Rinse, Repeat

Separate from the barracks, the showers are exactly as their name would suggest. The room is, in essence, a large bathroom facility with an open shower area. It's an ideal place to rest, but don't loiter around for too long. The lone door in the front of the building could sign your fate if an ambitious player follows you inside.
Posts: 126
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Post by dinah_shore* »

She was so close. Her fingers were literally centimetres away from the handle of the doloire before Harry stepped on her wrist, applying generous amounts of pressure.

A contorted "Fuck!" burst forth from her lips. The boy crouched over Lucy, seemingly amused by her racial slur. Panting heavily, she wondered what would come next.

What, you wanna fuck me? I dare you, asshole! I'll eat you alive!

Lucy's mind was racing. She knew what the facts were in this situation, and she knew that Harry was going to kill her. Rape lingered in her mind. Lots of girls have been raped before death on the island over the past six days. Part of her was actually hoping for it, for the longer he took to end her life, the longer she had to reach her axe and split his faggoty J-Rock wig.

"You really ought to watch your mouth," He told her as the barrel moved slowly in the direction of her lips. Lucy would have told him to "go fuck a meat processor" if it didn't mean opening her mouth and accepting her doom. She was still frantically looking for a chance to rip his balls off or disarm him, but Harry was keeping her wrist pinned pretty well.

It was then when the bitch slapped her. It was the first time in her life that Lucy had been struck, by anyone. Her surprised and furious outburst was extremely short-lived, as the barrel of he gun found its way neatly into her mouth. The kid was fast. He'd shifted his position really quickly too, and now was facing her right-side up.

Lucy searched her killer's eyes. He looked back at her calmly, yet there was something kind of orchestrated about his expression. He gazed through her, his eyes communicating a mild, disinterested apology. She bit down on the barrel and snarled, having no interest in accepting it.

See you in Hell, buddy.

Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Noah nodded in response to Kyrie's suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He paused for a moment before adding, almost as an afterthought. "I can only hope that SADD hasn't fallen apart after that announcement." He shivered as he remembered the screams played over the announcements.

"Oh! I finally got it!" He said suddenly, pointing over at Kyrie's megaphone. "If they're weak against loud noises. That would've worked. Of course, it would've been better if I had thought if it earlier."

Speaking of loud noises...


Noah quickly spun around to face the entrance. "What the hell?" Tensed to make a move and watching outside for any other students, the realization that the sudden "Shoryuken!" had actually come from the announcements speakers eventually set in. "He's trying to screw with us, huh?" Noah finally gave a sigh and shook his head. "Well, forward, down, down-forward, punch to you too, asshole."

Suddenly, a gunshot, coming from outside, near the rear of the building.

"What the hell? He repeated. Now we've got someone with a gun? This day just keeps getting better and better... He looked back at the others. "We should get ready to make a hasty getaway. I've got a bad feeling about this." He started to step outside. "I'll check it out. You should wake up Vera."

Noah inched along the wall slowly, hearing two voices, one male and one female. As he peered out from around the corner, he spotted the body of another boy lying on the ground, axe wounds in his leg, stomach and neck. He looked over at the girl, recognizing her as Lucy Arber, one of the more...eccentric girls at his school. Wait, did she kill that guy? He thought, spotting the axe nearby. Goddammit, how did I not notice that!? It was almost right outside our door! He silently cursed himself for being so unattentive as he looked over at the boy, wielding some kind of gun he'd never seen before What the hell is that thing? It kind of sounded like a shotgun, but it doesn't look like any shotgun I've ever seen...

Suddenly, the boy jammed the gun into Lucy's mouth and fired, blowing out Lucy's skull. "Oh, shit!" He found himself blurt out, loud enough for Harry to hear as he quickly turned tail and ran right back into the building. "I was right. We've got trouble. BIG trouble. We need to get out of here right NOW." He looked out the door again, half expecting the boy with the gun to follow him in. A group of four trying to make a break for it would probably just make an easy target for a shotgun. Shit, we would've had to leave so hastily if it wasn't for me. I might as well as just ran out and yelled "Hey, we've got cheap kills right here!" This was his screw-up, he should be the one to deal with the consequences. "Okay...here's how we'll do it. I'll act as a decoy and keep his attention while you guys make a break for it. We'll meet up at..." He wracked his brain trying to come up with a good rendezous point. "...the sea cliffs. Just go there and wait for me. If I don't make it back by tomorrow afternoon, or if it looks like staying there is too dangerous, just go on without me." He was rather surprised at how easily he had taken charge of the situation. He never really thought of himself as the leader type. "You guys in?"

(OOC: You might notice some differences. I went back and fixed the horrible, horrible typos that come into my room at night and touch me inappropriately.)
Posts: 69
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Post by Neuphim* »

In retrospect, Vera wondered why she could've slept at that moment with everyone murdering eachother outside. She wished she could've gotten some form of slumber but couldn't sucomb. The 'Rising Dragon Fist' and the gunshot didn't help matters either. He opened her eyes, looking over to the current speaker, Noah.

"Okay...here's how we'll do it. I'll act as a decoy and keep his attention while you guys make a break for it. We'll meet up at..."

Vera looked at Noah with slight pity. Noah what are you thinking?

"...the sea cliffs. Just go there and wait for me. If I don't make it back by tomorrow afternoon, or if it looks like staying there is too dangerous, just go on without me."

You can't do this by yourself, No... well, I guess that's the way it'll go.

With a jolt, Vera got up and walked in front of Noah. With a forced grin, Vera said, "So Noah, you think you can be some big, damn hero and get away with that by yourself?" She placed her hand on his shoulder, with her grin widdening. "Well, sorry but I won't have none of that at all. I'm staying with you, bud."
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Post by Cactus »

((Sorry for the hold-up, folks. No sleep and lots of work make Adam go fucking nuts))

John was admittedly taken aback by how suddenly the violent sounds of a struggle seemed to come from outside. It had been a very serious miscalculation on their part that had allowed someone (several someones, apparently) to make their way into the area and start brawling around. Now that one of them had apparently died, those that remained inside of the showers were in some serious trouble - John included.

Noah's sudden heroic gesture was also a bit surprising, but expected. In such a situation, it didn't take a genius to know that someone was going to have to act as a distraction. Noah had volunteered before John had gotten the chance - but it was probably the sort of thing that most guys would do in a situation like that. Everyone wanted to be a hero, and if death was inevitable, then maybe the best way to go out was saving the lives of the other people around you.

Vera immediately hesitated at Noah's suggestion, and blurted out something that - again, he'd expected. Nobody was going to let Noah just sacrifice himself and get shot at while the other three of them ran away. Plus, there was nothing to say that whomever was outside wasn't just going to put Noah down and open fire on the rest of them. His thoughts were pure, and well-intentioned, but John didn't buy it - at least, the notion of it working. Glancing at Vera, John shook his head.

"Vera's right, Noah. No offense, but...you can't exactly expect to dodge bullets when there's one of you, and he's firing shotgun shells at you! You'd be a sitting duck! If nothing else, we need to figure out a way to distract him enough so that it's not just Noah wandering off to his own death!"

Grunting a bit, John scratched his face, which had gathered some impressive stubble in the six days that he'd been imprisoned on this hellhole.

"What do ya say we just make a run for it? If the four of us all run in different directions, then just maybe, we might all be able to meet up at those sea cliffs...saves one of us from drawing the short straw and marching off to meet certain death in the form of whatever psycho-killer is lurking around!"

It didn't make any sense, otherwise. Problem was, that they needed to decide what they were going to do, and soon. John was perfectly fine with taking off, but if the shotgunner got into the doorway and started shooting while they were all standing around talking, it would be lights out for all of them.

Now's REALLY not the best time to be standing around coming up with plans of action!
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
Posts: 484
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 am


Post by Mitsuko2* »

The sounds of the violent struggle outside of their hideaway left her group quiet and scared. Kyrie closed her eyes and tried to block the sounds of the screams out, but they kept right on piercing through her mind. She felt a shiver run down her spine. This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen. She always had a plan. She had no idea what to do now. The sounds died down, and Kyrie inadvertently knew that someone else was dead.

Noah inched out to survey the damages, and ran in with nothing but bad news. Kyrie felt herself sweating. This was bad, very bad. Noah offered to act as a decoy while Kyrie Vera and John escaped the scene. That didn't sit well with Kyrie. She didn't want anyone else to die. If the gunshot outside was any hint, Noah would be going on a suicide mission.

Vera quickly attempted to talk him out of the foolish action. John threw the idea out that they all run in separate directions, then meet up later. That too would prove futile, she thought. With a gun, he could take at least one of them down. That wouldn't do. They didn't have much more time to think up a plan. Kyrie looked up, trying to think under the dire circumstances.

That's when she saw it.

She grinned.

"Hey John… How strong are you?" She looked at him with the grin on her face. She quickly walked towards the back of the room. She pointed at a rather large vent in the back wall.

"What if we climb out through here? It's got to lead outside, and it looks big enough for us to fit. But we need to get up there first…" She looked at John.

"Can you lift the three of us up? I'll help you up once I'm up there."
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Post by Cactus »

((Sorry, posting order, but I'm going to bungle you just this once))

John followed Kyrie's field of vision until he came upon what she was looking at - a large vent in the back wall; higher up but undoubtedly large enough for a person to fit through. Thanks to the small size of the building, it couldn't lead anywhere else but outside, and John's eyes widened, and a smirk fell across his face.

"I should be strong enough - and I think I know what you're thinking! I shouldn't have any problems lifting any of you up, and provided we do this fast enough, I think it could work!"

John quickly stepped over to the vent and tried to reach up and grab it. He wasn't able to do anything but brush it with his fingertips, but someone lifted up? Would be no problem at all.

"Alright, folks. Looks like this is a go. I can lift you, we just need to figure out one thing - who's first?"

John looked at the others and smirked, the urgency of the situation still plastered across his face. He knew that he'd undoubtedly have enough time to get at least two of them up and out before whoever it was came in, but if he ran out of time...

Just don't think about that, John. Probably not the best thing to do...

"C'mon, guys...let's do this, we don't have all day!"

((Feel free to GM with John a bit to lift your characters out of the Showers - makes a bit more sense doing so than making me post every single time))
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
Posts: 514
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:20 am


Post by Cyco* »

'Never know when that'll come in handy...'

As Harry scooped up the dead girls weapon he felt very suddenly nauseous. The sensation took him by surprise and before he could right himself Harry felt his most recent meal of shitty crackers and water resurfacing. Fortunately he'd eaten so little that the watery paste now in his mouth could be passed off as spit.


Harry was confident that he'd averted a nasty blow to his badass SOTF persona, and wiped the bloody ax-like object off on his sleeve before tucking it in between his belt and the back of his pants. As grotesque as the girls blasted-out head was--ditto the guy she'd sliced up like a tomato--he knew it was really the substandard diet that was making his stomach stir. Still, puking would not win him any fans.

As he hurried to the front of the building Harry double-checked the GPS; it displayed two of the four blips against the back wall and another two by the entrance.

'Nowhere to run.'

Harry took a deep breath as he approached the door and clenched his teeth, bringing the shotgun in one hand up to shoulder level. He was terrified, but then he knew that armed as he was he had to be easily more terrifying than anyone in that room. Harry finally let the GPS go a few paces away from the entrance and grabbed hold of the barrel guard.

The hardest part was bringing himself to step into the doorway, but fortunately he had enough momentum going and a firm resolve. Harry pointed the Jackhammer preemptively in the direction that it seemed the two blips would be in relation to the GPS and rounded the frame of the door, firing without hesitation the moment he saw a face.
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

(GMing approved by Cyco)

(EDIT: Aw shit. I misread Cyco's last post and thought he was aiming for Kyrie and John. My bad. <__<' It's fixed.)

Afra's sudden volunteering to be a second decoy surprised Noah. He shook his head; only one life should be at risk here, only one person should have to die if he fucked up the plan. Then, Noah looked over at the other two, and couldn't help but show his annoyance when they suddenly had their own ideas of escape. Under less urgent circumstances, it would've been more acceptable, but when you've got a shotgun-wielding maniac closing in on you even as you speak, coming up with multiple plans of escape and trying to pick the best one isn't exactly a good idea.

He had to agree with John's idea. Fanning out to make the group harder to chase down certainly sounded like an idea, but Kyrie's idea was completely absurd considering the current circumstances. And now John decided to go along with it as well.

"Guys, I really don't think we have enough time for this." He said, crouching down to pick up his pack and sling it over his shoulder, sticking the two kunai into each back pocket. "He's literally JUST outside. He could be here any sec-"

Too late.

Noah turned to look towards the door, only to see the tip of a shotgun barrel peek through it, then a loud 'BANG!' as it went off. Noah's body practically moved on it's own, trying to dodge the shot at the last moment, but he wouldn't be able to escape unscathed, as the spread fire tore into his left arm and side, scoring only glancing hits but still hitting deep enough to do some considerable damage, one shot even aiming high and tearing a chunk out of his ear.

"SHIT!" It hurt like hell, and it wasn't long before the wounds started to bleed freely. He didn't have time to react, though; he had to do something to stop this, or they'd all wind up as just more notches on some random psycho's belt. Bounding through the door, he slammed into Harry as hard as he could, causing him to stumble back a bit before losing his footing and falling to the ground, with Noah on top of him, trying hard to pin the shotgun to the ground as his other hand reached for one of the kunai in his back pocket.

"RUN! EVERYBODY RUN!" He yelled to the others, not even turning to see how badly they were injured, his attention instead turned fully to Harry to see what he'll do next.
Posts: 69
Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:12 am


Post by Neuphim* »

((Changed it because this isn't a grindhouse film))

Kyrie came up with a brillant plan. Of course! The air vents! He wouldn't be able to catch up with us there.

She then heard a shotgun blast and felt the scorching pain going through her left shoulder. It nicked her but it still got her, nonetheless. She coiled around in pain, holding on to the injuried.

She spied Noah darting off, rushing to kick some butt, though more like to get himself killed. Vera looked over, unsure of what to do. Sure, you can SAY that you'll stay behind and help and risk your life. But Vera's body was still, frozen in place on the floor. She didn't want to die not today. She didn't want to feel more of whatever this guy had to offer. She just wanted-

Vera realized at that moment what today was. That today was an important day, one that she was waiting for, one that she has been counting down for. Its her eighteenth birthday; she's an adult and she now has those responsibilities as one. That she can't be child and leave Noah behind to die.

She got up into a stance, ignoring the pain, ready to charge. Noah, I won't let you die! I just can't let you! Both of her feet were locked and ready to launch. But a wandering thought made her stood still. I don't want to die either. She shook her head vigorously. No! I'm not a coward! Not a coward! I'm-

And Vera turned in the opposite direction. Putting all her energy into a charge up into a jump, with John pushing her up to get into air vent. She turned back to give Noah a fleeting, possibly final look. I'm sorry. And she dived into the darkness of the air vent.
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Post by Cactus »

As John waited for the others to start making their way into the vent, things took a very drastic turn for the worse. More specifically, time ran out. The Asian kid with the gun, who Noah had said was looking more and more like a player (he was probably Harry Tsai, if the announcements could be trusted) as he got closer to the facility, finally arrived, and welcomed them by opening fire on the other side of the room. Hearing the grunts from both Vera and Noah, and then seeing Noah tackle the intruder, John was about ready to go lend a hand when Vera ran over and jumped up towards the vent. Immediately reacting, he pushed her upwards.

Well that's great, John, but I think the vent option might be a little blasé right about now...

As Vera disappeared into the vent, John turned around and looked at the scene before him. Noah was grappling with the Asian, and Kyrie was just standing there, looking shocked. This was no time to wander around looking surprised, and John knew that Noah was basically sacrificing himself for the rest of them. It was brave, and there'd be time to mourn him later, but at this point in time, getting the hell out of dodge seemed the bigger priority.

"C'mon, let's GO!"

Stepping towards Kyrie, he tugged at her arm, and motioned towards the door, and then took off running. In a fight where one guy had a shotgun, and the other had a picture of David Duchovny, John sure didn't want to be with the guy who had Fox Mulder in his pants. Unfortunately for him - that guy right now happened to be named John Sheppard.

Running away - it isn't the brave thing, and if Noah gets himself killed, I'm gonna regret this for the rest of my life, but if the rest of my life is three minutes long, it isn't gonna do any good at all!

Bolting from the shower area, John burst out from the doors and into the outside, where he put his head down and sprinted off as fast as he could towards the jungle, hoping that Kyrie, or Vera, or anyone was following him - otherwise he'd have let them down something fierce.

It wasn't one of John Sheppard's crowning moments, that was for sure - and he knew it.

((John continued elsehwere))
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
Posts: 484
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 am


Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie thought that their dilemma was solved. She felt an intense sense of pride and happiness for the accomplishment. They had a way out of this mess. They were all going to get the hell out of here. There was no time to waste. Kyrie took a step towards the back wall, but footsteps behind her caught her attention. She turned her head. None of her allies had moved. That meant…

The shotgun blast in Noah and Vera's direction answered her. She screamed as the buckshot ripped past the duo, skinning Noah's arm and Vera's shoulder. Kyrie faced the intruder and felt her blood run cold. Harry Tsai had come to face them. Kyrie held the kunai out in front of her shakily. What could she possible do with this?! Against a shotgun the blade was useless. What could she do? She couldn't think. Her entire body was shaking.

Noah charged Harry, and was able to tackle him to the floor, holing him down and telling the others to escape. She could only stare, even as Vera sprinted past her and John pushed her into the vent. Kyrie couldn't believe what was happening. It was all just too confusing. She suddenly felt herself being pulled, and was soon running after John, leaving Noah to the wolf.

Her head was spinning. She felt nauseous. And she knew that by leaving here with John, she was condemning Noah to death.

She felt herself tear up.

There was nothing else she could do.

She could only run. How pathetic.

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Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:20 am


Post by Cyco* »

Two separate cries of pain harmonized dissonantly with eachother as Harry's rushed shot passed between the pair, indicating that he might've just killed two birds with one sto--


Harry was shoved back through the doorway and onto his back in the dirt with an unpleasant bump. One of the students he'd hit was on top of him, trying to wrestle his hard-earned weapon away. Harry bared his teeth savagely, his eyes bugging out as he thrashed to get the smaller but still rather strong kid off of him. After a moment or two of intense struggling he managed to wrestle away the butt of the shotgun and attempted to drive it hard across the other boy's face.
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

(OOC: Edited to weed out the GMing that pops up when you're fifteen minutes away from taking a nap on your keyboard.)

Noah tried his best to hold Harry on the ground as the others escaped, hoping to God that they were still alive and in good enough condition to get the hell out of here. Otherwise, his little act of bravery would be pointless. Bravery? Get a grip! Rushing a shotgun-wielding maniac with just a glorified knife isn't brave, it's stupid and crazy!

During this endevour, Noah finally got a look at the group's attacker. Harry Tsai, the foreign exchance student and guitarist. If his memory served him correctly, he had earned a BKA prize recently. That would explain where the wierd looking shotgun came from. Sitting up a bit to stab at Harry with his kunai, he caught a glimpse of the odd device around the boy's neck. The screen seemed to be projecting a map of the area, with two red dots right where he and Harry were, and three other dots retreating from the area. What the fu-

Suddenly, Harry broke free of his grip, slamming the butt of the shotgun into his face, the world turning black, then white, then black again in an instant. He could hear a cracking noise and feel an intense pain as his nose broke from the impact, blood soon leaking from it, and running down his face.

To say he was pissed was an understatement.

"OH YU SONUVA BID!" Noah shouted incomprehensibly, bringing the blade of the kunai down in the direction of Harry's shoulder before moving to punch him as hard as he could square in the face, returning the favor.
Posts: 514
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:20 am


Post by Cyco* »

Harry was thrilled when the butt of the Jackhammer made hard contact with the other boy's face, however it was short-lived as a nasty stab of pain shot through his arm in quick response, followed swiftly by a crack in the temple. Harry screwed up his face and grunted in anguish, his left hand gripping the boy's right wrist tightly at his own shoulder where the knife was sunk. He sensed that the punching wouldn't let up anytime soon, and made frantically to get away from it before it landed him unconscious (and subsequently dead).

With all the force he could muster Harry threw his left shoulder over to his right, aiming to drag the boy's arm and roll the fucker off of him. If he could just get him out of his face for a second this'd be over.
Posts: 69
Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:12 am


Post by Neuphim* »

Climbing through the air vent, Vera was able to find a way out of showers and into a still drizzling area. She ran through it away, knowing full well that she is craven for leaving.

(Vera has left the building...and the area)
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