Long Road to Ruin

It used to be the island's housing district... at least, it used to be. It wasn't much to begin with, maybe ten or twelve houses lined up in a row where the soldiers' families lived. When a large storm hit the island years ago, all the houses were practically destroyed and the water stagnated on the flat ground, giving way to the festering marsh that sits here now.
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

Bill realized that he wasn't going to connect right as he hit the ground. A searing pain shot up his side, and around. A bullet grazed him, it seemed. He was very lucky he didn't catch more of them in his midair dive. Bill winced as blood dripped down his left side.

"Ow... owww... shit shit shit... FUUUCK."

He cried in pain, scrambling to look at the wound. It hadn't just grazed him, but gone through a small chunk of skin in his side and out again. It was incredibly painful. Bill shuddered.


They need you Bill.

Hearing Adam's call, Bill scrambled to his feet, holding his side. He was pretty swift considering his size. Immediately he switched into survival mode. He wouldn't be a liability, he wouldn't drag them down. This was his chance to help. Hastily he looked around for their daypacks. In his search he glimpsed the girl who had shot at them. She was on the ground, either seriously injured or dead. Bill saw the daypacks, and picked them off the ground and then looked about for Adam. He was a few yards ahead, and Bill booked it over there as fast as he could. Blood soaked the left side of his T-shirt, but it wasn't life-threatening. Adam, Izzy...

They had both been shot, Bill had seen that. He remembered briefly seeing Christian Rydell shot and seriously wounded in the storehouse. The previous announcement said... he was killed by Will... a mercy killing.

Christian was the only real friend I had...

"Fuck this! FUCK IT ALL!"

Bill kneeled down, and with his bloody, wet hands basically ripped open his own daypack and pulled the first-aid kit out of it. The tree's canopy held off a good deal of the rain, which was a good thing, he guessed. He really didn't know the first thing about medicine or fixing wounds. All he knew was that bullets need to get out of the wounds so they can heal back up. So get the bullets out. Simple enough, he supposed.

"Alright, Adam... Here... I can get the bullets out, bandage it up. Aside from that I dunno. Can you help me with her? You look like you might be in better shape than she is. I know it's a lot to ask, no offense, you look like shit, but for her sake..."

Bill looked back at Izzy, who lay under the tree.
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Post by riserugu* »

It was coming to be more and more annoying the more often she was proven wrong in this whole pain factor deal, it seemed the more she thought it couldn't get any worse (like her time on the island itself) was coming back and smacking her in the face time and time again. Izzy had thought that being shot really couldn't get any worse than the close shot that had gone through her shoulder, still barely able to move the arm that had been injured in the process but this new wound was proving to be radically worse than the last had been. Unsure of at this point if the bullet at had passed through or not, but damn if it didn't hurt and against the cool ground she could still feel the warmth of blood spreading against her hand at a rapid rate where she was pressing against it so tightly. Whimpering out a breath of air, because at the time even talking seemed to be too much to handle…

Though somewhere in the distance it seemed (everything seemed so watered-downed as if she was listening from under water or something) there still seem to be someone yelling… someone screaming, head throbbing in pain as she tried to move to but quickly gave up that course of action as another dose of burning pain shot up her side and ripped another harsh sound out of her throat. But focusing, and actually allowing herself to listen she allowed herself to notice that there wasn't any gunfire anymore and that was a good thing, right? But at the same time… what if the gunfire had stopped because someone had been forcibly stopped in their attack. She knew Julie had been attacked, and she had heard more gunfire—had Adam returned fire?

Izzy could barely keep up with her thoughts, emotions running high as tears continued to streak down her down her face. Six days ago she'd be pretty pissed to see herself like this… a sobbing mess in the mud, unable to do anything while she didn't know a damn thing about what had happened to her friends.

The presence of someone near her caused her to glance up in a shaky manner just as Adam more or less fell a little ways away from her current position, watching as Adam crawled the rest of the way to where she was laying against the ground. Blinking somewhat at the pressure suddenly on her hand and glancing up toward Adam as he sudden seemed to appear from where he had just been a moment ago… struggling to swallow at the words before she allowed herself to look over the visible wound in his hand and then the blossom of blood starting to stain along his thigh. Biting her tongue as she removed her hand from the wound and pushed it against the ground, struggling to push herself up and at least out of the mud and even though Adam was right in front of her his yelling sounded distance and somewhat dull to her ears.

And just as quickly Bill appeared—which was rather surprising—blinking away haze as she continued to push herself up so she at least wasn't looking like a limp doll. Hissing at the pain brought on from the pressure at bending along the area where the bullet had entered and pressing her hand back against it for some pressure as there seemed to be more wetness than a moment ago. Barely listening to the words before Izzy gasped out a breath of air, looking between the two and noting the blood on Bill as well with a sad frown, "I-It's… It's not that—that bad, ju-just hurts when I bend. But wha—what about the both… both of you? What…" She paused somewhat, gulping in air as she glanced to where she remembered Julie having been before the shooting started.

"What about that… girl—Julie… she isn't…" She left the questioned hanging in air though it wasn't hard to tell what she was suggestion, at this moment though she couldn't bring herself to say it.
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Post by Cactus »

Adam instantly shook his head at Izzy's suggestion to look at Julie's wounds. Of course, that was Izzy. One of the reasons Adam felt himself drawn to her was because of her selfless nature, her tendancy not to judge. Julie had come upon them - looking not quite right, and had opened fire on them - hitting all three of them, now that Bill had (quickly, much to Adam's surprise) made his way over and looked to be bleeding himself. Grunting as he shifted his weight, Adam looked up at Bill, who seemed to have a handle on the situation. At least, that's what the tone in his voice would indicate. As Adam glanced up at the boy, he looked as white as a sheet and was likely scared shitless at the moment.

"N-nah. Doesn't matter...she...she can wait. She fucking shot at us, so..."

Adam let out a cry of pain as his pain threshold momentarily collapsed. He grunted, and tried to lead Bill through it, his voice betraying his inner feelings. It was shaky, and urgency coursed throughout it.

"UUNGH-FUCK! Alright Bill, listen to me VERY carefully. In the first-aid kits, they've supplied a syringe and a tiny bottle that...ungh...is very clearly labelled 'morphine'. I need you to measure out to the first little line on the needle, find a vein in my arm, and give me the shot. Do the same for Izzy right afterwards. The bullet in my leg didn't pass right through, and it's still in there. What you..."

Adam again doubled over, his face twisted in a mask of agony as he grasped at his leg with his injured hand, just causing him even more pain. Tears rolled down his face as he looked back up at Bill now, the fear completely evident on his face. Adam didn't want to die, but he knew full well that his injuries were severe.

"...unnnhhhh...what you...fuck...what you need to do is sterilize my wound , and then take the bullet out with whatever the hell tool they give you in that kit. But Bill...I can't stress this enough, you've gotta have steady hands, man..."

Adam looked Bill straight in the eyes, the raw pain and emotion of the moment ensuring that Adam conveyed this as well as he could.

"...if you don't, I'm probably going to die. I've never hurt this much in my fucking life...so have at it....UNGH..."

Adam grunted, and glanced over at Izzy, who looked as though she wasn't as badly wounded as Adam - though she had mentioned that it hurt when she bent the area around her wound.

"...there should be some sort of rubbing alcohol, or something you can pour in and around to sterilize this shit...you'll have to get Izzy to hold it open while you fish around in there for the bullet..."

Adam grimaced, and then the other thought occurred to him.

"...and you're gonna have to take off my pants...hope you aren't shy or anything, bro..."

Managing a really weak smile, Adam silently nodded to Bill.

"Work on that, and I'll try and walk you through the rest if we make it...nick an artery, and...well, y'won't have to worry about the next part, I guess..."

Closing his eyes for a minute, Adam took a deep breath, that was ragged and heavy - a result of the pain, and the fear. He didn't want to die. That was essentially his goal in life; had been for the past few years. Survival was his thing, his motivation behind pretty much everything, and this was one of the few times that he could remember that he was actually scared shitless that he might actually die. Facing down Cody Jenson for the last time, getting raped by Kaige, and the car-accident he'd been in with Andrew Lipson - those were the only three times where he'd actually believed he was going to die. All three, he'd managed to come out injured, but alive. But this time? This felt different. He felt his hope slipping away, and it started to make him panic. The marsh felt like it was closing in on him, Bill, and Izzy, and that the space was getting smaller around him. Feeling himself starting to panic, he turned to look at Izzy for a moment, and again threw on a really weak smile.

"Hey, don't be upset. Bill's going to figure out what he needs to do, one way or another, and he'll be able to help you out. Me? We'll see. But, uhh...just in case? I know it's been maybe a day, but..."

Adam leaned over quickly, causing himself an inordinate amount of agony, and put his mouth up to her ear, the pain causing him to basically gasp his words.

"I love you."

Quickly, Adam gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and then sunk back down to his former position. Tears basically pouring out of his eyes, Adam undid the button on his pants, and tried to wriggle free from his jeans, now covered in his own blood. Due to the pain, he was unable to, and couldn't manage to get the bottoms down over his shoes. Looking down at them, Adam cursed, and shook his head.

"You'll have to do the rest, Bill. Pull off my shoes, and just pull the pants off. It's a pretty nasty wound, you'll see it."

Nodding to the larger boy, Adam closed his eyes, and braced for the pain that was going to come, hoping that Bill could find the morphine to relieve his suffering.

"It's all right, Bill...you'll do fine, I trust you...trust yourself, okay? Do this, and I'll owe ya one..."

Managing the weak smile again, Adam put his head back, unable to offer any more encouragement, any more words. The pain was just too great. In his head, he knew - if Death, who had claimed so many of his friends over the years, was close to taking down Adam himself, this was probably the most opportune time for the reaper to do it.

It's party time, motherfuckers...
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
Pigeon Army*
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

Okay, no rest time then. Fucking fantastic.

Dorian stood up, the floor of the house moving slightly under him. "Why won't you fucking let me sleep?" he snarled at no one in particular, and then began pacing the room, swinging the butcher's knife in his left hand. "I haven't slept in ages, and you're fucking making me pull a Danny Archer and overwhelming me with guilt...GAH."

Dorian swung his daypack over his shoulder and strode over to the door and scanned outside quickly, his butcher's knife at the ready. The Damned Trio seemed to be falling over each other by the trees, but Dorian couldn't make out a hell of a lot at this distance. He cautiously stepped out of the house and walked around the side. The Damned Trio hadn't noticed him yet, but Dorian had noticed someone else...

A girl, lying on a tiny hill in the middle of the marsh water, unconscious.

Or dead. Either was to be expected on this island.

Well, they've made it pretty damn clear they don't want me around, so let's see what she's up to...

Dorian, failing to piece together the fact that the girl was lying in an area that the bullets had previously been coming from, walked over the possibly-dead girl and poked her with the handle of his butcher's knife.

"Are you dead?"

There was no response. Dorian frowned and walked around the hill. He didn't recognise her from anything, but then, she probably ran in sporting circles or something, and somebody else always covered those stories. She appeared to be breathing...just...so she wasn't dead. Or she's dead and has been possessed by a demon or something. Well, assuming demons are real. Which they aren't. It was in the middle of this train of thought that Dorian's foot hit something again - luckily, not something squishy and possibly human. Rather, something harder that clunked as his foot connected. Dorian raised one eyebrow and leaned over, putting his butcher's knife in the daypack and grabbing the thing in the water.

Dorian whistled, impressed, as he looked at the thing and weighed it in his hands. "A submachine gun. Nice toy. So I take it you were the one shooting at us?" he asked the not-quite-dead girl with a tinge of anger in his voice. It wasn't large, and it felt like it weighed only a couple of pounds, so that wasn't too bad. Dorian pointed it at the Damned Trio and whispered, "Pew, pew, pew," and then turned back to the girl in the water. He crouched near the girl, cradling the submachine gun in his hands. He lightly tapped her arm with the butt of the gun.

Still no movement.

He put the submachine gun down on the hill, then dragged her down onto the side where he could simultaneously go about waking her up and keeping an eye on the Dodd kid, in case he saw and tried pulling out his Tommy gun. The girl was waist deep in the water, but her upper body was still above it. Dorian crouched next to her again and began splashing her with water, using his right hand, his left hand still wrapped around the grip, one finger on the trigger.

"Hey, not-quite-dead girl, could you please wake up? I wanna talk about something. Something you did..."
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

"Alright, it's par-tay time motherfuckers..."

Bill muttered under his breath as he got to work. It seemed as though that if he thought of the wounds as a machine, something to fix... it would be easier to complete this task at hand. Yeah, that was the way to think of it. A task.

"Yeah... I can do this... Morphine, okay, here we go."

He took out the syringe and filled it to thepoint Adam had told him two... Wait, was it the second line, or one line? Must've been second, one line wasn't nearly enough. He was hesitant to poke the thing into Adam's vein, but he was quite frankly, still afraid of what Adam might do if he didn't, regardless of his current state. Finally he pricked the needle in and gently pressed in the morphine. It was easier with Izzy, though it wasn't any less gut-wrenching to know he would soon be ripping bullets out of people. Well, not really ripping, but... yeah. He guessed he should wait a bit before doing anything with the wound because, well, Adam said, it hurt like fuck and, oh Jesus this was stressful.

"Oh Christ... alright alright alright, let's see here... You look nice and drugged up, okay good let's get your pants off. Pants, yeah, pants. Shoes first, I can do this..."

Bill quickly and gingerly took Adam's shoes off, then his pants, careful to not touch his wound which was... Nasty. Bill gagged. This wasn't as easy as it seemed in Movies. Well, nothing's ever that easy. Mythbusters taught Bill that. Oh how he wanted to watch Television again, perhaps with a blanket and the lights turned down. The thought was calming. Bill calmed down in turn.

"Ew. I mean, uhh, i'm sure it'll be fine, Adam... Sweet Jesus that's gross."

He pulled out the boxcutter, hoping to maybe use it to pry out the bullet... then saw the tweezers in the First Aid Kit. Good thing he did, the razor on the boxcutter would've done more harm than good. Bill really didn't know anything about doing this, but he had to try.

Sterilize it! DO IT!

"Aaah, right, Sterilize the wound... yeah, sterilize it."

He poured the rubbing alcohol on his wound, which was quite, quite nasty. Bill imagined the pain Adam was feeling was more than he could imagine. Which was saying something, considering he was just recently shot in the moob a few moments ago. He winced and looked down at the wound, then back at Adam.

"Now, now, this is no time to be a slow coach, let's go Bill, we can do this... Izzy, could you help me out here? I need you to hold the wound open so I can get the bullet out. I hope the morphine killed most of the pain... Sorry i'm a little bad at this..."
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Yet still unconscious, Julie's eyelid twitched ever so slightly...

...How many days has it been since they kept her in here? ...Only five days? It seemed like ages ago since they last dragged her out of the cell for interrogation...

On all four sides, above, and below, she was surrounded by nothing but thick, solid inches of soundproof wall. Windows were a luxury they weren't bothered to waste on her. Only a small grating on the ceiling served as any sort of ventilation, and even then, the pressure of stagnant air was bearing down on her.

There was a bed provided for her, but she kept in a corner on the floor instead, arms folded around her knees. There she waited in silence as the hours went by, a stretch of time that seemed to drag on without end. She was tired of looking at the same old room over and over again. The only sounds she heard these days were the sound of her own breathing, and the scuffle of her own bare feet against the cold, barren floor.

The people who'd thrown her in here and locked her up... Maybe they'd forgotten all about her. Before now, every now and then, the metal door would open with a slam and she'd be pulled out roughly for another interrogation.... but it had been days since she'd seen another living soul.

She had tried talking to herself as a way of keeping herself company, but it just didn't do it for her. An unbearable tension, like an itch that lay unreachable beneath her skin, was grating her nerves. Her eyes were tired and weary from tears and lack of sleep, but she bit her teeth together hard with a grim determination that made her parched lips bleed slightly...

That was what they were planning, huh? They were going to keep her in here until she broke down completely. They must have thought that sooner or later, what remained of her willpower would shatter completely, and she'd begin pounding on the door, begging to be let out in return for the information she had.

But there was no information to be extracted from her. There were no secrets to be shared. There was no way she could betray him if she didn't even know where he was right now.

Even if she knew...she'd never tell them. Even if she went insane, or if she started to rot from the inside out here in this prison, her feelings wouldn't change.

Every day she loved him more and more.

...And in this manner she kept up this stubbornness until the day her cell door finally opened, after what seemed an eternity. She'd glared at the men who'd entered...then blinked in surprised when they told her that they were going to let her go.

"We don't need you anymore," Was their explanation.

They lead her outside, two men were escorting her on both sides all the way from the cell, to the door of the station, to her parents' car which was parked outside.

She remembered sunny days with leaves turning colour when they brought her here. Now, as she left the building, everything was covered in a dove-white layer of snow.

She kept her eyes downcast until the crunch of unfamiliar footsteps against snow met her ears. Looking up, she noticed that three figures was just starting to pass them. Two of them were officers... but she could care less about that. It was the man they were escorting that caused her to look over her shoulder.

At a calm, unhurried pace, he walked alongside his escorts, who seemed quite assured that he was going to come with them quietly, for they didn't even find it neccessary hold him by the arms. He didn't look back at her. Since he did not acknowledge her presence, and instead kept his back towards her, there was absolutely no indication as to whether or not he even noticed her...

Her heart leapt, and before she even started to turn, the uniformed officers escorting her had already took her by the arms and were preventing her completely from breaking away and running towards the man just there and then.


He kept on walking, and Julie wasn't even sure if he'd heard her or not. As such, she raised her voice in desperation.

"Please, wait!!"

He disappeared completely from view as the doors of the station closed around him completely, slamming shut with a shuddering sound.

Julie awoke to the feeling of being doused with cold water that smelled of rotting vegetation, pungent earth, and stale moisture.

The pain that her sent her body into a helpless state was little more than a dull ache now, though she could barely move to be honest.

Even if she could get up...how could she walk now? Let alone run?

But somehow she didn't care anymore. No matter how much running she did, Track-and-Field never seemed to satisfy her anyways.

Julie looked up blearily...blinking once when she saw the submachine gun pointed towards her...

Frowning, she looked up at the gun's new owner, with a look that inquired sourly, What in all the levels of hell do you think you're doing with MY gun?

Somehow she felt relatively apathetic about the fact that the barrel was being pointed directly at her, and instead concentrated on finding the strength to sit up at least. Using her good hand, she peeled herself away from the ground, and fell back into something of a sitting position....blood was seeping slightly from her hand. One of her pant legs were also dripping blood, and the front of her tank top was completely soaked in red.

Breathing heavily, she remained sitting for the sake of giving her body a breather for a the moment, looking up with a perplexed look towards Dorian.

"....You want to talk? Let's talk. I don't know what exactly you want to hear, and I don't exactly care either, so if you were planning on finishing me off with that gun right there, you'd better do it before I start caring again..."

...Hearing other voices she looked behind Dorian, noting the group behind him...which consisted of a now injured Dodd, and a likewise injured Izzy. Frowning somewhat, she said nothing about this...looking towards Dorian instead and falling into a silence that was laced with pain and confusion.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

The not-quite-dead girl's eyes fluttered. Okay, time to talk, Dorian thought to himself. Peering quickly over his shoulder to see that the Damned Trio of Dodd and Company hadn't noticed him, he stepped back a couple of feet, out of reach of any grasping not-quite-dead girl hands, idly directed the gun barrel in her direction (hoping she wouldn't notice the shaking), and put on a taciturn face.

"...if you were planning on finishing me off with that gun right there, you'd better do it before I start caring again..."

Dorian looked back at the girl, who'd pulled herself up and had started talking. He lowered the gun slightly, and began talking, putting on a slightly deeper and tough-sounding voice. And the Emmy for Most Menacing Performance goes to..., he thought to himself sarcastically.

"I don't want to shoot you. I'm not playing, and I think you made a big mistake trying to with all of us here. But I will pull this trigger if I have to."

That's a outrageous lie, he thought to himself, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind and continued talking.

"So, let's talk. First, I want your name. Then, how you got to this. I want to know why you decided it would be fun to open fire on me and the Damned Trio over there. And, most importantly - I want to know what you were planning to do after this. Spill."

Was that over-the-top? I hope not - boy, that was harder than playing fucking Iago.
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Post by riserugu* »

Izzy felt a pang of emotion at the other saying about just allowing Julie to wait, swallowing somewhat and feeling like she should protest or something because at least they were awake while Julie seemed to have fainted in the return fire. Though perhaps she should feel bitter toward the girl, after all she had just stormed down on them and hurt all of them—Adam the worst it seemed, just seeing him in such pain was heartbreaking for her to sit there and witness. Almost feeling on the verge of tears again, but she quickly got over that, after all what would be the use in crying now? Adam was saying he needed help, and that was what she was going to do not sit here and cry over this. Though she couldn't help but feel some nervousness over hearing about the need for morphine and bullet removal, hand pressing tighter against the wound on side.

Even though Adam was telling all these things to Bill she listened and paid attention to what was being said in case there was even a chance of her being able to do something to help. But it was hard to watch because she hated seeing Adam in such a state and at the moment unable to do anything because she didn't know what to do without being scared of making it worse—and listening was just as worse to the mentions of if something went wrong… if someone messed up when removing the bullet then Adam could very well d—no, no, no! She refused to think about that right now, swallowing somewhat as she continued to listen to what Adam was explaining to Bill in what to do in the up coming moments. She wasn't aware of the kind of face she wore, not at least until Adam turned and spoke toward her… a small frown breaking across her features to the other's smile.

She didn't know if it was possible for her just not be upset right now, and Adam's words really didn't help—though she knew he was just telling the truth of what could very well happen she still couldn't take hearing them again. And thus couldn't help when she started crying again, from both the pain from the bullet lodged in her hip and the pain she was feeling in her heart.

Confusion did become present as he finished, glancing up just as Adam leaned forward and more or less freezing up as she listened to the three little muttered words that would have made any girl feel on top of the world but now she felt as though everything was falling out from under her. Letting out a choked sound as she rubbed her clean wrist against her eyes as the boys seemed to move on to getting started on getting the bullet out, still lost in her own world for a moment before dropping her arm away from her face and blinking through tears to look toward Adam for a quick moment. "Stu-stupid…" Izzy muttered lightly, shaking her head and giving a small glare. "Don't say something like that and expect I'm going to let y-you… let anything happen to you…" That said, ignoring her own pain swelling from her hip she moved closer to where the other two over in case there was anything she'd be able to do to help.

Though she still was unsure about this whole morphine thing, swallowing somewhat as Bill went about removing it and filling the syringe. Rather glad… no very glad to see that Bill seemed to have some knowledge, confidence in what he was doing right now. Watching somewhat as he poked the needle through Adam's skin and injected the pain medication—now it was her turn, though wondered perhaps maybe they should wait until after they had taken care of Adam? Though the quicker the pain stopped the more she'd be able to help as well… so she took in a small amount of air and held out her arm, the injection sight feeling slightly… well slightly warm, blinking somewhat as she figured it would be a little while until it took effect until then they needed to take care of getting the bullet out of Adam's thigh.

She glanced off somewhat at the whole pants removal business a little unsure as to why… but she simply glanced off into the surrounding jungle with a curious look. Still wondering what had happened to Julie and that weird-boy that had been screaming. Figuring he had probably run off, rather wishing they'd be able to as well. Izzy did turn back though from the odd from Bill, like toward the bullet wound with a frown, it was gross—yes, but she had seen enough sports injuries and what her plastic surgeon father did that this wasn't too terribly gruesome-looking for her. Her mind seemed to drift off again, that odd warmth still along the injection site and having to admit to feeling somewhat better, though almost missing Bill talking to her. Blinking again and nodding somewhat as she sifted closer and reached out to carefully hold the wound open enough so hopefully Bill could get the bullet out…

Though right at that same moment was when her body took an interesting dip and almost sent her falling to her left, blinking away haze and the sudden onset of nausea almost. Focusing again on holding both the wound open and herself up.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Julie found that it hurt slightly to breathe, moving her chest in and out seemed to stretch the wound somewhere along her abdomen in intervals between breaths. She bit her lip, looking quite determined to say nothing about it, much less about the bullet lodged in the back of her hand, and the one that seemed to have gone through the tendon in her ankle...

She kept a cold, tight expression as she looked towards Dorian. Good God, she felt like screaming and crying in pain right now, but as always she had that insufferable amount of pride and self-consciousness that was the very basis of the front she always put up. It was pure reason, cold and raw, that kept her from breaking down right now, and now it whispered to her.

Don't think about never being able to run that sprint again.

Don't think about how much breathing hurts right now.

Don't think about whether or not you can use that hand anymore.

Don't think about what you've been put through to find that man.

Because no matter what you've gone through or how much it hurts right now, there are yet millions more who are suffering more than you, Juliet Petra Mikan.

It would probably be selfish to think that only her pain, inside and outside, was the only pain the mattered, especially when she was the one who had hurt Adam and Izzy just now. So she tried to make it look as though she felt absolutely none.

This young man...Julie could tell almost instantly the front he was putting up to make himself look intimidating. Subconsciously? She must have realized that it was no different to the facade she kept up even now.

"....Julie Mikan," She said curtly. She would talk if that was what he wanted, but he couldn't make her into a doormat for the life of her.

"Haven't you been listening to the announcements? I'm a killer, you know. I'm playing the game. If you've been paying attention to how this lovely game called Survival of the Fittest works, my reasons for trying to wipe out every group I come across should be clear enough to you, so I don't think I need to explain myself there."

She shrugged, almost nonchalantly.

"Well, to be honest, it nearly worked. Of course I didn't anticipate that Adam Dodd would have won a..." She glanced over. "...A tommy gun, of all things." She noted, in a somewhat raised voice.

Julie paused to catch her breath. It hurt to talk now. But fuck, if he wanted to talk, looks like there was no way to prevent herself from walking down that path right now, even if it lead to her rupturing something on the inside and coughing up blood until her vitals dried up.

She jutted her chin out stubbornly towards Dorian. "What, you were expecting another story? Just sit down and think a little. Last person standing wins the game and lives, right? Well I'm not going to wait around hoping that next time I crawl out from under that rock, everyone's killed themselves and I'm the one left standing."

Julie indicated towards Adam with the nod of her head. "Adam knows that. He won V1 after all, so I think he has a pretty good understanding of how the game works by now. That and I've told him before that I was playing the game....just so happened that somewhere along the way, ideas such as 'friendship', 'alliances' and 'solidarity' suddenly started popping up and mucking what I'd originally planned..."

She sighed...then smiled. Angrily, bitterly, almost hatefully....or so it seemed In truth, the sudden twistedness in her smile was little more than a wince of pain hidden behind a contorted smile.

"Well, no more of that now. But look where I've ended up. Now, does that answer your question? Oh right...if I'd killed you guys....well let me think. The most reasonable thing to do would be to collect any useful weapons and move on, yes? Hm...well, if I was feeling in a good mood at the end of the day, I might have taken the time to give you guys a half-decent burial....but really, who can tell right now?"

Julie kept an arm over the wound on her stomach as she looked towards Dorian with a baleful, defiant expression on her face. "So did you get the answer you wanted? To be honest, there was really nothing that you couldn't figure out by yourself. If you had enough reasoning ability to match wits with a gnat, that is."
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Pigeon Army*
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

"...Julie Mikan."

Brilliant, Dorian thought, a player. She's fucking playing. Just my luck. He'd heard her name on the announcements. When, he wasn't entirely sure. But he had.

Dorian remained crouched a few steps away from Julie, and listened intently to what she had to say, his gun still lowered. And every word Julie uttered filled him with anger. More and more anger.

"That and I've told him before that I was playing the game..."

Julie smiled. It was a demented smile, twisted, the smile of someone who'd lost their soul. It enraged Dorian. How the fuck can someone be so glib about killing their fucking classmates? What the fuck is wrong with her? Dorian couldn't stand to look at that smile, and he looked over his shoulder to check out the Damned Trio, see that they weren't dead yet.

"To be honest, there was really nothing that you couldn't figure out by yourself. If you had enough reasoning ability to match wits with a gnat, that is."

Dorian's head snapped around. She had blithely justified her own murdering, and now, now she was insulting Dorian's intelligence. And nobody insulted that.

Dorian snapped.

"YOU DO NOT GET TO INSULT ME. Listen to me, you cold-hearted bitch - I may not have common sense, I may not be terribly strong, I may not be the most normal person out there, but you, of all people, do NOT get to insult my intelligence! Especially when you go around shooting up CLASSMATES, goddammit, because you think it's right! You do not possess an iota of the right to talk to down to me, you shit!

"And besides, WHAT THE FUCK do you mean, you have to kill, it's all part of the game?! IT'S NOT A FUCKING GAME! This is a fucking social experiment, nothing more, nothing less! It's Lord of the Flies shit, can't you get that through your dense little bloodlust-addled brain! This Danya prick's testing us, telling us we have to kill each other and then seeing who bites! What happens if we don't kill each other? FUCKING NOTHING! WHY CAN NOBODY SEE THAT!? If nobody kills each other, ratings slip! What'll Danya do? Blow our collars? Fuck off, there's no ratings to be had in getting kids to sit around and blowing them up one by one! The show'd be cancelled! And what happens when it gets cancelled? He blows us up? Leaves us here? NO! FUCKING! POINT! Why would he get blood on his hands without getting the ratings and the money? FUCKING POINTLESS! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS?!

"You don't have to kill, you dumb bitch. Wait, no...bitch is far too light to describe you. I'd use the c-word, but I'm decent. I DON'T kill other people. Because I value my fucking humanity. I don't want to die, and no-one else does either, and no-one would HAVE to, if it weren't for sick, twisted fucks like YOU. People who listen to the cock on the morning announcements, people who take what he says to heart and think, 'Fuck it, let's kill the people I spent the last several years around!" You're not human, you cow. You don't have to kill, it's not a fucking requirement of the game. These collars don't mean a fucking thing. You don't have to kill, you fucking WANT TO KILL. You're not human. You're sick."

Dorian was furious. His face was red from yelling, and he wasn't relenting one bit. He slowed himself down, breathed in deeply, counted quietly to five, and turned back to Julie.

"I'm not a vindictive person. Hell, I'm not wishing death on the Dodd kid, and he fucking cussed me out and was a right prick to me just five minutes ago. I may be an angry person, but I'm not vindictive. I don't wish death upon people."

Dorian walked right up to her, grabbed her arm and threw it off the top of her stomach, revealing the bloody mess that it was. He stepped back, his face stony.

"So know that I mean it when I say, I hope that wound kills you. Slowly. Horribly. Painfully."

Dorian got up and walked off into the Jungle, Julie's submachine gun in his hands, his daypack slung over his shoulder.

((Dorian Sanders continued at Slow Chemical))

((OOC: Probly should have said this earlier, but the weapon theft was approved by the understanding Maka-chan. We have an arrangement regarding this certain submachine gun. Image ))
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Post by Cactus »

Barely feeling the telltale pinprick of the injection, the one part of Adam's mind that was still furiously trying to keep on top of things that were going on marvelled at the fact that Bill was acting quite well, considering the pressure that he was under.

Yeah, no pressure at all. Don't fuck up, or I'll die. He's handling it well though...

Of course, this was but a small part of Adam's being and consciousness at the moment, the rest focused upon blocking out the pain, almost trying to will his pain receptors into "broken vending machine" mode, with only a fractional amount of success. Adam'd never taken a bullet squarely in any part of his body before. Most times he'd been shot, it had been either a graze, or had gone in and out immediately from a thinner part of his body. As much shit as he'd seen and done, being shot squarely in the thigh was a new one.

And if the agony he was going through was any indicator, he'd really rather not do it again.

His mind was feeling scattered as his face contorted into a grimace, the momentary lapse in his concentration sending a whole new influx of painful feelings throughout his body. Adam had often wondered what it felt like to die - after all, so many of his friends had gone through the process. None had managed to enlighten him on it. He'd dodged death many times; more than he could count, but it seemed as though he was getting tired, his dodging abilities were a little worse than they used to be. As he focused his energies yet again, a little voice in the back of his head reminded him that he couldn't keep doing this forever...

Sure I can. The Irish and the German in me says I get to be a stubborn little bastard. That, and I'm allowed to drink as much as I want to, whenever I want to...

As he lost his concentration yet again, Adam prepared for the inevitable jolt of pain, but was surprised when things kept on going at the rate they were before. The feeling disturbed him, especially coupled with the fact that he gradually began to feel as though he were floating. Instantly, he felt the panic creep back into his mind, but shoved it out as quickly when he realized that the feeling was the morphine taking effect.

Ahhh, morphine. My old friend. Old...hallucination-inducing, horrifically addictive...old friend.

His mind vaguely aware of Bill's talking to himself prior to the injection, Adam noticed the pale colour of the boy's face and the look of dread he was wearing around like it was going out of style. Unaware of just when he'd opened his eyes, but knowing that thanks to the morphine, his mind would surely be as useful as a season's pass to a potato factory, Adam nodded at Bill, forcing himself to try his damndest to put the boy at ease.

What choice do I have? He needs to relax, or he'll cut an artery...

"...slow...coach, eh Bill? Y'know...heh...Mr. Brigance...has gone to great lengths to prove...to the defense that Mr. Hailey...is a NUT-BALL...a slow-coach! What is the clinical definition? IN-SANE?"

Adam choked out a laugh, a wheezing sound that couldn't have been too pleasant to any outside listeners.

"Great fuckin' movie, Bill...but go...go ahead, and take this thing out...you'll be fine, man. Do your...your best. But just get this fuckin' thing out!"

Practically choking on the last words, Adam put his head back, and only vaguely heard other voices near to him, which he ignored, but gestured to the M1 that lay on the ground beside Adam's left arm.

"If you need to, pick it up, and just start shooting...but let's get going, Bill. I don't...don't have all day, here..."

Adam then closed his eyes and let his head swim away in the morphine river, embracing the full effect of the drug and waiting for Bill to do his thing.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

"Hey Paul, you look like shit."


Edgar Hoskins stood over the body of what used to be the legendary Paul Smith, but now was nothing more than a corpse full of stab wounds. That Madison girl really went to town on him... He thought to himself.

He stood there for a while, then suddenly found that he just had to say something, though he wasn't sure what. Southridge High has just lost it's legend, and though he never really knew the guy personally, he felt like he just had to give some kind of personal eulogy or something. Of course, what had come out of his mouth only served to surprise and confuse him. He finally just shook his head and continued on his way.

The last six days had been unusually uneventful. Other than the corpses that littered the island, he had yet to see another human being. He counted it as a blessing: no living people means no crazy psychopath running after you with a machine gun. Sometimes he wondered if everyone had already killed each other and he was the only survivor, but the announcements squelched that thought every time they came on.

"God damn, this place smells awful..." He muttered to himself as he went. He glanced down at his weapons, a pair of sticks. Granted, they were unusually sturdy, and it looked like he could easily crack a few skulls with them, but the fact remained that he was given a couple of fucking sticks.

"Yeah, fuck you very much, fatass." He said, shaking his head. He probably would've said more, but stopped dead in his tracks as he heard gunfire in the distance. "Shit." He said under his breath. Just my luck, the first living souls I run into and they're shooting at each other. Suddenly, the gunfire stopped, and Ed stood were he was for what seemed like the longest time before continuing forward. Something told him he should just make a break for it, but he went on anyway. Maybe they killed each other...

As he got closer he found the first living, breathing human beings he had run into on the island. He was too far away to make out who was who, but he could make out a boy pointing a gun at a girl. Looking over to the left brought to his attention three more people, but he couldn't tell at all what the hell they were doing. As he started to move closer, using the sunken buildings as cover, he suddenly heard the boy with the gun launch off on his verbal tirade.

Wait, that girl is playing? That was a surprise. Judging from what he had initially seen he had easily thought it to be the other way around. He stayed where he was until the boy had finished, then watched him leave. Wait a minute, he's not going to finish her off? But he just said she was playing! He shook his head. Well, if he's not going to, then I will.

He blinked in surprise at that thought. Where the hell did that come from? He was still debating whether or not he would play the game. He didn't have any real attachments to his classmates, so when push came to shove he was sure he could kill if he had to. But killing in self-defense and what just popped into his head were two entirely different things. Actively going out and hunting the other students down just didn't seem right. She's playing. If she doesn't get taken out now she could go off and kill a bunch of other people. Of course, those people would probably just die some other way. He knew that, but still...

Well, I've still got to do something... Before he knew it, he found himself walking towards the girl. "What's up?" He called out to her. "So, you're playing, huh?"
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Julie had fallen silent as Dorian had completely let loose on his fury, which manifested clearly enough from the infuriated expression on his face and the rather deliberate set of words he'd decided to say to her.

Of course, Dorian couldn't have made it more obvious how he felt about her right now. Julie couldn't blame him. She simply took it all in silence, ...his accusations, his patronizing, his insults...all of it. She didn't know why, a girl of her pride ordinarily didn't put up with that, but perhaps it was because she was too occupied with the pain of her injuries. Maybe the loss of blood was starting to get to her. Or maybe his words struck some cord in her chest, affecting her to the most acute degree.

It hurt, to be honest. It hurt cold, it hurt numb, and it hurt sharp.

Julie was torn up enough on the outside. It was bad enough she was already hurting on the inside to begin with. After all she'd been through, Julie'd have thought she'd be able to just soak it up, take it all in a stride, and not show anything.

Instead, silent tears were falling from her eyes as Dorian left. The fact that he was taking her weapon with him was completely lost on her: she didn't care.

Was she really a heartless killer? Was she really...not human? Julie kept wondering if she merited the names he'd thrown on her. Did she deserve to die? Slowly? Painfully? How was she supposed to know? She wanted to know, she really did.

She'd never, not once, ever regarded herself as evil, heartless, or inhuman. Was all of that to change now? She was a sinner, she knew. Her hands were stained, she was a murderer, she bore the weight of the lives she'd taken, and the pain she wracked on others. Did that make her an evil person? Not human, even?

...She just wanted to see him again, that's all. They'd promised to meet again... she'd promised herself she'd find him, no matter what it took.

"I'm human.... I'm human...." She whispered to herself...slowly getting up, though she had to support herself on one leg due to the injured ankle on the other. Tears fell from her eyes onto the ground before her.

And then...yet another person approached. Just when what Julie wanted most was to be alone right now, someone had to come and interrupt her thoughts...

Her defensiveness flared up again as she swirled towards Edward, regretting it instantly. Her injuries stung horribly from the sudden movements.

"Each and every person that runs into me...are they going to ask me the same question?!" She snapped at him. "If you thought I was playing, why the hell did you come and ask? Did it ever occur to you that some players in particular might not bother to answer 'yes' BEFORE shooting you in the face? Yes, I AM PLAYING. If you're going to ask me why, after I've explained myself over and over again, then....then..."

She couldn't stop the tears from falling. Frustrated and hurt, she shook her head...covering her face for a moment, she took a few seconds to regain her composure, then looked back at the boy, wearing a rather sober expression on her face.

"Well...maybe you know by now that I don't have a weapon anymore. Maybe you're thinking about finishing me off? You know what?" She told him quietly. "...I don't really blame you. That's fine. I'm not asking you to understand me..."

There are always people who judged first...and understood second. Julie, for one, was guilty of such... but it wasn't as though it would help her now, would it? Being understood.

It wouldn't help a thing.
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Post by Super Llama* »

Edgar was completely taken aback by the girl's sudden outburst. It was then that he finally recognized her. Julie Mikan. However, he recognized her in name only. So she IS playing. He thought to himself, having remembered a couple of the kills on the announcements being accredited to Julie. Although, the way the first kill was described, it sounded like Julie was trying to stop a fight by eliminated what seemed to be the attacker. She had just admitted to playing the game, though.

He looked the girl up and down carefully, scruntinzing her condition. She looked pretty injured, and she didn't have a weapon anymore. If he let her go, she probably wouldn't be able to cause any more trouble for anybody. In fact, with those injuries, someone else would probably just kill her off soon after. But still, she was playing. There was always the chance she could get another and become a threat again.

Edgar scowled inwardly. Dammit...why does this have to be so fucking complicated. That's it, decide right now. Are you playing or not?

He shook his head a bit. If only it was that easy. He wondered what his old man would think, finding out that he had killed someone; a girl, no less. I'd be a pretty damn big disappointment, wouldn't I? Then again, he had always been a disappointment. As far back as he could remember, he had caused his dad nothing but grief. He had taken his wife from him when he was born. When he was working long hours at two different jobs just to make ends meet for the two of them, Edgar was cutting classes and getting in fights at school for no other reason then simply because he could. Even when he finally decided to cut his ties with his fellow deliquents, it still resulted in them making sure his father could never walk again.

He was nothing but one big disappointment.

So what was one more disappointment?

"That must be quite a sob story you got there." He said. "Now here's mine. I've got someone at home who I've fucked over my entire life, someone I've got to make it up to if I ever want to have true piece of mind ever again. And if getting home to do that means I have to go over a mountain of bodies, then fine." And with that, he swung one of his sticks as hard as he could right at the side of Julie's head.

Sorry, old man. Looks like I'm going to have to disappoint you yet again...


Edgar quickly spun around mid-swing, the stick sailing right over Julie's head as the announcements blurted out that loud Street Fighter reference. "What the hell was that!?" He said, expecting a surprise attack.
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

Bill was absorbed in Adam's leg.

Well, no, he wasn't absorbed in it. But, he was, at the moment, IN his leg, trying to get the bullet out. Intently trying to take the cursed piece of metal from the wounded flesh, trying to be as steady as possible. Bill had fairly steady hands, and it wouldn't be too difficult to get it out, just trying to find the thing was a hastle.

He really hoped Adam would make it through. Bill really didn't know too many people around school, and Adam was... well, supposedly not too friendly, but now that he got to know him he wasn't that bad of a guy. Normally Adam probably wouldn't... Nobody would really help out Bill. It really took a life-threatening situation for anyone to even talk to him. Now Christian was gone, and most of the people he would ever talk to were dead. If Adam died now it would be proof that Bill failed more or less at everything he tried to do.

But i'm a witty son of a bitch on the internet, I guess that means something, doesn't it? Oh, I swear to God if I die before Spore comes out i'm going to... well, I won't be doing much, but DAMN that game looks good.


The bullet was lodged in the left side of the deepest part of the wound, and Bill just caught a glimpse of it now. After what seemed like forever, Bill pulled it from the wound, exclaiming "Shoryuken, ha-HA!!" As he did so.


Oddly enough, the Street Fighter reference seemed echo away from Bill. That was... odd.


No answer. Well, it was worth a try.

Bill put the bullet away, and dressed Adam's wound. The bandages he applied weren't anything professional, but they would have to do. Bill looked at Adam and made sure he was still, well, alive. Then, he slid over to Izzy.

Her wound was, well, different, but more or less the same on the principle it was a bullet wound. The bullet hadn't traveled farther in, but it seemed to have torn more flesh up along the way. They were really nasty things, and Bill seemed to realize now how actually dangerous guns were.

He tried to be as gentle as possible and pulled the bullet slowly out of the wound. It came out, and he set it beside Izzy. Once more he bandaged up the wound, expending quite a bit of the material as he did so.

"I will personally riddle with bullets anyone who messes up those damn fine bandages I put on there. I hate to have to get you guys moving again but, ehh, we've got to go. Now-ish!"

Bill anxiously got up and extended a free hand towards Adam, the Machinegun in the other. He really didn't hope he would have to hold onto it for long, at least until Adam felt well enough to do so. Would even have the guts to shoot anyone with it, considering what he had just seen?
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