Dork of the Manatee

It isn't much now, but at one time, this airfield was the life of the island. It contains a sole landing strip in the middle of an overgrown field, and the solitary air control tower nearby looms menacingly over the island. The remains of a downed aircraft sit nearby, having crashed long after the island base had been abandoned.
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Post by Sean* »

Sloan was not in his happy place.

In the past day, to his knowledge, he had gotten on an bus, fallen asleep, and woken up with a splitting headache. All his possessions were gone except the clothes on his back and a daypack that he didn't remember bringing with him on the bus.

"Fuck," he muttered as he woke up.

"Fuck," he reiterated as he noticed he had no idea where the blue hell he was.

"FUCK!" he yelled as he realized that he was most certainly not on his senior trip and his classmates were probably not nearby.

Okay, let me assess the situation. I'm somewhere in the middle of absolute fucking nowhere. I have a splitting headache. There's a collar on my neck that looks like the collar trap from Saw 3. My only hope is if this mysterious daypack actually has something remotely useful. I'm fucked if not, he thought to himself.

In a daring move, he unzipped the daypack and peered inside it. Inside was a mysterious field guide labeled Danya's Guide to Survival, two loaves of bread, two tins of crackers, and four bottles of water. There was also a map, compass, flashlight, first aid kit, and- lo and behold- his duffel bag from the trip! This compounded his rations by a fair bit; since he was going on a long trip with no idea what could happen, he had packed a couple of freeze-dried meals, some canned food, a bag of marshmallows, and a few hot dogs in a Ziploc. He also had his Death hoodie, another pair of 501s, and a few pairs of boxers in there, but those weren't essential at the moment. As well, he had his songwriting notebook and a pack of ball point pens.

He also noticed something else. He had the Holy Grail of handguns, in his eyes: the Springfield XD, chambered in .45ACP and with two extra clips.

Now Sloan was in his happy place. He sat for a bit, wrapping his head around why the fuck he'd have a loaded gun in a daypack, then he realized something. "Danya"... the gun... the unexplained daypack... it all came to him. This was exactly like that Survival of the Fittest show.

He was a bit less happy, but absolutely nothing could ruin his mood after his new acquisition.

Sloan took another daring step and opened the survival guide. He sat there for about 5 minutes reading it and getting a feel for what Danya was wanting. This actually was Survival of the Fittest, it turned out.

This is going to be just like Manhunt, except I don't need to use a plastic bag for 5 days, Sloan thought rather happily. Wait a fucking tick... these are my own people I'm going to be killing.

Fuck this noise.

He was back to being unhappy. He looked at his collar, and realized that if he tried anything, his head would be chunky salsa within seconds.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" He yelled, using every particle of air in his lungs.
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Post by Tilt* »

Enough. Fucking. Rain.

Dawn was breaking, but you wouldn't know it; it was still black as pitch. It had been raining for a solid... three days? More? The conditions were miserable, but they had their advantages. It was much easier to avoid others when it was pouring down, for instance. And it helped drown out the distant screams.

Thinking about breaking cover and heading for the air control tower had kept Anna wracked with indecision for a long while, even with the rain to cover her approach. What finally convinced her to go for it was the collars detonating. Hearing each explosion in succession, not knowing when they would stop, and figuring, with her luck, that every next one would be her own...

Weaponless or not, she decided that waiting and hiding just wasn't going to cut it anymore. A primordial scream of FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK from not so far away was also a big motivator to get moving. Keeping low, she dashed out of the treeline and headed straight for the tower door. Finding it thankfully unlocked and unblocked, she darted inside.
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Post by Sean* »

Sloan had just begun to notice the rain.

Fuck, I'd better find some shelter, he thought. If I don't, I'm probably going to get pneumonia or something. At the very least, it'll jam my state-of-the-badass-art gun.

He also heard explosions, and assumed- rightly- that some idiot had walked into a dangerzone. This did not help his mood.

He grabbed his daypack, which was (unsurprisingly) fairly heavy, and headed to the tower.
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Post by Cyco* »

Harry's eyes shot open as a resounding "fuck" penetrated the silence. He sat up promptly--despite the overwhelming grogginess brought on by lack of sleep--and switched on the GPS to see WTF was going on. The airfield was beginning to get crowded.

The announcements came on. Harry sat in the dark watching the glowing screen and keeping an ear out for any interesting new information. He recognized a few of the names but payed no real mind until Paul was listed, which was confusing seeing as he'd been stabbed to death. That didn't make a whole lot of sense; hadn't he been packing a submachine gun?

'Paul was acting a little strange before, but there's no way he'd hold his fire and try to reason with someone posing an immediate threat to his life. Not Paul.' Harry sat through the remaining names on the death list grasping at straws to explain why Smith had been killed by "mousy little Madison Conner". 'Maybe she caught him sleeping, or...snuck up on him from behind? She could have tricked him into letting his guard down and...umm, well...for all I know he could have been out of ammo the whole time.'

Nevermind, he finally decided. Whatever mistake Paul had made, Harry still wasn't about to let himself become careless so it didn't matter much. Speaking of which, he'd take his leave and find a better place to camp out once the dangerzones were announced.

"...leading to a three way tie between yourself, Lenny Priestly, and Harry Tsai!" chimed the PA, and Harry's ears perked up with bewildered curiosity. He'd earned a prize? For slitting Courtney Blagge's throat, apparently, because she was the only kill he'd bagged at all so far.

'Which has to change,' Harry thought. 'Even if I manage to win, it'll be for nothing if all anyone remembers about me is that I killed that Courtney girl in cold blood; that says I'm a coward. I need to rack up more kills--preferably of the male persuasion--and play up the cool for the cameras. If I can pull this off I'll be the biggest thing since Dir En Grey.'

The announcements wrapped up (rather curiously) and Harry gathered his things, taking mental note of the new dangerzones. He wasn't sure what to make of Danya's message to Neil Sinclair, but it left him feeling rather vulnerable...not to mention out of the loop. Still, what else could he do but keep playing and hope this Neil guy let up with the camera smashing.

It was still fairly dark in the early morning and he was sure to move stealthily from the hangar so as not to be detected by the other players in the airfield. The sunrise told him which way he needed to go to reach the Northern shore, and the GPS would tell him what to expect from a good ways away.

((continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Tilt* »

It was dark inside the tower, but Anna's flashlight had died two days ago, so it was all she could do to feel around for a light switch. She found it, but flipping it did nothing.

Damn, no power after all. What had she really been expecting? It seemed like everything on the island had been left to rot for years. She supposed their corpses would be left behind, too. Tripping on the start of a staircase, she let out a short cry of surprise, her heart skipping a beat. Keep it together, 'Thesia. A lot of things more worth being scared of around here.

She found a handrail and slowly made her way up the stairs until she bumped blindly into a door. Pulling it open, she entered what must have been the control room, and could even make out the silhouettes of some tables and chairs due to the dim morning light outside the plate glass windows, which circled the entire chamber.

Well, I'm finally here, she thought, but without power, there's not much point in checking out the consoles. She wished the light would hurry itself up. The dead shell of the building was, in it's own way, more menacing than the jungle. Anna suddenly missed the incessant, maddening insect and bird sounds of the jungle... they beat this awful silent tower with nothing but the rain on the roof and the scurrying of unseen creatures to listen to.
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Post by Sean* »

Sloan reached his destination, and went up the stairs. He noted that there was a door, and opened it. He saw a person in there, and shined his flashlight on the mystery person.

"Oh, it's you. Hey, Anna," he said in a calm, somewhat relieved tone.
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Post by Tilt* »

Anna herself had been casting her eyes about for some sort of weapon, anything better than a skull, for god's sake, when the door to the chamber creaked open and a flashlight beam struck her directly in the face. Caught unawares and blinded, she fell backwards into an old table.

"W- wait," was all she could think to say to this mystery assailant, but then heard a calm, nonthreatening, even vaguely familiar voice say her name. Squinting her eyes, she could finally see the newcomer's features in the glow of the flashlight.

She let out a sigh of relief, she knew Sloan from back in the days when she was still taking Jiu Jitsu lessons. He seemed like an okay guy then, and not the type to be shooting up his former acquaintances at the drop of a hat.
Stealthy bastard, though. Didn't even hear him on those stairs.

"Jesus, Sloan. Call out a warning or something next time! I thought I was screwed."
She paused, suddenly not completely certain if she could trust even him.
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Post by Sean* »

"Sorry," Sloan said. "Didn't mean to scare you. Just in case you were wondering, that yell of 'FUUUUUCK!!!!' was me. Nothing ruins my day quite like waking up on an apparently deserted island with a splitting headache."

He gestured towards his daypack and added, "I guess I got lucky. I brought extra food, I brought extra clothing, and I got a damn good weapon. Speaking of weapons, where's yours?"
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Post by Tilt* »

She let her guard down a bit, but was ready to act just in case. "Weapon? Heh, other than Poor Yorick," she said, producing the lacquered skull from her bag, "I've got nothing. I've been running scared for days, I've walked over bodies, I've-" She broke off. "It's good to see someone else who hasn't lost their mind."
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Post by Sean* »

"Heh. I bet that thing's Danya's paperweight or something. I'm honestly not sure if I should stick around or run like hell; the rain makes me want to stay here, since it's shelter, but the fact that I'm liable to take a shotgun shell to the brain pan any second now makes me want to run like hell," Sloan said as he contemplated his situation.

He sat down on the control panel for a bit.

"Honestly, I think we should try and find other sane survivors. Maybe we can thin out the insane ones on the way. We'll have to wait until the rain stops, though," Sloan said to Anna.
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Post by Tilt* »

"Agreed," said Anna. She was back to looking for a more suitable weapon. Her eyes fell upon an old-fashioned fire extinguisher under one of the consoles. No way that's still gonna work, but it looks heavy enough to do some serious damage.She hefted it and tested the weight, then looked back at Sloan.

"Could you believe those detonations earlier? Danya just popping heads left and right? The past five days I've been trying to figure out how to escape this island, figure out the latitude and longitude or something, but if he's got the power to kill any of us at any time, there's no way."

She sat down next to him. A crushing sense of dread had been building in her chest for days now, but that announcement had really screwed with her mind. Everything seemed so bleak.
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Post by Sean* »

"Frankly there's not a whole lot I can do about our situation. At least one of us is guaranteed to die unless I go Ahnuld on this Danya motherfucker's ass, and there's no chance in hell of that succeeding." Sloan gestured towards his collar, illustrating his point.

"So... I never thought I'd be saying this in such a horrifying situation, but I'm bored out of my fucking skull. Had I brought my portable DVD player and solar charger, I could be watching Evangelion right now or something, but I didn't have the presence of fucking mind to do that. Fuck!" Sloan was beginning to rant.
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Post by Tilt* »

"Keep it together," Anna said forcefully, as much to herself as to Sloan. "You've just touched on what I've been trying to say. We will have to play this game, it's the only option available. We have to kill, or we'll be killed." She got up and walked over to one of the plated glass windows. "And if we make it to the end, one of us would still have to kill the other."

Turning your back while telling him he has to kill you? Brilliant.

"Listen. The rain's slacking off a bit. Why don't we get out of here before your cabin fever drives you crazy? We get a hold of some guns, we keep a low profile, we kill anyone who's playing. And if you'll watch my back, I'll have yours..."

'Till the end at least. She turned once more to look at him. "What do you say?"
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Post by Sean* »

"Meh, let's go. And just for further reference, you may not want to turn your back to people when you make that point. I'll hold off on killing you as long as I can, but others may not feel the same way. Where to next?" He was perfectly ready to leave the control tower due to his crushing boredom.
Gunblazer 42*
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Post by Gunblazer 42* »

((Continued from A Quick Rest (Jungle).))

Michael went around the wrecked airplane. Yep, it was definately an airport. Or field, since it didnt look that big.

He laughed when he remembered the wrench in his hand. "Looks like you're going to come in handy after all!"

He found the enterance to the downed plane, but couldn't see anything or anyone inside. And it was still raining a bit, he wasn't going to risk his glasses again.

He found himself on the landing strip eventually. He coud see the control tower ahead of him, and could make out two large buildings on either side of the tower. "Hangers?" He could also faintly see the wrecks of some more planes, including two more in front of him and behind him, aside from the one he had tried to explore.

"So, Wrench. Tower or hangers, heads or tails?"

He tossed the wrench into the air and watched it come down again. It landed with its back end in the air, yet again, but just barely this time.

"Oh dear, tails again. Not my lucky least tthey provided me with a flashlight..."

He retrieved the iron wrench and headed for the hanger to the left of the tower. Hopefully there was something there he could use.
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