish action, but luckily for her, nothing bad had come of it. In fact, she had been able to sort out her thoughts at least somewhat and had managed to calm herself down and rid herself of some of the shellshock that had plagued her over the past forty-eight hours.

Still, so many questions had been left unanswered, and although she had managed to make peace with some of the events that had unfolded, more questions only seemed to pop up in their place. Her resolve to find Darnell and Keith still remained, and running into Guy at the graveyard had furthered her resolve to find the other two boys. The longer the game drew, though, the less likely she was to find them alive and well.

The corpses littering the area were a painful reminder of that fact.

Kallie's eyes finally tore away from the bodies and focused on the small building in front of her. It seemed to be deserted, and she heard no noises in the immediate area to indicate any sort of lifeforms lurking around in the bushes. Still, it was better to check and be positive than go rushing inside and running right into the barrel of the gun.

Unsheathing her sword, Kallie moved over to the window of the hospital and peered inside. Nothing... except for a somewhat dark reception room. It looked like the building had only three rooms. Unfortunately, the doors to the other two rooms were closed, making it impossible to discern whether or not someone was lurking inside.

She could go in now, but there was no telling what might be lurking inside the building. No. Instead, Kallie turned around, her eyes scowering the area in search of Guy and Alice. At least Guy was armed with a gun. If someone was hiding inside one of the rooms, his weapon would stand a lot more chance than her sword against them.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

((Continued from: The Graveyard))

Alice wandered about nervously, shoulders hunched over in slight fear as she crept through the vegetation almost aimlessly. Every interval or so, she'd turn her head about to look over her shoulder, lift it slightly to tentatively check if anything was ahead, and then promptly ducked her head down again. Somehow, even keeping her eyes on the ground, Alice couldn't keep herself from stumbling slightly every once in a while.

She'd lost Guy again.

The time when she'd lost him in the graveyard had been more than enough to set her on edge, into a panic. Ever since, she'd been absolutely ill with paranoia about losing him for a second time, and had even taken to latching tightly onto the end of his shirt as she meekly followed him out of the area.

Typically for Alice though, the moment she'd lost herself in the immersion of her own thoughts, the hem of Guy's shirt slipped from her hand, and Alice had fallen behind before she even realized it.

G-Guy?... Where are you? She thought plaintively, clutching her hands together in front of her chest as she struggled through the thick grove leading away from the graveyard. …What should she do if she was truly lost? She had no idea where she was, and no matter where she was, every place seemed a dangerous one. If she didn't find Guy quickly, someone else would find her. What on earth would Alice do then?

Brushing aside the foliage that blocked her path and vision, she dared to look up…and was almost relieved to see a familiar figure just up ahead. It was that Kallie-girl, Alice recognized. It seemed that she'd tagged along with the group, though Matt and Ken didn't seem to. In any case, Kallie must have gone ahead, for Alice could see her in the clearing just up ahead.

"K-Kallie, there you are," she murmured, nearly stumbling into the clearing, relieved to be free of the overgrown flora. "Where's G-"

She had not noticed the corpse lying face-down right in front of her before she'd nearly walked into it, feet accidentally kicking slightly against the stomach of the body.

Alice's eyes widened the moment she realized what she was looking at. Her face turned pale, and she froze in place, lip trembling as she stumbled over her words. Unable to finish her sentence, she backed away from the corpse in utter terror.

A sickening feeling rose from her stomach and into her chest as she looked around the area…the shapes of more students lying dead and lifeless on the ground, cold and still and silent. The scent along with the sight of death assaulted her senses, causing her mind to reel from the horrifying sight.


A whimper escaped her lips. She covered her mouth, suddenly closing her eyes shut and crouching down where she was into the same curled-up position she had assumed during that encounter in the Mess Hall. As her face broke into a cold sweat, she covered it and buried it into her knees, rocking back and forth slightly.

No matter how hard one would ever try in imagining what a dead body would look like, it was nowhere near as mentally devastating as the real thing.
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Post by Namira »

At the fringes of the hospital clearing, there was the sound of footsteps, flattening down vegatation with a distinctive swishing sound. A camera slowly adjusted itself to focus on the area from which the noise was coming, and it grew steadily louder as the unseen student got closer to the observing sentinel. Those watching the show at home would be keeping a close eye on the TV. Would the hidden person be revealed as one of the islands psychopaths - one of the killers? Could the footsteps belong to Bobby Jacks, perhaps, not caught on camera since his showdown with the horribly disfigured Ric Chee. Might it be Blood Boy? But no... he was at the lagoon, was he not? There was a certain sense of anticipation amidst the viewers, dread for those who might have had family members amongst the contestants, eagerness for the people who watched the show for the sheer blood and gore - or perhaps just think it is reality TV or a soap opera of sorts.

Then the foilage parted, pushed aside by a tanned, slender, most certainly female hand. The mystery set of footsteps proceded to claim an identity, and the viewers got their first plain view of G32, Maxie Dasai.

Maxie had been wandering around the jungle for the best part of two days - although she had managed to snatch some sleep at one point. It was with an almost sureal sense of relief that she saw she had finally managed to make it out of the confines of the sweltering jungle. It had been quite the trek through the jungle, and Maxie hadn't actually encountered any other students, although she surmised by the first announcement and the sounds of gunshots that te game was indeed well underway. Maxie wondered briefly if it would have been a better idea never to have ventured outside of the annonymity of the jungle.

It appeared that she wasn't the only person in the area, however. Rather unpleasantly, there were a number of corpses strewn about outside, a sight which sickened Maxie more than she could say. Sure, she was holding a meat hook, but just because she wasn't willing to allow somebody to slaughter her didn't mean that she wanted to go around wantonly killing everybody. Aside from the disturbing number of dead bodies (it seemed that the second day had claimed rather more victims than the first) there were also two live ones in the area.

One was standing in the doorway of the hospital building itself, holding a pretty vicious looking sword. The other was crouched down on the ground outside, right next to one of the dead bodies. Maxie immediately recognised the first of them: it was difficult not to know who Kallie Majors was. She was so good-looking (and most certainly knew it) that Kallie stood out instantly. Maxie doubted that she would be a player, although with tensions running high, she supposed that anybody could turn into a murderer. The second person, Maxie couldn't place for the life of her, although she seemed familiar. Kallie didn't concern Maxie unduly, and the other girl seemed harmless enough, so...

Maxie stepped from the shadows and began walking towards the hospital, her meat hook held nonchalently and (she hoped) unthreateningly.

"Hey," she called out, moderating her voice so as to not have too high a volume: didn't want anybody hostile hearing after all. "What's goin' on with you guys?" not exactly a Spanish inquisition way of deciding if somebody was friendly or not but, in all fairness, Maxie figured that she'd find out soon enough if either girl would try to kill her. If that came to pass, Maxie had more than enough confidence in her own ability to beat them.
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from Walk Amongst the Dead))

Those of you reading perhaps came across a thought: where in gods name was Guy Rapide?

Well, for those of you who didn't know, Guy Rapide had done one thing all these years that made him who he was. Sure, he wasn't the most responsible of lads -nor the tallest-, but Guy was reflective and that was a quality he had fully embraced. There was one thing he hadn't fully grasped yet, mostly because of Kallie's strong personality preventing it from reaching his mind, anyways what happened to Guy Rapide is what happens to a lot of young men in Utah.

He had two women with their own unique benefits in his charge.

The viewers at home where literally eating it up. Guy had unwittingly propelled himself to the front of Teenzines, people literally devoted columns to debating who he would choose? Kallie, the beautiful princess who shared all of his interests or Alice, the cute, but plain girl who made him feel in control of in an out of control environment. Truly it would make anyone's ego grow exponentially, that is it would if not for one tiny detail: Guy Rapide was fighting for his life in a program known as Survival of the Fittest.

Guy Rapide, honestly felt ridiculous. Currently? A wound inflicted on him by Alex Steele now was stinging as it mixed with the dirt, sweat, and humidity. His kidneys themselves felt like they where about to burst. His body was damp with sweat. His stomach running on a nice empty -since he had thrown up hours before- and his mind? In general disaray. Truly, god was an amusing being. Fighting for your life and the only thing you use to occupy your time is wondering at what angle would you have to approach one of your best friends to see if she would be willing to literally fuck him to death.

Considering Rebecca Bradbury's demise the concept probably sounded a lot funnier in his head.

As he approached his group that he had lost in his large amount of time thinking he couldn't help but notice a girl in front of his girlie friends. He sighed as he pulled out the gun and approached the scene.

"Now, ladies, you guys better be playin' rock paper scissors or somethin'."
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Post by Megami* »

The silence that had surrounded the hospital was ended quite abruptly. It wasn't so much Alice's soft-spoken voice and quiet shuffles that distorted the silence. In fact, Kallie had only wheeled around and given the meek girl a light nod in response when she'd called out to her. Alice spoke up quietly in what seemed to start out as an inquiry, but her voice quickly trailed off as she noticed the bodies lying around the hospital.

She quickly dropped to the ground in a fetal position, and Kallie frowned visibly. It wasn't as if the bodies strewn around the area hadn't startled her as well, but in a game like Survival of the Fittest, letting your guard down and letting your emotions get the better of you was only signing your own death sentence early on. When people were lurking around every corner intent on killing you, time to mourn the dead, or become accustomed to the strewn bodies, didn't come easily.

No sooner than she had started to walk back toward Alice, another rustling in the bushes occurred and Kallie's attention turned toward the area. It couldn't have been Guy, they had come from the opposite direction. Instead, the figure that emerged from the bushes, meat hook in hand, was Maxie Dasai. People called her a troublemaker and a delinquent, but she hadn't really seemed all that bad in school.

Besides, when could you trust the opinions of other people? Kallie'd heard a few rumors go around about herself as well, not to mention her friends. So, whether or not Maxie was a "bad egg" was up in the air. Of course, preconceived ideas about a person tend to make you a bit wary of them, not to mention the fact that the name of the game in SOTF was to kill everything that moved. That meant that the likelihood of someone who was all but normal in school would flip out and go completely insane on the island was pretty high.

Kallie almost subconsciously moved to stand in front of Alice, who was still cradling herself on the ground. Kallie hadn't exactly deemed Maxie a threat, but she had just stepped out of the jungle brandishing a meat hook. Even though she didn't look like she was going to run in all gung-ho and try to slaughter anyone with that thing, it still wasn't a good idea to let her guard down.

She held the sword close to her, not exactly in a threatening manner but more in anticipation of an attack than anything else. Maxie called out quietly, asking them "what was going on". Kallie exhaled deeply and relaxed somewhat. She didn't seem like she would attack, but still, Kallie wasn't the type of person to let her guard down so easily. She hadn't survived the past two days by being so openly trusting of people.

"We aren't playing," Kallie affirmed, her eyes remaining focused on the other girl, "We came here looking for shelter. It's gonna be dark soon, and we hadn't exactly planned on running through the jungle in the middle of the night, you know? What's with you? I'm assuming you aren't playing either, otherwise we probably wouldn't be having this conversation."

No sooner than she had made her statement, Guy finally appeared from the dense foliage and reached for his gun. Kallie might have turned around and asked him where on earth he had gone, but now didn't seem like the right time. First and foremost, they needed to find out if Maxie could be trusted, and what her intentions were.

"It's under control," she told Guy softly.
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Post by Namira »

Assured that she wasn't about to be shown the colour of her own guts, Maxie slotted her meat hook into her belt - taking care not to accidentally prick herself with it. With an object like the weapon, it was pretty difficult to set it up in a way that there wasn't potential for disaster. Maxie figured she would just keep it there for a little while to take the strain off her arm - after all, she had been carrying it for quite some time.

She sighed, relaxing slightly for the first time in some considerable duration. It seemed that Maxie was, for the time being, both literally and figuratively out of the woods. As long as she could keep her argumentative tendecies on a tight leash, Maxie would be fine. Of course... that wasn't really much of a solution: getting with a group (and that wasn't even concrete, since Maxie hadn't even raised the point yet) wouldn't stop the game from running, nor would hiding in a bulding. Eventually, somebody rather less friendly than either herself or any of these three would come along, and then things would get nasty.

Maxie glanced away from Kallie when she heard a new voice, but it turned out only to be Guy Rapide, someone Maxie knew vaguely, but they weren't really friendly. Maxie tended to note him simply due to the fact he was so diminutive, which was rather cruel, but true all the same: girls don't often have boys being half a foot plus smaller than them. However, the size was really immaterial, since Guy was holding a gun. The smallest man in the world became a giant with a pistol. Maxie shifted herself ever so slightly away from him nervously. She didn't think that any of the group was hostile, but not considering every eventuality was what got people killed, and Maxie was somewhat fond of her own neck.

She listened as Kallie spoke to her and, for once, was willing to take her words at face value. Either you could trust people, or be massively paranoid and probably end up getting yourself killed. Taking things from a more callous viewpoint: if Kallie or Guy were playing (maybe even together) she could see no benefit in hauling along some girl who rolled up into a ball like a frightened mouse at the first sight of danger - or even just blood. There was deception, and then there was compassion. The drawbacks for any player - in the trust department and such, would definitely outweigh the advantages.

"I'm not playin'... unless anybody forces me to," Maxie felt it necessary to add that. Despite any reassurances, self-defence was playing the game. Unless of course, you were somebody who would generally decide killing people was an acceptable thing to do. "You guys are th' first people I've run across. That jungle... this is th' first time I've reached some sort of clearin' since I woke up. It all looks so similar y'know?" Maxie ran one hand through her hair anxiously. "D'you mind if I uh... stay with ya for a while? Same runnin' 'round the jungle thing. Considerin' it took me that long to get out in th' first place... I just don't want to spend another night out there," Maxie had trusted Kallie, hopefully she would now return the favour and not judge her by her reputation.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

If anybody had been close enough, they could have easily heard beads of cold sweat roll off of Alice's face to hit against the ground. For a while, Alice's body was crumpled up tightly, her chin tucked all the way inwards so that her face was completely hidden by her legs as she crouched against the ground. In that moment, she closed herself to everything around her, barely noticing the discussion that was currently abuzz all around her.

She didn't want to open her eyes. She was too afraid of the shock that would come flooding back once she looked at those corpses again.

Rocking slightly, muffled whimpers of pain emitting from where her face was buried in her knees, she remained in that tight, stiff position for a good several a hedgehog, or a pillbug, using its own body as meagre protection against the unpleasant world around it. Alice wanted to wish everything away, praying that she would wake up in her room, in her bed, teddy-bear pyjamas and all, on her pillow, rolling over and opening her eyes to see the familiar ceiling above her. She'd see her bedroom around her, muted colours, plain walls, rows of plushies and stuffed animals all around... and then realize that all of it was just some awful nightmare that she'd finally managed to escape.

It didn't happen. No matter how Alice kept wishing, praying, or pleading, she wasn't allowed to wake up.

Because it was real. Even though it shouldn't be.

As though in resignation to this fact, Alice felt her body calming down slightly. She dared to lift her head slightly, opening her eyes and tentatively looking upwards to see Kallie standing in front of her, talking to a girl she might have seen in the hallways, once or twice...

She shook her head a bit, clearing her mind. If she fell apart now, how could she be of any help to anyone? It wasn't as though she was of any use in any case...but what Alice knew she could do for one was at least make herself less of a burden to the people around her. The ones she trusted.

Alice nearly cried in relief when she saw Guy...though she bit her lip slightly when she noticed something.

Ken and Matt hadn't followed. Had their group broken apart just like that? Alice felt uncomfortable. Was it really that hard to trust others? Alice didn't know what to think about that. Wasn't trust important? What about friendship and cameraderie? ...But how would a person like Alice know? It wasn't as though she had that many friends...if at all.

She neared closer to Guy and Kallie, turning her back towards the corpses so that she wouldn't have to look at them, she murmured a bit, talking over her shoulder.

"Um...I don't think there's anything wrong with letting her stay with there?" She mumbled quietly, referring to Maxie. "And also...staying indoors sounds like a good idea, I think..."
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Post by Buko »

"Yeah, I s'pose there's nothing wrong with you chillin' with us for awhile..."

Guy spoke hesitantly as he noted that Alice approached him and that he now had both of the girls he was intent on "protecting" in tow, that is, well the whole idea of protecting someone was new to him and as he noted the sheer amount of deaths over the second day...he couldn't help but wonder how much protection his form would offer and although he felt uneasy about allowing another person to bring with the group, but if it was only a temporary fix he felt as if he could allow it.

Placing the gun in his pocket he slipped off his backpack and brought out the first aid kit, he had taken long enough in healing up this wound and it looked like it would need some stitching or at least be able to close it up, he motioned the group to move inside and once inside the lobby he immediately started getting comfortable.

"Kallie, new girl, I got a wound from fighting Alex the day before last I wanna fix up, y'mind lookin' around for some antibiotics and shit...", he smirked, "Despite how adorable a Guy Rapide plushie might be...dyin' of an infection just ain't my cup of tea..."

He then looked at Alice and smirked uneasily as he slipped off his hoodie and finally saw the wound that was there, a slightly pinkish sort of scratch with a bit of yellow mixed in, but a quick view proved that the infection wasn't exactly severe yet, Guy had scraped himself up many times before to know it wasn't such a big deal, but it certainly didn't look like it was pleasant nor did it feel exactly nice, but it did have the potential to get bad.

He noted how hot this place was that even as he stood shirtless, he was still hot as fuck, he thought back to last summer and realized that only one thing pissed him off more than people saying, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity"...the humidity. He sighed as reached into the pack and pulled out some gauze and some hydrogen peroxide.

"So, Alice...I dunno, it seems like I'm the one always talkin'...", he chuckled a bit, "Period. And're going to be friends, dependin' one another for a long least I hope...", he shook his head, "The point I'm tryin' to make is that, you're a pretty cool chick, if a bit...reserved.", he was fumbling over his words and he couldn't help but try and find a nice way to say this, "Well...yeah, I can't find a good way to say this, but where were you for the last four years?"
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Post by Cactus »

((Continued from Mending))

In his pursuit of the grenade-armed bitch, Keith Jackson had somehow managed to get himself turned around, and was having a hell of a time getting himself oriented. As he'd sprinted through the jungle, arenadline kicking in and dulling the pain in his shoulder, Keith had managed to find a small stream, and had made a judgement call, following it to the south. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he'd taken the wrong way along the stream, as he couldn't see any telltale tracks, nor could he see any shadowy figures running around him. After he'd followed the stream for a good ten minutes, Keith had heard a couple of telltale exposions in the distance, which indicated that the grenade girl was likely at it again, and he'd messed up.

Shit, that's no good. Ran off an' didn't even manage to catch the stupid bitch. This is all messed up, it really is. These kids're snappin' and lettin' themselves get all caught up in this garbage. Fuck, I even had to kill a kid myself, yeah?

He'd shaken his head, almost in disbelief but knowing very well that it was the God's honest truth. His shoulder wound was a constant reminder of that. As he'd followed the stream a little bit more, Keith had very suddenly come to the realization that he'd left his group behind in the jungle, and that finding them again was going to be very difficult.

SHIT. What kinda' fuckin' guy are you, Keith? Leavin' your friends back there, hurt an' all that? Fuck, I don't know about those other ones, but I sure as shit hope that Trey an' Izzy are cool. As in, not dead. 'Cause if they are...

Keith's thought stopped there, because he was almost afraid of the realization of what that would mean if it were true. If it were, Keith would have either been at fault - for leaving them and not staying to protect them, or would have just narrowly avoided the same fate himself. It was a tremendously damning thought to have, really.

As he kept his eyes glued to the stream, trying to see where it ended, Keith was caught off-guard as he passed through the trees and heard what sounded to be voices coming from a clearing that was about two hundred meters to his right. He couldn't recognize the voices from this distance, but they seemed to be conversing fairly animatedly.

They could be friendly!

The first thought that went through his head was decidedly optimistic, but he tempered his optimism and thought quickly as to his options. He could continue following the stream, and bypass the people altogether, or he could try and meet up with them, figure out who they were and if their intentions were good or not.

And if not, what do ya do, Keith? Do ya shoot 'em? 'Cause you did that once already and dont' seem to be feelin' too bad about it...

Keith shoved the thought out of his head. There'd be time for bad feelings and shock later on. Right now? Now it was game-time, time to try and act rather than think about what was right, or what was wrong. It was the athlete's mentality, and he'd been letting his instincts run since back when he'd shot at Charlie fat-kid back in the tower. Finally nodding at himself, Keith made his decision, and walked slowly towards the edge of the treeline.

Looks like...four? Maybe five, if I can't see someone?

From the angle he was standing at, Keith couldn't make out the faces. True, he was in intense pain from his shoulder, and was exhausted, but he knew that if he was going to jump out at these people, he'd have to do it with gun raised and ready to fire, just in case these people weren't friendly. Grinning to himself, Keith readed himself mentally for what he was about to do. When he decided to yell and act scary-looking?

There weren't a whole lot of people more intimidating than Keith Jackson. Add in a shotgun and the fact that he was probably pale and covered with blood? He was probably pretty fuckin' scary-looking.

Quickly, Keith stepped out of the tree-line, facing the four people who all had their backs to him. Taking a deep breath, he loudly announced his presence and quickly began barking orders at the four.


Adjusting the shotgun so he held it directly in front of him, Keith's heart beat quickly in his chest. He wouldn't shoot immediately, there were high odds he'd know some of these people, but like the kid with the never could be too sure of just who would be playin this game.


His voice almost getting hoarse, Keith issued one last angry-sounded order. These people weren't moving, and he needed to know who or what he was dealing with.

[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Turning her head to look towards Guy in concern, Alice frowned slightly in worry. "A...a wound?" Just as she was about to stammer an inquiry as to whether he was okay or not...

Alice had turned back towards Guy....just in time to see him stripping off his hoodie so that he was more or less completely barechested. O.O;;;

She quickly covered her eyes, turning bright red. >.<;;; Was it impolite to look? Did boys get embarrassed at being stared at? Then again, if Guy had been the shy type, he wouldn't have just taken it off there and then, would he now? >.>;; But still, was it rude? Alice was caught a rather embarrassed frantic, suddenly feeling all the more uncomfortable for some reason. Somehow, the situation just grew a degree more awkward... o_o;

As he approached her and began to address her, Alice turned only redder still. Did he have to come so close? ._. ;; Alice shyly nodded, struggling to stammer a response while her hands were still over her face. Then it occurred to her that she was being a bit rude...covering her face like this when he was trying to make conversation with her. Deciding to instead turn away, she remembered at the last minute that there were corpses in the area...something that she absolutely did NOT want to see at the moment. Then again, if not that, she would have to face Guy, who was completely topless... o_o;;;

All in all, it all came down to what Alice would rather see - A shirtless Guy, or a bunch of corpses. >.>;

In all honesty, it was something of a no-brainer, (Not...not...NOT that she WANTED to see him shirtless or anything like that! O_O;;;;;; ) and so Alice remained more or less facing Guy, though looking towards the side a bit instead of directly at him, as she was much too shy....

"I.... um..." Alice didn't know what to make of it. Did Guy just say....that they were friends? It was something beyond Alice could ever expect. First of all, she and Guy barely just met...and further more, he was taking an interest in someone as dull and uninteresting as she? It was all so bewildering...Alice had no idea how to react, really. Mumbling nervously, she stammered, "I...well....thank you."

The backhandedness of the compliment seemed to go completely over her head. As for the last question, she was about to answer just as an angry bellow gave her a nasty jolt, sending her into a start once again.

Turning around, Alice froze up at the sight of the shotgun, and the fierce, intimidating-looking student holding it and pointing it towards the group. Shuddering in fear and feeling her body run cold in a panic, she brought her hands to her face, wanting to curl up and hide again, as she always did when faced with danger. Instead she instinctively ducked behind the one person who would lend her the most safety, Guy Rapide, peering somewhat fearfully over his shoulder.

"Wh-what should we do, Guy....?"
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Post by Namira »

Maxie had waited patiently for the verdict on whether or not she could stay with the group. Of course, her preference was to stay - safety in numbers and all that, and companionship would be a nice plus. Considering she had spent the better part of two days wandering aimlessly around a jungle, it was good to actually have somebody to talk to. Still, if any one of the group: Guy, Kallie, or the quiet girl, decided that they would rather not have her as part of the group, then it wasn't too much of a bother. Maxie had confidence in her own independence: she didn't intend to join any group just for protection. In fact, Maxie would outright deny that she wanted to be looked after by anybody. Being with others gave her an objective though. Maxie had no idea what to do, there was a sense of direction associated with being a member of a particular group, and that was what Maxie was after. A rudder, so to speak.

Fortunately, it appeared that neither the meek girl (who Maxie still hadn't been able to identify) nor Guy Rapide had any qualms with allowing her to stay, so it looked as though Maxie had her direction for the time being. She followed along after Guy, but remained hovering just outside of the door to the hospital, still holding back a little, not sure if she was entirely a part of the group yet. Maxie nearly snapped at Guy after he addressed her as 'new girl' nearly. She about managed to bite back an angry retort. How was Guy supposed to know what her name was anyway? Just because Maxie could tell who he was, did not mean the reverse was also true. Although... it was a little rude, in her opinion, to not even ask her name.

"It's Maxie, not 'new girl' 'Kay?" Maxie told Guy coolly, trying not to sound irritated. Did she want to get herself booted out of this group before she was even in it? Maxie knew she was going to find it more and more difficult not to start arguing. She couldn't help it. If somebody said something she disagreed with, then she found it very difficult indeed not to argue her own viewpoint. Considering the situation though, it probably wasn't the best of ideas to allow herself to do that.

Guy turned to the quiet girl again, and Maxie finally managed to pick up her name: Alice. From that, Maxie confirmed to the point of certainty that this girl was one person in particular that she didn't know at all. Considering how quiet Alice was though, Maxie didn't find that to be particularly surprising. However, it did make her think. What if there were other people she did not recognise? Some of the names spoken in the announcements had been unfamliar to Maxie, and she couldn't help but wonder if, at some point, she would walk into one of the killers and not realise who they were until it was too late.

Maxie was still thinking when a voice started bellowing from behind her - or rather, considering how she was leaning against the door frame, somewhat to her left. Her eyes flickered to the newcomer, registered his gun, hardly paying attention to what he was saying, and almost immediately reacted to it. The shotgunner was some distance away, and from what Maxie knew about guns (which admittedly, wasn't a lot) she was pretty sure shotguns weren't very long ranged, and that meant Maxie had time. She hoped she had time.

Almost as soon as she had seen Keith, Maxie sprung forward from her position, diving low, to the ground, allowing herself to tumble forward under her own momentum, rolling over one shoulder before coming to a stop, inside the hospital now, with a wall between her and the shotgun toting boy who had imposed himself on proceedings. Judging by his words, he had been looking for somebody with grenades, which Maxie knew wasn't any member of their current group. Considering his anger about the matter, Maxie deduced that he probably wasn't playing. Who got that wound up about somebody throwing grenades at their group if they were planning to kill them anyway? Maxie didn't take kindly to having a gun pointed at her, nor being shouted at - ordered around, in the way the newcomer was doing. Now was a perfect opportunity to vent some of her frustration.

Maxie carefully peered around the doorframe, noting, with some unease, that Alice and Guy were still out in the open. She assumed Kallie was too, since she couldn't see the apparent leader of the group. Maxie assumed she was out of sight, hidden by the wall Maxie had used as cover. Wary that the shotgunner might still pull the trigger, Maxie started shouting back at him.

"Fuck you!" she spat, which was a solid start and surefire way to convey how angry she was.

"If ya want answers, just fuckin' ask ya psycho! Don't point a fuckin' gun at us!" Maxie ducked back behind the wall, took a deep breath, then started shouting again.

"I'm not surprised somebody lobbed a grenade at ya if this is how ya make a fuckin' introduction!" Maxie was pissed as hell, and making her mood clear in no uncertain terms.

"Now ya gonna put the gun down and act like a normal fuckin# person? Or am I gonna have ta rip ya a new one!?" Diplomacy wasn't Maxie's forte, and she realised, at this point, she'd probably let her emotions get the best of her a little too much...

"Okay, seriously man: calm the fuck down. You're not gonna get anything if all ya do is brandish your gun and shout at people. Use your eyes: I've got a meat hook, Kallie has a sword, Guy's got a gun, and I'm not sure what Alice got in her pack. Just look. If ya could see us, ya sure as hell could've seen what weapons we have. 'Stead, ya gotta act like some kinda psycho don't ya?" it may have been a case of shutting the stable door after the horses had bolted. After the vehement verbal assault Maxie had launched at Keith, her placatations probably wouldn't do much more than repair the damage her words had inflicted and bring them back to square one.
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Post by Buko »

Guy couldn't help but feel as if his face was blessed with a rather foreign feeling of embarrassment when Alice reacted the way she did to his taking off his shirt, they lived in California. They had beach parties. Hell Guy had practiced parkour around the school a few times shirtless, was it really such a traumatizing experience? He looked downward a bit as he began to start thinking that any girl who had seen him shirtless had simply hidden their very similar reactions and soon the very vocal Guy Rapide was feeling very uncomfortable with himself as he patched up his shoulder wound and simply awaited Alice to answer.

Soon enough though he heard shouting and then felt very soft, very girlish hands gripping his shoulders as he noted that Alice had jumped behind him and then this...well this Maxie girl was trading insults with this new comer, Guy paused for a bit. He considered something and then realized who exactly that voice belonged to and once again he felt his heart skip a beat as a wild smirk came to his visage.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what to do."

He smirked a bit as he walked forward and exited the hospital only to see Keith Jackson standing in front of him, Guy waved and chuckled a lightly as he stared upwards at the jock. Him and Keith? Well, you could say they where friends, sure Keith gave Guy the little brother treatment, but the dynamic was strong and they had relied on it for the last few years of high school. The dynamic? Well honestly it was a lot similar to the one Guy shared with Kallie, for a moment there he stared at Keith's gun...with Keith, Kallie, and himself. Along with the general amount of guns this group had, well...they could do pretty well for themselves.

"Man Jackson, not only are you as big as a fuckin' train, you're also just as subtle."
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Post by Megami* »

Over the course of the past few moments, Guy and Alice had moved inside the hospital to bandage up wounds that Guy had apparently received during his fight with Alex. Meanwhile, Maxie had tentatively made her way to the front door, but instead of entering the building, had simply opted to stand in the doorframe. Kallie, too, had opted to stay outside of the hospital.

Part of her thought the interior of the building was probably safer and much more comfortable than remaining outside, especially considering the dark overcast sky above them, but at the same time, the small building didn't look to have a second exit, except for the windows allowing light to pour into the lobby.

Instead of moving inside, Kallie slowly began to pace around their potential new shelter. From the windows showcasing the interior of the building, she could see chairs, a desk, and two doors. Observation of the back of the building proved that neither of the two rooms had any sort of possible escape route in them. Nobody would be able to sneak up on them, but on the downside, they'd have a very hard time escaping if someone came barging through the front door with a gun.

No sooner than the thought passed through her mind, she heard yelling from the front of the hospital.

Kallie instinctively moved up against the wall of the hospital and drew her sword from its sheath. Running blindly to the front of the hospital wasn't in her best interests, even a fool knew that. Instead, she lingered behind the building, listening to the conversation that the group was holding.

The voice that was barking orders held a sort of uncanny familiarity to it, but she could hear Maxie responding quite hostiley to the new visitor. A few moments later, things seemed to calm down a little, and Kallie slowly emerged from the side of the building.

A faint smirk appeared on her features as she noticed her group congregated near the shotgun-wielding newcomer.

"Fifteenth to die, rather predictably, was Randy Flagg, slaughtered by Keith Jackson..."

That was what the announcement had said, wasn't it? The situation had as much potential to end poorly as it did for them to gain another member of their group. She had refused to believe the first announcement, the one in which Danya claimed Keith had teamed up with Izzy Cheung and Trey Leyton to slaughter the competition. From what she could tell, he was alone... if that held true, it could discredit everything Danya had said in his announcements.

But what if they were in the shadows, simply waiting for an opportunity to strike?

It's times like these when you begin to question how well you know somebody. Some of the names that had been read over the announcements, she'd never have thought could hurt a fly. Paul Smith had killed Adwin Green after she'd attacked their group. Kallie didn't know Adwin particularly well, but she had always seemed like the pacifist type. She couldn't imagine the girl outright attacking a group of people.

Then there was Gabriel Theobaldt, who had always seemed kind of withdrawn and a little bit creepy, but he didn't exactly scream serial killer either. Still, the deaths on his hands were concrete evidence that her impression had been deadly wrong.

Kallie would've loved to have shoved all the seeds of distrust from her mind and accept Keith into their group with open arms. After all, she had been searching for both Keith and Darnell for the past two days, and now that she'd finally run into one of them, she found herself unsure of how to act. She sighed quietly, returning the sword to its sheath. Even if Keith was dangerous, getting shot with his gun at close range would kill her regardless of whether she had that sword or not.

Guy seemed to have readily accepted Keith into the group. Then again, no one had opposed when they'd run into Maxie either, and they knew next to nothing about her. Despite the conflicting emotions Kallie was having toward the game in general, she forced herself to put them aside. One of two things would happen now that she had finally met with Keith. He'd either join them or he'd kill them all. Although she heavily doubted the latter, there was always a small possibility, and that thought had embedded itself into the back of her mind.

I guess... we'll find out soon, won't we?

Tentatively, Kallie moved closer to the area, near where Guy and Keith were standing. More than anything, she was frustrated... frustrated with the game, frustrated that they were trapped on an island, just generally mad at the world. A faint frown played across her features as she looked toward one of her best friends, and just as quickly she found her hand swinging back and a loud smacking noise as it implanted itself firmly on the side of Keith's face.

"What the hell have you been doing?" she shot out, although much more quietly than someone who was angry would, "I've been hearing your name all over the announcements."

Despite the general irritation and nervousness that was built up inside her from spending three days fighting for her life on an island, she was still relieved to see one of her good friends, and just as quickly as she'd slapped him, she was hugging him.
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Post by Cactus »

Over the course of a few moments, Keith Jackson went from shouting orders to being almost completely surprised. It was almost too good to be true that his group of friends - his ACTUAL group of friends, had managed to get together in one spot. Keith didn't recognize either of the girls upon first glance, but he wasn't all that good with names anyway, and he at least recognized the face of one of the girls. The one that was clinging to Guy, however...

Amazing that anyone can actually cling to GUY, of all people, for support and protection. The lawn gnome on my front fuckin' porch is more intimidating than Guy Rapide. But hey, maybe the chick's got a thing for midgets...haha...

As the thought went through his head, the furious and angry expression was falling away from Keith's face. While he had always made fun of Guy for being short, the same had been true of Guy, and the two had developed a banter of sorts that usually entertained most of the rest of their group during social outings. To see that Guy was keeping that up? That was a good sign, in itself. Keith lowered his shotgun and was about to quip something back at Guy when someone else came around the building, stopped, and then walked right up to him and slapped him in the face.

"Ow! Fuckin'..."

Keith was about to react adversely when he realized just who it was who'd slapped him. Generally, when someone slapped him in the face, he'd let them have it - verbally, at least, but this time, it was different. Kallie Majors wasn't just anyone, she was one of Keith's closest friends, and someone who he'd wanted to seek out while here, to try and make it out somehow, someway. And here she was, slapping him in the face, demanding to know what the hell he'd been doing, and just as suddenly, hugging him closely, the last few days obviously being as hard on her as they'd been on him.

As she hugged him, Keith winced as she grasped his injured shoulder, and let go after a moment, shotgun lowered, and the angry expression replaced by one of relief. At the very least, he owed his friends an explanation, if nothing else so they'd trust him again.

She's right, my name's been all over those things, it's like I'm Mr. Popular or somethin'. Well, I guess I'd better 'splain things.

Sighing outwardly, Keith let his shoulders fall, and looked at the group of them, most noticably the girl who he vaguely recognized who had angrily shouted back at him right off the bat, as soon as he'd come in yelling.

"Wow, guys're a fuckin' sight for sore eyes. Even you, Little-Guy, an' I mean that. I'm...uh...I'm sorry fer bustin' in like that, I'm sure y'all can guess, things haven't been all warm an' fuzzy for me over the last few days."

Scratching the back of his neck, Keith tried to move his shoulder around. It still hurt to move it, but the pain was becoming more of a dull background throbbing, so he could deal with it a little more.

"Yeah,'ve been kinda' shitty, y'know? First fuckin' thing, I wake up feelin' all crappy, yeah? So I meet up with a couple people, y'know, I recognize 'em from school an' all. Izzy Cheung and Trey Layton, y'know...the big wrestler dude? So the three of us kinda stuck together, or...y'know... decided to. Shit kinda got messed when some dude tried to kinda... attack me an' shit. Y'know, with a fuckin' golf club. So I shot at him, messed 'im up good, yeah? Fucker keeps comin' at me...and then some bitch tosses a fuckin' grenade in, which blows the fucker up. Izzy got shot an' shit, too, so I basically picked 'er up and ran."

Keith looked at Kallie, and shook his head.

"Man, Kal...people're fuckin' playin' this game! I don't fuckin' get it! People're willingly just figuring, hey, shit, let's go shoot up some people! Reminds me a fuckin' Columbine, just with how crazy these people are, y'know?"

Glancing down at his shoulder, he uncomfortably shifted in place. While he voiced his incredulity at the fact people were playing, the fact still remained that he himself had killed someone, and they knew it.

"Uh...yeah, so we got kinda' lost in the jungle - go fuckin' figure, yeah? Well we're kinda just restin' a bit when all these people start comin' outta nowhere. I couldn't even keep track of it all, but 'fore I know it, some guy's got a pickaxe and has decided that I'm a fuckin' vein of solid fuckin' steel and that he wants to get at the goodies inside. I mean, what the fuck, man? Kid put a pickaxe in me! That shit ain't right! So what am I s'posed to do? I turn around and blow his fuckin' head off with this thing. Self-defense, and all, y'know? I don't like it when guys try and put more holes in me than I got. Kinda...weird, y'know?"

Keith shook his head, he was visibly hyper due to his exhaustion, and the adrenaline that was keeping him from going into shock due to his wound and the lack of sleep he was enduring.

"So...they bandaged me up an' shit, and then the fuckin' grenade bitch comes back and tosses one into the middle of our crowd a' people, by this time more people're just comin' outta the fuckin' walls, man. Everyone scatters, and I just say - fuck it, I'm goin' after this bitch once an' for all. But I lost her, I am."

Looking around the area, Keith seemed to hope someone else came out of the jungle, someone friendly, but of course, nobody else was coming.

"Now that I think 'bout it? I kinda hope that Izzy'n Trey're doin' alright. I didn't even think to check on 'em when I took off, I was just sick with this bitch tossin' fuckin' grenades at me all the time. An'...yeah, I'm really glad I found you guys. I...hey, Darnell isn't with you, is he?"

Keith's reference to another member of their little clique made him look around again. He hadn't seen nor heard anything about Darnell since he'd gotten here, so hopefully that meant that the boy was laying low and staying away from the crazies. Guy and Keith had always had a sibling-type relationship, but with Darnell, he was a guy that Keith felt a strong bond with. They'd been teammates before, they were friends, and Keith knew that Darnell was a stand-up guy when it all came down to it. If he had to choose someone to have on his side in a fight, Darnell was it, but the fact that he wasn't here scared Keith a little. Waiting for an answer, or at least a reaction, he said nothing more, and just looked over the group of them, trying to assess whether or not they would believe his story.

Man, why wouldn't they? It's the truth, and these guys're my buddies! I hope they do, wow...
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Namira »

Judging by the decidedly varied reactions of the other people in the group, the guy with the shotgun was better known to them than he was to Maxie. Now that she had stopped, well, trying not to get shot and actually had the time to check the newcomer out more closely, Maxie realised that she did indeed know who he was: though that was partially because Guy referred to him as 'Jackson' - and she felt another shiver of alarm. If this was the same Jackson: Keith Jackson, that was, then Maxie had already heard his name on the announcements, not once, but twice. Maxie was about to make herself heard a second time when Kallie reappeared and gave Keith a powerful slap.

Maxie put two and two together at that point, and realised that the others: well, Guy and Kallie at least, were friends with this Keith, and considering that he didn't then start shooting, decided that his earlier hostility had been due to the fact he thought one of their group may have been the grenadier he kept talking about. Before replying - or adding anything else, Maxie took several deep, shuddering breaths, attempting the none-too-simple task of reigning in her anger. Although she had seemed to calm down towards the end of her Keith-directed rant, that had been chiefly, she had to admit, because you could only shout at somebody for so long. Maxxie's legs were a little shakey, so she sat down and leaned against the wall for a moment or two, still taking several seconds for each breath, before finally, when she felt her emotions were sufficiently under control, she stood up once again and walked back outside the hospital, stopping a little short of Keith and Kallie.

Maxie hung back a little whilst the pair spoke, although some of Keith's words seemed to be directed at her, all the same. She thought about replying to that, but then he continued to speak: this time detailing what had happened to him on the island so far, also justifying the presence of his name on the announcements while he was at it. Since Kallie and Guy seemed to trust Keith readily: and they knew him a lot better than she did, Maxie supposed that she could just take his words at face value.

She sighed and just listened: by the sounds of things, Keith had been having a tough time of it so far, much moreso than her own jungle crawl: the reason he had been so anxious to find the grenadier was plain now, and Maxie could begrudge him his, as she had termed it 'psychotic' entrance: although she was still somewhat pissed that he had pointed a gun at her. Understandable, perhaps, forgiveable? Maybe in time, but not right now.

"Darnell isn't here," Maxie told Keith in the pause after Keith asked the question: that was yet another person Maxie knew of, but didn't really know. Darnell was more familiar to her than most, however, primarily due to his presence at the tournament in Shooters a few months back. Maxie would have taken part, of course, but Lucas wouldn't allow it, which really grated on her. On the other hand, since he had helped organise the thing, it was perhaps understandable (although Maxie thought it less to do with potential accusations of bias than Lucas just being overprotective). Darnell had won that tournament, and won it with comparitive ease. Maxie could see why you would want him around you: he was tough as nails.

"Hey Keith, 'bout that other thing: s'cool, sorry for shouting at ya and stuff, obviously ya had a bad couple've days and got a little steamed up because've this grenade totin' prick," That was probably the closest thing to an apology that Maxie would ever give: period. "Dunno if ya know my name, so I guess I'll give ya it: I'm Maxie," she figured that Keith was less likely to be able to identify her than vice versa; nobdoy had dropped her name yet after all, and Maxie had already had a number of clues as to his identity.
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