Ratio Decidendi

Dark, dank, and dreary, the caves snake across the island, leading deep down into the depths and surfacing in multiple locations. Some areas have been declared hazardous, while others are just downright scary. Forty years ago, the soldiers used to tell ghost stories about these caves, saying you could hear children crying if you ventured far enough into their depths. Of course, they'd always make good shelter, but you'd better not venture too far underground lest you never return.
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Post by Ares »

"Yeah yeah, really funny guy." Ryan muttered in response to Dante as he made his way into the cave.

It was all Ryan could do to not give Becky heck for taking off like that and not slowing up for him, but seeing her face made it seem like an irrelevant point. There wasn't much on the island that would be bringing a smile to his face in the coming days. Eventually everyone would be faced with a life or death situation, and Ryan still had no idea what he'd do when that moment came.

"So...how about all this rain?" Ryan said trying to break what felt like an akward silence in the cave.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

Ryan was making small talk to try and break the tension in the caves. She didn't want cut across what her boyfriend was saying, even though it was pointless, but Becky felt that it was no time to dance around their situation.

"What's everyone's plans here? Are any of you looking for someone else?" As a show of trust, Becky went ahead and answered her own question first. "We're trying to get to the northern shore to get my gun and daypack back, but it's becoming less and less likely that someone hasn't already taken it. It's been lying there for nearly a day." Becky sighed resignedly. "Even if I had it, I don't think I could use it..."

Looking down to study her fingernails, she waited for someone else to answer her.
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Post by Mimi »

A small sigh escaped from Marnie after Ryan and Dante's exchange.

Nice. Make them trust you even less.

It didn't help the situation any when Kathy mumbled something about not being able to trust him. Becky didn't seem any more pleased than Kathy. Marnie felt like a moron for even travelling with him, but she did need him. His mouth was going to get them in trouble, though, and that was something Marnie definitely didn't want.

"What's everyone's plans here? Are any of you looking for someone else?"

Oh yeah. Becky wasn't there when Marnie had told Kathy she was looking for Dorian. She'd be able to tell someone else and if they saw Dorian they could tell him. Her mind then drifted to Jake and Ivan. She wondered how they were and where they were. They couldn't possible have stayed at the tower, seeing as to how it was a dangerzone.

"I'm loo-," Before Marnie could finish her sentence, a loud voice reverberated off the cave walls.


Marnie jumped at the deafening noise and immediately covered her ears with her hands. It terrified her to the core, considering that she was already jumpy.

Once the voice had died, Marnie spoke once again:

"Jeez, what was that!?' She questioned to no one in particular.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

Dante's presence was making Kathy uneasy, and as much as she tried not to show it, she was certain he was picking it up. He's as thick as a square foot of wood, he's nasty, he's chauvinistic, he's unpredictable...

We're all gonna die because of him. He's got the highest probability of us all.

The fact that there were three others that she trusted only assuaged her concerns a little, as Dante was formidable and deadly, and if he chose to turn on the team, he could do so and pick them all off without much fuss.

"What's everyone's plans here? Are any of you looking for someone else?"

Kathy wasn't looking for anyone - she'd already told Marnie that. Marnie was looking for Mr. Ibanescu, but Kathy was sure Marnie could tell her that herself. It'd be stupid to make everyone annoyed with me in this situation.

Becky revealed she was heading to the Northern Shore to pick up her bag and weapon. Kathy nodded her head as she said that they were probably gone by now - the probability of that happening was huge. Still, better than doing nothing...or is it? On this island, can one be sure?

Then, out of nowhere, just as Marnie was about to reveal - again - that she was searching for Dorian, a loud MIDI effect crashed through the quiSHORYUKEN!!!

Kathy fell to the ground and opened the umbrella as a feeble shield for the second time that night. Realising she looked like a fool and that someone (probably Dante, but I'm not sure) was sniggering, she got back up and closed up the umbrella, then decided to continue where Marnie left off.

"She's looking for Dorian Ibanescu. You lot know him, right? Tall, smart, chiselled good looks, heh? Hey, maybe we could go look and make a stop-off at the coast along the way? That way, we can cover both bases!"
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Post by Ares »

Ryan listened to the others, but his mind was elsewhere as the announcements came on. A healthy number of his classmates had been decimated in the last day, and it was truly shaking Ryan up inside.

I need a drink.

Ryan reached for where he thought he'd placed his pack down, when he realized the pack was not there.

"God damn it. Um, guys, I'll be back soon. I think I dropped my pack somewhere out there or left it at the sea cliffs."

Ryan's face turned red with embarrassment as he knew this made him look stupid and would probably cause some judgment of Becky's taste in men.

"So..um...yeah, I'll be back."

Ryan gripped his steel mace as he vanished into the foliage in search of daypack.

((continued elsewhere))
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Post by Mimi »

(Posting cause I need to get Marnie outta here.)

Ryan's sudden departure was surprising. Marnie hadn't expected him to leave without Becky, but he'd probably come right back after retrieving his pack.

Kathy's proposition was tempting, but Marnie wanted to find Dorian as soon as possible. Time was running out and for all she knew, he could be dead. Her heart hurt even thinking about that.

"I can't," Marnie regretfully said to Kathy, "I need to find him ASAP."

Marnie stood up and gathered her belongings. She headed for the cave's mouth and looked at Dante.

"Come on."

(Marnie Yaguchi continued elsewhere.)
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Post by dinah_shore* »

"Ryan!" Becky called out to her retreating boyfriend, irritated. "What is he doing?"

She couldn't believe the dunce actually went out on his own by choice, leaving her unarmed and unshoed with people who were more or less strangers.

Cocking her head at Kathy, she murmured, "I guess we should be on our way then."

Her eyes watched Marnie leave the cave. Looking shyly at Dante, she wondered if he was leaving with her too.

Bracing herself against the stone wall of the cave, Becky hoisted herself up on her unsteady feet. This was going to be difficult.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

The sudden exodus of people out of the cave had surprised Kathy. First Ryan, then Marnie. Only her, Becky and that...troglodyte were left.

"I guess we should be on our way then."

Becky's comment made Kathy heave an internal sigh of relief. Finally, we can get out of the sights of that brute. No risk of death at his hands.

Kathy picked up her daypack and slung it over her shoulder, and walked over to Becky, offering her her shoulder to lean on.

"You can't walk by yourself in that condition. Here, take my shoulder. That way, it'll be easier for you to walk. I don't mind, I've got as much time as the island wants to give me. And plus, I have the umbrella for support, heh."

Kathy looked at Dante.

"You still going with Marnie? If you are, I think you should go catch her before she gets lost in the jungle."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

((James Martinek continued from Seeking Sanctuary.))

For James, the walk seemed to last forever, even though it couldn't have been more than an hour. Maybe more, maybe less. James felt delirious with confusion. His thoughts seemed surrounded around Shameeca. Where was she? Was she coming? What about Bree? James couldn't help but indulge in thoughts of her. But then he wondered what Lenny would do if James suddenly had a little reunion with his fiancee. James couldn't even aspire to think of anything.

So far, so good, James thought to himself. He hadn't been killed or anything. A few times, he would glance back nervously at the twins. He felt a little sorry for Elizabeth, she seemed relatively sane. This must be hard for her. He wanted to strike up conversation but could find nothing to say. He thought perhaps it would decrease the amount of tension surrounding the three, however, fear got the best of him and James couldn't mutter a word.

Back at the storehouse, James could have sworn that Lenny had motioned in a general direction, seemingly towards the jungle. However, James had never been good at directions. Was he heading in the right direction? The wrong one? James was too nervous to ask for help or check a map.

Up ahead, he spotted a cave. He vaguely remembered passing the caves earlier, before he got into this mess with Lenny and his twisted game. They looked a little creepy to James, sort of like a monster with its mouth agape. His mind wandered, the sight reminding him of something out of a children's fairy tale. After blinking again, he foolishly realized the caves just looked like normal caves.

As he got closer, he realized others were there. He stopped and turned around to face Lenny. "So...What should we do?", James asked, trying to seem nonchalant about the situation. He didn't want to wildly yell and draw attention to himself. That would probably make Lenny shoot him on the spot. He shifted his bag from one shoulder to the other and wiped some wet hair from his sweaty forehead.
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Post by Theseus* »

((Lenny and Elizabeth continued from Seeking Sanctuary))

The trip has been long, and the rain didn't make it any easier. It was also a quiet trip, which Lenny didn't mind. James did a good job keeping a good pace, and he attempted no trickery. Their romp through the jungle meant they made contact with no one and nothing except for the occasional small animal, which even then was only a glimpse.

Up ahead though were the caves. It was as if Lenny could not escape the caves. He didn't have to look at his sister to know what she was thinking.

Elizabeth saw the caves and memories flooded of past events. No matter where they went, or what they did, she always ended up back at the caves. Maybe it was because they knew the route so well now it was just human instinct to end up at the place you know. Though, the caves were treacherous. Anyone could be hiding in them, and it had been a while since Elizabeth and Lenny were here last.

It was here that they met Raven. The boy who Lenny toyed with, even forcing him to smash a camera. To defy Danya. Raven's warning stuck with Elizabeth like a badly strummed guitar chord.

He had warned her about her brother. Though she would not heed this warning. Her brother has kept her alive so far. Seven days.

Seven days she has managed to keep alive, and she knew her brother had a lot to do with it. Despite his change in personality, he was keeping true to his word. He would protect her with his life. Though, right now was an entirely different situation. As the trio stopped before the caves, Elizabeth wondered what Lenny would say in response to Jame's question.

What should they do?

Lenny thought about it for a moment as he looked around. He saw no one, but that didn't mean no one was around. Better to keep moving. Better to have a plan ready just in case.

"James, here is what's going to happen. We're going to move on. Back towards the jungle and find someplace else. I'm tired of these caves. Though, if we ever run into anyone, if you so much as hint that I have taken you by force, I will shoot your would be savior or saviors, then I will shoot you. I hope you understand. Come on. If Shameeca really is deciding to come after you, this will hopefully throw her off our track."

Lenny smiled at the boy and motioned towards the jungle again.

"Let's see where else we might end up."

With that, Lenny took the lead, confident that James wouldn't try anything he would regret.

"Liz, stay behind James. Wouldn't want him to try and run now. That would be a shame."

Elizabeth reluctantly agreed, and stayed behind the boy, waiting for him to follow Lenny.

((Lenny and Elizabeth continued in One By One))
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

As the three of them stopped near the caves, James examined Lenny's and Elizabeth's faces. Their expression reflected something distant and deep. Had something happened here earlier? James decided not to think on it too deeply and shifted his bags, wiping more wet hair from his face. He felt increasingly tired and wanted to stop for awhile. Like Lenny would grant him that luxury. Plus, James knew he could endure more, so he'd knew better than to complain now.

Lenny then began explaining their plan. James listened without making any sort of faces. It was a simple, but smart plan. He simply nodded. This situation reminded him of a scene in this novel he once read. It was about an author or something who was kept hostage in his biggest fan's home. When the police came by one day, the author threw an ash tray out the window to alert him and his captor had no choice but to murder the police officer. The captor blamed the police officer's death on the author. It was his fault, in twisted logic.

James felt much like that author. If he tried to alert anyone of his situation, they would be killed, plus him. He would be indirectly causing their deaths and he wouldn't want that, so he would have to stay quiet and remain calm. He gave another more obvious nod.

As Lenny headed back towards the jungle, James followed, head lowered.

((James Martinek continued in One by one.))
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Ugh, I really just don't give a fuck about this post anymore, but I just want Dante OUT.

Dante had been so relieved, and then gotten comfortable, after finding shelter in the caves with the group that even as he kept his eye on everyone and tried to figure out how to dispatch each of them if they turned into threats, that almost against himself he'd eventually started to doze off. It was just so dry and comfortable, and even a bit warm, in the part of the caves they stood in that he'd just sat against one of the walls and let himself relax. He chuckled as Kathy was startled by the loud "SHORYUKEN!", but was quiet after that. A low yawn was covered by his free hand, but without any input from his mind his eyes started to droop and close, and eventually it took physical effort to keep them open and watching.

However, despite his efforts, eventually he felt himself nodding off, and everything went black for a while. It was Marnie's telling him to follow her as she left that roused him, and with an irritable groan he opened his eyes, rubbing them with the hand that didn't hold the dagger as he took in his surroundings. He could've been killed while he napped, that wasn't a risk he could afford to take after this. Becky called out to Ryan after that, as Ryan had apparently left, and gone after him, but with her feet fucked up she didn't get far. Kathy stopped to support her - people supporting each other in this game? Inconceivable. - and then asked if he was going to follow Marnie.

Fuck that. She's not even fun.

Still tired, Dante muttered incoherently to himself as he rose to his feet, taking his bag and putting the dagger back into the hoodie pocket. The hood went up, and he started to walk forward.

"Eh, fuck you guys. The lot of ya are 'bout as interesting as watching paint dry. Actually, I've done that, and I can say it was a bit more interesting."

The insult barely out of his lips, he'd keep walking forward, eventually reaching Kathy and Becky. Without warning, his free hand would dart out in a quick shove as a glare appeared on his face. He didn't know why he was annoyed, but he hated it when people stood in his way, especially when they wanted him to leave.

"Shut up and get the fuck out of my way. Stupid bitch."

With that, he left the caves for the jungle he was used to. His eyes falling on Marnie Yaguchi's retreating figure, he briefly considered going with her, but decided against it. She'd pretty much done nothing but get in his face since they'd met up, and company or not he didn't find her interesting enough to risk his life by hanging around her.

"Hey, Marnie!" he called to her before she could disappear, "Good luck finding your fuckbuddy, assuming he isn't already dead!"

It sounded mean, but Dante had tried to come across as genuinely meaning well with it. Didn't matter to him though, he just continued to walk. You don't win by leaving your back a target for people to put their knives in.

OOC: Dante continued elsewhere.
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Post by dinah_shore* »

Becky wasn't listening to Dante very well, since she was trying to keep track of her retreating boyfriend. She could hear the hatred in his voice, and her head snapped around to look at him curiously. She was just in time to see his hand shoot out to knock her back down to the ground.

She didn't even bother picking herself back up. Becky laid in the dirt and sobbed. She had no food or water, no weapon, and no shoes.

I might as well die.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

"Eh, fuck you guys. The lot of ya are 'bout as interesting as watching paint dry. Actually, I've done that, and I can say it was a bit more interesting."

Kathy was stunned, but not surprised. Just because they weren't running around getting themselves killed or killing others, Dante thought they were boring. Typical 'alpha' male. Brain the size of a peanut and testosterone glands the size of the US Capitol. Go away then, Dante. We don't want you here.

Kathy wondered for a second if she was telepathic or something similar, as Dante began walking away, towards the exit. A small smile flickered across Kathy's face, but it disappeared as soon as Dante looked at her and Becky.

"Shut up and get the fuck out of my way. Stupid bitch."

Kathy watched, shocked, as Dante pushed Becky - injured, hurting Becky - onto the cave floor. But...she didn't say anything. She's done nothing wrong. We weren't even standing in front of him...

Dante stormed outside. Kathy yelled back at him as he walked off into the rain.

"What is wrong with you? You caveman, she's done nothing wrong! We've done nothing wrong! Grow up!"

Dante was out of earshot long before Kathy had finished yelling at him. Slightly breathless, she looked back down at Becky, who was sobbing and looked a complete mess.

She doesn't deserve this. None of us deserve this. Wait...

Kathy had grabbed a few things from her bag and shoved them in her daypack before she'd finished. Clothes. Extra food. A compass that had broken on the second day.

And tramping boots.

"Stupid! I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier!"

Kathy ran over to her daypack and rifled inside. The tramping boots had been a present from her father when she was 15, and while they were a little loose, she was sure they would fit Becky. She also grabbed the first-aid kit and one of the two pairs of socks that were protecting breakable things in the bag like the crackers, and rushed over to Becky.

She opened the first-aid kit and pulled out the rubbing alcohol and the gauze.

"Stay still, Becky. I'll get this fixed up. You'll be alright in no time."
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Post by dinah_shore* »

As Kathy began to swab at her bloody feet, Becky felt herself blushing a little. Her feet weren't big or anything, she just didn't like them and didn't like people touching them either. She knew her feet were digusting, and hoped that Kathy wasn't too revulsed by them.

"You don't have to do this," she spoke into her hands as she tried to wipe the grime and tears off her face.

There was a tiny gleam of hope for Becky. Here was a practical stranger willing to help her and to stick by her, even without the prospect of personal gain.

The alcohol stung, causing her to flinch momentarily.

I hope Ryan comes back soon...
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