Shocked but ready

An endless shoreline spans the western portion of the island. The shore itself is quite desolate and is in desperate need of a bit of color on its pale white sands. Located on the western shore is a marina filled with boats and other water crafts. Shame they're all out of gas.
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Shocked but ready


Post by phreakride* »

Randy was shocked when he woke up but shortly realized what had happened.  It all came rushing back to him; the plane, the high-jacking, his teachers dying, being forced to drink the water.  His head ached a little but was not as worried about his pains as those of his classmates, especially Annabelle.  He knew the rules of the game, and though the brunette didn't want to be there(who did?), he was ready to what was required to win and get home.

Randy looked about him for his packs.  After a few seconds of glancing around, the bag was found and quickly opened.  Randy really wanted to know what he would have to kill with this time.  The last time he had to win big he had to do it with his fists.  After ruling the other items in his pack "required", Randy realized he was given a crude weapon at best.  At least this weapon can be sharpened he reasoned.  Randy was given a spoon.

Randy had always been against killing.  He didn't even care for the death penalty.  Randy was disgusted by SOTF, but knew there was a chance that he would be selected, so he had gotten used to the idea of murder being a requirement to survive, and that God would not hold it against him if he was forced to be the bad guy.  The boy did not hate Danya for his creation but he didn't appriciate it either.  Randy knew he had much praying he would have to do everyday, but he felt that he could make it through the ordeal alive and in the grace of God.

After finially getting to his feet, the boy decided to go take a look around.  He had not gotten very far before he fell to the ground and realized that he would have to stretch and that even though he was knewly awaken, would have to sleep.  So, Randy stretched his cramped calves and his under used quad, and he got ready to search for somewhere to sleep.

Surviving in the woods.  That was something that Randy was not very good at.  Randy had never gone camping, and he rarely spent any time outside other than on the track.  That would be the challenge in this adventure, and though he wasn't sure he could rise to the occasion by himself, Randy had God and a strong will to live.

After looking around for a while Randy realized that he would have to go more into the island to find somewhere to sleep.

((Continued in Sleepyhead on a Mission))
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