A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

A long, swinging bridge that crosses a deep ravine heading into the uninhabited part of the island. The bridge sways eerily in the wind and the fall into the ravine below almost certainly spells doom for anyone who happens to lose their balance or step too close to the edge.
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

(OOC: Aw, shit. Fix'd, sorry. x_x)
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

((Continued fromBlack Math))

The gunfire made Morgan's stomach do a flip. He swallowed hard before coming to a stop next to Laeil and the other girl. What was her name? He put the nagging thought out of mind; it didn't matter. Laeil turned quickly and handed the other girl a glass bottle filled with a clear liquid, stopped with a grimy rag before handing over a lighter as well. Morgan cocked an eyebrow. Fire bombs? Looks like Ms. Laeil struck gold on weapons.

The scarred boy half-expected to be given a similar weapon, but wasn't the entirely surprised when it didn't come. The flick of Laeil's eyes to his own was enough to tell him what she was thinking. She didn't trust him to stick around once he'd gotten what he needed. Am I that transparent, or is she just that careful?

Quickly whispering orders, the thin girl with the skeleton grin quickly rose to alpha status. Morgan wasn't sure how he felt about the turn of events, but put the thoughts aside for later. If this group turned out to be as short lived as he intended it to be, it wouldn't matter who was in charge.

Nodding at Laeil's plan, Morgan quickly looped around, mirroring the unnamed girl's own movements. He hadn't noticed where the Angels were, so he made sure to keep a sharp eye out. The boy cared very little who killed who in the coming scuffle. It wasn't any business of his why they wanted Melina dead.

So long as their weapons found their way into his hands, Morgan would view the encounter as a success, and if the shrewd Laeil died in the fight, so much the better. Less competition to worry about. But, if Morgan was to gain a useful weapon, he needed to make sure one of Melina's valkyires didn't spot him.

Taking care not to disturb the foliage, the scarred boy made wide arc around Melina's side. Kneeling down among a thick patch of brush and shadows, he waited for the fire.
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Post by Rimfire* »

"What-" Abel was only able to half-mumble the word as the brush shuddered on the other side of the bridge, due to several factors. First and foremost, Evan had taken the girl and buggered off back into the jungle with neither him or the new guy that was now coming across the bridge. Abel let something between a below-breath curse and a growl rumble softly from his throat, realising that he had just been left in the lurch. Nice.

But when the foliage continued to rustle interspersedly, it was obvious that additional movement from additional bodies was taking place on the other side. Who, he had no idea. Maybe it was the girl with the shotgun, or some of her compatriots. Maybe it was the wind. As Michael hurtled across the bridge, Abel gesticulated wildly for him to hurry... and as he did so, he caught sight of the girl, still half-hidden by the dense vegetation she waded in. Her face seemed masked by... by something, but her red hair was noticeable enough.

Do I know her name... have I spoken to her before? Abel mused, passive for a moment amongst the chaos. It was, of course, unlikely that he'd spoken to her before; girls seldom spoke to him back at home, and he rarely solicited conversation with those he didn't closely know.

However, as Michael reached the halfway-point of the rickety bridge, Abel was jerked back to reality. He braced himself to run, legs tensing and bending slightly at the knees; as his back arched forward, he reached up and corrected the position of his Stetson tentatively. All the while, he waited maddening anticipation for Michael to reach the end of the bridge.

Come on, man! They're gonna start crossing themselves, just now! The fact that another, more intense battle between their attackers and a third party was about to take place was lost on the boy.
Pigeon Army*
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

Michael sprinted like he had never sprinted before across the bridge. Pushing his glasses back up his nose once or twice, he never looked back as the Southern boy waved his arms around wildly, like he was doing some sort of interpretive dance in a battlefield. Michael reached the end of the bridge and staggered onto the other side of the ravine.

Bringing himself around, he looked at the other side. The boy and the deaf girl had run off without them, but Michael wasn't too fussed about that. One trustworthy person is better than none.

Then Michael saw the trio of misfits holding what looked like bottles. Bottles with wicks in them...and one of the girls was lighting one of them...

"Oh, heck no."

Michael turned to the boy in the Stetson.

"They're lighting Molotovs! We've gotta get out of here."

Michael turned his heel and ran into the jungle, yelling back at the boy, "Hurry up, before they get us!"

((Michael Anders continued elsewhere))
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Post by Rimfire* »

"Hurry up, before they get us!"

"Don't need to tell me twice," Abel muttered, hand now pressing his Stetson flat against his scalp as he took off alongside Michael, running at full tilt through the thinning rain. He was now less worried about the gunfire, as it had graciously avoided him (like so much else...); a molotov cocktail was an entirely different story though.

Just how much more extreme did the weapon lists go? Grenades? Land-mines? He was half-expecting someone to open up with an anti-tank gun by now. And here Abel was with nothing but a pair of rent-a-cop sticks and no real plan. God damn it.

Shaking his head, the young Texan kept stride with the other boy as they charged past the treeline on their side of the bridge. Ah, well. At least he wasn't doing this all alone, anymore.

((Abel Williams continued elsewhere))
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

(OOC: Don't mind me. Just posting to keep Laeil from going inactive.)

Laeil made her way to good spot from which to launch her attack, sword at the ready as she waited for Margaret to throw the molotov. She slowly and quietly dropped her pack to the ground so that it wouldn't slow her down.

She watched as the molotov sailed through the air, heading for the ground behind Melina. Soon...
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

((OOC: What the Llama said))

Hunched in the shadows, watching the small stab of light that would soon blossom into a storm of fire, Morgan waited for his opportunity. His scarred right hand found its way to the razor resting in his pocket. Slowly freeing the tool, he allowed the blade to fall open. The edge was deadly sharp, that was true, but the design of the thing made wielding it effectively difficult. If he was going to use it, he would need to get close and he would need to be fast. Most importantly, he would need to be precise. One slip up and he would be the one who wound up with his life bleeding away. That wouldn't do at all.

That wouldn't happen, though. He wouldn't let it happen. Morgan Green knew what he needed to do. He went turned the situation over in his mind. Don't rush. That's how mistakes are made. Carefully observe the situation and only move when you are sure to accomplish something while putting yourself at minimal risk. When the time is right, move quickly and move with purpose. Don't hesitate. Above all else, remember: it's ok to leave those girls to die, if you don't find an opening.

He passed his tongue over his dry lips and waited patiently for his opening to present itself.
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Post by laZardo* »

((What the fuck happened to Mitsy and Cyco? Smashing post order like Stone Cold and beer cans to prevent Renee's inactivity))

Renee had decided not to wait for Jessa's response and scrambled up back to the top of the incline to take a peek at where she'd shot at. Unfortunately, her arrow had missed the targets...and scared them away, apparently.

"Fuck," Renee muttered with clenched teeth. She now had 3 arrows left, and the only damage those really did was hit one of her own "teammates" and make her arm beg to fall asleep. She scrambled back down to Jessa and put both palms to her face in frustration, taking a deep sigh. She didn't notice Morgan sneaking around the battle...but as she crept back up to the top of the incline, just to see if she wasn't hallucinating...

Another molotov, headed straight for Melina.

She hastily readied another arrow...but she knew it wouldn't be ready in time for impact.

Double fuck.
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Post by Cyco* »

((Sorry guys. Been really balls-bustingly busy.))

Jessa was about to reply when Renee hastily ended the conversation in favor of dashing back up the hill. Cursing inwardly, she began to follow after her in a crouch to try and salvage the little progress she'd made.

"Nothin', I just--woah, shit!" Jessa's answer was cut quite short by a fiery explosion nearby. Jessa scrambled back down to relative safety, this time the one being followed by Renee. The girl's expression didn't exactly fill her with hope.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do against that shit??' Jessa thought, casting a glance at her own knife and immediately envying Renee and her bow. She scrambled up after the other girl anyway, compelled chiefly by her need to keep someone else in the Angels alive to spare her from being alone with crazy-ass fucking Melina. With any luck one of those firebombs was finishing the slightly BBQ'd bitch right then.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

((Just keeping up on my inactivity prevention. Don't mind me.))

Morgan took a moment to marvel at the human mind. In moments of stress, the world seemed to slow down, giving the mind time to assess a given situation and react. The seconds seemed to become hours. Days. Nothing to do but wait until the world came back to speed and fire lit up the early dawn.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

(OOC: Melina has been inactive for nearly two months and her right have been stripped from her handler. Unfortunately, since she was attacked after she had already gone inactive and that constitutes a bit of foul play, the inactivity system will be upheld and she will be removed from this thread for her death to be enacted elsewhere. Sorry for the delay her inactivity has caused to everybody in this thread, and the slow response by the staff; it won't happen again. Let's keep the ball rolling.)

Unfortunately for Melina Frost, absolutely nothing had gone according to plan.

Her pre-emptive attack, at first glance, seemed to have done the trick. The group scattered on both sides of the bridge began to scramble every which way, and she turned the shotgun in response in an attempt to follow up her attack on the helpless boy who was now chasing his weapon down the gorge.

The satisfaction of causing so much chaos was starting to get to her head, and for a moment she allowed the tense air to wash over her like a cool breeze, immersing herself in the glory of the fear she was driving into the now quivering wretch formerly known as Michael Anders. Men were so utterly hopeless. In any other situation someone like him would surely have taken any chance he got to grope or harass her, but now that she was the one with the power, he was like a rat in a cage. They all were. It felt fantastic. Infact, she was glad that Renee and Jessa had stepped back and let her savour this moment.

...Come to think of it, where were they?

Turning away from the boy for a moment, Melina glanced around the area, searching for her allies. Renee and Jessa had either left or were out of her line of vision, because she was having a hard time finding them. She didn't see Renee's arrow arc its way downward from atop the hill, and consequently her mood changed quickly.

"Girls?!" She shouted in a strange mix of confusion, anger and fear. She felt like she was slowly losing control over the situation, and that was a feeling Melina hated more than any other. She wheeled around once more to look about for them, and that was when she noticed that almost everyone else had left. Something didn't seem right, though.

An explosion from behind her caused Melina to turn away from the bridge, the ground having caught fire a few feet in front of her. Fortunately for her, the sickly thin Laeil didn't exactly have a pitcher's arm, and that was probably what spared Melina's life. She backed up a few steps towards the bridge before noticing that other explosives were sailing through the air towards her.


Uncharacteristically, she turned on her heel, bag and shotgun in hand and sprinted across the bridge away from her attackers. The only one she recognized was the bitch who'd barbecued half her face, but now that she had a clear advantage over her Melina didn't plan on sticking around to die. It pissed her off immensely that she was actually fleeing a fight - not to mention that her supposed 'Angels' had apparently left her to die - but there was no way she was done yet. She couldn't die here. She had so much more left to do.

"The men, those bitches, and now my own angels...looks like I've got my work cut out for me."

(Melina Frost concluded in Faith in Nothing)
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Laeil grinned maliciously as she caught Melina's startled expression. The sun finally broke over the horizon, the morning light illuminating the bandaged girl's face. How do you like that present I left you? Laeil thought to herself. Too bad I didn't get the rest of it. Even half a pretty face isn't good enough for you. Rearing back a bit, she was just about to rush forward to attack Melina when...


What the hell was she doing? She wasn't supposed to run away. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. Laeil stood dumbfounded as the leader of the Poison Angels turned tail and ran.

"...Goddamn bitch! Get back here!" She found herself yelling, grabbing hold of her pack again and sprinting off across the bridge after her, leaving the rest of her group to deal with the other two Angels.

No...you're not getting away again! I won't allow it!

{{continued elsewhere}}
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Post by Solitair* »

Margaret sighed and watched Laeil run off after Melina. "Well, there she goes." She glanced over at Morgan, who seemed to have zoned out for some reason. "Hey! Snap out of it before..."

She stopped and noticed that there were two other girls nearby, probably the other 'Angels' Melina had gathered on the island. She recognized Renee Valenti, supposedly a former big shot at her old school, and Jessa Vanallen, a well-known slut and crackhead. She didn't particularly hate either of them, but since she might as well play anyway, she'd focus on Renee.

"Hey, you two!" she called out. "Something tells me you weren't with her by choice, were ya?"
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

The fire bomb finally did its duty, spraying burning liquid through the air. Patiently observing the burst of heat and light, Morgan watched as Melina fled as if the hounds of hell were after her. It wasn't much of a surprise when Laeil gave chase, leaving behind her provisional partners. Hmph. Even temporary loyalty is too much to ask for around here, isn't it? Ah, well I'd expected as much.

"Hey!" The other girl intruded on his thoughts with a sharp hiss, "Snap out of it before..." She trailed off as she turned her head, following something intently. Tracing the direction her eyes faced, Morgan caught sight of Melina's own flunkies. Ah...just maybe this wasn't a waste after all. Keep hiding and get the drop on them. No doubt they've got something that's worth taking. It's just a matter of keeping quiet for the tim-

"Hey, you two!" Morgan flinched at the sudden cry. That girl was actually drawing attention to herself! "Something tells me you weren't with her by choice, were ya?" Morgan swore under his breath. This was getting worse by the second. Now they know someone else is around. Perfect. What a waste of my time.

Looking around for a quick path into the forest, the boy shook his head. A clever person knows when to bow out of an unfortunate situation. A strategic retreat would be best, I think. Better to leave stupid people to their own devices. Morgan slowly snuck away into the jungle, washing his hands of the matter altogether.

((Morgan continued in There's No Home for You Here.))
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Post by laZardo* »

((I've forgotten the turn order already... D: ))

Melina fled past the incline Renee and Jessa were stationed upon, no doubt pissed off and probably a bit more injured from the firebomb, one of which had previously disfigured her face...and perhaps unbeknownst to the two other Angels, not even realizing they were there. It wasn't until she'd run clear past the incline with her pursuers that Renee slid past Jessa and down the incline back toward the ground.

As it happened, she'd come down right in front of another girl who she probably only noticed in briefing She had one of her last two arrows at the ready. She was about to arm it, but noticed that the girl did not seem to want to get her as much as she did Melina.

"Hey, you two! Something tells me you weren't with her by choice, were ya?"

"Nah...but it was better than getting killed..." Renee still eyed Morgan with suspicion. Without shifting her glance away from the girl, she turned her head a bit to the side and shouted, "Jessa! Ya coming or not!"

No doubt this latest unsuccessful raid of the Poison Angels would leave Melina ever more distrustful and paranoid. If the injuries were having the effect they were, then it was practically time for new leadership.
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