Them vs. You vs. Me

A cluster of plain gray buildings that once housed the soldiers occupying the island base. There isn't much to speak of in the barracks except for rows of cots, but it's an ideal place for a large group to horde up in... or the ideal place for an ambitious player to mow down the competition in.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Sorry for the wait guys))

Kyrie was a bit taken aback when she saw the wound on Sean's forehead. She was even more taken aback when he yelled at her. It seemed loud noises only worsened his condition. She frowned and was going to attempt to help him stand, but he quickly stood on his own, albeit shakily. She noticed as he hunched over, and some blood began to drip from the head wound. She stood as well, and tried top think of a way to help balance him.

It was only then that the enigmatic Julie Mikan decided to show her face. She happened to be sporting a piece, and had it trained directly on Kyrie. She walked over and dug out her first aid kit. Kyrie almost kicked herself. She had forgotten all about that thing. Julie snapped at her to turn off the megaphone and help. Kyrie blushed.

"Shit… I forgot it was still on…" She quickly turned off the speaker. "What do ya' need me to do?" She stated in her distinct southern drawl. She felt her mind finally coming back to her after the few days of solitude she had had on the island. For that alone, she was quite thankful
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Post by Namira »

"Whew," Sean dropped with a grateful exhalation, the poker landing in the dust alongside him. Sean looked up and offered Julie a weak smile. He had heard her talking with somebody inside, somebody who sounded very much like Adam, the guy who he and Andy had been planning to travel with. If Adam was there, then Sean was willing to bet that Julie was all right. "With all the ways to get yourself killed out there - and all the people willing to implement them... and I busted my head open on a rock, which has royally fucked me up... tch,"

Sean silently thanked Julie for getting Kyrie to turn off the megaphone, even if it wasn't entirely for the benefits to his own health, which Sean figured that, by this point, a well aimed poke would finish off. The Irish lad was hurt, miserable, and immeasurably worried. It had now been a long, long while since he had last seen Andy. With an island this size, that wasn't too surprising, but the longer he was out of Sean's sight the longer he was in danger, and the more likely it was that... It didn't bear thinking about Sean closed his eyes and shook his head, a bad idea. He found himself on his back again all of a sudden as he folded up neatly from the abrupt movement. Had this been under the surface all along? Just waiting for an opening, when Sean was tired and drained, to strike and sap his energy when he needed it most?

If that was the case, Sean wished it was possible to verbally abuse illness and infirmity, because he would most certainly have been venting his frustration at that point if he was able to. Unfortunately, it wasn't, and doing so would probably knock him out from the volume, regardless of what the others might have thought about his raving. Sean forced himself back into sitting position and swayed there for a moment. He needed to lie down. Badly.
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Post by Cactus »

As Adam half listened to the talking outside (half distracted by the ridiculous volume the megaphone was off), he was relieved when Julie seemed to accept the newcomers, if only for the fact that they weren't wandering in shooting. Adam had no qualms with killing them if they were threats, but the less time he had with bullets flying over his head, the better. As he was about to step outside to assist Julie with the coming threat, Adam heard the telltale crackle of the announcement speakers come to life all around him, and stopped to listen carefully.

This time, however, the voice on the other end wasn't Danya's, but a nervous-sounding young voice that probably belonged to one of Danya's less capable assistants.

Wonder why the hell he gets to stutter his way through this shit...what, did he piss off Danya or something? Fuck...

As he listened, he saw that the list of dead had seemingly slowed down through the day, with only a few kills occurring. His two were of course documented, though in between them (interestingly enough), it appeared as though Julie had scored a kill of her own on her way back from getting her Uzi. An Uzi which he now held.

As he listened to the kills, Adam was somewhat unamused to hear that he had judged to have scored the best kill of the day, and that they were rewarding him for doing so. Julie had come back okay, so Adam assumed that it wasn't a trap (of that, he still couldn't be completely sure), but another weapon was key, especially now that it seemed Adam was becoming better armed by the minute.

Stepping outside in full view of the newcomers, Adam sized them up for a quick moment before turning to Julie, who had her pistol trained upon them. One of them wasn't familiar to him. Some girl he'd seen around school - and that was about as far as his knowledge went. Adam hadn't seen it necessary to get to know his schoolmates - rather, he hadn't been ready to get to know anyone, and in retrospect that had been a really good decision.

The second was someone that he was familiar with - though, only after coming onto this island. Sean O'Cann looked wounded, and the colour had drained right out of his face, courtesy of a nasty gash that he had upon his head. Musing to himself that Sean obviously couldn't be feeling all that great right now. Sean and Andy, his boyfriend; who according to the announcements was now deceased, had wanted to group up with Adam. This of course, had all changed once Julie had taken him at gunpoint, but Adam knew that it had been for the better, as Julie was a strong ally who seemed to have clear motivations for staying alive - and Adam respected that. Andy and Sean had each other (or at least, they had), and Adam really at that point had been kind of a lone wolf.

What a god-awful analogy. Sounds like somethin' out of a fucking fan-fiction story. That's just fucking awful.

Sean and the girl seemed like non-players, and while the announcement had attributed kills to both Adam and Julie, he knew that this was likely to startle them a little bit - at least in Julie's case. Most of the island likely knew about Adam's own track record, which was fine by him. All he wanted to do was find Izzy, and try to find a way to beat Danya's system...if he couldn't do that, then...well, he'd cross that bridge once he came to it.

You hopeless motherfucker, you didn't do it last time, what makes you think that it's do-able this time around?

Ignoring the voice of doubt in the back of his mind, Adam wandered up to Julie, temporarily ignoring the two in front of him. Gently touching her shoulder, as he had before so as not to startle her, Adam shot the girl in front of him a weak grin.

"Well, I'll be damned. Looks like I wasn't the only one who was busy fending off the morally bankrupt. I suppose that means that we're tied..."

Adam hesitated, and then shrugged at her.

" prizes, too. Speaking of which...I think you're going to need this more than I do at the time being...give me the gun, and you can hold the fort here. I'll try and hurry back as fast as possible, though. Besides, I owe you one., ten."

As Julie nodded and swapped Adam the pistol for the Uzi, Adam finally turned to look at Sean, and nodded at the injured boy.

"You've seen better days, bud. Sorry to hear 'bout Andy."

Turning back to Julie, Adam started to step away from the area, checking the pistol to see that it was indeed loaded.

"Hey, Julie? Take care of yourself, eh? Don't go out and get yourself killed or anything like that. I'll see ya in a bit."

With that, Adam took off running towards the treeline, hoping to hit the mess hall before his time limit ran out, and anyone else managed to get there before him.

((Continued in One Man Revolution))

((Any GMing in the post has Maka's permission))
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Julie looked sidelong towards Kyrie as she sorted through the contents of the first-aid kit. With four such kits Julie had expected the medical supplies on hand would be plentiful enough to last her (and for that matter, Adam) for a number of days. However, with these new arrivals, one injured for that matter, Julie began to find that assumption doubtful. Then again, there was the fact that they, hopefully, had their own kits to use. She remarked, "Can help me apply the bandage, it's easier with an extra pair of hands."

She looked towards Sean, frowning somewhat at his head injury. "A rock, huh? Wonder how in the world you managed that...?" She shook her head as she applied the disinfectant. "In any case, I'll do what I can. Just try to keep in a sitting position alright? Don't faint. Not yet anyways." Julie noted the disoriented look in his eyes. "I'm no Hawley Faust, but I've had plenty of practice with Dodd there and...if there's evidence that I've messed up any, it sure hasn't started to show just yet."

Julie blinked slightly as the announcements came on. She struggled to concentrate on both Sean's wound and the list of kills at the same time...

"Can you finish up for me? I need to do this." Julie said to Kyrie, gesturing towards the bandage, half wrapped around Sean's head. She'd done her best in treating him, there was little else she could do for him. Taking the notebook from her pocket, she listed the kills that were listed...this time however, she was waiting for her latest kill to be mentioned. She had the feeling, but it was only a wild guess. What she needed was a confirmation...

....Her heart sank slightly. She hadn't killed Nathanial Harris after all. It was...some other guy. Viktor something. A name she didn't recognize. Julie's blood went slightly cold. Had she killed another innocent person?

...And then Julie remembered Viktor covered in blood, naked, crazed, and holding that butterfly knife, staring with an insane hunger that made her blood run cold. She was quite certain he'd tried to attack her. There was no room for doubt in her mind.

Let alone regret.

Putting Viktor at the moment out of her mind, she looked towards Adam, smirking somewhat as she handed him the VP70 and took back her submachine gun.

"Yeah, that goes double with you, seeing how you almost ended up the second I left you alone." She pursed her lips a bit. "...Take care."

She looked towards Sean, checking to see that the bandages were in place. She noted the two newcomers' reactions to the announcements...namely Sean's.

"...Are you...alright?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie nodded to Julie and moved a bit closer to her in order to help her with the bandaging. Kyrie was not one to enjoy the sight of blood, and it made her feel a bit on the woozy side when the stench hit her. She grimaced slightly and did her best to help the trench coat wearing girl.

"Heh… well, at least it wasn't anythin' more fatal then a rock." She laughed uneasily at her own attempt at humor. It was never really one of her strong points. When Julie mentioned the name Dodd however, Kyrie's ears perked.

"Dodd? As in Adam Dodd? Is he here?" Millions of thoughts began to race through the activist's head as she realized what a good thing this was. With the information that Adam had on the program (or at least she liked to believe he had), she could hopefully figure out a way to escape this hellhole.

It was then that the announcements sparkled to life, and Adam himself walked out from the barracks. Julie asked her to take over the bandaging, and Kyrie did so, finishing off Sean's wound and giving him a small smile. She then stared at both Adam and Julie, both of whom were in the announcements as killers.

"I'd like to believe that the people you killed were only in self-defense. After all, Sean and I would be dead if that were untrue…" She smiled halfheartedly and watched as the two exchanged weapons and Adam left the area to retrieve his given prize. It was only then that Kyrie noticed the stricken look on Sean's face. Then she realized.

Andy Walker was his boyfriend, and he was dead.

Kyrie's face molded into one of sadness and she looked at Sean uncertainly.

"Sean… I don' kno' what ta' say…"
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Post by Namira »

Sean shrugged and managed a weak smile after Julie spoke to him, still seated, he tried not to move around too much and make her job even harder.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Sean murmured, gritting his teeth as the disinfectant stung his wound, easing his arms backward so that he was propped up on his palms, taking some of the difficulty of staying upright away. As Julie moved away once the announcements started (who the hell was that guy doing them anyway?) Sean reached up and held the half-wrapped bandage in place. Sean offered another half-smiled as Kyrie came in to give him a hand, finishing off the wrapping. Sean extended a hand, for a truce of sorts... Then let it drop as whoever the stammering voice stuttered its way to saying the last name Sean had wanted to hear.

"Oh fuck no..."

Sean didn't know whether to break down and cry or scream his anger to the heavens. He wasn't even sure he fully comprehended what had just been said. Andy was dead. Not killed, dead. It wasn't even something shocking or horrifying. It was... bloody stupid. He had slipped, hit his head and drowned? What kind of fucking way to die was that!? Sean was still sitting there, stunned at the suddeness of events, when he heard something else, the final blow to a teetering and tenuous emotional state.

Simon Wood.

Tyson Neills.

Andy Walker.

In the space of three days. he'd lost his cousin, best friend and boyfriend.

Okay, fine, Sean and Simon weren't close, they didn't even like each other that much. The latter was too quiet and reserved for Sean's taste, wheras with Simon, the reverse was true, regarding his cousin as brash and irritatingly loud. It didn't matter. They were relatives, a reasonably close member of Sean's family had died, it wasn't somwthing to merely be shaken off.

Tyson... that had been a kind of delayed shock, in Sean's opinion. When his friend had died way back when on day one (it seemed so far back now) they hadn't been close for quite a while before SOTF, in all fairness, but at the same time, it was almost impossible to just cast away a friendship of more than ten years just because of some kind of fallout. The saddest thing about it was that Sean didn't even kwow why Tyson had started to avoid him.

But Andy... Andy was where it all fell down. There wasn't, simply put, anybody Sean cared more for in the world. A whirlwind romance, all of that jazz, he had, he supposed, picked a good time to come out. Andy's persistant bugging wasn't out of a desire to just be purely annoying... care... more like.

Three people, all of which closely associated with Sean, one a relative, one a friend, one a love. And... they were all dead.

All three of Sean's companions saw fit to speak up in some way, whether as a consolation or a tentative query. Sympathetic, but also wary, as if afraid he would explode or something. He didn't say a word though, just letting silence speak for him. Really, what was there to say? He could scream defiance and swear revenge (Simon and Tyson, at least, had real killers) but what would that accomplish? It wouldn't make any difference. Tears streaming silently from his eyes, Sean looked at Julie, then Kyrie.

"Abso-fucking-loutely dandy Julie," Sean told her, managing to muster a speck of sarcasm even in his grief. The Irish boy looked over back at Kyrie again. "Just don't, okay? My 'Lucky' status might mean I'm not dead... but I might as well be,"

Sean threw himself back onto the ground and stared up at the sky, feeling... empty. What was the point in anger? In sadness? It all came to nothing in the end. A bitter thought assailed him.

Now I've experienced a modicum of what Adam has. Poor, poor bastard.


Nothing left to live for...
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Post by Ciel* »


Joey McHaimond was not having a fun time.

This was the easy part. Dealing with the fact that he wasn't supposed to have fun in a game of life and death like SOTF was very easy. However, the hardest part was taking the game seriously. Joey was always a laid-back kind of person, always slacking behind in everything other than the one sport that had made him famous. With this in mind, how the HELL was he supposed to play this game? He had no problems killing anyone to survive, but the real dilemma was if he actually could kill. Could he? He had to, but was it in him?

His weapon... well, it could have been worse. Much, much worse. At first glance, the Tessen looked like a normal fan but when examined much closer, it was made out of thick Iron. It wasn't so much as heavy as it was... what was the word? Solid? Yes, anyone could imagine someone bludgeoning the shit out of someone with the Tessen. It was much deadlier than most people would give it credit for and it was perfect as a concealed weapon. Joey even had a hard time figuring out how painful it could be... that is, until he hit himself in the head with a loud TWACK! He cried very loudly, just like a little baby.


Yes. Joey wasn't exactly the smartest car on the lot, but since when does intelligence factor into a game like SOTF? It certainly helped, but what he lacked in intelligence he made up for tenfold in willingness to give into the temptation and survive... and if he had a fucking gun, he'd be set. But instead, he got a fan. A big fucking fan. What the fuck was he supposed to do with it against somebody with a machine gun? Maybe they should have given him a noose: At least he could see himself putting that to good use...

Joey was still mad about getting an iron fan, but he was way too busy looking on ahead of him.

Three people: A fag, an annoying hippie and... someone Joey had never seen before. Perfect. The first people he's met on his journey, and one of them was someone he had never seen before. Kyrie's voice was as annoying as all get out and Joey made this quite clear many times before... and Sean? Joey could remember himself calling the boy "faggot" many times over simply to get in good with the popular crowd, much to the distaste of most of the kids he was trying to impress. (Unbeknown to Joey all the people he was trying to get in with (mostly belonging to Kallie Majors crew) hated his guts, and all the people he didn't bother getting close to were the real source of his popularity. )

So the popularity card was out of the question...


Nah, they wouldn't go for that. Joey was very bad at acting.


Well... shit. Joey was at a loss for ideas. Two out of three of these people were not exactly friends with them. And he had no goddamned idea what that other chick's deal is. Maybe it was best if he left? That was what Joey thought. Best not to start any unnecessary conflicts... Unfortunately for him, just as he was getting ready to crawl away, a stick just happened to be in his path and...


Joey's blood froze up. He looked down at the broken stick right under his right knee.

"... shit..."
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

"Yes," Julie said with a slightly exasperated sigh. "He's here. Adam Dodd's here. Hell, that's him running off right there. ...Hope he comes back safe." She looked towards Kyrie, shrugging a bit. "Well...the second one was in self-defense. The first was more of an idiotic mistake on my part."

She smiled bitterly as she helped Kyrie finish up on bandaging Sean's head. "Believe what you want. I'm not that great at convincing people, so I'm not going to try."

It was then that she noticed Sean's reaction. She frowned slightly. So it was his boyfriend who had died? Well alright, she'll be nice right now and not judge... but really, that was the last thing Julie should be thinking about right now. Sean essentially fell apart before her eyes, and she recognized that sarcasm as a last-ditch attempt to keep himself from emotionally collapsing there and then.

"..." Julie dropped her arms to her sides, gazing towards Sean silently. She absolutely, utterly did not know what in the world to say. It was obvious that the guy was going through something Julie couldn't even begin to relate... though at the very least, she had something of an idea.

It occurred to Julie at first that she ought to console them. But God knew how good she was at that. What was she going to tell him? That cheesy overused line, 'We have to move on and live our lives in honour of his memory' hardly seemed like the most appropriate, let alone effective thing to say. Still...

"... I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend," Julie murmured quietly. She stood up. "...But what you're saying is ridiculous. You think you'd do him any good if you just lied down and died right now? If anything, it's likely the complete opposi-"

She cut herself off as the sound of a branch snapping set the adrenaline lying dormant into motion. Tightening her grip on the submachine gun she'd traded with Adam with earlier, she pointed it directly towards the newcomer crawling on the ground nearby.

His face and name eluded her at the moment. Julie's lips twisted in a somewhat grim smile as she kept the weapon trained on the boy.

"Gotta say... that's a pretty poor job of trying to sneak up on someone."
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"She's right..." Kyrie said with a sad frown. She looked at the broken soul before her with pity and sadness. She had never lost someone. She wasn't lucky enough to have a boyfriend, and her few friends on the island were alive as far as she knew (even though Quale was a hippie, he and Kyrie had never gotten along). She could not relate. However, she knew that giving up was never an option.

"What would Andy say if ya' gave up now?" She stood and looked down at the boy. She narrowed her eyes.

"I doubt he'd want ya' to due here in this hellhole alongside him. So get up. Get up, and fight. What the hell else can ya' do?" She smiled. "We can get out of this place if we all work together. That's all there is to it, ya' know?" She grinned and crouched down. Staring into Sean's face.

"So, don't give up on everythin'. There's always a little room for hope." She said tenderly.

It was only when the snap of a branch and Julie's spin did Kyrie break her gaze from Sean. She looked to where the sound came from and sighed deeply. Here comes the "fun". Joey McHaimond, Grade-A asshole, had just wandered upon their little group.

"For Christ's sake Jo. What the hell do ya' think you're doin'?" She nastily said to the boy. She'd had more than her fill of the prejudiced bastard in school, she really didn;t want to have to deal with him here as well.
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Post by Namira »

"Do I think it will do him any good?" Sean asked Julie incredulously. "He's fucking dead, whatever the hell I do is completely immaterial!" Sean fell quiet after that, continuing to lie on the ground staring up at the sky. Julie talking to him was a help, after a fashion, if only because it gave him an excuse to keep everything off his mind, by way of utilising whatever cynicism he could muster. Odd coping strategy, and it wasn't going to bear up for all that long, that was for sure.

When Kyrie spoke to him again, Sean sighed and slowly eased himself into an upright position, sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees, he looked over at her and shook his head sadly.

"I appreciate what you're saying Kyrie... but either I figure this through by myself, or I'm not going to pick myself up at all. I don't want any sympathy, I won't start kicking off all 'Hamlet' on anybody. I'm no bleeding heart... But in the end... I might decide that I've got something else to live for... and I might not. I don't want to be rude, but can you leave off me? What you say isn't going to make a difference, putting it bluntly, keep your efforts for somebody who it will be a worthwhile investment,"

Sean glanced away from his would-be comforter and down at the bloodspattered crucifix still hanging from his neck. He clenched the small cross in his hand for a moment, then glanced up at the sky. He hadn't, in truth, been the most religious of people, but he still had some belief. But now... God and he... would be having words. Sean turned at the sound of the twig snapping and was most displeased to see Joey McHaimond frozen, crawling away from them.

"Oh look... Prick McAsshole, how... nice to see you,"
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Post by Ciel* »

Joey heard a sharp voice talking about how he wasn't too good at sneaking up on people. She didn't specifically say Joey's name, but he was about the only person that was in the condition to "sneak up" on someone. He cursed himself over and over again inside his mind for being such an idiot, but on the outside he tried not to show any of this. Joey rose to his feet slowly, raising his hands in the air slowly (with the Tessen held firmly in his hands)

"Uhh... Yo', listen, I can explain-" He started, turing his body around to face the direction the voice came from. He didn't finish.

That girl... the one that Joey had never seen before. She was the one who pointed him out, and she was... she was.... she HAD a fucking GUN pointed right at HIM. She also had a vile little grin on her face that looked as though it could slit a man's throat if they stared at it for too long. Joey gulped nervously.

"O-O-Oh.... Yo', senorita.... Damn, that's one wicked lookin' gun you gots there..."

Joey laughed nervously, so much so that he thought Juile was a latino.

He shot his eyes away for a moment, sweat literally pouring down his face. "Oh, me? You gotta know who I am, right? Joey McHaimond! You know, pro surfer? Everyone knows who McHaimond is! Paul Smith is a g-good friend of mine! C'mon, you hafta know who I am!"

Joey looked over at Sean and forced a smile, ignoring the fact that the boy had just called him 'Prick McAsshole'. He also didn't take into consideration about all the things that had happened to the boy over the past few days. "Oh, hey buddah! What's chillin' man? I've just been walkin' around, looking for you and your fag... uhhh.... UHHHH...." he hesitated, grimacing. "That's A REAL nice T-Shirt you got there. I bet Andy mu-must be proud to... k-know ya. Yeaaahhhh."

His eyes turned to Kyrie. "H-Hey hippie! You're... uhhh... you're, umm, as radiant as ever. "

One could cut his nervousness with a butterknife.

He looked at Julie again, forcing out another smile and stale laugh. "Y-Y-Y-Yasee?! These two know me! They know I could never hurt a fly. Joey Mc-McNiceguy! I'm like a f-f-friggin tigger, bouncing 'round, havin' fun! " He stared at Sean, then moved over to Kyrie. "Yeah, I'm cool withjou guys..."

He laughed, then gulped again. His eyes were practically announcing his fear to the world.

"... R-Right guys?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Julie's steel-grey eyes narrowed into a frown when she noticed that this...Joey was holding an object in his hand. For all she knew, it could be a weapon. Even if it was a firearm, Julie was NOT about to let Joey have the first move. This she thought as her grip on the submachine gun tightened. And then her eyebrows raised as she realized what he was holding.

A fan. And it was made of metal.

Now Julie from the start had been quite fortunate when it came to adding to the arsenal in this game. Naturally there was the pistol she had started out with, which she had traded back and forth with Dodd for a number of times. Gradually though, she along with Adam had done each their own part in amassing enough weapons, Julie's submachine gun, the butterfly knife, the sword, and whatever Adam had won as a prize, to the point where Julie was absolutely positive they could easily supply their own army.

But this guy... A metal fan, of all things, for a weapon. Julie couldn't help but smirk. Though I'll give him this much... that thing looks like it can put a nice dent in someone's skull. If he managed to hit someone with it, that is.

Joey McHaimond? .... Huh, so he had a name. At school, he'd been something of a familiar figure, but Julie was content enough to refer to him in her thoughts as 'that surfer-dude kinda person'. Guess that went along with not sticking around in school long enough to know names along with faces.

But that was beside the point. Julie frowned somewhat as the surfer guy spoke. Senorita? I'll have you know I'm fucking Czech, Hollister.-__- Likewise, that was beyond the matter of importance right now...

"Yeah, you're bouncing around alright. Calm down already before you go into a seizure. -__- "

She shook her head and lowered her submachine gun. "Well, whatever. I'd rather not add a third kill to my list if I can't help it, but seriously, for all I know you could have been a player trying to get the drop on all three of us."

Though he COULD be a player... but seriously, if he had anything more dangerous than an iron fan on him, he'd be holding that instead, would he? Julie thought to herself.

"Cool with us?" Julie raised an eyebrow. "I don't know about that. I don't even KNOW you. These two seem to, however, and judging from what they say, things are less than cool between you and them." She shrugged. "Well I'm not going to kill someone just because they've been sneaking around, though it doesn't really do well to ease any suspicion." She pointed her gun towards him. "Well, what other weapons do you have besides the fan? Go on, show me what's in your pack."

She turned towards Kyrie and Seth. "You two know him?"
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Post by Namira »

Sean could really, really do without Joey McHaimond right now. After hearing of the death of his boyfriend, although it was much later in the day, admittedly, a conversation with a gold class asshole like this guy was exactly what Sean didn't need. The pair of them didn't get along at the best of times, let alone in a situation like this. Joey, back in Southridge, had made it a favourite past time of his to repeatedly and incessantly insult him because of his sexuality. It wasn't, perhaps, constant, but frequent enough to never let Sean quite forget about it. Sean really did wonder sometimes if Joey realised that those he was trying to impress couldn't give a damn about him. He was like a little dog, barking and yapping for attention, that everybody wishes they could kick, but won't, on principle. You can't kick a dog after all.

Joey was just a self-centered moron. He thought he was popular, but Sean knew, with conviction that bordered certain, that he had more friends than him. It wasn't hard to beat just about zero after all, even if Sean's social circle was limited to Andy, a couple of his friends, and one or two members of the baseball team. Joey, though a minor celebrity was just too full of himself. There were much bigger fish on the local scene, and Joey's egotistical ways forced his erstwhile friends away in droves. Sean doubted Joey realised that. The guy's IQ was too firmly entrenched in double figures for him to have the mental capacity to make that kind of connection.

'Lucky' was just about to turn away and advise Julie to get Joey to leave before things started to get ugly, when Joey opened his big mouth and verbally shattered the tenuous hold Sean had over his emotions. Sean actually phsyically jerked when Joey said he had been looking for 'him and his fag'. He was still recuperating from that utterly tactless and insensitive comment as Joey went on to make some sort of innane comment about Sean's t-shirt. Then Joey kept on going. The last part was just too much for Sean to cope with.

And things got ugly.

That... that BASTARD! Doesn't he even fucking know Andy is goddamn dead!? Maybe the spindly asshole can't beat anybody up, but he speaks with fucking knives!

Sean struggled to maintain his temper for a little while, trembling, standing straight up with both fists clenched. He glowered at the ground, tears pricking at the corners of both eyes, teeth clenched. The bloodstained crucifix seemed to have dried, the blood wasn't coming off when he rubbed it. The bloodied cross swung in front of Sean, almost mocking him it seemed. Sean again raised a hand, smothering the little gesture of faith in his palm, shuddering where he stood. He managed to keep quiet as Julie spoke, then finally, snapped.

"Don't ever talk about Andy like that," Sean said, his voice surprisngly calm. Then he charged forward with an angry roar, all the frustration and emotion he had in him tearing out in one huge scream.

Sean covered the distance between them very quickly, before lowering his shoulder and aiming it at the centre of Joey's chest. The guy was a little twig compared to Sean. The baseballer had been putting on quite a bit of muscle recently - which incidentally highlighted the flaw in BMI. Comparing Sean's physique to Joey's, and there was only way this was gonna go. The surfer was about to be flattened.
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Post by Ciel* »

Joey frowned at Julie, not for a second noticing Sean's reaction. SHE DIDN'T KNOW Joey McHaimond, pro surfer, all around awesome dude? The thought seemed far fetched to say the least, and appeared pretty fucking impossible to say the most. As conceited as a child, Joey pouted. "What the hell do you mean you don't even KNOW me? A-Almost everyone know who I am! That's got to be a joke right? " He laughed slightly, feeling a little more self-confident now that Julie lowered her sub-machine gun. "Haha... that isn't a joke, is it?"

Of course, he was certainly too busy getting scared when Julie raised her gun up at him to feel anymore disappointment. "H-Hey! I-I ain't got anything else! I'm not smarter than everyone else, but I know not to bullshit someone with a gun! What the hell do ya think I set to gain by lyin' to you?"

Joey really didn't know that Andy Walker was dead. He had slept straight through the third announcement (he actually thought it was still Day 3 when it was actually a day later), so he had absolutely no idea what happened. This was the truth. Joey was a coward, brainless bastard, but he was no lier. He wasn't very good at lying anyhow. Then again, how could the famous homosexual pitcher and enemy of the surfer Sean O'Cann know this? Even if Joey told Sean that he was never a good lier, there was a slim chance the latter would ever believe the former. So Joey was fucked...

... the fact that he didn't focus one part of his attention to Sean when he charged at him increased the chances of this. Joey was too damned scared that he didn't hear the carnivorous roar that lit the whole goddamned island on fire in one huge blaze... that is, until it was too late. Joey took the hit to the chest, but he swung the iron fan in retaliation, in complete self-defense. He fell to the ground on his backside, the breath completely knocked out of him.

"Hey!" He cried femininely, as he looked up. "That ain't cool man! What the fuck was that for?!!"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Kyrie sighed when the fool of a boy Joey Mchaimond began to speak. He just didn't know when silence was golden. She really wouldn't mind sewing that loud and obnoxious mouth of his shut, once and for all. He began to stutter and rave about how he was harmless and wouldn't hurt a fly, yeah right. Kyrie narrowed her eyes at the boy. She and Joey had never gotten along, not once. The day they met had been the single most annoying day of her life, second to the senior trip.

Joey had been ranting and raving about how "amazing" the waves were (or something like that, she really didn't care), and Kyrie had been setting up some posters for a rally she was conducting along with Madison Conner, her best friend. Joey was obviously not looking where he was going, and ran straight into Kyrie, her knocking the paint that she and Madison were using all over the three of them. Joey didn't even apologize; in fact all he did was rant about how a "stupid hippie" like her needed to watch what she was doing. Since then, the two of them were at each other's throats every time they came in contact.

Joey attempted to make it seem like he was friends with both her and Sean. He didn't even have the decency to use her name. The prick. He insulted Sean, and even tried to make a joke about Andy. He was a complete moron. When he began to move closer to her, she was fully prepared to give him a good once-over, but Sean beat her to the punch, literally. Sean tackled the other boy. Kyrie quickly ran over to where Sean landed after the tackle and balanced the boy, helping him into a seated position. Then she set her sights on the dick of a surfer.

"My god, are you dense. Ya' don' even know what ya' did, do ya'?" She scoffed. She always knew he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but this was fucking horrible.

"Weren't ya' listenin to the announcements this mornin'? Ya' idiot! Andy fuckin' died! You're a fuckin' prick!" Kyrie was much to angry, malnourished and sleep deprived to come up with anything to clever to throw at the boy. He simply enraged her. Nothing he could do would ever stop that fact. He was scum to her. She didn't even want to look at him.

"Ya' make me sick." She spat. "What do ya'll think we should do with ‘im?" She asked, turning to look at Julie and Sean.
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