Jungle Fever

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the parts of the abandoned and run down military base. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is trecherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane. Exercise caution, children, one wrong step here would most definitely be your last.
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Jungle Fever


Post by lovebirdjo* »

((Ivye continued from Everybody Wants To Rule The World))

The sound of cracking limbs and crunching leaves accompanied Ivye as she made her way into what she was sure was a forest only a few minutes ago. It was nearing dawn now, and the sun was almost overhead. Luckily she had made it into a somewhat safe place for the time being. She had run for as much of the way as possible, though the hours had found her skipping along moreso than anything else. Her daypack was slung about a shoulder, and her left hand clutched one of the grenades she had been given as a weapon. This was no ordinary forest. It was a vast jungle, a vast vessicle of flora and fauna, natural and majestic in its splendor. Some trace of doubt made its way into the vampiress's mind as she crept along the towering trees and deeper within the confines of the forest.

What if someone came up behind her in the jungle for a surprise attack like she had been planning? That would be no good. Her red eyes flashed accordingly and slanted slightly as she carefully began to scope for any other inhabitants of the tropical forest. She was sweating profusely in the heat, but luckily she was shielded from the sun's rays by leafy shade. The plants were on her side, apparently, and they were so beautifully pleasant to look at as well. A large flower met her eyes, heavenly upon her eyes, though she found its shade of pink a bit too sunny for her taste. It was pale and pure, moreso than she liked. Instead of stopping to admire it, she trudged along past it, not giving it a real glance. Ivye heard commotion in the distance. She wasn't going to be heading there anytime soon. Whilst the day grew in its bright, happy way, she would take time to build some sort of haven for herself against any nasties that might try to make her breakfast or lunch.

This was a jungle, after all. What kind of predators lounged overhead in the treetop canopies ready to kill her like she planned on killing her classmates? She could only guess at them. Taking the time to swat a bug from her arm, Ivye thought she could hear running water somewhere nearby. Not that it mattered. For the moment, she was content to put on a show to the cameras she knew were hidden amongst the underbrush and tangling plantlife in the jungle. Someone, somewhere was watching her every move. Her aunt and uncle were probably waiting for her death, happy that the "demon child" they had been forced to raise was going to meet her end on a deserted island. Oh how it would be sweet to be released from this damnation after all is said and done, back to that house in Highland Beach. Back to her guardians' hell of a home, where she would strike fear into their hearts.

A smile came across her glistening face, and her eyes shone with unabridged glee. Soon she would be amongst the blood and gore, and it would be playtime when night fell. Something akin to lust came over her as she thought about the havoc and horror that would be coming soon. Pulling the map from her daypack, Ivye sought out her next destination. Her eyes drifted towards the graveyard marked on the paper. How appropriate for her. It looked as though she would have to make use of the cloak she had gotten before. Her course was set a ways from where she was in the jungle. After all, she had been following a straight path from the jailhouse to begin with. She would meet up with "family" at the graveyard, and perhaps find a place to rest until dark. The vampiric female could think of nothing better to do. After all, the jungle was dangerous for her to be in during the day. Far more dangerous than a graveyard, that was for sure.

Pulling the heavy black cloak from her daypack, Ivye made sure to pull the hood over her head as she changed her direction and headed off into the thicket, tinkering around the heavy underbrush with an odd sense of grace. The devilish smile never left her face.

((Continued in From Serenity to Shame))
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